Paye Six H IL L S B O R O ARGUS, H IL L S B O R O . Thursday, November 28, 1935 OREGON Thomas Withycombe in Portland I calata, nual Christm as Eve midnight mus- die Seal of said Court affixed, this dem anded in the complaint, to wit: noli fimi «m l r«4|tiirptl (it priw rnt the for Ih» filini »»ttlvnieiit of I Wednesday. E je c tio n M e e t thl* ’doth day of N ubar, lU S , ical celebration will again be held 13th day of November, 1935 Judgm ent for $500.00 together with -«•H»». (ou»(hrr w ith proper voucher- I theinfor. to Ih» uiuler»igued al Ih» law Birthday Celebrated in conjunction w ith Hillsboro C h ris­ I H H O Il ll k s i ' l l A I It. A dm lnlatralor SEAL. I interest at 8 't per annum from offlc» of Htitfley A lla r» , In Ih» Fi rat Mrs. Edgar Rehse entertained tian Council clubs, at die V enetian Attest: EDW C. LUCE. Clerk December 29, 1931 until paid, $100- N ational llnttk litiIM In a , In lllllaboro. , f th» Fatai» of Frml»rl<*k Mani, U m *»«»««! f o r S e r v i c e s with a supper in honor of her son • lla r» . Attorn»y*4 for AdmlnlM- S e t b y G r o u p theatre. December 24 at 11:30 p. m By Z T. Hiatt, Deputy. 39-43 ' 00 attorneys fees and for costs and O r^foit, w ithin »la month» from th» I •’ i ’•«••y m» i»I I • I Loren's birthday. Present w ere Mr. »late hereof. P astor Henry S. H aller may be : disbursements herein incurred and I>«t«d thl» 1 Uh ik y of November. 1935 and Mrs. Herb Sehulm erich and consulted any day between 10 a. NOTICE OF SPECIAL CITY that said judgm ent be decreed a V E R O N IK A I I E I M O L D . A dm inistratrix son Elman of Hillsboro, Mr. and I m and noon, or by appointm ent, ELECTION first and prior lien upon the fol- of (be Kstate of «aiti Ih * eaaed tlairley WK D E A L IN M E A L K H TA IK B e rn ic e Ensley C lu b H e a d ; Mrs Erwin B urkhalter and Alvin P u tn a m C o m p letes R ep o rt at the House office, 232 North T hird Notiee is hereby given that a , lowing described real property, sit- A Ila re , Attorney» f o r A dm inistra­ W rit» , Sehulmerich. , z*s.i <-• »• trix . 39-43 Lessons to S ta rt ay’enue. F ire and Autom obile Inaurane« F rank Wallace of Hillsboro vis- ! on C h ic a g o C o n v e n tio n special city election will be held uated in Washington County. State M a k e I A*ena and la a u « Buratty Honda in the City of Bunks. W ashington of Oregon, bounded and described ited Mr. and Mrs. E rw in B urkhalt­ N O T H K TO < I uoted Martin F. Sm ith of i'oa»««l. by (ho County C'ourt of lb» State Right Mow-— Today The 4-H Thimble club met with Mertz of Eugene. under the following ballot title; j satisfy said judgm ent and that the of Oroiroit for W«»hhiuton County anil « ashington. member of Congress, NOTICE their leader, Mrs. Austin Scrafford. ha* q u alifin l. A ll penum» linvlnir clnlotn defendants and each of them be Tea Success ! wbo attended the convention as a ORDINANCE SUBMITTED TO No. 38-010 November 19 and organized the R , ¿ yoss ~ si Y\ eT" tea no-ted delegate and speaker, as saying, forever burred and foreclosed of »««*'>•» »»•>{ <•«<«'« «« h.nt.v n<>iin».l Test Buckley's Fimous THE VOTERS BY THE CITY n il r io h t ill,- n the ««n,». duly v rr ir in l a . by club for the year. The following l n ,e silver tea n t.te d , stl,rtYine m it investi. G uardianship of Alice May Eller- a n o g h t. t title, oi in terest I in am i ! ,u ,nw »’•'•»•nt r,.,„llrr,, ulu|r ,.iu,1, se ,- and d will from and structed and the bonds issued? Date of first publication is No-1 her. i v l y at the~Tn>Qr <>T ten o c lw k A (>ld hang-on coughs Sold only on Walla, Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. week. hill December 4 and Beaverton De- ! „ ter Thursday, the 2nd day of Vote Yes or No. vem ber 21, 1935. Date of last pub- M .ahi .lay, ami the »-..urt ..I a money buck guarantee of s a lis - H. E. Burdette and family visited Several inm ates of th e G erm an cember 6 January, 1936, sell at private s a le 1 ----------------------------------------------- lication is Januury 2. 