The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 31, 1935, Page 11, Image 11

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    Thursday, October 21, 1025
n I L L S F o R O A R C TT 3 . H T I. 1.S B O R O , O R E G O N
Pa?* Thrtt»
■ ■ ■
Diiring Airman
Plan Program
at Hazeldalc
Ile i)., lu
H ilei Ir r
Freshmen Put on
Assembly Program
Club Pinn« P arty, Frnaera
to W inter nt Rrnrh
IB « Mr«. J
The freshman class was respon-
Slide for the Hallowe'en a' icmbly
Ralph Beaman played his h a r­
monica; Don Foelkcr and Ted
G ardner sung, accompanied by
Beulah Shepard on the guitar and
Velina A bendroth on the piano:
Ann P eter ;. Irene Engclriinger and
Evelyn Brio! played a piano trio;
Ardls Ellingson nnd Velina A ben­
droth gave a reading, and Mary
Manley played a piano solo Miss
Allen. Miss Fort. Miss Broadbent,
Mr Barnes, Mr. Leger and Mr
Hathorn were called upon the stage
to play a game in keeping with
the season.
O. B n iM i)
l i f t III
fr lifn r
Ifiy h
Convcntion Draws
Large Attendance
r .-c ,p e n te W ith
V«tir H ilh i
N*w< H t V f
Reboot Attutati Body
A«dint a nt Editor«
M ary f'ltld w rll and L u V r r n r Ah»ndroth
At h l* H r* tuy I >«*lk*r and Raymond
l-atr. E tp i-u liv * < «Aimil Irrnal Trank
Club R»*tir« Iva**
H a zrl
< h iin h le y ; G irl Re^rrva«, Jean Anna
I onnall; K«*nut«>, Maurici* P rrrrn b o o m ;
If i- Y , Tom At ret «-her; B lue-H , Elm an
H«*hulm*ri<*h, II mid Meyer, Trl-S<,iiare.
Mi«« Pearl Allen
w ere made by Sylvia I
Mary A nn M e e u w se n a n d
H enry V anG rur
th d lg eattlA
Mrs C. F Jesse has returned ]
suffer? For qlltck relief from
home from a visit with her son stomnrh distress due toexcess acid.
rv*y M
of im Hillsboro.
get a free sample of (hr Vilca
day srhool convention held at the 1 » « Mr«
doctor's prrscr:
B r ’i t r .
B , [ ,t i ’ CL,.-
Siin-i," o
viinrm ’••hier a « n u d u » s o n Treatm ent, a a, doctors
was well attended The Deakei in i nlan>eL « an^ Ear Edrn,,n<ls
of at Hillsboro Ptiarmacy. -Adv
was w d i a tttn d id I nt speakers in p û rtilind spPnt lhf. wet.k .enj a,
nV m ? ? 6"* the J - M Vanderzanden home.
burg of f hdhps and Rev. T A. L e g -; Mr3 Dalton and son Rqbert of i
Daily Trip« to Portland
I Seattle. Wash., and Elmer Jesse of
A uto Freight
Musical num bers w ere given by Hillsboro spent the week-end with
Bonded and Insured Carrier
the ladies' quartet of the Bethany Mrs. C. F. Jesse.
Serving Beaverton, Aloha, Reed-
P resbyterian church, the choir
The Misses Ixiuise and K atherine
vllle, HUlsbora, Cornelia» and
from the Bethany Baptist church Edmunds, Norma Rogers and M in­
Forest Grove
and a duet was given by M artha nie Vanderzanden of Portland. Ray­
Pickup and Delivery Service at
and Alda Lehman The evening mond and H enrietta Vanderzanden
speaker was Dr. II. J. Maulbetsch of Monmouth visited J M. V ander­
Package Rates
of Portland. Music was furnished zanden and family Sunday.
Hillsboro Phone M2
by choirs of different churches.
East Side Terminal Portland
Bethany Presbyterian Ladies' Aid
Ask your attorney to send your
Phone EAst 9131
met Thursday at the home of Mrs. I legal advertising to the Argus.
