Pape F oui H IL L S B O R O Lester Reynolds of Redding. C a l. School Spirit | w ere J. C. Reynolds, Mrs Fran- lielpt« to M ake | ces Jones. Messrs, and Mesdaines a B e tte r School J George H auser and daughter Irene I of P ort,an d . George Connolly and son, Harold Reynolds and son, and i O rville Reynolds. Miss Irene G ardner spent T h u rs -' T nrU rv»« * day and F riday w ith Mary Sandy J U I1 1 0 1 1 a tM^ss'kEffie Toates w ent to E u - | ^ ^ a -V A l H l O U n C C d Mountaindale 11 < 1 Man X araiyZCCl A R G U S. Il I E E S n n n n HILHI NEWS n « i? n r» Thursday, November 7, 1935 m son has been called for Saturday from North Dakota, ure new pu- evening by the president. Mrs. Ray ptls here. Ego. T here will be a pot luck din- Ml glld Mlsl o tto o rn d u ff Via­ net- at 7 «clock Please bring silver- ,led Mr all<( Ml„ Kl, Wohlsehleget ’ hy H f ’ h h o ro I . tt H L S c h o o l S in .le n t |to«|v " f t * f° r i <‘.’Ur, ™'n use. Officers Sunday at Scholls Mrs O rnduff is u ill be elei ted. 1 hen* will be no camped ut Scholls while employed program Everyone invited at cracking n u ll at Nutcroft. I, Everything In Inaurane« , J. I. Northrup Taken to New pupils nt the Fir Grove . .. .. . ,, , . , 1 H l l . l l l NEW S STA FF •school are Thelma, Beth. Maui tee „ Ml"s Homm, teacher at E d ito r A n n M u n ire » Hillsboro Hospital 1701 3.1« K. W ashington I and Donald I lllv Buck Heaven school, began nerv- I , Phone ------ ----------------------------------------* Aashtant Editor« Mr. and Mrs Lee M cIntyre of ‘ng hot htnch at school October 30 < gene Thursday as a delegate in Tryouts for the Ju n io r plav to ( h r M i«» M a r g a r e t M a th ir a m ) M a ry C a ld w e ll and L u V e rn e A hen J ro t h Wohlachlegel wae he only An international teu will be giv­ Hillsboro visited her mother. Mrs ' A th le tic a Joy F t'e lk e r and Haym ond MOUNTAINDALE—J. I N orth­ journalism from Banks high school be given December 13 w ere held en Uxlay (Thursday) at the Mae- Lena Meyers. Sunday Mrs Meyers ?!’*' ,h" C wUh p rrf*0‘ • “ •"d « "e e , She return ed home Saturday. last week and until Monday noon I.a ir. E xe cu tive C ou n cil Ir in a l Trank ' ! the first six weeks There are sev-1 « rup had a stroke Sunday after­ Dowell home, honoring the mothers js ¡11 Sydney Connolly of W illamina were not finisher! C lub Representative'« P h ilo . U n ir I noon and was taken to a Hillsboro spent Mr. and Mrs. Raymond and new members of Girl Reserves ___ ___ __ ______ Gabel ______ 1 vn enrolled. several days here last week ' The play itself has a very th rill­ t ’ h u r c h lo G ir l Botervea. Jean Anne hospital Monday morning. i w ith friends. The program includes a talk by ' and her mother. Mrs. Jam es Crouse Mrs Ira G. McCormick visited C o n n e ll; Senate. M a u ric e Peerenhoom H i-Y . Ton» S tre tc h e r. B lu e -H . E lm an W. S. Reynolds and Lester Rey- | Mrs. N H. Toates accompanied ing and unusual plot. It concerns Miss Grace Lowers, the Girl Re- of ‘ " Newberg, visited the Ira G. I Mr» Paul S tau u en s at Whitford j S c h u lm c ric h . H a ro ld Meyer. T ri-S q u a re serve secretary Tea will lx- served McCormick faintly Sunday eve- October 30. olds of Redding, Cal., spent several Mr. and Mrs. R E Fox of P ort- an involved murder. It seems that A d v is o r Mina P e a rl A lle n at 3:31) and 4:31) o'clock. All m oth­ nlng. days last week w ith Mr. and Mrs 1 land to Sauvies Island one day members of a family w ent to Elton Mrs. I) W McInnis visited a W illiams' house at 12 o'clock m id­ ers are urged to attend C. S Reynolds and family. They last week. Mr. and Mrs. H erbert Reynolds brother, K L. McCormick, ut Htlls- night to read the will he left. As returned home Monday. j Fruit Requested of Newberg were overnight guests boro October 20 McCormick ts re ­ Walnut and Filbert Meat» they were reading the will the Editorial New Saw Bought n t her uncle, W. I. Jones, Thurs- covering from an Illness Mrs D f Mr. and Mrs R. E. Fox a n d ) Mrs. Earl