H IL L S B O R O , Barnes Bride Chairmen Named in of Miss Harold Russell Roll Call for Red Cross j O n Pf! o N M iss Kraus Weds Cite Importance Coffee Club Will ■ Walter Hansen Early Dia gnosis The m arriage of Miss Melba Hold finest Day daughter oi Mr. and Mrs Tubercular Cases Kraus, Meeting Friday E I Kraus, to W alter Hausen, Miss Young Bride Robb Tlii« W eek M atinee .Saturday at 1 ! P. M. — Evening at 6 :3 0 i I i I I I I I I I |l- Dance I I- FEATURE LENGTH H I M -i ■ CAN THEY TAKE ETHIOPIA? I BALM GROVE JMPr'* W I I 9 I I IOC 25C I I DOUBLE BILLED WITH Unusual Pictures of India Shown .... . ..... ............wuu „ VENETIAN 1 I I I I FRI. AND 2 SAT. I UNCENSORED! I Timely - Startling - I rue I I I I I o v e r I I I Miss Roberta Barnes, daughter of Mrs. Elite! Barnes, and Harold ■ Russell, son of Mr. and Mrs. G II . Russell of Forest Grove, were son of Mi an»l Mrs R. N Hansen Early diagnosis of tubercular of near Beaverton, was solemnized W F. Norman, president of the Sharp. Duane Haynes Bobby Pow- ' united in m arriage Saturday eve­ Members of the Coffee club are and Identification of con­ Friday night, November 1, at the to bring guests to the annual County Red Cross chapter, on- n s . all of this city, and Jean St. ning at the residence of Father cases tact groups are prim ary factors in Costelloe. Miss Lena Chiotti and Trinity Lutheran church in H ills­ 1 nounceii the following general Helens of Portland. "Guest Day" meeting Friday a ft­ Neil Stangel attended the couple the campaign for tuberculosis con­ boro. Rev. George Reule officiat­ ernoon at the cham ber of com­ • chairmen for the M embership Roll trol and prevention. This was the The only others present w ere the ing. merce rooms. Mrs. F E Bent lev Cull drive from Armistice day to bride's mother, and aunt. Mrs. W. declaration of Dr. G C. Bellinger, The bride, who was given in and Mrs C harles latm kin will Thanksgiving day In Ihe various superintendent of th e state tuber- H. Bottorff of Longview, W ash. m arriage by her father, w ore n speuk on art w ork and Mrs. V. W communities of the county: | . and the bridegroom's parents and eulosis hospital, in speaking Mon­ w hite satin dress, and tulle veil G ardner will give vocal selections | Garden Home. Mrs. Gladys M. j OI All'. \\ day night during the annual doc­ e night about her head with bands Those attending are asked to bling sister. Green: Metzger. Mrs. E. W. Conk­ The bride wore a rust-colored tors' dinner at the Knights of ef pearl beaded tulle Her flowers needlework, (xtinting. draw ing or Miss Emily Young and William lin: Cedar Mill. B. R. Reeves; Bet.i- dress and a corsage of Pythias hall in Hillsboro. The event were a shower bouquet of T alis­ other work to the meeting for an any German Baptist, Rev. Tneo A. Robb w ere united in m arriage S un­ afternoon was sponsored by the W ashington man roses. roses and gardenias. day afternoon at th e home of Dr. exhibit. Lcgcr; Bethany Presbyterian. Rev The couple left imm ediately aft- County Public Health association. and Mrs. A. C arrick on Mount H. G. Dickman: Phillips M etho­ Tabor Mrs Fred Sewell, chairm an of Her cousin. Miss Evelyn Sehul-' in Portland. The ceremony je r the w edding for about ton days' That lay groups assist physicians dist. Rev. E. J. Traglio; Phillips was perform ed by Dr. C arrick at j trip to California, after which they by aiding in finding tubercular n.erieh. as maid ef honor, w ore u the art committee, is in charge of Evangelical, Rev. B. M Fresenborg: an altar banked with autum n leaves | will m ake their home in Hillsboro cases and seeing that medical s t ­ dress of heaven blue satin with the program. Hostess committee Helvetia. Mrs. J. M. Davidson: chrysanthem um