Page Four H I LI. S R O R n X?ilîsbor<^\rgus a R G V R , H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Thundny, November 14, 1935 Safeguard Children Will Rogers Protects Servant Hillsboro is liable to awaken some day C A U G H T IN ■ Amateurs Give STAYS AT U. O. to the anouncement of a serious accident f , BIHsboro A rv u . « t a b . 1SV4 H lllaboro In dependent « t a b . 1873 Although Refused Admittance ■ Good Performance to some young bicycle rider, who neglects T H E WILD M c K inney a M c K in n ey . PoM iehec. Mary Bickford recalls the time the accom panying coupon to send I I I'ujir am ateur hurmouicii players to observe the laws of safety and becomes PuhllaLed Tb -.r.-day. E n tered aa aec.-n d -elau n a t t e r In the Wilt Rogers was refused a d m it I entered the , uutesl at the Vene- p u ntoffire at H llltb u ru , O regon By Robert Arnes Bennett ta m e te het- lupine because a b u t­ your subscription to this office. careless. All of us see narrow escapes for i tian the tire Wednesday night of ler ditl not recognize the humorist Every cent subscribed will be used sonic lad on a bicycle nearly every day l U M ' Service Copyright by w. VKBNE M ckinney Miti e . c. M c K inney ; last week In connection witli tin1 who presented himself unannounc­ for m emorials to be selected b y ! Editor Robert Amea lieu nett) Associate Editor ami occasionally we may be behind the '"O regon R.itlio Pl,met is.” a well- ed and d a d in a cowboy uniform. Henry Ford, H erbert Hoover Al­ knotvn group of radio players, fea- But as t, ,t:al Roger.-: w.-is not con fred E. Sm ith. Will H. Hayes, wheel, with the rs*ult that we are both- [ lin ing a nalloiial professional har- (C ontinued from l«*t week I cerned ..bout himself. He though: Jesse 11 Jones, Owen 1». Young O F F IC IA L N E W S P A P E R O F W A S filN C T O N C O I'N T Y ered with the jitters for hours. : monica ortlut. Seven am ateur play- Mr. Ramill craw led from the onlv of the trouble that might bc- Selected «> O rejton'a b e t W eekly H ew epaper, IÍ.10 ' i is signed for the contest lint three State laws make it necessary to have Ii'anto stiff, hungry and irritable. N am ed on A ll-A m erican W eekly N ew sp ap er Eleven, 1880 ; failed to appear. Ami say. could - le.'P and the open air had H onorable M ention N a tio n a l E d ito ria l A dation N •w * p ap er a light attached to the bicycle as a pro­ W I u: those four am ateurs pluy! Murk Mary P „'k ,..rd h e ted all appetities. As w ith the , , „ ry Pro d u ctio n C o n test. 1934-35, a n d G eneral Excel! enee, 1935 tection to the rider. Werther and light broiled liver, the th ree ehechnheos her own words: lllakc of North Plains received friends who contribute but they first prize, Calvin Wilkinson r e ­ “One day Mr. Rogers came to will conditions are such at times on the streets Millionaire. m ining engine, r and Subscription N ates S trictly C ash in A dranee be used for eharitabb etlu- W ith in W ashitittlon C ounty ceived second. John Hensley of fastidious heiress—went at the hoi I P iekfair dressed in h i s m » boy ratio n al and hum anitarian O uU ide W atihititfton C ounty and highways that one cannot see the meat T e r y «ar ....................11,50 p u r- Hillsboro (bird, and illulne Wllkln- w ith fingers and teeth. They - clothes and a new footman we had | poses. There will be V 1*r ye*r ____ ¿LOO Six m o n t h « ........ ........ ............. s5 rider until direitly in front.' How often w ere down to bedrock to the not k n o w in g w h o h e w a s r e ­ ef m arble to eold shaft Foreign countries ~~...... _3.50 •iil fourth. The two Wilkinson honor the memory boys, aged 12 and W. attend school we have seen just this sort of thing, which fundam entals of living. All the fused him adm ittance. of tins warm, M E M B E R - P rep o n S ta te F ir s t A udited P a p e r .a t North Plains, und tliongh young elegancies of civilized eating w ere "Albert, our m ajor domo w h o will be living, friendly" man. They Editorial A as-wih t ion and from news reports throughout the country L a re eat A udited Week« continuing inem oii- (they certainly know their har absent, even th e supposed neces­ had been w ith us for years, recog­ als. N atio n al E d ito ria l A - lx C ircu latio n tn O r o very otten ends in a serious injury or per­ sities M . iiio m c a s Mr Hensley played old iron. fork-, plates, seasonings Vet n iz e d from the description who it lone music, which niude everyone haps death. Swift moving traffic’ today the essentials rem ained. They were i mig ; be and rushed to the rescue IS An In d ep en d en t N ew spaper, w hose service« an d policies a re want to dance, and young Blake W ild. ROGERS potential death to those who do not use hungry, and here was food. It was jus! in time. based on th e p rin c ip le o f th e G olden R u le —"A n d as ye would played a selection which equaled "I rem em ber so well, wc were n either as tender nor as savory ns MEMORIAL FUND care anil judgment. th a t men «hould d3 to you, do ye also to them lik e * » « .” any professional music. Altogether, had been the liver. None the less. silting in the breakfast room and — M atthew 7:12. I.ocal Com m ittee for Hillsboro I it was u fine show. when Mr. Rogers came in instea I Mayor J. II. Garrett, school officials it was food: DM * At th e end of th e meal. G arth of being angry and upset at huv- and others are doing their best to make “Still the Greatest Mother” iMarrlaxe Meenaea TO THE EDITOR: s a i d that the first need was to ing been kept waiting outside the people of all ages, particularly school chil- fetch in the forelegs of moose. Miss door and refused adm ittance, h is : Wishing to havo n part in K ylve.ter A u g lis tu s Van Luo, Fnr- i. .................. 1 The annual Red Cross roll-call drive dieE, safety conscious. Talks will be given Kannll rose w ith h er father and whole concern was for the footman ! perpeiuating the memory of one e d G reve rnute 1, and Dorothy for fear we might be annoyed with I of our most beloved ami useful IS underway and people everywhere are before the schools and Mayor Garrett Huxby. D r. C. V. □ o y e r, p re s id e n t o f th e Eli iimr Pnrler, Forest Grove route him. all of w hich is onlv an o th er' citizens, 1 enclose herew ith my U n iv e r s ity o f O reg o n , has decid e d 2. N o v in n b e r ", asked and urged to support this humani­ started this splendid work with a talk be­ “Sorry," G arth told her. “Your incident shotting lus sym pathetic F r a n k lin C la y Ro , n h u ln i o f A m - to re m a in a t th e U n iv e r s ity o f O re ­ father needs all the walking he and understanding nature and In s ! contribution of tarian movement to the utmost of their fore the high school Wednesday after can get. Someone must sta r to I great love for his fellow human j the W ill R o g e rs M e m o ria l Fund gon, r a th e r th a n acce p t th e p re s i­ ! it y a n d l . l l l i e J N e ls o n o f N e . v noon. ability. The response should be immediate mind the- fire. I might mention beings." d e n cy o f th a U n iv e r s ity o f M o n ­ j b e rg t o itte tt. N o v e m b e r 12 I understand that this gift will A r c h e r H e a th R o b e rts u itti M ur» there's a shallow rock pool a lit- be udded to others from H ills­ ta n a , a p o s itio n fo r w h ic h he has and courteous to the m a n y volunteer Many parents prefer to have their tie S m ith , h o re s t G ro v q along th e bank, beyond i M .