Page Six H IL L S B O R O ARGUS, H IL L S B O R O , Thursday, November I I, 1935 OREGON were Friday and Saturday guests Mrs. B eede of N ew berg and five her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A E astern Star, their hiiahundx und | Beaverton Klwanls club Wedne of Mr and Mrs. Maurice Thomp­ friends from Willamina. Hill, S unday and Monday. wives. ¡day evening son and daughter in Vernonia. Mr- F ii Donaldson entertain j Mrs Ed Sheets wus hostess at Prof, and Mrs. C. A Hubbard A m eetin g w ill be held nt the Mr and Mrs. Ed Schlegel and and two children of Forest Grove P leasant View school F riday eve I d the Tuesday Bridge club with h*’r home W ednesday to the 1>U . sons Lester and Robert visited at i visited the F E. Hoffman family ■ling at 8 o'clock to learn how , . , ... ,, Noble Grunds' club, a luncheon at the hom e u( Mrs. II | the W. G. W alker home Sunday. | i Friday and Saturday. m any w ant elec tricity this w in ter 1, Hud m i November ti. Mrs Earl C hristie and Mrs. J I’ A re p re se n ta tiv e w ill be present Kenneth M unford of Corvallis I -------- Dally T rips to Portland from the Y am hill E lectric eom puny Members of the Península Kl | Councilmen Nam ed; Game -ren t Arm istice day with his moth- Couple Married; S u r p r is e | Jones w ere both ill last week E lsie M . C h r is te n s e n N e w Don Haynes and Keith Brunson H illsboro Auto Freight er. Mrs. Flora Munford. Mr and Mrs W arren M orris find unis were dinner guests of the I Saturday; _____ Shoot Sunday Birthday Party Held who are w orking at Tillamook, th ree c h ild ren of Hebo visited Mr Bonded and Insured Carrlor M u ster at B e a v e r to n Mr and Mrs. M. Berdan a n d ' spent from Saturday evening u n ­ and Mrs C h arles T atin an S unday ♦ ----- ♦ Serving Beaverton, Alolia, Reed- i son Evard of Forest G rove visited I -------- til Monday on the mountain. Al­ i M< m M iry S .n d y ) Mr. and N L Berdan Mon-! (By M a. J « . . Merer«) Mr. and Mrs Don M cInnis and ville, IMIIabnrn, Cornelius and BEA V ERTON H eaverton G range BANKS -W o rk began on t h e dav. BUXTON—Estis Gibson and Em- bert Brunson went to Tillamook four sons of R eedvllle v isited D elected fellow uig officers S aturday : Forest (¡rove new $10,000 gymnasium November Mr and Mrs. Paul Rosencrons ma McMullen of C rane were mar- and got them. M and K enneth M cInnis S atu rd ay . M aster El ue M C hristensen; o v e r­ Pickup and Delivery Servie» at Mr. and Mrs. Elry McDougal 5, when a crew of relief w orkers and baby son returned to their ried at the home of the groom's Mrs D. M M cInnis re tu rn e d seer. V ivian .1 L aw rence; lecturer. Package Kates began digging the basement The home last week after spending sev- mother. Mrs. Homer Bennett. No- w ere called to Portland Saturday hom e S unday from S alem a fte r Alice F unston: stew ard. A M. K en- Hillsboro Phone 543 piece of proper!, which w is -old ir a j months in Yakima, w here they vember 3. Rev. R M. Hood, pastor evening to be with her sister, Mrs spending last w eek th e re w ith a nedy; assistant stew ard, B ernice I Everything In Insurance , , to Mrs. H A Williams, was pur- plc|((X| apples of the Presbyterian church here, Stanley McDonald, who underw ent d au g h ter. Miss Alice M cInnis, w ho D obbins; chaplain. D erle P erkins; I E ast Side Term inal Portland 33(1 K. Washing tun I chased back and t h e building. Lyle Wolford of O tter Rock spent perform ed the ceremony. Mr and an emergency operation at Eman­ was em ployed as a clerk at the tre a su re r. Je n n ie I. G ray, seere I Pilone 1701 Phone EAsl 9131 which will be located just south of (rom Thursday to