Thursday, November 11. 1935 H IL L S B O R O ARGUS, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Page Five Don’t Look Up and Down the Streets, Read the ’’Houses” Ads. Real Finds A Ready Market with Rig Results at Little C o st---- Classified Columns Close at 10 A. M. Wednesday— Too Late to Classify Accepted Until 5 P. M. Wednesday Ten Free Venetian Theutre Tickets in Classified and Display A dvertising— ( heck the Ads for Your Name. ('m int Word»—Send Money I 1 gon, for the sale of refunding im­ appear and answ er the plaintiff's REPORT OF AN A FFII.I4T K OF A NATIONAL HVNK provem ent bonds of said city In com plaint filed against you in the in areordunce with Section First insertion, | mt w ord 2c above entitled court a n d cause 1 5 2 1 Pubtisheil WANTED Q uilting by expelicm ed i j .(•;("i RIC range, ice m achine for H A M PSH IR E hie k foi de J R HAVE buyer for 5 or 10-acre tract the sum of $25 002 75. as follows: 1 . I ’ S. Revised Statutes. Report as City of Hillsboro Refunding qulltei Phone 1371 .Til Hjk. L r Krumien Telephone with buildings, small down pay ­ w ithin six weeks from the date i of November I, IMS. ,,f Hillsboro Com­ B lack, 11 m ile eut, 1 '2 north Each Additional Insertion, of the first publication of this mercial Bank. Hillsboro, Oregon, which is 3'Jp ment and monthly paym ents th e re­ I Im provem ent Bonds. S e r i e s Hillsboro 2823. .¡0 North Plains pur woid lc with The Cumtiwrclal National W/XNTEI) Plowing or team wink 1935 B. in denom inations of after F. A G riffith, 131 8. 2nd summons, towit: on or before De­ affiliated K m ok <.f Hillaboro, Hil labor«», Oregon, (No service per Issue less Will trade driiitmiw for eow. CABINET radio for sale, reason­ 23. $500 00 each, except Bond No. 1 Phone 171. 39 cem ber 13, 1935, and if you fail P ou ltry h 'e fle ra l Ke*erv*« diatrkt No. 12. Kimi o f than 25e) Have purebred Jersey bull f o r I which is in the sum of $82 75, so to answ er said complaint, the hualneaa: State bank in prct'taa of llqtii* able 115 E Jack .on St Phone service; will deliver him. G Frank 227IX bonds to be dated December 1, plaintiff will apply to the court dati< n. Manner in which abova-namc l 30tf ,0 EGG eleetrii incubator. t Wn ! GOOD hous 5 rooms and bath, Headers, per line 10c im affiliated with national Weibel Phone lllt t. 30-42p well located, at Newport, clear, 300-chick electric brooders all in 1935, and to bear interest at for the relief dem anded in its said organization bank, and degree of «ontnd St»H-k hold­ m a rk Fnco H eading Perm itted Kadi» Tubes excellent c o n d itio n for rah d r y to trade for acreage or house at G uaranteed 3 V i per cent per annum , and complaint, to-wit: First, for a de­ ers of the Commercial National Uunk WOOD SAWING If your wood Cush should accompany order. lowest prices Douglass Radio I reasonable. Mi II C. Dudley. Hillsboro. Value $2000 Peter P e a r­ are to m ature cree ordering that the sum of •«hare pro-rata in the »toek o f the Hille- is too long, cull 2141Z M J. At Service, borw Commercial Hunk. Financial rela­ son, Gaston. 39-40p Hillsboro Phone Vi-mile west of Aloha. 39p December 1. $265.00, being the par value of 53 21X 1936 $2.062.75 Senske. 423 N 2nd Ave 35-0tf Tubes tested free. tion« with bank : Stock of affiliated bank O ut of falrnoM to all no in ­ December 1. 1 NT 37tf shares of stock in The Federal owned, 2 000 00 none; loan* to affiliated bank, formation on the C l a s s i f i e d 100 7-months-old White Leghorn SMALL (arm wanted to rent. S u it­ December 1, 1938 Land Bank of Spokane, pledged none. Borrowings from affiliated bank, 2.000 00 10. S a le or T ra d e— Mis. able for chickens arid 5 or 6 Page will bo given uut until BARGAINS in used f u r n it u r e - pullets for ale cheap A M c ­ by the Sherwood National Farm ts.lo o .o o . Stock o f a ffilia te regiaterej December 1, 1939 2.500 00 the paper Is Issued. See Hurnbuek, 155 S. 2nd Ave Pherson. Cornelius. 3 blocks north cow s. C. B. Mark. 3434 NE T illa­ in name of bank or known to be owned December 1. 1946 Loan Association as additional se­ by 2,500 00 directly or indirectly, none. O th­ mook. Portland. 39p 1 FOR SALE n r tra d e for good eow: before you buy. 30tf of post office 31) p curity for the loan made by the er bank December 1, 1941 2..500 00 obligations to, or known to be held Cream separator, good condition plaintiff herein, be applied to the 1, December 1942 2.500 00 1 by, affiliated bank, none. FOR SALE 2 C atlett stock B our­ T WO lots, 5-room house with base-1 December 1. 