Thur«, IV. November 21. 19.36 H IL L S B O R O ARGUS, Tî 11. î, S B O R O , O R E G O N P a je Piva Don’t Look Up and Down the Streets, Read the “Houses” Ads, Real Finds A Ready Market with Big Results at Little Cost - - - Classified Columns Close at 10 A. M. W ed n esd ay -- - Too Late to Classify Accepted Until 5 P. M. Wednesday Ten Free Venetian T heatre Tickets in Classified and Display A dvertising— Check the Ads for Your Name. Cuuut Word*—Si nd Money tí. W a n ted — M iscellan eou s 14. Cars, T ru ck s, T ires to secure from the Federal Error- rate of 5" per annum from Oc- hvarine and settlem ent before ««id court gi ncy A dm inistration of Public tober 1, 1935, until paid, and for nt the nourt room thereof in, on Monday, December 23, 1935, First insertion. per word 2c a n d used to n » m u c h in c rv FURNISHED Works the aid necc-s ary to finance the further sum of $250.00 or such Oreiron. hi lu i. cloek a. ni. of «aid day. sale by Lester Ireland fli ith p riv a te ' bath, for rent No the project. The said City reserves other sum as the court may ad- Euch additional Insertion, Dated and first published November 21. l lt f 4017 An;« 39tf the right to hold bid., for a period judge reasonable as attorney's fees 1935. D ate o f last publication December |n r w i n d I* of sixty days from the date of the herein, together w ith plaintiff's 19, 1935. (No service per linde lesi WOOD wunted In trade for menu- FOR people who wunt to self- 24. D A N IEL EI.I.IH PURDIN and MILKS 35. P igs H ouses opening thereof. costs and disbursements: than 23c) ment work Alio light trailer for service their automobiles with C. I’lJRDIN. Joint Executor« o f the Lest The United States Employm ent Second for a decree foreclosing Will and T estam ent of Mali«»« J. Jack- sale or trude O re g o n Monument ! Power Seal, send $1 check or rnon- WEANI.INK, pigs for .ale I to s SEVEN-ruom modern home a n d 10c Itcadirs, per lino Service has designated an agency that certain mortgage executed by aon. Deceased. M. II. flump, residence Works. U tf ' o n le i tO H C H a id e r , lOtli Alexander. Rt. 2, Cornelius; Iowa «?, bath' bl* k frorn business section, at Hillsboro, Oregon, to furnish M artha E Ross and Gilman G I"'1 (»<■«•>". Attorney i and Walnut S ts . Hillsboro; care of Hill. Black Face Heading Perm itted 49 Price $1830, $75 down, balance $15 Labor lists for this work. Ross, wife and husband, on March ______ _________ " ' 7, H elp W an ted Follls Service station, or Kt. 4 tf Cash should accompany order. monthly includes interest. Phone The City of Hillsboro further 23, 1918, in favor of plaintiff, which NOTK E TO CREDITORS , i. , J TEN 8-weeks-old pigs for sale.— 2001Z 40-1 r<-.ervei, the right to reject any m ortgage was recorded on April Out of fairness to all no In­ s-e w « k . Hillsboro Motor Co. 40 No. 4370 MAN wanted for Rawlcigh route WE buy nnd sell used cars. and/or all proposals and to accept 6. 1918. at 11:00 o'clock A. M. in In the County Court of the S tate o f Ora* formation on the C l a s s i f i e d of IKK) families. Good profits for We want to buy 75 u s e d , , . , 37. Loan* such proposals as are to th e best Book 80 of Mortgages, page 303, In . . SOW to furrow soon, for sale Ai­ gon. for the County of W ashington Pug« will be given out until hustler. We train and help you e a I’M. J. ( . Ed w ards. I bert Meier. Kt. 2, Beaverton interests of the City. the office of the County Recorder In the Matter o f the E m ta Le of Glen the paper Is issued. Write toduy Rawlcigh C o, Dept. Sw alley, Dee<*ased. Home Loans By order of of Washington County, Oregon, a a k ' -------- 3--------- i------- P h o n e H ills b o ro 2R7. Mg OR HO SA2. Oukluml. Cal 3ll-49p N otice Is hereby given that the under« i ¡9-4 50 i « es for s a l e . — _____ - For building, buying or refinanc­ THE CITY COUNCIL covering the following described aliened Hnzeiie Sw alley M illar haa been Paine's Auto Top Shop 39tf , WEANI.ING ing on city or acreage property pigs for sale. 8- appointed A dm inistratrix of the Estate Helen McDaniel. City Recorder real property situate in Washing- 8. W ork W an ted A n n ou n cem en t* 1. _ ' ' " , week l-old Adarn Bella, Oren Monthly paym ents as low as $1) 58 F i r ' publication on November ton County. Oregon, to-wit: All of J* f Glen «'«L. 8- al,»y- . f i * » ’*1' , by„ 1 * * 16. Furniture, Piano*, Radio* co. 39p ' per month per $1000, including In- 14. 