Page Six H IL L S B O R O k h b (' a h ii d « a P G n F a a si VI h tl a: ft s< C A P tl ft tl P tl tl ii d ti ft F Ii b h n n ii b w ft a it h H IL L S B O R O , Thursday, October -'ll, 1035 OREGON to their beach home at DePoe Bay >1 1.1*1 i in ini et ux. v Longview, W ash, were w eek-end C J # ,, |? , » || Saturday to spend several days. visitors at the S trickler home l\.« ll l.S.l.S IY O II H ILLS BORO PAINT & son Estate Addition. Heuvelton- ! Reedville Mr and Mrs Clifford Trask and William D ethiidge was called Io I WALLPAPER STORE George Kluni Io N A Cuppiliger daughter Jean spent Sunday at the Bonneville Saturday Quality M aterials (or Lew et ux. Lots ft. tl. 7. H. 0, 10 Block 20 home of his aunt. Mrs Laura Mc­ Home Robbed (P » M r . J A McCoy) Connell. w here their daughter. Pupcrliiuiging - Decorating Port lund Heights No. 2 The home of Rev and Mrs. A ' H. Rogers at Middleton was en- ! KANS/\S CITY Honor roll for Miss Irm al Trask, spent the w eek­ Maly l.uelle Cook to E E Kotlke Maturlul, w ork guuruutved tered and ransacked during their » * weeks of the Kan f t H \ part III John 11 Walker I) 159 M ’2nd Ave. Club to Meet Friday in the end under the doctor's care She is Phone 1032X ill w ith appendicitis. A ltar Society Party Success; Hobart Children Given a absence Tuesday afternoon The sas L’hy school Included Richard 1. C. Section 5 T2S R3W Parlor» of the Church thief took all ’ good silverw are. Rcainan. M arjorie Marr, Gladys E m ilia Roberts to Karl Blust et The cooked food sale Friday about »1.50 of church money, a McCoy, Rota and G ertrude Van ux, Lots 21 and 22 N ichols Addi- Farew ell; Townsend Benefit Planned afternoon for the benefit of the fountain pen, a watch, stamps, and ¿ ‘«melon, Gene Lewis and Helen (By L. B D trn m lnl I lion G arden Home. Scholls Ladies' was a success. Mrs Vandehey I a grip to carry them in. Olive Huber to Huldii Ann W il­ SCHOLLS Ruby Rebekah lodge H T. Hesse. Mrs. C. Earl Stretcher (P y Mi«« P orc ili» Cookol Richard Heisler of Gales Crock I night. A group from here will at- ___ Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs son i acre TIN RSW. entertained October 23 w ith a sup­ and Mrs. M. B Bozorth w ere the was an overnight guest Tuesday of CORNELIUS Mrs Ray Shaw tend. A group also will attend Sidney Stearns were Mr. mid Mrs A 1. Stephens et ,ux to W ash­ per party in honor of Mrs. J. M. committee in charge. entertained with a Hallowe'en par- the program at Heywood school Charles Johnson of G arden Home, ! Milton Cropp ington county, part Section 14 T2N Stretcher, a former member, who George Wendland of Multnomah ty Friday evening in the social Thursday night, w here Miss Myra Mr. and Mrs. Flunk S kinner of Zelbert B a k e r. W W Hu R4W. was adm itted to the lodge by card. spent Sunday evening at the J. S C onitlpatlo n A O ther room of the M E. church. The Weidewitsch is teacher. West Linn. Lloyd Stearns a n d buck and O tto Strohm ayer went Alex Milton Slulem et ux to J. H. Moore won the 13» minute Herd home. N«ctal Ttoublaa room was attractively decorated in J Miss Lora Gary of Scofield re- daughter JoA nn of Portland, and 0 ° Nashville Tuesday to move Hi John Arden, 10 acres Section 17 speech contest the second time for S uccm alully i r f i i t J The last run of the season at the keeping w ith the season. buck's household goods to linkers using turned to her home Saturday after Mrs. Emily Tuwney of Wenne. sit­ iT.’N R4W without hoipiialiaatioa the good of the