s. Mrs. Car- Mr. Russell is employed at Bristol tention is given, was Dr. Bellin- •ilver accessories, and carried a members are Mesdames T G Bron- North Plains. Mrs. Elmer Mays: and rick played the w edding m arch Hardware, w here he has been for ger's request. He declared that 1 olonial bouquet of Talisman roses leewe, Rotiert Burlingame, J. F Shady Brook. Mrs. Alvah Logan: and also during the ceremony. Only | the past three years Mrs. Russell j tuberculin skin testing campaigns. " ,K‘ snapdragons Her sister. Velda Buckland and Lloyd ilrown. Tualatin. Mrs? W. R. H aw xhurst: .. Verboort. Father Jonas: Dilley. Mrs ,lu family and a few in tim a te ! *s in business with her m other in such as w ere conducted in Wash- Kraus as bridesmaid, w ore a dress Dance at Helvetia .G oar's Woman's shop She grad- ington county last year, are i n - i ld P*nk taffeta w ith silver aeees- R. I, Hart: Cherry Grove. Mrs. E • fr,ends were prcscn! A | Follow ing the cerem onv the bride • uated from Hillsboro union high valuable in such a program. , sories. and carried a Colonial bou- At Helvetia hall S aturday night. R. Henderson: Reedville, November 9 Modern music, every­ cut the cakes in the dining room school in 1931 and was employed Testing of large groups, he said, i1’.“'* °* P*’’* roses and snapdt ragons s M. Jannsen: Tigard. Rev. body welcome. Admission 25c. 38 ' a t a table lighted with tall tapers in C. L. W alker's insurance office was the best way to start on tu b er- . ' I f K a,h®rine heule. daughter dau nor Smith: Groveland. Mrs. J in candlesticks that belonged to until she went into business with eulosis control. He declared that f Rev. and Mrs. G »-orge Reule. Scheeler: Watts. Mrs. Isabel W ar-, . _ _______ , . , _ . ____ . . her mother. perhaps a third of the population was flower girl and w ore a dress Play at North Plains rens: Gales Creek. Mrs. Jennie ! " ¡e 13,0 ^ n d m o t h e r of the bride would show a positive reaction to . ’hie otgand.v trim m ed with St. Edw ards ladies will sponsor Ranes: Glenwood. Mrs. G. L. M - 1 I The centerpiece was of roses in I the test, but pointed out that a P'nk Barton Kamna. son of Mr. a play, given by St. Mary's high Cutcheon; Timber. Miss Juanita E b - ! an heirloona vase of crystal glass WjpKp«. Head«? large num ber of the reactors could and ' rs John Kamna. as ring school boys; also bazaar, at North poured and Miss bert: Hazeldale. Mrs. W. P Brooks: ! M,ss Alma Schee,z Poured U K U fl n t d U b not be term ed clinic cases. i bearer. was dressed in pink and Plains K P. hall Wednesday. No­ Robb cut the ices. t i Jacktow n, Mrs. W F. Gembella: I Helen talk " " 1,1 ,' e- *nd carried the ring in the vem ber 20. 8 p in Adults ? >c j Preceding Dr. Bellinger's ta lk .1 ’ w Mrs Farm ington. Mrs. William P u tn a m . . __ . _ Robb .. has been a popular , irlllSDOlO JLzPtlïIOiy '.c n te r of _ a rose on a w hite satip children under 12, 10c Mrs. Sadie O rr Dunbar, executive e ... 38-9p ■ Jr.: Scholls, Mrs. John Sutherland: teachei in the Hillsboro schools. Hillsboro deanery of th e Catho- secretary of the Oregon Tuberculo- >’,llo' v N m em ire of For- Laurel. Mrs. John Mulloy: Hillside. for many years. Mr. Robb is a , y c church, com prising the corn- I sis association, spoke briefly, com- L5! G rove acted as best man. and Mrs. Carl Clapshaw; Kansas City. graduate of Pacific university and m unities of Rov. Forest Grove, m ending W ashington county on its : Pdu" , a*}5l, Alvin Srhul- Mrs. C. H. Hamilton: Cornelius. a retired farm er. The couple will Cornelius, Hillsboro and North educational program and the work nu‘ru' 1’- both of Hillsboro, acted as BIG CARNIVAL Mrs. H enry Behrmann: Oreneo, be at home to th e ir friends at Plains, met at St. M atthews