H I L L S B O R O 'A R G U S . Page Four Ulllsbonij^Argus W ith W h ic h 1« C em blneJ th « Hil labor« A rgui aatnb 1494 Puhliahed ll il ls h o r * Indepen dent Hillsboro Independent «atab. IX7X M r K IN N R Y A M r K IN N R Y . I ’ « M i* h * r * T h u rs d a y . E n te re d a* aeeond-claaa m a tte r post o ffic e a t H ills b o ro . O ra v o a in th e Tourist travel, figures show, is at the highest level in five years in Oregon and 20 per ceil, above 1934. A visit to the Union depot in Portland finds trains load­ ed, coining and going. Am erica is getting back to better times ami let's hope it keeps on improving from those crim ped days of 1932 and early 1933. Social NtMus of Local Folk and Their F rien d s Mr H IL L S B O R O , o r eg on Thui'Hilay, October 17, |<); 35 Mis E W Sinclair She returned ' home Wednesday Mr and Mrs II E l.allare and i H arriett Lu Hare of St Helens vis- lied Mr and Mrs. S W Melhuish Sunday. Mr anti Mrs. Oscar llum burg Hog Raisers Vote Wanted ■ iii.i P ro d u c e r« to E x p re a * W is h n r rx u llc t o r e O c to b e r 2 3 ’ and Mis Albert S E l f o r d o f Si'iivd.i.s V .itt o i O a t J '. t l d i n t i v e . i to V i . o. w here they ....... ■ ♦----------- Capitol Site Ballot If you aio intere t<'d in w here the capítol building should h e lo» itis i n »pst, i \ o t u v o le below and mail It to The Cup itol Boll, Hillsboro Argus at once. I Brcsent Mis .lack Bushkov of Waldport 2 New Site (B y W m . F C yrus. C o u n ty A y n i l l A ssociate E d ito r arrived the first of th e week for | Do Washington county hog r.n v is it with Mi a n d M rs 1. .1 3 Kxpaiuh'd Brcsent Site cis want another hog control pro Ru-hlou D ll K IM , M -W S l'tl'fR o r WASHINGTON COl NTY ..............i i, i , ,, , . .. gram in 1W M sim ilar to the one Anu and I,. be, I P elors spent the h;1, b,,,.n a |u , ( , dui Selected •» O ls te n '« Beat W e e k ly N e w spap er. l»S0 NAMI w t t k end w ith th e ir g ra n d p are n ts, ,, , nw«» N am ed on A ll-A m e rie a n W e e k ly E leven. 1M 0 I TAXES AND CAPITOL PRIDE Mr and Mrs R H Craddock, at ! (,u. queaUon ADDKFSB H ......ru b le M e n tio n N a tio n a l E d ito r ia l A e aoeiatkm N e w sp a p e r To the Editor: 1 have followed very closely all P ro d u c tio n C o n te st, 1SS4-35. and G en e ra l E xcellence. 1935 corn-hog contruel signers and oth comments and opinions on rebuilding the state Cap­ L- \ .util Mis Charles M Heed er hog producers ure usked to vote itol that haw appeared in The Oregonian. May I S u b s c r ip t io n R a te ., s i n . t i c l a d in t j . a n . e I « nded the muuMet a a l meeting upon not Inter than October 2(1. und also director of the youth O u trid e W a s h in g to n C o u n ty W ith in W a s h in g to n C o u n ty add my bit as a sm all taxpayer. in I'ortlund at the First Methodist Ballots ure being mulled this week division of the Townsend club, of V . S.. per y ear .......- >2.00 Per ye a r ---------------- Il W T here seems to be tw o general ideas of thought, church Monday. I to contruct signers. F o re ig n c o u n trie s — S.hO Stk months ——--- —.... .S5 neither of which has developed any concrete plan M: uhl Mr W S Everett and T h eir ballots muy be returned Oregon, was lhe -p«*aker As a pre to date: First, those favoring the m onum ental d e­ F ir s t A u d ite d T a p e r M E M B E R O reg on S la t« n Bills p« nt Saturday. Sunday by muil or muy be deposited in face to his rem arks, Mi William i» tin days when money |N velopm ent supported by those who see ar. element L a rg e s t A u d ite d W eek­ said hi' had to date delivered 13<» E d ito ria l A s so cia tio n and a n ti M o n d a s a t Waldport fishing l,ie ballot box In the county ngenl hard to find, quirk Nah ly C ir c u la tio n in O re ­ of profit to them selves and th eir interests: those N a tio n a l E d ito r ia l A « « o Townsend addresses and not more sometimex and visiting friends. | oifice. Non*contruct signers who gon. meet the situation |, Smith lio n . who favor the old site present a better business a dozen were delivered out II.id KM» curds of wtMM M l to b t Mold Jack Killits and Miss Barba, a ; dvMre tu v?te 0,1 thls Question may than proposition and are considering the effect in cost of the slate His theme was "On to S T A T E M E N T O F O W N E R S H IP Botts, physical education instructors I 1,0 so P i l»> th e A ct o f Conureaa o f A u g u s t 24. 