H IL L S B O R O [p a g e T w o ARCUS. H IL L S B O R O . M t. Home Women H allow e’en P a r ty . D a n c e to ; organize a missionary society. Mr and Mrs A J. WhiddiMl en- Mrs Speece was elected president, tertained at their home Friday Planned October 31 Mrs Sam Body vice-president, and evening Present were Messrs and Mrs LiOOrKt George Allison, Mcsdames Ed A -r ppleberry, h. U Wlr$ Z\1I1»WI1. secretary- .--X ' .....- — r tre a su re r t h e p u r p o s e of the o r- Rundel and daughter Lillian: Mes- W alnut harvest will be about ‘ zati„n ,x to read and discuss I dames Butler. Chilson, lallison. finished this week. The nuts ripen- *arioug books and to study the Sm ith and Bayless C. A Boyer ed and fell more uniform ly than „ . j The ncxt meeting is sched- and George Heppner, all of Tigard: ever before, some of the orchards November 21 w ith Mrs i and Mr and Mrs Robert Jensen, getting the bulk of their crop at p . Han\,iton. 1 the hosts and th e ir danghter. Phyl- one gathering. , A called meeting of Mountain hs Joe Cronin of Portland is spend- Home la d ie s Aid will be held at Mr and Mrs. H arry McAlear of log this week at the F. L Brown . i Chester. M ont, visited from Friday home, helping w ith grain seeding F u r, hvr „Ians for the annual chick-1 , o Monday at the home of Mr and • << Mr. and Mrs. J. Swanson and . gllpper w,n be arranged at Mrs. F j McAlear. and on Sun- son of Portland visited at the Ray time. The supper w ill b e day accompanied their hosts to ^A 'orhees home Sunday. served at the residence of John Eugene to visit Miss K athleen Me- Mrs. W. N. Hathorn of Hillsboro schm eltzer on the evening of No- Alear. a student at U. of O H arry T and Mrs. Harold Reynolds and in- vem ber 8. McAlear. a nephew of McAlear. is yant son Charles William ofM oun-- W alnut harvest is on in full swing district attorney in his home town. ■ iainrinle , __ now Schm eltrer l began u . i . n n pick- ic k - -dintf le ft O e, taindale visited Mrs E. C. Mulloy here Mrs ll-irrx- H arry *5 S. H H m arding left Oc- Friday. The baby is Mrs. Mulloy’s ing last week. George Strope is in tober 16. for San Diego. Cal., after g reat grandson. charge of the drying Picking in two weeks’ stay with her sisters, g Miss Ina Stevens of Vernonia is the Ferrell walnut orchard began Misses Tennessee and Eva Weath- spending this week with home this week, w ith Miss Dillon in erred. Cal Harding of Portland vis- folks. She and her mother. Mrs. charge. ded last week at the W eatherred W L Stevens, w ere luncheon guests W. E. B urke has about completed home with his daughter-in-law , of Mrs H. W. Pom rang of P o rt­ th e harvest of his filberts and has Mrs. H S. Hardiog. land —, Tuesday ------- . a much better crop th an he first Mrs. May Hughes of Salem was - M< and Mrs J. Nordstrom of anticipated a Hillsboro visitor Friday, looking Portland and L ester W hittle of Elred Browning is a new pupil after property interests She thinks Cambridge. Idaho, visited the lat- at M ountain Home school He is that with all the land Oregon has. ter's uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. jtie first grade. it would be foolish to restrict the L A Whittle, Tuesday L ester potatoes exhibited by members capitol building to such a small W hittle rem ained until Wednesday. of the chehalem M ountain Potato site as the present one. He is only partially recovered ftom elub at tbnr,innd se,t oi Hillsboro. W’ho are going to Portland to reside o r . Aubrev Tavlor of C. J C rittenden and fam ily of m T ’ R ^ X J T ’J e n ^ W ^ l a n d ’ w ash w