rgus H ills b o Oregon Products— The Argun in Printed on Oregon Made Newn Early Copy- Makes for Fewer Mistakes and Better Service With Which in Combined the Hillsboro i ndependent Volume 12, No. 34 IlilU b o ro InilviM iutoai LaUtbluiiuel l»71 Hillsboro, Oregon, Thursday, October 10, 1935 Hillsboro Argus Section 2, Pages 1 to 4 Established 1 0 4 H ilhi Gridiron Eleven to Travel to Salem for Game This Friday Evening Rainier Ties Bordeaux Spray Locals 0 to 0 Effective Used Union Leaders Speak Laurel Blur and W hite Make Futile Threat in Final Quarter Frank Schulmerich to Head Against Blight I Hr Win K. Cyrus, County A ssntl I F L Brown, Mr and Mrs W H land visited Mr. and Mrs. Genn Subscribe now to the Argua. In I McNay Mr and Mrs. Lee Brown, C arr Sunday. Washington county $1 50 a year. Lillie Brown. Thelma Muiioy, B il­ A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Six months 85c. Three months 50 ly McNay, Raymond Meyers, Gil- Alfred Wismer Friday. tf | man Wight, E C. Mulloy, Mrs. Mil­ Mrs J. Wyss spent Friday night cents. Two months 33 cents. lie Cumpbell and the host and with Miss Nellie Larsen of P o rt­ hostess. Controversy still rages w h e re v e r' ing for a new and larger site and land. The Laurel rock crusher ceased there is conversation as to what some m aintaining that the present Mr and Mrs A rthur Schulz spent operations Saturday after a short the state of Oregon should do about i site is large enough f o r future the week-end at Devil’s Lake. run when some much needed re ­ the capitol site Should more ground needs for some time to come, Mr and Mrs Frank Hildebrand pairing of roads was done. A num ­ be purchased or should the old A change in site would necessl- of Portland visited Mr. and Mrs. ber of yards of rock wus sold to site be used for the erection of a tate purchase of ground in some Charles Boy Sunday. private parties for building and new state house. ; other portion of Salem. Use of the C on sid er P. T. A. by-roads To make the controversy good, old site would include the pres- A social m eeting was held Octo­ Mr and Mrs W L. Stevens a t­ as well as to gather inform ation 1 ent state property plus Salem's tended a family dinner at the as to just what the general pub- portion of a park which lies across ber 1 at the Bethany school to dis home of her sister, Mrs Hattie lie thinks should be done The A r­ the street. Salem has made this cuss the organization of a P. T. A. Williams, of Hillsboro Monday eve­ gus is subm itting the m atter to a offer, it is understood, if t h e As a special num ber Eleanor Schaer sang, accompanied by Mrs. ning. vote of the readers. building can be kept in the old Ben G raff Oldtime songs were C P. Stafford is having his well All that is necessary will be to location. enjoyed Coffee and cake were deepened und walled with brick. fill out the blank below and mail This newspaper feels that it is by the teacher of the Beth Mrs. F L. Brown was an over­ It to THE CAPITOL POLL, H ills­ a m atter of considerable im port- served any school, Mrs. Elsie Macheod night guest of Mr and Mrs Ray boro Argus, at once. ance and that it m erits due thought . Watson, w ho'acted as presiding of- Brown of Portland Monday, State officials are in rather a and consideration of the people, 1 ' Mrs Fred Tesch and Fred Jr. of! quandary as to w hat is fitting and j who have in mind the future of Wulla Walla came down to the proper in the m atter, some a rg u -1 the state, Dick Sutherland Plays home place Saturday. Fred re tu r n - ! +•—— — — — — Good Game for Beaver» ed Sunday to attend school, Mrs Dick Sutherland, form er Hilhi Tesch rem aining for several days. ; football star, played at tackle in Mr and Mrs. Leon Davis a t­ ’ the latter part of the O S. C.-UCLA tended t h e Washington county If you are interested in w here the capitol building should football in Portland Saturday a ft­ American Legion Jam boree in F or­ be located, register your vote below and mail it to The Cap­ ernoon for the Beavers and show­ est Grove Wednesday evening of itol Poll, Hillsboro Argus at once. ed up to good advantage. The last week. Beavers exhibited some real foot­ ball but th eir inexperienced team 1. Present Site ______________ ______________ finally bowed to the southerners 20 to 7. Oregon State plays Gon­ 2 New Site ......................... zaga at Corvallis Friday night. 