11*12. o f the why the Townsend move schools Tuesday ,luw ub to w,ul Including October liitl- l- u « » \r» i w ith w h ic h ia c*»mhined th e H ills b o ro In - past five years have had some difficulty and sacri­ ment is going on to victory; be a couple of lines of advertising m , i , , , H .iv -.n . pub lish ed w e ekly at H ills b o ro , O reg on, f o r O c to ­ Mrs Elm,-I- Guei tx-i of near C o n -1 -°On|y prodm vr« of hogs, who are cause of their hope, be«'a use of the classified colum ns of The Ai fice to raise this am ount of money. The "big idea" b e r 1. 19X5. based on state pride would increase this burden to they art gus. bt'eause the classified rol nell station underw ent a m ajor j hogs now. are eligible their number? S tate o f O reg on. C o u n ty o f W a s h in g to n . s*. us In the interest of almost half of the farm ers of ’ „ , ^ 7 “’" ‘I " operation Monday nt the Good ! to vote. W hether or not a llMGcon- walking in the I, Id o f , l e t,I d ,. me. a n o ta ry p u b lic in and f o r th e s ta te a n d c o u n ty a t - t i ’•».I, i« ors..iia lly appeared M r* , E C. M c K in n e y , who. W ashington county tto be specific. 2100 own farms i , . »** Sam aritan hospital in Portland. I , , ol piogram ls developed will de- fact.*, bee.ui. »• they know the plan h a vin g ¡»ecu d u ly -w o rn a c c o rd in g to lawr. deposes and »ay* age to peisims interested in pur of less than 30 acres and there are about -1400 farm ­ Misses Helena Mohr and Madge pend upon the outcome of this and because* they are determ ined chasing what they need The wood lb ,.; he i* th e p u b lis h e r o f th e H ills b o ro A r g u * t w it h w h ic h ers in this co u n ty ' may I offer a plan that will to udminister the remedy lie cited i- v .m bu uxl th e H itU b o ro In d e p e n d e n tI and th a t th e fo llo w in g Richmond of Portland, formerly of | nationwide poll. solve the situ atio n ' We now have two units—mod­ is. to the best o f her k n ow led ge and b e lie f. • tru e s ta te m e n t Oregon to 1 was sold immediately. Sm ith re visited Hillsboro friends While the l ,ueifie northw est area <'veral instances o f the o w n e rsh ip , m anage m ent, etc., o f th e a fo re s a id p u b lic « - ern business buildings on the ground. Build two show the strength of the movement ported. ! rarely ever prodtices more hogs t i . ■ t fu r the date show n in the above c a p tio n , required by the m ore office buildings west of the old capitol site, ' A c t o f A u g u s t 24. 1912. em bodied in s e ction 411. P o stal L a w * Morgan. Mrs than ure consumed w ithin the ur-a. m the state, namely. Hood Hiver corresponding and sim ilar to those now there, would 7,13 ‘ ' *' Mrs NelghborhiMMl news from 3() Ar ire not quite and R e g u la tio n *, t o - w it : H ennett i the plan, nevertheless, is uffeied couiitr win r. tln-i I T h a t the nam e* and addresses o f th e busiaees n ia n - for the present provide all office space needed and ','1lnu's ' , M ePheeters ,o producers in this seclion. Wliut voiei mid tin l ow iiseiul du b s gus corn N|H>ndeuts i n d l f f i t . n t i • »•• - a re : P u b lis h e r*. M c K in n e y A M c K in n e y ; E d ito r and al.irgan and Mrs 1 1 later, when we can afford it better, build a center is done here perhaps muy not huve bn k only 9 ot Unit iiiiiuln i pi sections of Washington rountv ui> m anage r. W. V e rn e M c K in n e y ; A sso cia te e d ito r. M r* . E. C. l’ent “ u‘ «eek-end at Rockaway much Legislature and executive office building on the uftw l on determ ining wheth- their rank I'llIunuMik county i |H*»u in the Argus each w e e k M c K in n e y . Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. C. P Johnson and old capitol site. 2. T h a t th e o w n e r* a re : M r* . E. C M c K in n e y and W . cr or not there is a program m | P* > c e n t (or the plan: L ane Learn what your friends are do Miss Bertha F ranke of Forest | dal;ghter Joan of Gladstone vis 1936. us ihe larger pork producing county h a s six thousand more Ing for less than three cent» , V e rn e Mv K in n e y . H ills b o ro . O regon. The planning of this five-building capitol should .1. T h a t th e k n o w n b on dhold er*, m ortg a g e e * and o th e r se­ week. be left to a comm ittee of at least ten architectural Grove, recently of Kansas, assisted ited h e re Sunday, areas like the middle west will members tti.m voti i He declared c u r it y holders o w n in g o r h o ld in g 1 per cent o r m o re o f to ta l firm s of the state, the contracts for building to be during the past week in the reecp Mr and Mrs It W Nicholson practically determ ine this question ’hat in Ihe future many thousands a m o u n t o f bond*, m ortgag es o r o th e r s e c u ritie s a r e : None. given to several Oregon contractors of reliability lion and posing rooms of the o f S eattle visited his slater. Mrs E C. M c K IN N E Y . ___- —. , of the young people will vote S w o rn to and »ubscribed b e fo re me th is 2nd day o f O c to ­ and not employ any architect or contractor outside Schram el Studio. M i« Srhrainel G. C. Chase, over the week-end their first tune in Uvof of the DR. R. J. N IC O L be r. 1935. of Oregon, ami distribute all aw ards to best serve was confined to her home because Townsend Old Age Revolving P en­ Mrs. H J D ttter and daughter W. V. M c K IN N E Y ’ , m y com m ission expire e J a n u a ry IS. 1937. the state. of illness. sion plan William.'« took a pledge of Eugene visited Mrs S. E Olsen DR. E. W. A L M Q U IS T We are willing to do our best to raise tax from the group to .«upiMut the im ­ Sunday dinner party guests at Thursday and Friday. money for the needs of the state, but never to Veterinarians mediate payment of the xoldivrx* the Hallie Ireland home w ere Mr , Mrs Donald Franklin and Ken- build a "dome" for the tourist to gaze upon in bonus. (Continued frirn. p«s. oast and Mrs. Ralph Ireland. Ira In-I neth l.inklatei of Portland visited Telephone 643 and « y wonder and amazement that a state so small as used with the most econotnicul Hillsboro and Oregon m ourn the death Oregon There will lx» no meeting of the could build so beautifully and artistically. gram and Mrs. Ivy Craw ford of Monday at tile B \V Barnes home possible, he says. local club until the second Sunday of one of its most distinguished citizens, The grand building and outstanding attractive lo­ Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. Adolph p ev aluj ¡yrs Vi,.(„r Phillips of comductloii Among the questions to be con­ in November, however, there is to Mrs H. V. Gates, state com m ander of the cation would not convey the sacrifice and tears of Malehow Ruth Carlson and Ju n ,' p lirt|j n ,| visited Mr mid sidered. he points out, are future be n big rally at Forest Grove Charles M Reed Oetijber 9 G rand Army of the Republic for four dif- the small farm er of W ashington county to raUe Ireland of Hillsboro. ent of the stute, ease ot October 27 in the Legion halt und Mrs John Dennis and Mis, Mar- Mr and Mrs , ,,,, , w itheril of developm monev for an ever-increasing taxation. Dakota, access, and economy. He urges that GOOD Townsendltex ure invited Tills ferent years, who answ ered his last rnus- Louisiana and other states w ith the "grand idea" jorie Sewell left Thursday for Mt». Portland -pent tiie week end with those Interested might well go to all is one of the many simultaneous Cal Mr ln d M rs H Peppard te r Saturday. He was laid to rest with will be paying th eir debts for the next three gen­ Dennis home m Torranee. Salem and Investigate all of the rallies being conducted throughout Miss Sewell will visit her sister. ,, , ,, erations Let's not do it.