Thursday, NíiVf-mbiT 7, 1935 H IL L S B O R O A RG U S, H IL L S B O R O , O R E G O N Page Five 1/ You Are Looking for Variety Y ou’ll Find It Here! Read Every A d A Ready Market with Rig Results at Little C ost----Classified Columns Close at 10 A. M. Wednesday— Too Late to Classify Accepted Until 5 P. M. Wednesday Ten Free Venetian Theatre Tickets in Classified and Display Advertising—Check the Ads for Your Name. Count Word»—Send Money X'onnt Your Profit» 8. Work W anted 16. Furniture, Piano», Radios 22. S h e e p , G o a ts 34. Room», Apartm ent» by a certified eheck on a bank real property situate in Washing- NOTI4K OF FIN A L ACCOUNT No. 40»0 . ------------------doing business in thl» state, for 2 ton County. Oregon, to-wit: All of YOUNG man wunls work In g ar­ PIANO, r alio, a n d hem stitching | EXTRA good milk goat for sale, hURNlSHED apartm ents for rent per cent of the pai value of the the East Half of the Southwest In the County Court o f the S tate of Ore* yon, for the County o f W ashington, m a c h in e for sale cheap Phon« gives 5Vj q uarts when fresh, 3 age or filling stgtlon. Phone Call at 372 S Second Ave.. H ills -1 bonds made payable to the city Q uarter of Section Seven, in Town- Department o f Probata. 311 j quarts now, $K D. Dapp. Phone boro North Plulns 8F21. 37-Hp 2501 33tf as a guarantee of good faith. Right ship Three South. Range One West In the Mutter >•( the E state of Edward I North Plains 18F3L 38p MiViM . . . I i A. Korman, Deceased. a-» I Z — ** reserved to accept or reject any of the W illamette Meridian, con- . . . WOOD SAWING If your w ool 32 VOLT Delco light plant n,1 ra- N otice in hereby given that the under« ItOOM and board for tw o men or aji bid» in the Interest of the taining 80 acres, more or less, to- *4 Admit 1 tratrix o f the Eatate avallable Inquire Im perial cafe, city 1» too long, cull 214ÌZ M. J dio for ale E Ilelvogt. Itt 2, I 23, Poultry Readers, per line 10c gether w ith a certain parcel of signed. of A. K>>rrnah, Deceased, has I Senske, 423 N 2nd Ave. 33tf | Legal approving o p in io n o f land situate and bordering upon filed Kdward 35-Otf lliii bo ro ; 3 miles ea 1 on high-1___________ ___________________ Hillsboro. her Pinal Ac fount In the County Black Face H eading Perm itted ' ■ vu>' 37-8 b u y your breeding toms early. A Messrs. Teal, Winfree. McCulloch, the West line of the above de- Court o f the sta te o f Oregon for W mh- Cush should accompany ordor. House« 10. Sale or Trade— Mi». ! Shuler and Kelley and will be fur- scribed tract and being east of ,"*ton County, and th»t the tit h d»y of ! good fliM-k to select from .—F. H. 35. MODERN upright Estay piano with . Bowlby. Phone 3282 30-8p nished the successful bidder. County Road No. 901. and being • ‘ ek fr u' *!*1 Out of fulrness to all no In­ . . A . N -------------- ... , " d o c k in the forenoon o f eeld day and I E L , City 1» m il, A-l condition, sacrifice ; _________ C F o u r ro o m ^°L ya rd w ” l floors in ! I — ----- D 1 FGIt SALE or trade for good row: Re- part of the West Half of said the Court r™m of said Court haa o formation on the C l a s s i f i e d 24 B St. N . Forest Grove. 37-Bp ' WANTED Cream separator, good condition P oultry of all kinds 38-9 Southw est Q uarter of said Section appointed by -aid Court a , the tim e and Page will be given out until hall and living room, built-in*. ____________ and Model T nurrow -tred tractor ----- Seven, containing 1H acres, more ek“’* tuT d>® hearing o f ohjertlane thers- a d lo T a b e s •« wl11 ¿ al1' / ' r b r 'n g F riday, b reak fast the paper 1» Issued. stationary t u b ; SH E R IF FS SALE ,,r less. situated in Washlngton to «mi the «Ft dem ent thereof. G uaranteed R a adio and plow. ju»t right for small tract. d io Tubes ru b e * S a tu r d a y o r M o n d a y b e fo re noon woodshed nook, Only $18(XJ. I Notice is hereby given, th at by County. S tate of Oregon; that the Datad and first published October 10, G lenn Carr. Ht 2. Portland; mile At lowest prices Douglass Radio i y. r Barden, Cornelius. 34tf I , erms w garage. . | - ---- ' c-iuiuy, s ta te 19-55. D ate of last publication Novelli­ G. Ide. 31« E Service, Hillsboro. o. Phone 2IX. I ---------- ---------------------------------------- JJ * ’’ Ma‘", virtue of an Execution, O rder and mortgage described in p lain tiffs ; her southeast Bethany store. Telephone 7. 