4 Thursday, November 28, 1925 H IL L S B O R O ARG US, H IL L S B O R O , O R E G O N Pat* Th'rW June. The sum m er was g e ttin g , as heavy as he could toss. When midway up Io the discovery stake G qitli led across to the r ust side well along. he find pitched a dozen or so up- . Huxby had stayed on watch to on the cache platform, he strung of the trough After every hail keep the fire going. He m et G arth's i he started the portly m illionaire on be n d « o ld «, b j y ♦ ------ off-hand good m orning w ith a I the smoked slices of meat on r a w - ' again as soon as he could draw a a ■ t b m i a «a«| ra ta rrb . Raking aside the show of civility. His cool reason­ hide thongs deep breath. They kept plodding D o n ’t a n d a r e th l« t u r t a r a ing hail brought him to the reali­ smudge-fire, tie stood on the rack up t l i e tundra slope until at lust a n o th e r d a 7» A ab fo r a F R E K T R K A T M B N T now, T O D A Y . zation that nothing was to be and tied all the meat close up Mr Hamill's legs gave out. He under the cache platform. D le r o r e r b » w tb e u a n a d e b a r * daggered and collapsed. He lay. Mr and Mrs. Fred Rood cele­ gained by upstaging G arth. fo u n d v a lla f a w lc b ly w lt b He then climbed upon the plat­ I pm pie-faced and q u iv erin g . S|»eiit. brated th eir 35th w edding an n i­ When Mi3s Ramill left the lean­ Team standings In the various I When able Io speak, he gasped versary Sunday with a luncheon to. G arth stooped in under the form and piled the stones on the city howling leagues shifted some­ ' an appeal: ‘ Ka-quit! U'll kill— at their home for friends and re l­ | low roof and began to rub her tie-thongs w here they came around Tear free treat meat atives. Present were Mrs. A. E father's knees and hips. The m il­ the poles That would keep w olver­ i me!" H illis Io O p e n 193 6 P iny w hat from last week'« standing' n o r available a ll with the tie for first place b ro k ­ S eco n d T e a m D e f e a t e d by "No such luck." G arth bantered Osmund. Mis Stella Osmund. Miss lionaire groaned that he had been ine; or o 'h er pilferers from gnaw ­ ing the raw hide to let the meat A g a in s t T ig a r d f i v e en b etw een Perfection and F a ir­ Elizabeth Harris, Mr. and Mrs. T. stricken with a terrib le attack of him. "It's only the fat. If it was i i i l l i i S eco n d E le v e n H ills b o r o P h a rm a c y way .In the Commercial league. your heart, you 'd have died long A Hunt. Mis Betty Hunt, Mr. and lumbago and rheum atism . It was fall. No fourfooted creature could now get at the meat on the under Z. J. Riggs, Prop. before this. Open your coats and Mrs Alfred Osmund, Mr. and Mrs. impossible lor him to move. W whington county high school Fairw ay falling behind one garni side of the platform, and even Beaverton B eaver w ent dow n let the sun soak in.” Theo Osmund, and Mr and Mrs. Janketbull schedule bus been an ­ in this week's Humtnury. In the Heedless of the plaints, G arth I would have difficulty steal­ nounced with Junuary 1(1 uh the City league. Lentz and Pastime flghtipg before the pow erful Me­ 1 The exhausted man turned flat Donald Jackson, all of Portland; rolled the com plainer out beside ' ravens ing much of it. To complete the opening date for the 1930 season tied for third place and the I’liur- M univille eleven 0 lo 0 Fi 14a • on his back and basked. W ithin e Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rood. Glen the cold baked leg of moose. The job. G arth pulled off the cross Tigard opens tit Hilliiboru, B eaver­ rnacy-Hrlatol tie rem ained u n b ro k ­ November 22. An ear ly upfleld few minutes lie drowsed off. G arth Rood. Mr and Mrs. Wayne P atte r­ “sick" man ate more than e ith e r 1 poles of the smoke rack. A ’p t r • marcii, featuring end ru n s and off ton ut Forest (¡rove unit St M ary’s en In the National league. let him nap a long two hours, then son and daughters. M arjorie and his daughter or G arth. A fterw ard s.. (To to continued) drawn a bye The schedule: Individual high scores for the tucklu plays netted McMinnville started him on up the long climb Charlotte, and Misses G ladys and insistent urging and th e promise Dorothy Rood. January Kt Beaverton nt F or­ w eek w ere I.ee O ukcs, 19(1, A m eri­ In i lone touchdown of an easy w ork-out persuaded f Say you saw it in the Argus” Three hours later found them McMinnville kept the Leavers at est (¡rove; Tigard at Hillsboro; St. can league; Kalph Wilson. 