—O- B. BENNETT m ilitary honors yesterday afternoon. problems before making specific the nation on that date, the clos« Mrs Richard Jensen lit Ban D ie ijo . ' ' H e .m o i b e e h e n and Mar demands of Washington county Ca, " en Gribscov of Bend visited Mrs. mg day of the Chlrngo convention Com m ander Gates was a most e x tra ­ legislators. , _ . J. C. Bechen Sunday. Business houses contributing cof­ ordinary man for his years and his intel­ Mrs. J C. Bechen and C arl and ... . • , .... , J W Hughes of Forest Grove, Esther Bechen returned Thursday ,„ Albert , a? d chlldre,\ . oJ representative, favors the old site fee and hotter were Wiley Grocery. lect was as sh arp in the last years of his P e r 1 0 0 lbs. To the Editor: We oppose the w alnut code 100 from several days' visit In Bend visited Mr. a n d Mrs he says "After contacting between Biggly Wiggly Store, Colum bia life as th a t of most men many y e a r s per cent and in case the new code is adopted and Carl F ihh I s , Safeway. F.iirway, Powers* went to K lamath Falls to vis- !' l’bert Meacham Sunday, 2.0IMI a n d 3.000 p e r s o n s in t h i r r Grocery. C urry's Groc« i> Much <»f At fnrm on younger. He was a g reat builder, who an attem pt made to w ithdraw from m arket 35 per it his brothers. John and Haarby Mrs. J N. Wiley and daughter counties, both individually and in of Oregon's w alnut crop as urged by the co­ Bechen Gitle.t Creek Koatl W inifred visited Mrs Murie Priest groups, I have found only two the pastry was furnished by th«* laid the groundw ork for the m any de­ cent Perfection Bakery operatives, we hereby serve notice that we w ill sell Miss M argaret Johnson of U. of ,l Hillsdale Sunday. persons who wanted anything but velopm ents th a t m any of us take f o r 100 per cent of the grow ers' crops w hich we buy R o b e rt W a rre n s O spent the week-end at the home M r, Sopha Frccrksen is visiting t h e o ld site You can say. with Subscribe now to the Argus In granted today. this year. We have a m arket for. and can sell all of her parents, Mr and Mrs. E I'er daughter. Mrs. Ada Elgin, in (his in mind, that I fuvur the old Phone 1609W Koreitt Grove Washington county $1 50 u year nuts we can obtain from grow ers in this state. site." L. Johnson, and attended the foot- Salem. A true A m erican citizen with a pio­ the The Six months 85c. Three months 50 suprem e court of Oregon has declared the ball game Saturday between U. of Mr. and Mrs Bill Rogers of neer spirit he spent years in South Am eri­ state AAA act unconstitutional and void. We be­ cents Two months 35 cents tf! of C. M n o in a ti v i s i t e d a t the J Me- ca in the building of a railroad across the lieve the proposed M arketing Agreem ent and O r­ O Z and J U Riggs returned the last uf Mlister home Monday, Andes, and on his le tu rn here was identi­ der are unconstitutional and void for the tam e rea­ the week from Eugene, w here he The Moose eard party scheduled We propose to tak e legal steps to test the fied with much of the early railroad con­ sons. constitutionality of the Agreement and O rder it it was looking after property Inter- for fletober |8 will be postponed (C4>ntlnii«t| fm m pa«« on«) struction on the Pacific coast. He also pio- is adopted. We w ill resist by every legal means ests. He was accompanied on the ¡to a later date, trip by Mrs. Riggs uncle. John G lrls. dancc band of p ortiand Is North Plains Wednesday evening neered in the northw est in the building of any effort to take the 35 per cent dem anded by Simpson. giving dances at Huber every Fri- the president spoke at Cornelius light a-,. and w ater systems. the c °"tro1 .Board' a"d if ?'e 7™ successfu,1- gr,ow' Mrs. Carl Christenson and Mrs day night. At the Sunday meeting in the i s i j i • ers selling to us will receive 100 per cent return »’-’riland. Mrs , \ in Newsham |,.tt klst Wednes- M E. church, upon the recom men­ 1 he G rand Army leader w a s highly from th eir crops. If we fall grow ers will at least ^ I ah4 Willis of Cornelius, and M rs ,, f o r s , V(.r a , d a v s - g ta y ,lt C u t . dation of the advisory board of the IN O il. H E A T IN G revered by his fellow veterans Of the Civil receive as much as they would if they turned their Alfred Fred Harty of Hillsboro visited at jvr ^ ltv club, the rew ard uf Dr Townsend's w ar and later conflicts, all