Hollenbeck requests "dead" w alked into the room. There has been some talk of I The T ry-S quare club has p u r­ day. L ight H alves 30c lb. ) W McInnis of Reedville accoin- j daughters and Mr and Mrs. John that all the Pythian Sisters in this A knock man at the door is answered buying a public address system, chased a new saw, saw arbor, King and sons of P ortland were community bring their canned and in the confusion and excitem ent Honor Roll Given pflnied Mrs. McInnis. that is a loud speaker, for thé high motor, and other necessary fit week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs fruit to the next m eeting so it Elton W illiams is m urdered. He is Pupils at t h e Mountain T o p 1 ------------------------- school. This would be a wise and tings with which they will make N. H. Toates and family. can be sent to the home. school with perfect attendance and an unpopular man and everyone Say you saw it in the Argus. profitable thing to do. For years saw This saw is to be used for Miss Gldays Overton of Buxton McMinnville, Oregon has a reason for killing him. Who students not high enough up nor cutting lum ber for th eir buildings no grade below 8ft w ere Jean and O ur classified columns may have spent the w eek-end at the J. C. G eraldine Ornduff, G alene Wenger. just w hat you ate looking for-- I Did It ’ low enough down on the bleachers This project required a cash out- Donald T.vkeson. Beverly Collins Raffety home. tf The cast is as follows: Elton W il­ have been shouting "Down in front' l-iy of about tw elve dollars. Plans and Charm alne Brunson. The teach­ Head them. D inner party guests of Mr and liams, th e late unlam ented. Allen and uttering vague threats when f‘»r an adjustable table for the saw er, Mrs. Mike McCann, rew arded Mrs. Earl Hollenbeck and daugh­ Sigler: John, the butler. W alter some unthinking person has ob- •!<■’ being developed by M Romig them with a half-day holiday ter Helen w ere Mr. and Mrs. W il­ Foelker: H attie Williams, sister-in- structed their view. For years and Edward Hurd All lum ber will There are 2!) enrolled here. Sylvia. - The recognition ’cerem onial for Miss Hallowe’en entertainm ent given sister, Mrs. Percy Whitfield. Brogden second. O ther guests Hot Dogs Bring Funds to o t m ow er. A d rian ee K-foot rak e , Ll-ineh chilled plow, Mrs. M J. V anderzanden w ill en ­ the new Girl Reserve members was w ere Mesdames Abraham. Barnes, at the M ountaindale school house S aturday evening was a huge suc­ tertain the H arm ony club m em ­ Four dollars was added to the held Monday in the gym. The Romig and H athhorn. and Misses 3-ineh M itchell w agon and bed. bay rack , d ra g saw , h a r ­ cess. E verything was sold and all bers and th eir husbands November general funds of the Philo treasury them e was a circle of iight into Cimino. Brogden. Yoder. Potts row , set w ork h arness, d riv in g h arn ess, sa d d le , and o th e r 13 w ith a pot luck dinner at noon by a sale of hot dogs at the foot­ which the new girls stepped with Parr. Broadbent. McDonald. Crozet\ reported a good time. a rtic le s too num erous to m ention. Mrs. Frances Jones of Portland Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McCoy visited ball game Friday. M argaret Laver. their lighted candles. The yellow Hougucz and Allen. and Ruby Reynolds visited Mr. relatives in Portland Friday. Mrs. Betty Mayes. Naydene Patterson light casting a mellow glow on the CROPS— A b o u t 10 to n s lo o se h a y . and Mrs. Page G ardner Sunday M. J. V anderzanden and daughter and Violet Wick w ere the volun­ blue and w hite of the background Attend Session afternoon. M arjorie and friend were in P o rt­ teer committeemen. Sim ilar sales was impressive. TERMS OF SAFE: $20 and under cash. Over $20. 