order, and receiv­ Miss Gladys and Ethel McCoy Anna E Knapp et v lr to C ath­ Quick, Perm anent Keaulta ed a relish tray as a prize. Re­ Tile mill was finished Monday com stalks, pum pkins and other spending two weeks w ith Miss er of M r Johnson, who has been night. Hallowe'en decorations. Byron Reed M argaret Cooke, spent the week-end In Forest a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Stearns * Ihnklry i H e lim a N a w M . t l i o d i - erine A Ryan, 72 III acres Sections bekah club held a very interesting Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Am- received first prize in the m asquer-J Install Lights G rove with friends for several days. a, I, 9 and Id T IS RIW business meeting w ith nine mem­ C linic 7'.“ Electric lights are being installed Mr. and Mrs. W W. Rabuek, Scott Haynes and Dale Holmes Caryll T. Sm ith et ux Io II A , T Mi h -• e iai HINKLKY bers present. Plans w ere discussed monn. October 26. a boy He is a ade. Misses Geneva Shay and El < « .I«»*I .us f I out i ■ •»" PelteMe for raising money to contribute -randson of Mrs. C arrie Hitchcock len Irm ler and David Edmonston in several houses north of town returned Friday night from a who have been visiting their K uiatli et al. Id., acres TIN R2W Mr. and Mrs. Lyle P otter were also received prizes. The luncheon. The C enterville school is also be- hunting trip to the Blue inoun- daughter, Mrs Zelbert Baker, the Chester O. Dixon et ux to Ed­ to the I. O. O F. home furniture una with two deer. past two weeks, left for Portland ward A Dixon et ux. Lots H, 0. fund and for the scholarship loan veek-end guests of Mrs. Mary Hill which was served to about 30 ing wired in Stayton. young people, also carried out the Mr and Mrs Lester Mooberry Sunday to visit another daughter. 10 Block 1 Pleasant View Addition | fund. Julius P rantel. Mr and Mrs F Hallowe'en spirit of m errim ent. visited Mr and Mrs Ray Mann Mrs E U Webb, who has been | Cornelius Walnut picking is finished in this J. Harmon and son Francis of Sil­ in Yukimu. W ash, picking upplcs, Attend Bazaar and Mary Rae of Hillsboro Thurs May McFarland et ux to A. 11. vicinity. Several orchards spent verton and Mr and Mrs. Lloyd was an overnight guest Saturday Combs. 52 28 acres. T1S R2’V A num ber of Cornelius women day. this week gleaning There was an Murray went to Woods Monday for of Mr and Mrs Baker Meier A Frank Co to Metzger attended a bazaar at Forest G rove County Softool Superintendent O. unusually large yield and the a week's stay. Mrs. Earl Waldron and children Watei District. E'z of Lot 32 South- Saturday morning, sponsored by B Kraus visited the C entervilh quality is excellent Born, to Mr. and Mrs Alfred the women of the Forest G rove school Thursday. BEAVERTON—A surprise bridal Urbln and G eraldine, who have I west Portland Forty-tw o attended league serv­ Bendickson. October 27, a boy. shower honoring Mr». J. E. F leet- b e e n v is itin g M rs \\ al li on pai Frankie C Chllcott to Phllomine Catholic church. Plan Townsend Benefit ice Sunday evening, which was Ju n io r Club to Meet P arty Success Local Townsend club is m akinr wood (Miss M argaret Peterson! ents, Mr. and Mrs. Zwlefel, and Collette. 