Thursday, October Ut, 1935 H IL L S B O R O A RGU S, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Page Seven Here It Is - - The M arket Place of Washington County - - Open to AU A Ready Market with Big Results at Little Cost -- - Classified Columns Close at 10 A. M. W ednesday— Too Late to Classify Accepted Until 5 P. M. Wednesday ( outil Word»—Hrnd Money 17. Fuel 23. 30. Poultry Stoves, H eaters hundredth anniversary of the tran s­ FIRST und second grow th fir; list It I It pullets for »ale. <1 BARGAIN In circulating heating nidiT. niaplc und ash; mixed, for month» old, 110c each. — Inquire stove it taken at once Mr» H 34 p Varner. 337 N First Ave stile K Alt, 5 Vi mill's south on Farm ers’ Feed store. 34tf IsUiitel road. 31 tf KITCHEN trash burner with coils 24. Pigs OLD-growth fir wood, M . t n e b ______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ installed, good condition, f o r 13.80 par cord and up No knot» CHOICE C hester White breeding sale F. O Eagon. Phone 801. 32tf Large und small oak Telephone gill; young serviceable boar», Readers, per line 10c 2533. .1011 fvixfer», and weanling pigs for 32, M usical Instrum ents Bluck Fuce Heading Perm itted and Lessons PLANER end» and heavy block sule.— A. J. Hornccker, near w ire­ 3 4 tf!___ Cush should accompany order wood ut $3 75 cord G eneral mill ¡ less tower; Hillsboro. HILLSBORO VIOLIN Studio, 235 run wood $2 75 cord Telephone O ut of fairness to ull no In­ PURE C hester White brood sow E Main St., private or In class 1001 Office, 372 8 0th 2M-32pll formation on the C la s s if i e d for sale Archie Thompson, ltt Including violin outfit If desired Page will be given out until I, Hunks; 4 miles north of Mouri- Also violins a n d a l l accessor- Seeds, P lants 18. the paper Is Issued. taindule. 34 p lea. 28tf | WHITE Hollund seed w heat for WEANER pigs for sule T rachsel Room -, A p artm en ts sule 8 S E Stuller, ts-m lle north liro», Rt 2, Box 220, Beaver- A n nouncem ents 1. luiurel. 34tf tun. 34p APARTMENT for rent, well fu r­ C’ARBON paper, typew riter rib ­ nished 4-room, w i t h garag-' urul vetch seed for sale, 1'Ac w ANTE!) Boar old enough for bons, e tc . for sale Argus. tt OAT lb Hanry Behrmun, Rt 2, Cor- gl.rv llt. j | R. Johnson, Kt 2. available Nov I — O. W Hagie, 345 S (Ith Ave. Phone 1982. 34 B U S I N E S S ( ’u n is If y o u e o g u g i In np*,u* ‘*4p j Beaverton. Phone 3152. 34p First Insertion, per word 2c Each additional insertion, p. i word !• (No service per Issue le u than 2Sc) ui.v w iA i< e ty p e of bo OAT and vetch hay for sole. = Com­ ¡ E s?lëT T k Cül R u c k e r0 ’ S M cards luindad to your patrons will vetch seed, 08% pure buneflt you Sec The Argus for « r mon S Ä a ^ t F « . 0 “ “ 1 “ “ ’Ä l - i “ * V "o „ 0 l . RÄ , r ’. t % ^ quulity work. [ lius. EVERYBODY knows that our P er­ fect Blue White Dtumonds ure 19. H ay and Feed 25. H onet priced lower than most Jewelers John CORN for ensilage, 20 ucres price Imperfect stones.—Anderson’s black geldings, 3200 lbs., 7 33 4p TEAM Buchanun, Cornelius. Jew elry store H and 9 years, well-matched. Sev­ eral farm horses. — Ray Delsman. 20. Farm Produce— Fruita, G Lost and Found aribaldi Ave 31'! 