1936. t h e a h ..« . «nthl».| court In Hillsboro, O r » ¡faction or money cheerfully re- in Eugene and Albany Sunday. Baptist Old People's Home of Port- _________________ I to the highest bidder, all of the 100 YES. MEl y iL L E H GE.L, A t.m ney , •‘X / ' V ' i m i d f'" 'd- d Mr. and Mrs. B. Brendell of Col- land visited in this com m unity this _ : estate, rights, title and interest in 1------------------ u t Plaintiff, 511 Broadway Bldg..I - _________________________ - fax, Wash., spent several days at w eek. L i lW S I h i ' I I l P H p F P and t0 ,he following described real 101 NO. Portland, Oregon. 40-ti the M artin B ernards home last B row er is building a new | estate belonging to Alice May Ell- ! The plans and specifications for week. house. ' i t T i i n e k o n M M n n f orson, incapable, to-w it: ' ; said sew er system and disposal N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T G ift S u g g e s tio n s Miss Maude Hamel underw ent an and '^jllia m Schlottm ann at L u n m e o n m e e t An undivided one-half interest in P1“ 1!1,. "?ay , b? c a m m e d by any In the County Court of the State of Ore­ operation for appendicitis at the ? , M arian a" d A lva Shelburger gon, for W ashington County (Continued from p« > » > » • entitle.1 court ami rsn .e her final Thursday from Texas, w here they a f e w d a v s la«» w o e b a» “ *c*c were tw0 sides ,o these mat- corner on the W. line N h flh - in the Odd Fellows Hall located on I 1 i i ? ‘i?* ?",‘L V ‘'" " /t £e2i_ _ a>S, , asL * e®!1 a t . the coast- ters and intim ated th at he favored T. 1 S., R. 1 W., thence N have been vtsiting for several 3 G IN . U /-« is . / r* i h « " f ix e d th e t " t h day of U erm tlter, 1935. Made by Glover & Winsor erm an Baptist church conven- a ------------ in the cen- ‘\^a n. n ‘sdld City ot Banks at the hour ..r iu nciiwk a m of «1.1 federal — old age ,--------- pension ----- bill ------- rath - , . . . ____ ... .„ „ weeks. ! tion began Thursday afternoon. er than a state and federal. "The ter of County Road the place of at wblch a " voters in the city will day. and the ...u rt room of ihe abova F our of the L inn Rennels f a m - ------------------------- most logical wav." he thence N 88’ P°llin8 a. Place Or«...,. », V ik in g G loves $1 to $ J ,9 5 to take the federal plan declared. w hether "Is it beginning- ft ’ to appoint; thence N. 57' ¿- W 34' 4’’7 E. vote’ and from sa,d 8 o'clock m. will until be 7 > tly are til witn tne flu this week, p . j • ( r D inner party guests at the W. H. D e m a n d D F l S k I O F O clock p. m. of Said day, »ettlamant of »aid rata l*. is the Townsend plan or some 205.2 ft. to a point; thence S. H A T S fro m $ 1 .9 5 to $ 3 .5 0 zving nu.ue ou Sunday were Mr. Dated this 20th day of Novcm- | • ’.•’. - ' . . ’ h'* day of November. I ', / ^ ” a. t> 1 T other." He was opposed to a sales .57' E. 424.5 ft. to a point: thence — o. B. Stevens and ton K t 'IT H K. O W E N S , A iln m u atratrix of Made in Seattle by ?r _?