T îiiir-i,.«y. O ctoh^r 21, 1925 H IL L S BORO ARGU S, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Pag« Plv« .#/ You Are Looking for Variety Y ou’ll Find It Here! Read Every A d ___1 Wlth Blg Kesults at Little Cost countw *r«»-»m 4 M«My . , I ____________________________ Classified Columns Close at 10 A. M. W ed n esd ay -- - Too Late to Classify Accepted Until 5 P. M. Wednesday Ten Free Venetian Theatre Tickets in Classified and Display Advertising—Check the Ads for Your Name. Count Yonr P ro fit* 10. S ale o r T r a d e — M ia. 16. F u rn itu r e , P ian o s, R ad io s 21. F a r m M a c h in e ry 28. R e a l E state Doe Bass, her husband; H attie E I ants, M artha E. Ross and Oilman NOTICE OF FIN A L ACCOUNT Welch; II W. Schoen and Ida May G. Ross, wife and husband; H. Gra- No. 4030 32-VOLT Delco light plant and r a ­ In the Cuunty Court o f the State of O r« - LICENSED stock trailers, 2-cow FOURTH-blw k in Hillsboro, close Scnoen, his wife; A. M Staples ham and Ellen Graham, husband dio for sale E llelvogt. Rt. 2. k’..fi, f ,r the < (MV 'V ••f Wa-hu»u G-n. capacity, rent $1 per day. Light in, for sale or tra d .............. e w ith United States National ; and wife; Evelyn W arburif and Hillsboro; 3 mile', east on high­ trailers Department o f Prvbat< m ade to order. A uto parts way. 37-8 and farm machinery. L. V. Hullt, w ithout acreage R. Arnold, 2804 » “ "k of Newberg, defendants, for John Doe Warburg, wife and hus- In the Matter of the Eatate o f Edward Suvler S t, Portland 87 sum of $2259 (X) principal with oand; the unknow n heirs of Arnold A. Karman, Deceased. 23tf (Venetian ticket, Roy H Bills, Rt Interest thereon at the rate of 7% E Neate, deceased; W B Good- N otice is hereby given that the under­ HIGH grade fine-toned piano for 152 N. Second Ave. Reudera, per line ............... 10c 3, Hill boro) per annum from the 26th day of man and Ja n e Doe Goodman, hus- o signed. ... an A d m iiietratrix of the Katatg sale. $125 delivered See J. Ham­ NEW and f Edward A. K onnan, Deceased. has used farm m achinery Black Face Heading P erm itted M.a ri l ‘; i?3®’ *n d the ^u rlI>e r »um band and wife; also all other p e r - ' ‘¿¡„i a»?’ n » a l Account in the County lin, (110 N. E. Oregon St., P o rt­ for (ale by Lester Ireland 6, TWO lots, 5-room house with base- Gault should accom pany order. $813.75 with interest thereon sons or parties unknow n claiming Court o f the State o f Oregon for Wash­ land. 37 Co 11. T o Sw ap liti ment, for lie, $400. at Orenco from the 26th day of March, 1935, any right, tit!», estate, lien or in- ington County, and that the 12th day of < Venetian ticket, Francis Chalmers, O ut of fulrnoH* to all no In­ •'■her. 1938. at the hour o f 51 Mucha, Rt 4, Hillsboro. 37-9p rate of 7L per annum and | terest in the real estate described | LADIES' diuinond ring. blue white Rt 1, Cornelius) o'clock in the forenoon of said day and 23. P o u ltry form ation on the C l a s s i f i e d for the further sum of $201 45 in the com plaint herein; . M „ Court „ „ has „ „ been the Court room o f „ said perfect, 12-kurut stone set In Page will be glvort out until MODERN upright Estey piuno with W/XNTED The best buy, W ashing­ i u XeSn .2 V i,h iBtoresi thereon from I In the nam e of the S tate of Ore- I appulnteY by a a l d ’cnurt" «»’th- dm* and 1 modern platinum m ounting Cost tlie pupvr is Issued. bench. A-l condition, sacrifice. 