John Wismer of Hillsboro. Mrs. |
W alter Niehol led the m eeting and
also sang a solo. There w ere nine- j
.teen present.
Mr. and Mrs. William Crawford
The M emorial you erect today you
of Portland visited Mr. and Mrs
offer as a testim onial of your devotion
John Zitzman and Mrs. A. Craw-
to some departed life. It serves a t a
ord Friday.
symbol of that life and as a tribute to
Mr. and Mrs. Jam es W alters a t­
its worth. Occasionally It is dedicated
tended the wedding anniversary of [
to more than a single person, to a fam­
Mr and Mrs. Sam Olds of Beaver- |
ily perhaps, but always It Is erected as
ton S aturday night.
a m ark of affection.
Potato digging is in full sway
In this community. Potatoes are >
yielding very good considering the
Phone 121
Hillsboro, Oregon
dry w eather.
(Venetian ticket. Chris Zurcher, Rt. 2)
P eter Wade of Beaverinn and !
C arl Larsen w ent on a hunting trip ,
to Dayton Sunday.
L. G. Boie w ent on a deer hunt- |
ing trip to Buck M ountain last ‘
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kunz of Port-
land visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles i
Boy and Mr. and M rs G lenn C arr |
Saturday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. North of Astoria
that you can buy our Drain, Tile under the
visited Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Jo h n ­
son Saturday.
Better Housing Program?
The Townsend club will hold its
regular m onthly meeting Thursday
The increased yield will soon pay you back and
night at th e Wesley Chapel at
then some. See us or the Washington County Better
Cedar Mills.
An old tim e dance was held at
Housing Progtam manager in Hillsboro.
the Cedar Mill G range hall S atu r­
day night.
Richardson Talks
Before Assembly
C. T Richardson spoke before
the assembly on October 23. His
topic was stam p collecting as a
hobby and a business He illu strat­
ed his speech by showing some
interesting stamps from his own
The Blue-H d u b also completed
at this assembly initiation of the
following new members: I.uVerne
Abendroth, Lewis Garfield, Dick
Abts, Ernest Brown, Allen Sigler
and Lloyd Selfridge. The neo­
phytes found the initiation electri­
fying, especially to those who could
not sing.
Not for Today Alone —
Did You Know?
Hillsboro Concrete
Tile Co.
Rev. Putnam Tells
of Townsend Meet
pu7nT uf,4
ran and Jake Van- n J
(B y M n i D -rfit^ y R o y)
HAZELDALE ru n and « te lle
mriit will prevail at the Hazeldale
«•bool Friday evening when a
Hallowe’en program And cm nival
will be given by the pupil» and
teueheri of the school. The affair
ha« been urrunged t o provide
mnusement for everyone. After the
Urogram, which will lake place in
Petitions have been circulating
the basement at tl o’clock various
around school to the effect that a
hoo'h« will be open In the p ri­
d a s in dancing be added to the
mary room There will he plenty
curriculum . Although many people
t!> eat at the refreshm ent booth in
may think this a very foolish idea,
til«* hnsement. w here hot dogs, pje.
under the surface it is vital.
Hike elder and coffee will be of­
fered. There will be a fish pond,
Social life in high school is rea l­
Collect Cost Dope
hall of horror«, fortune telling and
ly half of one’s education and
social life is nearly entirely d e­
Beano. The fund« will be used to The laic Wjley Post, who i co-
Mr. Skene's civics class has been
Many Aid on Wagon
purchase athletic equipm ent for
starred with Ralph Bellamy and
The Idea of the w ater wagon has pendent upon the ability to dance. collecting some interesting infor­
the ichool.
Tala Buell in 'Air Hawk ' an been in the mind of Mr. Goodman Think of how many of the parties m ation regarding th e annual cost of
Little Patsy Hell, daughter of
the cigarette habit. Nineteen actu ­
air-th riller coining Io the Vene- for two years. He finally got the are dancing ones.