• P la c e . m S E L L E R S R e c o r d e r nf th e ' i! " !** at» i»f A. M Common», I )«•»•«-.»•»»•«!. Jac.. ru r,.» n a , Mr. and Mrs. i c ^ . d n . ^ fr a r . P . „ 1) When Senator Aitken spoke he of beginning, containing two acres Cl,y of Banks W a s J h n c to n C o H n t J M , A1~ r ’ A.lnu..,. 11 arilcman W alter B aum gartner of Reedville | . . . (Continued from p««e i> 41-5 specifications had been passed by Pointed out the increasing popular- more or less, situated in Washing- . Oregon * ' " as‘llngton Lou" 1'' tra trix . ana E rvin oerger. **y ° t the sales tax as evidenced by ion County, S tate of Oregon. : _ 1,000 NECKTIES in every Mrs. Fred Sergent returned Mon­ governm ent officials. N O T I C I OK P IN A L S K T T I.K M E N T Data collected by McGee for the num erous states adopting this The term s upon which said real | day irom a ten-day visit w ith her conceivable pattern. In the County Court of the State of Ore- 8U5IMONS PW A officals in Washington in con- ^orm . Oregon is surrounded by property will be sold by said parents at Marion. iron. for Waahtnvton County. No. 10674 In ihe M ntter of the Evtate of H arry M. Miss Helen Baughman and a nection w ith the sewer plans, dis- sa.les tax states, he said, and we guardian are as follows: A c c o rd io n 55c to $ 1 .5 0 Jone«. bn*ia«e,l, Not less than 10 per cent of the In ,b c C ircuit Court of the State friend returned from Yakima Tues­ closes that per capita consumption will have to follow here w ith a la hereby a ¡v e il that the un drr- total purchase price to be in cash Oregon, for the County of a iy N.itu-e G ra y c o T ie s $ 1 .0 0 to $ 2 .0 0 day evening, where they nave Deen of w ater in Hillsboro is 50 gallons sales tax sooner or later. n n l ailm lu iatratur of the evtate of ______ ________ tor each w ater connection. T here In support of his argum ent he as an initial down paym ent, bal- ’ Washington. employed tor several months. I H a rry M J o n « , ilex-eaaed. ha- flln l hl» Others as low as 25c L. F. Patnoe, Plaintiff, Les- fin a l acrount and report a> auch admin, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sloates of are 1070 active connections at pres- cited taxes on land owned by him- ance installm ent Note and Mort- iatrato r P o ruand visited at the Ernest Wil- ent- an increase of 25 in a year, the self in California, w here before SaSe upon the property, bearing bc C. Endicott and Anna C. Endi- o,l.r,*'"r r ,h’ ",jr' i Vviii'tiun ticket. J J N ussbaum rr te rt home Sunday. ¡figures show. The average was that state passed the sales tax his interest of 6 per cent per annum c°tt. husband a n d wife; E R .,ld ,h'., „7*1 '"fin.’i »rn’un" «¡¡d itt i. H U btoro) Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Hall and Mrs. ta,{en over a five-year period, us- taxes w ere nearly $50. His last tax on deferred payments, subject to Lundburg, A dm inistrator of t h c ha. been >et for fin al h e a rin t and .e t- H. C. Zierke of M arshfield w e r e j 'n8 only w inter and spring months statem ent disclosed a reduction of tbe confirm ation of the above en- I Estate of T ild en M artin, deceased tlem ent befur» .aid . ..urt at the ii. irt T H E M E N ’S S H O P j E. R. Lundberg, A dm inistrator of «..mtav iC -L d i- *?i‘ll“nn7’' Thanksgiving dinner party guests and excluding figures which in- $15, he said, due to collections from titled Court. Tender, or bids for the purchase ,be Estate of William T. W im berly,’» ,',f , j ld d"sy. ' ” r of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Beck, also elude seasons when property hold- the new form of taxation. Hillsboro — Main Street — Oregon He also called attention to the ° t said real property will be re- • deceased; Jo h n F. Wimberly and Dated ami fira t publUhed November 21. Mr. Beck's father and two brothers ers might be irrigating. of Portland. Labor specifications still are lack- m ultiplicity of laws in all states ceived by the undersigned g uard­ Jan e Doe Wimberly, husband a n ! 