¡tons now have an opportu­ boro and w ill go w ithout any re c e n tly been c o n s id e re d . D r. F. g tie t ite II workers, who not only give of their time children ride their bicycles on the side­ those w ay alders, fo il'd find the* w ater nity to contribute to the memory déductions w hatsoever to t i l e M. H u n te r, c h a n c e llo r o f h ig h e r ed­ .N o v e m b e r 12. but also of their individual funds. Ile rl» rt S Hrix and Joan M. walks. but this is prohibited bv a city ordi­ pleasantly warm for a dip." National Fund to lie expended, u c a tio n , h ig h ly re co m m en d e d to Ol Will Rogers. Famous friends also without any dodurtion as th e O regon s ta te b o a rd o f h ig h e r Frethlaml, Portland. November li. \\ henever disaster strikes in any one nance of some years standing, which re- 'R eally ? T hat's not so b a d " have organized T h e W ilt R o g e rs the M emorial Com mittee muy e d u c a tio n th a t D r. R o ye r be u rg e d Only «be sure to k e e p th e Memorial commission. It is hoped of its many forms as it frequently does, quires bicycle riders to use the streets in- fire Yes. determ ine. io re m a in , a nd th e b o a rd w as A rgus classifled uds get results going. It will hold o f f t h e every one who smiled w ith Rog- there is always a big job of relief to be stead ot£sidewalks, where the streets are wolves and w olverines.” er= will come forw ard w ith a sub- i Numc u n a n im o u s In u rg in g O r. B o y e r n o t .......................... done, and the agency that always finances paved. Naturally the child cannot be eli­ Huxby took Ramlll's arm and seription. Takt it or send it to to leave. Dr. Boyer Is remaining Address . off w ith him afte r G arth -v our bank or any b a n k —or use because lie sees g re a t o p p o rtu n itie s and directs this relief work is the Ameri­ couraged to ride on the walks when con­ started They kept in the re a r all the way — a nd b r ig t it p ro sp e cta fo r h ig h e r can Red Cross. The last few years have trary to law. However, the danger ia so to *he rnuskeK swamp. RADIO ' i fSfRVICE e d u c a tio n In O reg o n , he sta te s. that the moose m uffle had taken a heavy toll of life and property great for the child riding in the street and This tim e instead of lynx mates. I 2, “How frightful," said Huxby. gun to dissolve. He cooled some a fam ily of wolves w ere feasting "Q uite so. While you're about It a willow spit. nnd held tt over and left thousands of people homeless and the traffic has increased so much since on the moose meat. At sight of of the gelantinous broth in the you may as well m ake a clean' th e e n d o f (h o file w here the m u f ­ destitute through floods, hurricanes, fires, this law was inaugurated that one won­ the men. the whole family bristled small poc Mr. Rantill not only sweep. H ere" G arth tossed the fle had simmered." cyclones, earthquakes, dust storms, and ders if some change could not be made in and growled but started a slow r e ­ gulp«'»! down the think. He sm ack­ gold-m ounted cigar case to its ow n­ As soon as the steak was broiled, LET US ed liis lips anti asked for more. At er. treat. drouth. Always the humanitarian ma­ the ordinance with the safety of the chil- I in th e cook sullenly offered It to that, both H uxby and the girl w ere S- hT f f’ ,G arth!" u rKed Mr. Ram- r e p a ir y o u r set “Oh. so th at's how Dad lost his G arth He took it with no betrayal chinery of the great Red Cross organiza­ dren in mind. stirred to try the rich drink. . ni. They re making o f f " smoke::," exclaim ed Mi is I;.,m ill makes guaranteed of Ins surprise, and sat down to tion is set in motion to aid with their G arth was glad to have all three "Who's the real sneak around here ' i at. “Thank you. sister.” A lt Mayor Garrett and the Argus would i ight'" G arth replied. errands of mercy. r e a s o n a ble take th eir fill of the savory, highly h ? TOdJ h,ln g ,h ey re gorged. I might appreciate expressions of opinion on this a a ' e bad to waste cartridges to nourishing dish. He knew w hat Steal all those cigars, und the gold She frowned "I never hated any- case, too. Then come w hining be­ ' one so much in all iny life as I Red Cross relief units were called up­ subject by local citizens and particularly j get RATES them. W hat I'd like to was coming. He asked only that cause w e've kept you front ch e at­ on to render assistance in 160 disasters in the parents. M hat is the best and safest I know rid is of w hy they chose this solid the pan be