H IL L S B O R O Page Two ARGUS, C apacity Crowd S c h u lm e r ic h T a lk s o n ¡ ¿ 'a I "3 O T A ~A /T l a x e s a t 15>v¿ 1 ♦ IV Ieetcau.e,u,< °n Attends School t Ogf iJ JJJ . 1 lii tl H IL L S R O R O . Thursday, November 21. 1935 OREGON jPast Chiefs’ Club Plans Xmas Party Dolls Represent Book Characters for Observance I Past Chiefs' club of Phoenicia The Red Cross M embership Roll. .» «. i Temple will have a C hristina- V party on Friday night. DeeeniberO, T h a n k ^ m « d :.> and if you haven't enrolled in this ¡at tin1 home of Mrs. Dora Nelson, with Mrs Emma McKinney as as­ great h u m a n i- A school program was held at sisting Dolls dressed to represent c h a r­ hostess, according to plans Edward Schulmerich. president o f ' -omc opportunity to find himself la n an work, do , bt, junior high Fridas night w ith in hooks are arranged in an the'C om m ercial National bank, was • ¡n a v d aj interest The senior high so at once. If a capacity crowd m attendance, made at the meeting Thursday acters interesting display at the Hillsboro •the speaker at the Business and schooi offers fov bovs the Senate solicitors havi Mrs. Charles Hines id Korest G rove night at the home of Mrs. J. D library this week, in conjunction ’Professional W omens meeting *ri- c(ub ltu, Hl.y tlw T ry -S quare,and not called upon ghorCed scenic pictures of Oregon, Anderson, who was assisted by w ith the Book Week" " ,,'v h y collection o .'c c u o n : - .day night at the chamber of com- i , hp B)U(? H elub< Thc girU have you. or failed after which the following musical Mi Mrs D F It 1. Rutherford Moore received high Juvenile books. These dolls were ■ -m erce rooms, "Taxes being his th(? pllilo cIub and the G irl Ke. to find you at num bers were presented: vocal solo, ,s i dressed and filtered in a recent ■ ¡subject. Mr. Schulmerich s a i d serve, open to all girls U lth the home, you may Miss Maurlnc Moore; violin solo. score at bridge. Mrs. I loyd Brown contest by children of St Matthews al rummy, a n d Mrs. Iteiiriellu th ere would be no privileges w u n ­ leave vour stito- . . , .... ,, , new Pep club, open to boys and ______________ . . _____ violin __ .__ Still), Esther Wick Mi school, w here la ttle Red Riding .out taxation, and if the selfish se lli-.1- ■ g¡rjs A u these groups are under scription at the U oyd Anderson: tap dance, Bar- Mi rgnn received honors in a guess­ Hood, entered by Evelyn Solder, ing game during the social time .ness could be wiped out of the | teacher supervision. This list does A rg u s o f f ic e bara Moore The 8A2 class furn- age 13. won first prize: Robin • human heart, our tax problems | n0| include m any activities in music and r e c e i v e isheii a one-act comedy. Those tak- which followed thc business m eet­ Hood, entered by Flora Crittenden, •would be solved. a„d athletics. your receipt and button. Lend a ing p a it w ere M ariorie Sigler, Bil- ing. Names w ere draw n for the age 10. pluced second, and Little . He said that the proportion of pleasing musical num bers w ere hand. Do unto others as you would iv Lieder. Fdssin lin n . Neva Zicg- Christmas party, when each guest L ord Fauntleroy, entered by L or­ -laxes borne oy incomes shouId be given bv thc Misses Dixjp L eeM ac. have others do unto you." ler. Eleanor Reed. Charles Tows, w ill receive a present from an un­ raine Selinoider. age 10. placed 'a b o u t one-third of the total. as Dowell and Shirley Kelley. Since last roll-call Red Cross has Jack Howe, and Robert Hurd. known fi lend - . ar«,. r . .. third. Among other characters d e­ 'th e re is no basis on winch to p ic - -pbe program was in charge of