Mr. und Mrs. William Hell, won a
It is so difficult to screw up al cases were investigated and the
tian theatre tonight, Friday and Blue-H club to foster It.
German roller canury at the Young
Few people know Just how many courage enough to go on a dance results tabulated The lowest cost
Oregonian Pet club Saturday.
people gave th eir services In the floor w ithout ever having had a was found to be $10.95, the highest
Party Planned
making of the w ater wagon. It was lesson. Many never even have an $109 50, and the average cost ap ­
I Community club met F riday eve-
made w ith the help of the Blue- opportunity. What a help it would proxim ately $42. The latter figure
tang in the schiMil house. A sylla­
Il club, C. T. Richardson, Lester be to everyone to have a little tallies fairly well with the average
bus of w inter activities was voted
Ireland A Co . Robert Burlingame, more confidence and a great deal cost of $43.75, as estim ated by an
«*> and Mrs. Jeld erk s was chosen
em ploye of a cigar store. One cigar
the Eix-It Shop, M Romig, R more grace.
BLOOMING Miss Esther Swope H athhorn,
diulrm an for the next card party
The class would of course not I sm oker spent in a year $182 50 on
Mr. Killits,
November 10. Club meets in th e i and John Liebenow were given a Batchelder, Clinton Mercer, Alvin be compulsory. If the young folks nicotine,
Mhool house every second anil' shower at the Herman Liebenow j\jonr, A rthur Mohr. Edw ard Hurd, are given a chance to learn t o 1
fourth Friday at eight o'clock and hon... a t Wednesday night A fter v .ig il McCormicki Lloyd Selfridge, dance sanely and safely, th e chief
Gtrl Reserve« Plan Program
presenlation of the gifts, gam e. Henry Tsugawa. Mr. Goodman and objections to it will be overcome.
Miyonc Interested Is welcome.
Girl Reserves Friday planned the
J o W inter at Beach
program for th e new Girl Reserves
Lillian O'Connor, Ituth Liebenow'
Mr. unit Mrs. Donald Fraser left and Esther Swope, nnd Fred, A l­
Try-Square Club
A change has been made in the
Ust week for Koekuway to spend bert and Oscar Mphly, Melvin
Tennis ('«arts Hoped For
The Hillsboro branch of the First cabinet with Louise Cruzen re ­
ise w inter m ontha Mr. pnd Mi
Hillsboro high school board Is National bank has agreed to spon- placing Carol Coulter as new p ro ­
Meyer, Calvin O'Connor. Leonurd
Harold Henning of Portland have and Edmund Weichbrodt, H ar­ w orking on a project for making, son the T ry-S quare d u b this year. gram chairman.
onto th e F raser . farm
.. ,. . .
old Mever. and Philip, Robert and wlfb ttie aid of the governm ent, The bank wil furnish th e d u b with
Mrs. Elmer W aldete left Friday J()hn ,,„ .5).now.
two cem ent tennis courts, to be finances w ith which to secure
Elections Soon
for Hermiston on account of the j . ,
. ,
lorated on the north side of the
T he Senate club met Monday
•rto k s Illness of her daughter.
,V ? Haase Is improving after H. U. H S. building. This will a l­ building m aterials
The ju n io r division has finished and unanimously decided to nom­
Mr« Norman Andrew« nnd her 4 U*«ht operation perform ed in low recreation th e y ear around. A
®n William of Portland visited nt J "
welling around county surveyor made an ex p eri­ its plans for a poultry house and inate new m em bers directly after
is ready to sta rt construction. The i football season,
tie Helt home Sunday.
his ,,urH’ neck “nd c h e ,t-
m ental survey Friday.
boys have m ade all th e ir own
Mrs. Doty l l o . t r «
, Mrs S? ’U , «.'turned S aturday
draw ings which are ju st th e same 1
Glee Clubs Roll Gains
Mr« R C. Doty of Beaverton en- from “ >‘'n-day v u lt w ith her
Assembly Council Formed
. Mrs. Cooper, at Beav- | An assembly council has been as the blue prints a c a rp e n te r! T here has been an increase of
Itrtained with a H allowe'en parly erl
her home Friday evening '' Mr and Mrs. Arnold Gnos w ith
prhepare “« em b ly pro­ would use. They also have made I about tw enty-five girts and ten
th eir own lum ber bill and a n ! boys in the glee clubs this year,
Guests were her Sunday school
are as follows: out
estim ate of th e cost of th e ir build-1 m aking a total enrollm ent of 115.
