9 Pnge T ft o' îT IL 'L S R O R Û 'A R G U S , K IL L S R O K Ö , OREGON’ Thursday, November 14, J 93." A Olsen and M arilyn of Gaston. bell nnd sons left Friday after- c ts of adm inistration thereof, Mr. and Mrs John Liebenow of ( \> u n iy C o u r t .»f th.» S tH ttf ,.f le». noon for Eugene to visit relatives Witness, the l i o n Donald T f o r W M u h io trlo n t ’f n n t ■ »n ih» nti Scholls, nnd Mr. und Mrs. H erman Of N m O ,niter. I ’ . I, ve Im i ma- ovet Arm istice Day ¡Tem pleton. Judge of the County l.iebenow and Helen nnd P hilip of t i i« . 1. O. O. F. and Rebekah lodge Court of the S tate of Oregon, 1» tili « tu r t* ’ n o a f il I l #x<>«n South Tualatin. n itÿ \ (I '<1. Mr. and Mrs Henry Voelker have Editor’s Note- One of a series of not have the pow er to declare members from here enjoyed a not Hie County of Washington w ith ' N o w . t h ir e f o r o n ti |i# r h n V i n ir a new car. discussions oti constitutional ones- congressional legislation unconsti- luck supper and social evening at ; Hi ' Seal of >td Court affixed, tin . « I n illU IH I t il i H flill (»OM .• h ereby i ” u f i# I lo |> rr« io it t ‘ n» «nino. I»n » ’ ih .'t to. tions prepared bv mem bers of the tutional. but in ItliKl ns judge. M ar­ tlic 1 I) I) F halt ut Tigard F n- 13th day ol N. vember. tli.ia Frank Tsehabold on Round- wHH ........ . vi urhrr* thm. fm t f . - ih r SEAL. t i of O faculty for new paper use shall reversed his thinking on th e du,v •fVeninX u tn lv i iw iti'il ut i * i Sm»»h l h ¡ I t m (V a st. EDW C LUCE, Clerk through eo-oncration of the college . subjeC * Gayford Wilson, who has been the-W orld Cruise 1111 In I h ' r 11. O ri'> on , o r to t n -it th e By Z. R Hiatt, D iputy. 39-43 • f ’ I* T« o tn» n O n n . n n t In w . It of «..,•• i| -viencvs nnd school oft H ayburn’s case in 1792. was un- •'* charge of the governm ent pine rv , O lt* u i n. V iiv iin i m x un i. I f journalism other early deciqjon in w hich the blister rust control camps near (Hv M m , John M. P«vM«nnl »h. ilu to h v r v o f M ill I Ol | | \ KJ I I'l'l 1 m i \ r 113y Wayne I. Morse) judges of the suprem e court took Prospect during the sutunx i\ was l » h i r l m H d U b u r o , O t. m i, ll.i< HELVETIA The stajie is all set .. . Il» U h » U u in t> »■ m l «•» tb I»iv .7 (»IV- Thomas S. Sholes, local T erra- lirtv o f Nov«tt> H t. \ I . H x n u»o r I» ! the U. of O. hound to enforce a law w hich they Struthers. 111 th e M .ilt e i o f I'.U u .• ,.| M i» l\ l\ tchool children made good doubled his shop nnd sales room W c - 't | k v , .« » « I The doctrine of judicial review deem ed '.he pow er of congress; and Mrs Kay K uiken and children selling tickets and the team that space by taking over the N « 4iev (• h e re b y i h e n d i a l d i v lu u le r - ajoin- , U'W-'d States h is not been a 1 niore im portant case was visited w ith friends in Salem Sun « ig ite il f u lm in i 1 1H lor v f th e sells most will rcceive a prize. Ev- ; ing building, form erly occupied bv « tfttv of probably r a id e r vs. Bull, decided ------------------— day. „. M n r y E. W » t- « n , i l w r u ,-il. I f i l c l h»« crybody is invited to attend A the SERA warehouse. The new ciin ed w ithout a struggle in . 1 .98. ___ . I final Mt'cnuiil anti »epuri it u i'h m i­ W alker in his book "Law Mak- .. . T social tim e will be enjoyed niter- space is being remodeled and dec- (»as I'.iitis and IiuliKt'slion \ iclinv>, I m ii iid t m t u r in lilt * I 'm i n ly ( ’ f f Ih v * case Ju stice Iredell stilt ward. when lunch will be served crated for sales room and office ins’ in the United States” points CITATION . I On , \ I . why vMiffvr? For quick 1« lit 1' from out that a "somewhat sim ilar pew- e. . .a.n ' ac* 9^ congress or of free. Ladies bring snndwichc- and purposes. d | t'he ü * g is b ;u ^ lo f ‘a VM ate'“ ioU tes ,n ‘h* £ ™ nt? C" U,'1 ,° L th * nS ' ;“ C - " T . ' t , ' -foinaeh tli.'.lrcs.s duv tocxcc: icul, the privy w violates er was exercised by th cake. New 1933 T erraplanc brougham ,,f Oregon, for W ashington Conn- '»m»,',»,,, i»f ’uose constitutional provisions, it K<‘< a rice Nainple t»f (hr I i loirs bered that ...» the Am erican colonists ‘ue . uam e of th e suprem e court be in San Francisco early n De- th a t have never been seen on anv a n v , ------- - —- or lien upon the real property N o . 