1MS- 1,,,e o1 '“ t publication December Thomas P. Eskildscn and ' ’i-rt’ u A » . J jumv « A . > . lm in t» tra , t< > r n f ing, McGee said, w hile definite and said in this connection that ian at The First National Bank of wife; Mrs. Bazaar Scheduled - TY r . i . ; u / . » K IM iA K ONES. T h p W n m a n ‘c P i m i o ■ I ii£ures probably cannot be releas- the tim e m ust come when a con- Portland, Oregon, at Portland. Orc- T h o m a ^ P E sk jld se n . w ife a n d h u s , the E .t.te of Harry m i n.-. u , i . a . I untl1 blds have been Iet- This is vention of states will be called to l?on. from and after thc 2nd day- band; Ralph Martin and Jane Doc M M. Hump, renidcnce a n d addreaa, Christm as bazaar December 6 in Martin, husband and wife; Rose Hillahoro, Oravon, A ttorney for »old due to the fact that no one knows coordinate th e laws m aking all ° t Jan u ary , 1936. 40>l the church dining room. Everybody yet w hat type of m achines will be regulations more uniform. M artin, unm arried; also "The Un­ Eatate. Dated at Portland, Oregon, this welcome. known Heirs of William T. Wim­ used in excavation and how much R. W. Weil, called on in behalf ibe 26th day of November, 1935. N f lT H 'E TO I HEDITOM M Mrs. Carrie Lindgren and daugh­ labor will be allotted to hand work, of the Red Cross m em bership drive. Date of first publication Novem- berly, deceased," and "The Un­ In the County Court or ihe State of Ore- ter G ertrude of Portland visited known Heirs of Tilden Martin, de- iron, for Waahinitton County. declared th at it was the desire of ber 28- 1935. Date of last publica- at th e W. E. Brown home Saturday ceased" and "All O ther Persons or In the M a tter of ihe E»taic of Henry • the local chapter to com plete the tion December 26, 1935. llelm old, Dei'eaaed night and attended the dance. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK j Tartics Unknown Claim ing Any 1 drive by Thanksgiving and appeal- N otice la hereby ylven. that the under- Miss Helen Baughman is visiting OF PORTLAND, OREGON, guard- ' R‘6ht. Title, Estate, Lien or I n - ! .lBnid"'haa iwn''diliy a»pointU fty above « n titled suit on or before three Come in and let us explain how simple Mrs. George K irk, who has been T h^ F5 aMar,th5 , Ma£i‘n- aged lces Mr- Lull was a farm er by oc- W ashington Countv Jt r i.w Jan u ary 2, 1936, which is more than it is to obtain a loan— up to $2,000— T I R E S tdfast for the last few m onths ¡ Tb“2 day Ä at_P*ke- Mrs; Mar- cupation. T bedfast I n o ± n& » T Ä T ^ i,,a? J . b e i_C^ i 's ix weeks V » S i from c X the S ' Ä d; L Ä for home improvements. And how con­ w ith a broken shoulder and arm,» on or before the veniently you can repay the loan in has had part of the cast removed WOT*/* Qa ♦ 11 r»rl a at q ^4e-xe-»^ rvzve, ... . . 