222. Com ­ him to get on his feet. They wan- i still below the lower end of the hay by punting out of hounds near Mury'i. bye. mercial; If In la n d . 211. City; F glacier. G arth at last called a halt and shoulders, and held the cup dered around through the w oods., the live and ten-yard stripes. Mu- Jauuury 14 — H illsboro at St. llretthauer. 213. N ational league, 1 to the quivering lips. "Drink, or I'll I w ith frequent pauses in the glades. I the climb. He headed back. Mury's. and I. Hewitt. 190, Cannery. L ead­ bee, McMinnville buck, was u n ­ to Midway When, several hour3 later, th e v ! down to tim berline. Ram- I pour it down your throat.” doubtedly the out la n d in g player January 17 Forest Grove at T i­ ers in prize contest« are J. Corrleri retu rn ed to cam p Miss Ramill had ill collapsed, so utterly spent that A few iiuiiutes later the "dying” of the game. Pat Baird. Beaver gard; St. M ary’s ut Beaverton; for tin: George Wick tire, 059 pins com pleted one moccasin and was Hillsboro, bye. L. H ow e prize. J. Corrleri, 91 pins; half, intercepted two passes and he could not get up even after a m illionair(*began to eat. He bolt­ doggedly stitching at its m^te. H ux­ DAILY U NTIL MAY 14 long rest G arth took him. on his ed down the juicy tender meat u n ­ Junuary 21 Forest Grove at St C Eslinger team prize. Union Oil. covered a great deal of ground re ­ back by came down from the trough and packed him on down til sleep overtook him in the midst turning punts. RETU RN LIMIT SIX MONTHS M ary’s. .324 pins, while the Perfection B a k ­ w ith the gold pan. G arth melted to the camp, w ithout a halt. of a bite. I one Io llilhi Seconds January 24 Beaverton at H ills­ e ry w eekly cuke prize was won the last of the moose fat in it and Huxby and Miss Ramill w ere From PORTLAND Coach To urt« "Roll the blanket over him and boro; Tigard ut St. Mary's; Forest by R. Wilson with 222 pin Taking advantage of the breaks, They had pried the moose let him sweat,” G arth directed fried a heaping mess of m ush­ Chicago........... $60.10 \n .n (¡love, bye. In special plav Ktinduy, the C an­ most of them Beaverton fumbles. feasting rooms. For salad, he shook a q uan­ leg out of the fire hole and brok­ “He'll wake up a new man. I'll January 31—Hillsboro at Forest nery team dele.iied K eller Bakery Hllhl's eeond team trounced the en Kansas C ity .. . 54.95 70.60 tity of pleasantly acid sorrel from the clay shell The m eat had w ager he has worked off t e n (¡rove; Tigard ut Beaverton; St. 2U2II to 2U11 on the O regon Alleys Beaverton re erves to the tunc of Ixil* off th e bottom of his pail. With ber- , d to juicy tenderness. Even M em phis......... 65.00 87.40 February 7 Hillsboro at Tigard; in Portland; Perfection Bakery won 25 to (1 on the Hillsboro field the gristle was melted into gela­ pounds of fat. to say nothing of ries for dessert, the m eal became the toxins he's burned up. Next M in n e a p o lis .. 50.60 65.88 Forest Grove nt Beaverton; St. from th e New System L aundry of Thursday. In the first q u arter a tine. a banquet. While it lasted there ' climb he'll m ake the foot of the was a general glow of good feel- ! Mary's, bye. P ortland on the Hillsboro Alley . pa , from 1 aueson to Scofield gave New O rleans.. 70.80 81.05 When G arth laid her father in glacier.” February 11—St. Mury's at H ills­ 2548 to 2418. and Hillsboro Alleys , Beaverton her only touchdown ing. Even H uxby spoke pleasantly the leanto, the girl brought a big St. L o u is ......... 