Sunday at home Mrs Gibson were given a kitchen uel hospital November 7 and is in special session. Mrs M cInnis also (ary, Kuby W Hoyd; gatekeeper. a critical condition. will * the . high ,. school, .... ii i be 60 by .. ,, 100 anj Mrs Clifford Sandy and shower at the G range hall Friday visited an aunt. Miss Ella Hodson, W illiam D essuiger. C eres. F reda Sunday visitors at the G lenn Mil­ and a nephew , E arl M essm ger Public speaking class has been Mamie Sandy and Francis Thomp- (night The evening was spent in A ustin; Pom ona. Isabelle W alkei. ler home w ere Miss Violet DeVault elected as a committee from the son were Arm istice day guests at j dancing. Mrs W alter A ustin, teac h er at of Scholls and Parian Goin of Fir G rove, began last w eek s e r v ­ Flora, llelga M eK ereher: lady a s ­ •nt body to revise the Banks the Ernest M arr home at Kansas Attend Rally sistan t stew ard. B eatrice H ansen, ' Amity. high school constitution. The re ­ ing hot lunches at school. W. B. A. members attending the ex ecu tiv e committee, A. S F u n ­ an£l Mrs. Shelburne Shel- vised constitution will then be City. Miss Garrigus Weds i — - . . . M ervin, C layton Elm er. K en n eth miles south of Forest (¡ro w on the Spring Hill road, ston. E ugene B rookings of P ert 43rd_,a.n nl.v.®isai ' ; - ia ?fAOF W_olnan ' brink of Forest GroGve v isited he vo.ed on bv the student body. Miss Elma G arrigus and Reuben Benefit association a t Scappoose aunt. Mrs. Henry Versteeg, and and W alter W hitm ore and F ra n k land w as the sp eak er on the lee id-mile north of Spring Hill School House, on Roll-Call Starts Hill left F riday on an elk hunt lut e hour IL- gave the history of I Passo. both of Westimbef." w ere November 3 were Mesdames Elsie The annual Red Cross roll-call narried Saturday. The couple left Kelly. Clara Allen. Mollie Tallman, family Sunday. T hey visited J im Mossie lit U kiah old Fort V aneouv, r and review ed The C. L. Baught family have u n til S a tu rd ay , w hen they m ade is now being made in this vicinity. for a visit w ith the bride's sister. LaVona Peterson. Elva Tolke, Lu- th e life- of Jo h n M cL aughlin an t The Red Cross is expected to have • Ir.- Robert Oswald, at Newport, cille White. Ethel Meyers and Miss moved from Dundee to the Blehm cam p nearby. his fam ily and the p art th ey had i Sale to start at one o'clock p. m. sharp place Don Baught is a new pupil many more calls upon it than it The bride graduated from the Elsie Meyers. A school of instruc- Mr. an d Mrs. O ral K iser and in th e d evelopm ent of the early in the sixth grade at Pleasant has the p -s . y .a r. Miss Sylvia Banks high school in 1934. She is | tion was held in the afternoon by Six head of D airy C u ttle 2 cow s freNh, an d 4 heifer» O ne horse. ch ild ren M yron. G erald in e und O regon country View. S -ver nee is chairm an for this 1400 lb s, good and tru e; d ouble harness; e x tra good trailer; m o w e i. M arvlyn of Forest G rove and F ran k ie d a u g n te r a. Mrs. Janies M cFar- state field director, Mrs. Ju lia V C andidates N am ed J. E and Dorman Blazer are M eCorthy of N ew berg visited Wil­ community. r a k i . iro n -w h eel w agon; tw o plow s; disc harro w ; drug burrow s, new lane. The m arried couple will Ward. building a double garage of logs Ttie follow ing can d id ates w ere Mr, and Mrs. Henry Rosencrons b u r and Tom Jo n es Sunday o*ii h o t-.1 c u ltiv a to r, new ele c tric broialer. All sm all tools on a furm u.. th .ir home at Westimber. Surprise Given W ilbur and Tom Jones have fin- and family have moved to Man- Ge a g e S axton visited his b ro th ­ chosen at the