of whom loved cr°Ps over to a packer signing the proposed agree- the picture being presented by Oregon ' Tolke Bros farm near North .. ... n v tint 1 ny hursday Mr and M™ R E W,lt’y ;,nd to do him honor in his later years He was m% e cannot subscribe to the black magic of arM. Plains Plains T jnursoay K atherine spent the week end mid h< adquarter* was v<>t< J A. Hockersmlth as the w innerj Mr and Mrs. W V Bergen mov- M,,nday al 's , „ i d ,, l espected as a man of ability and energy, ficial price fixing or the uneconomic doctrine of of honors for securing i c the most Saturday from Portland to their . . . . . . ,, Mr. Gates was well known as a speaker dum ping or destroying part of th e crops we grow, ed The Loncrirnn Fire home here, on north Third avenue Mrs J , , Fcrguso" " L * n e w members She has. since t h e ' of ability and was in dem and at m eetings, . This p 331 ’ "m m er this company bought a very They recently sold their home in '■ ding Mrs H T Wright this organization of the club last year. I «iile llc n te r is it cont- secured 122 members The Hillsboro w h e n - he could alw ays be counted upon J g Portland and have been remodeling week. I'li'tc heiiting, humi­ Hillsboro home. John Morrison, who h u been at Club No. 1 now has a member- i to give an inspiring address of interest ure; and believing that the state AAA codes could their difying. itir circu lat­ Mrs L. R ayburn of Portland R iv Maling cannery this summer, ship of 075. with new application:, and worth. not endure, w ithheld paym ent of a percentage due every day. visited Mrs M Welch 8unday. Mrs left Saturday for The Dalles ing unit, providing Rev C S W illiam s of P eril We bow our heads in sorrow a t the lhe ,State c °ii‘r°L B,°„a r d ,N,OWAtMt ,our l,uprerne Minnie Wilson of Portland. Mi • Mr and Mrs J. W Holt were t i t r e - freo, lic it 11 II f III ., - - . .. • • i court has nullified the state AAA law, we are Welch's sister, visited her during week-end guests of Mrs. F L. passing ot another of th a t fast diminish- retu rn in g this cash direct to the grow er w here it the week. will meet this afternoon (Thursday* wnrnilh. S t u r i ! y, Dlllc at U niversity Park. at tw o o'clock w ith Mrs. Fred ing arm y of heroes, who fought from 1861 belongs. lu'ilUliful comttruct- Hillsboro students assisting at Mrs. J W. Holt was the hostess Amachcr. An unsigned bulletin to its growers—just sent to 1865 th a t this union m ight be pre­ lon . . . e f fic ie n t op the “at home" are Elnora Sandford last week for the Thursday Fashion out by the North Pacific Co-operative—directly a t­ Service Club Meets— served. ero i imi. tacks this company as the cause of all opposition and K athleen G r e g g , serving; club. Service club will meet W e d n e - J Mr. and Mrs. George Tews and day evening with Mrs T G. Bron- ' to the W alnut Code. They ignore th e fact that u Winona Turner, in charge of hall, and Florence Hanley, guide ,o Florence nam ey. gum. Jim lny ,,f vis,t(.d Mr « > 7 X rth u ? R e i’lin2 I«'as .50 year ago there w as w idespread revolt against the Mrs. J. W. Johnson of C utler and Mr- H. Cline Sunday. . l J X - lh U r C ontrol Board's action in 1934 in w ithdraw ing 30 Model C-3 sistlng hostess. . City was a week-end visitor of Mr and Mrs Andrew Lent per cent ot all m erchantable crops. T here were Mr and Mrs Andrew Lentz and .. . . . . . _ p Hold Card Party— visited Mr and M __ ________ The in terstate conference on crime m any meetings then and a group of three leading her son, Harry Johfioon Edward daughter Approved by obcrsteln of P ortland S Sunday. will give a pub- Johnson of Kenosha. Wis . is a K Kobcrsteln unu-Z. , , Hoyal. Neighbors z. has indorsed universal fingerprinting and f board. roUjCr,xT .'ient .■V’.ii'0’ Angelesto .?rot^., t . to ihe File U nderw riter1, . M ... - M.._i„v vis. be 7 ‘rd Party Thursday evening. _ , ___ ■ , .. • “ L x x K > Not until this spring, when the Hudson In- guest at the H arry Johnson home „ reeom mended creation in each state of a vestm ent company became one of the largest w al­ .......