e ^ guests Manshfield have moved back to SchTns Mrs Trachsel of his mother. Mrs. Sam Body, sev- Hillsboro and Mr. C rittenden is cousins of Mrs. Trachsel °ral davs last week. operator for the Southern P ac fie. Sunday callers at the E ^C M id- Mfs H arry Saunders. who is ill. They are residing in Sou.h Hills- loy home wuere Mr. and rtrs taRen Portland on Wednes- boro. u . Rel wkf tDw^t ^ ,> Msnn odf Portland da-v of last week for ,rea,m ent Mr and M rs.E A. G riffith drove s Mrs. W. L. Stevens. , her absence. th ere w ith her daughter th e past Mr. and Mrs. Robert Enschede oi and ^ jrs Roscoe Courtney week, returned to Hillsboro with near Hillsboro vls’ted her ""5*e and children w ent t o W illamina them. and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph gundav to visit her parents, Mr Miss Jean Oversby. nurse in es Will and Hodson- ,, training Em anuel in Mr and Mrs. Jam Jam es Will of o Port- P Mrg Mrs A rena C ourtney an d . Mrs. Portland. at spent Sunday hospital w ith hsr land were Saturday night and Sun Newland w ere guests at the p artn ts Mr and Mrs. R W. Overs- day guests at th e S. E. Stoller home hQm^ of th eir e jr nephew, nephew Lynn Lynn Guo- Gub- of th home. ser of McMinnville, on October ^ Mrg Jam es j ackson and Mrs. Miss Irene Stevens of Oswego ihe week-end week-end at at the tne parental and -^-s eoi ge .. , • -• p erry Williams retu rn ed Monday spent the parental h family w ere a t ,.thMM*kMi On « n « « rind Reri? have I C C B e a c h h o u se ‘ Say you saw it in th e Argus. HIGHWAY MARKET I * D uring w inter m onths we will be open from 7:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. — seven days a week We have no leaders—Stop and compare our prices—E very­ thing plainly m arked. PUMPKIN — Fancy. Makes two large pies. 10c CRACKERS— Sodas or Graham, 07/^ 2-lb. pkg........... M WAX PAPER Cut-r,ite, 125-ft. 4 XvV/ SOAP. Laundry, White Eagle. CATSUP— Ruby. 12-oz. bottle ... CORN FLAKES — Kel- logg’a. 3 for .................. 250V 10c 10c Each ( Dozen __ $1 .1 0 ) CHILI CON CARNE— Libby’s. IO1/:"02’ can ... J Ap 2 cake« ............. «... OPp 25OV* CORN — Del Monte, fancy Golden Bantam. 20-oz. cans. 2 for .................. 'ii, , -o vowaMM— aM— I A __ __ _ _ «A«, z ■ ■ *J| 9 z - '!■ . (¿5OU » F f llR L U f lV I N O E P fcN D E N T L Y .O W N K D WE LEAD— OTHERS FOLLOW FREE DELIVERY Second at Main Street Phone 3251 Prices E ffective Friday, Saturday and M onday, O ctober 25, 26 and 28 PEANUT BUTTER SA LM O N F ried in Crisco Pumpkin Pies Shortening 100% pure vegetable. Save the price of the can. 3 pounds ..... .......................... 29c How about toasting them for Hallowe’en? 1“ . ...........13c Made with melted chocolate We Deliver 29c Lb. Sugar Cured. MINCED HAM, BOLOGNA LIVER SAUSAGE L». OYSTERS *fl C c ■ w , 25c Fresh W illapa*. BEEF STEAKS Lb. Tenderloin. 16c Hillsboro MEAT Co. Free Delivery Phone 982 Oct. 25, 26, 28 Hillsboro, Oregon “Foods to Com plete Your H allow e'en” G U M D RO PS 2 bs. D A T E S New crop, 8-oz. pkg. 2 for Loc.’tl, well dried. PR U N ES 4 lbs. ORANGE, LEMON and CITRON PEELS 1-lb. /"'’TFAC'D Made from fresh vuAL/dv apples. Gallon Oregon (Bring your container) A T)T)T CC Spitz, Bananas and i L/EO King's. Box Each PINEAPPLE Minced Del Monte perfect slices. N ew 15-oz. tin 10c «» Tall 10-oz. tins •*. 25c 25c 18c 29c 18c 69c 28c 27c 29c 28c BISQUICK Large pkg. 29C "On cool, snappy mornings serve Golden Brown, Hot Uisqulcks.” 