Page Four >?iUsbonj8BA.r g us W ilk Which la Combined Ika HUI»boro Independent Hillaboro Arpua •■tab. 1H94 Hillsboro Independent pa tab. 1873 M < K IN N E Y A M c K IN N K Y . PakKakera P u ll la had Thursday. Entered as second-class m atter I d the poatoffice at H ilM iuru, Oregon H IL L S B O R O Progressive Step A ffirm a tiv e vote of th e citiz e n ry of H illsboro at th e special election on th e se w e r question last w eek a ssu re s this city of one o f th e most im p o rta n t step s in th e p ro g ress of th e county seat. F u r th e r ­ m ore it c learly d e m o n stra te d th e p ro g re s­ sive sp irit of th e com m unity. A ided by an o u trig h t gift from the fe d e ra l governm ent of $83.435 and a fe d ­ e ra l loan of $102,000 H illsboro is to have a m odern sa n ita ry system , one th a t has been c le a rly n e e d ed for y e a rs. This need has been b ro u g h t out m any tim es in re ­ ports o f s ta te an d loeal h e a lth officials, u rg in g th e bu ild in g of an a d e q u a te d is­ posal p la n t to end pollution of th e T u a la ­ tin riv e r a n d to e lim in a te u n h e a lth y con­ ditions in sections o f th e city not now served by a se w e r system . P eople th a t have held back from resi­ d e n tia l b u ild in g in non-sew er d istric ts ntay now proceed w ith co n fid en ce th a t flood co n d itio n s will be b ro u g h t to an end an d th e re s u lta n t overflo w s from se p ­ tic ta n k s will not c o n tin u e as a m enace to h e a lth . It should also in crease th e value of th e p ro p e rty in th ese d istricts. O ne of th e m ost im p o rta n t th in g s is th e re s u lta n t activ ity it will soon b rin g to th e com m unity th ro u g h th e em ploym ent of m any persons. H illsboro is a hom e tow n of w hich anyone m ight w ell be proud. W e have seen its ste a d y p ro g ress th ro u g h th e y e a rs a n d th e action of th e v o ters insures a n ­ o th e r ste p in th a t s te a d y cycle, w hich we all hope to see. N ot th e least im p o rta n t in th is p resen t p ro g ra m a n d those of th e p a st has been th e devotion to d u ty a n d com m unity of those public officials and o th ers, w ho have w o rk ed u n stin tin g ly in b rin g in g th e p ro ­ g ram th is fa r. ARGUS. H IL L S B O R O , English Procedure Cited by Dean of I.aiv School at the University ■ 'r i m i - la w will he studied. with Mis II 11 St in nurd as leader. thru- rule*, regulation« ami stin t. (¡roup Meets— Legion, Ladies Ha ve Joint Meet Tuesday Night suit. "I, 19.'*.* III 1ÛI dark I'di- •lil. tied. discussions on constitutional ipies-I orders, Hillsboro Homem akers’ radio Birth« tions prepared by mem bers of t h e ! The great growth of sdm inls- study group ot I’ T. A . will meet Huy Mi I Mr a U. of O. faculty for new spaper use trative taw in the United States next Tuesday at 2 30 p in. witli • Auxiliary il I. IP. > through co-operation of the college during the last ten years has u Mi- 11 Meltebeke at 372 S T h u d w ill h a v e u Joint tnenlini! Tuesday af social science* and school of Ion accepted counterpart in Eng- ! avenue Diseussion topic will be c \ e n ln g al I lie Veli r a n ,' hull, bc- M RS. E. C. M c K IN N E Y V ER N E. M c K IN N E Y journalism. | land ami E nrlish experience does Dues M. Child Follow a Le..d. i ’ ginning w ith a pul lu. k dlinicr at Associate Editor Editor t By Wayne I. Morse' not justify many of the tears of Which O n e"' tuck sharp. Following the d i n ­ these who protest the grow th of Dean of the School of Law at ner. both groups will have a .hurt HARRISON D. HUGGINS I’rc-School Croup Meets— O F F K IA I. N E W S P A P E R OF W A S H IN G T O N C O! N T Y adm inistrative law in litis coun­ the U. of O. business meeting mid will join in 1’ T. A. Study group, pre school Selected as Oregon's Rest Weekly Newspaper, 1930 try M. D. a social tim e uftci ward All aie In order to understand attem pts Named on A ll-A m erican Weekly Newspaper Eleven, 1M 0 In the th ird place, the fact of to 12 years, will meet N ovem b.i urged tu attend A r m is tic e c e le ­ EYE. EAR, NOSE AM» TIIUOAT to advance social ends through law on I ' Honorable Mention N ational E ditorial Association Newspaper bration plans will he euinpletcd in the United States, attention is parliam entary supremacy has help­ .i « r.h M i s l ’.u il I '.I' SI’Lt I AI.IS r Production Contest, 1934-35, and General Excellence. 