1935. Last publication on No- East Half of the Southw est ^ „ h'f U.mrtv ’end h .1 7 « * . i'll II IE kittens to give away. Any­ WORK of any kind, housework or ____ terest. W ashington S a v in g s A vem ber 28. 193 1 39-41 Q uarter of Section Seven, in Town- ifi«d. All person« having claim« «gajnat one who w ants one call at 459 ve iling wanted V. t a C . i e. 2411 BARGAIN. H-tube super hetrodyne 2 8 Loan. Hillsboro. 39tf Horse* --------------------------------------------------- ship Three South, Range One West «aid estate are hereby notified to ursaeid II.nicy A le 40|) E Jefferson St., Hillsboro. 40p radio, $22 50; two punchlng b a g s ! — NOTH F O F S M F O F K FA I r>t the W illamette Meridian, con- ,h*' duly verified as by law re- r. o r A i,r . o r H E A L , a i n i n 2 on a c r e „ m o r e or le s s to '‘uir®,,• “ > ‘ h* undersigned al the office Farm Loan* ivAM-rt’iv m i . , ' ;ind stundt. 152 S. Fifth Ave T ele-| TWO tnare colts, 1'-2 years and 1 38 PROPERTY BY* ADMINISTRATOR J i l t T ' r J r ^ i ,f "f ICI,*'»” r * Iml.y. 15.17 Venn Hu,Id- EVERYBODY know« tlmt our P er­ W* N. ED Plowing or team work . 472. 40 months old. 2 'i-v e ar-o ld geldirg. . . ,. . , , , g e th e r u ith a certain parcel of, ing, Purtiand, Oregon, w ithin six months Will take trade, w hat have you ’ -------------------------- H 13OO. , b w o rk fect Blue W hite Diamonds are horse. — Dan FARM money to loan—The Fed- Notice is hereby given th at in land situate and bordering upon i from the date hereof. priced lower than most Jewelers Have purebred Jersey bull f o r AUTO rod! radio for sale, reasonable I O'Brien Bethanv 40p eral Land bank now has ampli pursuance of an order o fth eC o u n - the West line of the above de- . V 1 flr ,t vubii»he*• Service, Hillsboro. Phone 21X east of Hillsboro KALE or trade for good cow: situated in Washington ---------------------------- ------------------- Loan Association, J. M. Person i ‘'« 'o r of said estate w ill sell at or less, 1 WILL not be responsible for FOR 37tf Cream separator, good condition Tubes tested free. 9tf a private .'e to th e highest bid- County, S tate of Oregon; that the NOTICE to creditors FINE young team, 3200 lbs., sound secretary, Hillsboro, oivone's debts but by own I BARGAINS in used furniture. - ------ ---- d e r for cash in hand, all of the mortgage described in plaintiff’s No. 4M9 311-411 “L’il A’."d‘' 1 May W Martin in d true, sacrifice for quick sale. and plow. Just right for small tract, i See Horn back, 155 S. 2nd Ave., MONEY to loan on good dairy ii ' n . t of the e ’ate of said de- com plaint be foreclosed and the In the Couny Court o f th« s ia t« of Or*- -— C all Hillsboro 444 40 « c,« r* r, i _ a . . i . . i r vi ■ _ . i ‘ . . . . (Tun ft,r fkia* i’»»« . Glenn Curr, Rt. 2. Portland; m ile, before you buy. herds — E A. G riffith, 131 S. 2nd cedent in and to the following de- mortgaged premises be sold in one ln '^ 1 « f m « I ^ Co 7 X ° E . « . V Ui« h ‘ f’ *«" .h 30tf Lost and Found 3. southeast Bethany store T elep h o n e. W Hbed property, to-wit: parCel ln the m anner prescribed. S w .ii.y S«n on b •. . , * ’ * Buth FIVE head of horses for sale or 36F4 38tf by the laws of the s ta te Of Ore- . N otice 1« hereby »¡van that th« und«p- Beginning at th e SW corner 17 F u el LOST purse, light gray leather, trade for what have you. Ray gon . and the practice of this Court; pointed ’ ’'-"T'1. ym.°°'J b«nt..n h u b«en ap- of the Donation Land Claim of eiintalnlng papers a n d s h e ll- 11. Delaman, G aribaldi Ave. Phone 7i_ Adm inistrator o f the E state of To Swap Jam es W. C ham ber and M ary th at the proceeds thereof be ap- K,rh Swalley Demon. De.-ea»e.i by the rimmed glasses K e w u rd Mr*. 40tf, FOUK-foot old growth, $2 50. d e­ 2107. plied tow ard the paym ent of plain- County Court o f the s ta te o f Or«Kon. Cham bers No. 54, thence n o rth ­ M i i . Sabin, city to FOUR ladies’ union suits, silk and livered, $3 75; lU-inch hardwood, tiffs decree, costs and accruing . W»»hinxtou County, and ha« uual- NOTICE OF ROAD MEETING erly on the line between said , . . i ash, maple, alder, mixed. $3.50 SPAN of mares, black and gray, costs; that at said sale plaintiff „id -A .l J-avim , cla im , .