3. " « «sonable, h and 34 PLEASANT room for r e n t- 269 S 34 p S ixth Ave. Phone 3121.. lation of the Bible into the English N ew Family j language” at the local church S un­ day morning. Arrives Here Ten Free Movie Tickets Offered Count Your Profits Be sure to read the classi­ fied and display advertise­ ment» In this week’s Argus. In this issue ten advertis­ ing treasure ttexets to the Venetian theatre are hidden In the copy and this might be your lucky week. Read each carefully. If you find your name listed with the words "V enetian ticket” preceding it, clip the adver- tism ent in which it appears and bring it to the Argus of­ fice Your free theatre ticket will be ready for you. Orenco Society to Meet Wednesday Sim antels N e w c o m e r » a t B loom ing; F ive Hurt I Hr Mr« IBy Mm. K W. H inrirha) i BLOOMING—Mr and Mrs. R u­ dolf Sim antel and their small daughters Dian and Elaine arrived by car from South Dakota late Friday night. They will live on the McPherson farm near Cor­ nelius. Doyle Johnston, who came from Scotland. S D , about tw o weeks ago, is working for Oscar Pfahl Wilma Schildhauer, Alda and Melba Demmin. Evelyn and Ed- ward Heim. Lorraine Demmin. Wil- NOTICE TO CREDITORS liam K ieler and Nadine H ergert In the C ounty Court o f the Htete o f O r _ ' «a»0R *d ** *u*h » d m in ia tn tu r. Subscribe for the Argus. Y O U N G ’S Funeral Home Thoughtful. Sympathetic Service” Phone »72 Hillsboro Hugh Burdette) ORENCO Missionary society will meet with Mrs William Enschede October 18 at 2 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. A. Allen a,1a and Mrs. MrS - -4 O<_Buxton visited Mr. and Mrs. Lee Randall Sunday. Friendly Circle will m eet Octo­ ber 17 at 2 p. m. w ith Mrs John Rollins. lA’? i „ MrL . A/ eL A ,le" and ?* T ’ »“ a 4« ®5r ' and Mrs L J r d Shunda<' p , ^ h nd d in, Chi iS L ari ° nu ° f Wlth lhe‘5 fam n y 4r’ “ rs Frank Warren, and Born, to . Mr. Mrs. L. B. u and „«7 ----- „ 5 ’ Mr and Mrs. L. T. Woodward attended of = " " * r £ the T „ birthday “I ? ^ 37 party of . 9Q'ln ey °* Troutdale Sep- tem ber 29 w p H unter has been quite ill the past week. Mrs S I C arlvle and v r,. u , — Beach a c c o m p a n ^ Mrs H £ Robinson of Forest G rove to Port- land Friday to visit Mr and Mrs George D. G arratt and family. Mr and Mrs W alter H o l t M r M odal 8 3 « I JUST BOUGHT AN A K Elm er G nrske H urt twater ent Elmer G urske has a deep cut through his heel, received last "’U S E Wednesday when he acctdenU lly WITH THE NEW METAL ,„„i r„ uir»d to Pr » » n t th»m w ith t h . in the way of the corn knife proper voucher« to the undersigned ad- while filling silo at Fred M eyer’s TUBE5.AND BEUEVE ME V e g e ta b le s lm i.t o t r .t o r at h i. o ff,cm o »»r th» Com- farm. LOST Small brown purse. Finder THREE mares, 1350-1500 lbs.; also 1.30-1500 lb s . alto FURNISHED apartm ents for rent. ^ ^ ¡ - 1 H*n.l Bank In the C ity o f Howard Bowlby entered Oregon IT'STHETOP/ pieuse return to Argus 34 CONCORD grapes, lc lb.— C. new set harness. i Venetian ticket, Mra. John Me- Himes, mile east on Main St. boro. 33tf m ern a l Block in th e C ity o f H illsboro, i > the fall term. Conn Rt i. B M vw ton)_____ «« j «• » k - Auld Hillsboro visited a t 1 Oreiron. w ithin six m onths from the 10th j Mr. and Mrs. Vilstrup, who are the W. F. H unter home Sunday GRAPES and tomatoes for sale.