1933 A uxiliur. eoiiinutls e in charge directed to two of our basic legal ed to make polities a learned pro­ eussion topic w ill be " I ’ i •— - controls In A m erica-w ritten con-1 fession tti England w ith th e result Bedtime Routine," from th e O c­ of th e d in n e r in c lu d e s M e danu Subscription Kates S trictly Cash in Advance GLAHMFH I IT T E H tober issue of P arents' nioga.’ . ine. that many young Englishmen op­ L eoti D avis. F l e d Ao aeh ei. A. W ■dilutions and the doctrine of judi- i W ith in Washington County Outside Washington County enly select polities as a career and Walker. I. Cl. : i k . a n d J o e l a e l . i cial review. Per year .................— >1.50 U . 8 ., per year ________ >2.00 Farm ington Social Friday— Room t train themselves for parliam entary Foreign countriee __ .......3.50 Six month« — —. ------ — — .86 Program will be In charge of Le­ ( ’om m r ir l» l K aliu im l lla n k A m i» i T here is every indication that in service. fa m ily social and Hallowe'en gionnaire Leon Davis. the months to come a battle royal Iloum When we contrast that attitude party w ill be held Friduy evening M EM BER —-Oregon Stata F irs t Audited Paper will be waged over these legal 1 w ith the Farm ington church. P u m p ­ !<«• id i to If m Largest Audited Week­ M ito ris l Association and the typical Am erican view at strongholds and as in all wars. we of political kin pie and punch will be served nm. to 5 1> t it ly C irculation in O re­ N ational E ditorial Aaso- life, we can understand gon. tion. can be sure that most of the com batants will not know what it is better the reasons for placing final reliance upon our courts when it 811 a b o u t ¡comes to protectin our constitu- Although some other countries tional right-. (Uunt 1’tun l from G u u « , A m m u n itio n have w ritten constitutions and a I __________ new set up need not take much few subscribe to the doctrine of Ita ly it seem s is enm eshed in a g ig an tic tinu* The checks will he d istrib u t­ F is h in ç T ackln Burial flags, for draping casket, judicial review, these two legal ' ‘he Caldwell sister«: b u r­ have purchased the Lake County nt as li'squc tragedy. "The Fatal Quest." Exam iner. Lakeview. Oregon week- anyone stic k in g his h e a d into th e w a r cept the acts of P arliam ent F o rm e r Resilient« of the suprem e law of the land. In by Elaine Caldwell, Marie Melan- ly new spaper G illette has gone to zone does so a t his own risk an d business ■ son. Mary Louise lligby. Patty W itch H azel S u c c u m b America th e doctrine of judicial laikeview and is publishing the can only be done on a like basis. T h ere Mr and Mrs Rul er! R C orinti review has prevailed w hereby the i L< max. Ina Pearl Allen, Ju lia I ».per The Exam iner is the second DR. R. J . NICO L is no reaso n w hy th e acts of foolish in­ courts have exercised th e power Tatom. and Maude Stannard. read- oldest weekly in Oregon, according residents of Witch Hazel for 12 ; er; The Album." by m em bers of div id u als and self-seeking business firm s of declaring void acts of legislative to M eG il.ra, who announced the years, died in Portland last w> DR. E. W . A I.M Q U IS T li C o r b e tt d ied sudden!) bodies which in th eir opinion con­ Scholls Ju n io r Women's club, di- purchase. should d ra w us into a w a r th a t m eans th e I reeled by Miss Velda Koeber, with V e te rin arian » j her 21 and M r. Ci rbett. w flict w ith rights guaranteed in our , Mrs. John Sutherland as accom- killing and m aim ing of th o u sa n d s of been an invalid w ritten constitutions. M arriage I.Icense« Telephone CEI and CI2 e u tiib e d E rid iv. ' A m erican citizens. Legal historians seem to agree ' p.inist; skit on reducing by Mrs. >l'e '^ f ' Sticr.w?Kl', M rl ated in making the trial. HOUSEHOLD furniture, d e . ctrlc seem possible to go h a lfw a y on t h i s O regon P ro d u c e rs ’ a n d S h ip p e rs ’ asso­ . T h e barley grow washer, canned fruit, e t c . for g a m b lin g business an d allow people to ciation is su p p o rtin g G o v ern o r M artin in r e m o v e i™m „«ice. and .h a I i S 01"’ ^ start, he reported, the straw is too «ale.- Mrs. George Barlumi, 307 W g et by w ith it in th e big cities on horse his d esire to have th e sp ecial legislative trin e repudiated. short and the grain small, and duez Main St. ..