3 Expanded Present Site Poll of County People Started to Seek Attitude About Sites WORN OUT TRYING TO HEAT YOUR HOME WITH A STOVE? Peach blight and dleback. a gen­ October 19 Social eral source of grief to Washington county peach orchards, cun be e f­ Paring the toughest gridiron us (B . Mr*, r. I.. Hr.,Will algnmrnt to dute In the 1935 sea­ fectively controlled with Bordeaux LAUREL E B. Potts, state pres­ spruy applied prior to heavy full son, Couch "Goody" Goodman will ident; S. R Holt, state secretary, take hl* Hllhl football squad to ruins The blight und dleback o r­ and John Plans. county president of Salem Friday night to clash with ganisms are usuully always pres­ the Farm ers' Union, were speakers the eleven from the rapitol city ent In the peach orchard. When It at the Laurel-Scholls unit meet at Newberg win orlgnlully scheduled begins to ruin, the drip through the hull here Thursday evening to play on the local field thl* F ri­ the tree spreads the disease F ail­ R N Baker, the "gas-man" w a s day but declined to keep the dute ure to get control by use of this present also Frank Schulm erich Salem la reported a* having one spruy is usuully due to one of was elected to supervise the social of the inosl powerful und heavy two things. First, poor spray m a­ evening and dance October 19. squads In the d a te thl* year and terial. Second, Ineffective cover­ Harvesting of seedling walnuts the loeul* will probubly be pushed age. Good bordeaux spray may be begun in the Whittle orchurd this to the limit to keep their goal line week. uncnm ed Uejiendlng on his strong purchased und un excellent grade Mr. und Mrs. O. B. P arrln e of line to breuk up the capital city of m aterial can be made at home te«i,i* plays. "Goody" ha* sparked providing proper m aterials are us­ Montesano. Wash., visited at the hl* own offensive with an assort­ ed Bordeaux th at has been mixed John Peterson home Monday and ment of "raxxle-daxzle'* reverse*, for some time, even though dry, Tuesday. Is not ulways effective. It should passes, und trick play*. Mr und Mrs Francis Coolidge and son Dale of Portland were A hard-fighting Hamler team be fresh. Quite a num ber of growers use Saturday and Sunday guests of with a brilliant trlple-threut hulf- ba< k, j . S.-.C. kepi the Blue and hydrated lime in muking this home folks here. White eleven on the offensive d u r­ spruy ut home This form of lime Mr. and Mrs. W L. Stevens and ing most of the game lust Frlduy is ull right providing it has not Elbert w ere guests at a birthday and the locals squeezed out with been kept so long that It has be­ dinner honoring her brother, Max a 0 to 0 tie score Jesse's passing, gun to revert to carbonate form I Uehling, at his home in Portland punting und line plunging kept If hydrated lime Is used, even i Sunday They were accompanied Hllhl so busy that the locals had though fresh. It should be dissolv­ by Mrs. Hattie Williams und son (Br M rs B ird M rC r.rm lek) little or no chance to open up an ed about 24 hours ahead of the i Robert of Hillsboro. SAXTON A LOON£¥ NAME CHEHALEM MOUNTAIN—Haul­ tim e It is going to be used. O ther­ offensive of their own. Producer* of Quality Mrs. Rulph C arter (LaVelle Deri Doth R ainier and Hillsboro made wise a lot of it ju st rem ains in | nett) and daughter of Hermiston ing 9f heavy rock on the newly ADDRESS SAND and GRAVEL graded and Widened road between suspension rather than dissolving two serious threats during the Poor coverage may be due to urc visiting their mother and Fir Grove school and I-aurelwood Plant located 4 miles north Of For­ game, but the Columbia county grandm other. Mrs. Nile Bennett. was finished Friday. est Orove on Gales Creek. Phone team held the edge during the tilt. tw o things one is that sometimes Mr and Mrs. Lee Brown en ter­ Su rp rp rised rised on on B B irth d ay 1609R su irthday i jted Mr. and Mrs. George Gould r> 1 /"* f tv v In the first quarter R ainier ad­ they just nalurully don't get cm, n:h tained her brother and sister-in- ' ?nd v icto r _Schmidt fam ily at vanced the bull for a first down spruy on the tree, and the other law, Mr. and Mrs Ralph C hristen­ I is that sometimes there is enough honored with a surprise party on ’ Portland Saturday on the Hllhl five-yard line but and three children at a veni­ her birthday Sunday when a group Born to Mr and Mrs w the Blue und White line lived spray put on the tree, but it