18C M ILK - ' S ' U V A N ILLA 4-oz. lmit,,li°n bottle M ACARONI Fudge Cake Phone 451 BACON 45c 18c Young and Tender. M arshm allows Place your order» for H al­ low e’en parties early. COE and CONGDON, Props, PORK ROAST 28-OZ. pkg. Hallowe’en decorated on order. Perfection Bakery Ihs. W hite Cloud or Old Glory. SPERRY PANCAKE Cakes - Cookies 49c SHORTENING 4 CRAB M EA T H - O O A T S 2,’"z LIM A BEANS l!3^ . GRAHAM S Delicious— the very thing for lla i’owe’en parties. 30c Pack your m arket bag with these FIRST QUALITY CHOICE MEATS No. 1 quality. Buy the beat. Doughnuts G lazed, dozen Friday-Saturday » If ».x*- Fancy pink. 20c ......... 30c i,. |,o»r i i f ...... ,lul' .......... 1 , ..... . u ,l(i,i,,,. u. ni,i,,a m -, mil, v tfk home on Sunday. wishes^to ,-xuress the in ; home Sunday evening for a short Swisher F r C?ZU vyrus. ’ w .s. ..p- visit Mr. and Mrs Leonard Swtehcr ; e» .0 exp. css moved to the p "h’ at­ T *Mrs W " Ring returned horn. th e Sellwood district i in n 1 p red atio n of the club (Or Mr ’ the a ™.? Portland on Tuesday. ronage, and especially Mr. Amach- Saturday evening from John Day, er for use th e w lndow. w here she lias been visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs. W H Hub- m inisterial meeting in Portland on Visit from Mrs. Prudence Prudenc ; Mr Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Albert and two ! bard, and sister. Mrs w n l co o p er of Oakland. Iowa, children of St. Paul, M inn, w ere Puchee, and family for the p i t js Visjtjng at the home of his cous- guest* last week of Mr and Mrs ten days. jn, Henry and Mr*- 1 J I Rogers ’ spent several ..J. jj 11. . R. K. Emmott. em m ou. riv n ry Ahrens. rkiirviiN. j Mr*. t iin . n A i lbert u c i i uuu . .x. x - Mr and M... r F Welia and Mrs A hrens are sisters. They left days visiting friends . ... , Portland „ anu M"- S F Favram M xnt Saturday for Seattle, w here they last week She and Mi Miir ie k .,.nd “ nd at k d iU C R yf wiU ,ocate' H e t z l e r w ^ ere r e g gui’sts u i ’. t s o f of f r U t i d » at Hetzler friends ,he ' ^ „ e,.k at p Pacific Citv tn6 *e«-k-endl at ja c ilu . City Castle Rock, Wash., last Tuesday Last Survivor IMes—- ( | Mrs. L. o A Hobson, wtiii is cinp.1,,;., ,1 x,. E. MaeDowell fc te r ta in e ed d th e a k f a s t c club lu h a b e t tam the e R B r reakfast Capt. Charles M Lockwood of | at Bonneville dam. spent the w ick bome Wednesday morning. C ham berlain. S. D„ 93-year-old end with home folk , ---------------------- i ---- £------!----- {------ ------- 1 - - of quality to go with Hallowe’en cider. Cake, Raised— Dozen ................. p e a r in Ih e A rg u s e a c h w e e k l a s in i w h a t y o u r frie n d s a l e d o • 25c PEAS— Athena. No. 4 sieve. COFFEE— Manning’s. Lb. »-v No. 1 tall can A common practice of m any drivers is to let his car labor up a steep grade in high gear, but few practices are m ore detrim ental to a motor than this, according to the emergency road service of the Oregon State Motor association. Low er gears are provided to re ­ lieve th e engine of this unneces­ sary load. I unclieon— T Hallowe’en Specials . . OH,. ........U- .I".n ."I In Ncii'.hborhood news from 30 Ar ''tu H l. . , ’ eus correspondents In d if f e r e n t .,, i. , w.,in. o.i ..... l.o. All »•••» In*'Inn • I h I iu » sections of Washington county up .... ’ .. i,. ,. i,, ,,„iu . a Ing for less Ilian three cents a ,,, ,, ..... .......... .. it" '’.''i ...... tf hut..I ... t h..« ,n ‘‘ J..U N.iifuLrr n . I*> ----------- I l'illi. I.H M is C T R ic h a rd so n a n d Mi I IlIS hl I H o I 1° ’• HINI» 1 ‘AUI. M il U I l«> ( HI PI lo lts j f., p ei :on a tte n d e d ,i luill'ln on ............. . I M v»») It I hit. I ttl-'tii Wednesd,,i glvvn |,v p.