(B y Mi«« M arth a V anttrrtunden)
lass of Ju n io r girls. The house Vernon, Joyce and Bene were d in ­
ner party guests at the Fred K rah- ,
_ ,,
ing. They have designed th eir
Miss Rose M ary D oherty of
vus beautifully decorated, Hal- m
er home Sunday.
™ n:, f a l t e r F oelkcr secretary: building to fit standard sizes and
P o rtland spent T hursday night
Uwe'en colors being used through-
M argaret K oehnke is staying w ith
Vi'ndren. G lennis Carlson, lengths of lumber. The building
Miss Houguez is holding tryouts I w ith h er sister, Peggy Doherty,
Mr and Mrs Henry Scheuerm ann
’‘*ma Abendroth, Theodore Gard- is an illustration of good modern for th e junior m ystery play, "W h o ! A large crowd attended the card
Mr. and Mrs. William Heil were w hile attending school in Bloom- ¡2fr ‘ Dorothy C hallacombe, Bob
construction for a poultry house.
Did It?”
I p arty Thursday evening. High
wests ut a H allowe'en party given
| Tongue, assembly council; Miss
1 the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Louts ' Mr. and Mrs. William H ergert Cimino, advisor.
luder tn Beaverton S aturday e v e -| visiU.d Dr and Mrg Ed H ergert jn
Hi-Y Club to Attend Meet
5 c d G a" 1CS a " d danC‘ng Wer® en ' !
The Hi-Y club discussed plans
Officers Listed
Newly elected officers of the Thursday for representatives from
Rev. E. W. H inrichs attended a
t conference of Lutheran pastors in Blue-H club are C harles W under­ their club to attend th e Camp Col-
lich, president; Denzel Stunkard. Uns conference Novem ber 2 and 3.
j Albany October 22 and 23
Mrs. L. H ackett and th e Misses vice-president, and Wayne Goetter, Induction ceremony w ill be held
in P ortland November 4 and five
I Anna Meyer. Stella G urske, Rebec- secretary- treasurer.
new m em bers of the local club
I ea Adolf, and Regina N eum ann f
I will be form ally taken into the
and Miss Eleanor W eich­
Civic* Cla«s
Rev R L. Ptitnam of Hillsboro, Portland
b ro d t of Hillsboro spent the w e e k ­
I^jst week Mr. Stalley's civics Hi-Y club.
n e of the local delegates to the end at home.
class debated inform ally on the
s. Bertha Demmin Is spending ' question "Should Women be Mem-
Mr. Skene's civics class made
alls of the big convention in Chl- a Mi
few weeks w ith Mr. and Mrs. ’tiers of Congress?”
tw o trip s to the court house to lis­
agd in the following letter to his Loren Jackson ut Carlton.
ten to th e tria l of V incent O ber on
tlnily on October 25:
a charge of m anslaughter.
Band Progresses
Mr«. H inrichs Hostess
‘ Well, one day of our great con-
The band Is getting along very
Mrs. E W. Hinrichs entertained
»ntlon is history. My, how I wish
The Physical Ed touch tackle
A wepyono of you could be here' with a luncheon last Wednesday. n ice ly p r a c tic in g w eekly on Thurs-
Tie attendance exceeded all ex- Present were Mrs. P. H Schaus day .iftcrn«"nV A new member of teams have turned out to be soc-
•etatlons, even th e first day. nnd I.enore of Schefflin, Mrs. O. J. the band is Howard Hulit, who cer team s since the rain has p u t a
^stop_to^ttae4j- oeitcloor play.