is- sen, son dinner Friday evening. j n't put w here it will do the most of school girls led by M arjorie Joi!es a October 6 at the Dr. up to pre-season expectations and Mr and Mrs. W alter Schmidt Petroff, met at her home. Wilcox hospital in Newberg. held for downs, laiter In the final I good. BETHANY-CEDAR MILL—Beth- A rth u r and Glenn Hill w ent to To get this spray on ut the tim e visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mr and Mrs. B. L. Price and any school will play a return game . ...i the home team pounded Its eastern Oregon Saturday for a few Mrs C. L. Dempsey and grand with Rock Creek school there. wuy to the 10-yard line but again i it will afford the greatest protec­ Sam Hulit of Hillsboro, Sunday. __ tio n means spraying before the children Ronnie and K aren of Port- Bethany defeated them 2 to 1 in l t the ball on down*. Mrs Cully Dailey and Mrs Bes­ days' hunting trip. Jasper Lightfoot of Woodburn iand 'v isited " M r"’and Mrs. W. F. the first game. Hllhl opened Its passing attack leuves are off That means that the sie McCoy and son are visiting Paying best cash prices—either on leaves will catch a lot of it and In the fourth quarter, completing their son and brother, W alter visited the F. E Hoffman fam ily Wohlschlegel Sunday. orchard run or on graded basis— f Form Board Saturday. „ , _ five out of six passe* und carrying th at a lot more spray will be Dailey, at Newport. McCormick visited Sigfried Harle of St. Paul was a . Mrs ira , , Bethany school has organized a See us at Portland office, or Dun­ the trail from the Blue and White necessary than will be required W J. Shaw returned recently dee plant, or Francis Rowell at he" £ n ln; ?w 14 under the 24 tO the Rainier 20 Just as the after the trees have shed their from a several days’ visit w ith his guest Sunday at the F E. Hoffman i and Mrs. Allan H. Comber. Friday harmonica band of , Scholls. game ended E arlier in the sume j foliage For good control the new mother and other relatives at Min­ Mi«« Frno«tin,» rn<.n(hor wa>n« *n and Saturday. She spent Saturday d‘rectl° ? , th?2r , teacher- Mrs Miss Ernestine G uenther w ent to niBh, a d «undav w ith a «¡«ter ¡Elsie Macheod Watson. qu arter the locals started from ' growth and buds should receive a neapolis, Minn His mother has HUDSON-DUNCAN CO. wo7k“nd Suner was set ( sive. Gas househeating rates are For the locals Mohr and Howell usually at t h e t i p , sometimes er. for November 8. four from the Smith-Hughes divis­ at ends and W underlich at tackle reaching back over most of the Mr and Mrs R E Fields and ion at the N. U H. S , who judged dow n. A nd w h en you heat w ith Next Sunday's service at church preceding season's wood The blight were outstanding, while the entire son Earl of Hillsboro visited at the cattle at the International Friday will deal with the topic of "G o -1 gas, you get all your gas at low est line turned In a good defensive shows both In the wood and on the Ade Rutschman home Sunday. ing F urther with Christ in the Life ' and Saturday. peaches at the tim e they are h a r­ c o s t D eclare against ashes, dirt, of the Church." Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Whitmore, Mrs W. L. Stevens was an over­ vested Keeping it under control The Y M. P. class has been in- [ on the wood means less blight on night guest of her daughter. Ina at Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Ornduff. Leon­ constant stoking, and uneven heat! ard Whitmore. Keith Marlow and vited to a party at the R ic h a rd ' Vernonia Thursday. tin- fruit Install gas heat n ow l home Friday evening. Hugh Sorg of Portland visited Ray Shook left Tuesday on a h u n t­ Joyce Mrs. V. T. Speece has Invited ing trip near Burns, O ut for Kook Squad old friends here Sunday. Mr and Mrs. A B. Flint, Mr. ’he ladies of the comm unity to Davis (Red> Auld and I.ee ltazie Cecil Schmidt and Lloyd Dailey GAS CIR C U LA TIN G Hillsboro are out for the Oregon left Sunday for several days' h u n t­ and Mrs Waldo Flint and daugh- meet w ith her October 17 when Children returning to of ter Marion of Scholls. Mr and 1 a Woman s Missionary society will ON DISPLAY HERE SOON State college rook squad as is ing trip. A IR HEATER school n e e d plenty of l.nrry Garzle of Tualatin, also of Mr and Mrs Herman Whitmore Mrs. D W, McInnis and children. be organized. All interested are invited to be present. pure