H IL L S B O R O Pap** Two of welcome at tl>* reception. He i also was the only one to receive 100 per cent in the entrance exam ­ ination in English. Mr- Nora Dooley of Forest Grove v is ite d her mother. Mis. M A Dodds. Sunday. Mrs. Dodds r e ­ ceived word last week of the death Y am ­ of her niece. Mrs. Frank Watson, County Steiwer Talks Luncheon Meet Banks Student Play Selected AR G I’ S . H IL L S B O R O . Senator G eorge W. Aitken will tell of th e special legislative session a Thursday. November SI. 1935 OREGON J i Portlanders Fly After Shirt, Tie law re trmi. fo r W a h ln y to n C .iu n ty In ih e M a tte l u f thè ! * •• W '|| nnd T e •» , m eni end F a ta te »»f l «nih i M a i y i A lm .i T ic h e n o r. I>e» •••» e«l N o t ile I» h e r.l.y alven tb.U th è um let » iirm il a .Im ln l- U a to i w lth «he W lll un nexcd •»( llu e d a ’e o f l« lltb «M unì A lm a Tt« hem»r. de» ea»rd. h » • flle d In fin a l aeeounl and re p m t n» u ib tot m liu * t r a in r tu thè County « u ri •»( Ilo» S ia te o f Ore««»n fot W u,»blii|’ l» n ( ’«»unti am i ( h a i * * id fin a l eeoouitt am i l e p . u i ha* boen »et fo r fin a l bearli»« and lle itic n l befu re *ai»l «••»ut a l thè ctniri I ria.ui tb e ie o f in llilU b o io , O »e«on . n I M onday h e re m b e r l»>. IM> >. et l u o . l .k | a m o f *ai«l «lay. ! O aied and ftr« t |»nl»,l he«l N<«ven,l.« i In In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Washington Coun­ ty ch airm an . In the M atter of the Estate of John O Mlkeison. Deceased. To Michael Mikvlson. Anna Frick. I Record long distance Hop Homy Mikvlson. Amelia M lkei­ Solon* Program Choir to Visit from N O T IC R TO C N R P IT O K M | for a shirt probably was set son. Lena Gilson and Edward (CoalimiMl fr.,m pace I! Notice la hereby ytvyn that the under- m Portland, Mi- Watson haa Vis­ in Hillsboro Saturday when for Next Monday and recom m endations for the posi­ Mikvlson, an insane person, and hill; Pick Ferns *(l to p re *e n t the Name, tiaretb er • I I . IW#3 Ito le «»f lu*t im ld h a ib m l»e««*ni passing I neckties f r o m The Men's other hand these men are handling gon, you are hereby cited and re ­ w ith p ro p e r voucher» fh e re io r. to the I ber 12. 1IMI.'. of six women and four men. Mr and Mrs Clifford Sandy. Mr. the buck for anv mistakes of the I Shop, operated b y l.yman DAN I* illA M IH llS A d m ln U t ra to r quired to appear ill the County nndorwitfhed at lift) S o u th T h ir d avenue. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Sellers' vis­ and Mrs. Ernest Marr. Francis other people's money. Howe and Wells Travis is an ||ill» lio r ii, O re yo n , o r I«» tia at the o ffic e w ltb th è W ill unnex»•• o f thè l a t a le "I am not fam iliar w ith this type session on to their colleague: Court of the State of Oregon for itors Sunday were Mr. and Mrs Thompson and Mamie Sandy vis­ attorney f»t law. H U h- Eallth « M a r y i A lm a 11« ben«»». I».•. »•.« l I army flying cadet The parly Washington County at the Court o Im f ro. t* O It re Totttfue. Dwight Sellers of Hillsboro. Mr ited Mr. and Mrs M aurice Thom p­ of man and in fact have met only M II llo m |t. reciderne a n d n id i. gon, w ith in aix m onth» fro m Friends of W alter Fi ber of Rose­ | teok Wells for a sky ride in Room thereof in Hillsboro in said the «late hereof. tiill» b p r» , Ore««»u, A tto rn e y f»o q and Mrs. Bernard Sellers of north son and daughter at Vernonia S u n ­ one of (he big money men in my b u rg are grooming the Douglas ■ the Stimson four-place plane, F a ta le t il t ’ experience,” he rem arked "This County and State on or before the h a te d at IlilU b o r o , O re gon, tin» 14th of Banks and Mr. and Mrs Charlie day. county state senator as .» demo I which is owned by Fields' man told me that he was opposed «lay of N o vem ber. 1 *3 * tilth day of Deeember. 