Page Two IT I L L S B O K O B ack Veteran Jewels Given W a lk e M rs id-W est Eight Pythian Sisters tra in ARGUS, Feature at Coffee Club Program Friday ,4 rf is H IL L S B O R O , OREGON J u s t fo r F un Thursdity, November 1 1, 19.15 High Officers in l odge on Visit to local Group Play ul North Plains Good Time Dance At G range hall every Saturday St Edwards ladles will spoil night Georgia Hess oi clienti a Ad­ a play, given by SI Mary's In mission 25c. 291f school boys, also bazaar, at No Plani' K i* ball Wednesday. nirt« Handmake gifts for every occn- Xember 2(1. H p in Adult- 2 slon 322 E Washington St 36 41 p children under 12. lile :m Mr. pud Mrs. C harles W alker J retu rn ed Sunday night from a J three-w eeks eastern trip. They went _____ * east „ by delivery •_' train and accepted — ---- • ✓ , Art was the them e of the Coffee Lloyd I. Scott, grand high priest . Tw enty-five years of continuous has been appointed general ehair- Mich., p u r c h ^ f r ^ C a d y ^ i X \ £ * • • ‘’S i n g ,s“ FriViv M T * of the grand chapter. Royal Arch • »ervice in a fraternal order is an 1 man for the event, Turkey Shoot company Their trip included v is - ■ l‘" f! l,U‘ H iday at ,h ‘ Masons of Oregon, paid an of­ YOUNG’S achievement of which anyone may j "Sailors' Holiday" Is the them e Sunday Nox c in t ic i 21. at H el­ ham ber of com merce i ooms, and ficial visit to Hillsboro chapter, well be proud, but of the eight ' of the affair this year and it will its at Minneapolis. St. Paul. C h i­ vetia store, beginning III a nt many paintings w ere exhibited by Royal .Arch Masons, at Masonic who received 25-ycar jew els at j be carried out in invitations, place cago, Columbus. Ohio, and Fort local artists, as well as other a r ­ tem ple Thursday night the Pythian Sisters' home-coming I cards and entertainm ents. In ad d i­ Dodge, Iowa. Dance ui Kiillon •• rtiouglitful. Sym pathetic ticles of interest including a Pais­ A chicken dinner was served by meeting Friday night, all had serv­ tion to many sports events, t h e Saturday night, November 16 They feel that it is a small old ley shawl, the property of the Hervir»'' the ladies of the Socinl club of ed more than the allotted time. 1 high school guests will be enter- w orld as the result of an ex p e r­ I T urkey to lie given away Admis­ Phone 972 Hillsboro the Eastern Star, follow cd by ii sion 25c. Mrs. L. A. Long had been a mem­ j t lined at a luncheon and by skits. ience in the Stevens hotel in C hi­ late m other of the club president. 39 short program consisting of a piano ber for 36 years, Mrs. Julius The It schools that have been cago. xx here they w ere registered. Mrs. Fred Engeldinger, xvhich xx os duet by Anne and Robert Petei . Schoenberg for 34 years. Mrs. Dora sent invitations to p articipate in- On coming dow nstairs into th e 55 years old. and an old-tim e a reading by Miss M artha Janies. Nelson and Mrs. Emma McKinney , i hide Hillsboro. Forest Grove, T i­ lobby they met Robert Kelly. Rex crazy patchw ork quilt; a painting ef a scene near Burley, Idaho, by a violin solo by Charles Tregloxx n. for 32 years, Mrs. H. R. Emmott gard. Banks. M ilwaukie. Newberg. H enry Young and Rev. R I. .. , of Rev and Mrs. Charles and a vocal solo by Mrs V. W. for 28 years, Mrs. John Boeker Beaverton. Gaston. West Linn. O re­ Putnam , all of Hillsboro, and Mrs a M friend Rood a small gla.-< ..nicer : G ardner and Mrs. E. L. Moore for 26 years, gon City, and Vernonia, George Higgles of Buxton, xvho brought across the plains in 1852 S & W i i ' S i ? . u i - • X x \..