B'arly 5500 have rcg iitered so fur W endling and Betty L o ii and J e a n ­ plays th e basshorn.
• it more ore expected today. It is ette of Forest Grove, Mrs. George
at the home of Mrs. A. Zw einer
• e largest convention in the hls- Reule nnd K utheryn of Hillsboro
at Tigard Wednesday.
Oiy of our nation to assemble in and Mrs. Richard Moeller with m unity.
He had been a resident of the
F red H uber of P ortland visited
Chicago or I guess anyw here else Richard. Ronald and Clifford.
Leonile Volcker of Cherry G rove com m unity since 1887 and held his sister. Mrs. E. D. Hite, Tuesday
Or that m atter.
They tried to get a larger con­ has joined the S aturday in stru c­ the office of elder in the local afternoon.
tention hall but can find none. tion class at the parsonage. He is church for about a generation, dur- ' Mrs. Charles VanKleek, w ho fell
The Stephens hotel is swam ped for staying w ith his grandparents, Mr. ng all of w hich tim e he also and h u rt herself a w eek ago, is
tie first tim e nnd It is the largest and Mrs M Neumann, w hile a t­ rang the bell for the opening of improving.
services. Mr. Helmold was a m em ­
tending Hillsboro high.
a the world.
Mrs. H. M etzentine and Donna
Rev. E. W. Hinrichs preached the ber of the local unit of the F arm ­
It would do your h eart good to
have been on th e sick list.
the crowd. S tate lines ore sermon at St. Johns church, P o rt­
Deceased 1« survived by t h e
obliterated nnd everyone a friend land. Sunday morning. The local
nterested in one thing. It is more pulpit was filled by S tudent M ar­ widow; three daughters. Helen,
Robert Corbett, late of Hillsboro,
Dorothy and Clara, and tw o sis­
ike our state C hristian convention tin Stuebe.
E L. Jepson of Scappoose vis­ ters. Mrs. Anna Newman and Mrs. died in Portland O ctober 24. F u ­
.1 spirit th an anythin* alaa
neral services w ere held in P o rt­
Every move tow ard disruption ited ut the John Jepson home Rosa G urske, all of Blooming.
land Monday. He is survived by
f the movement or that may be October 23. 24 and 25.
four sons and tw o daughters.
Farm ers' Union met in the pub­
nought to be Is squelched right
row. T here seems to be insurgents lic school October 23. The su b ­
O ur classified colum ns m ay have
I the convention, but Senator Ar- ject of a w arehouse in Hillsboro
lB y M m . Zell O. S trother«)
ju st w hat you are looking for—
iuckle, chairm an, is a m aster w ith was discussed. A ttendance w a s
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. H ite left
he gavel. Dr. Townsend asked I smal1 owin8 to the death of H enry Wednesday in com pany w ith Mr. R ead them .
flat he be allowed to preside in | Hedmold
and Mrs. G. H ite of Sherwood for
A fter
ils stead as he (Townsend) w anted
— a period of about tw enty M yrtle Point to attend a tw enty-
a meet the people. Senator Ar- years' absence tw o form er C or­ fifth wedding anniversary celebra­
mckle Is handling every session nelius residents retu rn ed to Bloom­ tion of Mr .and Mrs. Orin Heath.
ing last Sunday m orning to renew Mrs. H eath is a sister of Mr.
«dth order and dispatch.
T he keynote nddress by Dr. old acquaintances. They are Mrs. Hite. They w ill re tu rn home F ri­
K afer I nee A lvina Mathies) day.
V un^cr of N. Y was a wonder.
Hr. Clem ents and Dr Townsend and her daughter V erna of G len­
Robert and A rthur Bacon a r e
poke last night. Both of them dale. and Mrs. Grodahl (nee Hilda home from D oernbecher hospital.
vere given a w onderful ovation by Mathie»» of Portland Their father
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Campbell had
he jam m ed hall of people, and a was proprietor of M athies store
as overnight guests Friday, cousins
iaing vote of confidence given in Cornelius many years ago.
from G rand Rapids, Mich.
hem, too.