1935. at the Sellers and family of Iowa Hill. To Play Grove cratic candidate for congress from | lather and which Fields was hour of ten o'clock A M of said G A o T E S li. H E O IM A T K K S x . e r u E tr x ia e c u to E. r II I T I E o n I . « K u N - B Forest G rove will play Banks in to the investm ent of other peo­ the first Oregon district. The boom i piloting. Choir to Visit ple's money when the y ard stick of day to then and there show cause, A tto rn e y f«»r E x ecu to r and E x e e u tria 41 WIN A TURKEY Next Sunday evening at church a football game Friday afternoon the dollar was not stable and an was started during t h e closing if any there he, why an order the junior choir from Yamhill will on the Forest Grove field. investm ent today m ight be re ­ week of the legislative, session, for Thanksgiving should not bJ made, rendered and E T O < M E IU T O K S join the Banks junior choir in w here Fisher gained prom inence a moro m odernistic building of the entered by the above entitled Court In th e C N o O u T n IC tu rn ed tom orrow at less value." ty C o u rt o f the S la te o f O re - presenting a few num bers You are the author of the eapitol recon­ kyscraper type. f»»r W a*hiit«t»»n ('o«inty | in the above entitled cause au ­ In iron. • The newly annnounced Canadian as invited to come and see the c h il­ the M a tte r o f th e F a ta le o f H e n ry bill ultim ately adopted thorizing. • empowering, 'licensing tariff came in for some criticism. struction lle im o b l. heeee»e«l dren in their choir robes and lis­ the session Fisher has served i and directing the /Administrator of N o tk e 1» h t r w y t lv e n , th a t the und er- When the power to change the by ten to them sing. Yamhill Epworth several term s in the state legisla­ *ia n e d ha* been d uly unpointed by the the Etsate of said deceased to sell tariff lies outside of congress, he Similay and Ihanksglvlng l».t> League will attend the Banks e n title d C o u rt, « * A d m in is tra tr ix first in the house and later in i at private sale to the highest bid­ o al.ov«* said, this pow er has the effect up­ ture. f P v M is * H e le n A s h a h r) f the estate o f «alii det'ea*ed. and ha* League Sunday evening. the senate. In addition to his legis­ der for cash in hand the real prop­ «luly «i ua 11 fled a« »ucb. LAUREL RIDGE—A benefit b as­ on business of uncertainty. Mrs. Kieben Named lative service Fisher is a World erty belonging to said Estate and ket social was held in the S h er­ Now. th e re fo re , a ll per»on« h a v in g This delegation of power to ad ­ w ar veteran, active in the w ork of Sunday school and church boards wood school gymnasium Friday A. J. Vance has organized the particularly described as follows. c la im * rtgatnwt *ai«l r o ta te a re hereby just. he pointed out. has been go­ East of I'ark on IlighM'ay n«»tifie«l am i req u ire d to present the the American Legion, was until r e ­ W ater Softening Equipm ent com­ i to-wit: met November 13. Mrs. C h r i s Kieb­ night. Proceeds were to be used Name. («»«ether w ith propel voucher* Hillsboro. Oregon en was elected assistant superin­ for the Sherwood girls' basketball ing on for years in governm ent cently a m em ber of the W orld, th e re fo r, t«» the umieraiirne«l at the law All of Lot num bered 9 In the tendent of the Sunday school. The team. An interesting play. "Corn- and has set in motion a process W ar V eterans' S tate Aid com m is­ pany w ith headquarters at Beaver­ o ffic e o f HugL*\ A lla r e , in the l u s t FREE TURKEY plat of Heaver Acres, situate Bible class has elected Mrs. C. B fed Babies.' was followed by the by w hich these gentlem en may sion. and is in the m ercantile busi­ ton to handle w ater softening N a tio n a l H ank H u ild m « , in lill|»burt», in Section 7. T. 1 S R I W Each week effect our business affairs to such equipm ent of a nationally known O re « •»». w ith in » ix m ontha fro m the Tresham as th e ir teacher. auctioning of baskets. A fter the an extent that no one can forecast ness in Roseburg His popularity eastern m anufacturer An ad v ertise­ of W illamette Meridian, accord­ d ate hereof. at home is attested to first by the Special music and dance at El. • Crew Employed refreshm ents everyone danced to the effects. D ated thia 14th «lay o f N«»vember. 