refilled to dissolve mure ing us out of our share of these hate you. Hut that was a m ean trick, stealing your sugar." of the muffle. domestic, insular and foreign territory thing to d° for our children on the bicycle I meat, instead of the offal." things you hid. Hand over the fon a i t i k ic iP T iO N All Un- more reason for you to question s u v ------ The th ree w ere accustomed to cigars. Dad. My throat's still rasped hate me. Not thut it m atters u during the fiscal year ended June 30, and and traffic problem? J e As if in answ er to the dt‘eper than' the free d rinking of th eir kind from the vile smoke of thut w il­ • of these 128 were in continental United tnat of the wolves came from th e They had already begun to feel low bark Vivian dried for our |>< nny th e sugar or your hate I'll NAI admit, though, It's very Interesting States. They exceeded by 58 per cent the uOLdTr ,,°f the m uskeg w here G arth the lack of the usual cocktails, cigarettes.” R adio " to w atch the reactions of yourself h? d .t,k‘ .u d ,thc buI1 m°ose. Up ou* average number of disasters for the pre­ m ealtim e wines and betw een-m eals RamiU handed the case b ark to and your father. H uxby is just I I hLrihC ‘ »i**0-1 rearcd » huge grav whisky. This was aggravated by G arth. Only Way Out ceding ten years. The 128 disasters were a com monplace wolf. But your a m e ♦t.Mai'S,‘,Ve forelegs stroked the l.ick of tobacco. To case tbcni cried his daughter. father and you the lady of leisure located in 37 of the 48 states and Alaska. Douglass Old age pensions were provided bv the ! ?•? rt V10 wllIow stems w ith chisel- as much as possible, he broiled He W a-wait'" her away. "No The and the m illionaire acquirer -toss- 1 like claws eight inches or m ore, J lynx m eat on a grating of willow joke is waved Relief was given to 110,000 victims of special legislative session and are to be . long. on us. He know s what Is ial from the lap of luxury Into the ! I stems, basting it w ith moose fat Service these disasters in 306 counties. Relief ex­ We do not. We've em ptied law wild You'll have to a e k n o w l-, Radio nlIti °f ,a two per cent sales tax, ! It was a grizzly—a full-grow n | • The tender m eat kept them oc­ ahead. e sugarbow l and half the te a ­ i edge It’s high comedy." penditures by the National Red Cross in which will be before the voters ' • D“ ' ‘ not pay yon a nickel. The Change in the nam e of the Orc- the trough of his platinum placer, sewing done on the moccasin fifty cents of each membership, whether «as An agricultural economic conference other fellow may not have m uffle all eaten, woodpile nearly gon-W ashingtoq W ater Service com ­ , G arth found a dry moss-bedded it be $1, $5, $10 or $25 goes to support the en, etr-12r bj’, larm representatives of nook on the sunny side of a boul­ used up. You’d b etter cook anil pany : . the People's Water A G.i i insurance, and be financial­ county to make a careful study of the ev- der. lie lay down, pulled his hat- eat ail the m eat you can before com pany brought an am ended com ­ ly irresponsible. activities of the local chapter. The money H uxby- M r- «»"»iii brim over his eyes, and let himself th e rest of the wood is burnt. When plaint In the suit filed in federal that goes to the national organization is farm situation and to develop recommend­ already reaching up for one was of fall asleep. the fire goes out, we'll have plenty court by the com pany against the ations for agricultural development of the I the two moose legs that to help care for the widespread relief had not i been pulled down bv the A full eight hours la ter the sun of four-footed visitors to relieve city of H ill-boro to collect hydrant Your only G u a r a n t e e d S a fe ­ c amp should prove beneficial. When the wolves, work carried on wherever there is need The engineer hastily turned tn help swung around its w ide circle un- i us of those moose legs—wolves, ! rentals alleged due. people in any line can get together and I