„ ,ii, mu A II..•!»*.> Ma UHI t iiuiui versity guild ut Herrick li.ill In Ilio (’.Hiitiy l ’iMiil i l ih«« Hi uh- <*f <> Don i forget to plume Foi est uvu. fui Ih«* Ci.tinly of Wn hiurtou Twin Boys D i e - Mitili* i* hi.||l>>- vhtui lliht (In- Uli.i I Grove 2U foi Ihut famous Knldci Twin b o y s w e n - b o rn O e to b ei hlfiiril I'mil Skbiiul Irr litui liri» I f " A n . , . .. i .,ii.l.«.r I «n ,8. ui Mr and tvii> Mrs ia>ivii Loren ovum Seh.il . m I..... i,.J„ hum ......... I sh in g le t a i n .i l n m L u m i« i t o . iMi aim m eiich of this city, but on, pa oil away on S atu rd ai night tind the other Sunday morning. --------------- --------- Attend Culli! »--v 3 * m o, on £ £ 1 f Seatt]e vis. ™rSthe Bethei Congregational , P a lm - Ladies Aid ra im form Thursday. erly Miss Mrs. Genevieve er was form erly Miss Genevieve C arter of th is vicinity. Sixth and Baseline C iv il w a r v é té r a n a n d Inst Miy v iv o r of Ilio (aïnoux "L .i-t Mai. C lu li" d ied tie to b i'i t a l a lu p u . il ni Minneapolis, Mimi lie w i i s i d ista ili r e la tiv e of M rs J A llocli ci liiltli ut IMI I -bol o and members from f t . Delegates ......................- ..................... women's club* In the county will attend the hederuted Clubs count. convention Friday at the Method »»« b«'«mmng at 111 30 a "> ■ f‘,r all-day session Mis Gladys rttvjri Meyer u* of Tigard, president kii.iAQ.** of the federation, will preside, und vid E. lo tg re ii In Portland Mrs Sara VunKIcek of Kinton is D inner guests at the W. O. Moi r ' the secretary. ley home Sunday were . Mr and _ . "J Special musical num lx'rs during Mrs. Mrs A rthur Sm ith and son Robert program will include piano of B a n k s H a ro ld Shipley of \ e i - Miss Blanche F in e g .m of VzPCllCO 4. 't ’C.lltlZCS noma, and M adeline W ard and Cl,rlM.hui> and viou „ so|os b y Alec Morley of I ortland. rh harles a rle a Treelown. I 'l T S t z \ u l (. J<1SS C Treglown, accom panied by Mr and Mrs H E. Davis of his mother. ,x— .«-zx * m ».. Black Rock and Clara Brown of The m orning session will be d c- J/ A. ' Portland were guests Sunday of voteil to reports of chib activities. h*ld *" the school h o u se F i , . Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Uechen of «ear ana ,,„4 hm V heon will be served at afternoon at > oclock foi the 1111 lunvnvon w in uc svi veu ui - - ■ . . ............ .. , , ............. . . basement _____. of ./ »1... L ,,,.„ L HUlsbdro. noon in AK the the a church Pose “ 1 .c- .• P ast Noble G rands' club of the Coffee club members will be U?e lf lr tl,u n of . s . Rebekah lodge will have a c,Hiked hostesses, and club delegates are w m uoru. food sale S aturday at the Fred Mesdames T. Connell, A L. Chns«;. Mrs H E B u r d e tte »nd d a u g h ■ Amacher m arket beginning at !• T. G- Brunleewe. Ktwood Johnson. B arbara Jean n e pent S.ilurd ,y o’clock and Fred Amacher W. R. C will with friends in Portland. Miss Pat Meeuwsen of this city represe.it.-d by Mesdu.nes W P u |,ils „„ n,,. h.mo, roll r, erzanden of grade not ll>^ lower r in.111 iv. ' , and J.n , V ander,andon of Hov Hoy " ” o n a r. a ai v a r in e . a n n .o - m g nner guests of Mr ttrave. a n d M isses M a r g a r e t a n d |„ M iss Maria McKiiuiix' primary w ere Sunday dinner ,rv Richardson > in Mu>' Cook. Service club delegates departm ent ure Grace K a rn . N an. y and Mrs. Henry are Mesdumes Wayne Patterson. J pitm an. Robert Dunsan, L e re n e Portland. „ 1 F Reeves. W inifred Selfridge. 