35 2-year-old White la-ghorn hens ton county, for 400 acres Montana trie Ctri day of September, 1935, gon, you are hereby required to pi*c* (or ih* haariax *( ublarttana there­ $129; valued ut present price*. $110 for sale, also Delicious apples. and three hundred dollars. No at the rate of 6 'i per annum, and appear and answ er the plaintiff's 24 B. St N., Forest Grove. 37-8p «ke »•‘ tlam eat th « r » ( 1 T rade for young pigs or chicken a 40c box; bring own containers A. agent againSt y0U? n the 1 « D « u \ f ,*L ?“pLblSlti2rtof c » J i Rt. 1. Box 113. Gaston 30-9 t a i n t s i F»th er S»Uhn ° i ,2a? ? ° b A‘- c° mPlaint Argus No. 3W73. 37p G uaranteed R adio Tubes B luker. mile north of court house -------- . , torney s Fees with interest there- above entitled court a n d cause bar 7, isa s. A n n o u n c e m e n ta 1. At lowest prices Douglass Radio on old North Plains road Phone 13' ACRES for rent, walnuts, fil- on frorn the 6th day of September, w ithin six weeks from the date DELIA FO iR IER . A dm inl«tr»tri». Ma» TON of out straw to trade for dry Service, Hillsboro. Phone 2IX 2727. 37 bert appli , 4-room house, large 1935. at the rate of 6 'i per an- of the first publication of this «“• p Hum». A ttorn*/, h o i Yeon Bid».. EVERYBODY knows that our P er­ wood. C R o m e s in mo. Rt. 2, Tubes tested free. 37tf chicken house, running water, small hum. and the fu rth er sum of $2.501 summons, towit: on or before D e -1 Purtl»nd- O re g o n -_______________**•* fect Blue W hite Diamonds are Beaverton; at Witch Hazel. 37 R I R. hens, laying pullets, b u m , close to good tow n in Yam- Title oarch, w ith interest th e re - , cember 13. 1935, and if you fall i u n T irr n e r i v a l i r m r w priced lower than most Jeweler* (Venetian ticket, John McLeod, Rt W A I.N U T day bed, coll springs, FINE and pullets to lay soon, for sale. h.H county H H Carey, North ™ at the rate of 6% per annum , so to answ er said complaint, the ; ,¿1 c ’unty Court’ of th . S t . . . ■>( O r - price Im perfect stones.- A nderson's 2. Beaverton) good condition. $10 -J. T Heard, Robert McNutt, inquire Balm Plain Phone 2 H 4 38-7p f r o m the 6th day of Septem ber, plaintiff will apply to the court «on, (or to* County u t w *»hin »ton, je w e lry store. 39 L -mile east Rosedale school. 37-9p '■ MOM 37 - i 1935, and fu rth er sum of $38 30 costs for the relief dem anded in its said' P rob.t« D epartm ent. 12. F o r S a l« — M isc ellan e o u a FIVE acres, well improved, for with interest thereon at 0% per complaint, to w it; First, for a de- < '*!* ot BARGAINS In used fu rn itu re.— CARBON paper, ty pew riter rib- sale J P. Lindley. 5 miles »‘mum from th e 0th day of Sep- cree ordering that th e sum of, ‘ ‘¿ " ' h e S a r i v . n th*t th . u .d .r - See Hornhuck, 155 S 2nd Ave., RHODE Island Red pullets for sale ' buns, e tc , for sule.— Argus. tf For Male —R H. Scott, North First aven- northw est Forest Grove; G a 1 e s | tem ber, 1935, to me directed and $265.00, being the par value of 5 3 ' a im « !, a* A d m in i.tr.tn r ut th . M t .t . before you buy. 30t( CADILLAC auto, good running “■ 37p Creek road; S tar Route, Forest delivered, com manding me to m ake shares of stock In The Federal i j't~ Julius H ntH kum . lw ie M .d . h a . "fllad BUSINESS Cards—If you engage In condition. $79; small electric re­ Grove. 