H I L L S R O R D ARGUS, Pago Two R 'T w — Thur'dnv, November i*R. 1935 OREGON ■ Portland to give the entire pro- quarts of vegetable soup. The soup gram, which will start at 8 o'clock, will be given to invalids and aged. Helvetia Club The bazaar will open at 6 p. m. of whom there are many, as the and will continue after the pro- sick com m ittee calls on patients in w hile lunch is being served, many districts. Plans Bazaar gram, Next meeting will be at the home Visitors at th e Pete Jossv home Mrs V ic to r C hristensen Decent- h er 11. A Christm as tree will be a feature and all will meet their unknow n fi lend The ba aar lunch eoniinitlee wishes to rem ind mem- b e r s to bring cake cookies or pies on December 7. Runs and ham- burger will be furnished by the club. lla rrv Radertscher. who is w ork- Het nan Schoen at K lam - atii Falls is ^pending a w eek's va- cation here. Help C harity A group et members of the Sun- shine club met w ith M< Adolph Leppin recently and canned 52 of Sunshine Group Cans Soup as Aid Charity Work (Hv Mr«, John M Davir»»»ntaH»iw FM Io. I I u ío I rected by LaVelle Jackson with Churviiloi . ( ii r i lty**rvo». .Irnn Ann» dron, Pat M oyer and S hirley Kel Counvtl ; Sriuil», M a u rin - l'roronli.-oin ; the help of Miss Cimino. ley e n te rta in e d will) a m nsieal n u m ­ TOILET SETS— Cura Nome. Armand. Boyer. Col­ It i- Y . Toni S ir»li’h»r : H lu»-H , Kiinan ' h ' lle rs h e r W inner All characters w eve girls wearing ber. T hey w e re accom panied by S.-li.ihnerioh, Harold ,M»y»r, Trt-Suuar» Mrs. Simon H ershev was aw ard- the original football suits. The gate, Three Flowers, and Vantines. A wide H elen B ecker. Advisor Misa Pearl Allen ed the th ird prize for selling Safe- stage m ade an excellent setting for range of priceH. the field, with the goal posts on way coffee during the contest. Com m ittee Fleets Ladies' Aid met w ith Mrs. J. the right and left. Two benches STATIONERY—Make* an ideal gift. In miniature Editorial The m em bership com m ittee of J. Nussbaum er November 13. Next w ere in the buck for the Hillsboro the Girl Reserves chose the fol­ trunks, Sewing Boxes, Cedar Chests and Stan­ If book week to you has m eant and Forest G rove coaches and sub­ meeting will be w ith Mrs. Arnold stitutes. taking down the various pieces lowing officers Ruth K r a u s , chair dard packages. | Berger December 4. man; Gloria Gillette, secretary. The players w arm ed up as the Mr. and Mrs. Jo e Hershey and Hillsboro band played in the pit. com prising your library, dusting Mary Ann G arthofner, reporter; EVEREADY A N D ROND FLASHLIGHTS — children Caroline and W arren of At last the kick off W underlich them and glancing carelessly In­ K athryn Cawrse. soeial chairm an Vest pocket size Io five-cell lamps. Complete Baccna w ere w eek-end guests of (alias K atherine 1’eschka» kicked s id e . you luck something! T he mere The subject they b ase c h o s e n for her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. off for Hillsboro to the Vikings. A fact that a national book week is their meetings is "England " assort meat. Korn. Friday evening a pot lin k supper Forest G rove player fum bled the celebrated is conclusive proof that Mr. and Mrs. John P la n and Mr. ball and it was recovered by H ills­ reading has taken its rightful was held at the home of .lean P er­ BILL FOLDS AND PURSES— For Men and Boys. and Mrs. R. N. Baker visited at boro's S tunkard (alias Pat H unt) place in the rushing world Here in son. Reports and discussions w ere Genuine leather, large assortment, moderate the Davidson home Sunday 0,1 i and carried back to the 30-vard America it may be a few less given on Mexico. prices. County F arm ers' Union business. u ne. books and a few m ore short stories The service com m ittee hehl a They w ere arranging for a big At the half the Pep club serp en ­ but still it is reading. meeting to plan th eir Christntus EASTMAN KODAKS— A gift for all the family. day in Hillsboro November 30. tined on the stage and gave sev­ If you have learned to choose work. Mrs. Plass, Mrs. Davidson and eral yells w hile the band played your m aterial carefully, reading Many sizes and prices. Miss W cutheired attended a sem­ Mrs. J. Kamna Jr. w ill be in charge on. may bring you everything in life inar for ad\ isors. conducted by of the pot luck dinner. The plays and passes w ere beau- that is fine and beautiful Travel, Miss Teal of New York. CLOCKS AND WATCHES— Make a useful gilt. A. Anderson of Mason Hill be- i tiful. T he gun ending the brilliant Romance. A dventure, History, Westclox Big Ben, Baby Ben and many others. : came seriously ill last w eek and game found the score w ith Forest Drama. C urrent News and Poetry Priced as low as 97c. . had to be tak en to the state hos- i Grove 8 and Hillsboro 7. C haracteristics of Tuesday are yours for the taking. Through H pital in Salem. His condition is i The boys know that "The gals [ the avenue of books you may w alk Young blood in girls' glee club PERFUMES— Imported and domestic. For your q uite serious. can hold that line too!" to the ends of the world, to the vocalizes T e a c h e r ' smiles are well- Mrs. Elizabeth Schm idt is ill at wife, sweetheart, sister, mother. Sure to please. Hillsboro's lineup: | ends of the universe, and back. worn. Hall floors lack th eir m orn­ her home. She fell recently and (C> G oetter alias D eLaurice \v ,rh a book | n hand it is an easy ing luster. Ju n io r play pruetice is | ! in ju red her head and it causes in- Bump; t L.E* Mohr alias Alma Es- m atter to acquaint /o u rse lf with half-hearted. Sum of x - 1 and x SH AV IN G SETS— For son husband or boy friend. \ tense pain. linger; iHBI Torbet alias Doris the fairies of Erin or the tribal plus 1 retu rn s to algebra student A Very flue assortment. See them before you Mr. and Mrs. W ebber of Portland Gregg; iRT> Schulm erich alias El- dances of central Africa. It is but a i Students start leaving home work visited her brother. D. Dapp. Sun- eanor Bendler: (RG> Coslett alias ¡¡tep to the Orient. With a flip o f ' till w ee k en d . Mary s dog comes buy. ’ day. Henton: iH B ' G arfield the finger _ M argaret H enton; (HB> you can live the life of to school The usual "silence" reigns H elvetia orchestra played for the alias Dorothy Barr; tQB) Abts someone so nearly like yourself betw een periods. BRUSH AND COMB SETS— For men and wom­ dance at H elvetia hall Saturday alias M argaret Batchelar: (LT> Vou sav "W hat a horrid p e rso n " . en. Moderately priced. 8 night. An old tim e dance w ith W underlich alias K atherine Pesch- One of the blessings for which Girl Reserves to Dance | A lpine music will be held S atur- ka; iF) W ahner alias M argaret Cy- y0U gave thanks should have been ELECTRIC HEATING PADS— A useful gift Price About th irty Girl Reserves and day. pher; (L G > S tunkard. P at Hunt; literature. Was it? from $1.59 to $2.95. th eir friends will enjoy a "H arvest T he shooting m atch at H elvetia (REi Howell. Connie Peterson. Hop" at L aurelhurst club Novem- g Sunday drew a large crowd, many Substitutes Goodin. Je an Ann Bits of llu m o r ber 29. Violet Wick has been ap- FOUNTAIN PENS— We feature Shaeffer Pens, s from a distance. T urkeys w ere ail Connell; Sigler. Florence Jensen. Faurest A nderson finally arrived pointed to s e r v e a s chairm an of the disposed of early. ' the world’s finest. Prices from $2.00 to $10.00, Referees Miss Yoder and Kil- llts, Mary Caldwell. O fficials—Mr. at band practice on tim e H e was social committee. chewing gum. w hich caught in one ------------------------- Goodman. Ann M unkres; Mr. Ha- PIPES— Frank Medico and Yello-Bole and others of th e valves. Poor F aurest has Helen Schm idt visited school thhorn, LaVelle Jackson. ranging in price from 25c ami up. quite a tim e w ith his gum. Monday. She has been w orking in a Seaside hospital and likes it I Tom S tretch er is w earing out his Senate club play was practised at TREE LIGHT SETS — Indoor and outdoor sets. the home of Miss W eathefred M on­ new g ree n ,tie pounding the drum very much. Helen was graduated Very fine asortment and rightly priced. Ask to (By Mrs. E. W. Hinrichs) and making believe it is his violin. I last year from Hilhi. day evening. BLOOMING—Mrs. Jo h n Kamna see the electric star something new and differ­ entertained th e L utheran Ladies' ent. ning in honor of her birthday, to her home in Seaside this week Aid at her