1935. .ihl't Tubes tested free. 37tf DUDLEY'S Hanson strain Leghorn | -* A nnouncem ents ‘ - j ecrce of Sale, issued out of and com plaint be foreclosed and th e . - DELIA ........... POIRIER. ............. . A dm ...... ........... — inistratrix Roa- ■ under the seal of the C ircuit Court mortgaged premises be sold in one P. Hurst, A ttorney, 1401 Yeon Bldg., pullets for sale, aiso double-pedi­ 37. Loan» EVERYBODY knows that our P er­ TWO Snuncn goats, one milking, 1 BARGAINS li> used furniture | of the State of Oregon, for the parcel In the m anner prescribed 1'-rtl.nd. °r a g o n . *<-* greed cock birds that we used in See Ilornhuek, 155 S. 2nd Ave., our fect Blue W hite Diamond» ara _ _______ and battery radio for sale or oo iin ,'V . 'J'ashinfit,.>ri. dated the b v the laws of the S' it« of Ore- , own pens this year. — Paul Home Loans NOTICE TO CREDITORS 30tf i before you buy priced low er than moat Jeweler» trad<. for’ luy ln g 'h an s ’<» do« rab- Dudley, Aloha, mud Rt. 1, B eaver- g. u , , —■—■■■ 2»th day of October. 1935, in favor ¿.on gon and and the the practice practice of of this this Court; Court; I No. 4370 p u ce Imperfect »tone».--Anderson'» bits J. C. Olson, block south of ton . 35-8 For bulldin,g' buXln« or reflnanc- of Jen n ie A. M urphy plaintiff. that p - ........... th at the the proceeds proceeds thereof thereof be be a ap- 1 In the County Court of the S tate o f Ore- Fuel 17 Jew elry store. mg on city or acreage property, ; and against Rudolph H offarber and plied tow ard th e paym ent of p la in -' •»» 35 condenser -n, for the County o f W ashington 38 Monthly paym ents as low as $9 5 6 1 Ida E Hoffarber. his wife, record t jffg decree, decree. costs cost s and and accruing “ accruing | ,h* F- “ u of ______ P*g» p,.r m onth per $1000, including In- owners, A lbert H offarber and Esth- tiffs CARBON paper, typew riter rib- 12. For Sale— M iscellaneous FOUR-foot «hl growth, $2 50, d e­ costs; that at said sale plaintiff N otice in hereby jriven that the under* b e ll.. e tc , lo r sa le A rg u s. tf ,, , „ te r e t W a s h in g to n S a v i n g s i t er Hoffarber, his wife, defendants, livered. $3 75; 16-ineh hardw ood u s . A a n n x e . perm itted to become a pur- «¡»ne«l Hazelle Sw alley Millar ha« been WEANLING p.g,^ 1. L Stout. 3 Loan Hillsboro 38 $19.50 cost w ith chaser; th at plaintiff have a de- appointed A dm iniatratrix of the Estate BUSINESS C ard s If you engage In j MALSBARY ■tenllicr. new. f o l ash. maple, alder, mixed, $3 50 miles south Hillsboro. n e a r (Venetian ticket, A rnold Berger. for the sum of ^rorn f Glen Sw alley. Deceased. by th e cord; delivered, $4 75 E Alt. 0 ~8tb daY flclency judgm ent against the de- o County any service type o f business, NU' P below eoat. ulso used At- G rabel school. Court o f the S tate of Oregon, •« P | Rt. 4, Hillsboro, , 38tf of October, 1935, at the rate of 6 fendants, M artha E. Ross and Gil- for W ashington County, and haa qual­ curil» handed to your patrons will w ater Kent «-tube radio, complete miles south on Laurel road {*>■ cent per annum , and the man £j Ross, wife and husband; ified. All persona having claim s againat benefit you See The Argus to t with butteiies, $12 50 Meltobekf '■ "H near '• ' West J"' Union J 1" 38. Farm L oan. fu rth er sum of $1000.00 w ith in- „ G raham and Ellen Graham, hus- »aid eatate are hereby notified to pre«ent 3H FIRST clnss wood for sale. — Ray ' Ed Grossen, quality work. *24 S. Second Ave. the »«me. duly verified a« by law re­ Dclsman, G aribaldi Ave. Phone »tore. 38 d c - . n . . t ^re2,t 'h ereo n from th e lath day hand a n d wife: A lexander K. quired, to the undersigned at the o ffice 49tf FARM money to loan—The Fed- hf February, 1935. at th e rate of Lumsden, and Isabelle W. Neate, ■ o „ f Klepper ti Imlay. 1517 Yeon Huild- r WILL not be responsible fur 450 MOUNTAIN grown red cedar 2107. v ,, oral Land bank now has am ple 1 Ppr cent per annum , and for the a sjpgje woman and against each * nar- Portland. Oregon, w ithin six months WEANLING pigs f o r sule anyone's debts but by own.— | posts. 8V», cents each. 1134 S. 38p funds t0 Ioan to farm ers at 4% fu rth er sum of $20 00 insurance of th em for any portion of said .*?.{’ .. u.« a Schumacher. Laurel. May W Martin. 38-46 j Muin S t. Hillsboro. 