« a tn .t claim and the donation land d delivered. $4 75. E Alt. 8 2800 lbs., $65; pair black gelding3. To the legal voters of Road Dis­ LOST or SI ra ved Black dueh.H-I *001. laige size, J wool sw eater! . Ha*d ealat« are hereby notified to im -a n t ,, ■ . . single . horses.—F. „ W. ... claim of Thos. and Mary O 'chin be perm itted to become a pur- the »«me. duly verified «« by law ■*. bund with brown mark!) igs. Iasi Iulu skirts, si e .16 boy s earn« I miles 38tf —— 3000 ■ lbs: also trict No. 1. W ashington County, south on Laurel road. chaser; th at plaintiff have a de- sulred. to the underslaned at the office in said County and State, 15.85 ■ in Thursday Name, ''B eagle' j hair eoat. 14-18, swup for chick Walch, 1500 feet south Newton sta­ Oregon.’ 40p FIRST class wood for sale. — Ray tion. ficiency judgm ent against the de- ?r * Imlay, ir.17 Yaon Buiid- chains to a stake 4 rods S. of R e w a rd M rs A I. Jensen, 519 K | ens G. S m k I**, Heedvllle, 39tf Notice is hereby given that pur- fendunts, M artha E. Ross and Gil- 7 m dm'e heX f’ * ‘in **’ m°nth* th e center of a swale, thence L in c o ln S t P h o n e IB34 4()p j 1 Venetian ticket, Frank Kosmalski Delsman, G aribaldi Ave. Phone rA M ”7 f 1 , , in n n -„«a ionii suant to the provisions of Section Rt. 3. Beaverton) man G. Ross, wife and husband; Dated and fir s t’ published Nov«aib«r B« z \ IV* o i .« iio r s iis, a 1 WK) , 3 na 1 «» . iXJ 44-1 «« $ 11 1 •- c» i oi t the • i »- easterly running parallel with 2107 49tf 44-1504 -» -, « 1 i. lbs., . w . hite LOST Persian eat. silver gray, fo- ; H. Graham and Ellen Graham , hus- 7. 193s. La«t publication December 5. and sorre . t for sale, Q j OJ and L Section f ]930 d said swale, to a stake on th e m ule R e w a rd M iss R u th Jo n e s, 12. For S a le— M iacellaneou* 18. band a n d wife: A lexander K. :9'i*ivMn«rr. .... line betw een th e eastern and b a r g a in .-G e o rg e Sinclair place, « resident free- Seed*, Plant* Lumsden. and Isabelle W. Neate. the R u M .H .y 'nD?„7n°rD.' 334 E liasvlilie. 40p 4 -m ile north Reedville. 30-4Op hold£ g of Road Distrjct N j w estern half of said land claim a single woman, and against each ceased. Klepper « Imlay. A ttorneys, 15t7 No. 54, thence southerly on said , ..B A R N Y A R D fertilizer delivered. IHGHE H1F.ST quality trees largest as- (Venetian ticket Thomas E Young. Washington Count o n_ ¡lled H )t NI s e ter dog w ell-trained Call25(i8. 40-1 sortm ent greutes values G raft- Rt. 1, Beaverton)_________________ jn lhp Countv C ourt of Washing- of them for any portion of said y ,,' n Building. Portland. Oregon. 3H-42 line to th e southern boundary jrtm ent. W alter Demmm. J miles e i i s t ---------------------------------------------- ---- ; pd Suckerless decree rem aining unpaid; th a t the ~ ' “ 5 of the aforesaid claim, thence filberts, w alnuts, j j g j j t horse for sale for trad e for ,on County. Oregon, on the 19th of golf cotirue 40p CARBIDE light plant for sale. 12 prunes, pears, cherries, defendants above named, and each NOTICE OF^ F,N \t. ACCOUNT w esterly on the southern boun­ a p p le s . heifers or chickens.—A R. Hund- ^ay of November. 1935. that at 10 dary to the place of beginning, and all of them, be foreclosed and i„ u,e County Court o f the s t a t . o f o « - I (K T T ew eled f r a te r n ity D i n 1 ou,l<', c. 2 chandillers, 3-burner peaches, apricots, grapes, ornam en- , .. , .. ... .. . ... o ' c I ock A M. on Saturday, the Delta Chi Reward W V. PMc- O*ne.rBL0L hol.