home Friday. Mesdames Present w ere Mr. and Mrs. Ted after visiting her sister, Mrs. 11 H. Louis N eukirk. Helen K rahm er, Haney. F. A. Bennett. Mr. and Goss, for tw o weeks. Xm as G reeting Cards, Bibles, Diaries, Autograph H enry Hering. Louise H ergert. Mrs M artin L ull and Mr and Mrs. Leonard M uhly and Ed Demmin Album s, G am e Sets, and many other articles. Henry McDonald and son Howard w ere elected on the C hristm as tree (By Mr». J. A. McCoy) Cora LaSalle left Sunday for and children's candy committees. KANSAS CITY— Kansas City Newport, w here she has em ploy­ Birthday C rlrh ra trd Mr. and Mrs. M illard B urnett of Farm ers' Union local will hold an Mrs. L. H. M uhly en tertain ed all-day meeting next W ednesday at ment. G reenville visited Viola P ark er in w ith a party honoring G race Hal- the Royal Neighbor hall at Banks Mr and Mrs. C. A. Rutan and P ortland Sunday. lauer on her seventh birthday No­ w ith a pot luck d inner at noon. family spent Sunday in Vancouver, C yril and Charles V uylsteke of vem ber 18. P resent w ere M argie Wash., w ith friends. Mrs. V anderzanden Surprised Musolf. Delores B randaw , A rlene Mrs. M. J. V anderzanden was and N orm an Muhly, M ildred. M ar­ cella and Emil Brandaw , Blanche pleasantly surp rised at her home Muhly, Mesdames Emil Brandaw' F riday evening w hen a few of her and Ernest H allauer and th e hon­ friends came in to help her cele­ b rate her birthday. P resent w ere ored girl. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. M oeller en ­ Messrs, and Mesdames W arner TIMBER—A su rp rise birthday tertained w ith a d in n er p arty No­ Cropp and family. J P. V an d er­ vem ber 20 for Rev. and Mrs. P. H. zanden and family. J. A. McCoy party was given for Claude Gil- | Schaus. and Wilma, Dorothy, Paul and family, Louis Strohm ayer, and more at the home of his mother, i Victoria and Lenore Schaus, Mrs 11- P Brady and family. The eve- Mrs. W. E Gilmore. S atu rd ay eve- ! D ittrich and M artin Stuebe of p i n « w«» spent in playing "500." ning Present w ere Messrs, and Schefflift. Rev. and Mrs. G eo rg e’High honors w ent to M. J. Van- Mesdames M. F W elter. A. J | Reule and Miss Ruth H euer of derzanden and Mrs. Louis Stroh Riche. William Huffman. Morris Hillsboro. Rev. and Mrs. O. J. m ayer and low to Mrs. J. P. V an­ Kotchman, Mrs. Ida K ilburg, Mr. VanNurden, Mr. Freed, Mr. C or­ W endling and Betty Lou and J e a n ­ derzanden and son Ralph. V isitors at the Ira Brown home bett. Emma Leopold and Billie ette of Forest G rove and Rev. and Mrs. E. W. H inrichs and children. and C harles W addle hom e th e Huffman. Miss A deline L anegan of C utler Mr. and Mrs. Rudolf Sim antel past w eek w ere Mrs. Zoe Q uick of and D iana and Elaine. Mr. and I O renco Sunday and Mrs. Mary City is visiting M aurene Tallm an for a few weeks. Mrs. Gus M oeller and Mr, and | Sias Friday. Ralph V anderzanden visited S u n ­ Mrs. E rnest H allauer and Low ell Tow n T ram Loses The one present certain to he enjoyed for years to come by every m e m ­ and G race w ere S unday dinner day at th e Roy Brow n home in The tow n team lost in basketball party guests a t th e L. H. M uhly Banks. ber of the family. Make this a Furniture Christmas . . . You’ll be glad Ito the high school boys Friday Mrs. I. P. B rady will en tertain night 22 to 15. home. you made so sensible a choice. M argaret and E leanor K oehnke th e H arm ony club and th e ir hus­ Violet and Lucille Staggs were |a n d M ildred B randaw becam e new bands w ith a pot luck d in n er at enrolled in school last Tuesday. mem bers of th e Blooming 4-H sew ­ noon December 11. M ilton Cropp was aw arded a They moved from P ortland to Wes- ing club Novem ber 21. Total en ­ rollm ent is now 16. The group w ill football letter at Forest G rove high tim ber last week. Mrs. M argaret Beales retu rn ed begin w orking on a ta b le cover Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W illiam V anderzan- w ith stenciled designs n ex t T hurs day. Bernice Meyer. A nita K ra h ­ den of Roy visited Mrs. V ander- m er and A lta M eyer h av e bqen zanden’s brother. Louis S trohm ay­ appointed to outline th e program er. of F air View Sunday. Raymond V anderzanden and for the year's activities. Mrs. L. H ackett of P o rtlan d spent b ro th er Ralph and Fred V ander­ zanden left M onday on a fishing th e w eek-end at home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Riles of M ult­ trip to the Alsea river. They r e ­ nomah spent the w eek-end w ith tu rn ed hom e T hursday evening. Frank V anderzanden of the Tide th e Fred M uhly family. Mr. and Mrs. L. N eu k irk enter- W ater Tim ber Co. of Astoria is tained w ith a dinner N ovem ber 24 spending the w eek w ith his par- for Mr. and Mrs. F red Riles and ! ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Vander- the Fred M uhly fam ily. zanden. Mr. and Mrs. A rnold Gnos a n d ' Mr. and Mrs. Louis Strohm ayer ■ children and Mr. and Mrs. Fred and F rank V anderzanden visited Goetze and Je an A nne of G ale s| Mrs. Strohm ayer's sister. Mrs Mar- C reek visited at th e E lm er Boge tin Vanabrook. and family of For­ borne Sunday. i e»t G rove Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Jo h n Jepson and V anabrook celebrated th eir wed- th e ir son Eil attended th e annual ding anniversary. "Parents and Sons” ban q u et at the Forest G rove high school N ovem ­ ber 20 given by the F u tu re F arm ­ He’d Be Sure to ers club of w hich Eil is a member. (By Mr». Lou Wright) Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gibson and Stop for A bout 200 attended. son left Saturday for California S tate Capitol News L e tte r—Giv- for the benefit of Mrs. Gibson's ing th e highlights of official ac- health. tiv ity a t Salem .—E very w eek in Mrs. Allen H ayden was given a at AL BUSCH’S the Argus. tf handkerchief show er F riday eve- Merry Christmas I Blooming Group Plans for Holiday FEED X.L. Dairy and Poultry Feeds and Provide Your» Christmas List with Extra Profits Cost of feeding your flock or herd with IXL FEEDS this winter will be less, due to the fact that production and income will be increased as a result. The added profits will go a long ways toward providing those Christmas gifts. Try IXL Feed Today and Save! HILLSBORO FEED CO I. X. L. Poultry and Dairy Feeds Phone 271 , S.-hovI S p irit ll»t|W I.. Muk» m H vltsr SchiK'l 160 W. Main S t Kansas City Unit of Union to Meet Greenville DELTA DRUG STORE 8JR 'A . A J A ’s » . A A . ’- A A . ’- A A . ’A . 5 A J A J A ', A J A -, A J A -\ A -t A A , A , A . Surprise Birthday Party at Timber Furniture is Santa’s Bust Suggestion If Santa Drove An Auto e Thatcher GAS and OIL ARVIN HEATERS A timely gift, efficient hot water heat, from $8.50 to $14.00 install. Protect rear bumper. Chrome ...............$1.00 Black E nam el.......... 60 License Plate Frames Tandem W indshield SW IPE All chrome finish. Fit any ,50 c a r .................. J. RADIATOR COVERS For 1935 Ford Improve motor p e r ­ formance, i n c r e a s e heater $ 4 -25 efficiency Exhaust Extensions Service Garage or .wnci: Non-Glare Mirror With Westclox $61.75 watch ............. dtf Visor V anity Mirror A useful and pleasing accessory. Only ......... 60c Give Something Practical And that’s a good tip for Christmas Shoppers— —Drop in today and try our prompt service. A U TO GIFTS are sure to please A u to H eaters W indshield W ipers Tires Full line of accessories to be Enjoyed All Year AUTHORIZED SALES AND SERVICE An Investment in Home Happiness Service Station Deluxe, S i l. 50 chrome ........... aM M otor Co. ss I £ s £ s s —a beautiful LIVING ROOM GROUP D avenport and Chair— Upholstered in mohair.... *5950 Arm Chair— Walput finish, well made $^.95 Floor Lamp—Three bulbs Parchment shade .... Smoke Stand—Nicely fin­ ished, copper lined ....... H ere are H andsom e WALNUT CHESTS $jn.95 Two Handy Locations Hardwood Floors . . . Cheerful Breakfast Nook New Cedar Closet . . . Sleeping Porch . . . In­ terior Paints . . . Enamels . . . Varnishes . . . New Fence . . . Added Room rsM Pool-Gardner Lumber Co. Franchised Fuller Dealers Phone 2691 151 W. Raxeline St. Busch’s Service Garage Phone 501 Busch’s Super Service Station Corner Third and Bsaellne Phone 391 A. H. Busch, Prop. ✓ They’re beauties! This gift will thrill the heart of Mother, Wife or Sweetheart. Many new and lovely styles from which to make your Y u l e choice. I Selfridge F u rn itu re Co.