1*98. ing to the duly recorded plat fact that he was elected over his ment announcing the Introduction Y K K O N IK A l ib . I. M O I .h . A d m in is tra tr ix Chateau Saturday nights and G rlbner Brothers have a crew of ! music provided by a local orchestra. thereof, containing 3 77 acres, "These powers determ ine to what republican opponent from a coun­ in Oregon of this equipm ent ap ­ o f (b e K *ta te of »aid heveancd Hattley Thanksgiving men picking ferns a t different B irthday Celebrated in Washington County, O re­ H a re . A tto rn e y « fo r A«im lui»tra« degree we can forge ahead." he ty. which is overw helm ingly re ­ pears in another part of this paper places along the coast. They are trb 3*-4.1 gon. It is claim ed that the hardest Mrs. H arriet McClure was h o n o r­ said. publican. and again by his recent busy at their plant in Banks sort­ ed w ith a surprise p arty Thursday w ater is rendered 10C per cent soft said sale to he made for the pm - Reference was made to the World appointm ent to the senate by a or "zero hard" to use the tech­ pose of securing funds with u Rich ing and packing ferns for ship­ ! night by tw enty-one members of republican beard of county com ­ w ar and the price paid by the ment. nical term, after being filtered to pay the liens against said Estate, ' the Rebekah lodge. The occasion United States in loss of men, ex ­ missioners. through the w ater softening eq uip­ with the interest theroon. and the Mr. and Mrs Oscar Love and was Mrs. M cClure’s birthday an ­ penditure of money and loss of • • • claims against said Estate and the family of Thatcher and Mr. and niversary. Jerro ld Owen, secretary to the ment. which contains a m ineral costs of adm inistration thereof finances loaned to Europe. All this, Mrs. Max Dreezon arid son of Mr. and Mrs. F ran k S kinner of he pointed out. had its effect on state bonus commission, reports the called zeolite. Witness, the Hon Donald T. M ountaindale visited Mr. and Mrs. West Linn visited at th e S. S the present economic situation. The sale of 154 properties for an ag ­ ' Templeton. Judge of the County O. D. Dreezen Sunday. Stearns home last week. total cost, he declared, cannot yet gregate of $383.489 during the first i Court of the State of Oregon, for Moxie and Ida Hopkins spent L ittle M ary Nystrom is quite be estim ated. ten months of the current year i the County of Washington with the Armistice day holidays with ill. C. F. N ystrom is also confined — ask for — (B y I. R S frtib h ) Steiw er then told his audience This, he points out. represents an the Seal of said Court affixed, this Mr. and Mrs. Verl P rickett at to his home w ith an attack of the increase in sales of more than 300 Lester Fenn of Portland is spend­ of the theory of n eu trality in vogue 13th dav of November. 1935. Neah Bay. flu. per cent over the record for the ing a few weeks with his uncle. SEAL. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Lester Rev. and Mrs. Simpson of L ib er­ at the tim e of the w ar ar.d how it entire year of 1934 and is re ­ Frank Gcnzer. and family. Attest: EDW C LUCE. Clerk Sells, November 15. a girl, at the ty, form erly pastor of M ountain eventually brought about our en ­ garded as a fairly accurate index F. P. Bailey has a new team of 1’y Z. H Hiatt. Deputy 99 11 Jones hospital in Hillsboro. Home church, visited friends and trance into the w ar through our to the im provem ent of business horses, which he purchased near Mrs. Charles Shipley attended a relatives in this neighborhood T ues­ dem ands for freedom of the seas conditions generally throughout the Hillsboro. N O T I C E T O I H C n iT O U S A senate investigation, he pointed dinner Friday given by women of day. Nn. «117 state. Miss Wilma Rosencrons visited h'..*tafe of I'rnii iimih J Sittwe the Christian church in Forest Mr. and Mrs. Jam es H arris and out. disclosed th at this theory had • • • much to do w ith w hat happened Miss M arian Maxwell in Portland In the C o u n ty ( \ u i r t o f th e S ta le o f O r* * Grove at the home of Mrs. L ind­ family moved to Tigard Sunday to iron. f«»r the C o u n ty o f W n ah m u to n The state tax levy, w hich will Sunday. strom. be nearer Mr. H arris' place of em ­ in 1917. N o tic e i* hereby irivett th a t the tinder* Frank G cnzer made a business • itrn n i hn* been appoint«»«! T he new theory, as exempli i fed probably be made public this week, R. N. A. women served dinner to ployment. a iln t iu U t r a t r ix j A W ashington County Product will provide for the lim it that trip to Linnton last Tuesday o f th e R a tate o f htifi»«l , Increased income tax collections, M aster Henry Schm idlin of V er­ eith er belligerent