spent approxim ately $700 in relief During the play a song entitled picted are H an^ and Gretel B rink­ Prize w inners in tin' 7A geography .p a re the budget on incomes, not p auj Patterson. The comntu- and disaster in Washington conn- “S parking Peg Jane" wan sung er, Clara Barton, Little Black Sam ­ -know ing what an income would be ^ity sing was led by Mrs. Mel- ty. w ith a possibility of needing by Neva Ziegler, and Jack H our map contest w ere Billy Cyrus, first: bo, Alice in Wonderlund, Priscilla ¡from one year to another. Budget bu¡sb w ith Mrs. Lym an Howe at more for the coming year as most This same group sang an action Winifred Wiley, second. Edith Sah­ Dean. Little Maid of Old Belgium. .D U * be levied on fixed values tbe p¡ano of the governm ent help will be song, "We've G o t th e Mumps." as now. third: Evelyn Ann Busoli. Mary. How Does Your Garden .th erefore he thought real property >rbe p p president. Mrs. H. w ithdraw n. a final number. Teachers and pu- fourth, and Earl Olsen, fifth. M other Goose, and Huekle-1 The 7H spelling class has com ­ Grow'', . should carry tw o-thir-|s of t h e H Stannard. presided at the b u s i - ------------------------ pits of the junior high appreciate berry Finn ¡taxes Mr. Schulmeri .» said t.iat nvss ,nce. , n ,. alld jed a panel dis- Service Club Meets— t[lt‘ interest in their programs, pleted the first lap of a spelling New books shown at the library .th e first year taxes were levied on cussion o{ the state convention at ,,.,n T,,.,.-a.,„ 'vhich is taken by the parents race The winning side treated the a r e ’ Measuring Ethiopia," b y Service club will meet Tuesday P rior to thc program the 8A2 class losing side on Hallowe'en. .incom es half of the income taxes Medford. Slx delegates from Wash- evening w ith Mrs. W inifred Sel- sang their jng at thc meeting of Several classes have established Coon; "Flight Over A f r i c a n .w e re paid by • persons who . had m j g i o n c C0Unty , ook p art_ Mrs. Alan o u m y io o k p a r i — a i r s , zvian » ...a,,,, ft V T m i n r i w ill *- o • m n m ii •never be— — the tax —n- >en on rolls, o thus Knight and Mrs. A L. Modin of S taistass^ •U?*tnemta>is the Business and Professional W om- attendance and deportm ent r e c ­ Jungles," Johnson; "G reen Hills of ords. The 2A at P eter _____ Boseow _ Africa," Hemingway; "Queen Vie- ■proving the value of the income p r , Grove Mrs C arl Christenor b assisting hostess. A ll in e m b e i-s , b . 1 .. e n ris te n ir are urged „ . , witti an enrollm ent of 20. lias 28 b ’1'*»»-" Benson. "Gold, Orchids and irged to attend as the annua Record Good tax - of N orth Plains. Mrs. Law rence year book w ill be compiled. pupils, who have been neither ab- Diamonds, LaVarre; "A ttacks on An unusually large num ber of sent nor tardv since the beginning Everest," He spoke in favor of the sales LaDue of Aloha, Mrs. S tannard Ruttledge; "Catherine, students were on the honor roll in of school. tax, saying that you had to have and Mrs. R. P. Rasmussen of Hills- N. E. W. F. Meets— P ortrait of Empress." Kans; “Fae- the money before you paid it, and boro. the first grade at the David Hill The ,’ U class at ju n io r high hus ‘»K Two Wuys." fshimoto; "My National Economic W elfare fed- !.aat, °?'T r : At the close of the meeting about eration wUl meet tonight (Thurs- Those with the fine records are: completed thc fust three weeks of Country and My People," Lin Yut- wise. T hero are 2800 tax-levying 100 parents and teachers enjoyed day» at 8 o'clock at thc old Grange Bob Amacher, Elmer Barber. Wes­ tlus six-w eek period w ith no checks bang; "Edna. His Wife."’ Barnes; | bodies in Oregon, according to thc a social hour, and refreshm ents hall. Speakers from Portland will ley Gibbins, Jim m ie Privrasky in deportm ent. "Silas Crockett, " Chase. "Illyiian speaker. Be citizens, be patriots, w ere served by Mesdames W. J. be p rese n t The public is invited M arjorie Boyd. Beitheilda G em - Several students have been ab ­ Spring." Bridges; "Inquisitor." Wul- he admonished members of the Enschede. J. W. Barney. Elmer to attend. hart. LaVonia Hobiu. Coletta l.ed- sent due to illness. Rosaline Weil. pOle; "Tin Can Craft." Hamilton; rlu b ,-as the greatest duty anyone Johnson. W F. Cyrus, J. L. Searcy, erbrand. Polly Molhuish, Patsy 8A at ju n io r high, lias missed sev ­ Demi Window." Pickford; "Green can do is to raise other citizens to and A. L. Amacher. • Douglass. Jessie l ’lapp. Helen Tsu- eral days because of influenza. Rushes," Wulsh; "B rothels Three." Brother Dies— a higher plane. J. C. Moore, Newberg night of­ gawa. and Shirley Traughber. Mildred Bose has been out w ith a Orkinson. and two new books of Tile 6A at the ju n io r high has severe O ther num bers on the program Historical Pictures S h o w i^- Aya lw asaki of the games. More inform ation on these ficer. died at Newberg November b ^ M lt° P ^ rtle n ngw U h ^ An interesting display, including U, He was a sister of Mrs Anna composed several good courtesy 3A at P cold. eter Boseow underw ent an books will be given later in the X s i c composedi bv “the accom pln- historical Episcopal Lear of Hillsboro He is survived and safety plays, w hich will be appendicitis operation at the Jones Argus. presented to their own room. The 1st. Mrs Lyman Howe: a song, churches in \ irgima w here fa- by the widow three soms. two sis- 6B class has started practice on hospital, and is on the road to Good Time Dance recovery. "We've Got the Mumps." by Miss mous People such as George Wash- ters, and two brothers. th eir play to be presented Decem­ At G range hall every Saturday New Pupils Enroll Esther Wicks’ class, w ith Miss Patrie! h e n ry worship- p vtbians vruii_ ber 6. d­ An unusually large num ber of night. Georgia Hess orchestra. A Wicks as accompanist; a reading Pcd: of ..»e monument to the moth- • -„-Korc nf » h n lru-ot The 2A of the Peter Boseow 29tf by Miss Martha James: piano solos °hfin^ e,°r8b * a.sn*n«ton_j.. a,’d of R ntahte of lod^e headed schoo‘ has Just com pleted Indian new students enrolled in the schools mission 25c by Mrs Fred Sewell, and a play- cathearal in Washing- Krughts o f P y ’h * « lodge headed portraying Indian life of this week. Rose Mary Buss. 8AX Dance at Helvetia let by M argaret Sahnow. Emma tbn',v Dv,rC " . t ^ - 1!ast restl" g place I o n - tasited Cesm o^o?hln tadem ‘he Algonquins. Sioux. Pueblo and and her brother H erbert, 8A. at At Helvetia hall Saturday night. Mnhr P lains Paldwoll and T11H O drcw n llSOH. IS s h o w n in L°ng. \ lSItea L l ."inopoiltun lOuge, v , junior high, and Paul, 3A. of Peter November 23 Modern music, ev ­ SaO m I ;i.^ h a 7 r m a n do r “h eam tm le r- Argus window this week. The Knights: of Py thias, in Portland N axajo Jndtans. The 3A of the P eter Boseow Boseow, came to Hillsboro from erybody welcome Admission 2Se. Decatur, 111. Betty Nelson, 4A, at ship committee. Miss Gussie Sig- P.lct™csA,w efe *,r °bght in by Mrs. Thursday night. school is busy “feeding" some tu r ­ ler, presided, and was assisted in X , G ardner of the All Saints p e| I>bjans yiee» S tate Capitol News L etter G iv­ keys w ith perfect spelling papers Peter Boseow, is a new pupil from arranging the program by her Eptscopal church, w h o received _ . . . North Platte. Neb. Two new m em ­ ing the highlights of official ac­ Delphian society met Monday at Jhe»e da>s. The tat tu rk e js ai .......