Thursday, November 14, 1935 ANNOUNCING THE BUSH’S MAR] Hillsboro Meat 2 Barrels Groceries 20 Bags of Groceries — EGGS W e W ill Pay, in Trada Per Dozen Large Extras. "PRICE CUTTERS” -- IN CONNECTION To Be Given A w ay to Our Patrons 2 o’clock W anted! 7 o’clock SATURDAY OteU For •Wp Per tel O' V For All Farm Produce Gladly Accepted in Trade or for Cash. F.lake This Your H eadquarters! Bush’s New Market brings to you a modern up-to-date CASH AND CARRY FOOD STORE, inde: pendentlv owned and operated . . . offering the people of this territory THE GREATEST FOOD SAVINGS IN THE HISTORY OF HILLSBORO. WATCH OUR AD EACH WEEK FOR DEEP CUT PRICES on your favorite brands of groceries. YOU PAY CASH - YOU PAY LESS. YOU TAKE IT AWAY - YOU SAVE. LESS MONEY. Every value we offer BETTER MEATS FOR is a Real Value. That’s why you’re sure of Satisfaction HILLSBORO MEAT CO at the PEAS - CORN I 25c HOME-MADE PRODUCTS OUR SPECIALTY GRAPENUTS pkg................. 1 5 c KAROioib paii69c Very poor quality PINEAPPLE LIBBY’S, No. H, Triangle OATS serve F r e sh W illa p a s , Morton’s SALT i pk gs............................. 1 5 c G oofy Balloon FREE Saturday BUTTER KERNEL. NO. 2 CANS .......... Fine Flavored BISQUICK Short Shank and Plum p. Just Out of Sm oke. WHEATIES 10' SOAP ¿ i X ”' 6 <„ 2 5 c RINSO Larre Dkc 1 9 c Shirley Temple .Mug FREE ...... Plenty Lean. By the Piece No. 2 can Compound. A Pork and B eef P rod u ct Arm our’s Large STEAKS- POT ROAST BOIL- POUND POUND WIENERS BOLOGNA LIVER SAUSAGE MINCED HAM PORTER’S Will be featured at BUSH’S MARKET Our Own M ake (Limit 2 lbs.) M axw ell House, H ills Bros. M. J. B., S. & W. Coffee M.J.B Limit 2 cans M ACARONI— Spit or Sea X - .......................... Flour Calumet FREE— Cook Book and Biscuit Tray B aker’s Premium BAKERY Honey Molasses A unt Dinah Triangle Oats 9 n> sack 35c Quick or Regular I X .......... 2 2 c R O A S T , PO UN D S T E A K S PO UN D PERFECTION BREAD - PASTRIES F rille ts POUND Sw eet as Butter. 3 FREE— Cook Book and Bake Pan PORK & BEANS 6 c a n , ................ .’. ....... 55C PO UND Spare Ribs P ure L a rd Butter Chocolate DEL MONTE EARLY GARDEN RO A ST STEAKS Saturday, Nov. 16, from 10 A. M. to S P. M. Flavors FREE— Latest Recipe Book M inced M eat Bacon L a rd C offee, Cake, Baked Ham Sandw iches 2-lb. cans. A ll brands SLICED ............... S w ift’s’, A rm our’s or Carstens High G rade Q uality. Dozen Large Mediums. 27c GRAPEFRUIT No. 2 can 10c EACH ..... CORN BREAD “ Old Virginia” 4 J A real treat ................. A’ SLICED BREAD W’hite, w h olew h eat. Q Pound loaf .......................... t l (L arge loaf ................ 13c Full line of delicious, quality PIES, CAKES, and COOKIES. VERNON. Tall cans. Limit 4 cans, MILK MT. CAN ...................................................... EVERY DAY KEROSENE GALLON ....... Bring container. QT SALAD OIL GALLON MINCE MEAT H O T SAUCE VEGETABLES W hile they Last. JUICE ORANGES No. 392. Q O d o z e n t e i s /V . CARROTS 2 FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT YAMS , CELERY O N IO N S Ä tu. 5C 4 for 25c 19C GRAPEFRUIT 25c RUTABAGAS PARSNIPS APPLES Box Roman Brauty, Wlnesaps, Jonathans IOC CABBAGE 35C SWEET SPUDS 1 5 c WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIM IT—NO SALES TO DEALERS SNOWDRIFT or CRISCO, CRACKERS SALTED or GRAHAM MACARONI or SPAGHETTI of Old CLOSE OUT CLEARANCE SALE Stock. Tw o Rig T ables of M erchandise. V alues up to 25c W hile Thev Last. "f A ALL GOING FOR .......... Dt and lU