him. for it. The am endm ent was argued T ues­ g u a r d against loss is Colli­ As they started off, G arth til the shadow of the rock fell up- , foxes, wolverines. Also ravens and day with P. L. Patterson, city a t ­ sion Insurance in a strong inoosebirds Even Mamma Grizzly swap ideas real benefits are bound to , i i.v »I... passing took the other unmangled leg on on jD ae- "is Kindliness to an unfortunate neighbor true. torney, appearing before the court. company who will pay when shoulder and sauntered after. of the warm rays, he pushed back and her children may tu rn up." is the keynote of Red Cross volunteer T here folowed a silence, broken As a result of the argum ent, an a t ­ them. his bat and sat up. He came down Y o u r in s u r- at last by Miss Ramill. She re- tack upon the newly established service. During the past year these volun­ to the camp. Mr. Ramill sat beside The grizzly a n c e agency’s service is , - m other had not re ­ hydrant ra te of 87M i cents, set up I peated her first question, but in i lre between his d au ghter and teer workers contributed 2,523,346 hours a very different tone: "Mr. G arth, in a recent ordinance, was struck worth what it costs. Governor Martin did the only logical peated h er roar. Had they run or It*e Huxby. Two of th ree pouches that oi their time. You and you can help by phjn? " bea be sent a vigorous protest to wnnm uny S18n of hostility, she G arth h:,d hidden under th e moss may I pour you a cup of the tea?" out. In addition to the Inclusion of (Venetian ticket. Axel Pederson.' would have charged. As it was "T hank you. I do not need it. ! the new name, the am ount of dam ­ courteously joining the Red Cross when fn the6" Koo*e\'elt g a in s t any reduction she Rt. 2. Banks) stood, an enormous quiverin'» in the leanto lay open before the The rest of you will. I suggest ages asked was made to include these volunteer workers solicit your mem­ n the present duty on lumber manufac­ quiet mass of curiosity, w atching their men. rentals for tin- last four m onths or keeping it for breakfast. You'll retreat. Her jaw s had closed Miss Ramill was em ptying the bership. Do not pass the buck. have no other taste of sw eets for ' a total of $«814. tured in B ritish Columbia and coming in- eir ferocious yaw, and her ta rs list contents of the sugar pouch over The case b ill come to trial in a month, unless we find a The humanitarian work is truly in to comi^tition with products of the Pa- th into a pot of thick tea. She was were no longer flattened back blebee nest." Portland Novem ber 20, Patterson keeping with the central/ theme for Red frv1nAbrihwt i The great ,umber indus­ i Kif»3 i l gr,ay cycs ‘ -vmMed as he first to see G arth's noiseless ap- bum The girl silently covered the top said. Cross Sunday offered this year bv Rev. try Of the northwest needs and must have , , a f d back °v cr his shoulder at proach. of the pot with the inverted tin "Hail to the chief,' ’ she mocked, i a s k e r i T bet St He Could not hav«- Oscar Meyer of Belvidere, N. J., who se ÎÎ1'3 ,pr? ection >'f H er father heaved up his soft hopes to keep its asked for a better bugaboo to make My dear Mr. Garth, you are m od cup Mercury Continues bulk. He beckoned to Huxby. ( v tn y ro R ti o f PRoiicttON lected the text: ‘'Thou Shalt Love Thy standards fashionably late to his companions behave. Safe out dinner. Will of wages and working condi- ! of her sight, he told the two to you not join us in a cup of tea?” Come, Vivian. The agreem ent TELEPHONE 1732 Neighbor as Thyself.” A round Low Levels tions. We cannot believe the administra- halt and get the moose leg on a H er father tu rn ed to eye the was that G arth should be skipper 116 SOUTH THIRO- RES 2092 T hat wood pile w ill not last on- tion would do anything that would tear tote-pole. H uxby at once started uninvited guest w ith a shade of ■ ottier hour. We can 't perm it any With tem peratures hovering near HitiseoRo. omooM uneasiness. "You see we found i bear