61.60 78.20 boro. Though spoiled. L ilith was far to G arth. defeated the Portland East Side Hillsboro scored three touch­ chunk of the best meat. But the Every savings cer­ St. P a u l. . . 50.60 February 14— Tigard nt Forest Term inal 2505 to 2335. 65.00 d o w n . in ttie second quarter. The m illionaire clim ber was too ex ­ 1 from being a fool. She had begun As before, G arth tu rn ed in a t ' tificate is insured Grove; Beaverton ut St Mury's. Sunday the Portland M antle club fii t on a pass from Tsugawa to hausted even to eat. His daughter to realize th at to get w hat she th e same tim e as Mr. Ramill. He j •‘Coach” tickets honored In Coaches February 21 Hillsboro at Beav­ will send u team to Hillsboro for Sigler after Hillsboro recovered a ' turned upon G arth. wanted, som ething more than w ish­ w akened to find the first pair o f ; only. “ To urist” t ic k e t s honored in ing was necessary. Her father had moccasins finished. The girl had ' erton; Tigard nt St. M ary’s. ¡day at 2 p. in. and unother team fumbled kickoff. Foelker scored | "A nother of y o u r tourist sleeping cars on payment of dam nable gone over to G arth. Even Huxby February 211 Hillsboro ut Forest from Portland ulso Is expected berth rates, and in coaches. the second from t b e eight-yard He's dying! You've killed ; had failed her. She could not be- met his terms. Grove, Beaverton ut Tigard. In the A m erican league during strljie. w here it had been advanced jokes! P r o p o r tio n a l fa re s to m an y o th e r He gave H uxby th e moss bed j him!” the week the Home Laundry won by Sigler on an intercepted pass. Eastern points. , lieve her fiance a coward. He was up to $5,000.00 G arth smiled approvingly. "So, ’ undoubtedly brave in his w a y. and started to collect flattish stones 1 and lust 2 to Fixit Shop w hile L ater in the q u arter Hillsboro after Choice of routes and stopovers la each you're capable of feel­ under the Federal arth had adm itted as much. He the Shop won 2 and lost 1 to again recovered a fumbled kickoff ing a all. direction. little concern for someone I G had called the engineer a wolf, not Chevrolet C hevrolet won 2 and and Sigler made the rem aining else T IC K E T S G O O D O K Insurance Plan. than yourself. Boil the cup i a fox. lost 1 to Koyul Soda and Royal yardage on the next play. T H E S E P R E M IE R T R A IN S tw o-thirds full of water, and put W h e n in D o u b t Soda won 2 and lost 1 to Home Ketchum scored another touch­ in enough of that sweet tea to The rub was over fo rp a rth . Miss E M P IB E B IIIL B E B (C n n lln u e tl fro m page I ) Laundry. down for Hilhi in the third q u ar­ cool it for drirtking." I Ramill's surrender m eant th at he via Great Northern R ailw ay plunge gamed four yards, a pass Pastime, in the City league, won ter. "The tea is hot already. I've ‘ was now the acknowledged master 11 and a first dun'll. An end run 3 games from Hornback's a n d NO R TH COAST L1M ITEB Give t O peretta of the party. Huxby had also ad ­ kept back Dad's share. I’ll give it via Northern Pacific R ailw ay took the bull seven yards Into Hil­ Lentz won 2 und lost 1 to C. C. m itted the fact by going off. in ­ Savings are accepted The operetta "M argie Goes Mod­ to him straight.” When in doubt what hi territory, a plunge and a fake Store. T O S P O K A N E . M IN N E A P O L IS . stead of following up his implied ern," starring M artha Lehman. "You'll warm that w ater.” in small or l a r g e punt chalked up anuther first down. S T. P A U L A N D C H IC A G O milk to drink Elizabeth In the Com mercial league. Elry's Rose Thompson and The m ining engineer stood up. threat of attack. He. however, would Abts crashed through on the next amounts to suit your Boeckli was presented by the girls' “I've told you to speak respect­ require watching. won J from Dodge und Fairw ay play to throw the Olegon City COM PLETELY convenience. glee club Thursday afternoon. fully to Miss Ramill." No man of th e engineer's coldlv ball