____ b e r s of this same class are Dorothy tivity committee. esdam es n R o o u b t e 'r r i t a a l“ Mrs. E. J. j Ellingson. ut Salem.—Every week in nimiuee, M m esu am es , ern from r . L th« hnmo n t M>-< V w H arSno. ,o to be taken home on Thanksgiving. Ihanksgivi iisi.ll F lvi R atrh elir Andrpv form er Forest Grove resident, who lne nome ol Mrs. v. w. G aroner ; and Helen A ndre from N o r t h ] the Argus. tf Russell, Mt-« ii ? is traveling in the east for one o’clock luncheon. Mrs. E. Tbe bl,a® , t]as startetl Eaton, and M us Rowena Her- - « e a s t. q ,;Good w ,j Club- and each mol Heaton ntorn- Plains. Bud Edwards, 6A3 at the ju n ­ mann. nt- Ml« Aitan had „ charge m , « n C h o of ' r music w i„ be was the subject. M i» P earl Allen of t A A program iv "China" _______________ ed by the reading and discussion ior high, returned F riday from a nine-day trip to Idaho. a discussion on Efficiency in I-o- en at thc Methodist church b Bthe a a r- r of special stories. The increasing am ount of m im eo­ cal . Government, Miss Lee of , Pay Each member of the 4A at P eter . . . ___ . th e second of _ a a cappella choir u nder the direc- , A udra . , Gorton ... Continuing our series of discussions on "Steps To- tion of Prof claren c e Faris This ette' Idaho' arriv ed th is w eek to Bose ow school has a star, w hich graphing at the ju n io r high neces­ ! ward , a,n ®£ficient Democracy." choir is composed of tw enty-five slaJ * 'ith T hbr g o d p a r e n t s Mr. they will try to keep for a month sitates the appointm ent of two new SPECIAL Mrs. Zola Morgan gave a report trained voices from Portland The and Mrs- J ’ R Betzer, and attend They may keep this if pencils and operators. Jack llow c and Nev on the district convention at The full evening will be given to th it high sch° o1 here Her parents have fingers are kept from their mouths Ziegler. 8A2. Dalles last month, and Miss Em- program of - music. A silver offer- — i . .......... ----- .i------ “ 0 — ^ j 5° Idaho z - City, w ■ here there — This room is having a special ma Mohr gave some highlights on ing w iu be taken w hich ,,, b ' is no high schooh cam paign for cleanliness, which is T rinity L utheran Church Services begin at 10:30 a. m : flt ,he local churoh in carrying Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Schulm erich showing splendid results. , a 1 O on its program of music during the attended the dedication of the new T here are a few new pupils in Sunday school nt 9:45. At this serv- »1=0 -Vear The entire com munity is in- P ythian hall at Yamhill Mondav the schools Earl Foqua of I-ako- ice th e Lord's Supper will be cele- thn PnfM« e?i,,K c b vi,ed ,o take advantage of this evening and Miss Alice Schulm er- P°rt- Cal • enrolled in the 8A2 la.-t brated. Announcements for Com- 01T 0 clu“. s S' children u L j”135 musical treat. ich Tual- received on Chanc/ Friduy. party for . under-privileged home visited at the e Percy e cy Jones aones week: aUn Edmund M m itchell em ber from q( thp 2A munion Sprmon will topjc be „The , Mrs. Harold Russell (Roberta Returns from California— class, and M axine McCluey from -J e r. 8, 20. You are cordially wel- Barnesi a recent bride, was pre- Mre. J. h . Freudenthal, who ac-1 Mr. and Mrs. Robert W atts of the Heywood school is now in th e corned to w orship w ith us sented with a gift from the club, companied her sister, Mrs. Hulda P ortland and little Frances Dee and 4A. The Holiday Season t h e president, Mrs. E. Fayetta Emerick, to California a m onth S andra M arie D arety of North Several pupils have missed school G if ta with all its gaiety and Allen, making the presentation. ag0, returned home Friday eve- Plains spent the week-end w ith Mr. because of ¡line < The 6A class Handm ade gifts for every occa- ’ Thanksgiving decorations w ere ning. She visited w ith her sister and Mrs. E. B. Watts. at th e ju n io r high w as happy to sion.