„ , Leslie M Scott, grand orator and Mrs. Fred Sewell for 23 y ears i The following com m ittees have w ere delegates to the T o w n sen d : by the late grandm other of Mrs. Miss Elnora Sandfunl. Hillsboro, It A M and past grand m aster of I'l'esi'iiptidn ('oni|Ktiiti(liiig ¡.a ¡1 trained and six month,s Mrs Masai Hoi been appointed to aid the presi­ convention. i Helen Deiehman; jet-trim m ed man- 'lig h t! and Miss Mildred Hatz. 1 A F A A M of Oregon, gave an lenbeck, grand chief, presented the dent and the general chairm an; science ? The W alkers w are spectators at D*'-i about 50 years of ago. a Milwaukie, xvho x x HI direct high ’ address on Charity and T ruth jewels, and the tem ple presented Social committee. Rex a Wahl. G as­ football classic betxveen : rruchett d cover of Colonial davs. school gills' play day at Pacific O ther speakers included Lloyd each of the honor members with a ton: Lilly Jensen. M ilwaukie: pub­ the y e a r rs ,----- We ace the best prepared to serve you ----1 . anij ., pjece ,,f (Jraw |, „ o r|, by university December 6. L. Scott, grand high priest licity, E sther Davidson. F o r e s t Notre Dame and Ohio S tate at lovely large chysanthemum. Columbus, which Notre Dame won Mrs. Thomas Connell. Mrs. W. ¡j I us we have hud tt'uining in the best Ran is, grand king. L Snoxx Grove: officials. E d i t h Clarke. Mrs. Hollenbeck, as grand chief. ' in a thrilling last second's finish Broxvn also exhibited a drawing. I’rescript ion I'harinacies in Sun F ran­ scribe; A rth u r Molesxvorth. Hermiston: W inifred Fortner. Was­ was presented w ith a gift from Mrs. Fred Sexvell. chairm an, an- M iss H e e sa c k e r W alker said that fu rn itu re was r e ­ m aster th ird vale. R Frank cisco und Portland? Phoenicia temple. Mrs. Henry Jo h n ­ co.; registration. M arjorie Byers. moved from the hotel lobbies sev­ nouneed that artists xxere not only ' deputy grand master. A son. chairm an of the program com-1 Moro; games. Winona Turner. Hills­ eral days before the game because those who could paint, and that 1 W e d s M. S p ie rin p mittee. making the presentation, J boro: invitations. Clara Patton. Gas­ of the m ixup expected after the her program included artists in! Miss Etliehirvda H e e s a c k e r . M . und Com panions Van Kirk and Prescript ions cun lie thrown together or Inman. Present also xvi're throe and Mrs. McKinney, as grand trus- j ton, and Janice Hall. Milwaukie. game. other line»—Mrs. M yrtle Biassing daughter of Mr. and Mrs M Hee­ high priests, 20 past high pitests. scientifically prepared and we do it tee. was presented with a gift. Mrs. ' They found business conditions read several original poems, and sacker of Gaston, and Louis M from Portland und vicinity and 60 scientifically, charging no more than H arry Morgan making the presen­ good in Detroit, but elsewhere. Mrs V. W. G ardner sang several Spieling, son of Mrs Joseph Spier- mem bers of Oregon conitnandcry. when yon get them thrown together. tation. Musical num bers on the M o th e r s H o n o re d ing of near Forest Grove, w ere solos, accompanied by Mrs Sewell. W alker did not feel that they w ere K T . from Portland program consisted of*h piano duet com parable to the business u p ­ Mrs. E. E. Bentley, who had many m arried Thursday morning. No- R A M degree xvill be conferred by Ann and Robert Peters, vocal b y G irl R eserv es paintings on exhibit, told of her vem ber 7. at St A nthony's church. tonight (Thursday!. rn on the coast. solo by Mrs. Hollenbeck, xx ith Miss Hillsboro G irl Reserves honored I tu Coldest w eather encountered was S ^ l / g L e " ? Ml> Forest Grove The nuptial cere­ Eugenia Cypher as accompanist; m others of old and new members mony was perform ed by Father J. /. It Riggs, graduate