— I FOUR mares, 1400-1000 lbs., 5 to NICE room for rent. Man prefer- •Uy Octo>»er. A. D. 1935 renting the acreage adjoining the Elm er Handley of Beaverton vis- 4. M odernize Joe H Seus. 3H miles northw est 7 yeurs o ld —L. K. Flske, Cor- Dated at Hillaboro, O regon, thia 10th ' red —Phone 1182 after 6 o'clock o f October. A. D. 1935. i Fred __ Bowlby . , . farm _ on the . east, . 1m- ¡ted friends here Monday Hillsboro Phone 33F15. 34 | nellus. 33-4 p. m. 31tf day CARYLL T SMITH. A dm inistrator o f ' m igrated from ______ S. ___ , ----- D enm ark . about ...... Mrs^ W. Baughman. akl Mr. ana and MODERNIZE your home with con­ ,,f Lundy B Sm ith. D »»«M d . j eleven years ago, at w hich time Mrs Richard Baughman ’ and' Miss ROOM und board for tw o men th.- E«t»t» crete septic tanks, well, curb und DELICIOUS upples for sale, 50c I CARLOAD lots of B I J r . A t t M M , .’or A d- they s e t t l e on a farm in Wiscon- Helen Baughman,“ Medford* Miss wanted for cash, also b r o k e available. Inquire Im perial cafe, i chimneys Portland Concrete Pipe p-z WANT to borrow $500, first m ort- ! 1 Merleved«. Deceased. Burleigh. 1 1*4 school. , . . . . - Carlyle’s Sunday school class Fri- on 40-acre place.—Inquire N otice is hereby given th at the under- Forest Hills G o l f . gage „„„„ WHITE grapes. lt» c lb , juice 40c ! é’oùr’e J.uT.°.r_ _ P!°E le J _O,_ , i h.e l ay. evening a t the home of Mrs. 32-4p Argus 3763 WANTED Sheep pasture, or will L utheran church m et Friday night Carlyle. Present w ere Helen and (Venetian ticket, John F. Lee, Bux Cyrillua Merlevede. Deceased, hae filed gallon. Bring containers. — A I_____ ¿_____ lease flock on usuul share basis report ax u such .ucn, i A decision was made to have a Jim m ie Ensley, M audie Hamel I j her fin al account and U report ton) Old lloruca Wanted to responsible party. 85 head pure-1 CspelL 3 miles north Mountain ! adm inistratrix in the C ounty Court o f Hallowe en party, and comm ittees Jean Ann Connell, Bud Baughm an’ ; 34-5p CHEAP, old horses for fox feed. the S ta te ---- o f Oregon bred llum pshlre Down sheep. Will dale; main road — ----- — for Wimhinston include Lois Alton, Melvin M eyer Barbara Enschede Brvdeno n n rit Argus 2814 34-7ptf 38. Farm Loana lamb middle of January. If Inter­ ^ , ax . R^ a ” erdn n’ ; ntert^ - ested w rite L. C. Rullfson. 4204 GOOD Spltzenbcrg apples for sale, »«ttiem ent before »»id Court « t the court M argaret Ruecker. Mil- tee, Ira Rogers, Robert and B arbara FARM money to loan—The Fed- .. - , „ 30 cents bushel, bring boxes.— A 26. C attle S K Morrison St., Portland 34-8 1 t A h . —v „ 1 . room th e r e ,f in Hillaboro, O reron, on dred K rahm er and M ildred Meyer, Burdette. -----------------------------------------------■ Santoro, t»-mlle north Witch Hazel ir a l Land bank now has am ple Monday, October 14, 1935. at io o'clock refreshm ents. E ntertainm ent for M aurice Schuster and his m other ( HEAVY cedar fence posts, 10c j school house. 