Thur tdny, Nnvpmher 2R, 1925 H IL L S B O R O A RG U S, H IL L S B O R O , O R EG O N Page Flvs Don’t Look Up and Down the Streets, Read the “Houses” Ads. Real Finds A Ready Market with Big Results at Little Cost -- - Classified Columns Close at 10 A. M. W ednesday-- - Too Late to Classify Accepted Until 5 P. M. Wednesday Ten Free Venetian Theatre Ticket?! in ('kmsified and Display A dvertising—Check the Ads for Your Name. Count Word»—Hrnil Money C oant Your Profit* 10. Sal«? o r T r a d e — M is . 18. S eeds, P la n t* 25. H o rs e * N O T IC B O F P IM A I. 8 K T T I.K M K N T NOTH E O F S A L E O l R E A L toinlng 80 seres, more or less, to- PKOPERTY BY ADMINISTRATOR gether with a certain parcel of In the County Court of tin- S k tte o fO ro - »«•», fur Wakhihirtnn County. N ursery Stork IIAKNENN Notice is hereby given that In land situate and bordering upon In the M a tter of the I,neen aet for final Cash ahouhl accompany order. cows or brood sows.—J. C. Betts, landscape advice Drew N ursery I Some Oregon Laws of 1930, and upon hearing and settlement before «aid court d er for cash in hand, all of the mortgage described in plaintiff’s you will be needing new mile south of Dilley on highway. Beaverton, east end or »tii s t . ; sets of ,,f harness for next season's the petition of three resident free­ interest of th e estate of said de- complaint be foreclosed and the at the court room thereof In Hillsboro, Out of fairness to all uo In­ Oregon, on Monday, December tit, 19X5, of Road D istrict No. 1, cedent in and to the following de- mortgaged premises be sold in one Phone 11805. form ation on the C l a s s i f i e d __ „ wurk Do you know you can save holders at Id o'clock a. m. o f «aid «lay. REMINGTON ty p ew riter for sale. Washington County, Oregon, filed scribed property, to-wit; parcel in the m anner prescribed ; money by placing your order now? Dated and fir« t published November 21, Page will be given out until »1750 Phone 2242. 41 19. the County Court of Washing­ H a y and Feed Beginning at the SW corner by the laws of the S tate of O re­ 1935 Date of la«t publication Dwember Come in and let us explain why. in the paper Is issued. ton County. Oregon, on the 19th 19. I f M . of the Donation Land Claim of gon and the practice of this Court; Ask us about our tim e paym ent 11. T o Sw ap . i—ss—a. D A N IK L E I.L IS P U R D IN and M IL E S Jam es W. Cham ber and Mary ' that the proceeds thereof be ap­ LOOSE clover hay for sale; also plan — Spicker's Harness S h o p . day of November, 1935. that at 10 I ’ lJ R D IN , Joint Executor« of the La«t o ' c I ock A. M on S aturday, the Chambers No 54. thence n o rth ­ duck and goose feathers plied tow ard the paym ent of plain­ C. W ill and Testament of Meli««a J. Jack- Announcem ent a 1. 4. p .V enetian ticket. Frank Genzer. | John Kulow, Rt. 1, Hillsboro. erly on the line between said tiffs decree, costs and accruing son. Deceased. M It. Bump, re«ldence BIG mule, single or double, trade Circuit Court Room in th e Court claim and the donation land ) costs; that at said sale plaintiff and aiktreM.