16th day of December, 1935, at the upon you, and if you fail to ap and expects to be up in a few w ere held Saturday afternoon. Those of Woodland Wash A lv e r a M r f n r pear and answ er the complaint, c e . small monthly installments ,out of your attending from here w ere Mr. and mick of Glenwood Jessie PcDnard bour of ten ©clock A. M. of said weeks. Mrs. Charles Johnson. Mr. and ^ Gaston S ^ H e ^ n c r of Port d,*y tO th.eun and thcre show callsc- for w ant thereof the plaintiff will . *V.e y o u p l e n t y (if traction regular income. O. D. Corbin and A. E. Murpliv Mrs. W. S. French and Florence land and one brother F S L u R ^ i < aiY th T apply to thc Court for the relief in ice, mud or sleet--- elim- be’ why an order of Portland visited at the H. E. and Betty, Mrs. B. E. Waldorf, Mr. Fresno Cal He was a m em bei sh° uld nuot bo m ade- rendered and inates the bother of chains. B urdette home Monday afternoon and Mrs. C. H. Gonyo. of ^ h e Modern W o X e n ± H e d Cn,iUed » I A S I < o o r i S A T V M Mrs. Jessie Robinson of Sellwood ----- —---------------- th n rirtn c b e n ,Itle d c a i?se au* P rice d as lo w as visited at the W. S. French home Pilgrim House thorizmg. empowering, licensing Friday. ; Few»», a " ' " “ . " ? " “ * .......... . | “»«« directing th e A dm inistrator of New LOW Priced Mr. and Vancouver. "The Largest Independent Bank 1»> (B y C atherine Boge) visitors of tne Charles Johnson November 29. 1847. Saturday: c o m -| erty belonging to « . i d p V t r t J ' Y / ' a Washington County” ' FARMINGTON—The supper Fri- fa71‘iy- , memoration of St. Andrew, Apostle. n a r tie X rtv d e « ,r i^ d ° 8nd day night sponsored by the F arm ­ Hlgh-Efficitncy Mr and Mrs. W. S French en- Chapel open all day for m editation to-wit- ‘ b d as follows, Hoinnfl at e»4 a ~ housewarm L„,________ ;__ ___i prayer ........... on . both Friday and vviL. ington Welfare club was well a t­ tertained ing ____ and « and Hillsboro Oregon All of Lot num bered 9 in the tended. One hundred w ere served. birthday party for A lbert French Saturday. Sunday: A dvent Sunday. I ... plat of Beaver Acres, situate A fter supper there was an im- Friday night. Present w ere Mr. beginning the new ecclesiastical put new life in your rediof F u ll lin e F ire sto n e T ire s in Section 7, T. 1 S. R. 1 W. prom tu program including accord- and Mrs. Otto Solberger, Joyce year, in preparation for the com- Guerenteed. O ld tube« of W illamette Meridian, accord­ in stock. dion selections by Mr. McDowell, and Clifford, Mr. and Mrs. Andy ing of Our Lord at Christm as-tide tested FREE. ing to the duly recorded plat violin selections by Miss Dorothy Christianson, Mr and Mrs. B. E. "Chief Service in G" will be sunc G uaranteed Radio thereof, containing 3.77 acres, Cline. L. J. Puncochar gave several Waldorf, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Chris- at 10:30 a. m at the chapel wor- Repairing. in Washington County, Ore- selections on a new type musical | tenson, MaryGlo and Ruth and ship, with a young people's choir Any make. C h a n g e T im e Mrs. S to ffe r in 1 y onu Issues •a’t; he said- . , Well help you keep your PEP Plans Much Work Psext Year their Q Home Bad Weather Ahead! Rites This Week for Gaston Man jí _ . Young and Beautiful FIRESTONE Mason Hill Ground-Gripper Commerci«! I National Bank 59f Farmington Club Affair Success $785 P H IL C O TUBES Douglass Radio Service S n „ „ c „ sch „u " « « x s a ! Mrs_ May McLaughlin is spend-1 Births join in singing the ^ h r t s t m a s d i i m J ^ g a r n ^ i ^ S ’a nd . t ,,- i , , - , - Births ing Thanksgiving week in P o rt­ G ern h art—To Mr. and Mrs. Wal- carols of the season. Sermons dur- , costs of a d m i n i s t r a t i s th land w ith her