‘? . a00*.Pound? i8** ; ubs. etc ^P rem iu m R«,ses lr >- •* - n“ b'h N i r th day of N er. 1033, in th e barred of all right, title, claim or »on, for the County o f W a sh in g to n ., containing 39.18 acres; a l s o interest in the premises described . pr3bltr. Department. land beginning at a point on carbide, cost $300; sell for $50; u se d free . S e n d today for our 45th An-1 HARNESS Circuit Court Room in th e Court Kinney, Argus. in p lain tiffs mortgage except the nRy,n Dec««df th* of said claim line 48.84 chains — — i iLery„ 1,.l.,.le » . n /'e rs a ry sale circular. - Carlton Have your harness t ieaned and House in Hillsboro. Oregon, a Dis- S. 17’ W. from said NW .c o r­ Ht. 2. Phone Scholls 1051. right of redem ption allowed by N otic« is hereby given that th« af>d«r- 3911 Nursery Co. 35tf oi,ed Now js , ho best tim e to , r ict Road m eeting of the legal M od ern ize 4. law. and that plaintiff have such Signed, as Administratrix o f the «slat«’ n er of Lenox Claim and ru n ­ have it done. Remember that oiled voters of Road D istrict No. 1, Wash- other and fu rther relief as is meet D»"1*1 Ryan, deceased, has rii«* h * /* ning N. 74’ 07’ W 23 40 chains, PLASTERING by day or contract FENCE posts for sale, 10c de- N ursery Stock harness looks better, lasts longer, ington County, Oregon, w ill be held a n d e n n it n h lA final account in the County Court of thence N. 17’ E 7.03 chains to J the S tate o f Oregon, for W ashington Patching a s p e c ia lty C O livered Ray Delaman, G aribaldi MUST be sold High grade Ju n l- is easier on the horses. We are | lor the purpose of considering the the center of th e Glenco-Port- Service of this summons is made County, and hat Monday, the 2nd day Churchill. 322 E Washington St Ave Phone 2107. 34tf per. A rbor Vitae, Cedar. Cypress. M u lp t^ d to" d o * th e ” j"ob for you advisability ' of levying _ a special ___ land Road, thence S. 74’ 07’ E. upon you by publication thereof o’clock in the forenoon o f xaid day and Plume 2152. 3Htf , Z~“ Spruce. Yew. Azalia, Rhododen- prornptiy at reasonable prices, bring and additional tax of not to exceed 23 40 chains, thence S. 17° W. CALLING C u r d s —Every w om nn1 drons, Abella, Aucubi^ Box, Caton- , yours in today. ................. in the Hillsboro Argus, a new s­ the court room o f »aid court ha« been I tw ° an d • one-half mills upon the 7.03 chains to place of begin­ MODERNIZE your home with con­ should have calling curds as a so- caster, Daphne. Heather, G randa paper of general circulation pub­ appointed by «aid court aa the tim e and g ome of you wju be needing ne-.v assessed valuation of all real and ning, containing 16.43 acres and crete septic tanks, well, curb and j cial neceaslty.— See The Argus for Holly. Laurel. Magnolia, and many lished in W ashington County. O re­ place for the hearing at objection« there­ sets o{ barneS5 for next season's personal property w ithin said Road and the settlem ent thereof. subject to $1.000 mortgage. Also chimneys Portland Concrete Pipe | quality work gon. once each w eek for a period to Dated others. Plants for edging, hedge, work d o you know you can save District No. 1. the revenue from and firat published October II. an undivided 44 interest in of six consecutive and successive 1935 D ate o f last publication November A Products Co.. 5H19 S. W. Maca- ____________ ___ o r _ garden. ___ ^Expert ___ ___ money by placing your order now? which tax. if voted, w ill be used wind-break, lots 2. 3. 4. 5. and 6. in Sec. dam. Portland. Phono ATwatei APARTMENT for Rent. No Smok- landscape udvice — Drew N ursery com e? ¡n? and^led us explain why I for the m aintenance, construction. weeks, by v irtu e of an order 2D. 1935. CATHERINE A. RYAN. A dm lnl.tra- 16. Tp. 1 N.. R. 2, W. W. M., 4921. 29tf >1'«. r « r Rent, For Sale. No Beaverton, eust end of 8th St. Ask Asi. us ... .h n n f ouj* m ~ “ J ------- ------------ ' made by the H onorable R. F ran k about tim e paym ent im provem ent ‘ and rep air of ' County j Peddlers, etc., signs for sale at The Phone 11U05. containing 129.45 acres. Also 35tf plan. — Spicker's Harness S h o p , roads and bridges w ithin Road Dis- Peters, Judge of the above en­ trix. A lbert T. Kemmer, A ttorney. $7-41 1-8 interest in rem aining >4 titled court and entered in said 6. W a n ted — M iacellaneou* Argus. 27tf Hillsboro. 