43b/ rem ber. The round trip : e f e d aui.inti bile befoie. the local denier " ere in conflict with both the }ne Principle th at the federal ju d ió ­ herein described. G reeting: K n tn l# o f I m t iii t n ii. l S itw<- lo take three months nnd 20 day - stated. These added to the all- crow n nnd Parliam ent. They look- lal,\ , ’he P‘,w er to pass upon In the Name of the S tate of O re -'* " *•>« <'»'nny i ’ » u r t » f it,» s ,,i — ASK The distance is 26.860 miles and “ eel body and other safety fea- upon P arliam ent as an unsvin- aC- ' . conBrcss. , gon, you are hereby cited and r e - 1 U '• r".r (» ,h* ’ '"'v ”i " » k Notiic hi* hy In the course of . , his decision, lu v r n ih f t i tin - iiin lv r quired to appear 'in the Count. they stop at 26 ports and 14 coun- tures m ake it one of the safest cars Pathetic body in whose delibera- tries. Another cadet on the P r e s - 1 on today's highways, he said. tiens they bad no representation. XIa‘ s|>all states these now famous Court of the State of Oregon for »r ih» 'i' I", ,'i s",,', ' j ' ' ident Johnson is Neil Richardson Now features include radial safe- Coke's influence is shown in the Prtl’>'oullccnients: Washington County nt the Court ......... l.y it,» i ,»,t, c,,»n . / ii„ , of Hillsboro Frank reports that tv control, rhythm ic ride, true-line easc ot T revett vs. Weeden decid- , 11 ls a Pr°pcs*>>on too plain to Room thereof in Hillsboro in said / f"r " I they have good tim es together. steering, autom atic draft elim in- by the superior court of Rhode Ot> contested, that the constitution County and S tate on or before the „'„'I' ' V, ' " ' h" ' a,ion and dual autom atic hydrauhe ^ la n d in 1786. An act of the le g is-' ?">' lc«‘sl“t ‘ye act repug- ,«,h day of December. 1935 Jit the I w u , / ; J . r " " ...... ............. Birthday Celebrated Hold Program at Helvetia Doctrine of Judicial Review for Country Gained Through Struggle Sholes Enlarges Motor Firm Space trU . 11; v r i ' A lt. i n un i f H T o ri» I - < K r u lrtn . A rgus claiif Iflcd nd.'i get 1 »• ijlts TURKEY SH O O T Saturday .Vfti*iin>iiii< All llay Sundays 111 Holidays FREE TURKEY STOMACH UICERS ELFJ YS GHf.TC Al Highway East of City Liinlii If i l l d i o l 11. O r e g o n When Ort’crinc Butter FO REST FOR GROVE Grade A Creamery Rutter So!J at All Groceries han baked the birthday cake an i ,ainers' T hc court heId ,hut the act took ......................... " “I have alw ays considered hv- aw ay trial by ju ry w hich was con- entertained with songs draulic brakes the most satisfac- ,ra r y to the Magna C arta a n d I ht >h u i nt>rr _ n Cwln^ ffr‘ . . Alip lory lory system, system, providing providing the the possi- Dossi- i fundam fundam ental ental rights rights and and the the court court ®numann. No: bili'y of failure could be elim in- Quoted Lord Coke in support of quilM op1 8nd ° ‘kcd on a P,eced ated." Sholes declared. “This vear its decision holding the act of the tot » „»a tut „ B V ..H u d so n engineers in adopting th e legislature void. , rkv*B , J” r ' , J 5 Scheldt and : hydraulic brake recognized tile Even prior to this, th e V irginia - - ' * - ■ ----- • T “ ' °.r “ , *S 0 level anu directing the A dm inistrator of 1 ordinary legislative acts, and. the Etsate of said deceased to sell M i l l i t: t o N . . II .» n l u r r l , , J t e i ° th Vr acts’J Si ‘i *’cralj*e "'b en at private «ale to the highest hid Kavst, b y hu , ,r ,l» r !hc 1 :? e iegislature shall please to alter der for cash in hand the real prop­ lt' erty belonging to S.nd F - : , . ' ■ a n I th e form er part of the a lte r­ particularly deacribed us follow , j ' ' native then a legislative to-wit: . . . be true, . ac' contrary to th e constitution is All of Lot num bered 9 in the ' “w; if the la tte r p art be true, plat of Beaver Acres, situate written constitutions are ab- in Section 7. T 1 S. R. 1 W. attem pts, on th e part of the of W illam ette Meridian, accord­ v im « n - .- » i j ... wwvitfiea on m e same -«-***»*,; > t.