school ! of its medical group. A technical us*lfrs- , . . .. Mrs. S. L. Carlyle: Leisvville. Mrs. th e bridegroom's home north of hall Sunday afternoon. F ather Van- discussion of diagnosing various Ih e church was beautifully dec­ Hillsboro. derbeck of Portland spoke on types of tuberculosis was presented 1 ? r a e d " (’ ! candelabra, autum n Lillie B. Hanley; Schefflin. Miss study club organization and F ather by Dr. M arr Bissaillon of the Ore- *va' es- "nd fall flowers Bernice Heinrich: Pum pkin Ridge, Heesacker of St. M ary's also spoke. ! gon Medical school. X -ray pic- Mrs. S. A. D Meek: Mountaindale. alter Steinke played Loh- Mrs. W. H. W ieber of Hillsboro tures w ere shown by Drs Bissaillon Mrs. E. F. Leming: Buxton. Mrs. - 1 ! i cengnn V Mrs. W s wedding march and Claire was elected chairm an of th e coun­ A. Allen; Banks. Miss Sylvia Sev­ Bi g 1 Promise \o u ." ty deanery and Mrs. Fred Caldwell and Bellinger to illustrate th e ir I After saf erance: Aloha-Huber, Mrs. Jam es the cerem ony a reception talks. Welch; Forest Grove. Mrs. D or­ The pictures on ‘ India” sh o w n 1»a» appointed chairm an of the w e r e l was held ior Ten county physicians _, . • abol,t forty-five rela-1 othy Seymour: Hillsboro. Mrs. E. C. at the Methodist church last Sun- local group, guests of the association at the an- I1? 1’“ aI u aA the ' lo9le i SA TU R D A Y , Novem ber 9 McKinney: Beaverton, Rev. Bruce day evening by Dr. W illiam N or­ , nual dinner. Members of the asso- , and , rs d5” n, K am na of Cor- B. Groseclose. Music by ton of Portland, w ere enjoyed by N e w l V - \ Y p d <5 G l V P D ciation's executive com m ittee w ere nelius Mrs. Charles Hoag served by a large audience. Many ex- 1 ” CUD V T tw tl the w edding cake. i also in attendance. "Chuck” Robinson and his .pressed th eir appreciation of this C h a v i v a vi T J u ir s d o v November 1 is also the w edding Revelers i unusual set of colored pictures. Dr. 1' 1 1 ‘ '-Ict.V anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Jo h n . ' Norton spent a year and three W. F. L ichty of Oreneo and Mrs. Kamna, and the birthday of the 1 (A 6-piece modern orchestra) months in India. An offering was Bessie Bowers of Hillsboro, who bride. Come and celebrate till your hear.'-- SOUTH TUALATIN_The wed- i tendJ r^d 4 D l N orton, to, be fo r-.w e re m arried in Vancouver, Wash.. r i U 'G W C l l i a i ' t V A fter a wedding trip to Seattle content, with horns, confetti and „ . _. . . and Hoquiam. Wash., and C a lifo r-1 ding of John Liebenow. son of Mr. w arded to the Board of Foreign last week, w ere honored w ith a Mr and Mrs. G eorge B iersd o rf, nia Mr al)d Mrs Hansen w i„ noise-m akers of all sorts. and Mrs. Herman Liebenow. and Missions to be used in assisting charivari party Thursday night at were g i\e n a surprise party and make their home in Portland, w here Good Time for All Miss Esther Swope, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Clemens, son-in-law the home of the bridegroom 's pot luck supper Sunday evening at Mr. Hansen is employed, Reasonable Prices brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Swope of and daughter of the speaker. Gents, 35c; Ladies. 