«. Hillsboro, Oregon, Attorney for 5 tons buy. or sell; also good WANT several — tons of hay. loose I city CARBON paper, typew riter rib- House in Hillsboro, Oregon, a Dis­ for said K«tate. 4U-4 _____________ claim of Thos. and Mary Otchin be perm itted to become a pur- W rite 11 Tracey, bollK, e tc, for Sale Argu». tf saddle pony trict Road m eeting of the legal hay preferred — R. V. McFall, j HORSES for in ;;aid County and State, 15.85 ' chaser; that plaintiff have a de­ sale. Teams a n d 1721 N. W O verton St . Portland N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S voters of Road District No. 1. Wash- G aribaldi Ave. Phone 2104 41 chains to a stake 4 rods S. of ficiency judgm ent against the de­ „ .......................... . ’T ’’" “.’I,*” “ ; County. Oregon, will beheld No. 4X70 Lost a n d F o u n d 3. th e center of a swale, thence fendants. Martha E Ross and Gil­ In the County Court of the State of> Ore­ 1 2 . F o r S a le — M i s c e l la n e o u s 2 0 . F a r m P r o d u c e — F r u i t s , R wi>v.u l, -»vu im provem ent and rep air of County gusollne trnctor, 400 1 containing 39 18 acres; a l s o the same, duly verified a« by law re­ barred of all right, title, claim or C h u rch ill. 322 E Washington St CALLING Cards Every woman KLONDIKE lbs., original price $295, like new, „ . •v V,Un*i' “ esh cows for sale. roa(js and bridges w ithin Road Di»- land beginning at a point on I interest in th e premises described quired. to the undersigned at the office P h o n e 2152 38tf should huve calling curds as u so ­ $75 casti P. D oran, tì-m ilc north ! o l - y I , s,' n mli e* frii,n tr *ct No. 1, Washington County, • said f Klepper A Im lay. 1617 Yeon Build­ claim line 48 84 chains in p lain tiffs mortgage except the o ing. cial necessito s. c The Argus for on Tobias — ■ ■ A - ve, Aloha. ■■ ■ 'P lain s, bhady Brook road. 41tf o regon Portland. Oregon, w ithin six months 41 p S. 17* W. from said NW cor­ right of redem ption allowed by from the date hereof. MODERNIZE your home w ith con­ quality work. Road District No. 1, W ashington n er of Lenox Claim and ru n ­ Dated and firs t published November law, and that plaintiff have such crete septic tanks, well, curb and USED m achinery of all k in d * .- YO|U,Nf’ County. Oregon, em braces all ut ning N. 74 07’ W. 23 40 chains, I other and fu rth er relief as is meet 7. IM S . Last publication December 5, chimneys P o l l laud Concrete Pipe APARTMENT for Rent, No Sm ok­ Hillsboro Feed Co., 160 W. Main „ '¿ y ealf for Is.?1?' ,>5° ~,R7, E' said County which is not included 1935 thence N. 17' E. 7.03 chains to and equitable. A Products Co . aulì» s. w Mai a ing, For Rent. For Sale, No street. HAZELLE SW ALLEY M IL L A R . Ad­ 4tf njg ^ ve 41_2 within th e corporate lim it of an the center of the G lenco-Port- dam, Portlund. Phone A Twuter Peddlers, etc., signs for ssle ut The ' Service of this summons Is made m in istra trix of the Katate of (ilen Swal­ ----- -- --------------* ----------------------■ ________________________ __ 1 in co rp o rated tow n or city. ley. De«*ea«ed. Klepper A Im lay. A tto r­ land Road, thence S. 74" 07' E. 4921. . ' f A rgus 27t f LICENSED stock trailers, 2-cow TWO G uernsey cows double-test- upon you by publication thereof neys, 1517 Yeon Building, Portland, Dated this 19th day of Novem- Ore- 23.40 chains, thence S. 17’ W. in the Hillsboro Argus, a new s­ »<►«• XX-42 cuparity, ren t $1 per day. Light ed; 2 young heifers W. B Ross. ber. 1935 7 03 chains to place of begin­ 14. C a rs , T ru c k s , T ir e * 6. W a n t e d — M i s c e l la n e o u s paper of general circulation pub- j trailers made to order. Auto parts Rt. 2, Box 248 Beaverton: 1-5 m ile WASHINGTON COUNTY COURT, ning. containing 16.43 acres and __________________ _____________ ____________ lished in W ashington County. O re­ N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S nnd farm m achinery.