1 HH acres Michael Moore followed by an illustrated talk on Scholls Ju n io r Woman's club will T he Ladies' A ltar Society of the preparations for a dance to be held was given Friday afternoon at the other relatives in eastern Oregon claim 41 India by Rev. S. Raynor Smith, hold a special business meeting io lome of Mrs W E. Pegg by the for a month, returned h o m e Frt P. J Thompson et al to Hurry Otto Schneider and son Herb tne church parlors Friday evening St. A lexander church held a very 11 ’^e Buckeye pavilion in the ladies of the Bethel Congregational day Cline et ux. 1 acre Gaston. successful card party at Bunning's n®a r future Billy s Hawiian or- have rented the old Smith farm in Leland Twigg. Dorothy Orr. N el­ church. About forty guests were W alnut picking started in this Vivian J laiw renee et vir to It the Jacktow n district for next lie and Lilly Bruner, Jean Trask, hall October 22. They cleared $15 ‘-'hestrn from I ortland, will furn- in attendance. neighborhood this week. There is A Sprouse et ux, part of Section and wish to thank the community , ish the musa'. season. Johnny Bernau and Vivian W ater­ 13 TIS RIW Mrs. C. E. Palm of Seattle left a good crop. th eir co-operation. . ®uy New Piano Miss Veona Russell and Miss man w ere on the honor roll for for Mr. Tuesday for her home after spend­ Saturday evening Mr and Mrs I Josefa I) C. H ühner et vir to and Mrs. A Russell and Cornelius grade school has pur M argaret Stark are employed in the G roner school the past six ing two weeks this vicinity Zelbert Baker and Mrs Grace M argaret C Lagerfeld, Lots 5 and re la tiv e , « » a in --------- the Hudson Duncan plant at D un­ weeks. The perfect attendance rec­ Linda Kay of Orenco visited Mrs .c h a s e d a new piano for th e two M. Edson and Mrs. Edna Russell >ower rooms “ nd new drinking ii" was Webb of Salem visited ut the Mc­ ti Hurtles Acres. dee, grading nuts. ord. Mary Bernau. Vivian W ater­ Saturday Coy home. torinerly Miss Genevieve C arter fountains are being installed. installed Hugh Kellogg, who is working man, John Bernau. Amy Alice z>aturaa>. Farew ell Given -------------- ■ . last . L ad ies'A id of the Congregation- Mrs Fred Waldron Is visiting Miss Beth Cochrane returned on a plaster job at Kelso, Wash Howard. Law rence Burgoine, Wal­ al church held a food sale S a tu r­ her son and family, Mr and Mrs Delores Sahnow entertained with from a visit at Corvallis, spent Sunday at his home here. lace Flint, Dorothy Tiffany, Le­ a farew ell party for Betty and Ar- the Harold Waldron, at Scholls for ___ at __ The roof of the Methodist par- day. The Aid will meet Sunday dinner guests at the A land Twigg and Dorothy Orr. thur Hobart at the home of her sonage has been reshingled. A new church at 11 a. m today to sew 1 awhile. J. Weller home were Mr. and Mrs 'or the bazaar. Miss Harney Holcom is under Mr and Mrs Martin Vander- Elmer Anderson and children 01 the doctor's care w ith infection parents. Mr and Mrs E B. Sail- railing to the side porch of the (M U * Both S m ith) Mrs. Floyd Teft of Eugene spent zanden and little son Wayne vis­ EI.MONICA A program will be Cascade Locks, Mr. and Mrs. Hom­ on her ankle. Miss Irm a Holcom is now. Friday evening. The interest- church has been built and the •he week-end with her daughter. ited Mr Vanderzanden's brother. y,j(* ing games and refreshm ents during P-’rches painted. The work at the er W atkins of Portland. Roy An­ suffering w ith a sprained w rist Miss Thelma Teft, who has an William V anderzanden, and family given at the G erm an Congrega- tional church of Bethany Sunday derson and Miss Winifred Dumeii and Charles Holcom is laid up the evening were much enjoyed by church was donated by Jacob Cor- apartm ent in Beaverton and teach- of