3 ', divcouflt Eight Girl Reserves and th eir Mrs. Emma Schw ander is im ­ land Wednesday visiting friends are planned for future home games. lor caah. or bankable note at 8*7 interest. advisor. Miss Tennessee W eather- proving rapidly from h er recent Mr. and Mrs. Louis Strohm ayer Conference Attended red. attended inter-club open house illness. visited Mr. Strohm ayer's brother- Boners Faurest Anderson, Lloyd Self­ at the Y. W. C A in Portland last in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Miss Doris Peachy of Stayton G ettysburg is now a battle of ridge and Bob Tongue accom­ week. Swimming. dancing and spent several days last week with John Boeker of Portland, Sunday. A dminivlralor of G. W. Whitmore Estate the Revolutionary war, according panied by th eir advisoh M. Romig. games were enjoyed. The Japanese j h er parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Birthday Celebrated to an exam ination paper in A m eri­ attended an area conference at club served tea. J. W. lll'G IIE S . Auctioneer w. U. (TIKISTKNHEN, Clerk Peachy. F rank V anderzanden was pleas- can history. Camp Collins over the week-end. Guests Honored The present session of the legis- Pot-Luck Held Guests at the C. S. Reynolds antly surprised Saturday evening A pot-luck dinner was enjoyed Phelps Gives Program home at a dinner Sunday given at th e home of his parents, Mr latu re is to settle the trouble be- by the social com m ittee of t h e in honor of W. S. Reynolds and and Mrs. J. P. V anderzanden. The tw een Italy and Ethiopia (civics Program and service committees Girl Reserves Tuesday at the home evening was spent in playing '500.'' exam, paper) --------- - w ere appointed at the Senate m eet­ of Violet Wick Plans were made Those having high w ere Mr. and ___________ _____ ^nd M / T n S V s ^ M a r h ^ V a n d ^ ^ The biol° ^ elasses h a' ’e been ing Monday evening. Senator Phelps to help with the m others' tea. In ­ fulfilled a penalty imposed on him guests w ere Dixie Lee Mac- j zanden and low Guy Raymond. M r f ° UeS,ln « .and m ounting common at the last meeting by giving a vited Dowell and Miss Tennessee Weath- [ insects and weed seeds. • The lamp shown here Is both program all alone. erred Vanderzanden received many love­ a floor lam p and a study lamp. ly birthday gifts. I taken apartm ents i n Portland, cd home with them for a few days' I t ’s adjustable to proper height; Mr. and Mrs. M. J. V anderzanden w here he has work. They have a visit. silver and gold finish; silk-on- and little son Wayne visited Mrs man caring for th eir farm in the p arc h m e n t shade— $ t 6 . 9 5 — N orvail and Eldon Haveman re ­ V anderzanden's brother, Francis Pleasant View district. easy terms. T h i vis just one o f th» turned Sunday from a three days' Vandehey, and family of Roy S u n ­ Buford Deford is w orking for (By Mr«. Bird McCormick fishing trip near Tillamook. They many new , scientifically c n rre < day. Mr. and Mrs. Vandehey have Claud Stevens at Sweet Home this brought home a good catch of a new baby. lamps on display at all Pepco CHEHALEM MOUNTAIN — The w eek Mrs. G race Webb of Salem vis­ potato crop here is dam aged by H e ctric Stores— see them! Mrs. W. G. G alinat gave a birth- fish. Children between the age of 21 ited h er son and daughter-in-law . the freeze. Extent of th e damage day dinner Sunday for her daugh- and four enum erated by J. P. Mr. and Mrs. Z elbert Baker, S u n ­ will not be known until digging ter Betty " day., F rid a v ^ n d 7 ^ , ! ? ^ 1 LI°yd and Donald Versteeg were Jones, clerk of Pleasant View dis­ w » I.B.S, Adjuttablt trict, included 12 boys and 10 girls Celebrate Birthdays / Floor and Hudy I. E X Tabi« Mr. and Mrs. John Brady of H ill-I threm om eter registered 17 degrees t h ^ ' h r s i ^ The“'"wtt-k ’ w ith ' bad The Ernest G uenther family vis­ 4 iluitj- lamp side spent W ednesday evening at at Bald Peak. colds * “ b d ited Lynn G uenther Sunday at O S. C. » V*lu> $169$ V.l„. $7 9$ the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. P Mrs. Otlo Hostess -r , . ®rady aPd fam ily They celebratet! I Mrs. Sam Otto entertained w ith ... I fa c h e r E ntertains Mrs. Beryl H utchens of Newberg ■èw*. the_ birthday anniversaries of I. a