—L. V. Hulit. west junction Barnes-B eaverton- Donald T. Templeton, Judge. subject to $1.000 mortgage. Also No. 4369 gon. once each week for a period W ANTED Xmas t r e e stum page LIGHT trailer for sale Good tires, 152 N. Second Ave. 23tf Cedar Mill road 40-lp H. D. K orkm an, Commissioner. an undivided 4 interest in of six consecutive and successive In the County Court of the State of O re­ slate quantity and prie«- W II. $n 50. Selfridge F u rn itu re Co.. Jas. Lewis, Commissioner. 40-1 gon. for the County Wa«hington lots 2. 3. 4. 5. and 6. in Sec. weeks, by v irtu e of an order In the M a tter o f the of Estate 4',' NEW and used farm m achinery PUREBRED 15-months-old J e r s e y , Opdcnweyer Jr.. 3940 N. E. (Itftli ' H illsboro. o f Ruth 16. Tp. 1 N . R. 2, W. W. M.. for sale by L ester Ireland & made by the H onorable R. Frank A ve. Portland. bull, eligible to registration, to City of Hillsboro. Oregon. Sanitary Swalley Denton, Deceased. * lp (V enetian ticket, O. Johnson, Rt. containing 12946 acres. Also Peters, Judge of the above en- _ Notice 1« hereby given that the under­ Co. l lt f trade for hay or w o o d —Nelie But- Sewerage System and T reatm ent 1, Beaverton) 1-8 interest in rem aining 4 titled court and entered in said Raymond Denton ha« been ap- WANT w alnut meats, pay 31c lb — ■ - - — - — , - ... 1er. 2 4 miles northeast of H ills­ Plant Im provem ent P. W. A. Docket interest of said land. Excepting court and cause on October 25, E“,n'*d- *<('n ln i.tT » to r of i h . E n a u of No. Oregon 1108 P o u ltr y boro. 38tf for No 1 light. nnd 28c lb. for j FOR people who w ant to self­ 2 3 . Ruth Swalley Denton. Deoe«»«l. by th* from the above that 7 4 acres 1935, said period of publication County Court of the State of Orevon. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS dark Schoen’» Bakery, K lam ath service their automobiles with being the period prescribed by said fo r W arhin rto n County, and ha. qual­ Sealed proposals will be receiv- I tract described in Deed Book Falls. 40-1 , pow er Seal, send $1 check or mon- BUCKEYE coal brooder for sale. HIGH grade Jersey heifer for sale, 500-capacity, in good condition. to freshen soon; price $50. -F. F. ed at the office of th e City Re- | F page 612. deed records of order. The date of the first pub- ified. A ll p e m x i, having clnime a ya in -t ey order to H. C. Hurder, 10th W ashington County, Oregon. licatlon of this summons is the «t*1* U'. »’"•eby notified to prevent Hanley, Rt. 3, Hillsboro. 41 corder of Hillsboro, Oregon, until j 41 WOOD wanted In trade for monu- I unj W alnut Sts , Hillsboro; care of $7 50.— Mrs. C. E. M ariner. name, duly verified an by law re­ All the above described lands 31st day of October, 1935, and the quired, to the undernianed at the office 8 o'clock a. m.. December 5, 1935, i m ent work Also light trailer for Flj|bs Servk.e stati„n, or Rt. 4 tf being in Washington County, WANTED — P oultry of all kinds. TESTED cows, fresh and coining o f K iel,per t Im lay. 1517 Yeon Build- date of the last publication th e re­ Mus or trade Oregon Monument I . ____ ____________________ for the construction of a Sanitary I in «, Portland. Ore«on, w ithin elx munthn W rite, will call, or bring Friday, I fresh, one yearling heifer, rea- Sewerage System and T reatm ent I Oregon. of is the 12th day of December, from Works. 36tf the date hereof. WE buy nnd sell used cars. S aturday or Monday before noon, sotiable.— William Nickol, Rt. 2 Plant for such city. These bids will Bids or offers for th e purchase i 1935 and firm published November F. R Barden. Cornelius. 34tf Portland; near Bethany Presbyter!