1943 and Model T narrow-tred tractor 17 F u el I. J I.. S e a rc y , Secretary of Hillaboro paym ent of the am ount secured 3.000.00 A n n o u n cem en ts 1. m ent. lo r sale, $100, at Orenco bon Red cockerels V H French. and plow. Just right for small tract. Bank, do Molemnly »wear by p lain tiffs mortgage; and that Commercial December 1. 1944 3.000.00 M Mucha. Rt. 4, Hillsboro. 37-9p the above ttatem ent in true, to the G lenn Carr, lit 2. Portland: mile WOOD Heavy 4-foot old growth Cornelius. 39p the plaintif h a v e a judgm ent b that EVERYBODY knows that our P er­ December 1. 1945 3.000.00 e n t o f m y knowledge and belief. J. L. southeast Bethany store Telephone country slab, heavy 12 and Id- fect Blue Whito Diamonds ure The best buy, Washing- . Provided, however, that the City against the defendants, M artha E. SEARCY. Sworn to and «ubacribed before ____________ N tf I Inch country block. 372 S. Sixth YOUNG R. I. It pullet«; also sew ­ WANTED me thia 7th day o f November. 193 ft. Ross and Gilman G. Ross, wife of Hillsboro shall have the option priced lower than most Jewelers 3(1 FI ton county, for 400 acres Montana machine, for sale or trade — W illiam C. Christennen, Notary Public. Ave. Phone 1091. 39 G ing price Im perfect stones -Anderson's Stroeder, 1079 E Ila ( line. 39p and three hundred dollars. No to redeem any of said bonds m a­ and husband; H. G raham a n d M y commission expires April 17, 19H7. Jew elry store. 38 12. For S a le— M iscella n eo u s agents Rt. 1. Box 113, Gaston. 38-9 turing on or after December 1, Ellen Graham, husband and wife; old growth. $2 50. d e­ BEAUTIFUL Red pullet . a n d i 1941, in num erical order at any in- A lexander K. Lumsden; and Isa­ NOTICE TO CRKblTORH GOOD team and harness, drill. I j FOUR-foot $5000 livered. $3.75; 16-inch hardwood, No. 4370 CARBON paper, typew riter rlb- j terest paying date or dates on or belle W. Neate. a single woman, few cockerels from high layers. In the County Court of the State of Ore­ binder, spring-tooth harrow , drug! FOR SALE—The MacKay proper­ ash, maple, alder, mixed, $3 50 and against each of them, for the , after December 1, 1940, upon pay­ bons, e t c , for sale Argus. J. R. Jones, Vi )ta A v e . Aloha. « I harrow, ll-in ch plow', wagon and gon. for the County of W ashington ty, Washington street near First, ment of the face value thereof balance then rem aining unpaid of cord; delivered, $4 75. E Alt, o! In the M atter o f the E state of Glen I WILL not be responsible for rack, fur salt*; also place for rent ; miles south on Laurel road 38tf j WANTED -P o u ltry of all kinds. $5000. Term s reasonable.—Apply M with accrued Interest, both p rin ­ said indebtedness, to-wit: The sum Sw alley. Deceased. II G. Hamel, three miles east 8tf cipal and interest of said bonds to of $5067.31. w ith interest on the anyone' . d eb ts but by own -----------------------------------------------I Write, will call, or bring Friday, B. Bump, attorney. N otice is hereby given that the under­ Hazel ie Sw alley Millar ha* been 39 FIRST class wood for sale. — Ray Saturday or Monday before noon. May W Martin. 38-40 on highway at Rock Creek be payable at the office of the city sum of $4952.20 thereof at the signed appointed A dm inistratrix o f the E state Delsman, G aribaldi Ave. Phone F. H Barden. Cornelius. 34tf 30. S toves, H ea ters , treasurer. Eonds will be sold to rate of 5% per annum from Oc­ <>f Glen Sw alley. Deceased, by th e FOR SALE 3 good farm horses, 2107 49tf — --— d a - the bidder offering the highest cash tober 1. 1935, until paid, and for I County Court of the State of Oregon, 3. Lost and Found m achinery, milker, cream sep- COOK stove, A-B range, smooth price therefor which shall not be the further sum of $250.00 or such for W ashington Countv. and has Qual­ 24. Pigs top, good condition. $20.—Phone less than par and the accrued in ­ other sum as the court may ad ­ ified. All persona having claims against LOST Je w e le d fra te rn ity P I n. itrutoi Inquire at D. F Shadden s CORD wood for sale, $5 per cord. 1--------------------------- estate are hereby notified to present 39p terest thereon. Each bid shall be judge reasonable as attorney's fees «aid 39 p Jackson Bros, Kt 4, Sherwood SOW to farrow soon. for sale — Al- Beaverton 4404. D elta C hi R ew ard W. V. Me- North Plains. the same, duly verified an by law re- herein, together w ith plaintiff's quired. to the undersigned at the office Plume Scholls 1525 38-9p bert Meier, Rt. 2, Beaverton in w riting and, except any bid Kinney, Argus 3»tf of Klepper A Imlay. 