of the California College Pharinuey piano solo by Jacqueline Barney, w ith a tea at the home of Mrs. L. j 20 above zero a, Cedar Rapids. i ‘ng. Heesacker. The church was decor­ K id d ie s to H av e lltllxboru, Oregon vocal solos by Russell Morgan, E MacDoxvell Thursday afternoon, The club voted to tak e a con­ ated w ith palms, chrysanthem um s, w ith Mrs. J. W Barney as accom­ from four to six. Miss G race Low­ C h ris tm a s P a rty tributing m em bership of $5 00 in and ferns. panist. and assembly singing led ers. secretary of Portland area. Miss i thp Red Cross, and also discussed The bride w ore a w hite satin Federated clubs of H illsbaro by Russell Morgan and Mrs. Harry- Teal, national secretary, and Mrs M iss Y a n d e rz a n d e n | p la n r the Christinas party for gown with a train and curried a the Coffee club. Woman's Relief Morgan. Cham berlain, com m ittee chairm an. ' underprivileged children Exact de- bouquet of bride's roses She w ore Corps and Service club will spun W e d s E. F. J e s s e Short speeches were m ade by cam e from Portland. 2 FOR 1 OFFER tails will be announced later. A a veil eaught w ith orange blossoms sor a C hristm as parly again t h i ; An International them e was car­ Past G rand Chancellor Com mander N uptials of Miss L aurencie E quilt m ade by the Am erican iiom e Her niece. Miss Lois Heesacker, year for underprivileged children Carl Broderson of Forest Grove, ried out in the costumes of many \ anderzanden. daughter of Mr and departm ent was sold for the bene-i was maid of honor, and xvore a Douatiiais of toys, used or now, Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Patterson, girls, and in the program. This pro­ Mrs. P eter V anderzanden of Roy. fit of the club, being awarder! to peach colored satin frock w ith hut will bo appreciated by these clubs, ! YOU managers of the Pythian Home at gram consisted of songs by Jean and Edw in Frederick Jesse, son of C. Russell. The club also voted to and shoes to m atch She carried 1 and may be left at the cham ber of Vancouver. Wash.; Mrs. W alter G. •and Louis Bruinier, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. F rederick Jesse of aid on the Tozier historical exhibit ' a bouquet of roses. Robert Spier- i commerce, or call Mrs T. G. Urqlt Gleeson of Portland, oflicers of the by their m other: a talk bv Miss M ountaindale, took place Saturday which is being brought to Hillsboro ing. brother of the bridegroom, was , leewe. who will see that they are temples at North Plains. Forest Teal, who was introduced bv Miss ■ m orning at St. Francis church, Roy. ' as the x ear's project best man. T w 9 COM PUTI called for and delivered. Used toys ElectricVacuum Cloanors Cl««n«r» . . . •»(«! Grove, Gaston, and a m em ber from Lowers: a dance by Tosh Tsu- 1 rorming’ ^ c e V e m o n v ^ h u ^ th M? / Miss Margaret Heesacker, cousin j will be repuired and made us good Pe5son' chai™ a " • •Ih il» •••» «leetn» Baker. The 25-vear jew el members gawa: songs by M ary Caldwell; »«ter . Ih« f» of the bride, played the w edding as new. was d e r a t e d w ith w hite chrysan" ' or H - m i ^ t h t '^ '? h Both $< « » u t ••R O Y A L 1' , i>tb also made short talks of apprecia­ Girl Reserve song. ' "Follow thé march, and other songs and music ! Date of the party and further • d e z 4rl««n r«v»l« tion, and L. A. Long, chancellor Gleam." sung by Shirlev Kellev themums. gai.lardia, and s m a ll, ^ d • M bruftA ad«»c> were furnished by Haymond Van- 1 plans will be announced later. For VteJ la Haute- commander, told of the early his­ and Patricia Moyer. Dyke and Im elda Heesacker. k a t p il f f»r >aur ra<- — . . , , Responses