38 p CORD wood for sah- $5 per cord November Jackson Bros. Kt. 4. SherwiMid (V e n e tia n tic k e t. Louis Roe ygens. O ver $1.000,000 has been loaned to prem ium w>th in terest thereon decre£. rem aining unpaid; that th e ;. m s. Last publication " December d - 6. W ashington county farm ers by the from the 1st day of May, 1935, at defendants above named and each tsts. 38-Op Kt 1. Banks) 3. Lost and Found BOY'S suit and leather coat for P h o n e S c h o l l s 1525. HAZELLE SW A LLEY MILLAR. Ad- bank. W rite or call for particulars, j the rate ® * 7_ P® .1 - e® nt per annum and all of them, be foreclosed and sule cheap, ulmost like new In- in ktrxtrix of the E *tste of Glen Sw al­ PUREBRED 8-months-old York- —Washington County N ational Farm and for the fu rth er sum of $100 00 barred of all ri¿ht title cIaim or m 3H OLD growth rick wood for sale FOUND Guernsey heifer. Owner quire Argus 4012. ley. Deceased. Klepper 4 Imlay. A ttor­ A ttorney's fees w ith interest there shire boar for sale or trad e for Loan Association, J. M. Person, Rudolph Tschunz. Phone North interest in th e prem ises described neys, 1517 Yeon building, Portland, Ore­ pay for ad und pasture John 'V enetian licket, C. E. Korn, Rt. 1, 9tf P . 22F15. 38p g r a in —C W. Jensen, 3 miles east secretary, Hillsboro. as-«2 / r°71,?be October, j n p la in tiffs mortgage except the gon. K a n in a. Furmington. Phone 5R35 Hillsboro) of Banks. 37-8p ' 1935, at the rate of 6 per cent per r jgb t of redem ption allowed by H ills b o r o . 38-9p MONEY to loan on good dairy annum , to me directed and de- law and th at p!aintiff have such NOTICE TO CREDITORS S e e d s , P la n t» j HEAVY cedar fence posts, 10c 18. CHOICE Chester W hite breeding No. 4369 herds.—E. A. G riffith, 131 S. 2nd livered, com manding me to make other and fu rth er relief as is meet MOUND Man’s w rist watch. — J und 9c each, delivered. — I*. ——— ——---- — - In the County Court o f the S ta te o f Ore­ gilt; young serviceable boars, avenue. 7 « saie of the real property herein- ' and equitable. ▼ Phone 2182. 38 1 Tromp, Kt. 5. Hillsboro. 33-6 ; HIGHEST quality trees, largest as- gon, for the C ounty o f W aahington after described, I have levied up 1 sortm ent, greatest values Graft-1 ^ e r i7 aI ndII ” e a " , i n « P 1» ,i o r Service of this summons is made ufr,’he E*t , u “f Ruth on and pursuant to said Execution. LOST Puekuge w ith two pairs of j FENCE posts for sale. 10c de- ed Suckerless filberts. walnuts. less tower; Hillsboro. O rder and Decree Of Sale, I will up°n Pu^ ica^ion thereo. N otice is hereby »iven that the under- 34tf Ilv e re d — Ray Delsmun. G aribaldi prunes, pears, cherries, a p p l e s , girls' overshoes, on road to Ju c k ­ on Monday, the 2nd day of Decern- ln the Hillsboro A igus a news- «¡»ned Raymond Denton ha« been ap- 34tf peaches, apricots, grapes, ornam en- st >n sc I kmi I Leuve at Argus of­ Ave. Phone 2107. ber, 1935. at the East door of the Pa P " of general circulation pub- Pjun^jtdm m w uator - •>' hrubs. etc Prem ium Roses ' H or»c» NOTICE tais fice Matt Mercep. Rt. 1. Hills- C ourthouse in Hillsboro, Wash- l in Washington County. O re- c o u n ty Court of the s ta te of ’ Oregon. CALLING C a rd s — Every woman free. Send today for our 45th An- Hiac|{ team -nno th That Court will hear evidence up-1 , ” “sn’ l,(il (i 38 th ,^ - t H Q A dm inistration of the Estate " J * 0" Oregon at the hour gon. once each week for a period f r Washmicton County, and haa quale should have culling card» as a so- nlverxory sale ciscular. — C arlton I .,,,d ' ,1,, cl.1 necessity.—8 « , The A rg u . for Nursery Co 35tf | V h ^ p X ^ q u t thers. c k s a 7 le and - C a ll 9 | of j whQ med of ten oclock a m. of satd day, of six consecutive and successive >fl«d All paraunx having claim» againat weeks, by v irtu e of an order “ t«1* hereby notified to present M odernize to be dead. ' seU at Publlc auction to the high quullty work. runderaignad at 'tba* o ffice 444 • or 2563 38 In the County C ourt of th e State ; est bidder for cash in hand, all tpade by the H onorable R. F rank quir^,j tu Nursery Stock PLASTERING by day or contract of the following described real * cters. Judge of the above en- of Kiepper A Imlay. is i7 Yeon Build- for Rent. No S,,„,k MUSI H ig t . v , J u t ., M AHE H-vears-^ld. sound and of Oregon, for W ashington Coun- property, lying being and situate P atd ilng n s p e c ia lty . — C. O I Al'XHTMENT c° “r t and enter^ , J " Ì?o'm ^ ' ‘d".!'