dinner Sunday for Mr and Mrs D" ‘'* S‘“ ‘ons. tc c lie i at played two violin num bers at the P Brady and son Darrel. R O. Krum row . Mr. and Mrs Lee pl,c asan‘ Vlcw- entertained her pu- Mountain Top church Sunday eve­ Sunday dinner party guests at Berlley and Richard Espcnel of P**f. and a num ber of th e patrons ning A play is being prepared by th e J. A. McCoy home were Mr. Portland and Mr and Mrs. D A a Ha'*owc en Pa rty Friday the Sunday school to be given in and Mrs. E. G. Place and M arjorie Otto and David and Helen Otto i ?r ‘ernoon Thc children competed the near future. ----------------------- Doctors tell the man who of Thatcher. In the afternoon Miss Evening guests here w ere M r and lor prlzes w ,th best costumes. Jessie Attendance Perfect w ants to keep fit to drink M ildred Powell and two brothers ! Mrs. W illard Johnson and Mrs y er,stecg and Ferne Ego received F em e Ego. Jessie at least a q u art of m ilk a Ä . E harI- 'ey Ego. Charles and C Hintz, ’E 1 Stan- = ’- and Bob Place of V ernonia called. J C arl Ehienberger of Portland. day. Milk is a com plete H urrim an and Gordon Christie first ens w ere perfect in attendance Party Enjoyed food in itself—offering all and second for boys. Games were HENRY STEWART Rt at AthIed lll ^ e cn PM r rr ,r '7 S 7 ni ° yed | played and refreshm ents' served in at the Pleasant View school the the essentials to keep you KINTON— H enry Stew art, hto Thursday1 n ijh t ^Th» 7 k horne the basement. Visitors w ere Mr first six weeks Bad colds have physically strong and m ent­ who made his home with .h7 J,h7 u r °_°r? S Wer,C !."d Mrs. Albert Hintz. Mr and been prevalent here. T here are 21 ally active. Let us deliver to children enrolled. daughter, Mrs. W. C. Hall, the I decorated w ith black cats, owls Mrs iU y E eo '’ M rs^FaH Chrls’on • A ll you have to do io sa in in (hit your office daily. Meet at Pleasant View past three years and has been in and w itches and orange steamers. Mrs H V erstecc ' Mrs A l f r e d coitest is io write the answer» to F irst meeting of the Pleasant poor health much of the time, died Games, contests and fortune tell- Hutchens Miss Mar-caret N e i l l 7 F riday afternoon. His son R o y , -ng made up the evening's pro- Mrs. H arrim an i,drtt Ne‘H und View com m unity club for the sea- five easy questions about home Stew art of Haines, has been at th e gram. Mrs. J. E. Blazer and Miss lighting. The three winners each Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hutchens Hall home during his last illn ess,1 Helen Homm presided at the re- GUERNSEY DAIRY week w ill he those who most and Mrs. H all left on the train ireshm ent tables O thers present and children w ere entertained S un­ Saturday afternoon to accom pany were Messrs, and Mesdames Ray day by Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Vin­ SAM HULIT & SONS dearly state the correct answers. the rem ains to Haines, w ere in ter- Ego, Glenn Miller, M. W. Whit- cent of Hillsboro. Vincent retu rn - Phone 2568 Questionnaires and entry blanks ment was in the fam ily lot th e ¿pore, F. E. Hoffman. Misses Enoala 1% miles south of Hillsboro first of this week. | Barlow, P uddy Dempsey and Marie «re available free at all o f the OF ------------------------- j Fuchs of Portland. Ju n e Holcom of leading stores. Rotarians Attend Meet Scholls M argaret Neill. G loria and FOUR Tw enty-one Hillsboro Rotarians ^ eyyiBell Hoffman, M arjorie Pet- Each week's contest begins Mon- 1935 — Score 98.4 attended a meeting sponsored by 1 „ of* and Doral Saxton, and Messrs. day morning and doses Saturday Gold Medal Diplom* Wtnnce H arvey Neill. J. E. and Dorman the P ortland Rotary club at the DRIVING in 1934 — Score 98.2 Portland Golf club Friday night. Blazer, Hodson McCormick, Bu­ evening at 5:00. Submit your entry Songs by Pio Zanobelli were in ­ ford Deford, K enneth M cInnis and I Silver Medal Diploma Winner at the store where you get your cluded in the program. "The O rig­ Ned G reen and O rlie Kendall o f 1 in 1933 — Score 97.8 inal Radio Pioneers” w ill play at N ew berg and the host and hostess, i entry blank. A new contest every Mr. and Mrs. Ira G. McCormick. Thi«(«S it *H«otir ftuaranire Prosser. Wash, form er Pleasant ! <»f l i i r p t « d e n u iu a lly j , . chances to win. Enter this easy • • View residents, visited the H FI. I signed to r sai« seeing. contest d ip this advertisement as Neill and Earl Christie families Wednesday and Thursday. a reminder to get an entry blank. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Hoffman vis­ ited Mr. and Mrs. George Gould at Portland O ctober 30 Mr. and Mrs. H enry Blehm have 1 C o o p e ra te W ith Your H ilh i Newa S ta ff RUSHLOW Girl Reserve Tea Slated for Today WANTED Model Bakery Kansas City Pupils Present a Program s P U B L IC SA LE S ATU R D AY, NOVEMBER 9 W IL L IA M N E U E N S C H W A N D L R NEW I.E.S. BETTER SIGHT LAMPS Freeze ¿Damaging Chehalem Spuds 3 I. E . S . Better Sight Lam ps Every Week to Contest W inners PEPCO Electric S T O R E S Mom ingdew 80Z MADE CHEAPER r Service Means Three Cet Details A t A l l Leading Stores Things in a C o n tr o ls Water Company Your tion. i ( service * 9 9 wheat smut A T LOW ER CO Si than a n y other dusi — eonnec- r 2. Our supply facilitici O O. And this is of v ery special importance—our responsibility to the com­ munity which must be and is met twenty-four hours a day by every em­ ployee, with skill, dis­ patch and courtesy. NEW IM P R O V E D CERESAN D a sh in g to the station . . . to stores | 1. . . to showsl It’s the short h o p j th a t a re so w asteful of gasoline. S u p e r - S h e ll g a s o lin e is n o w j b a la n c ed to reduce s f o p -a n d -g o w astes in th ree im portant ways. S u p e r-S h e JI not only con save you up to a cupful of gaso lin e on eoch "cold" s ta r t. . . but also up to a cupful in 10 minutes of hill climb­ ing . . , a n d up to an o th er cupful it» I hour of stead y runninq! Stop to d a y for a tankful of thi» thrifty Super-Shell. T re a t seed w ith N e w Improoen CER ESA N and you’ll get rffcrliii rontrol of stinking*smut at. tower cost than you can w ith any other dust treatm ent! At the average seeding rate, less lhan 3c an acre buys this protection against loss. M any other advantages, loo! New Improved C E R E SA N hai i lieeit recommended by the II. S. Dept. of Agriculture. M akes almost no flying d u st in treating. Can be I applied b y g r a v ity t r c a le r w ith I little labor.W ill not clog or break the j A t th ese n eig h b o rly S ta tio n # drill. And as a rule, increases y ie ld s!) W I,. Htevens, l.a u re l In actual tests llie increase has Hanks Service Station, Hanks averaged 1.13 bushels an acre on H. E. Ewer, A loha 'lean seed! Mission Service Station. Beaverton Use on barlev. loo, lo control Clement's S ervice s u t . Beaverton .overed sm ut, black loose sm ut, B alm G ro ve Park •tripe and seedling blight. Cereal G. L. M et iilehen. G lenw ood Pam phlet lux I) free. Ask y o u rd ealer Progress G arage >r write to Bayer-Seinesan Co., Inc., Helvetia Store Wilmington, pelaw gre. II. I: Snyder. D ille y N Lilly, Gales Creek SEED EVERY YEAR A K arp steln , K in to n ” Ihom psen, Cnrn«liu I* S uper - S hell O REG ON-W ASHING TO N WATER SERVICE COMPANY R. E. Wiley, local manager ■ IT PAYS HILLSBORO BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY BEAUTY SHOPS S ty les o f d ress, sty le s of busi­ ness . . . in fa c t, sty le s of a l­ m ost every kind a re c h a n g ­ ing c o n sta n tly . B ut one th in g th a t n e v e r c h a n g e s is th e “ p e rs o n a liz e d ” service th a t can he p rovided by y o u r hom e-ow ned, in d e ­ p e n d e n t h ank. B u t o u r m e th ­ ods, s ta f f and co n n ectio n s a re keyed to th e tem p o of 1935 business. T he o ffic ers of th is hank are local re sid e n ts— y o u r frie n d s and n eighbors. T hey invite y o u r re q u e s t f o r “ p e rso n a l­ iz e d ” service. EVE’S BEAUTY SHOP O eneral Beauty Work Pwrnanenta nn