carrier for an eight-yard loss. won 1 and lost 2 to Perfection. A IR -C O N D IT IO N ID calculating character would stop G arth paid no more attention to H eadquarters com pany in the N a­ The Pioneers punted to Chase. I C L E A N - C O M F O R T A B L E - Q U IE T Dieticians universally approve him than to th e buzz of a mos­ at anything, when the stakes of who niude u good return, hut Hilhi ! tional, won 2 and lost 1 to Bristol's the game m eant a placer w orth a quito. The girl looked expectantly I w hile Union Oil won 2 and lost 1 m ilk as the ideal diet for all N ew deluxe Coaches, lateat type Tour« wii penalized 15 yards for dipping at her fiance. He stood w aiting for million or more. M other N ature 1st Sleeping Cars, finest D ining C at purposes. D rink m ore of it! Wahner kicked from behind his j to Pharm acy. G ar'h to apologize. When G arth could now be counted on to keep Shipping departm ent ot the Can- Service w ith economy meals. own goal line to the visitors' 40. nery league won 2 the spoiled heiress in line. But lust 1 neither replied nor so m uch as to and M any fares are s lig htly higher f r o « hut Oregon City opened another glanced around at him, the e n ­ the Wild would only sharpen and your home station. For details, consult attack that seemed destined to Ray-Maling, w hile Rinnt won i 2 By Robert Ames B ennett Q u a rt intensify the engineer's craft and gineer's cold assurance gave way und lust 1 to B. E. Moling. Southern Pacific Agent, or w rite R. H . tiring a score. A reverse gained Crosier, General Passenger Agent, to doubt He turned and went down avarice. League S ta n d in g » 29 yurds and then Wahner Inter­ A m e rita n League— ( W N U Service C opyright by - W L PH S. P. ft S. R ailw ay, Portland, Ora. to the lake. A fter eating his fill, G arth took J. M. PERSON, Mgr. cepted u pass on his own 30 and L ia it Sh«'|> Hubert Arnes Bennett) 15 t» .C2*i Miss Ramill's eyes widened. She to Huxby's bed, beside th e smudge- LT 11 returned It 25 yards to end the Ito y a l .542 Savings & Loan Bldg. glanced from his stiff back to th e fire. He aw akened to find th at the < hrvm lsH 11 IT .425 Phone 2104 throat. Hillsboro Oregon P O R TLA N D ) buckskin clad shoulders th a t had sun had tak en its n o rth ern dip (C on ttn ue rl fro m l u t w eek) 9 15 .375 During the final q u arter most of Hom e L a u n d ry (Venetian ticket, Ernest Obermeier, Though G arth hod spoken of a so lightly toted her father into and was ju st slanting up again om m e rcial le a g u e — W PH . L th<- llilhi substitutes got into the C Rt. 1, Hillsboro) I 'e r f r r liu n U lo .5h3 climb, he first led along the lake camp. All this, had been a m atter above the m ountain crests. It had game One of these reserves. Henry 1 a irw a y 11 11 .512 shore to the Ireginning of the m us­ of seconds. In another moment she been under m uch longer than in Tsuguwu. showed promise of de­ I)o«1ire 11 IT .421 10 14 .417 keg swam p Then turned and slan t­ was darting over to the rill w ith veloping into a much-needed p u n t­ L lry 'a ( i«r l eague— w r » ed gradually up through the belt the tin cup. L er Late in the game, Tsuguwu got liombark'a 1ft U .«25 of spruce trees until the west side When she came to th e leanto CHEVROLET, off u 40-yard spiral fur the best <’. ('. Sture IT 11 .542 of the trough was reached at w ith the almost scalding hot m ix­ Lentz. 10 1 < .417 tim berline. punt of the day. He stopped to look at tu re of boiled w ater and tea. her Ime 10 14 .417 Mohr turned in a good perform ­ N Paat a tio n a l 1 raiut— W L Huxby w hile Mr. Itamil caught his father m uttered, between groans, 1'. t ance ut end for the loouls. contin­ H«*a 12 12 1T 11 .421 bowed considerable Improvement 1 'lu iil ftnjMnliea . » 10 .333 in offenslv* and defensive power" Wahner. Garfield and Chase starred on offense, w hile Abts und Torbet accounted for several m aterial O re­ gon City losses. Hilhi gained 179 yards from scrimmage und chalked up eight (('n n lin tird im m page lk first downs. Thu Pioneers advanced for having com pleted their the bull 80 yurds mid m ade five 100 per cent. first downs. Following the aw ards motion pie- ' tores w ere show n by the assistant Lineups: N ili.b o r a ! 