. ^ ¿ " f ' mun,h* ing. For Rent. For Sale. Na per. Arbor Vitae, Cedar, Cypress, true, for sale and cause on October 25. r iin. *,"• daf* hereof. H. Skuse, Box 11. I 'Y- Churchill. 322 E. Washington St I in W ashington County, Oregon, court Peddlers, etc., signs for sale at The Spruce, Yew, Azalia, Rhododen- . jtt 2 H illsboro 38p In the M atter of the E state of 1935. said period of publication 7. * 9 « . * ‘ PUbllxhri November 38tf I Phone 2152. , .- -■-- ------ Last publication December o, and m ore p articularly described as . . Argus. 27tf drons, Abella, Aucuba Box, Caton- Axel Larsen, Deceased. being th e period prescribed by said 1935. ea ter. Daphne. Heather. G randa FOR SALE One good farm horse, Notice is hereby given that Carl follows, to-wit: MODERNIZE your home with con­ order. The date Of the first pub- RAYMOND DENTON, A dm inistrator of East half of Lot num bered w eight 1450. Frank Pranger. 2 ■ Larsen has filed in th e above en- crete septic tunks, well, curb and OLD new spapers for sale, 10 cents Holly. Laurel. Magnolia, and many lication of this summons is th e, 8w«,I«r Denton. Ds- Five (5) in Tigard Road G ar­ bundle.—Argus. 18tf others. Plants for edging, hedge, miles north of Cornelius. 31st day of October. 1935. and the 7 S 7 dBund?nr P * o r t t t OrXr"m ' »“ « 38tf titled Court and cause his duly Chimneys. Portland Concrete Pipe dens, in Washington County, 't -— . Wn ,d .b re a k , o r g a rd e n . E x p ert verified petition alleging th at after A Products C o. 5819 S. W Mucu- date of the last publication th e re­ Auction Sale» i landscape advice —Drew N ursery JU ST received a truckload o f making due and diligent search i Oregon, except th at certain p a r­ NOTICE OF FIN A L ACCOUNT darn, Portland. Phone ATwuter 13. of is the 12th day of December, cel of land released from the of 8th St horses Span mares, 3000, in foal: No. 3593 — Beaverton, east end and inquiry, he has been, during fa l. 29tf 1935. lien o f p la in tiffs mortgage, In »he County Court o f the S ta te o f Ore­ 35tf span geldings. 3000. well matched. PUBLIC SALE. Gaston, all - day phone 11805 all the tim e for th irty years im ­ gon. for the County o f W ashington, WM L. BEATTY, of A ttorneys w hich release is recorded in Also 2 single h o rses—F. W. Walch, November 11- 200-acre farm, 20 m ediately last past, and now is u n ­ Probate Department. 6. W anted— M iscellaneous young G uernsey cows, double te st­ for Plaintiff. Post office address: Book 128 Page 189 in the office 1500 feet south Newton station. 38tf able to locate said Axel Larsen or 19. Hay and Feed the M atter of the E state of Daniel 514 P orter Building, Portland, O re­ In Ryan. of the Recorder of Convey­ Deceased. ed. All freshen during winter; WANTED — First class w u l n u t most now giving good milk flow. HAY WANTED 30 tun good o a t j GOOD work horse for sale, w eight to hear from him or of him, or to gon. 37-43 N otice is hereby given that the under­ ances, W ashington County, O re­ ascertain his w hereabouts, a n d meats Pay highest cash price.- - Herd testing 5.4%. 4 horses, colt, signed. as A dm inistratrix o f the estate 1750 lbs., very cheap. — E L. gon, on the 24th day of J a n ­ and vetch See Im perial Feed ^ ^ $ 1 K ’ d^y Light I TEAM black geldings. 3200 lbs.. 7 M follows, to-w it: clg»n, 4c per pound Argus of-1 er. 23rd day of November. 1935. at the 28, 1935. 29th day of October, 1935. fide 37lf tr tile r s n \d<- to order Auto ca rts and farm 9 years, well-m atched. Sev- creed T hat to said be Axel of 10 o’clock A. M o f said day C A TH ERINE A. R Y A N . A dm inistra- J. W. CONNELL. Sheriff of W ash­ hour ----------- 14. Car», Truck», Tire» trailers n«ade to ordt r Auto parts erfll horses _ Delsman dead, Larsen and th be a t de- he the court r.»om o f the above en- tri*. Albert T. Kemmer. Attorney. 37-41 cnint ry.—L». v. h u i i i . r G . aribaldi . | L AiJi Ave. A.._ * . 34tf . . . ' died intestate; th at his estate 1 be _ ington County, Oregon. Charles and and farrft m achinery WOOD w anted in trade for monu- — w titled court in Hillsboro, Oregon« •»» the [ — ----------------------------------------------------- 23tf tim e and place for hearing objection« to NOTICE TO CREDITORS luent work Also light trailer for 1999 CHEVROLET coach, $165; and 152 N. Second Ave. ---------------------------------- , adm itted to probate by the above Coston. 