raids on our bull m arket.” tb ourse him for not hooting freezing during the nights, relief down this industry. Library Space Needed w hat you were holding out on us, With Which I, C o n h ln n l th e Hilli-hnro In d ep en d en t pso ob es ; fa u lt CHAS. L WALKER yourself," G arth r e - 1 The engineer m et the quip with from th e unseasonable cold was G arth. It's the only trick you failed a rath e r thin smile. However, he manifest during the past week from »h n',xbi' -Irew aw av The special legislative session after £ X v aIe "°v ered he ” ^ d e d to put over." | set about gathering firew ood with November 10 the m ercury dropped Huxby said nothing. He tensed, I quickness to 27 degrees above zero with the Corner of South Second a «avenue J2 5oooindays °fbitkerill2 decided on a v e n u e and ap p ro /al You are wise not t and efficiency. ready to .spring up and fight. next lowest point November tack a she-grizzly with cubs Last Oak street is a dangerous traffic G arth lifted one of the moose hulkHnoa eT tGl .°r brroup of caPitoI cor- G arth laid down his rifle and q u arters from the smoke rack and when the m ercury stood at 30 nc S purred on no doubt by the buildings on the original site of the old ner on account of shrubbery being plant­ knowledge of th at gray monster f "me forward. He ignored the wary began to cut off large thin slices, cording to the records of a ’ w hostile look of the m ining engineer, ruese he laid on the poles for M o o r e , local representative of the structure. The sum is $1,000,000 less than ed so close to the street line. A serious to h,nm him: M r' Hamill managed UP h ls 4end of tote-pole nodded to Mr. Ramill, and took off quicker smoke curing and drying. biological survey. originally planned, a part of which would accident is likely to occur there unless battered hat 'to bend low be­ Fifty-one degrees on Novembe « „t, a Way 10 carn” There he his He paid no attention to Miss Ram- ha\e been used for a new site. something is done about it. « .1 was the highest point reache . ank down, purple-faced, wheezing fore Mi , Ramill in a polite bow. ill. “You are too kind, my dear lady. that the exertion had killed h in < nnay ° rd £alem says that thrpe pro­ When (he girl saw he did not in ­ and the rem ainder of the days His daughter sat - bv the fire 1 could not deprive any of you of tend to speak to her, she picked averaged afeout 4«. Ruin was r e ­ posals probably will be considered by the m» « . sweet:,. 'Eat, d rin k and be corded A rm istice Day. brooding. ,Th°.U8h — refreshed by her your capitol construction commissi in. (me is m erry, for tom orrow You may up the salt and tea pouehes anil bath in th e w arm pool, she w ent into the leanto. G arth thought had begun to fccI U e “^ « recall the rest of the quotation." Subscribe now to the Argus. Tn construction of a 10 or l j , hl jry capitol Mr. Ramill w ent red. What if she m eant to go to bed. Instead, W ashington county $1.50 a year ^ '^ 2 : ’ ------ on°er n ...tie S building on the present site. A'p./hcr'is she craw led out again, put one of Lilith did happen to find these Six m onths 85c. Three months stitching Fifteen Years Ago . . - °,n the moccasins. But the freshly cut slices of m eat on cents. construction of a smaller capitol building Two m onths 35 cents. he livened to horrified alertness things you w ere hogging for p ri­ and an adtatmnal office structure Tht Argus. N ovem ber 4, 1920— V/illiam McQuillan vate use? We need them as much 62, prom inent county resident, died here November when H uxby told about the grizzly as you.” j G arth forestalled an outburst of third is construction of three buildin s ;n. 2. "F ar more so," G arth am ended ! hysterics. "Keep cool. The old Mrs. È. P. W underlich of C enterviile dies Octo- ady will let us alone if we keep the statem ent. “I don't need them ber 28. «nri h(’.,;icub.s. Keep up the fir,, at all. Go right ahead and waste p lan t of th e Carnation com pany will and she will shy clear of you She