39-41 trict No. 1, W ashington County, NOTICE OF FIN A L ACCOUNT interest of said land. Excepting court and cause on October 25, 20. Farm P rod u ce— Fruit*, --------------------------------------------------- i Oregon. No. 4307 from the above th at 7*2 acres WANT farm lighting plunt in good 23. P ou ltry 1935. said period of publication Estate o f M agdeline Ochs. FOR SALE—One good farm horse. Road District No. 1, Washington In the County Court o f the Satate of' tract described in Deed Book condition, r e a s o n a b le . — F. A . --------------------------------------------------- 50 lbs. F ranquette w alnuts fori w eight 1450- Frank Pranger. 2 County. Oregon, em braces all of being the period prescribed by said for the County o f W ashington. Brady. Rt. 1. Cornelius. 4 0 p 'S IX W hite Leghorn pullets. 5 ___ F page 612. deed records of order. The date of the first pub­ In Oregon sale,_ $5 ______ Dunzer _____ Sisters, 1 «-mile , miles north of Cornelius. 38tf said County w hich is not included tlie M atter o f the E state o f Magdeline months old. $1 cash: 2 fine stock west Witch Hazel school. W ashington County, Oregon. lication of this summons is the Ochs, Deceased. 40P ' _______ l -----;--------------- ----------------- w ithin th e corporate lim it of an N otice 1« herebv given that the under- WILL pay for building to wreck roosters; 4 purebred Bantam h e n s --------- - - - ----------------I HORSES for sale. Team s a n d ¡nrnrnoi*t«d'tow «i- or cltv All the above described Dnds 31st day of October. 1935. and the f' i the lumber F. A. Brady. Rt and 1 rooster. 35c each Mrs. H V. CULL, potatoes for sale. 25c sack. sinoios rznn m lfion nnnnr)«_ „ j ... d a te o i m e la s t p u o u c a u o n in e r e - “ ; executor o f the « t a t e of M ag-; being in W ashington County, singles, 1200 to 1600 pounds.— date of the last publication there Dated this 19th day of N ovem­ i . « h » 1OSV. deline Ochs, deceased, has filed hie F in a l- 1. Cornelius. 40p McFall. G aribaldi Ave. Phone Hills- Takle stock. 50c sack — Albert j Dwight Hulit, Vj-mile north of ber. 1935. Oregon. of js the 12th dny Of December, Account in the County Court <>C fethr- „ hero 2104. 40 Koch, l t i miles east of Orenco on Rock C reek store on Cornelius Pass WASHINGTON COUNTY COURT I Bids or offers for the purchase 1935. ___ State o f Oregon for W ashington Count», WANT w a ln u t m ea ts, pay Jlc fr> 4 of said lands should be m ade in WM. L. BEATTY, __ _ of A ttorneys ,h*' Monday, »h» r«th day or r>e- Cornell road. 4«-l roatj. 35tf Donald T. Tem pleton. Judge for No. 1 light, und 28c lb. for ; 100 R. I. R. pullets to trade for „ ... , , H. D K erkm an. Commissioner. i w riting, and may be delivered to for Plaintiff. Post office address: tbJ j li n k Schoen's Bakery. K lam ath W hite Leghorn pulleis R. Ben- 21. Farm M achin ery p u r ad O ? a n fC / Jas. Lewis, Commissioner. 40-1 undersigned at the * office of 514 P o rter Building. Portland, O re ■ courtroom o f said Court ha« been a*. Fulls 40-1 vie. Rt. 5, Hillsboro 40p i - CHEAP, old horses for fox feed —- _ __ __________ Fred Finsley. his attorney, in Fos- gon. 37-43 pointed by said Court a» the tim e *«ul. (Venetian ticke4, John Fuegy, II'. USED m achinery of all kinds.— Phone 2091Z. Mrs. F. G. M itch- c ity of Hillsboro, Oregon. S anitary sil, W heeler County, Oregon. a t ------------------------------------- -------------- place for the hearing o f objections there- , WANTED 500-cupacity coul tnoixl- I. Hillsboro) Hillsboro Feed Co., 160 W. M ain ell. _________ 38-41 Sew erage System and T reatm ent any tim e after the first publics- NOTICE OF FIN A L SETTLEM ENT t» « J w * rr. also good milk goat for sale street. 4tf 9 « r . w l« ------- p |ant Im provem ent P. W. A. Docket f o r , of this notice or before the ^o u ^ ° r” „ f t * ? . 3 5 % , ^ f a T p ^ ^ ; at your own price. — Gld Corbett W ANTED- Poultry of all kinds. C a ttle No. Oregon 1108 making of Said sale, w hich Will In the M atter of the Latate o f Roaella member 12th. 1986. place. Rt. 2. Box 137 A, Hilsboro; Write, will (¡ill, or bring Friday, LICENSED stock trailers, 2-cow ZO. -------------------------------------------------- ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS be as soon after th e 16th day of Hathorn. Deceased. i A LBERT SCHECKLA, Executor. Freij~ near Rock Creek. 40p Saturday or Monday before noon. capacity, ren t $1 per day. Light LARGE Jersey cow for sale, fresh Sealed proposals will be receiv- December. 