„ d ' l>l>r<’' Mesdames A. L. Modin of weigh or yield with common Lord 1 Chief h Justice an d dog races, etc., an d clam p dow n on session co n sid er n o th in g but em erg en cy • a Ho“nrt “ nt* Forest G rove and Law rence LaDue not Blue barley. He plans to try it one THIRTY tons good oat and vetch M cK esson’s it in sm a lle r w ays in th e sm a lle r places. leg islation re la tiv e to th e th e new c a p ito l several English judges th ereafter , of AIoha a ,so attended and rp . m hay w anted Sec Impel ill d ore year, however. but t h e , (.eiVed aw ards at the convention V ITA M IN • • • It should be one w ay or th e o th e r as it building. T he sh o rt period of th e session ventured sim ilar opinions, Sc G ra in Co. P h o n e »ro a f00lh0ld f"r ^ilfillin« all standard require Vetch Seed In Demand in I.Inn is an im possible question to com prom ise. does not give am p le o p p o rtu n ity fo r th e ln«r^nS' ?a Jurisprudence. C O N C EN TR A TE ments for the past year. ALBANY- N ever before in the A-B com bination gas md wood The modern English view c o n -, _____7 W hile c o n sid erin g this, how ever, w e stu d y an d p re p a ra tio n of m ea su res a n d range, good condition. for sale history of Linn county seed busi- , the suprem acy of P arlia- .«• 1 tv T a b le ts should rea liz e th a t ou r county fairs, P a ­ th e session sh o u ld lim it itse lf to th e p u r­ cerning 37p ness has there been as inurh in ­ cheap 362 S. T hird Ave. ment is well illustrated by the d e - , . ’l y i l H l l i O n O l ’S o f Cod L iver Oil cific In te rn a tio n a l an d o th e r show s a re poses fo r w hich it w as c a lled . terest in planting hairy vetch ns TEAM of good mules for cision in Lee vs. Bude and Ter- le or there has been this year, reports rington Junction Railway Co., d e­ aid ed fin a n c ia lly th ro u g h dog rac e re ­ $1 size— 100 tab le t« trad e Alferd Bendiekson. *z- cided in 1371. In th at case. Justice Mrs Mary M. Coman. m other of Floyd Mullen, county agent. Seed mile south of Scholls store. 3 8p tu rn s to th e sta te . If th e o th e r form s of Willis states: Edw ard C. Coman of Hillsboro, was dealers reserved an average sup­ g am b lin g such as slot m achines, gam b lin g “I would observe as to these acts s< lected October 25 as th e "most ply of vetch for loeal fall p lan t­ of Parliam ent, that they are the useful citizen of Covina. Cal." Mrs. ing, shipping the rem ainder of the houses a n d o th e r such places a re to con­ ROLLER SK A T IN G law of this land: and we do not | Coman was honored at a recogni- crop cas, Mullen says. T he supply tinue th ey should h elp w ith su b sta n tia l sit here as a court of appeal from lion banquet and presented w ith a is now exhausted and grow ers arc tax paym ents. Parliam ent . . . If an act of P arli­ silver tea service by her fellow having difficulty in obtaining seed. am ent has been obtained im prop­ townspeople. She was a Hillsboro There is likewise considerable in ­ We often wonder if American w riters who erly, it is for the legislature to vi itor the early p art of last sum ­ terest in Austrian w inter field peas and crimson clover, he says, and would have us believe that th ere is grave danger correct it by repealing it; but so mer. an increased planting of both of Let us hope th e re p re se n ta tiv e s of th e these days of abridgm ent of freedom of th e press long as it exists as law. th e courts these crops is evident. people a re able to w ork o u t a p lan th a t know whait they are w riting of, or are merely fill­ are bound to obey it. The pro­ Have Hallowe’en P arty — ceedings here are judicial, not KRAMH'N’S ing blank space w ith so m any meaningless words. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Phillips en ­ will give th e s ta te a c re d ita b le cap ito l T H IS l i n t SK w hich they would be if tertained Tuesday evening with a Experience has taag h t us that the U nited States autocratic, (F o r wi the “ Wentern Slope” I b uildin g th a t will a d e q u a te ly serv e th e we could m ake laws instead of ad ­ Hallowe'en party. Guests were The frumewerfc in is th e one nation in w hich th ere is not only no m and HaFuini;. inistering them.” s ta te and its people fo r y e a rs to com e. official Messrs, and Mesdames Guy Paine. The »ill« arid the rafter« are bent. censorship, but freedom of th e press is not Prescription Druggists To the same effect, Blackstone The floor« and the wall» are worn minted. T hey a re in a position to m ake a c a re fu l infrequently interpreted as license for abuse of wrote, "if the Parliament ■ ill Charles Douglass. J. Adamson, Wil­ The roofing and nurfarc weli-«p*nt. . Pliotte 206 stu d y of th e question an d should not go privileges which go w ith this freedom. In the larger positively enact a thing to be done liam Powers and S. W. Melhuish. cities th e re is a percentage of so-called newspapers H ild wind«, and the rhanffp* o f «en»ona( League Elects— into it in a biased m anner. Too o ften we of the m uck-raking, blackm aili type, whose columns which is unreasonable, I know of H ave weakened thia «tru rtu re. once tr im ; Epworth League cabinet m et The doors and the window« niirh useleMs, a re prone to m ake decisions because of are disgraced by the insertion of scandal and filth. no power that can control it: and the examples usually alleged in Monday night at the parsonage and W ith heating and lighting grown dim. som e p reju d ice s t h a t a re likely to be re- It is tru e th at decent people ignore these sheets— support of this sense of the rule elected Mi Helen Dean as second I t was bu ilt on a gotidly foundation. th at is. until they themselves are invited to “come g re tte d a fte rw a rd . do none of them prove th at where vice-president. Miss Doris Weber Arid stood, staunch and steady and bold; through” or be pilloried for the delectation of the main object of a statute is u n ­ was named as fourth vice-presi­ H u t man*« building houe« or human pru rien t minds. W ith year« mu»t grow ahaky and old. reasonable the judges are at lib ­ dent. Not infrequently we read th at too m any new s­ erty to reject it, for th at were to Thi« house haa been m ine alnce cf»n- T h u rs d a y , F rid a y a n d S a t­ are closely controlled by Big Business, but set the judicial power above that Honored on B irthday— If a d d itio n a l land is re q u ire d fo r an papers st ruction. w hen such control exists, it is solely because the of a legislature would be subver­ Mrs. Mary Sabin was given a It« joys and it« sorrow« were mine. u rd a y s, b eg in n in g Nov. 1 a d e q u a te s ta te cap ito l building, as seem s owners of these new spapers are satisfied to have sive to all governm ent.” birthday party S aturday by mem­ H ut when it i« doomed to destruction T h u rs d a y s — Its all I mu«t gladly resign. likely, th e City of Salem should fu rn ish it th at way. There is another type of censorship or bers of the Daughters of Union However, P arliam entary suprem ­ L ad ies’ S pecial it. M ost of th e m oney raised fo r sta te p u r­ control w hich is often attem pted, but seldom gets acy in England does not mean that Veterans, in honor of her 85th F o r a tim e it may he woyth rep airing. very far. We refer to the efforts of group enthusi­ the acts of Parliam ent are not birthday. H u t when «trength for service abate«, poses is sp e n t in Salem to th e b e n e fit of asts who tell editors they must favor th eir policies I can but prepare for removal subject to judicial interpretation, th a t city. W here a "building e tern a l’’ await». —or else, the “or else" being a thinly-veiled threat but it does mean th at the English D. U. V. Meets— IR A K A Y S . Daughters of Union V eterans th at subscriptions will be dropped. If an editor is Parliam ent is suprem e in that it H illsboro sincere in his reasoning, he does not have to fear has final authority to determ ine ; j will m eet Monday evening at the We specialize In quality coni­ Evenings, 7:30 io 10:30 V eterans' hall. All m em bers arc any th reats of this kind. tne validity of laws. m ereiai p rin tin g —Argus. ti I When it comes to real official censorship, some It rem ains for the courts to in ­ urged to attend. of these A merican w riters ought to spend a year terp ret and adm inister the taws. N. E. W. E. M eets— in journalism in any of about ten nations we could When legislative acts are not d e a r N. E. W. F will meet Thursday name, and then come home and w rite columns on on their face ns to the m eaning night, November 7, at th e old F ifte e n Y ears Ago the unrestricted freedom which is the heritage of intended by Parliam ent, the courts grange hall All mem bers are r e ­ Argus. October 21, 1920—Shute Savings bank American new spaperm en.