Roy Sunday. the group of young people, includ- r e '' anc* Ju lian D elm ontr of Portland with an injured foot. Frank Vanderzanden of the Tide The speakers will be from Port- ing Joyce and Georgiana Jones. Miss Leora Pavey is employed at '* in the Tualatin View school. Club Meet Friday On honor roll for the past six Ruth Price, Virginia C hartrey. ,h:? Oliver C artw right home. Mrs. W A B arrett of Pocatello, W ater Tim ber Co of Astoria spent land. Mr. and Mrs Emmet Fitzgerald Mrs. J. T. McCann will not be weeks at the Midway school were Mlss C atherine M iskimins has daho, is visiting her Brother-m ­ the week-end w ith home folks. of Grove. Okla , and Mr and Mrs hostess to the Scholls Ladies' clut Viola and Mae Burke. Evelyn Beverly and Raymond Trites, Mar- aw and sister. Mr. and Mrs L D Mr and Mrs J P. Vanderzanden vin Hermans. Clifton O ppenlandcr returned from a visit with her Ray Sm ith of Odell visited Mr Friday as announced. Mrs. W alter Boleen. Rena Wenstrom and F ran ­ of Fair View. and William Hamelman and the father and brothers and other rel- '•hellenberger. Sm ith's uncles. Sam and Ed Smith, Orr wlil preside, as the president. ces Burke. A nniversary Observed hostess and parents. atives in Wyoming. Mrs. Faith Christensen, is ill. They e», r here Sunday. Mrs Huy Sm ith is a Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd M urray spent Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Olds enter- Mr. and Mrs. C Katon of Monte- Mrs. C. Walton, who has been will meet at the church parlors, Saturday night at the home of her sano. Wash., are guests of Mr and w orking at the Louise Cochrane ained about fifty of their friends “ h,i M'", K" ^ ’craid Mrs. Herman Schlottinunn and Scholls Sunday school is making mother, Mrs. Mary Kamy, at Scott it th eir home S aturday evening in Washington county to Noel A son Leonard Allen came home a special effort to reach an attend­ Mills. Sunday they visited Mrs. Al­ Mrs. Earl Smith and family. They home, has returned to her home at lonor of th eir tw enty-first wed- Copping,'r et ux. Lots ft, 6. 7. 8, 9, from the hospital Tuesday. ance goal of 125 by Thanksgiving fred Huber, Mrs. P. P. Nussen of have ju st returned from a trip to Hillsboro ling anniversary. 10 Block 20 Portland Heights 2 Mr. and Mrs. Leland Flint re ­ Mt. Angel. Mr. and Mrs Otto California and visit w ith relatives A large representation from the IT _ „ G lenn S Etile et ux to Robert turned Sunday, after a week's Mohring, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. H ar­ in Vernonia. T he Katons are th e n _ l l leaverton Bethel Congregational A Cornwell et ux, Lots 23 und 24 hunting trip to the Blue mountains. mon of Silverton. Ju liu s P rantel of parents of Mrs Sm ith •hurch attended the W illamette W alter Wilfley, who is teaching Hlock 23 W Portland Heights They encountered freezing w eather Mt. Angel te tu rn ed home with at Hill M ilitary Academy, spent L ucetta Sm ith to Robert A Corn- and snow. them. the w eek-end w ith home folks. well et ux. Lot 27 to 36 Block 23 Joe Tulaski and family of Can (B y M is* Helen Aahnhr) Mrs, Lawrence H urt W Portland Heights 2 Plan Silver Tea ada moved Sunday to the place •m. vi i u t eu . Laurel LAUREL G E — P wh'o u p i l s have of Mr and Mrs Samuel R Law- Edw ard E Bacon to Emanuel Ridge RID school, being vacated by the Chris Suhr- ?nce had the m isfortune to have i C harity board, part Tract 11 Chc- bier family, who are moving to a silver tea and bazaar