Mrs. Alice W illoughby moved to
It has been w arm er here so far
P ortland during th e past week.
han at home. We did not need an
Hiteon ladies belonging to the
ivercoat yesterday. Bob and I like
Tigard Rebekah club attended club
rnr hotel room ($125 each per
lay i It would have been $2 at the
HI.OOMING — F u neral services
itevens hotel. About half the Ore-
for Henry Helmold, 55. who died
ion delegation is in this hotel.
Bro. Young has been to Chicngo O eteber 23. w ere held S aturday
Enjoy Complete Driving
>efore and knows w hat it means afternoon in St. P eter's L utheran
Contort This Winter
o know the ins and outs so he has church w ith Rev. E. W. Hinrichs
Interm ent was in the
with a
>een instrum ental in getting d e v ­ officiating.
Blooming cem etery. The h y m n ,
iation prices for meals and on the “Beloved,
rain he arranged w ith the U. P by the upper grades of SI. P eter's
ifficinls to get our hotel accom- school
under the direction of R.
nodations before we got here. He
■eally has been a big help to the P. Mr.
Helmold's illness was brief.
Jrggon delegation, who did not He suffered
from the flu T h u rs­
Many models to choose
lave reservations in advance.”
day and Friday and, although, the
from, some as low as
sickness left him very weak, he
i*lineral services for W endell A. seemed on the road to recovery.
'logic, aged three months, loved
ittie son of Mr. and Mrs. M. E.
Vogle of Hillsboro, w ere held Tues-
lay afternoon from the G able Fu-
wrnl Home in Portland. Interm ent
vai in Rose City cem etery.
Everything In Insurance
If you change your address kin d ­ I
I Any way you
These heaters are the latest
ly notify the A rgus direct and at I Phone 1701
336 E. Washington | lo o k a t i t ,
in attractive, efficient de­
Aeo» Imprnred
CEH ESA N is the m ost sensible and sign. Be ready for winter!
economical treatm en t for seed wheat!
Drop in Today!
It saves money — costs u nder 3c
an acre a t average seeding rate, less
than any oth er dust. It saves lim a
and labor; can be applied by grav ity
treater. Saves drill breakage, too, for
it does not clog. T he U. S. D ept. of
Two Handy Locations
Agriculture recommends this dust
for effective stinking sm ut control.
Use it, for bigger yields! In actual
farm tests the average increase has
438 8. W. Front,
Cor. Washington,
Portland, Oregon
been 1.13 bushels an acre oil clean
seed; even more on sm u tted seed.
For tw enty-three years farm ers in three states
Phone 501
On barley, 1c an acre pays for Neiu
have been m arketing their products through th e
Improved CEH ESA N tre a tm e n t and
Oregon S avinar Co. w ith satisfactory results.
saves you losses from covered sm ut,
A reliable firm , operating on a policy of prom pt
black loose sin u t, s trip e , seedling
blight. Ask your dealer or write to­
and satisfactory retu rn s to shippers.
la * to Bayer - Semesan Co., Inc.,
Secure SHIPPING TAGS from the office of this paperl
Wilmington, D el., for free Cereal
Corner Third and Baseline
Pam phlet 108-C
Established 1912
Thirty years experience
Phone 391
A. H. Busch, Prop.
Two Honore d at
Blooming Shower
Phone 1341
North of Cannery, across W. Washington St.
4 ¡VFW
c o m p le t e lo w - p r ic e d c a r
Auto Heaters
Funeral of Henry
Helmold Saturday
Here’s the M O S I
E con om ical Dust
C o n tro l W heat
Sm ut . • •
Auto Heater
Ship your
Veal, Hogs, Mutton, Lamb, Beef
and all kinds of Poultry to
Oregon Savinar Produce Co.
Busch’s Service
Garage i
beyond belief
Busch’s Super
Service Station
W ill be on display at