milk. This perfect this county Davis was a Hilhi star went to the beach Saturday after Mr. and Mrs. Y A. York and chil­ cordially Circulating air Mr and Mrs. J. A. Magnuson, salmon for w inter use. They re ­ dren. Mr and Mrs John York of who food will provide the vita­ ticrc s e v e r a l y e a r s a g o have lived in this community heaters are ideal Reedville, Mrs L. L. Murray and Monday. mins derived from the sun performance. Torbct sparkled on turned tw enty-one years, are moving forhomes,store» Mr and Mrs Walter G raff lEdna children of Midway. J. A. Throm- for Newberg this week. Friends and «luring the long vacation. defense In the backfield Zinsli) of Snuvics Island visited B0a of Portland and Miss Clara to or o ff ic e s now neighbors gathered at the John her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Shook visited at D. M McInnis Schmeltzer home for a pot luck Start the day right with H i l l u 40» d e p e n d e n t on <•» R ainier family Sunday. Fred Schmidt, Sunday. Suit Howell HFL a glass of milk! Mr and Mrs. William Lawrence dinner in honor of the Magnusons. sto v e h e a t. Mr and Mrs. J W Barney and Tim ony KTL Sehulm erirh P ortland visited Mis. Bertha Mr. and Mrs Howard Browning 4 «.vh-ii 1) Burnham daughters Jacqueline and Barbara of H a n d so m e in HÜL and two children have rented the Petty (¿«»etter C of Hillsboro visited at the F. L. Clark Sunday. design and thor­ E. Burnham Magnuson farm and are moving LG R (¡« mh I ìit Mr. and Mrs. Allan Harvey of Q u a rt Stennick Brown home Thursday. W m ulerlirh IT U oughly e ffic ie n t, th e y c ir c u la t e there this week. Miss Mary Mills, Mrs. E C Mulloy. who has been Oregon City spent Sunday evening who has been boarding at the Mag- 1 Mercer I.K Il M «br warm, m o ist air th rou gh ou t tha w ith his brother and - U illein kie in the Jones hospital in Hillsboro and night Ahis Q Jenae the past eight weeks with a bro k ­ sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. nuson home, moved to the home ■ K H I. room and in to ad jacen t room s. Turbe« of her parents at Springbrook. She ! ~}ct!cw the Jeadtr! (èarfielii I .I IK Perkin'* Harvey. T h ey banish c h ill very q u ick ly. P hon e 2104 W ahner F Kohl en hip. is expected home Thursday expects to drive back and forth M argaret Carson, who is working itoduy). Her niece, Mrs. Sidney H llh l «uhati(ut4flM : Stil ikwrtl. Chane. W C lean— c o n v en ien t— no d irt or at the Vernonia hospital, is spend­ each day to teach the Mountain j t'h u rrh le y Rainier ani atltu taa: H ertxel, Johnson will care for her. Home school. ashes. The model illustrated retails ing this week at home. M cCann, M urray. Mr and Mrs. Marion Boge of Mrs. Alex Bruce, who fell down Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sinclair and for $59.50 installed. ($3 down and Portland were week-end guests of her basement steps sometime ago. ' $3 m onthly plus sm all carrying her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin daughter Carol of Portland, new is still confined to her bed and will owners of the Ray Ego farm, spent Whitmore charge.) Other models cost as little be unable to w alk for many weeks, Mr. and Mrs J. W Mulloy were the week-end at their cabin here. according to her daughter. Mrs. P. as $42.50 installed. Everett Morgan has rented his hosts at a dinner party at their C. Hamilton. home Sunday Present were Mr farm to Earl Etzwiler. The Etz­ George Strope and son John and Mrs. B. G. McNay and two w iler family will move soon from of Mrs. GAS R A D IA N T F IR E Sandy visited her sister. Mrs. daughters o f Forest Grove. C S the Mountain Top district. This John Schmeltzer. here Thursday. McNay of Newberg. Mr. and Mrs move will take two children from Gas Radiantfirea Mrs. Ruth B aker and sons Frank- I that school. Viola and Ardeth Etz­ are f i r e p la c e w iler will attend Pleasant View lin and Richard of Stafford visited ' W E I lK A I . I N R E A L E S T A T E h e a t e r s th a t srhool. The Morgan family live in Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Magnuson last j W r it . Saturday. F ir * anti Antom oblte Insurance Newberg. bring glow in g, Mrs. T. C. Hamilton has gone to ! Make Luana and laaua Surety Bunds Mrs. E. C. Wohlschlegel under­ cheerful warmth Spokane. Wash., to nurse her ; went an operation at Emanuel hos­ KURATLT & WISMER unaccompanied daughter and family, who