-u.uuuii w «w w ■ - ’u bm it a pow er in its ing to the duly recorded plat tae d^r Oth£r '2 sitors at Pfdai in case the hydraulic svs-1 th e legislature—or of either branch ovi " n atu re illim itable. thereof, containing 3.77 acres, m » o lu *» er ? o!? e Sunday w ere ter„ fail;-. This elim inates the one oi —to be unconstitutional and , "Certainly all those who have in W ashington County, O re­ Mr' M- r-i C vAincnt to say w hat the law is. T hoseL ^ „ ' ' vn se r....... '■ >n Huber, and 116 and grant« fed ra l c o n s titu - * '• >'“ ic t o p a r f l e t d w r j v- 1 d a tin u n it, tio n an d th a t th e United S • expound • * r ^ * * * i « ' * T s r re d i oungen. X.tiue anc While the SERA paid the actual suprem e court has usurped t h e and in terp ret th at rule. If two J_,uiio Toungen and Miss I. Rt lin , n flid w ith each o th er, Hie. o iu 1 f . u andv 3i rS\.i° ^ JZ u??-s,L2n sis,in3 of a canncr. assistant, and ’ However. Charles Beard, in his courts must decide on the opera- finnrtav >rh»vrat=iJJIC!? In ^ ' 2 ? “ w St“ 0? " ' the rel.‘ef iam ‘Iies s u p -, excellent treatise. "The Suprem e tlon oi each." C hocolate Fudge Cake a V t » ^ ' x-Th y ? ° .£alled °.!? the pbed the m aterials, prepared it for C ourt and the Constitution" ans- -Marbury vs. Madison was fol- H om e-m ade style w ith A lfred Nyegger fam ily at Milwau- the canning and in fact did every- w ers satisfactorily th e usurpation i° " 'en effect, in the U nited »»»;»■ et", a i° n j Mason Hill 1« done and declared th at other mem- vention was unaw are th a t t h e Sta’cs. the judiciary has the f i n i We ‘•Old Virginia" t. »try w ’ , ii J . e • Ls ‘aTTt1‘E u*35 bets of hi? com m ittee w ere equally judicial pow er might be held to "'°rd as to thc valid ity of legisla- a lull line of Mrs. tim e r G eurber is con\al- Assisting f th e county committee, tro! 'ro! Over over legislation and th at th ere 1 bave dealt at - some length wiih --- ................— escing at her.hom e. *-----* ’ — — 1 . l . . _ . . WINES was Jam es Lewis of H uber, countv was a high degree of probability developm ent of this theory of It's a real treat. Try our .commissioner, who supervised the 'to say the least) that such con- judicial review as contrasted with Sherry to purchase of equipm ent and o b - |t r °l would be exercised in the or- legislative suprem acy, because lt flavor you< taining of iocations of operations dinary course of events.” bus served as one of th e most im- At your grocer. Fruit I'ak Ray T raughber of Hillsboro was! A lthough Jo h n M arshall, in his P °r ’a n t legal controls fo r adjust- < B r V iv ia n H u d s o n ) or .Miner Ross U pdike returned home M on­ project supervisor in charge of famous decision in M arbury vs. ing and harm onizing conflicting Meat. . . Madison in 1803. was the ’ first and overlapping desires and claims COOKIE#—Many varieties, sugar day evening from apple picking at canning. form ally to declare an act of con- under our constitutional govern- oatmeal, raisin, ginger, fru it bars. at Wenatchee, Wash. __ gress unconstitutional, th e issue of m ent- Floyd U pdike has completed his MRS. garages FOREST GROVE--Mrs. C a rr ie . review was before the United States . »’ has appeared as a political _ 2 dozen John A r purchased 10 Homes, 74 . ifl Jo h n aupreme court in several previous ‘«sue whl ,in. uozen Pure. Sweet acres adjoining the West property died here Novem ber 7 at the home ! cases. try at intervals ever since it was C hocclate and plans on building a house In oi her daughter, Mrs. Matilda Mad- In Hylton vs. th e United States, definitely applied b y Marshall, C loverleaf Rolls -lb. the future. sen F uneral services w ere held decided in 1796. th e court exer- Through the Dred Scott decision bar ------------------------ - : Dozen i tu d i l a i t t s :l I t,tu ,le m le r o U lit II,» WOW DIDJA EVER SEE SUCH BARGAINS Stock Up at Th esc Low Prices! FREE DELIVERY ZaiiolSt ViOUIliy ' 0{ H E IN Z SOUPS A V.l l i f t ; 22c 49c CORN BREAD 10c Havward 15c RlnnrrtTMr» ' ' - C '* war' UH- lH i l i n g Rev. A. M. S. S; k officiating. In- Tress imposing a duty on carriages The fortieth wedding anniversary ,erm ent was in Forest View cem -i In th at case, counsel for the ap- of M r a n d M r . - n , « » t . xt ..v ’ e’er>'- , pellant argued th a t th e law was Mrs. Charles M atthes Mrs Homes was born in Norw ay unconstitutional and therefore void; M r, Z » ll O . S t r u ik e r » ) and the nineteenth w edding anni- May 22. 1861. and was m arried but the court, then headed by Mr? Charles V anK lcek entcr- versary of Mr and Mrs. H. C in Norw ay to Mr. Homes. They Chief Ju stice E llsw orth who had tained m em bers of th e T ieard it- Ma n ? « .cel®bra,ed ** the came ’