sister, Mrs. Reed. te r G ernhart, November 22. a boy. ing Advent will be on general sub- w itness the Hon Donakl T Mrs. E rvin B urkhalter had as ____ .... Galvin ect "Light in the D arkness”, and TempPeton. Judge of the County Selfridge Furn. Co. guests last Tuesday her uncles, J. G ross' of Orenco, N‘ove"i*ber 26, a he topic of this week. "The Night I Court of the Slate of Oregon fo* U B. L eisy of Sweet, Idaho, and boy. Is F ar Spent (Romans 13:12). An- i the County of Washington ’with Douglas Leisy of Portland, and her Hansen—To Mr. and Mrs. H arry aunt, Mrs. J. E. Long, of Portland Hansen of Hillsboro, November 23 V ernon Kraus, who has been on a boy. the S. S. Emidio, a G eneral Petro- H e rin e n s-T o Mr. and Mrs. Ern- leum b o a t is home for a vacation est Herm ens of near Forest Grove W ebster D alby, w ho was also on November 10, a boy th e sam e boat, is at home. __________ 1_____ „■M/8- H- and daughter Let the advertisem ents help you C a th e rin e visited Mr. and Mrs m ake your shopping plans. We have the best values in Phone 21X COSLETT’S Super Service S T A T IO N First and Baseline : Hillsboro Independent Dealers in shades of Moscow, Madrid, Vienna, Tokio, London, Dis­ tingue, Gunmetal, Tea Dance and Extra Dry. ^et UR bid on your turkeys . . . you are assured thc m a rk e t’s top prices— the fairest grading by Oregon Savinar Produce Co. Cor. W ashington, Portland. Oregon No m a tte r w hat size your turkey flock—we pay cash! O ur trem endous poultry business to the East, o u r d istrib u tin g outlet in Los Angeles, our huge local H otel and M arket trade gives us every op­ p o rtu n ity to do a big turkey business! See ou r Local R epresentative . . . or ship direct to us. Secure SHIPPING TAGS from the office of this paper! E stablished 1912 Thirty years experience Monogrammed Stationery is partic­ ularly attractive and suitable f o r Christmas. BEAUTIFUL HOSIERY Market for Your TURKEYS! (Venetian ticket, F. O. Shay, Cornelius, Rt. 2) All silk, French heel, cradle foot, fine gauge, serv­ ice or chiffon. Packed in gift boxes .................................... ■ «fC (2 pair ......................... $1.50) The C. C. Store 270 E. Main S t J. H. GARRETT, Prop. Phone 2601W PRO BLEM TT'S always welcome, and there’s A a pleasant little hint th at you’d like to hear from the person you sent it to! T h at’s worthwhile in any gift. the history of our store. We Offer You a CASH SOLVES MANY G IF T Give Hosiery 438 8. W. Front, .□ ALL-WINTER ROUNDTRIPS lower than ever before! G reatly reduced w in te r coach and tourist roundtrips to eastern p o i n t s . . t h e privilege o f in­ cluding California on your trip... plut a new long return lim it o f tix months. This is the travel bar­ gain wc have on sale daily from November 11 th to May 14/A. RO U N D TR IP from Portland Go or return the popular winter svay. Travel through California. Speed across the great Southwest, America’s sunniest winter region. This way costs only a dollar or so more fare than to go straight East and back; nothinR more to some destinations. Example fares: Coach Touriit There is a wide range of prices . . . and most of the types look as though they’d cost a great deal more than the low juices you'll find h e re ! CHICAGO or ST. LOUIS . . . >62.20 . . . ♦79.95 Coach fares good in coaches and chair cars on all our trains. Tourist fares good in improved Tourist Pullmans, plus modest berth charge. Southern Pacific H. D. OLSEN, Agent Phone 621 ____ W l b b ü r t Ä i A r g US