• bureau of crim inal identification and a nu t grow ers in the state, did this company join S i r S v‘S o E . “, ' , £ " r ‘" 'T "I <',-r ' l' - Th-’ " “ • * * unit of crim inal intelligence. Moves of the anti-code groups and assist in mobilizing the Next door to V enetian Theatre public opinion w hich already existed. Clrele three of the M E. Ladles' . Well, . n d f .m l l t e . j S T S J u S this nature will go f a r in society’s battle Thc three largest g , . ^ ^ in the state with a Aid will meet Tuesday at ft p. m li lt I s in u to . i ill I c o x with Mrs. J. N. Wiley. against the crim inal elem ent, which cau.se combined area of nearly 1000 acres of bearing wal- j _ Mrs. Hulda Emrick left Wcdncs-1 i_ i • Airs. Edward Coman entertain« d for El Monte. Cal., to ... ■ , i u < - « the public losses in the millions every n u ts—tw o of them being members of co-operatives— day e n d morning t h e w i n t e r H e r s i s t e r M rs Wednesday with a luncheon for a year. Many groups have gone on record have consistently fought the code, The tonnage of sD ri^ ? d vtn a . L - |' " r ' ? «roup of relatives from Portland. . 2 ........................................ the largest grow er—the G roner W alnut company— John Freudenthal. accompanied her LeRoy Rockwell of Portland was lo r universal fingerprinting and the pub­ is alone nearly as great as th e entire 1934 pack of for a few weeks’ visit Mr and Mrs J F C orrell of ‘ W £ ± f , n .d V‘S“ ° r ° l h‘S U" C,e' J one of th e well known co-operatives w hich is lic's w elfare dem ands it. Fergus Falls, Minn., arrived re- 1 G arrett. fighting to retain th e code. Mrs- w B ennett of Oswego was ■ O ur Senator McNary—himself a large grow er— cently to spend the w inter in Hills- has consistently opposed any code which put Ore- boro. Mrs. Correll is a sister of th.c Kucst of Mrs G w Ha«le ,he ^*rst week. The state capitol question is one th a t s°n grow ers w ithin the dom ination of our competi- Mrs. George Easterday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brown left Mrs Claude Morley of Dayton m erits considerable study and vision Be- tors in California- The press of Oregon have been 0 Tz»., u i • • •* i alm ost unanim ous in th eir rem arks opposing the Friday for o few days' visit with last week with her parents, . making a hasty decision it would be present unholy alliance w ith C alifornia interests. Mrs. Brown's uncle and aunt. Mr. Mr and Mrs F. W. Heintz. Well to realize th a t we are building for O ver 600 grow ers w ith a combined acreage of 7000 and Mrs. Arnold Buhmann, at Mr. and Mrs. Earl Simpson of Portland visited at t h e Frank the future in a g rea t state. The builders acres and 2000 tons produced in 1934, have recently Hermiston Mrs. C. E Brandaw of Portland, Simpson home Sunday. of the capitol building th a t burned this sig,n!dI iaga.inst the code„ which w7 e cir- M orris Dean of Salem visited er Hillsboro resident, under­ year were farsighted and built a struc- necessary. A deaf and dumb man could have se- form went a m ajor operation Friday at his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. ture for the state's future needs. Let US cured the signatures—so strong was the public re- the Portland sanitarium . She is Dean, over the week-end. convalescing nicely. not, several generations later, be cram ped »entnwnt. Ray Cline spent the week-end in ■ • . but . . let us ra th e r build - believe th at the Oregon W alnut Co-opera­ Vincent Berg and his friend. Portland. in our vision, for tives We have missed th eir golden opportunity for ad­ Donald Anderson of Hendrum, the future with true economy in mind. vertising and prom oting the sale of th eir own prod­ Minn., arrived Monday for a visit Observe Birthdays ucts against California competition, and we would O tl" bcl birthdays of 11 mem think that the logical outcome would be for them R lt h e i” - Berg’’ 8Unt' Mr3' J ' C bers of the family were celebrated ,r , • i xt 4- i v , ^°*n California W alnut association and save A group of Epworth league mem- Sunduy at the Tolke farm neur 1 n e Commercial Ixational bank corn the overhead expense of th eir