517 Davis Bldg.. Portland. «aid final account and for the final set­ No. 4367 sale or trade -O regon M onument 1927 Whippet coach. $65 Henry NEW and used farm m achinery r. . , F , p O l d ’’orsr’ W anted I entitled court; th a t C arl Larsen Ore., A ttorney for Plaintiff. 37-41 tlem ent o f said eetate. E state o f Ferdinand Stuwe. v 1 JOtf Meitebeke. 372 S. T hird Ave 38p Datesl thia 21st day o f October, 1935. In the County Court o f the State o f O re­ for sale by L ester Ireland & I L .EAP' 21?. orses io r iox feed — be appointed adm inistrator of said SVMMONS W. N. HATHORN. Executor o f the Argtis 2814. gon. for the County o f W ashington. 38-41 estate, and th at such other and In the Circuit C ourt of the State L ast lltf W ill and Teatam ent o f said FOR people who w ant to self- Co. N otice is hereby given that the under- 7. H elp W anted T r« n . j , , .fu rth e r order be m ade by said ceased. Bagley Hare. Attorney* fo l ginned ba.« been appointed adm inistratrix of Oregon in and for th e C oun­ service their automobile* with S . 4 mn i ? ., il £ 2 a,e ,or co « « therein, as may be ju st and Executor. 36-40 o f the E state of Ferdinand Stuw e. de- Sheep, Goat» ty of Washington: MAN w anted for Kawleigh route Power Seal, send $1 check or mon- 22. I t r a d e — Alferd Bendickson, >4 equitable. ceased, by the County Court o f the S tate T he F ederal Land Bank of Spo­ tif HIM) families. G imm ] profits for cy order to R. C. H arder, 10th I mile south of Scholls store. 37-8p NOTICE TO CREDITORS o f Oregon for W ashington County and Now therefore, notice is hereby kane. a corporation, plaintiff, vs. hustler. We truln and help you and W alnut S ts, Hillsboro; care of HANDSOME 7-months-old White In the County Court of the S ta te o f Ore­ ha« qualified. All persons having claims j given th a t said application and muley billy goat; splendid w hite M artha E. Ross and G ilm an G. against «aid estate are hereby notified V iii.' today itawlcigii Co., Dept Follis Service station, or Rt. 4 tf 26. for W’aahington County. C attle i petition has been set for hearing Ross, wife and husband; H. G ra­ In gon. nanny, over gallon in summer, half OR M-SA2. Oakland, Cal. 3H-49p the M atter of the E state of Lundy B. to present the same, duly verified as by law required, to the undersigned at 250 before said court at the court Sm ith, Deceased. WE buy nnd sell used cars, i;!1,1“'1 ton hay, total >20— BROWN Swiss bull, 22-months-old. room of said court in Hillsboro. ham and Ellen G raham , husband N otice is hereby given, th at th e un- E. Main St.. Hillsboro, Oregon, w ithin V. W i F i ) K x i k i ien..>d girl f o r and wife: A lexander K. Lumsden; six months from the date hereof. m V 7 .R i n 7'ph T« £ ? ? z' T± ‘ O regon? on Monday. D e c e m b ^ 'z I c a h p llp W N p a tp a t i n e l p w o r n - lersiitned ha» been appointed Adminiatra- W C want to buy 7o used I (Venetian tirket, Gtis Kempfer, Rt phone S8 N hnutwwork References required. Dated and first published October 31st, t f u ? r i l - ' •(• of the eatate of Lundy B. Sm ith, ile- orth Plains 22F15. 38p 1935 at jq o'clock in th e forenoon — 1935. D ate o f last publication November - Phone 351X. 38 cars.— J. C. Edwards Sherwood) an: Evelyn W arburg and Jo - h n — Doe . .* —■ ceMed , by an order made and entered in 2Bth, 1935. LIGHT fresh m ilk cows. Jersey of ,said da<; and ,b at at, “ id ,inle W arburg, wife and husband: th e the County Court of the S ta te o f Ore- ROSALIA STU W E. A dm inistratrix. and Guernsey, double-tested, for and place the .court will hear evi- unknow n heirs of Arnold E. Neate, tfon for W ashinston County, on th* 7th A A ,|eh o ff A„ orn, y> 612 Mra,l 37-11 sa le .-I.. Finigan, 3 miles south of , dence concerning the alleged ab- deceased; W. B. Goodman and Ja n e day of October. IM S. and that he ha» u ui|din*, Portland. O reson. y qualified as such adm inistrator. L aurel 38t sence o t » i d A xel Larsen and the Doe Goodman, husband and wife; du Now all persons having claim s NOTICE TO CREDITORS _____ circum stances and duration there- also all other persons or parties against therefore, said estate are hereby notified the County Court o f the S tate o f O re FRESH Jersey cow w ith heifer o{- and evidence for the purpose unknow n claim ing any right, title, and required to present them w ith the In gon, for W ashington County. of ascertaining a n d determ ining proper vouchers the undersigned ad­ In the M atter of the Eatate o f Mamie calf for sale.