30-7{J sale of the real property here- Land Bank of Spokane, pledged hu nn*1 ««»ont in th . C ounts Court at Fuel j uny service type o f business, frigerator. good us new. !» price; 17 fur day Wan ton . HUY your breeding toms early. A ¡natter described. I have levied 'b y the Sherwood National F a r m ; i& n? £ u. Bd* th?t" T E ’ sthr “ hi ^ " ng nov curds handed to your patrons will good sewing machine, $9. kitchen upon and pursuant to said Execu- Loan Association as additional s e - ! ¿ r tf c .nLuVbofd^ 3 0 °i/d « k FIVE-room house for sale, cheap. good flock to select from F. H SEVEN cords 16-lneh fir wood, $15 benefit you See T he A rgus for treasure and cupboard. $2 50; dress­ 30-8p —841 Baseline £t. 32tf tion. O rder and Decree of S a le ,' curity for the loan made by the in t h . fofenooa o t »aid d .y .n d th . Argils 3959 37 Bowlby. P h o n e 3292. quality work. er, $2 50; gas range, $3 II chairs, I will on Monday, the 4th day of plaintiff herein, be applied to t h e ' roun rdom o f . . i d court h u b e n $5000 j r — WANTED - Poultry of all kinds $3; oilier a rtic le s at u b arg ain to FIRST class wood for sale. November, 1935, "at the East door paym ent of the am ount secured ! vvinud by ..id Murt a. tha U om aad « • F I Write, will call, or bring Friday, FOR SAI.E—T he MacKay p ro p er­ of the Court House in Hillsboro, by p la in tiffs mortgage; and settle cstatn Dr. C. T S m ith . 3Z| D el,m an. G aribaldi Ave Phone 4. M o d e rn iz e t h a t ; ^ “ ia d ^ th ? .iuSimint th^w f h"* ™ ty, W ashington street n ear First, W ashington County, Oregon, at the th« plaintif h a v e a judgm ent; D.t^J and first publi«h«l October t o e '2’07 S. «*** —F. R Barden, Cornelius. 34tf $5000. Terms reasonable.—Apply M hour of ten o'clock a, m. of said against the defendants, M artha E .! t»3S- D ate o f la st publication October MODERNIZE your home w ith con­ HEAVY cedar fence posts, B. Bump, attorney. 8tf day. sell at public auction to the 8 ° ss and Gilman G. Ross, w ife ; sl-_ crete septic tanks, well, curb and and Ito each, delivered. - 3 3 ^ 1 8 ’ S e e d s, P la n ts DUDI.EY'S Hanson strain Leghori D A N IE L SHAW . A dm inistrator. L— chim neys Portland C oncrete Pipe Tromp, HI. 9, Hillsboro highest bidder for cash in hand. and husband; H. Graham a n d land pullets for sale, also double-pedi­ 3 0 . B. Shaw. S20 F ailing Bldg., Port­ a f’lodocts Co, 9819 8. W. Mm ,1 Stoves, H e a te rs all of the following described real Ellen G raham , husband and wife; land. Attorney. 33-7 duin, Portland. Phone A Twaler FENCE posts for sale, 10c de- HIGHEST quality trees, largest as­ greed cock bird that we used in sortm ent, greatest values. G ra ft­ our own pens this y e a r .— Paul CIRCULATING heater, mahogany property, lying being and situate Alexander K. Lumsden; and Isa (#21._______ ____ 2l)tf iiv e re d K.,\ l i , | , ;, 11,., Iii, NOTICE TO CREDITORS belle W. Neate, a single woman, in Washington County, Oregon, walnuts, Duoley, Aloha, mail Rt. 1, B eaver­ finish, almost new, for sale — i ■ ' " - «r -. I - - Ave. Phone 2107. 34tf ed Suekerless filberts, No. 4361 against each of them, for the In th« County Court prunes, pears, cherries, a p p l e s , ton. of the State o f Ore­ 35-8 574 _E Mam St. 37 and more particularly described and 6. W a n te d — M is c e lla n e o u s balance then rem aining unpaid of* as follows, to-wit; gon. for the County o f W ashington. CALLING Cards — Every woman peaches, apricots, grapes, ornam en­ N otice is hereby given that the under­ said indebtedness, to-w it: The sum The East half of the N orth­ Pig» 34. Room s, A p a rtm e n ts ¿A N T E D - 500 pounds w a l n u t ' r i . ^ 'n Z 'L ^ u ^ J e ’ Th»r a‘ 372 S. Second Ave.. Hills- and except th at certain right WOOD w anted In trade for m onu­ PUBLIC SALE, Gaston, all - duy landscape advice.