w hat’s left. You of course arc cer- Under the third proposal undoubted iv lake Hillsboro of th e m ilk supply this w inter as the F or­ tr;ti?gt t o riCy/ ire' B u rn t her tain th ere’ll be no em ergence s on all are needed. A plan that would take est G care rove plant has shut down. the way out—no occasions ivdien ¡poreuAp i ^ . " rOb m e of 0 in the state library seems particularly im­ ?vpin5,h«.of tea or su88r m ay ">ake W arren G. H arding elected president. R. N. defeats Senator George Cham berlain for A look at th e gold pan showed , the difference betw een life and portant to those who know of the cramped Stanfield death for you.” U. S. senate. County officials elected: 1; William G. conditions in the present library quarters Hare, senator; E arl Fisher, A. B. Flint, t, A. E. West- j Cheery bits of the holiday in the supreme court building. This de­ cott, representatives; F B. Tongue, district a I spirit, expressed in clever partment, while admirably officered " J J. Wismer, John F. Cars' ens, county V commission- , I G eorge A lexander, sheriff; H. A. K uratli, clerk- artw o rk and bright paper! seriously hampered in its work by limited ers; Red Cross M embership Roll-Call W. F. Boley, assessor; F. B. Sappington, tre a s u re r A rm istice Day t o ' T h i n k s X i ' . V i " '^ u '•* be 7 >nd,lct« i f™m You'll w ant to rem em ber spaco and inadequate shelving arrange i . A. Everest, recorder; N A. Frost, school super­ pointed in every J e tto n g] , - g' and cha,rm en h»ve . — ------- been ap- all your friends with a col­ ments. In any event those who have vh intendent; George J. Lim ber, coroner, and A. A. of the county. A large sum of money surveyor. lection of the new C h rist­ h i been expended by the Red Cross for ited the library fully realize that this de­ M orrill, McAJear & P eters offer $50 prize for w in ­ em ergency relief» in the county this year, mas cards w e’re showing part mert must be taken care of in ' some n er Hare, nt Pacific university in local forensics. and it is only by the co-operation of the in th ree groups. manner at as early a period as possible. J. C. Lcedy of K inton G range elected m aster of c itiz e n s in the roll-call solicitation that this W ashington County Pomona Grange. sh in 0 » ' ’ P'. Fi«2y ccnts of cvery m em ber­ Mrs. S. M. Chapm an died here N ovem ber 3. ship goes to the national chapter for re ­ We have «an excellent selection of cards at e Improving conditions are clearly shown lief and disaster, nnd on all larger m em ­ prices you can afford to pay. berships, the rem ainder of the sum Is in deposit reports of banks. The Commer­ Thirty Years Ago available fr t county relief. cial National bank, particularly, shows a Argus. N ovem ber 9, 1905—E. E. Lytle, th e ra il­ M emberships are ns follows: rplcndid growth in the community with road builder, announces th at he will a t once start Amount of For Chapt. For Nat'l. on the H illsboro-Tillam ook railway. a deposit gain in two years of $769.618 38 construction Local Serv. Service William Tow nsend of Bethany killed Tuesday Annual M embership . « j nn on November 1. 1!*,!3. to $1,274,070.83 on when throw n out of wagon as horses become $ .30 $ .50 £ m tributlng Membership . 5.f)0 4.50 .50 November 1, 1935, an increase of »$504,. frightened at speeding autom obile. Sustaining M embership ......... lo.oo 9.50 .50 J. C. Schulm erich, m ayor of Banks, rep o rts four 457.95. Supporting M e m b e r s h ip ...........23.00 new buildings going up there. lCibrar>? & ’ °ffiC® building and M O D E R N IZ E Your Kitchen Christmas Cards Red Cross Membership Roll-Call Printed Embossed a m is b o r t ä M Engraved Installation of modern cab­ inets and pantries provides greater efficiency and con­ venience in y o u r kitchen. New paint, will brighten up its appearance. I.umber anil Paint for this work may lie ob­ tained at low cost. Estimates Gladly Given POOL-GARDNER Lumber Co. Franchised Fuller Dealers Phone 2691 L j I W. Baseline Street