—H. Kestek, Phillips, estate, lien or interest in th e real m inistrator at his to offices over the Com­ w hether or not said A xel Larsen J. R affety, Deceased. near Rock Creek station. 38 estate described in th e com plaint mercial N ational Bank in th e City of N otice is hereby given th at the under­ (Venetian ticket, Fred H. Burns, is dead or living. herein; a n d Sherwood National Hillsboro, O regon, or a t the Law O ffices signed have been duly confirm ed by the Witness the Hon. Donald T. Tem ­ Farm Loan Association, a corpora­ of Thos. H. T ongue J r., in the Com­ above entitled court as executor and Rt. 1. Hillsboro) pleton, Judge of the County Court tion, Defendants. mercial Block in the City o f Hillsboro, executrix o f the L ast W ill and Testa- w ithin six months from the 10th ment o f said deceased, and have duly PUREBRED 15-months-old Jersey of th e S tate of Oregon for the To the above nam ed D efend­ Oregon, of O ctobei. A. D. 1935 qualified a« such. bull, eligible to registration, to County of W ashington, w ith the ants. M artha E. Ross and Gilman day Dated at Hillsboro. Oregon, this 10th N ow , therefore, all persons having trade for hay or wood.—N elie B ut­ seal of said court affixed this 16th G. Ross, wife and husband: H. G ra­ day of October, A. D. 1935. claims against said estate are hereby ler. 2 's miles northeast of H ills -] day of October, 1935 CARYLL T. SMITH. A dm inistrator of notified ami required to present the same, ham and Ellen G raham , husband boro. 38tf - — *• w ith proper vouchers therefpr. A ttest: SEAL. and wife; Evelyn W arburg and the E state o f Lundy B. Sm ith. Deceased. together the undersigned at the law o ffice of EDW. C. LUCE. County C lerk of John Doe W arburg, w ife and hus­ Thos. H. T ongue Jr., A ttorney for Ad­ to Bagley A Hare, in the F irst N ational m inistrator. 34-8 TWO G uernsey-Jerseys to freshen W ashington County, Oregon M. B. I Bank building, in Hillsboro. Oregon, w ith­ in 3 weeks, second calf. $35; J e r ­ Bump, A ttorney for C arl Larsen band: the unknow n heirs of A rnold in six months from the date hereof. OF FIN A L SETTLEM ENT sey, fresh, $25; H olstein-Jersey, and said estate. Residence and ad- E. Neate. deceased; W. B. Good­ In NOTICE Dated this 14th day o f October. 1935. the County Court of the S tate o f Ore­ man and Ja n e Doe Goodman, hus- EDGAR F. LEMING and ELSIE LEM ­ fresh, $45; team 2800 lbs., $90A- for W ashington County. ING, Executor and Executrix o f the ba" d and wife; also ail other per- In gon. For a few pennies an yon e can m ake H illsboro A rgus Percy Stone. Rt. 1. Forest Grove. the M atter of the E state o f Rasmus Last W ill and T estam ent o f said de­ Date of first publication October sons or parties unknow n claiming Nelson. Deceased. Phone Forest G rove 9F51. 38p 17. 1935. Last publication Novem­ ceased. Bagley A Hare, A ttorney* for any right, title, estate, lien or in ­ N otice is hereby given, that Henry Executor and Executrix. C lassified A d s bring real results. 35-9 ber 14, 1935. Johnson, the duly appointed, qualified and terest in th e real estate described 27. Livestock acting Executor of the Last W ill and in th e com plaint herein: NOTICE OF F IN A L ACCOUNT ent o f Rasmus N elson, Deceased, In th e County Court irt the S ta te o f Ore­ NOTICE OF BOND SALE In the nam e of the S tate of O re­ Testam TEAM horses, cheap; also double- has filed his Final Account in the Coun­ gon, for the County o f W ashington, Scaled bids w ill be received u n ­ gon, you are hereby req u ired to ty Court of the S tate o f Oregon, for tested 5-gallon fresh cow. — C. til 7:30 p. m. November 25, 1935, Probate Department. W ashington County, and that said Court appear and answ er the plaintiff's In the M atter of the E state o f Louise E. Triffin, 2 miles west on high- and im m ediately th ereafter opened No. Word» .......... Bacon. Deceased. com plaint filed against you in the ha« fixed Tuesday, the 12th day o f N ov­ wa^' 37-8p I £y th e c ity ¿o u n cii of th e City of above entitled court a n d cause ember. A. D. 1935, at 10 o’clock A. M. N otice is hereby given that the under­ of said day in the County Court Room as A dm inistrator w ith the w ill BATTLE and horses of all kinds Hillsboro, W ashington County, Ore- w ithin six weeks from the date of the County Court House in the City signed. Time» to run ....... annexed o f the estate o f Louise E. Bacon, bought for rash sold or ex- gon' for the sale of refunding im- of th e first publication of this of Hillsboro, W ashington County, Oregon, deceased, has filed his final account in (P leaae W rite P lain ly) •hanged. Terms 10 to 20 m onths on i P™' em ent bonds of said city in summons, towit; on or before D e­ a.