15c Mrs. W. P. G ardner, at Quatama. th eir home prior to th eir depar- i _________________ . Beaverton, occurred Saturdav eve­ Good Time Dance , A large num ber of relatives and tu re for Minneapolis. Minn. They ' ning at the home of the groom's Compliments D a u g h te r- left Monday evening for Minnesota. At G range hall every Saturday sister, Mrs. C. A. Olsen, at Gaston. Mrs. H allie Ireland gave a Hal- friends w ere in attendance. w here th fy will attend the 50th night. -Georgia Hess orchestra. Ad- The ceremony was perform ed at low een party the afternoon of Oc- 20tf Charles Harwood and fam ily of w edding anniversaries of some of mission 25c. 8:30 by Rev. Hinrichs, pastor of tober 30 for her daughter, June, in Mr. Biersdorf's relatives. They will [ __ e ________ __________ Aumsville, Harwood and z th Blooming Lutheran _______ church, ______ i n ; honor of her C lark eleventh birthday. Old Time Dance visit in also, Zum brota and Redwing. th e presence of a few relatives of 1 Guests were Dorothy Butterw orth. ° f Independence, Mrs. Em- Minn. At Hillsboro G range hall, 1st and W ET W EATHER the two contracting parties, w ith Jaqueline Hunt. Dorothy Kidney, ma T urpin and daughter of Marsh- Those present at the Sunday sup- 3rd Thursday, beginning S eptem ­ actins as brides- ! I Betty Betti- G ardner. ardner Betty Rettv Gully. Gnllv Ruby- Rntiv field. and Frank Harwood and fam- Ruth Liebenow acting Messrs. and Mesdames ber 5. Buckaroos' old-tim e music. m aid and ' Good caller. Tickets 25c. 28tf man. The pink and carried Reshingle before the fall rains Lundeen. Lorna McLeod and Mar- ***"« * lth David Harwood, who is Mjgs Mae Laheyne Deibcrt Biers- with the famous Schneider cedar and mixed blossoms. O a ro ! H a v o n c V e r y 111. , __ , _____. ' _____ ________ Following the ceremony, the wed- garet Havens. shingles -C arnation L um ber Co., The C. C. Store has just dorf and th e honor guests. ding party and guests were served .. _. _ . Miss Jane Auld of P ortland spent Forest Grove, exclusive sales agents stocked a complete line a buffet supper by Mrs. Olson, as- ' oun? Ede Recovering from Thursday to Sunday night at Mrs. Pitman Returns— Phone 20. 29tf sisted by a num ber of th e ladies | Oliver Ede, son of Mrs. M. Welch the home of her father. J. L. Auld. of Hirsch-Weis Mrs. A. O. Pitm an returned last present. Chief feature of the sup-1 this city, who was injured in an Davis Auld of O. S. C„ Corvallis, Girts w eek from a th ree weeks' visit in per was a beautiful w hite w edding 1 auto -wreck on the Columbia high- was also a guest at th e parental Handm ake gifts for every occa­ She m ade the trip sion.—322 E. Washington St. 36-41p cake. ' w-ay about two weeks ago w hen home Sunday to attend the fun- California "SUPERSHED" down w ith Mr. and Mrs. Norman The house was artistically dec- the car w ent over a 45-foot em- eral of his great-uncle, W. F. Hunt- A rm strong of Pasadena. She also| G uaranteed orated with flowers and autum n bankm ent, and was taken to the er, of Oreneo. leaves for the occasion. > Good Sam aritan hospital in Port- ]y[rs. j l A nderson and her visited a t the San Diego fair, and w ith friends at Los Angeles, O ak­ The newdyweds left Monday for land- is reported as improving. He sister Mrs H R S jolander at- and P,7r‘ San v Francisco. the coast to spend their h o n e y -: had the large bone in his leg brok- te nded a luncheon last Thursday land ioved“the e rv 'm u rh She hot « cn- id moon, and will be at home on the en in five places, and the sm all at the home of Mrs. Edw ard Lied- bat . i . attendanc^ was6 small ts e m n lo ^ d Mr P P ° r ‘land' in h° n° r ° f MrS w h ile ‘she was th^rc s™ " Guests M the wedding w ere Mr M” ' KidnCy Hostes&- Sjolander. ¡„ O rg a n lia tio n - and Mrs. C. A. Olson fn d fam ily , Mrs' E rnest K idney was hostess Sunday guests at th e Retd Eld- M ra R p Rasmussen of Hills- and Mr. and Mrs E Olson and for a H allowe'en p arty T h u rsd a y ! ridge home w ere M r and Mrs. Eli boro and Mesdames Allen Knight fam ily and Mrs Anna Olson of "*ghttKm -honor ° f 2*e r daughter g r in die of B ^ k s M r and Mrs and C arl Sande of Forest Grove LOGGER STAG— Gaston, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Jones ^ orolhy, Je?n '. ■' B. P. Chorus Meet