1517 Yeon Build- 39lf STEEL range. Will trade for laying subm itted by the State of Oregon costs and disbursements; CARBIDE light plunt for sale, 12 Phone Hillsboro 2R’ hens brood sow, or cash —Chas. or any sinking fund of th e City of ing, Portland. Oregon, w ithin six months outlet*. 2 chandeliers. 3-burner 18. Second, for a decree foreclosing from S eed s, P la n ts FOUND G uernsey heifer. Owner the date hereof. 11 -MONTHS-old Chester W h i t e I. Todd, Rt. 5, Box 27, Hillsboro; Hillsboro, m ust be accompanied th at certain m ortgage executed by and first published November pay for ad und pasture John plate G enerator holds 200 pounds 38p by a certified check on a bank M artha E. Ross and Gilman G. (, Dated boar for sale. G. D. Tucker, Box mirth N ewton station. carbide, cost $300; sell for $50; used 1935. L ast publication December 5, HIGHEST q uality trees, largest as­ 672, Rt. 2, Beaverton. Kumua, Farm ington. Plume 5K33 39p 1935. I very little II It Bogc. Hillsboro doing business in this state, for 2 Ross, wife and husband, on March sortm ent, greatest values. G raft­ I tillein o 11 88 9p 32. M usical Instrum ent« HAZELLE SW ALLEY MILLAR. Ad­ Rt. 2 Phone Scholls 1051 39tf ed Suckerless filberts, walnuts, ' WEANLING per cent of the par value of the 23. 1918. in favor of plaintiff, which m inistratrix o f the E state o f G.’en Sw al­ pigs.— H. L. Stout, 3 i bonds, made payable to the city mortgage was recorded on April ley. Deceased. Klepper & Imlay, A ttor­ prunes, pears, cherries, a p p l e s , 4. M od ern ize miles south Hillsboro, n e a r HAVE YOl’R PIANO BLACK w alnuts for sale. 55c sack peaches, apricots, grapes, ornam en­ G rabel school; or will trad e for 6, 1918. at 11:00 o'clock A. M. in neys. 1517 Yeon Building, Portland. Ore- Tuned, cleaned dem othed and re ­ as a guarantee of good faith. Right Book 80 of Mortgages, page 303. in iron. 3S-42 Mrs 39p paired.—George Roberts, Rt. 4 i is reserved to accept or reject any PLASTERING bv day or contract Oak St. W Richter, lit 5, cast tals, shrubs, etc. Prem ium Roses hay. office of the County Recorder 39p free. Send today for our 45th An­ Patching a s p e c ia lty . C. o Hillsboro. Phone 1282. 39tf or all bids in the interest of the the NOTICE TO CREDITORS of W ashington County, Oregon, city. niversary sale circular — Carlton WEANLING pigs for sale.—C. A. No. 4369 Churchill. 3122 F Washington St ELECTRIC light poles. 00 35-foot, N ursery Co. Legal approving o p in io n o f covering the following described In the County Court o f the State o f Ore­ Tompkins, W illamina Ave., For- 34. 35tf Phone 2152. 38t f R oom s, A p a rtm en ts real property situate in Washing­ and 30 30-foot poles H ugh gon. for the County of W ashington Messrs. Teal. Winfree, McCulloch, 39p est Grove. In the Matter o f the E state o f Ruth Moore, 2 m iles w est of Mountain- STEAM-heated rooms for rent, also Shuler and Kelley and will be fu r­ ton County. Oregon, to-wit: All of Nursery Stock MODERNIZE your home w ith con­ dale. Sw alley Denton. Deceased. the East Half of the Southwest pigs for sale. 7- 39p WEANI IMG N otice is hereby given that the under­ nice 2-room apartm ent. — Hotel nished the successful bidder. crete septic tanks, well, curb and MUST be sold Hlgn grade J u n i­ weeks-old. - Adam Bclla, O ren- Washington. HELEN McDANIEL, City Re­ Q uarter of Section Seven, in Tow n­ signed Raymond Denton has been ap­ 39 chimneys Portlund Concrete Pipe per. A rbor Vitae, Cedar. Cypress, pointed Adm inistrator o f the Estate o f ship T hree South. Range One West 39p co. FENCE posts for sale, _ 10c de- corder. 38-9 gt Products C o. 5819 S. W M aca­ , livered.- Rav Delsman, 'Garibaldi Spruce, Yew. Azalia. Rhododen­ Ruth Sw alley Denton. Deceased, by the of th e W illam ette M eridian, con­ County FURNISHED 3 - room apartm ent Court c f the State o f Oregon, dam. Portland. Phone drons. Abella. Aucuba Box. Caton- WEANLING pigs, 8-weeks-old. for 2107. 34tf w ith private bath, for r e n t—No NOTICE O F S A L E O F R E A L taining 80 acres, m ore or less, to­ for W ashington County, and has qual­ 4921. ¿lLl Ave. ______ Phone ;___________________________ easter. Daphne. H eather, G randa s a le —G. Losli, mile east of O r­ 4047 Argus. gether w ith a certain parcel of ified. All persoiy having claim s against 39tf PROPERTY BY ADMINISTRATOR Holly, Laurel. Magnolia, and many said estate are hereby notified to present enco. 39p Curd* — E very woman | others. i Notice is hereby given th at in land situate and bordering upon the same, duly verified as by law re­ P lants for edging, hedge, 6. W a n te d — M iscella n eo u s CALLING West line of the above de­ should have calling cards as a so­ w ind-break, o r H ouses pursuance of an order of the C oun­ the to the undersigned at the office garden Expert F.IGHT-weeks-old pigs for sale.