« the tim e and place for hearing said the County Court o f the State of Ore­ Final Account and all objections there­ gon, for W ashington County, and that ■ - - 'th e sum of $25.062.75, as follows: Am t. Enclosed $ cem ber 13, 1935, and if you fail to. and for the final settlem ent o f said Monday, the 26th day o f November. 1985, C ity of H illsboro R efunding so to answ er said com plaint, the Estate. Hillsboro 2621 X 30tf at th e hour o f 10 o’clock in the forenoon Im provem ent Bonds, S e r i e s plaintiff w ill apply to the court Dated this 9th day o f October, A. D. of said day and the court room o f said 1935. court has been appointed by said court 1935 B, in denom inations of for the relief dem anded in its said 28. Real Estate HENRY JO H N SO N , Executor o f the as the tim e and place for the hearing $500.00 each, except Bond No. 1 com plaint, to-w it; First, for a d e­ W ill and T estam ent o f Rasmus o f objections thereto and the settlem ent w hich is in the sum of $62.75, cree ordering th a t the sum of WE have a fine 5-acre trac t w ith N elson. Deceased. Thoe. H. Tongue Jr.. thereof. bonds to be dated Decem ber 1, $265.00, being the par value of 53 A ttorney for Executor. Dated and first published October 24, good 6-rt m home; large chick- 34-8 1935. D ate o f last publication November 1935, and to bear interest at shares of stock in The Federal *n house; ’ irn, family fruit. Near 21. 1935. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 344 per cent per annum , and Land Bank of Spokane, pledged own. Will take Hillsboro home EDW ARD E. BACON, Adm inistrator No. 4361 are to m ature by the Sherwood N ational Farm In the County Court ip to $2500 -F . O. Eagon, on high- of the S tate o f Ore­ with the Will annexed. David E. L«»fgren, December 1, 1936 ........$2,062.75 Loan Association as additional se Attorney. 608 American Bank Bldg., Port.. vay. Phon< 801. 37-8n gon. for the County o f W ashington. —---------------------------------------- H i Decem ber 1, 1937 2.000.00 curit.v for th e loan m ade by the N otice is hereby given that the under­ _____ TWO lots, 5-room house w ith b a s e -! December 1. 1938 2,000 00 plaintiff herein, be applied to the signed Paul Schindler and Hedwign A rn­ NOTICE TO ( RKDITORH old have been appointed Executors of ment, for sale, $400, at Orenco. December 1, 1939 ........ 2,500.00 paym ent of th e am ount secured the estate of O tto Schindler, deceased, by In th e County Court o f the S tate o f Ore- M. Mucha, Rt. 4. Hillsboro. 37-9p December 1. 1940 2,500.00 grn, for the County o f W ashington, by p la in tiffs m ortgage; and that the County Court of the State of Ore­ P robate D epartm ent. Decem ber 1, 1941 ... 2,500.00 the plaintif h a v e a judgm ent gon. for W ashington County, and have N otice is hereby given than the under­ WANTED The bast buy, W ashing­ qualified. All persons having claims December 1, 1942 ........ 2.500.00 against the defendants, M artha E. signed E. Ferdinand S teln h o ff has been said estate are hereby notified ton county, for 400 acres Montana December 1, 1943 3,000 00 Ross and Gilman G. Ross, wife against appointed A dm inistrator o f the estate to present the sam e, duly verified as by tnd th ree hundred dollars. No I December 1. 1944 ......... 3.000 00 of Henry Gehrke, deceased, by the Coun­ and husband: H. G raham a n d law required, to the undersigned at the igents.—Rt. 1, Box 113, Gaston. 36-91 Decem ber 1, 1945 ......... 