own salaried execu- from Hillsboro attended the North Plains. Present were Messrs show is a splendid activity on the p art tive They arc now obligated to sell only two- bers district Epw orth league skating and Mesdames C. P Tolke and Of this comm ercial institution It is s t im - thirds of th eir tonnage and can pass responsibility party Friday evening at the Oaks family. Fred Harty and family of ul itiiKT til t h ,. , „«a t , „ i . „ ior the rest if they wish to do so to the Control I Hillsboro. A. H. Schneider a n d , c u J m em bers and helps Board. Why can't they now reduce their salaries one- rink in Portland. Word has been received by Mrs. fam ily of Portland, and Mrs. A. to build good self reliant citizenship. third, since the Control Board m ust be paid to m aintain the m arket and sell the final third of the Mary Sabin that her g randson's, w - Seiffert and children, wife Mrs. Vance Norton, died early i,octor, ttpeak_ crops. r, „ ,,.. The co-operative chiefs and pro-code visionar­ Sunday m orning in San Franc sco. Drs. H D. Huggins, A. O. Pit- Mrs. H. A. Brock drove to New- man, and P, G. Brown will speak ies m aintain that Oregon Franquettes are worth no more than C alifornia Franquettes. The fallacy of h aP ¿ U,: ,,da,y ,Ht'r son A ^fed. who Monday evening at t h e P arent- this statem ent is shown in the fact th at our totally « r th660 p aylng ln orchestra Teacher health meeting at the union unadvertised product sells at parity in eastern m ar­ for the season, returned with her. high school. officers of the asso- Fifteen Y ears Ago Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Anderson and elation will be hostesses, kets with the California w alnut of sim ilar type Argus, October 7, 1920—P eter and Hans Rasm us­ which has a third of a million dollars a year spent fam ily and their house guests, Mrs. A uxi|iafy Hfh. _ sen returned from visit with parents in Denmark. H. R. Sjolander, drove to Tacoma in national advertising We contend th at the O re­ City ticket as filed includes A. C. Shute, mayor; gon nut is right now enjoying a prem ium since Sunday. Members of the Legion Auxiliary J. II. G arrett, A M. Carlile. O Phelps, council; F. its m erit alone enables it to secure the same price Mrs Charles Wicklund has re ­ will meet Thursday, October 24, at J. Sewell, treasurer and E L. McCormick, recorder. enjoyed by a much bally-hooed article. How many the McKinney home for pot luck Rev Walton Skipw orth returned to Hillsboro unadvertised products ever sell at parity with sim ­ turned home after a week’s visit luncheon at 1 o’clock and an a fter­ with her daughter. Mrs. C. R. Löf­ Methodist church as pastor. noon of sewing. gren of Portland. W W. Boscow store robbed of $500 in m er­ ilar m erchandise that has for years enjoyed n a ­ tional advertising. Give Oregon w alnuts a bit of S tar Social Club to Meet— Mr and Mrs Joseph B elanger of chandise Eastern S tar social club will Hillsboro to have a cannon on the court house advertising and sales promotion and they would Heppner spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs J. H meet Friday for dessert luncheon square the big siege gun having arrived last night really “go to tow n.” Very shortly, federal AAA men will hold elec­ Hensley. at 1:30 p. m. with Mrs. B. W. from Seatlc. C hester Stew art of Laurel loses his barn by fire. tions in open m eeting at several points in the val­ Miss Kathleen McAlear was at Barnes Mesdames George McGrath, M artin B ernards and Angelina Duyck m arried ley to determ ine thc grow er sentim ent tow ard the home for the week-end and at­ Edward Coman and Arnold Jensen new m arketing agreem ent; which is the same old tended the U. of O.