caucus at the high 200 W hite L eghorn laying pullets; 120 one-year-old hens. Mrs H attie Davidson of Forest A surprise birthday party was ished building a potato house of school W ednesday e \ citing: m ayor. w.iere Mr. Rosencrons will .rove spent Monday night and given Evelyn Rinek at her home the same m aterial er Ed S ax to n at W itch H azel S u n ­ IIOUHKIIOI.D GOODS A. E Wilson, to serv e one y ear, „ on the school house day. laesday with relatives at Banks here Thursday The evening was Fir Grove Ladies' social club met Steel range cook stove, heating stove. 2 dressers, one library table, councilm an to serve one year. G uy ground project. al" and M i- Hay Ego and d a u g h ­ Air and Mrs W. C. Moore and spent In playing games. Present w ith Mrs. Flora Baker November . a . .anton. who has been ter C arolyn. J P and W avnc Jo n es C arr; councilm en to serve tw o dining table. 6 chairs, 2 rockers, 3 bedsteads, springs, and all kitchen attending Vancouver high school , i lly and Ferd Schulm erich of were Mr and Mrs. C orbett Crowth- 5. The afternoon was spent in atten d ed the fu n eral of M is P aul years, H M B arnes, A lbert Rossi utensils, two rugs. the week-end vis- er. Wilma. Billy and Frank: Mr. quilting. Next meeting w ill be No- Reese. 32. at P o rtlan d N ovem ber and L. F H am burg, and reco rd er- Those desiring credit apply before sale for the past year, returned to Portland spent • : relativ es and friends in and Mrs. J Benefiel and Lillian vem ber 19 w ith Mrs. Charles Tat- treasurer, to serve one yeur, H. L. B inks w here he will be a senior. Banks. 5. Mrs Reese w as a d au g h ter-in - Mae. Mr and Mrs. Joe Frydendal. man. W. A. SIDWELL, Proprietor Banks high school alum ni has law of J P Jo n es' sister, M rs B es­ \\ iIson Mr. and Mrs Edw ard Schulmer- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Benefiel and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stayton and sie M R. JOHNSON. Clerk Mrs M innie Riley, a form er resi­ .1. W. llt'G IIF S , A uellonerr h r a !,v n e be­ Jo n es Reese. v Glenn. Ju an ita Retherford. baby finished moving Monday from dent of B eaverton, was recently tween the W estimber CCC boys. ie i ot Hillsboro visited Mrs. Min- Mr. and Mrs C. W Sinniger m arrie d to E ugene llib b s of P o rt­ Ta n ‘he Banks land T hey w ill m ake th e ir hom e ■sday afternoon. in Portland ! and Patricia Jen- Property Sold Normal school spent W H. King recently sold his 1 h . 1 end with their parents homo and tw elve acre on the 1 here. hinr T Mr. *nd Mrs Tony Rinck and “ w in Fin gan w ent to Portland Sunday in their honor. M- r'c.y M ad of Bald Moun- First truck load of tics was ship­ Canyon road und has m oved to i .lurold Jensen of Forest Grove John and Evelyn. Monday foi^a few d a v < v .x » w.- vi.: „a Albert H eard and ped November 6 from the Eminer- Portland. Road Opened H "'je n -e n 5 w e r "the w w k e n d ^ * ' Mrs' LuciIle w t»ite, Mrs. LaVona a brother and sister ' Joe Finigaii Mrs. Fred Wolford Sunday. son sawm ills in the Buck Heaven M cM illen avenue, cast of B eav­ z ” n ri"‘ta and Raymond district. rrs 1 R o b in so n i b ro T h n 'r F r a n k P e te ” ° n ' MrS' E ,h e l the ; -F ank Meyers and Harold Fisher visited Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hagg and Vanderzanden. all of Oregon Nor­ qmilh F. E. Hoffman lost a milk cow erton, has been opened th rough mal, spent the week-end with their SmPh of Portland we^c w ee k en d Mr and Mrs Oran Elll0t at Hou1' dau8h,er Ida Lue of R eedville vi- Thursday from bloat caused by from the B erth a B eaverton h ig h -' w ay to th e C anyon road Mr and Mrs. J. M. Van­ eating frozen turnips. M esdam es F ran k R osebrough. A r­ derzanden. Monday taking a load of wood A addition is being built on Tom Shuck and family of H ills­ chie W illiam s and H S I.aey w ere boro visited here Sunday and Mon­ Marie Rieben. who has been with them. j the M anning house. hostesses S a tu rd a y i veiling in the spending the week in Portland vis­ Louie T urk and family of Yam­ day. M asonic hall to the officers of Don bpienng Hurt large crowd attended the «.u«.