-—Drew N ursery I „ u.k ci I Rt'W " ■ Jensen, 3 miles east b01o NOTICE OP PIN A L ACCOUNT mortgage was recorded on April 33tf of w ay to Washington County, m ent w ork Also light tr.oii i f,n November II 200-aere farm. 20 Beaverton, east end of 8th St of TJanks. 37-8p 1____1 No. 3504 6. 1918, at 11:00 o'clock A. M in recorded March 23, 1916, in 35tf sale or tr a d e —O regon Monument young G uernsey cows, double test- Phone 11805 In the County Court o f the State o f Ore­ ROOM and board for tw o men Book 80 of Mortgages, page 303, in Works. Book 107, Page 20 of Deed Rec­ ,'Mltf, ed AU freshen during winter; gon, for the County o f W aahington, SIX-weeks-old pigs for sale. Also available.—In q u ire Im perial cafe, the office of the County Recorder Probate Department. H a y a n d F ee d ords of W ashington County, “ most now giving good milk flow 19. cedar posts.—C. Topieh, Beaver-1 Hillsboro." In the Matter o f the Eatate o f Ann 33tf Oregon, containing 150 acres, I of Washington County, Oregon. 7 .* H e lp W a n te d | Herd testing 5.4' 4 horses, colt, _ f .-------------7-------------- 1 Io« Rt. 1. Box 474. Cooper Moun- Ryan Bernard. Deceased. covering the following described 1 » ■ ■ i i. ■ n, , i harness, 4-year Belgian stallion, BALED hay, $10 ton and up. or tain school. 37p 3 7 m ote or less, less said right of N otice la hereby given that the under­ Loans I real property situate in Wasbing- signed, trad e for good milk cow j>r ; , Venetian ticket, J . E Edwards. , __ _____ ways. a* E xecutrix o f the Eatate of WANTED Middle-aged woman for [ ^ows, pigs, boar, shouts, 2 ineu- to satisfy the hereinbefore nam ed ton County. Oregon, to-wit; All of A nn Ryan Bernard, dec eased, ha* filed housework No small children - I hators, turkeys, geese. d u c k s . tractor plowing Don Pearson. Rt. Rt. 2. Banks) Money to Loan her fin al account In |h e County Court of 35-7p sums and for the cost and expenses the Half of the Southwest 337 N Second Ave 37p ; chickens, full line tracto r and 2, Cornelius. State o f Oregon, for W ashington BROOD Sow. 8 weaned pigs, loose 0,1 £ rm;, ac,r!‘age " r l ’i,y p,r opert£ of sale and said writ. Q uarter of Section Seven, in Town- the (V enetian ticket, Doy Gray. Beav- horse-draw n im plem ents M R County, and that Monday, the 2nd day hay. chickens, rabbits, ducks. ~ W G ld e' 316 E M ain- 37 . Said sale will be made subieet shiP Three South. Range One West o f December. 1935. at the hour o f 10 Piton) ' Johnson, president, First N ational 2 0 . F a r m P ro d u c e — F ru its , in the forenoon of said day and — loose oat and vetch hay, separator. W ANT to borrow $500 first mort- n redem Ption aa per statu te of of the W illam ette Meridian, con­ o'clock — — ■ -■ — — ■ ■ hunk. Forest Grove, clerk, offers V e g e ta b le s taining 80 acres, more or less, to the court room o f said court has been Wra. Balsom, Rt. 2, Beaverton. Be- gage on 40-acre plsce.—Inquire , Or^ 8 ° n; RAILWAY Postal Clerks. Men 18 liberal term s E E Morgan, own- appointed by said court a* the tim e and Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this gether w ith a certain parcel of place for the hearing o f objections there­ GOOD POTATOES — 75c per 100 ! tw een H uber and Elmonica. Ask Argus 3930 35 $1900 (u t y.-ur reg u lar. -1» 1 Cf. 36-7p land situate and bordering upon to and the settlem ent thereof. 