- be“‘p uW icIF opened* an d V ead” at i lands should be m ade in WM L BEATTY, of A ttorneys 7, Dated H e lp W a n te d We want to buy 75 used 1S3S. Laat publication December u, 7. I »its. | an church. 41p o'clock a. m. at said date and 'Yritin 8- and m ay bp delivered to for plaintiff. Post office address; lia rs.— Used Car Exchange. 2 4 . R A Y M O N D D E N T O N , A dm iniatrator of P ig * the undersigned at the office of 514 p orter Building, Portland, Ore- C O U N T Y distributor w anted for ™ 1 the Eatate of Ruth Swalley Denton. De­ j JERSEY cow. fresh 3 weeks, th ird place. 37-43 ceased. These im provem ents will consist Fred Finsley, his attorney, in Fos- ■ gon. Klepper S Im lay. Attorney«, 1517 high .l.e m erchandise Item. O r - 1 1 6 . F u r n i t u r e , P ia n o s , R a d io s EIGHT-week-old pigs for sale.— calf. 4 gallons daily, for sale.— sil, W heeler County, Oregon, at Yeon Building, Portland. Oregon. 311-42 gunizc y o u r ow n sales crew. Cl,.. , ' Fred C. Meyer, near golf course. Bob Holt. ‘¿-mile north Witch of:Construction of a S anitary Sew­ any tim e after th e first publica­ ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE le tte d territory. For sales plan and 11.,/. 41p G uaranteed Radio Tubes No. 3902 N O T IC E O F F IN A L A C C O U N T erage System requiring the follow­ tion of this notice, or before the inform ation w rite Ses-A-Me L ab­ At lowest p ric e s—Douglass Radio T E \ c k old pig-, for sole, gtt» | No. 3503 making of said sale, w hich will In the County Court of the State ing estim ated quantities: oratories. Inc. G uardian Bldg. P o rt­ gene H enderllng, 2 m iles north- 2 7 . L iv e s t o c k Service. Hillsboro. Phone 21X be as soon after th e 16th day of of Oregon, for the County of In the County Court of the State of Ore­ 56,410 cu. yd. excavation and land 41 Tubes tested free. gon. fo r the County of Washington, 37tf I east of Cornelius. 41 P — December. 1935, as a satisfactory Washington. D epartm ent. 'V enetian ticket, F rank Johnson. ■ CATTLE and horses of all k in d s 1 backfill in variable Cuts to 16 bid has been received and ac­ In the M atter of the G uardianship In Pcjbate the M a tter of the Eatate of Daniel ft. Rt. 3. Hillsboro) WEANLING pigs for sale. -Ray R j bought for cash, sold or ex- Fuel 17 cepted. The right to reject any and Ryan, Deceaaed. of M ary Stitt, an incompetent 57.688 Lin. Ft. Sew er Pipe. 6- Miller. Hillsboro Rt. 5. 41p changed. T erm s 10 to 20 m onths on j Notice 1» hereby given that the under­ all bids being reserved, and said j person MAN w anted for Rnwleigh route signed. aa A d m in istra trix o f the estate I _ ~T 77 7“ 7* r* sales.—Gail K arns Orenco. Phone ! inch to 15-inch diam eter. sale w ill be made subject to c o n -; To the heirs at lav/, next of kin, OLD GROWTH 12 and 16-lnch fir. 3,039 “Ys" and Bends. of Daniel Ryan, deceased, has filed her SEVEN 7-weeks-
«*® « *4 . H .7 3 .-X . Alt. 0 - - Dated and firs t published October 31, Plans Specifications. Instructions In , hf> Cjrcuit ¿ ourt of the s ta te of Oregon, made on the 26th day home, have M aytag washer. — I ' cord: 38tf ‘ FINE, young team. $100. U nder- ¡7^. ,A G riffith, 131 S. Second Ave. to Bidders. Federal Construction of November, 1935, in the above 1935. Date o f last publication November miles south on L aurel road. of Q jn an(J f th Coun Phone 2104. 41 entitled guardianship, you, a n d 28. 