were m ade by Mesdames A CTUA L tJ1 JO V A L U » Pouring w ere Mesdames Barnes, tory of the temple. piar rtaar a *4 fug A w edding dinner was served fol­ CARD OF THANKS • laaslafl . . . Ib» b». The bride w ore a w hite beaded Thomas Connell, H. H. S tan n ard Follow-ing the program and a Hobbs, Goodman. Cruzen. Connell X LOW • a i » KO YAL J U N . lowing the cerem ony at the home I We xxish to thank our friends crepe gown and carried a w hite j M yrtle Biassing. C. E. Wells. C. 11 |un* band tleansr Miss \ WEEKLY cafeteria luncheon the tim e was Enschede, and Flint a n d of the bride's brother and b rid e­ I for their many acts of kindness far yaur d 'a » t/i*« prayer book w ith ribbon stream ers 1 Nosier, and J. W. Holt spent in dancing to music by H ar­ Hobbs. The following girls assisted- PAYMENTS •urlala» n atti •» x groom's sister. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest | and sym pathy during our bereave- -_____________ ' and forniture H i-- ry Pearson on the accordion, with In costume — B arbara Enschede. Her m aid of honor. Miss M ary Ann H eesacker of Forest Grove. Abou ' j inent. the illness and deuth of our laataa Iha sw»»»tlv Meeuxvsen. and bridesm aid. Mis 1 A f o l Mrs. Sewell as piano accompanist. Mary bel Flint. Connie Peterson Edna Susbauer. w ore frocks o: *’* I S S O l H i p S O n o C l l C l S »1 allatbm aala and 50 guests wore p resen t I beloved wife and m other, und es- •axat »tu IH Jean Ann Connell. Evelyn Haworth. o r ftr llm itad la A fter a short w edding trip to pecially for the beautiful floral peach colored satin Jack Vandehev a »> 1 o , M ary Manley. Ann Peters, Mary abart Hata . . . . . . the beaches the couple will m ake offerings; also th e F arm ers' Union. ira -» btfara • • tali Ellen Mariner. Receiving line: Ruth was best man and Raymond Van- ACCOUFlt r>U(l »>101711 •u t th e ir home on the bridegroom 's Hillsboro G range and Rebekahs, Kraus, Betty Hobbs. Violet Wick. farm near Forest Grove. Mrs. Spicr- and the Forest G rove K I’, lodge Marjory’ Montgomery. D ixie Lee ing is a graduate of St. Stephens for courtesies extended. Alex C MacDoxvell and A nn'M unkres. , . . England, form erly of Hillsboro, s e n t; school at Tillamook, aod was em ­ Eischen and children. Miss Betty Hobbs is president of A fter the cerem ony a wedding , to the Argus office this week a ployed at Gaston m arket prior to the Hillsboro G irl Reserves, and dinner was served to the bridal copy of the London Sunday Dis- her m arriage. Miss Tennessee W eathetred is ad- party at the home of the bride's patch of O ctober 20, containing a f ît H. Srcnnd Av». Ilillxlxiro parents, and a reception was giv- ' report of the worst gale in his- 1 DR. R. J. NICOL “E xtra-curricular activities and viser. en in the afternoon at the Roy tory. It says in part: "The xvorst ' On Elk Hunt— 4-H clubs" will be the subject of J. M. V anderzanden, C h a r l e s hall. The young people are m ak- gale in living m em ory swept over the monthly m eeting of the Parent- DR. E. W. ALMQUIST I Ii »»t. t \ . 11 7 i(r«rr»e Ih a tr ir l \ ’.i ing th eir home at M ountaindale. . N orthern Ireland, Scotland, and I W underlich. Hans and Ed Tolke Teacher association at the high M iss R a ffe ty H K H O H T O F C O N D IT IO N o r TH k ” V eterinarians school building Monday evening at ------- —--------------- the north of England yesterday. I and O rville Harley, all of near B rid e W e d n e sd a y 8 o'clock. Study Group Meets— leaving behind a w ide trail of Roy. left T hursday on an eight- Telephone 643 and 642 Mrs. Edwin Bowman, local 4-H MOUNTAINDALE—At a b eau ti­ P arent-T eacher study group for ^ ? '° C ° n ¿a!]d_,and ,sea Many peo‘ 1 day elk hunting trip to Ukiah. I ''¡.'’’I ’T ,n ’ * * S ,, ,e " f »1 the rl ,,f b . i.l n n . . n N inem ber I In i' leader, w ili speak on 4-H club- ful wedding ceremony solemnized pre-school to 12 years w ill m eet l ? le were k il|ed and injured. T hirty I I « ^ ‘i T T ? * ’ m* d’ '’ y r“ nil'iro lle r ,.t e u rrm c r under SwUon &ZI work. at the visitation church at Ver- Tuesday, November 19, at th ree seven m en—the crew of the D o n -1 U. a. revU« v « ^ » lra fta S t i 2 ” hu P °rth ' i ‘'St He- 475 1 lln ilr ,! S i . l , - (¡..».rum en« j lrw ., »„,1 ,.r fu lly «uarnnlee.! th e Parent-T eacher units in Wash­ the bride of Edw ard Vanderzanden N ovember issue of P aren t's m a g a -■ Men’s Heavy ,o ,h e lr aid' Men’s ’ ” n r r h c tu le . M, „ | • « M u rtli« -. ington county will be the guest« of son of W. p. Vanderzanden. The zine. 6 ' A nother ship s crew xvas saved Ile n k in r h.,u.e, »12.2 .lu ll F u r n llu r . .u ,l fla t,m e ., |i; ........ .. Jersey-Ribbed Heavyweight the association. bride was given in m arriage bv her . „ . :3V. taking to boats w hen their Itenl ealat,* „ » n e d ull»-r than Iw ukiiiu I,,,,,.. I2.7W» ! .ship ran aground on dangerous A dram atized report of th e Med- ' father, w ith Rev. F ath er Jonas of­ Needleeraft flu b Meets— . K .-.rrv.. w ilt, Federal lt e .r r ,e II ,„k UNION SUIT UNION SUITS àU.UÎU I ficiating. jC aah 1,1 , I lit and halan.ea w ill, ,.(h rr l„ .„ k . ford Parent-T eacher convention Mrs. E. J. Peterson was hostess ro^11,b,lr ' “ " ‘•r' • " » dei«»Ha of other Men’s bouquet of Talism an roses a n d , Dutch songs, sung in th at language. P lerh ead. Liverpool. Men’s Heavy P la y D ay fo r 4M.&4A : Heavyweight Publie fun di u f S ta le ,, re u n ite ,, arhool dlatrlrta. or „(her aubdlvlal.,ne or u hite Bouvardia. The b rid esm aid » Hosts for Supper Farewell T a r i? Hr I d - UNION SUITS UNION SUIT w ore a gown of floor length nile l it M jt n G irls A rra n g e d I UnKml S la te , ( é .r r i im e iit a n d | , « l a l a t i , , , . ,b-i„ it, Mrs H. D. Huggins xvere Mr. and Mrs. O scar M iller and 11.1, Oli I green moss crepe and carried a ’ Dr. f and Haynes ankle 5 0 '. wool. A [)e p *,-it, of other banka, Includi,, , re rllfl.,1 .,„1 eaahien' rb r k , KrforbU m SUHPer A r™ls tic e , ‘heir grandson. Ed w ard Johnson, o f PACIFIC UNIVERSITY. Forest bouquet of Jo an Hill roses a n d 1 S «tiitatariilinr :tt t<> splendid garment. xi 1 ‘h e dance. G uests Anchorage. Alaska, who have been Grove—Hillsboro union high school pink Bouvardia. The church was length, long or ta» HpeiiratJ by p IH ir» » f Ioana an«J or Invaatment» I ’ 17 » m >• w ere Messrs, and Mesdames C. B. , visiting th eir m other. Mrs J o h n ' Ib» N t.1 »erurarf |.y p Ir.Igc ,,f |.4» iin h iu I ,. r has been invited to send 10 girls decorated in yellow and green. Any $ 0 .9 8 short sleeves. invamtmpnta to the annual play day for high 1.4 .00» 21 A fter the cerem ony a buffet d in ­ Bucnanan of Gaston, P aul P atte r- Kennedy, for the past th ree month , size .......... school girls December 6. which is n er was served to about seventy- son, A. O Pitm an, Mrs. F. S gave a farew ell party at th eir ir» To tal «Jepnaita Any • 1.274 Haines and C lark G ardner. home s atu rd ay evenjng P resent sponsored by the Women's A thletic five relatives and friends at the C apital A rrou nt : size .... association of Pacific university. home of the bride's parents. Mrs Silver Tea Wednesday— Claaa A preferred stock. IBOO aharee. par I2B 00 ! w ere Mr. and Mrs. W illiam M iller per ahMr«. r rtira h lr at 125 oo p«r nhnre Miss Elnora Sandford of Hillsboro V anderzanden