— 35. scribed tract and being east of quired, cial necessity.- Seu The Argus for landscape of Klepper & Imlay. 1517 Yeon Build­ ty Court of W heeler County, O re­ ad v ic e —Drew N ursery mile southeast C arl R. Clark. FILBERTS, w alnuts w anted Bring quality work. THREE-room house to rent, partly gon, made and entered on the 16th County Road No. 361. and being a ing. Portland. Oregon, w ithin six months 39-40 Beaverton, east end of 8th St of Newton station to 3017 N. F 21st A ve. P o rt­ furnished. $5 month, wood free. day of July, 1935. in the m atter part of the West Half of said fr»-m the date hereof. Dated and first published November 35tf land J It J . h k 31)p A P A ItT M E N I f R e n t. No S m o k ­ Phone 11805 FIVE 3-months-old pigs for sale. 1 ‘-i miles east and south of Scholls. of the estate of Mary J. Hoover, Southw est Q uarter of said Section • . 1935. L ast publication December 5. i V enetian tick et, H arvey Jess«, city) Seven, containing l ‘i acres, more ing F o r R ent. F o r S ale, No —A. J. W eller Sr., Sherwood Rt 1935. —Mrs. Elizabeth Ritter, H ills­ deceased, the undersigned adm in­ Farm M ach in ery Peddlers, etc., signs for sale at The 2 1 . RAYMOND DENTON. Adm inistrator of 39 istrator of said estate w ill sell at or less, situated in W ashington boro Rt 1. North Plains 15F14. 39 4, Box 205 HIGHEST m arket price paid for Argus. 27tf S tate of Oregon; that the the E state of Ruth Sw alley Denton, De­ 'V enetian ticket, W. S. A t l e e . a private sale to the highest bid­ County. ceased. Klepper A Imlay. Attorney«. 1517 KLONDIKE g a so lin e t r a i t o r . 400 'V enetian ticket, J. C. Barnard, Banks) No I potatoes Williams At Co., described in plaintiffs Yeon Building, Portland. Oregon. 38-42 der for cash in hand, all of the mortgage lb s . o rig in a l p ric e $295. lik e new , Cornelius) 911 N M o n ro e S t. Portlund 39-40 OLD new spapers for sale. 10 cents com plaint be foreclosed and the interest of the estate of said de- $75 cash P. Doran. >j-mile north mortgaged premises be sold in one b u n d le Argus. lHtf 37. Loans NOTICE OF FIN A L ACCOUNT . cedent in and to the following de- parcel in the m anner prescribed H orses on Tobias Ave., Aloha. 39p 25. WOOD w ante I in trade for inonu- No. 3593 , scribed property, to-wit: i Venetian ticket. J. H. Dooley, m ent work Also light trailer for 14. Home Loans by the laws of the S tate of O re­ In the County Court o f the S tate o f Ore­ Cars, T ru ck s, T ires TEAM of fine geldings, 7 and 9. Beginning at the SW corner gon, for the County o f W ashington. Banks. Rt > sale or trade Oregon Monument gon and the practice of this Court; Probate Department. 3200 lbs., full brothers, sound For building, buying or refinanc­ , of the Donation Land Claim of Works. 30tf FOR people who w ant to self- th a t the proceeds thereof be ap­ In the M atter o f the Estate o f Daniel ing on city or acreage property. and true.—Call 444, or 2563. 39 USED m achinery of all kinds.— Jam es W. Cham ber and M ary Ryan. Deceased. service their autom obiles with plied tow ard the paym ent of plain­ Monthly paym ents as low as $9.56 Feed Co., 160 W. Main Chambers No. 54. thence north­ 7. H elp W an ted N otice is hereby given that the under­ Power Seal, send $1 cheek or m on­ . ' i Hillsboro tif f s . decree, costs and accruing SPAN of mares, black and gray. per month per $1000, including in ­ . o 4tf as A dm inistratrix o f the estate erly on the line between said ey order to R C H arder, 10th costs; that at said sale plaintiff signed. 2800 lbs., $65; pair black geldings. terest. — W ashington S a v in g s & of Daniel Ryan, deceased, has filed her WOMAN for h ousekeep in g Phone and W alnut S ts, Hillsboro; care of claim and the donation land be perm itted to become a p u r­ final account in the County Court of 3000 lbs ; also single horses.—F. W. Loan, Hillsboro. 39tf L IC E N S E D s to c k tr a ile r s , 2-cow 192 lifter November 17. 39 Follis Service station, or Rt. 4 claim of Thos. and Mary Otchin tf chaser: th at plaintiff have a de­ the State of Oregon, fo t W ashington capacity, ren t $1 p er day. Light Walch. 1500 feet south Newton sta­ in said County and State, 15.85 and that Monday, the 2nd day ficiency judgm ent against the de­ o County, N tf 38. trailers mode to order. Auto parts tion. WANTED Girl for housework In Farm Loans f December. 