or may citizens to prevent the «ante, «inly verifiesl u* by , week with Mrs. Bella Hartwick. Donald Edy and John S trickler Mrs. Leona Robinson was b ruis­ left here Wednesday m orning for travel on ships flying flags of however, will cover the increase in nonia visited George Law rence S at­ Say you saw it in the Argus. ed and injured her side and back Iowa w ith a four-ton truckload of belligerents. In the U nited States, the levy so that the load to be urday. in a fall last week. She is im prov­ dried prunes. They plan to be m akers of m unitions w ill be li­ borne by property owners will be censed and so the business of w ar no greater, if as great, th an the ing. Beaverton Church of Christ gone about three weeks. the 1935 levy. Mrs. W illiard B urnett of Kansas Mrs. Pierson of Middleton left m aterials will be u n d er govern­ property tax under O ur m id-w eek service on W ed­ • • • m ent control. The substance of the nesday night at 7:30 includes a — City visited Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tuesday for an extended visit in Although th e commissioners, who period of tim e for Bible study and Wilcox and family Sunday. Indiana. H er home has been re n te l theory is to isolate th e country 4 from th e zone of action and so for the school term by Professor are to supervise construction of the young people down to the ju n io r League Party Friday keep us out of the struggle, he new eapitol. have not yet been se- > age are also invited to these serv- The Epworth League is giving a and Mrs. Robert Sumners. pointed out. The bell, which for m any years lecte i speculation is already being ices. This is followed by a junior party Friday evening. All members O ur safety, he said, depends on indulged in as to the type of build- and adult choir practice to which of the League are invited. The has been in use at th e Rex church party will be in Rieben's em pty and prior to that at th e Sherwood the good or bad judgm ent of the ing. which w ill replace the old anyone that can sing is cordially house. Yamhill Epw orth League F riends church, has been donated commission charged w ith the en ­ eapitol, and the num ber of b u ild ­ invited. Services for Sunday are to the M iddleton Friends church, forcem ent of the law. Pressure al-i ings to be constructed. Legislators as follows: Bible school, 9:45 a. members w ill be present. Mrs. Emmett Shipley and son together w ith the pews, used in the ready is being brought on the in discussing the problem in com ­ m., T B. Harris, superintendent: Ellis and Mrs. Charles Shipley of Rex church, which m ust be torn commission, he said, to broaden the m ittee and cn th e floor were em ­ communion service followed b y Banks, Mrs. C arl Shipley of H ills­ down to m ake room for highw ay policy and allow more trading with phatic in th e ir dem ands that ad e­ preaching, II a. m. Young people's those countries now em broiled in quate provision be made for the meeting. 6:30 p. m. Preaching in boro and Mrs. George M cFarlane construction. F ran k Carson has gone to Reseda. w ar in Europe. state library, cither in a separate the evening is preceded by a song - and daughter N adine of Forest Ray-Mai fancy quality. Cal., to visit his brother, L. A. The people of America, he said, , building or in m ore commodious service a t 7:30, w hich is in charge , G rove visited in Portland Wednes­ must decide w hether or not th e r e ' Carson, who is a building contrac­ q u arters in the eapitol building. of the young people. Anyone h av ­ Packed in our own day. î shall be control of m aterials o f 1 Sentim ent «imong : ? law m akers ing no other church home is u rg ­ Mrs. Flora M unford is spending to r in th a t city. home town. Malcolm Johnson of G arden . w ar or blood on the money paid also inclined tow ard a state house ed to participate in these assem ­ a few weeks in Corvallis w ith of conventional design—dome and blies w ith us.—M. Putm an, m in­ her son. Kenneth, who is a p rin ­ Home is visiting at th e S. S. for such products. LARGE 2»/« Representative E. L. Ross and wings and colonnades—rath er than ister. S tearns home. cipal in the grade school. Mr. and Mrs. W. Dickinson of Banks Alumni Win SIZE TIN W estimber CCC football team was The Dalles spent the w eek-end at the G eorge L. B aker home. defeated by Banks high alumni Phone 3251 2nd and Main Streets FREE DELIVERY Byron Stearns retu rn ed Wednes­ November 13. 