- auc- iting her sister. Mrs. Harold Ben­ „ . . „ . , hill nm spent Sunday with his par- . " A — Donald Spierm g received a brok- Pnt3 Mr , nd Mrs Tom tion sale of the livestock c.d farm nett, returned home Sunday. en rib in the football game Friday M anning m achinery of the Wallie Whitmore Lose to Tigard „ , . . . . . estate ~ Saturday afternoon H. Lil- West Union local of the Farmci Banks high school football team afternoon. Banks High Clarion staff held a i .^ ra n k Burgholzer Jr. of Fairvale ly and family are the new renters Union met at the K P. hall at was defeated by Tigard on the hot-dog sale Thursday. Net profit | ' r i m on this farm. North Plains N ovember 7. Dele home field 7 to 6. I Ladies' Aid of the P resbyterian Lynn G uenther was home from gates w ere appointed to attend a ! An Epworth League party was of ten dollars was made. church met at the home of Mrs. Mrs. A. C. Wahl and sons of O. S. C. from Friday till Sunday meeting of the P ortland city cuun i given at th e.P aetsch home Friday Perrie Retherford November 4 to and Miss Ernestine G unther, who cil. when the question of in sp e c-' evening. The evening was spent Portland spent the A rm istice day quilt. holidays visiting friends and re l­ is w orking in Portland, spent Sat- t • n or prohibition of county killed playing games. Frank Petrzilka is home from urdav and Sunday here atives in Banks and Forest Grove. at will be taken up. All mem- W alnut and Filbert M eats Councilmen Named mSZ°2.a'v WhCre h,C has. ubeen em - S H. H am s of T u a la tin visited ' bers are urged to attend. W. G. W alker was elected and Light Halves 30c lb. tor several months (he Deidericks home Sunday. Bill This local will sponsor a d a n c e 1 Byron Tresham and Cass Wilson Mr. and Mrs Oscar Benefiel and Deidericks returned h >:ne with November 21 and members may in- ' were re-elected as councilmen of family of Willamina spent the him for a few days' visit. vite th eir friends to attend, laidies. i Bonks. Engineer Jones made a re ­ '',e »»"end relatives here and Myron A rthand began w ork at who bring lunch, adm itted free. port on the sewer system running at Manning. the Finigan farm Mondav McMinnville, Oregon tlwough Banks and the m atter was Elton Ingram retu rn ed Friday Mr and M rs K urt Ja c k y air! (Bv Mm. J. A. McCoy I Let the advertisem ents help you brought up at a council meeting KANSAS CITY— Miss M argaret irom, p ° rtla.nd- w here he under- son Donald of North ‘p lain v isited m ake your shopping plans. Tuesday evening. Kellogg, teacher of Kansas City went a tonsil operation Tuesday Peterson, wno who is w ith o Sherman u c iu ia u Robinson n u u in so n is improving .ch,,ol has oreanivert a hnv«’ n Harold aro io reierson. Wltn from his accident, which happened gir is? sewing and"cooking chib Of the CCC at Black Rocki ’Pent about a week ago. Beers of the g"rls' d J b a r e o r e s w eek-end at his home here. He Turkey Shoot Sunday H ent Hel{?n y andeh^yb viw -p% si- tran sferred there from Westim- TH E NEW S T Y L IN G American Legion post will hold dent, Gladys McCoy and se cretary re c e rt>y it« annual turkey shoot Sunday. M arjorie Marr Officers of t