1st day of October, 1935. lbs. at farm on Gales Creek road, f for directions at store at H uber or hour weok means many appoint­ Dated and first published October 31. J. W. CONNELL, Sheriff of W ash­ the West line of the above de­ 1985. —Robert W arrens. T elephone 1609W , Elmonica. 36-7p 3 8 . F a r m Loans ments. E xam inations expected. P a r­ 14. C ara, T ru c k s , T ire s D ate of last publication November ington County, Oregon. B utler & scribed tract and being east of 28, ticulars free W rite Im m ediately - 1935. ~i----- t ----- si— ô----- I CHOICE C hester W hite breeding FARM money to loan—The Fed- Jack, A ttorneys for Plaintiff, O re­ County Road No. 361, and being a CATH ERINE A. RYAN. Executrix. F ranklin Institute, Dept. 577 G. 1935 V-8 Deluxe Tudor sedan. $160 i-iiA i.v o 37-41 33.7 part of th e West Half of said A lbert T. Kemmer. Attorney. gilt; young serv.ceable boars, eral Land bank now has ample gon City, Oregon. ftoeh. ster, N. Y. 34-7p discount See Rossman, M acKsn- GHAPES for sale - Jo e II. Sens, Southw est Q uarter of said Section 1 northw est « '"» b o ro feeders and w eanling pigs for funds to ,oan to farrners at zle Motor Co. 37 NOTICE OF PIN A L ACCOUNT Seven, containing IH acres, more ’ hon,‘ __________ 37 I » l e T A; J ; ” ° ™ ck er' near w ‘r®; O ver $1.000.000 has been loaned to SHERIFF'S SALE 8. W o r k W a n te d No. 3593 less tower, H llM yro. M tf Washington county farm ers by the FOR people who want to self- Notice is hereby given, th at by or less, situated in Washington In the County Court o f the State o f Ore­ gon. for the County o f W ashington, County, S tate of Oregon; th at the F a r m M a c h in e ry service their uutumobiles with 2 1 . rder ------- and YOUNG man w ants work In gnr- bank. W rite or call for particulars. , v r. irtu e of an Execution, • O ------- Probate D epartm ent. H orses —W ashington County N ational Farm ' U tcree Sale, issued out of and m ortgage described in p lain tiffs In the M atter o f the E state o f Daniel age or filling station. - P h o n e Power Serif send $1 cheek or m on­ IRON-Age spud digger, for sale, 2 5. Ryan. Deceased. Loan Association, J. M. Person, under the seal of the Circuit Court com plaint be foreclosed and the N orth Plain* 9F2I. 37-8p ey order to R C, H arder, 10th $50; 8-foot Molina drill. $50 — GOOD w ork horse for sale, w eight , mortgaged premises be sold in one N otice is hereby given that the under­ and Walnut Sts., Hillsboro; care of 9tf of the State of Oregon, for the parcel in th e m anner prescribed signed. Lest. r Ireland * Co. 37 I 1750 lbs., very cheap. — E. L lecre la ry. UMlsooro. as A dm inistratrix o f the estate tf County of Washington, dated th e WANTED Sewing, rem odeling, etc. Follis Service station, or Rt 4 Kraus. Route 2, Box 20, H ills­ MONEY to loan on good dairy 29th day of OctobeF, 1935. in f a v o r 1 by the laws of th e S tate of Orp- of Daniel Ryan, deceased, has filed her H w n ,* l ,W5 FORD Tudor s‘ d an' onlydriv'- 2 1 . boro. 37-8p F a r m M a c h in e ry h e rd s —E. A. G riffith. 131 S. 2nd of Jen n ie A. M urphy, plaintiff, gon and the practice of this Court; me ty e r, 406 S. Fifth A v e, Hills- en 6(MM) Liberal discount avenue. 7tf and against Rudolph H offarber and that th e proceeds thereof be ap- County, and that Munday, the 2nd day I k ) to December. 1935. a t the hour o f 1» 35-.p See ^1 at MucKenzie Motor Co. p MANURE spreader for sale. S tan d ­ BAY m are—Ready to work. B ar­ Ida E. H offarber, his wife, record plied tow ard the paym ent of plain* gain for cash.