1935, as a satisfactory N otice ia hereby given th a t the under- A- AU ehoff A ttorney, s i z Mead Build- . —F. R. Barden, Cornelius. 34tf j trailers made to order. Auto p a rti 5 weeks. $35 - J. George, ed at the office of the City Re- bid has been received and ac- ^ e n V T ^ i d 0^ . ^ « ^ ^ Or' ’ °" 39-M WANT!',I) 150 fict. I inch or la rg ­ _ . .............. ’ a n d farm m achinery.—L. V. Hulit, mile east, /2-mile south of Com e- corder of Hillsboro, Oregon, u n til cepted. The right to reject anv and the above entitled court and cause his NOTICE OF FIN A L SETTLEM ENT er. cheap metal or wood pipe. - Subscribe now to the Argus In [52 n Second Ave. 23tf lius. 40p 3 o’clock a. ra., December 5, 1935, all bi.ds being reserved, and said Final Account end report as such and In the County Court o f the S ta te o f Ore- ’ J Falx, Rt 4, Sherwood. 48p Washington county $1.50 a year. nn i •« » -■ ■ gon. for W ashington County. " ~ 7 for the construction of a S anitary sale will be made subject to con- ¿f?« court haa f ixe° present the same, duly verified aa bj In th County c „ of .h e 5 . . ,,T O re . , unknow n heirs of Arnold E Neate. A^u^ofne*1' ’W T M ^ n ro n ' for th* County o f W a s h L to n . Item ized list, totaling t h e PUREBRED Jersey bull, year-old: ” Probate ’ ~ epartm ent. above quantities, are shown on I deceased: W. B. Goodman and Ja n e ^ o ’n wiihln^ix m o n ^ room^ ^ . 7 ; D also cows, for sale.—H. H. Boge,, For a few pennies an yon e can m ake H illsboro A rgus ee-w, M atter of the E state o f L o«ise E. I the respective Proposal Blanks Doe husband and wife: hereof. Rt. 2. Hillsboro. Phone Scholls Plans Specifications, Instructions ajso aU other persons” o7‘“p a r tie s ! *nd firat published October 24. | ^ cne' giver, that the under • 1051. 39tf C lassified A d s bring real results. Oi». Last bast j'utiiii'RUün a , T i ~ * . ; y . i ..» •«*. «*.---- Bidders Federal Federal Construction C onstruction „ unknow n k n n u n n H a l m ing i n a anv n n v r right, io h t t title. lllo 1935. publication Ptovemoer November zi. 21. iv¿». 1935 .¡„„«».i T “n" r /« . a . to Bidders. claim PA U L SC H INDLER. OTTO SCHIND- „ i , , " , ,Í J / l W h t- hS Wil LER. E x « u " r _ ” _ o f Estate. R ________ Executors Beni. B. ° î th« “f Louise E. Maron. PUREBRED 15-months-old Jersey Regulations, General P ro v is io n s, estate, lien or interest in th e real ___ WW»—.»™«, is has «»«» ssieru . n 1,1 1 a 1 iccoulH In • deceased, filed b.» final bull, eligible to registration, to and, other contract docum ents are estate described in the com plaint Goodman, Attorney. the County Court of he S .a ^ of Ore- • trade for hay or wood.—Nelie B u t- 1 on f>'e f°r exam ination at the of- herein; a n d Sherwood National NOTICE OF F IN A L ACCOUNT K ^ l t e Ä J ' S M '.‘Ä I ler, 2V4 miles northeast of Hills- fice of the City Recorder of Hills- Farm Loan Association, a oorpora- No. W ord» ................................... In the County Court o f the S tete of Ore- * í l. Í Í , |h'd" "A, i ° , h ? '‘/ ‘‘ J " tb * * boro. 38tf boro, Oregon. Copies of these doeu- tion. Defendants. — ——— ................... - i ments may be obtained u p o n ’ap -i To the above named Defend- ^ o X t S s r ut w“ hii- n' : 27. L ivestock I plication to IO the m e City Vliy Recorder n eco raer and anu ants. anls. M artha artna E. L. Ross Hoss and Gilman ‘ .. , . , . ns the tim e and place for the hearing . T im es to run ................................ deposit of fifteen ($15 00) D ollars G. Ross, wife and husband; H Gra- ,nRytbne Be*rn«d. Wi> e e « .r t of ° bJ * l ohiieeu..n »» U lf _ a t vr __*. ’ ' cow to freshen any day, and deposit will be refunded upon the and wife; Evelyn W arburg and s Ann Executrix o O f I the E C state « l j 9S j D fX ate A m t. E nclosed $ ......................... Ryan Bernard, deceased, has filed 2 1 19:15 ' Pu*>l>«tl»n November , Jersey-G uernsey cow f o r sale. retu rn in good condition of said John Doe W arburg, w ife and hus band; the unknow n' heire ofA rn o ld thh" fo r " W . ^ S t i m E' BA CON A d m ln i« , : Mrs. A. H. Meyer, near Connell documents. 