1«) (•> Oregon C ity county agent. The m em bers of the LER E u rak club who received their achieve­ H ow ell LTK WtHtdward ment W u n de rlich pins were: Loren Trachsel li,K C uahing and Richard Haag, five-year pins; tó a le « date» « (¡••etter IH .I. H nldow Howard Trachsel. fourth-year ce r­ Kl unka rd tificate; Donald Hagg. second-year RTL . I lir n u m C h u rrb le y G re e n a litt certificate; M.O.r KEL and Lon K lnnam an, Mr. and Mrs.Rood C elebrate 35th W edding Date County Basketball Schedule Listed Season Opens Perfection Breaks Beaverton Hi Tie vvitli Fairway on January 10 Loses to Mac Sinus Trouble Syn-O-Spray Loir • W in te r J k U m d -'S u p . T a c ts t o s t 100% Hilhi Takes Win Over Oregon City Drink Milk Drink McFall’s CAUGHT IN THE WILD 10c Tualatin Valley Federal Savings & Loan Ass’n. McFall Jersey Dairy THAW, YOU, AMERICA, Recdvilie Boy Gets School Scholarshij A lfo rd Abta Q 1 Ind I . lllt < 'hase K H I. i T o r to l G a w lla ta W ahner 1 l l i l h i « ub e titu te a : H c h u h n rric h , G a rfie ld , Gundin. S e lfrid g e , S to u t. H im m e lrig tit. II. ( htirebley. C rltta n d o n , S u th e rla n d . W ick, Tm jgaw e. A b a n d ro th . Foelker, Prachka, W . G a rfie ld , H um g a rd ne r. P a c ific “ U ” W in n e r in C . P. S. G a m e on S a tu r d a y Pacific university defeated the ( 'College of Puget Sound 8 to 0 at Forest G rove S aturday in the a n ­ nual homecoming game. A 40-yard run by H alter, substitute freshman fullback, paved the way for vic­ tory in the second period. His dash was halted on the one-yard line and O’Neil took it over. F e w passes were tried, rain and muddy field making a sustained aerial a t­ tack impossible. We specialize In quality m ereiai printing.—Argus. for more than a Million cars in 1955 E. W . A L M Q U IS T V e te rin a ria n s Telephone Y O U N G ’S Funeral Home “•Thoughtful, Sym pathetic Service” Phone 972 Hillsboro r£.'9i N otice THE NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY will be issued December 20, 1935 It is in the printer’s hands, but there is still time if you desire any changes in your listing. O rder a telephone installed now and get your name in the new book. Notify Telephone Office WEST COAST TELEPHONE COMPANY JLhis y e a r C h e v r o le t h a s tw o v ery g o o d r e a s o n s fo r s a y in g s ^ T h a n k " Y e s sir,vd n a n I offer a friend you , Am erica.’’ _ , a drink it's ¡ust got to be good w h is k e y .. . and I believe you feel the same w a y . That's one reason I'm putting out my own Private Blend for you. "But I’m asking you to buy this whiskey. So I’ve got to think about taste and price too. I’ve thought a lo t...s p e n t 6 0 years making whiskies, and study­ ing how to make them. they have been on display.' Chevrolet is indeed happy to say, One reason is that people haie bought ''Thank so u , A m e r i c a and to pledge so m an y Chevrolet cars that production continued adherence to the m anufactur­ for the y e a r w ill reach 1,040,000. ing and service policies w hich have won A n d the other reason is that they- have • - s. placed a record number of orders fo r new and held the friendship o f the nation. CHEVROLET MOTOR CO., DETROIT, MICH. 0/ NEW GREATLY REDUCED G.M.A.C. TIME PAYMENT PLAN 6 "Here's a whiskey I’m mighty , proud to offeranybody to drink j and the price is one that I don't ( /Q h a v e to m a k e a n y excuses for asking you to pay. K R I Or PRIVATE BLEND W HISKEY Jiiiitii Kt' h r D istillin g Co.. Inc. Executive Offen: 405 Lex 1 niton Are . N. Y. ___________ THERE’S WHISKEY FAME IN THE KESSLER NAME -SINCE 1875 I 1936 Chevrdlets during the fir s t fe te weeks Lowest financing cost in G .M .A .C . history. - Compare Chevrolet's low delivered prices. CHEVROLET