1935, at the hour o f 10 chains to a stak e 4 rods S. of fendants, M artha E. Ross and G il­ o'clock in the forenoon of said day and mail family, good home W rite WE buy nnd sell used cars. and farm m achinery.- -L. V. H u lit the center of a swale, thence man G. Ross, wife and husband: the court room o f said court has been or leave inform ation w ith refer­ We want to buy 75 used 152 N. Second Ave. 23tf TEAM of horses. 1600 and 1200 FARM money to loan—The Fed­ easterly running parallel with appointed by said court as the tim e and lbs., w hite and sorrel, for sale, H. G raham and Ellen Graham, hus­ ences at 4080 Argus. 39lf cars.—J. ('. Edwards. eral Land bank now has am ple place for the hearing of objections there­ said swale, to a stake on the band a n d wife: A lexander K. to NEW and used farm m achinery bargain. — George Sinclair place. funds to loan to farm ers at 4%. and the settlem ent thereof. line between the eastern and Lumsden, and Isabelle W. Neate, 39-40p O ver $1.000.000 has been loaned to MAN w anted for Rawleigh route STUDEBAKER to uring car. $35; for tale by Lester Irelan d & 4 -m ile north Reedville. Dated and first published October 31. w estern half of said land claim 1935. D ate o f last publication November a single woman, and against each of 800 families. Good profits for llt f take some grain J. R. Jones. Co. No. 54, thence southerly on said 1935. LIGHT horse for sale for trad e for Washington county farm ers by the of them for any portion of said 28. CATHERINE hustler We train nnd help you Vista Ave. North, Aloha. 39,) bank. W rite or call for particulars. A. RYAN. A dm inistra­ line to the southern boundary heifers or chickens.—A. R. H und­ decree rem aining unpaid; that the trix. Albert T. Kemmer, W rite today Rawleigh C o, Dept. i Venetian ticket, Donald Fraser, 22. S h eep , G oats Attorney. 37-41 of the aforesaid claim, thence ley. 4 miles N. Hillsboro. 39-40p —Washington County National Farm defendants above named, and each (IR 8 K S A 2 . O akland. Cal 38-49p Rt. 1. Beaverton) Loan Association, J. M Person, w esterly on the southern boun­ and all of them, be foreclosed and FLOCK of 26 Ham pshire ewes and NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT secretary. Hillsboro. 9tf HARNESS dary to the place of beginning, No. 4307 barred of all right, title, claim or 1 buck for sale Call evenings or 8. W ork W an ted MODE!. T pick-up and T truck containing 39.18 acres; a l s o Have your harness cleaned and Estate of Magdeline Ochs. interest in the premises described w eek-end. Melvin Vander m o st, MONEY loan on good dairy for side Cheap if taken at once. In the County Court o f the Sstate of land beginning at a point on oiled. Now is th e best tim e to TEAM work wunted, wages or in p la in tiffs mortgage except the herds.- A. G riffith, 131 S. 2nd Oregon for the County of W ashington. Paul Now'by, mile nortli Witch southw est Kinton school on Scholls have it done Rem em ber that oiled said claim ling 48.84 chains hay or grain S. W Baughman. Hazel school. 39p right of redem ption allowed by In the Matter o f the E state of Magdeline avenue. 7tf 39p l-oad S. 17’ w. from said NW cor­ harness looks better, lasts longer, Och». Deceased. Orenco. 39p law, and that plaintiff have such ner of Lenox Claim and ru n ­ N otice is herebv given that the under­ H A N D S O M E 7 -m o n th s -o ld W h ite is easier on the horses. We are other and fu rth er relief as is meet signed. USED 29-4.80 tires for s a 1 e. - as executor of the estate of Mag- ning N 74’ 07 W. 23.40 chains, equipped to do th e job for you l.ADY with two children wishes niuley billy goat; splendid w hite and equitable. Paine's Auto Top Shop 39tf define Och*. deceased, has filed his Final thence N. 17’ E. 7.0) chains to housework in m otherless home nanny, over gallon in summer, halt prom ptly at reasonable prices, bring Service of this summons is made Account in the County Court o f the th e center of th e Glenco-Port- Mi D i-iotliy K iueger, Rt. 3, We specialize in quality coni­ gallon w inter; ton hay, total $20 — yours in today. upon you by publication thereof State o f Oregon for W ashington County, • NOTICE that Monday, the 16th day o f De- land Road, thence S. 74’ 07' E. Hillsboro. 39 m ereiai p rin tin g —Argus. 