to be htdd 1 be fir s ' six week- per- heir car badly dam aged S a tu rd a y . halern Mountain Orchards farm near Canby soon. u >'f * h o o l being neither absent light, and Mrs. Lawrence receiv ed ' Charles I. Hevland et al to Ar in Bunning's hall November 16 On honor roll for M ountainside nor tardy, are H ubert and Verla i cut on her knee when a car th u r Allen. T racts 3, 7, 8 T ig u rd , school for the past six weeks are I 8 i Mn. O. H Prt«r«oa) P. R The Dickinson John D ^ returned country Friday w here Aebischer Dorothy a n d Harold .riven by Erwin Stoffer of Bethsny Hoad Gardens Jacqueline Howie, Irm a Holcom BEND—The school program has from been for Several weeks Cappoen. Ruth Führer. Anna and i collided with the Law rence car H C Schoene to Herman Schoe Shirley Carlson and P hilip S tretch­ been postponed to November 1 on he has A d e lin e M lilier of P ortland M/ erS £,Obert S path' DelberI ,n W alker road near the S a m J et ux 3 Real Estate Transfers KOll Ot MOtlOr at Laurel Ridge Given lo w -c o s t convenient G A S heat conference at HnIs’ WHAT Program at Bend on Friday Night P R IC E BU TTERFA T ? * ju s t install a GAS circulating o d V IT ft H o IV a E ft a u e H H ft d n d ft n ft a n t* ( a ir lie a te r! Poultrymen ~ Dairymen E. B. Anderson & Son dairymen o r a t tn e e U n g e . W R IT E U 8. d P ti E P d D A IR Y * ♦ * C O O P E R A T IV E A S S O C IA T IO N 1JI.1 S E 12th Avenue • Fortland ■g-- z; . a»tf HILLSBORO BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY BEAUTY SHOPS 10* G eneral Telephone C c y IO S $19.42 Wells Building Telephone« Office 2«R2 Telephone $30.00 _ for Mildness These fares good in deluxe chair- cars on our completely air-con­ d itio n e d Ccncddt; also in im­ proved, air-conditioned Tourist P u llm a n s (p lu s sm all berth charge) on CmcacJe o r Wist Coast. . for Better Taste AND CANB 1935. L u U tt » Mill» luaauxi Co. TPlcphonn 2325 RUBBER S'l'AMI-S GEORGE T. McGRATII BUY YOTTfl W ««hlnalon County A xe n rlM RUBBER STAMPS INSURANCE SKRVICR N alio n al Honk Phona 2211 e D. P. CORR1KRI A ppnlnlrnw t. INSURANCE F lrz t Southern Pacific COLLECTION Garbage Collection 144 Kundo.v. hy noaldem-e 2«RI GARBAGE Commercial Building Evenlns«, For M m M « M from llu lM In g HILLSBORO ARGUS Hlllabsro .h o o t RM s. Physician and Surgeon D entist Kountbnf> [lank Telephone* Reeidenre 79125 DR. I). E. WILEY, M. D. DR. RALPH DRESSER ANGELES and BURGRON and P h r.lo -T h e ra p r Office »231 DENTISTS Kona J lr ,f H. D OLSEN. A gent Phone 621 Reality Work * aperlaltjr Telephone 1471 W E I L ’S A P A R T M E N T S M *hel Rrhendel $20.00 Out u ay of SURGEON Commercial National PERMANENTS SAN F R A N C IS C O I kind* A -lt« r 13B1X Sanitary Beauty Shop A ll p h y s ic ia n of at IlillNbftro Pharm acy Here's a new money-saver on all our trains: a variety of tasty food items served in the coaches and Tourist Pullm ans at very low prices—coffee 5r, milk 5c, sand- w ichcs (ham or cheese) lOr, 3 doughnuts 10c, ice cream 10c, apple ! or i orange 5c, cookies 10c, etc. ,And pillow rental nowon], 10c in coaches and chair cars.. ANI) A. O. PITMAN, M. D. Beauty Work Perm m icnt* mid m II kind* bounty work. CALIFORNIA $12.42 PHYSICIAN EVE’S BEAUTY SHOP on a ll o u r tr a in s to Out le a f Showroom T hird and Main Hillsboro—Phone 1721 Vancouver. Oregon City, Portland, Newberg, Albany, Salem, Corvallis ™. GOOD FOOD 5* P ortland G as & C oke C ompany MMR* „ h. A 4 ,.r tl.,r . ro ll Th. A r « .^ -» l» l