3,000.00 Court o f the State o f Oregon, for Ellen Graham , husband and wife; Argus office, 250 E. Main S t.. Hillsboro. ty w ithin six month* from the date W ashington County, and has qualified. All Provided, however, th at the City A lexander K. Lumsden; and Isa­ Oregon, person« having claim* against said estate hereof. FIVE-room house *or sale, cheap. Dated and first published October 24, are hereby notified to present the same, —841 Baseline St. 32tf of Hillsboro shall have the option belle W. Neate, a single woman, to redeem any of said bonds m a­ and against each of them , for the 1935. Last publication November 21, 1935. duly verified, ns by law require«!, to the PA U L SCH IN D LER . OTTO SC H IN D ­ undersigned at the law office of Bagley tu rin g on or after December 1, balance then rem aining unpaid of $5000 LER. Executor« o f Estate. Benj. B. A Hare in the First N ational Bank build­ FOR SALE—The MacKay p ro p er­ 1941, in num erical order at any in ­ said indebtedness, to-wit: The sum Goodman, A ttorney. 36-40 ing. in Hillsboro, Oregon, w ithin six of $5067.31, w ith interest on the terest paying date or dates on or months from the date hereof ty. W ashington street n ear First. . ~ Dated and first published October 24. sum of $4952.20 thereof at the notice or nw u. accoi n r $5000. Term s reasonable.—Apply M af,er December 1. 1940. upon pay- 1935. D ate o f last publication November No. 3594 B. Bump, attorney. 8tf 1 ment of th e iace value thereof rate of 5% per annum from Oc­ In the County Court 21. 1936. of the S tate o f Ore­ — i- . I w ith accrued .'oteiest, both prin- p rin ­ tober 1. 1935, u n til paid, and for gon, for the County o f W ashington, E. FE R D IN A N D RTEINHOFF. Adminis­ trator o f the E state o f Henry Gehrke. de­ the fu rth er sum of $250.00 or such cipal and interest of said bonds to Probate Department. 30. Stoves, H eaters 8d-30 be payable at the office of the city other sum as the court may ad ­ In the M atter o f the E state o f Ann ceased. J. B. O fner, Attorney. Ryan Bernard, Deceased. WOOD range, good condition.— treasurer. Bonds will be sold to judge reasonable as attorney's fees S tate Capitol News L etter—G iv­ N otice is hereby given that the under­ Mrs. A. B urnette. 306 S. Seventh the bidder offering the highest cash herein, together w ith plaintiff's signed. as Executrix of the E state of ing the highlights of official ac­ INSTRUCTIONS: W rite the ad plainly, print or typewrite. Count the number costs and disbursem ents: price therefor w hich shall not be Ave. 38p A nn Ryan Bernard, deceased, ha« filed tivity at Salem.—E very week in Second, for a decree foreclosing her final account in the County Court of the Argus. less than par and the accrued in ­ of words. If the ud is to run but one week the cost is two cents per word. For tf STEEL range. Will trad e for laying terest thereon. Each bid shall be th at certain m ortgage executed by the State of Oregon, for W ashington County, and that Monday, the 2nd day the second and each consecutive insertion of the same ad, the cost is hut one hens, brood*sow, or cash.—Chas. in w riting and, except any bid M artha E. Ross and Gilman G. of December, 1986, a t the hour o f 10 I. Todd. Rt. 5, Box 27. Hillsboro; subm itted by the S tate of Oregon Ross, wife and husband, on March o’clock in th e forenoon o f said day and cent a word. Minimum charge per issue 25 cents. TO GET RESULTS, state north Newton station. 38p or any sinking fund of the City of 23. 1918, in favor of plaintiff, which the court room o f said court has been plainly w hat you w ant or have to sell. Cross out needless words, then copy II II b o ro . m u s t b e hi . ir p lined m ortgage was recorded on April appointed by said court as the tim e and place for the hearing of objections there* Phone 953 : Hilluboro 6. 1918, at 11:00 o'clock A. M. in to and the settlem ent there«,f. 34. Rooms, A partm ents the result and mail or bring it to the HILLSBORO ARGUS, Hillsboro, Oregon. Subscribe now to the Argus. In Book 80 of Mortgages, page 303. in Dated and first published October 31, FUNERAL DIRECTORS ROOMS, 2-room apartm ent, fu r­ Washington county $1.50 a year. the office of the County Recorder 1936. D ate of last publication November 1935. nished, steam heat, for ren t re a ­ Six m onths 85c. T hree month» 50 of Washington County, Oregon, 28. CATH LICENSED EMRALMERN ER IN E A. RYAN, E xecutrix sonable Hotel Washington. 38 cents. Two m onths 35 cents. tf covering th e following described Albert T. K emmes, A ttorney. 37-41 4Flr*t Insertion, per word 2e Fateh additional Insertion, per w inil 1e (No service por Issue les» than 25c) Legal Notices If You Don’t Need It*Sell It! and if you W ant Something - Say So Write Your Ad Below- Donelson ÔC Sewell