are all pital in Portland Friday. H IL L S B O R O . O R E G O N bydirtor bother. Mr and Mrs. F. F. Hoffman and ill with measles. Telephone 1891 128ft Second St. Here's cheer for winter days all over the house. Mr and Mrs. Percy Hamilton Gloria and M arribell Hoffman vis- A turnofa valve, Satin Eggshell Finish will imprison the lovely and children and Mrs. George B ur­ a touch of a match, and your heat­ bank visited at the T. C. Hamilton ! glow o f summer on your walls and woodwork. er is sending out its penetrating, home in Newberg Sunday. It goes on quickly and easily and wears for Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jaquith visited healthful rays to banish chill. Ideal years under repeated washings. Satin Eggshell ( relatives near Salem ast week. for nippy mornings or cool even­ W orld's Champion Servant Finish is especially suited for bedrooms, nur­ Mr. and Mrs. B. I. Lekas of ings. The model illustrated— in­ ’ortland visited Mr. and Mrs. Har- i series, sunrooms, breakfast rooms, kitchens stalled in any first-floor fireplace — ry Saunders Sunday. and bathrooms. $15.75. The cost is slightly higher . . He does the most Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lamb and i ! daughters of Multnomah visited old when installed in a fireplace on the i friends here last week. The Lambs ( w ork fo r the least f a y second floor. Terms— $1,75 down, i formerly lived in this district $2 monthly plus carryin g charge. Capitol Site Ballot Chehalem Road Being Improved Rock Creek Wins in Baseball Game WANTED Filberts Then Install one of these GAS heaters and know the joy­ ful convenience of effortless, ash less GAS heat I Mt. Home Group Plans for Supper 1936 FORD V-8 School Days — 10c McFall Jersey Dairy M e e t P E P C O ’S Hold Over Summer with Glowing Paint "Peppy W a tt // Production; with • Ju it press 1» button o r turn a switch any tim e night o r day and Presto! Peppy W att is on the jo b . H e never forgets and he never sleeps. H e is the perfect servant. ’’Peppy W a tt” is the sm iling o b lig in g young fellow w h o represents Pepco electric serv­ ice in your hom e. For only a few pennies a day he does all this w ork: Light« your home Cooks your meal« Preserves ioodv Keeps hot water on t • anti day Washes clothes Poes the ironing ashes the dishes ■ id s the furnace <•.*«« you sun baths < ’ crates the radio < ans the rugs i* akes coffee, toast and waffles Operates clocks - ind performs scores of household duties. Employ Peppy W att "fu ll lim e ." Have lo m p lrtt electrical service in your home! PO RTLAND G E N E R A L PEPCO.. ELECTRIC COMPANY I.X.L. DAIRY FEED P led g e a t I-in field Washington county s t u d e n t s pledged to societies at Linfield col- ! lege at McMinnville are R uth Dyke. Forest Grove, Kappa Alpha Phi; j Helen Godfrey. Beaverton, a n d I K atherine Hankins, Hillsboro. Phi Beta Mu. and John Bason. Beaver- [ ton, A lpha Gamma Nu. Bamboo Rakes Start feeding I. X. L, Dairy Feed now to increase herd production. Contains good grades of grain and no screenings. Each ton of this feed contains over 500 pounds of oil meals. Phone 271 160 W. Main SL W alnut Linoleum Rugs 9xl0> . $>1.95 W alnut Dresser Davenport and Chair .... F ire P r e v e n tio n W eek! Eliminate Fire Hasards E. A. GRIFFITH Aetna Fire Insurance Agent GAS FLOOR FURNACE $-| A 4 > .95 Mirror Axminster Rugs $ 0 -9 5 27x52 This is a properly balanced feed that has been flock-tried. I. X. L. Poultry and Dairy Feed« 15c Seconds ........ U»e I. X. L. Poultry Feed» for Best Re»ult* HILLSBORO FEED CO SATIN EGGSHELL FINISH »‘ X , $3 9 50 Alarm Clock ............. 95c Venetian Plate $ 0 . 3 5 11x22 ............. 2U Linoleum Square yard. Q fk d tz V . Double Blankets Part $ Q ,2 5 Wool ............... Selfridge Furniture Co. Phone 21X Hl laboro 13« 8. Third Ave. Gas floor fur­ naces are e s ­ pecially useful in p rovid in g automatic heat in small homes w h e r e f lo o r space is lim it­ ed. T h ey fit snugly in the floor. Their register is like that of a standard size furnace. Eatiiy reg­ ulated, they keep your home con­ stantly at the temperature you de­ tire. The model we are featuring telle for $87.50; installation extra. ($5 down and $5 monthly plus a small carrying charge.) P ortland G as & C oke C o m pa n y Showroom Third and Main Hillsboro—Phone 1721 , Vancouver, Oregon City, Portland. Newberg, Albany, Salem, Corvallis