—Hood River News. so far as possible interpret the act quested to attend. puts in finest alarm system on market. in term s of common law principles. Fam ily Here— Miss Lucy W eatherred of Hillsboro bride of Lt. The English doctrine of parlia-1 H arry Harding. U. S N„ October 20. m entary suprem aey has led t o ' G. Frank Waibel and daughter Senator George Chamberlain makes address here three noticeable trends in England, i Doris arrived here S aturday from in interest of his candidacy and review s record in as I view the situation. | Pendleton to m ake th eir home. U. S. senate. In the first place, English statutes They arc originally from Ohio, W ealthy Americans, faced by the th reat of new C o n tracto r« an d p riv a te builder« Miss Wanda Raffety and Ferd H artw ick of near and drastic income and inheritance taxes that are very carefully draw n and con- ( itlzrnship G roup Meets— a lik e can o b tain th e b e st m ate ria ls, Banks m arried October 16 would rend much of th eir fortunes from them, are sidered before enactment. As early D on’ be a slave to H enry H. Mailer, sawmill m an of near Banks, anticipating the governm ent by making large gifts as 1860 the departm ent of P arlia­ The American Citizenship com ­ best service and best prices a t our died October 19. m ittee of the Coffee club will meet Hie w eekly line-up wil It created, of big shares of th eir w ealth to relatives, friends, m entary counsel w a s y a rd s. charged w ith the responsibility of T hursday afternoon, November 7, and even to public institutions and charities. its scru b b in g , boiling at 2:15, at the home of Mrs. W. W. T h irty Y ears Ago The w ealthy men probably are doing this to preparing government bills for all All s ta n d a rd m a te ria ls — lu m b er, cem ent, sand, and ironing. Say n e v e r Argus. October 26. 1905—Elsie, 4, daughter of beat the governm ent out of its taxes, but in a way the government departm ents of Mr. and Mrs. M M. Mead, residing on the Frank they are fulfilling the governm ent's purpose of re ­ England. This departm ent serves p la s te r, w a llb o a rd , p a in t, v arn ish an d h a rd w n re again and s ta r t r ig h t Im b rie place at West Union, fatally burned S atur­ distributing wealth. The riches may not be d istrib ­ as a legislative drafting bureau for Parliam ent and was the fore­ — a re c a rrie d in stock a t all tim es. now to let us do ‘ your day. uted quite so widely as the governm ent m ight wish, C o n tracto r T. P. Goodin has fram of opera but it is certain th at ten men who get gifts of a runner nnd model for legislative I’hone 953 : IlillHboro w eekly w ash. drafting bureaus which have been LET US H E L P YOU W IT H Y O U R PLANS house erected. C ontract calls for completion by De­ million dollars apiece would do more w ith the FUNERAL DIRECTORS set up by several states in this cem ber 1. money than one man with ten million. and country. Oregon Condensed Milk company shipped five F o r all b u ild in g m a te ria ls see The breaking up of some of these vast fortunes LICENSED EMBALMER8 the second place. Parliam ent, cars of cream last week, four into Washington te r­ of ten or even tw enty or more millions—fortunes by In general enactments, has dele­ rito ry . far greater than any one man and family could large powers of a legislative Hugh E. Moore of near Hillsboro loses two ever u se - will help a great deal to put frozen capi­ gated nature to m inisters and com mis­ WK PEAL IN REAL ESTATE cow s by th e ir eating dynam ite. A nother one bought tal into circulation again.—Astorian-Budgct. sions of the government. These W’rite a t a sale falls and breaks neck on way to Moore F ire end Antoniohile Insurance English ministers and commi ion- place. FRANCHISE FULLER D EA LER M ake Loans and Isaue Surety Bonds ers for a long tim e have served as G eorge H arm s and Elizabeth Schw andcr of near the "brain trust" of P arliam ent KURATLI & WISMER M ountaindale m a rried O ctober 25. “Sound economic improvement comes from the and around them has grown up a 151 We»t B aseline St. Phone 2691 H IL L S B O R O , O R E G O N E stim ated lum ber cut in county for year as Improved conditions of the whole population and not targe body of regulation and or­ Telephone 47 Hillsboro, Ore. Telephone 13»! 123« Seronrt St. figured by ifSscssor is 13.000.000 board feet. a small fraction thereof.”—President Roosevelt, ders, or adm inistrative law com- Favorable Action Veterans’ Burial Flags Obtainable Farmers Will Get Wheat Pay Soon B. P. Jamboree Well Attended Prevent Accidents Armistice Closing P. T. A. Publicity Too Late to Classify Prevent Colds This Winter What About It? Accorded Woman Freedom of the Press Palm D rug Store Skating Only