The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, November 28, 1935, Image 1

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    Special Christmas
Shop Early
for Christmas
Shopping Section
Volume 42, No. 4 I
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Hillsboro, Oregon, Thursday, November 28, 1935
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First Try Hillsboro
Hillsboro Greets Yuletide Saturday
Transition of Hillsboro from ev­
ery day dress to full bloom of the
holiday season has been underway
throughout the past week to cul­
minate in a complete transform a­
tion Saturday, with th e f o r m a l
Yuletide opening to which resi­
dents in the Hillsboro trade area
have been invited.
The event will begin when the
doors of the various participating
stores swing open in the morning
and continue until closing time at
night. W ith the closing hour, the
business streets will blaze with col­
ored lights and lighted windows at­
tractively stocked with Christmas
Christmas greens are already in
evidence along the streets and most
of the lights already are in place,
while stores have completed ar­
rangem ent of stocks to most ef­
fectively display the hundreds of
attractive gifts, which mark the
national change this year from de­
pression to better times.
Shoppers in Hillsboro Saturday
will find larger stocks than in the
past few years with merchandise of
better quality and variety, the mer­
chants point out. Evidence of this
may be found in the advertisements
found in the Argus. Readers are
T T ILLS BO KO STOKES are again loaded with gay,
irresistible Christmas merchandise to fill the ev­
ery need of even the most exacting holiday shopper—
there’s no need to go elsewhere.
* •
Merchandise o f real worth—glittering trinkets—
vie with each other for attention on local shelves.
Enormous stocks, new merchandise, endless variety
—everything to make Christmas shopping a real ad­
venture is to be found in Hillsboro.
urged to study them carefully and
then come to Hillsboro Saturday.
Under the direction of a commit­
tee formed from members of the
retail trades committee of t h e
cham ber of commerce, plans are
being made for the annual dis­
tribution of gifts to the school chil­
dren, which will take place on the.
Saturday before Christmas.
At this time Santa Claus, in his
time honored costume, will be in
Hillsboro to visit with the children
and pass out some 1,800 bags of
candy. Complete details for this
event will be announced later.
Among the advantages of Christ­
mas shopping in Hillsboro, the busi­
nessmen point out, is that the stores
are easily accessible without dodg­
ing the huge and dangerous holi­
day traffic. P len ty o f p a r k in g
space is available to visitors and
stocks are fully on a par with those
found in the largest cities, both as
to quality, variety and price.
Large numbers of extra clerks
already have been added to the
various store staffs insuring im­
mediate and personal attention to
each shopper with courteous a t­
tention to your problems and as­
sistance in meeting th a t gift prob­
lem, which may be troubling you.
1 | ' HE SPIKIT of Christmas will invade the city
Saturday. Stores will be gaily decorated, brilli­
ant lights and Christmas trees will line the streets.
And to top it all off, Santa Claus will make a personal
visit with a candy gift for the kiddies.
Make Hillsboro your Christmas shopping head­
quarters— shop early while stocks are complete —
make your selections away from the crush and conges­
tion of metropolitan centers.
Two Sections