was a m em ber of Men’s Ladies of the C hristian nh,,mh ? nd farn‘*y oi Forest Grove, Char- I7B.000 00 Common stock, 7Bu share», par SAo.OO per »hare is president of the association and the 1932 graduating W r Y 81? h81’' ^ 80” iV e s l t ' RiirpIiiH class of will hold a silver tea Wednesday W interw eight no Miss M ildred Hatz of M ilwaukie Banks union high school. I T n «f i v if le«l profits net afternoon at the h o m e o f M r « 1 and “Irs' Jo h n K ennedy and Mr. Men’s Union Suits 12.2MS «.» m UNION SUIT I ’refcrre«! stock retirem ent fund G Selfridge Mrs G shmenTs°W len Pow and ers f ^ nd Mrs Neil 1'h K ^ ^ 'h a m . all of H ilb- A fter a wedding trip th e young 6.6? l.M> has c h a S o;MrrefreG y ° K eU ham l ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I couple will be at th eir new home 10', wool. $ 4 .2 5 i oo ' ; $ ^ 98 To tal capital account • • 1O7.H57 i V ri R a A lb ert is Iey K etcnam nad nigh score at at Gales Creek. Any size wool c h a i r m a n .^ A,hS° n Pr° gram , frid g e and A udry MRler and Stan- To tal liahilltlea The couple w ere entertained , ley M iller second. Mr. and Mrs. w ith a dance at V erboort Wednes­ I , 1, . : * " * f « » r . t i a , n l . f le d .e d to S ecure I I . M l i l l . . W. R. C- has Pot-Luck— M iller and grandson are leaving day night. • Mft.OUll 1 Woman s Relief Corps w ill hold I toT A nchora «e November 18. O th er bonds, aUxk». and securities y «waranteed 221.317 Mrs. H R. Sjolander, who has an all-d ay m eeting w ith a pot-luck Circle One M eets— To tal pl«*dired (exeludinff rediMrountx» • IV». 3 3 7 Pledged : been visiting her sister, Mrs. J. L. luncheon at noon F riday at the 270 E. Main S t J. H. GARRETT, Prop. Phone 2601W Circle One of the M. E Ladies’ la i A gainst U nited States Government and noatal savin«. »-. i. Anderson, and fam ily since last V eterans’ hall. A fter th e business Aid will m eet at the home of Mrs. | Again*» public funda o f nUt«*a, roiintien « hix I fli«.»ri Tn ' • ' ’- .! •• m eeting sew ing for th e needy for J yIt \ leit Tuesday tor h er hom e auhfllviHluna or m unicipalities ’ * ' /2 in .1- No. 3 size S l.S S 20xl3J4x8 in..... * Ivory or Green No. 1 size $ | .45 15x10 7-8x7 in.... A No. 2 size $ 1 .8 9 18i/2xl2H x7>/2 in .* No. 3 size. $ 0 .2 5 20x13*4x8 in..... ““ Bristol H ard w are Hillsboro Open until 9 p. m. Saturdays Téléphona 1381X at Hillsboro Pharmacy Sanitary Beauty Shop A ll k in d , of Beauty W nrk a apeclalty Telephon« 1471 W E F L'S A P A R T M E N T 8 Mabel Schendel DENTISTS Aow we can offer you a new low price on 11 fine, iulultl linoleum floor. And wo can lay it in from 2 to 3 hours, ready for im m ed ia te use. The new Adhesive Sealex Linoleum makes this possible! V i s i t our Floor-Covering Department. Let us tell you all about this log Ira- firovement in Inlaid linoleum , bee the attractive now patterns! Dentist 9xl2-ft. Floor of Adhesive Sealex Evening», Sundays 144 by Appolntru«ut $23.40 Completely Installed 13« 8. Third Ave. DR. D. E. WILEY. M. D. Wells Building Telephone« O ffice 2(182 Rddcnce 29S1 collection Garbage Collection and cans d . p . c o n n iE R i Telephone 2325 Linoleum Selfridge Furniture Co. Phone 21X Commercial Building Telephone Telephnnea Realdenc« 7912 garbage DR. RALPH DRESSER P a te n t N o. 1,970,503 ... 3281 Physician and Surgeon PERMANENTS S e e 4 h e se n sa tio n a l ADIIESIVK SEALEX LINOLEUM o rc , O ffice INSURANCE RUBBER STAMPS GEORGE T. McGRATII BUY YOUR W aahlnston County IN S U R A N C E F irs t N ational P h o n . 2211 Far .n fa m t.H u n Asenclaa S E R V IC E Bank B ulldln« nillabn ro RUBBER stamps from HILLSBORO ARGUS ................................