39 Some of you will be needing new ti William Richter, Rt. 5. in th e Hillsboro Argus, a new s­ i and cember, 1936. at the hour o f 10 o’clock 23 40 chains, thence S 17’ W. sets of harness for next season's T hat Court will hear evidence u p ­ paper of general circulation pub­ in the forenoon of said day. in the 7.03 chains to place of begin­ work. Do you know you can save on A dm inistration of th e Estate lished in Washington County, O re­ i courtroom o f «aid Court has been ap- J if r o x a a money by placing your order now? ning. containing 16.43 acres and of Axel Larsen, w ho is presumed Court as the tim e and gon. once each week for a period pointed for by the said »? hearing o f objections there­ Come in and let us explain why. subject to $1 000 mortgage. Also to be dead. of six consecutive and successive ! place to and the settlem ent thereof. Ask us about our tim e paym ent In the County Court of the State an undivided interest in weeks, by v irtu e of an order Dated and first published November plan. — Spicker’s H arness S h o p . lots 2, 3. 4. 5. and 6, in Sec. of Oregon, for W ashington C oun­ m ade by the H onorable R. F rank ; 14th. 1935. Date o f last publication De­ 16. Tp. 1 N.. R 2. W. W. M„ Hillsboro. 39-41 cember 12th, 1935. ty. Peters, Judge of the above en­ ALBERT 8CHKCKLA. Executor. Fred containing 129.48 acres. Also In the M atter of the Estate of titled court and entered in said A. A llehcff. Attorney. 512 Mead Build­ FOR SALE—One good farm horse. 1-8 interest in rem aining Axel Larsen, Deceased. court and cause on October 25. ing. Portland. Oregon. 39-43 w eight 1450.—F rank Pranger. 2 interest of said land. Excepting Notice is hereby given th at C arl 1935. said period of publication miles north of Cornelius. 38tf Larsen has filed in the above en- from the above that 7% acres NOTICE TO CREDITORS being the period prescribed by said the County Court o f the S tate o f Orw tract described in Deed Book _ j 1 titled Court and cause his duly order. The date of the first pub­ In gon, HORSES for to iron r, for W ashington County. 0 d f verified Petition alleging that after F page 612. deed records of lication of this summons is the In the Matter of the E state o f Mamie singles. 1200 to 1600 P o u n d s.-1 m aklng *Jue and search Washington County, Oregon. 31st day of October. 1935, and the J. R affety, Deceased. Dwight Hulit, H -m ile north of and inquiry, he has been, during All th e above described lands N otice is hereby given that the under­ date of the last publication th e re­ Rock Creek store on Cornelius Pass all the tim e for th irty years im ­ signed been duly confirmed by the being in W ashington County, of is the 12th day of December, above have 35tf m ediately last past, and now is u n ­ road. entitled court as executor and Oregon. 1935. j executrix of the L ast Will and Testa- Bids or offers for the purchase WM. L. BEATTY, of A ttorneys ■ ment o f said deceased, and have duly Old Horses Wanted , able to locate said Axel Larsen or CHEAP, old horses for fox feed.— to bear from him or of him, or to of said lands should be made in for Plaintiff. Post office address: qualified as such. Now, therefore, all persons having ascertain his a n d w riting, and may be delivered to PhonO 20017r — * * H ie i w v n hereabouts, c ro o n m u c n n n 514 P orter Building. Portland. O re­ claim 38-41 s against said estate are hereby fu rth er alleging in said petition th at the undersigned at th e office of gon. 37-43 notified and required to present the same, For a few pennies an yon e can m ake H illsb oro A rgus 1 said Axel Larsen is dead and that Fred Finsley, his attorney, in Fos­ together with proper vouchers therefor, C a ttle 26. lie died intestate, leaving as his sil. W heeler County. Oregon, at NOTICE OF F IN A L SETTLEM ENT to the undersigned at the law office o f C la ssified A d s bring real results. In th e County Court o f the State o f Ore- Bagley A Hare, in the H r st N ational only heirs at law C arl Larsen, any tim e after the first publica­ WANTED- Young bull, not over iron, for W ashington County. Bank building, in Hillsboro, Oregon, with­ Frank Larsen, Fred Meyers. M ar­ tion of this notice, or before the In the M atter of the E state of Roselia in 1-year-old; G uernsey preferred six months from the date hereof. garet M eyers and Eleanor Meyers, m aking of said sale, w hich will Hathorn. Deceased. Dated this 14th day of October 1935. J. McAllister, Hillsboro, Rt. 4. N otice is hereby given th a t the under­ b e as soon after th e 16th day of EDGAR F. LEMING and ELSIE LEM­ and that in the prayer of said peti- ¡Phone 113. 