1935. priced, quick sale. Call Hillsboro H‘Hst,oro- Regulations, G eneral P ro v is io n s, E R IN E A. R Y A N . A dm inistra­ ty of Washington: each of you, are cited to show trix C . A T A H lbert 41 F IV E -ro o m bungalow , m o d e rn , and other contract docum ents are WANTED Plowing or tenm work. FIRST class wood for sale. — Ray 444 T. Kem m er. Attorney. 37-41 The Federal Land Bank of Spo­ close in. for sale, $1500, term s. 1 on file for exam ination at the oi- kane. a corporation, plaintiff, vs. cause, if any exists, why a license Will take trade, w hat have you.’ ; Delsman, G aribaldi Ave. Phone N O T IC E O F F IN A L A C C O U N T 49tf H ?r wt.hChn' w h?t°rh l L i°voiV,^ n f v I 3' rooni cottage, garage, lot 50x180J Bee of the City Recorder ofH llls- M artha E. Ross and Gilman G. to sell the following described real H ave purebred Jersey bull f o r 2107. property should not issue to Carl I ’isman Oarlba'ld^ Ave* Phone A snap' ,450' »B» cash —Bert Hunt- boro. Oregon. Copies of these docu- No. 4307 service; w ill d eliv er him i ; fra n k , «. j - Ross, wife and husband; H. G ra- De plsman, G aribaldi Ave. I hone , on> Hillsboro. 41 ents m ay be S e e d s , P la n t s W. ,h. I P h o n e (IB4 3»-42p 1 8 . 41 m n)en\s. m^y be obtained obtained upon upon ap- ap- ham 0nd E„ Graham< husband M unthe as prayed for in his peti­ Estate of Magdeline Ochs. 2107. 1 AUll ■ ____________________1 nl plication i S I ♦ to w ♦ the F» zx City Dnn/Ar/4nF «r-ttipartm ent for posal as a guarantee for the execu­ plaintiff will apply to the court in the petition on file herein. ney fo r Executor. 4U-4 CARL MUNTHE, G uardian. L e­ rent, very reasonable. — 326 N. tion of th e contract and the fu r­ for the relief dem anded in its said First Ave, 41p nishing of th e required bonds in com plaint, to-w it: First, for a de­ land B Shaw, Attorney, 820 Fail­ N O T IC E O F F IN A L R E T T L E M E N T T im e s to r u n ......... 41-5 In the County Court of the State of O re­ (V enetian ticket, T rum an Boyd, case the contract is aw arded to cree ordering that th e sum of ing Bldg., Portland. gon. for Washington County. city) th e bidder. (P le a s e W r it e P la in ly ) $265.00, being the par value of 53 In the M a tte r o f the Estate of M ury E. CALL FOR WARRANTS A cceptance of th e proposal or i shares of stock in The Federal Watson. Deceased. A m t . E n c lo s e d $ All County Road Fund W arrants THREE-room apartm ent for rent. proposals and the aw arding of the Notice is hereby given that the under­ com pletely furnished.—H. C. V ar­ contract or contracts is conditioned Land Bank of Spokane, pledged of Washington County, Oregon, en ­ signed adm inistrator of the eatate of a ry E. Watsen, deceased, has filed his ner, N. F irst Ave. 41p upon satisfactory assurance th at by the Sherwood National Farm dorsed “not paid for w ant of M fin a l account and report as such ad­ Loan Association as additional se­ the City of Hillsboro w ill be able curity for th e loan m ade by tha funds" on or before April 30. 1935, m inistrator in the County Court of the are now payable at the office of State of Oregon fo r Washington Coun­ FURNISHED 3 - room apartm ent to secure from the F ederal E m er­ w ith p riv ate bath, fo r rent.—No. gency A dm inistration of Public plaintiff herein, be applied to the the County T reasurer, in Hillsboro, ty. and th a t said fin a l account and re­ 4047 Argus. 