h’r Delmar Riggle of B irkenfeld spent TEE BEAUTIFUL COLORS M erchandise as a , well w e,. as turkeys °P" e SIdent id lp h \ V hwe a? d a‘ his h7me will be put up. Vandehey: vice-president, Darrel a trT-°rPb,}1S Arm lstlcf Day- The THE EXCELLENT FINISH baker, the candlestiik maker M argaret Currington and Ethel Brady, and secretary, Edward Lew- c p h lm m t i "c a r i grec! Bella visited at the home of E th­ js Schefflm visited relatives here Sun- el's parents at Orenco Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Vanderzan- da^' II pays to modernize! It pays anyone who owns Game Here Saturday den and sons F ran k and Ralph. _ , , ~ Toledo football squad will meet or leases an income-producing building to kt Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McCoy and ^ p l p c t p r l the Banks team on the home field daughters Gladys and Ethel, and a U lt’ClCU it up to date and in good repair. Saturday morning. Poe attended the Gales Creek «. \ 7 ' Mr. and Mrs. H. J. G riffin and Eli Woman's club supper at the club a IC aSiH lt V1CW W e are making modernization load's up to Marjorie and and Mrs. Oscar e n J U 'd ^afteTw ard*' Ne’x ' 1" « * ^ . . CHE,HALEM. M O U N T A IN -O ffl- Delauney an d Mr. . daughter ^B everly Work Started Banks Hi Gym Buxton Folk Give Shower Grange Names New Officers RÜSHLOW A U C T IO N SALE Saturday, November 16th MevFs- Els‘C and MrS Emma Rachin Farmers’ Union Names Delegates W ANTED Two Clubs Formed at Kansas City Model Bakery Modernize for Profit! of Ih e se s iu n n in g Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Shipley vis­ ited Mr. an d Mrs. George Mc­ Farlane and daughter in Forest Grove Sunday. In the afternoon the Emmott Shipley family, also of Banks, visited the M cFarlane family Delbert Hopkins. Ada Hopkins and a friend from Tillamook vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Ray Parm ley and family and Mrs Alice Parm ley 0VFrredhSchlegelCreturned home Sat- urday from a three months' visit with friends and relatives in Ann Harbor. Mich., and other eastern points. During his visit he was a guest at the Ralph Kinton home at Martinsville. Ind.. and with rela­ tives in Illinois. The Kinton fam ­ ily formerly resided in Banks. Walter Beard is now employed as a saw-filer for the Westimber Lumber company at Westimber. Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. W. T. Sellers were Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Sellers and daughter an's club will be December 13 and e,“' c r o i e a ° d ° G ^ H e a to ^ ^ n re X n ^ V " h" ' ° ' F° " & « S T S E Make your property more attractive . . . more efficient . . . more productive! Inquiries welcomed. M rs Ira R rnw n a m eetin8s will be held on the sec- ChaHec w ! hhi „ 7 V accamP?nled ond Saturday evening in each day to get Mrs W v d d l^ a’n d ^ ^ h ''’ month- N ext meeting will be De- ?vhy0 ' ha®g ?er cember 14 w ith a pot luck dinner Pprrv heF s,ster' at 7 o'clock, honoring those who Mr an/ y p D, „ , have birthdays in December. There so^ rjim a n T familyG of Thea tcher i ? 1’. a , Sh° rt Pr° gram f° Il0Wed . _ , ---------- evening. S chaffe™ ' h L s e s 1“ one of Carl Visitors at the H. H. Neill home bc“ M r. fieL» houses- _« ZA Thursday were Mrs. A nnie Neill uesr \ h ° renC0 Wa,5 3 and P Tay ‘or of P ortland. Dr. and uest Sunday of her s o n - in - la w _________________________ and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. C har­ les Waddle, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Brown. Harvey Reidling of the CCC F IS T U L A camp of Astoria is spending a few days this week w ith Mr. and Mr.