39tf Executor of the L ast W iil and ING. Executor and Executrix of the ; tion said C arl Larsen asks for a December, 1935, as a satisfactory signed T estam ent o f said deceased has filed in Last Will and Testam ent of said de­ No. W ord s ...................... ONE G uernsey and one Holstein ] decree of the above entitled court bid has been received and ac­ the above entitled court and cause his ceased. Bagley A Hare, A ttorneys for cepted. The right to reject anv and Final Account and report as such and Executor and Executrix. cow for sale, ready to freshen ! as follows, to-wit: 35-9 T hat said Axel Larsen be de- nil bid« being reserved, and said the court has fixed and appointed the in two weeks.—P eter Hoffman, Ba- T im es to run .................... 23rd day of November. 1985, at the NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT cona. Phone North Plains 3F11. S9p ( creed to be dead, and th at he sale will be made subject to con­ hour of 10 o ’clock A. M. o f said day In the County Court o f the State of Ore­ died intestate: that his estate be firm ation by th e Countv C ourt of and the court room of th e above en­ (P le a s e W rite P la in ly ) gon, for the County of W ashington, PUREBRED Jersey bull, year-old; adm itted to probate by the above said W heeler County. Oregon. titled court in Hillsboro. Oregon, as the Probate Department. A m t. E n closed $ ............ also cows, for sale.-—H. H. Boge, entitled court; th at C arl Larsen G iven u nder my hand and dated tim e and place for hearing objections to In the M atter o f the E state o f Louise E. said fin al account and for the fin a l set­ Bacon, Deceased. Rt. 2, Hillsboro. Phone Scholls be appointed adm inistrator of said this 6th dav of October, 1935. tlem ent of said estate. N otice is hereby given that the under­ 1051. estate, and that such other and W. W. HOOVER. A dm inistra­ Dated this 21st day of October, 1935. signed. as Adm inistrator with the will W. N. HATHORN. Executor o f the annexed o f the estate of Louise E. Bacon, further order be m ade by said tor. 39-43 FRESH cows for sale, double te st­ court therein, as may be ju st and ! Last Will and T estam ent o f said de^ deceased, has filed his final account In ceased. Bagley & Hare, Attorneys for the County Court of the State of Ore­ ed.—Dave Merlo, mile north of equitable. SFMMONS Executor. 86-40 gon, for W ashington County, and that Huber. 39-40 Now therefore, notice is hereby i In the C ircuit Court of th e State Monday, the 25th day of November. 1936, NOTICE TO CREDITORS given th at said application and I at the hour o f 10 o’clock in the forenoon of Oregon in and for th e Coun­ GUERNSEY heifer calf for sale. No. 4361 o f said day and the court room of said has been set for h e a rin g ) tv of Washington: In the County Court o f the State o f Ore­ court has been appointed by said court 5-weeks-old, w e a n e d . — J. A. petition said court at the court , The Federal Land Bank of Spo­ g o n . for the County of W ashington. as the tim e and place for the hearing Sterzer. mile N. E. Reedville school; before N otice is hereby given th at the under­ o f objections thereto and the settlement room of said court in Hillsboro. 1 kane. a corporation, plaintiff, vs. M eyers road. 39p Oregon, on Monday, December 2. M artha E. Ross and Gilman G. signed Paul Schindler and Hedwign Arn­ thereof. old have been appointed Executors of Dated and first publixhed Oc'oi»ef 24 PUREBRED 15-months-old Jersey 1935, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon Ross, wife and husband: H. G ra­ the estate of Otto Schindler, deceased, by 1935. D ate o f last publication November bull, eligible to registration, to of said day, and that at said tim e ham and Ellen Graham , husband the County Court of the State o f Ore­ 21, 1935. for W ashington County, and have EDWARD E. BACON. Administrator trade for hay or wood.—Nelie B u t­ and place the court will hear ev i­ and wife: A lexander K. Lumsden; gon. qualified. All persons having claims with the Will annexed. David E. Lofgren, ler, 2 Mi miles northeast of H ills­ dence concerning the alleged ab ­ Isabelle W Neate, a single wom­ against said estate are hereby notified A ttorney, 608 American Bank Bldg., Port­ boro. 38tf sence of said Axel Larsen and the I an: Evelyn W arburg and Jo h n Doe to present the sam e, duly verified as by land. 36-40 circum stances and duration there- Warburg, wife and husband: the law required, to the undersigned at the j of, and evidence for the purpose unknow n heirs of Arnold E. Neate, Argus office, 260 E. Main St., Hillsboro, NOTICE TO CREDITORS 27. L ivestock w ithin six months from the date In the County Court o f the State o f Ore­ of ascertaining a n d determ ining deceased; W. B. Goodman and Jan e Oregon, hereof. gon, for the County o f W ashington, CATTLE and horses of all kinds w hether or not said Axel Larsen Doe Goodman, husband and wife: Dated and first published October 24. Probate D epartm ent. also all other persons or parties 1935. Last publication November 21. 