1. Scheldt. Daniel Bell«. A rthur An Mr. and Mrs G je e o o rg r g e e Gorm --------------- an left E MacDowcll. E R Bailey, anti derson and Billy Ensley Wednesday for San Francisco, Cal., j I s T w i th her P Anderson N eedlei^aft club M Wlllintn T«ylor and .l.inrh after several days' visit w ith Ide her u l’l ^ b.v Mesdan.es ,ers Mh amt Elrtl , ,,f The Dalle parents. Mr. and Mrs s W G " . ¿ r , ^ I h n g to n . A A Hodges. A. W x,H-ndmg th e w e ek w ith M. Mrs O O liver and hsr a„u # i,a ivaiaer, r .u w a r a n r a n a a w . Mr and >!rs Walker. Edw ard Brandaw. A. E. T a v l„ 7 ; bnither. b,3 h e r . W W H Rim. unit .... Taylor's It King Pat Cham bers of Portland w ere Dickason, and E J. Peterson, family Mr Ring has been ill fur guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs several weeks. A. x W. ... Havens. k jiss Hetty N utter of Maupin and Ernest W llfert and family v isitnl Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fayraifc of Emmet Hummel of Im bler were at the W. H Dunlap home in Denver, Col., left last w ee k i for week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs Portland Saturday. home, after a 10 days’ visit With Charles Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs I. T Woodward Mr and Mrs. S. E Eayram. > Frances Crunican had her tort- spent Sunday evening w ith friends Mr. and Mrs. Jam es N esbq of su s removed Wednesday morning in Portland. Seattle. W ash. w ere week-end at the Jones hospital. Dr. D. E Mr and M u Merle I. I’ri, k,-'t guests of Mrs. Maude BoscoWt Wiley operating. of Fairm ont. M inn, arrived Wed­ „ „ », „ nesday for a short visit w ith his ixaorasaa. visiung this m is week w e e n With » __ _________________ Nebraska, is visiting the w eek-end at the ________ . . aunt, Mrs B A Mitchell Mr and her sister. Mrs Nye O. B risto l Oregon. Eugene, w ith their son Mrs Mitchell and their guest»- pent M, „ Loig W ebater T u rn < j , the w eek-end at Lincoln county .|3inng thig w eeg wj t h Mrs, H. Dr. C Sm ith perform ed a beaches. A Brock 1 mjnor opcratlon for ,lt„ v Elvin Mrs Anna Montgomery s p e n t Mr anb^ " a^ ¿‘ir RpovPrtOLl erton Cjt’jnG'e orange Visits at Scholls and Mr and Mrs Ft. b i «, George Wilcox of Newport, and Mrs Adella Kindt ----- -----------. . . ----- uf Portland. — who aie spending the week here. Mrs J 1. Anderson and her sis- , ... u i, <.,,1 „„i,,,. Micli- Igi'ii. a tte n d e d a lu n c h e o n m M rs. S i,.la n d , s honor Wedncadav of Fast week at the home of Mrs Da- G. McNay home in Forest Grove. Howell of Portland. O ther g u ests1 Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Poole and re Keor» M N Hillsboro, F M Mr. and Mrs. Calvin W hitmore . . Bonham of H illsboro,' daughter Colleen, and Mrs. F. __________ Z- nd Mr« Rockwell visited their _____ son-in-lai» and jla u g _h- h - -a n d , e Mr and Mrs3' S ° D Trefren T re fre n . Rockwell RockweU and LeRoy Rockw ell of ter. Mr. and Mrs. T. Lovegren of daughter of Bonneville. Vancouver w ere guests Sunday of Cathlamet. W ash, Saturday and j a" d dau«hter of Bonneville. r Sunday. Lovegren is unable to w ork ( Mr. and Mrs Hallie Ireland and yet on account of a foot injury re- daughter Ju n e visited at the homes ceived in the logging camp sever- ' of of Mr Mr and and Mrs. Mrs. George George Thomas Thomas . „ & , al weeks ago. RalPh Ireland in A Hallowe’en dance and card _ Portland Sunday. party will ---- — be given -X-. at the hall “ ¡ by t BEAVERTON—T hirteen members Mr Mr. and and Mrs Mrs. Harry H arry Sawdon Saw don o: of evening, of Beaverton G range accompanied S i this ^ ^ ^ community ^ ^ F v e ^ o Thursday n e ^ i s 7 cordially eattle spent week-end with _eattle spent t th he e week-end w ith Mrs. „Sawdon’s p aren t., Mr. A sm a ll admi<- . m lhe e 51316 Scholls Mrs gaw don's s parents, parents. Mr. and Slate visltinS 1 is „ „ .s gavel to - -x~~— s a waon invited to attend. A small admis G Grange SatUrday Th.s This gavel was Mrs F w Sinclair, Slnciair, and other rel- range Saturday presented „resented to Beaverton by Aloha ______ _______ _________ n e ZOUOW- ,auves. s the follow- ' P , , j T___ une ^ a ti.e s . , •nt nor tardy M and Mrs W illiam C am pbell' ®*r. and Mrs. S.ephen Cox of ing pupils neither absent grade abova r, _ “ L T .» n d x-.sit- North Bonneville visited this week- and w ith an average f,,r graae aDov« the first of Lexington were week .. , home h h ;s parents, Darents, Mr end at the of f his Mr 85 per cent or more for the first Qf R M Barnes six weeks of — school ------- ending ----- —w - Friday: - -- -- i ; Mrs. George N. Taylor of West and Mrs. R. W. Cox. Miss Ruth Jones and her mother, Lucille Speirujg. Jim mie Stoller, gj „ jg conducting a class in M arjorie Losli, B etty Hogan. Bjb)e study for high school stud- and Mrs. G. W. Pool and Mrs. Dorothy and Evelyn Schum acher every Tuesday m orning at Winston Pool visited Mr. and Mrs. and Bernice and Viola Stoller. g.45 Mrs r b . McMinn gives Bible Robert Jones in Portland Sunday. Mary Haleman is the teacher. instructions to grade school pupils Davis Auld, Oregon S tate col­ The "Friendly C om er Sunday school building every Tues- lege student, spent the week-end school class will hold its business hourgs. ’ w ith his parents, Mr. an d Mrs. and social meeting at the W H Rev Cargon and fam ily of Fair Jam es L. Auld. McNay home Thursday 'tonight). y aje jefj W ednesday for Idaho to Mrs. Jack Rushlow retu rn ed to Rev. Virgil Speece announces as ’' “i" thpir home the subject of his sermon Sunday ■ d M A1 w ism er are b e­ her home at W aldport th e last of th e week, after a visit at th e Rush- at 11 a. m., "Going F arther w ith ! ing felicitated “ “ on th ....................... e b irth of a low home here. Christ in the Church." son. C arl K . October 4. Mrs. Wis- O ut-of-town relatives at th e home Ralph C arter of Hermiston is at mer was form erly Miss Jean Pos- of Mr. and Mrs. O. B. G ates dur- the Mrs. N. Bennett home Mrs. son. C arter and son have been visiting Named Store M anager her m other for . . several . „ weeks. — Jam ie Hudson, son of Mr. and A “billy-goat-at-large” is rep o rt­ hilly-goat-at-lyge report- Mrg H L Hudson, has been made , ed by Amos Watkins. The anim al f tbe Safeway store or. K ! S & . 1 i T 3 £ i d hr « g in his new home. Several neigh- j h Hold Convention Here on Friday I I m g th e p.i.xl w c ii, to A ttend the / ? . » , / , > y . i / . » , 7 / ' / Il C iiiiic ro l of II V G a te s u e ic S h i t. L I L, I L I I L L I U M l » * Social News of Gates of Los Angeles. C a l. who left for home Friday; Mr and Mrs - T Organize Society Local Folk and ' Charles Heim of Redmond. who i-h a rv e s t v ) v e r MOUNTAIN ,B , * sn i« -» returned home Saturday; Mr. and .x-.,.. ,x ii. n r T , .. 1 v i HOME T u e l v e I Their F riends Mrs. W F P ruyn of Heppner. Mrs ' women of the com munity met with , L a u re l W a ln u t Thur ihiv. October 24. 1935 OREGON X lie ......10c ,,,v ' 14c -fl WESSON Grapenut Flakes. P kg..... XvC M axwell House C offee OIL 1 ib. 27c CHOCOLATE Quart 43c ile ’/2-Rallon 79c Scot Tissue QAzi “A food that given you staying power.” xSUC "Soft as Old Linen.” PIGGLY-WIGGLY À