-. FISSU R E M. J. V anderzanden and family. Coastipatioo ft O th er Lynn Vanderzanden of Roy. a K ectal Troubles SuccesxfuJIj treated brother of M. J Vanderzanden, w ithou t hoapitaJitatiou spent a few days’ w ith them last Quick, Permanent Results week. Commercial National Bank "Thu Lnrgest Independent Bank in Washington County" PILES “ H in k le y L ife tim e N ew The HINKLCY Clinic Hill, Mr and Mrs. Dean Sellers and daughter of Grants Pass and Amos Sellers of Banks Mr and Mrs. Dean Sellers remained and returned home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hutchens of T aft returned to their home last Tuesday, after a short visit with J. J. Hutchr n □nd friends. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Shipley and daughters Juani'.a and ZVTarjorie of Hillsboro Donald Reppeto of Por*- ^ iri 7 d « xf FR O C K S $2000 . . . to repair, remodel, or install modern equipment in business or industrial property. Low cost and convenient repaym ent made possible by a new am endm ent to the National Housing Act. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Baker and little daughter Shirley of Long­ view, Wash., and E. B. Webb and brother Ed of Tillamook wery over­ night guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs Zelbert Baker. Mr. and Mrs. W. F Cropp and (laughter Doris and son Milton vis­ ited Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Reed and family of Portland Sunday. Miss lne Gladys and Ethel McCoy spt.,n weeK., spent in Forest Grove w the i,h f week-end r S Methods** O re. SperlsI Accommodations for O u t-o f - t w i Patients P c r t In a d . Shipley Sunday. Subscribe now to the Argus. In The Royal Neighbor women will give a pot luck dinner November Washington county $1.50 a year. 21. All R. N. A. member^ are in- Six months 85c. T hree m onths 50 cents. Two m onths 35 cents. tf vi ed to a’tend. Mrs. Ri a Hel zel and daughters Betty Jane and Norina J< an o* Guns, Am m unition Portland spent the Armistice dav holidays with her parents, Mr. and Fishing Tackle Mrs. W. G. Walker. CORWIN HARDWARE J. J. Hutchens visited his son Phone 72 Delbert Hutchens, near Watts Sun­ 128 2nd Ave. day. Agent Long Radios Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Sandy 3 I. E. S. Better Sight Lamps Every Week to Contest Winners PLAN NOW FOR Sewer Service W e are prepared to supply you w ith quality, time-re­ sisting concrete sewer pipe fo r connections with t h e m u nicipal sew er system . O u r pipe, high in quality and reasonable in cost, is durable and w ill serve jo u in d e fin ite ly , A L L SIZES C L A Y AND CONCRETE D R A IN T IL E H illsboro Concrete Brick 8C Tile Co. Phone 1341 North of Cannery, across W. W ashington St. I.E.S. BETTER SIGHT LAMPS \ e w , beautifully ¿esigned oftcisl E.S. Table Study or Retdinjr Ltr.ip. Finished in ivory and gold with white and gold lincn«on-patchment «hade, i he perfect Lamp for th? children s study tabic and for the living room occasional table near the magazine rack. Comes equipped with 3-lite awitentouse 50. lOOor I 50 watts.Com­ plete as described, 1?,95. Easy terms. This is just one of the many new, scientifically correct lamps on display at all Pepco Electric Stores— see them. F PZPCO Electric STORES • "Simply unboliovablo," you'll say when you see them! They look TWICE the price! Carefully selected from HUNDREDS of r.tyles —every one smart 1 . . . up-to-the-minute! Dolman s le e v e s , g a th ered and tucked blouses, fur, velvet, metal and button trim, gorgeous Renaissance colors! Don't miss them! Come early, to be SURE! 7 h h tag I I attached to all genuine I T.S. Better Sight I.imps. It m your guarantee of lamp« scientifically