1935. bought for cash, sold or e x ­ is dead or living. N otice Is hereby given than the under- PA U L SCHINDLER. OTTO SC H IN D ­ s.gned E. Ferdinand Steinhoff has be«m Witness the Hon. Donald T. Tem ­ unknow n claim ing any right, title, changed. Term s 10 to 20 m onths on LER. Executors o f Estate. Benj. B. appointed Adm inistrator of the estate sales.—Gail Karris Orenco. Phone pleton, Judge of the County Court estate, lien or interest in the real Goodman, A ttorney. 36-46 o f Henry Gehrke, deceased, by the Coun­ Hillsboro 2621X 30tf of the S tate of Oregon for the estate described in the com plaint ty Court of the State of Oregon, for County of Washington, w ith the herein: a n d Sherwood National NOTH B OF I IN \ I. A( < 01 N I W ashington County, and ha* qualified. All No. 3694 persons having claims against said estate YOUNG Guernsey bull for sale; seal of said court affixed this 16th Farm Lean Association, a corpora­ In th e County Court o f the State o f Ore­ e r a hereby notified to present the same, tion, Defendants. also 5-months-oId pig. — W. A. day of October, 1935. gon, for the Cciunty o f W ashington, duly vérifié«!, as by law required, to the Attest: SEAL. Goodman, mile north of C orne­ To the above named D efend­ Probate Department. undersigned at the law o f f i c e of Bagley EDW. C. LUCE. County Clerk of ants. M artha E. Ross and Gilman In the Matter of the E state o f Ann A Hare in the First N ational Bank build­ lius. 39 Ryan Bernard, Decease«!. ing, in Hillsboro, Oregon, w ithin six W ashington County, Oregon. M B. G. Ross, wife and husband; H. G ra­ N otice is hereby given that the under­ months from the date hereof. FEEDER pigs. Jersey cow to fresh­ Bump, A ttorney for C arl Larsen ham and Ellen Graham, husband signed. as Executrix o f the E state of Dxted and first published October 34, INSTRUCTIONS: Write the ad plainly, print or typewrite. Count the number en any day, and Jersey-G uernsey and said estate. Residence and ad­ and wife: Evelyn W arburg and Ann Ryan Bernard, deceased, hna filed 1935. Date o f last publication November cow for sale.- -Mrs. A. It. Meyer, dress, Hillsboro. Oregon. 35-9 John Doe W arburg, wife and hus­ her final account In th e County Court of 21. 1935. of words. If the ad is to run but one week the cost is two cents per word. For the S tate o f Oregon, for W ashington E. FER DINAND STEINHOFF. Admlals near Connell station. 39-40 Date of first publication October band: the unknow n heirs of Arnold County, and that Monday, the 2nd day I o f the Estate o f Henry Gehrke, de 17, 1935. Last publication N ovem­ E. Neate. deceased; W. B. Good- ’ of December. 1935, a t the hour o f 10 trator the second and each consecutive insertion of the same ad, the cost is but one ceased. J. B. Ofner, Attorney. M-3<> 28. R eal E sta te ber 14, 1935. man and Ja n e Doe Goodman, hus-1 o’clock In the forenoon o f said day and I » cent a word. Minimum churge per issue 25 cents. TO GET RESULTS, state band and wife; also all other per-1 the court room of said court has been Neighborhood new» from 30 A r­ by said court as the tim e and NOTICE OF BOND SALE TO EXCHANGE sons or parties unknow n claiming! appointed d if f e r e n t plainly what you want or have to sell. Cross out needless words, then copy for the hearing o f objections there­ gua correspondents i n Sealed bids will be received u n ­ any right, title, estate, lien or in ­ place 300-acre w heat ranch fully stocked sections of Washington county a p ­ to and the settlem ent thereof. the result and mail or bring it to the HILLSBORO ARGUS, Hillsboro, Oregon. and equipped and in crop. Will til 7:30 p. m. November 25, 1935, terest in the real estate described Dated and first published October 31, pear in the Argus each w eek . 1935. Date of last publication November Learn w hat your friend« «re do­ exchange for small farm or H ills­ and imm ediately th ereafter opened in the com plaint herein: 1935. boro business property. W. G. Ide, by the City Council of the City of In the nam e of the State of O re­ 28. CATH ing for lesa than three n-nt« a ER IN E A. RYAN, Executrix 318 E. Main, Hillsboro. 39 Hillsboro, Washington County, Ore- gon, you are hereby required to I Albert T. Kemmer, Attorney. tf 37-41 week. f o u n t Your Prodi* W ork W an ted 16. F u rn iture, P ian os, R adios 22. S h eep , G oats 28. R eal E state « I Legal Notices If You Don’t Need It-Sell It! and if you W ant Something - Say So Write Your Ad Below—