40 station. No proposal w ill be considered E Neate. deceased: W. B. Good- County, and that Munday, the 2nd day 7 b ‘b* * " • unless it is subm itted upon a form man and Ja n e Doe Goodman, hus- of December. 1935, a t the hour o f io j . y’ American Bank lildg.. Port. , CATTLE and horses of all kinds of proposal furnished by said City band and wife; also all other p*r-1 '? ,b * f°ro n°on o f »aid day a n d ------ ;------------------------------ ' , bought for rash, sold or ex ­ Recorder. A ttention is called to sons or parties unknow n claim ing a,^oh?tVd b y ^ i d ' r .“ rt ¿ '" th e tim e T ^d I NOTICE TO creditors changed. Terms 10 to 20 m onths on the prequalification requirem ents any right, title, estate, lien or in- place fur the hearing o f objections there- ln the County Court o f the S tate of Ore- . sales.—Gail K arns Orenco. Phone of C hapter 225, Laws of Oregon, terest in the real estate described I *° ani1 the » ttle m e n t thereof ! »on. for the County o f W ashington, . 1931 I in t h e r n m n ln in t h e r e i n - I fn te d and firat published October 31. Probate D epartm ent. Hillsboro 2621X , . ,J a . , .? comPlaint herein. I 19S5 D ate of )lwt publication November 1 N otice la hereby given than the under- ’ The w ork is to be paid for in In the nam e of the S tate of Ore- 2s. 1935. aigned e . Ferdinand snrinhu ff haa been 28. R eal E state whole or in part out Of funds fur- Ron. you are hereby required to CATH ER IN E A. RYAN, E xecutrix appointed Adm inistrator of iha estate ’ ----------------------- -------------------------- nisfted bv the United States Gov- appear and answ er the plaintiff's Albert T- Kemmer. Attorney. 57-41 o f Henry Gehrke. deceased by the C un * - - - - - - • 1 ---------------------------------------- . — ----- ty co u rt or tn« s ta te of Oregon, fot HILLSBORO 5-room house and 3 ernm ent and all w ork - and m ateri- com plaint filed against you in the W ashington County, h is qua,¡fled. OF FIN A L SETTLEM ENT --------- ------ -------- - and ------ - „ A . lots for sale.—Vic Batchelar, tele­ als m ust be perform ed an d /o r fur a . y e entitled court a n d c a u s e , In NOTICE the County Court o f thff S ta te o f Ore- Pffruon» having ciaima againat »aid m u *.»* * phone Hillsboro 967. 40-lp nished in accordance w ith the rules w ithin six weeks from the date gon, for W ashington County. *re hereby notified Vo prenent the »ante, * the Matter of the E state of Harry M. duly verified, as by law required, to the * regulations prescribed by t h e : of the first publication of this In Junes, Deceased. undersigned at *the law o ffice o f Kagley * GOOD house, 5 rooms and bath. and P resident and the rules and reg- summons, towit: on or before De- & Hare in the First N ational Dank build- * N otice in hereby given th at the under­ w ell located, at Newport, clear, ulations relating to applicants and ber 13. 1935, and if you fail signed adm inistrator o f the estate of ing, in H ilhboro, Oregon, w ithin »ix • to trade for acreage or house at projects under the Em ergency A p­ cem months from the date hereof. • SO to answ er said com plaint, the ! Harry M. Jone«, deceased, ha» filed hl« Hillsboro. Value $2000.—P eter P ear­ propriation Act of 1935. Dated and first published October 24, * fin al account and report a» »uch adm in­ plaintiff will apply to the court istrator in th e County Court o f the 1936. Data o f last publication November • son. Gaston. 39-40p A ttention is called to the fact for the relief dem anded in its said State of Oregon for W ashington County, 21. 1936. , (Venetian ticket, Rose Forrest. B ux­ that em ployees on this w ork m ust and that «aid final account and report , E. FER D IN A N D STEINHOFF. Adminis- complaint, to-w it: First, for a de­ ton) haa been set for fin al hearing and set- trator o f the E state of Henry Gehrke, de- « bo p a id not loss th a n the m inim um cree ordering that the sum of ent before said court at the court , ceased. J. B. Ofner. A ttorney. 