—Wm. G. Moran, ard potato digger, 3-bottom P. & £ tb* f07 n00" ot “ “ ud>r ,*n*1 owners, Albert H offarber and Esth­ tif f s decree, costs and . accruing . . ..A the court room o f said court has been WOOD SAWING - I f your wood O. tracto r plow.—Ju liu s C hristen-i R t 3- Hillsboro; W allace district, p er H offarber. his wife, defendants, costs; th at at said sale piAiniirr appointed by said court as the tim e ar.d la too long, call 2141Z - M. J WE buy and sell used cars. sen. n ear Midway. Phone Scholls i . »7^----------- 7------ 7— 7 77— 7 “ for the sum of $19.50 cost w ith be perm itted to become a pur- p i . c . (or i h . a « .r in » o ( objM tion. th .r —. We want to buy 75 used j(,25 Scnske, 423 N. 2nd Ave. 35-6tf 33tf ! SHETLAND pony for sale. $30—Joe p ----------1 .----------- . . . — - . - . - j - . - interest thereon from the 28th day ?.haser: th a* Plai7‘iK ,h a Ye ua d e - ! “ d X ‘I n d ^ t ™ October 31 NOTICE ■ it — .1. ('. Edwards. a * a ,n s t th « l » i 7 ^ ) . t . of 7 ^ " « 7 io n & » & T hat Court will hear evidence u p ­ of October. 1935. at the rate of 6 *lcl*ncy T Y P E W R IT E R a n d adding maenlnc USED m achinery of all kinds.— on A dm inistration of th e Estate per cent per annum , and the *en(^ants, M artha E Ross and Gil*- 28, 1935. for sale. Teams a n d rep airs.—Fred Roney, care of A r­ Let the advertisem ents help you Hillsboro Feed Co., 160 W. Main HORSES a . R y a n , A d m in i.tr .- of Axel Larsen, who is presum ed fu rth er sum of Siooooo w ith in- man G- Ross, wife and husband; C a t h e r i n e singles, 1200 to 1600 pounds.— gus. 30-7p m ake your shopping plans. street. 4tf terest thereon from the 15th day H- G raham ar>d Ellen Graham , hus- tr,x Albert T- Kemmer. Attorney. 37-41 to be dead. Dwight Hullt, H -m ile n orth of Rock Creek store on C ornelius Pass In the County C ourt of th e S tate of February, 1935. at the rate of band a n d wl,e: A lexander K. NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 4367 =£Ä>XlQCOO$aOüaDSJSaOeaCD£ai2£2i3L3C»aQUGS22iJÜ53E3QQt3C3QQE£3£i of Oregon, for W ashington C oun­ 7 per cent per annum , and for th e < Lumsden, ar.d Isabelle W. Neate. road. fu rth er turn ol' S ’f) Of) in-oranro a a single single woman, woman, and and against against each each E » ta t. of Ferdinand stuw *. ty. . ln f “ ra n c e , of th em fo r an v n o rtio n of said In th . County Court o ( the S t a t. o f O r^ TEAM black geldings, 3200 lbs., 7 In the M atter of th e E state of prem ium w ith interest thereon ; n e ™ ’ °F a n y P ° r t t ° D f » “ ¿ a gOn, for the County o f W »,hin„ton. and 9 years, well-m atched. Sev­ from the 1st day of May, 1935, at decree rem aining unpaid, that the Notice b hereby given that the under- Axel Larsen. Deceased. eral farm horses. — Ray Delsman. Notice is hereby given th at C arl the rate of 7 per cent per annum defendants above named, and e a c h ' signed has been appointed adm inistratrix for the further < u m of Si00 Ofi and al1 oi them, be foreclosed and i the E state o f Ferdinand Stuw«. G aribaldi Ave. M tf Larsen has filed in th e above en ­ and A o r ^ r in e r sum OI ceased, by the County Court o f the State titled Court and cause his duly A ttornej s fees w ith interest there- ¡ " 5 “ , ; 011 rl. | h i - ■ '' no d li. 11, any store Phone 30F4 371 f Legal Notices If You Don’t Need It-Sell It! • and if you W ant Something * Say So Write Your Ad Below— I j