13 to 7. Wishing You and Yours a Very Happy Thanksgiving day from a tw o w eeks’ trip to A lbert Stafford of Taft visited Prices effective Friday, Saturday and M onday, November 22, 23 and 25 friends and relatives i n Banks Chicago. Verla, H ubert and D elm ar Aebis- Sunday. Produce Prices for F riday and Saturday Only cher w ere week-end guests of th e ir Frank Wahl Speaker C. Wahl attended, the recep­ grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Fresh and tion given for the freshmen of Aebischer, in Newberg. bunches Benson Polytechnic school in P o rt­ Crisp If you change your address k in d ­ land Friday evening. Frank Wahl ly notify the Argus direct and at was chosen out of 600 freshm en Prices for Fri., Sat. and Mon. Large, firm to give the response to the address once. Nov. 22, 23 and 25 Red-ripe berries New crop - Hallow! the meeting Monday, it was a n ­ nounced. L T M ePheeleis will be Capitol News Letter on Benefit Social at Sherwood Success Turkey Shoot A. J. Vance Starts Firm at Beaverton ELRY'S Chateau When Ordering Butter Green Mountain FOREST GROVE Grade A Creamery Rutter 8 Special V a lu e s PUMPKIN Gc A. DATES .L 15c U I Let’s Talk Turkey Golden PU M PK IN Del 2,/ Monte :.s 2 c.n . SNOW DRIFT 3-Ib. can 53c Raisins. Thompson seed ­ less. (2 lbs. 10c) (6-lb. can ................. 99c) PEELS — Orange, lemon, citron. Lyons. W ESSON OIL 75C S W A N S D O W N L, pU8 Raisins, bleached 1-lb. cello .................. MINCE MEAT — Kerr’s 25c —and Turkey reminds us of M ATCH ES Fred’s Superior Market IS H °me curetl» half or w hole. SEA SO N IN G BACON Lb 20c 12c 15c SIRLOIN STEAK Lb C.n ............. 15C GINGER ALE — Cliquot S,b -. ..........10c (Q uart .............. 20c) SPICES—Schilling’s. Ground. 2-oz. can ..................... RIB STEAK : LARD. u. 14c ......... 3 ,t„ 25C FR A N K FU R TE R S, 2 lbs. and K R A U T , 1 quart. Both for ... ............ 35c SUPERIOR MARKET 5 D eliv eries D aily A— =2! CHOCOLATE— B aker’s Premium . -4 >| _ Pkg. ...........14 c COFFEE Columbia Best 23c Lb............. L7c Lb. 1 FRED’S Res. Phone 3Î1Z, — fg- DC Lg. 14-oz. bottle 3 bottles 25c 10c PICKLES— Libby's sw eet. Pint Pin . '............ 23c (Q uart .................3 3 c) i Q uart 43c, cAX r‘tan: 15c NOBILITY Fancy Cookies Pkg. Dromedary or Ocean Spray CATSUP Ju st the thing for those d inner cocktails. No. 4 bottle . ......... (N o. 8 bottle ___ 20c) CRANBERRY SAUCE 25c M U T T O N CH O PS N alley’s or Best Foods. 33c r""' Ki'';s'“: 25c 25C SHRIMP BEA N S' ,,, n r A C San Wan or Libby's, 2s. r 2 cans CORN Del Maiz. fancy cream ............ style, 303s. PINEAPPLE J U I C E R Is, 2 for ........................... 15c, GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 5, Del Monte or Floridagold. (Picnic, 2 for TOM ATO JUICE LiK „ (Is, 2 for MOLASSES A" MOLASSES A T I I R J I R v z A * l M .X ¿A L L 1 LARGE PKG. m e a s u rin g m p fre e 25c , 49c 25c 15c, 39C 15c) , .... cn KelI°g8's 2 sm all pkgs. m easuring eup for 19C 29c 23c | J 15c 2 ibs. 29c Just right for ....5 ibs. 10c Baking .......... 2 ibs. 9c SHRIMP OLIVES. Stuffed or green Your choice of flavors. O FANCY DRY PACK Make a shrim p cocktail for your Thanksgiving dinne, .........25c BISQUICK biscuits. Lg. pkg. 29c JELL WELL % u" 14c M A Y O N N A ISE FANCY GOLDEN RIPE FRUIT .......... An t/Cz CAKE FLOUR Thanksgiving reminds us of Turkeys Celery Hearts Cranberries Sweet Potatoes Bananas 10c 5-02. tin — PEELS — I.emon. Orange and Citron— Pound Glazed Pineapple or Cherries— Pound 23c 29c JELLO or JELL-WELL Makes an appealing salad. All flavors. Pkg........... Fresh and fluffy. 5c MARSHMALLOWS 1 V 10c PINEAPPLE U ,M .°îï;,' Ä “':“; ........... 9 c PURE CIDER Your i out,qiner. GALLON ........................ 14c M ARA SCH INO C H E R R I E S ^ : . S “- 10c 2 GIANT SIZE BARS CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP W ith purchase of 1 large pkg. PEETS GRANULATED SOAP FREE 40c VALUE ALL FOR XATI IT Armour's. 25c tall fan s Candies and Nuts Specially Priced for the H oliday. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES n m iin u s mflRHCT IN O E P F N Ö r .N T L V 'it O W N E D *i’ • * -rw ,