80-30 hourly rates of wages set out In $265.00, being the par value of 53 tlem $5000 room thereof in Hillsboro, Oregon, on 1 ---- FOR SALE—The MacKay proper­ th e Federal Construction R egula­ shares of stock in The Federal Monday, December 23, IC36, at 10 o’clock . «NOTICE OF FIN A L SETTLEM ENT . m. of said day. In the County Court o f the S tate o f Ore- « ty, W ashington street near First, tions. These minimum rates f o r Land Bank of Spokane, pledged a. Dated and first published November 21, I gon, for W ashington County. « $5000. Term s reasonable.—Apply M skilled labor will be $.90; for sem i­ by the Sherwood National Farm 1936. D ate of last publication December . In the M atter o f ttw E state o f Mary E. , B. Bump, attorney. 8tf skilled or interm ediate classes of Loan Association as additional se­ 19. 19.35. Wat»on, Decease« I. labor $60 to $.70; and for common curity for the loan made by the EDGAR A. JO N E S, A dm inistrator o f N otice in hereby given that the under- „ labor $.50. plaintiff herein, be applied to the the E state of Harry M. Jones, Deceased, signed adm inistrator o f the estate of 9. Dogs, P et* M. H. Rump, residence a n d address, M n ry E. Watwen deceased, has filed his « Bidder's proposal m ust be ac­ paym ent of the am ount secured Hillsboro, Oregon, A ttorney for said final account nnd report as such ad- FOX terrier puppies for sale.—II companied by certified check or a by plaintiff’s mortgage; and that Estate. 40-1 1 mlnlstraUir in the County Court o f the * INSTRUCTIONS: W rite the ad plainly, print or typewrite. Count the number --------------------------------------------------- S la te o f Oregon for W ashington Cevn- W. Farnham . Phone 1041X Hills­ bidder's bond in an am ount equal the plaintif h a v e a judgm ent OF FIN A L SETTLEM ENT ty. and that said final account and re- ’ boro. 40-1 to 10 ; of total am ount of the pro­ against the defendants, M artha E. In NOTICE of words. If the ad is to run but one week the coat is two cents per word. For the County Court o f the S tate o f Ore- port has been set for final hearing and posal as a guarantee for the execu­ Ross* and Gilman G. Ross, wife gon. for W ashington County. settlem ent before snid court at tha tion of the contract and the fu r­ and husband; H. G raham a n d In the Matter of the Last Will and Tes­ court room thereof in Hillsboro, Oregon, * the second and each consecutive insertion of the same ad, the cost is but one 32. M u sical Instrum ent* nishing of the required bonds ln Ellen G raham , husband and wife; tam ent and E state o f Melissa J. Jack- on Monday, December 16, 1936. a t 10 cent a word. Minimum charge per issue 25 cents. TO GET RESULTS, state o’clock a. m. o f said «lay. • son, Deceased. case the contract is aw arded to I A lexander K. Lumsden; and Isa- HAVE YOUR PIANO Dated nnd first poi»li»he«I November N otice that the under­ I belle W. Neate, a , single woman. i signed, . . join . Is . t hereby _ . given _ or Tuned, cleaned, demothed and re ­ th e . bidder. plainly w hat you w ant or have to sell. Cross out needless words, then copy . - . a I exteutora executors o . f the last will 14, 1936. D ate o f Inst publication Decern- 3 A cceptance of the proposal o r ! and against each of them , for t h e ' , nd testam ent o f Meli«»a J. Jack»««, paired.—George Roberts, Rt. 4. l»cr 12. 1935. 4 the result and mail or bring it to the HILLSBORO ARGUS, Hillsboro, Oregon. Hillsboro. Phone 1282. _39tf proposals and the aw arding o f the balance then rem aining unpaid o fi'-e sa e d . have filed their fin al ar.—unt ,» d , M. E. WATSON. Adm inistrator o f < contract o r contracts is conditioned said indebtedness, to-wit: The sum r*P<'rt aa »uch executor» in th e C ount/ the K«t«(» ,,f Mary E. W atsoa, D» e «a»» ii. : S«..»£,r« B,,S ^ o r ' ‘ M^rneV •’f o r " * ^ ' OLD new spapers for sale, 10 cents upon satisfactory assurance th at of $5«67.31 w ith interest 'on the | bundle.—Argus. 18tf the City of Hillsboro w ill be ublc sum of $4952.20 thereof ut t h e , count and report has been sat for fin al Estate. 29-43 Cnont Yiiar P ronta 2 1. Farm M ach in ery 34. Room s, A p a rtm en ts price paid fol T ') SETTLE estate, will sell Cadl- N EW Willluiiis Hi C o ..' lac coach for $50 • Dr t T for Dll N Monroe S t. Portland .'10-40 Smith 40 Co. H IG H E S T m o l u i N o I potatoes Legal Notices If You Don’t Need It*Sell It! and if you W ant Something - Say So ii Write Your Ad Below—