—322 E. Washington St. 38-41p celebration brings a used on the dining tables, and the and relatives at El Monte. Cal., at- Glen Norton, coach a t Toledo have Billy Ziegler retu rn Tuesday greater demand f o r dinner was served by the educa- tended the fair at San Diego, and high school, spent the week-end after a two w eeks’ absence because T urkey Shoot these newest, b e tte r tion committee. Mesdames Marte visited other places of interest in w ith his grandm other, Mrs. M aty of an infected foot. Glen Rosen- Sunday. November 24. at H el­ Dresses. We have some Hoffman, G ertrude Ide, Georgia California. She rem arked partic- Sabin. awof of the 4A at the Peter Bo~- vetia store, beginning 10 a. m. Srnith, Louise Riggs, and Miss Hila ularly about a very heavy frost j,jr and j4 rs q g M ariner at- cow school has been ill several of the new metal cloth, Cornelius. which caused considerable damage tended a card p arty Saturday night day s- Tw0 cases of chickenpox crushed satin, mate- to truck gardens during her stay at the N. A. P eters home in P ort- w ero reported, that of Bonita Ed lasse, a n d nove lty in Los Angeles. son. 1A, and Velma Gallup. 4A, land. ... .... . . . both at David Hill. Irene McCain crepes — There a r e Miss Holder Speaker— A rth u r W ahner, who has been of th e IA has been absent w ith double duty dresses, Women's M issionary Guild of the employed at th e Safew ay store and z|u Methodist church w ill hold its an- later a» Fairw ay, is now at Bush's afternoon a n d street Bud Edwards. 6A2 at junior high. ZX# retu rn ed to school after a nine- dresses— And the more morning. December 1, at the M r,. M ary G reene of Darby. day trlp t<) Idaho. formal dress with its church. Miss Edna Holder of Sa- Mont., spent th e w eek-end w ith The 7B program was enjoyed metal cloth jacket. during an auditorium period at Value of 4-H club w ork for lem' iu rloughed m issionary from Mrs. M ery Sabin and fam ily. young people was clearly demon- {."n*3’. ^ y e «fthv addrass' and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Stum bo and the ju n io r high recently. Those strated at t h e regular P arent- ?v! ' aPPeaJ in M ohammedan cos- son of Salem visited Dr. and Mrs. taking part in the one-act play. They are only Teacher meeting Monday night at ‘ume" R. J. Nicol Tuesday. "Oh, G randm a," w ere Robert O gJ- $ 4 A .00 the union high school. Two young .Mrs. B ellinger Hostess— Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Taggart spent bee. Jack Schukart. Leon B a n n e . 4-H club members. Miss K athryn Mrs j da Bellinger entertained Sunday w ith Mr. and Mrs. Spencer ®‘Ily Foelker, K ate lw asaki, J£ an LATEST IN NEW Cawrse of near Hillsboro ----- and Miss in Portland. * nn P as’ey' Irene Darnell. The f ‘ j a fam ily dinner party Suae day Jones ,, ... . ... . ... last num ber w as a song by the Lois Bierly of Beaverton demon- Present w ere Dr. and Mrs F V WATCHES Mrs. \ !ctor M innen of McMinn- en tjre ciass "Way Down South", ™ J ?ver ,manner- using p rjme and family of Salem and ville spent the w eek-end w ith Mrs. cardboard models, color and line m Mr. and Mrs w H F j R f Charles L. W alker. Are now here, including the (Om itted last week through error) M r^ rH e 1T ea