-U. of C. game nt Forest Grove Septem ber 29 Kappa Taus to Meet— L aw rence Taggart, form er Hilhi star, m aking deal with only a few changes in verbiage to con­ in Portland. F irst fall m eeting of Kappa Tan form to the new AAA act. This is every grow er's good in football at Oregon State college. William Masterson returned Mon- club will be a Hallowe'en kid C ornerstone of new St. Francis church at Roy opportunity to register his loyalty to his own In­ h !y ? ichla" d' * h«,;e party at the E M. Bowman horn. dustry and his own state and his belief in the will be laid Sunday by Archbishop Christie s L k ? " » ? l aP , ; Un. ' ra ° f h,s Thursday afternoon, October 24. A rchie Pitm an named captain Hilhi football m erit of his product. brother, Edward Masterson. Do wc w ant to let California interests control team and A rth u r Rollins manager. Team includes Mrs H attie Hill Brownhill of M” ' A m a,h,'r H o s t e s s Pitm an. Bagley, Rollins. Olanle. Barrett, Ed Wall, our w alnut industry as they have attem pted to mon- McMinnville spent a few days last C ircle two, M. E. Ladies' Aid, Iris W ells. Black, C arler. Shute, Simpson, Powell, opolize many other products? Have we not suffi- week with her daughter, Mrs. W. Ranow, Johnson, anil Hornecker. cient sales ability in Oregon to sell all of our own R. Manley. product to advantage? This is our state, and our Mr. and Mrs. S. B Rundel and T hirty Y ears Ago economic destiny is bound up with the successful daughter Lillian o f Multnomah Argus. O ctober 12, 1905—Washington county leads m erchandising of our products. Shall wc renounce visited Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Whiddon j in individual aw ards In land products at Lewis & our heritage and pool our products with California Sunday. on a comm unistic basis? This company believes in f'h irk fair. Mrs A. E Edwards attended the I .!( :.:e C. Moore of G reenville, pioneer of 1843. Oregon and Oregon products and will fight to C onstipation » O ther m aintain our independence and our future. Our departm ent council of A uxiliary to R ectal Troubles form er sheriff and state representative, died Octo­ Spanish American War Veterans Succesctut/y I r m l e i l forefathers built Oregon and preserved Its inde­ AUTHORIZED SALES AND SERVICE ber 11. w ith o u t h o sp ita l ¡ration in Portland October 8. pendence and we can do no less. Vote with us to C ontractor J. W Goodin w inding up finishing Quick, P erm anent R esults Mr and Mrs. E. A. G riffith spent touches on longest, bridge in W ashington county, perm it this g reat million dollar Oregon industry “ H inklcy I.if.lim e New M ethods” to stand on its own legs Sincerely yours, HUD­ Monday in Albany. U r t l * fn r l l t m lilf l — , . that across Jackson bottom . T h e H IN K L E Y C lin ic r"i.;:iy";;" John M. Wall elected grand vice-chancellor of SON-DUNCAN Sc CO., by Robert A. Hudson, p res­ Mrs. K ate Wilkes of Tillamook H|a-<'lal A. >'i,rnrn<>«l ill<>ne f«.r Dnf «.f f-twn PatlnritR ident, and A lbert W. G entner, secretary. Knights of Pythias in Oregon. spent several days this week with W V E R N E M c K IN N E Y E d ito r M r s . E. c. M c K in ney S e a ttle w e re guest« th e last til the week of his brother. T J Elford. Claud Elford. and Mr and Mrs Frank Jackson of North Plains. and Mr and Mrs Fred Gordon of Hillsboro. They were accompanied by a cousin. Mrs Jennie Gates of Kenyon. Minnesota, who left S a t urda.v night for home Mr and M rs Elford also visited their daughter. Mrs W M Downie, in Portland. Mr and Mrs Alvah Logan of Shady Brook. Mr. and Mrs R Hornecker. their house guests. Mr and Mrs. C. R D ornberger ot Grandview. W ash, and Mr. and ...................... Mrs Will H ornecker of Gresham ' visited Mrs Anna H ornecker at Kelso. W ash. Sunday. Mr and Mrs. S, H. T hw aile and Evelyn Haworth visited Mr and Mrs K Hornby and family in C or­ vallis Sunday. Mrs Hornby and granddaughter, Janice H a r m o n have Just returned from England Mr and Mrs R. W Gutes and fam ­ ily went on to Eugene to visit Mr and Mrs. Floyd Ennis. E L. Johnson left Friday night for Oakland. N eb. to visit a sis- ter. Mrs. William Osterberg. who is ill. He was accompanied from Portland bv his brother. G. A Johnson and his brother. Harry Wood I'uined to Ready ( ’ash Solons Divided on Capitol Site Last Muster Answered Potatoes 60c Walnut Code Opposed Show Sponsored by Townsend Club Flic Supreme Achievement ’76 A Good Plan BRISTOL HARDWARE See the NEW FORD On Display S a tu rd a y , Oct. 19 '