39tf Works th e aid necessary to finance paym ent of th e am ount secured Oregon. Interest on such w arrants port has been set for fin a l hearing and settlement before said court nt the by p la in tiffs mortgage; and that the project. The said City reserve* the plaintif h a v e a judgm ent not heretofore called will cease court room thereof In Hillaboro, Oregon, 35. H ouses on Monday, December 16, 1936, at 10 the right to hold bids for a period against the defendants, M artha E. November 30, 1935. MAUD W. BOSCOW, County o'clock a. rn. of said day. of sixty days from the date of the Ross and G ilm an G. Ross, wife Dated and firs t published N ovem lxr FIVE-room modern house with one opening T reasurer. 41 thereof. 14, 1935. D ate of last publication Decem­ and husband: H. Graham a n d acre of ground. 1 miles west of ber 12. 1VI5. The United States Em ploym ent Ellen Graham, husband and wife; M ASS M E E T IN G Hillsboro on Oak P ark road; chick­ Service has designated an agency M E. W ATSO N. A dm inistrator of T here w ill be a mass m eeting of the Estate of M ary E. Wntaon, Dcccaaed. en house for 500 chickens, 36 apple at Hillsboro, Oregon, to furnish A lexander K. Lumsden; and Isa­ belle W. Neate, a single woman, the proposed Union High School M . n. Bump, residence a n d address. trees, for rent, $20 month.—Elmer labor lists for this work. and against each of them, for the district held in the Sherwood school Hillsboro, Oregon, A ttorney fe r said Wohler. Phone 6R2. 41tf 89-43 The City of Hillsboro fu rth er balance then rem aining unpaid of auditorium , Friday night, Novem­ Eatate. reserves the rig h t to reject any said indebtedness, to-w it: The sum ber 29, at 8 o'clock, for the purpose N O T R E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Loans a n d 'o r all proposals and to accept of $5067.31, w ith interest on the of inform ing the several districts the County Court of the State o f Ore­ such proposals as are to th e best sum of $4952.20 thereof at the as to the financial set-up and any In gon. fo r Washington County. Home Loans interests of th e City. In the M a tter of the Last W ill and Testa­ other m atters that may come be­ For building, buying or refinanc­ ment and Katate of Edith (M a ry ) A lm a By order of rate of 5% per annum from Oc­ fore the meeting as to th e organi­ ing on city or acreage property. Tichenor, Deceased. THE CITY COUNCIL, tober 1, 1935, un til paid, and for zation of th e aforesaid Union High Monthly paym ents as low as $9.56 Notice is hereby given I hat the under­ Helen McDaniel, City Recorder. the fu rth er sum of $250.00 or such School d istric t—PER ORDER OF signed adm inistrator w ith the W ill an­ per month per $1000, including In­ First publication on November nexed o f the estate of Edith iM a ry ) other sum as the court may ad ­ C O M M IT T E E . 41 A lm a Tichenor, terest. — W ashington S a v in g s & 14, 1035. Last publication on No­ deceased, has filed his judge reasonable as attorney's fees Loan, Hillsboro. 39tf vem ber 28, 1935. fin a l account and report as such ad­ 39-41 herein, together w ith p lain tiffs N O T IC E OP P IN A L A C C O U N T m in iatra to r in the County Court of the No. 3594 costs and disbursem ents; State of Oregon for Washington County, 38. F a rm Loans N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S In the County Court of the State of Ore­ and th a t said fin a l account and report Second, for a decree foreclosing Nolle© Is hereby given th a t the under­ gon. for the County of Washington, has been set for fin al hearing and set­ Probate D epartm ent. FARM money to loan—The Fed­ signed, by an order made entered in the th at certain mortgage executed by tlem ent before said court at the court County Court o f the State of Oregon M artha In the M a tter of the Eatate of Ann room thereof In Hillshoro, O r «nr on, on E. Ross and Gilman G. eral Land bank now has am ple fo r Washington County on the 4th day Ryan Bernard, Deceased. Ross, wife and husband, on March Monday. December 16, 1936, a t 10 o'clock funds to loan to farm ers at 4%. of November, 1935. have been appointed Notice is hereby given that the under­ m. of said day. Over $1.000.006 has been loaned to executor and executrix, reapectiveiy, of 23. 