brary Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Liebenow Have Ghosts Convention— Mrs. E. M aldyn Evans of Forest and Carl, Philip, Ruth. Robert, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Staples mov­ Grove will meet m em bers of the Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sahnow W alter and Helen, and Rev. and were hosts for a “ghosts’ conven­ ed this week to the form er C urry chorus of the Business and Profes­ Mrs. E. W. Hinrichs and family. tion” H allowe'en evening at their residence on F irst avenue near sional Women's club tonight (T hurs­ The couple left for Neskowin fol­ home. Guests w ere Rev. and Mrs. Main. Mr. and Mrs. V erne C urry day) at the home of Mrs. Dora lowing the ceremony and returned George Reule, Messrs, and Mes­ have moved to Portland. Nelson, 411 East W ashington street, to Scholls Tuesday to m ake their dames Chester Dreezen and son, Mr. and Mrs. Ja k e R ufer and at 7 o’clock, for rehearsal. All mem- home on the A. B. F lint farm. Herman F reudenthal and daughter, sons Robert, Jo h n and W alter of bers interested are invited to be | LOGGER PANTS George Biersdorf, O tto Voges and , Enright spent several days last present. Lloyd Anderson Host— W. T. Putnam Jr., Miss Mae La- week w ith “ Mr. “ and * Mrs. E. J. P et- Miss W iley E ntertains— 10-oz. Double front and back from Fir Grove milk is al­ Lloyd Anderson entertained w ith heyne and Delbert Biersdorf. erson- W inifred Wiley entertained about top almost to bottom. Seams sewed a Hallowe'en party Thursday night , . . Miss K athleen McAlear, student classm ates w ith a Hallowe’en | ways p u r e — always at the home of his parents, Mr. ! Honored ° n A n m v e rsa ry - 4-cord linen shoe thread. Slanting at University of Oregon at Eugene, party the evening of October 30. highest in food values and Mrs. J. L. Anderson. Hallowe'en Friends and relatives held a sur- spent th e w eek-end w ith h er par- Hallowe’en decorations w ere used pockets—2 button flap back pocket. —produced by one of games w ere played and refresh- Prise party Sunday evening for Mr. ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. McAlear. and appropriate games played. Mrs. m ents served. Guests present w ere and Mrs. H erbert Sahnow at th eir the finest herds i n Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Deck moved J ' N- w iley assisted her daughter. A llen and H enry Campbell, DeLoss home at Schefflin. The occasion Monday to th e form er home of C. E. Society Meets— W ashington county. Anderson, M uriel and W ilfred | was th eir 30th w edding anniver­ Mrs. George D arland, on West T ualatin Plains C hristian En- Delivered fresh a n d sary. The honored couple w ere p re­ Main street. 1 deavor society w ill have a social ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■IB sented w ith a floor lam p by those clean to your door ev­ Mrs. Betty Barton of K lam ath fath e rin g F riday night at the Jam es present. About 65 attended. ery day. Call today for Falls was — a — week-end _ _ guest of her L {^atchelder residence northeast of j I I I „ Z, Benefit Sale Saturday— parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hillsboro. our superior delivery Both Ideal for th e w inter Card P arty at N orth Plains— Benefit auction sale for welfare Thrapp. service. St. Edw ard's A ltar society will work, sponsored By th e A dventist w orker or sportsman. Miss Ethel W ick of A storia was church, w ill be held Saturday at a week-end guest of h e r sister, give a card party Tuesday night i 7:30 p. m. at the old G range hall. Miss Esther Wick of the high school ,t he ^ IJ l r»rw»r» urc,h, Ir * basem ent North » ». P in in a ZVl” at « w arati Plains. Pinochle and “R "500" ill be Fruit, vegetables, baked foods, faculty. played. Everybody invited. needlew ork and miscellaneous a r­ Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Anderson and DAIRY ticles will be sold. T he public is Mrs. Nicol Hostess— family and house guest w ere din­ invited. Mrs. R. J. Nicol entertained ner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. GARRETT, Prop. W ednesday afternoon w ith one E ntertain H unt Club— David Lofgren in Portland. o'clock luncheon and four tables 270 E. Main Phone 2601W I Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Morgan en- D rexel T hrapp has moved to 1 tertained members of th eir hunt Forest G rove to continue his col­ of bridge. club at a venison dinner Saturday lege course at Pacific university. Carnival Dance night. T hree tables of contract Mrs. W. K. Hatfield of Portland Modern music, at Balm Grove, bridge w ere in play, at which Mr. is spending the w eek w ith her Saturday, November 9. 38p and Mrs. J. W. Barney made high sister-in-law , Mrs. E. M. Barnes. score. Mrs. R. E. Wiley was hostess to Big Old Time Dance the W ednesday bridge club this Tuesday, November 12, at V er­ Buy Peach O rchard— week. boort. W alkers' orchestra. 38 Mr. and Mrs. O. Coslett Sr. have Only . purchased the 15-acre peach or­ O ther beautiful, high-quality chard northeast of Hillsboro, for­ diam ond engagement and w ed­ merly owned by the late Dr. L. B. ding rings at prices low er than Smith, and plan to build a resi­ w e have ever been able to dence on the tract in th e spring. quote. Poem Published—* Mrs. M yrtle' Biassing had a poem, "New Neighbors,” published in the S». November issue of th e magazine, JEWELER HUI The Home Friend. Mrs. Biassing "L et 'Andy' Fix Your Watch” has had m any poems published in different magazines of the nation. Miss Swope.Weds John Liebenow fl Biersdorfs „ .. Given Wings Ethiopia tio n t about this lam ’ I I I in a thrilling picture, the first to give the complete story ot Ethi­ opia front the inside. Startling scenes taken in regions never before penetrated by cameras. , NO RAISE IN PRICES v V c I k I I N EW S I I WATERPROOF CLOTHING *4 75 Don’t Buy Milk Blindfolded! $4 25 FIR GROVE The C. C. Store On Account of the Length of This Program There W ill Be NO Preview Saturday Night. I SUN I_ - MON - TUES. Continuous Show Sunday — 2 p. m. to 1 1 p. m. Y ou canft get a J. L. Anderson U s e G ood Judgm ent — When you feel a cold coming on, come and get a package of our Cold Busters and a bottle of our "Mentholated Pine Tar Honey with Cod Liver Oil Concentrate” cough syrup. It will give you the results and not cost you extra. For stopped up heads and throat try Syn-o-spray, sprays up into the Sinuses, which opens them up at once. AND HOW? HILLSBORO PHARMACY Hillsboro, Oregon if you’re dated of last year’s vint­ C LOTHES age quickly stamp a girl . . . and how foolish to give up the good times that smart clothes bring when they cost so little at GO AM’S Woman’s Shop E. M. Barnes, Prop. (Venetian ticket, Jo h n I. Prickett, Rt. 1, Banks) Ride in real comfort. These fares are good in the new air-tonditiontd chair-cars on ourcrack Cascadt— big roomy cars with deep-cushioned •' reclining seats. Or go for the same fares, plus small berth charge, in ' 1 air-condilionedTouritt Pullmans. Rates ate also low to Los Angeles,' I San Diego and other California points. And here’s something else that will save money on your trip .., »< NEW FOOD SERVICE È3 ' N ow served in coaches andTourist Pullmans on all our trains: coffee Sr, milk Sr, sandwiches lOr, 3 do­ nuts 10r,ice cream lOr, apple or orange Sr, cookies 10r,etc. (And pillowrental now only lOrin coaches.) i Southern Pacific^ II. D. OLSEN. Agent Phone 621 I PLUS—Selected Short Subjects ’