1918, in favor of plaintiff, which signed. as Executrix of the Estate of a. Dated and firs t published November INSTRUCTIONS: W rite the ad plainly, print or typew rite. Count the number mortgage was recorded on April Ann Ryan Bernard, deceased, has filed 14, 1935. Date estate of H a rry V. Gate«, deceased. Washington county farm ers by the the N ow of last publication Decem­ therefore, all persona h a v i n g 6, 1918, at 11:00 o'clock A. M. in her fin a l account Ih the County Court of ber 12 1985 bank. W rite or call for particulars. claims . against of words. If the ad is to run but one week the coat ia two c^nta per word. For said estate are hereby Book 80 of Mortgages, page 303, in the State of Oregon, for Washington DAN P. C H A M B E R S . A dm inistrator —Washington County N ational Farm notified to present the same, together County, and th a t Monday, the 2nd day w ith the W ill annexed of the Estate of the second nnd each consecutive insertion of the same ad, the cost is but one Loan Association, J. M. Person, w ith proper vouchers therefor, to the th e office of the County Recorder of December, 1935, at the hour of 10 Edith (M a ry ) A lm a Tichenor, Dsreaaed« Washington County, Oregon, o’clock in the forenoon of said day and M. B Bump, residence a n d ad« tress. at «20 South Th ird avenue. of secretary, Hillsboro. 9tf undersigned cent a word. Minimum charge per issue 25 cents. TO GET RESULTS, state Hillsboro, Oregon, or to ua a t the office covering the following described the eourt rm of said court han been Hillsboro, Oregon, A ttorney for said of E. B. Tongue, attorney a t law . H ills- real property situate in W ashing­ appointed by said eourt as the tinid and Estate. 39-49 MONEY to loan on good dairv boro, Oregon, w ith in six months from plainly w hat you w ant or have to sell. Cross out needless words, then copy place for the hearing of objections there­ ton County, Oregon, to-w it: AU of to and the settlement thereof. h e rd s —E. A. G riffith, 131 S. 2nd the date hereof. Subscribe now to the Argus. Ia the result and mail or bring it to the HILLSBORO ARGUS, Hillsboro, Oregon. Dated and firs t published October 31, Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this 14th the East Half of the Southw est avenue. 7! I d a y - o f November. 193»- - Q uarter of Section Seven, in Tow n­ 1935. Date of last publication November Washington county $1.80 a year. 28. 1935. O. B GATES. Executor; HELEN Six months 85c. Three months 90 OLD new spapers for sale, 10 cents G A T E S H E IM E x a ru trlx. E. B. Tongn- ship Three South, Range One West C A T H E R IN E A. RYAN. Executrix tt bundle.—Argus. 18tf A ttorncy fo r Executor and Executrix. 43 of the W illamette Meridian, con- A lbert T. Kem m er, A ttorney. 37-41 cents. Tw o month* 33 cent*. F irst liwertlon, per word 2c Ruch additional Ingertlon, par word lc (No service per issue lew than 25c) FOR SALE or trade, buy mare, weight 14D0 lb».; also 40-foot windmill R. I, Adams, mile north- eutit of Hillsboro. tip (Venetian ticket, Pat Balfour, Rt. 1, Cornelius) If You Don’t Need It-Sell It! and if you W ant Something - Say So Write Your Ad Below— Legal Notices