34p | FIRST class fresh Jersey c o w , funds to loan to farm ers at 4 % . A. M. ,t »aid day. the next three business meetings from M ilwaukie spent Friday a t ’ and He each, delivered. — P. double-tested — John Hare one Over $1.000.000 has been loaned to D»i»d and fir»t published s»pt»m b»r will be furnished by Harold Meyer, the Persons’ home i 33-81 CONCORD and Niagara grapes for m ,|t. n„rth Junior high school 34 county farm ers by the 12', ^ ° A ^ n U t'ri” i» Albert>? i i ‘hIJ ,a.nd AUen Sim antel. Tromp. Rt. 5, Hillsboro. Medford Persons and Ernest 1 sale, over 25 lbs lc lb., b r i n g ------------------------------‘ ------------------ bank Write or call for particulars X Miss M ildred M eyer gave a paper Brown left for Yakima early Sun- WANT to buy manure. — B. Y . containers. Juice by gallon H. R FRESH cows for sale some fresh Washington County National Farm cea»»d. M. B. Bump, r»»id»nc» and" »d- for discussion on the topic “The day morning to w ork through the Iwankt; V«-mlle south Newton C hantler Vineyard, 833 N Sec- goon _ D a v e Merlo ' mile north Loan Association, J. M Person, dr™. Hiitoboro, Or»»un. Alton,»» tor F our-hundredth A nniversary of the apple season at th at place crossimi 33tf ond Ave., between 10-4 1 1st and 2nd of H uber 34-8 »vcvU ry, HMlsboro 9tf English Bible.” , _____________ ' 34U HILLSBORO, OREGON WANTXI> 1935 filberts and w al­ Ave. Starks Entertain MONEY to loan on good dairy notice op f in a l account If you change your address kind- (Venetian ticket, Jessie C. Kay, n u t« —L. J . W hitaker, Rex, O re­ TH'KNTV BOM •'liage corn for WANTED -Y oung fresh co w —W __ te _____ Mr and Mrs. John S tark enter- ly notify the Argus direct and at h e rd s —E. A. G riffith, 131 S. 2nd In th e C ounty C otut o f th e S ta o f Ore- Rt 3, Hillsboro) W Juqulth, Rt 5. Hillsboro 34 avenue. so n , for th e C ounty o f W a » h in s to n ,1 tained w ith a dinner party Sunday, once. tf gon. 31-4 7tf sale. — Lee Lorenz, near S P. Probata D epartm ent. I honoring Otto S tark and his daueh- ----------------------------------------- —------- d e p o t , Banks 34p GUERNSEY bull. 16 months old. °f Juliu* Her Ruby and Pete Rasmussen of H elp W anted 7. 3 2-year-old heifers, fam ily cow I N otice ix hereby given th a t the under- ' Clairmont, Minn. O ther relatives SWEET WATER grapes for sale — ngned, ax A dm inistrator o f the cetate present were Mrs. Erna Yedd and RAILWAY Postal Clerks Men 18- Fred H. Burns, Valle Vista. 34-5p —A lbert G reener, near wireless tower. 34-5p of Juliux H ennkxon. Deceased, has filed Betty and Dorothy, and Mr. and 35. $1900 first year regular. 40- SHERIFF’S SALE 'h is final account in the C ounty Court o f i M r s H a r r v W o l f o f P o r t la n d a n d hour week means many appoint­ G R A PE S for sale, all v a n itie s Notice _ is _____ hereby _____ given, _____ that ___ by for ^ h _____ i ^ , Mr a“ d Ed Albin. H erbert HERD of grade Jersey cows, all _____ ____ _ Mrs G. C. Chase, 2 miles east m ents Examinations expected P a r­ fresh, for sale -J . H Donovan virtue of an Execution. O rder and “ , 1*n5d ' and M argaret Stark, and Mr and ef Hillsboro. 33-4 tic u la rs free W rite Im m ediati Forest Grove 34 Decree of Sale, jssued^out o£ and ln ,he ,orenoon , . id d, y , nd the Mrs Harold Stark and Dickie and F ranklin Institute, Dept. 577 G, To prevent fires 52 weeks in the y e a r instead of ,,, , . ' „ . , i under the seal of the C ircuit Court court room o f aaid court ha» been ap-! Janet of Sherwood Grape Buyer Rochester, N. Y. 34-7p FIVE-year Jersey-H olstein c o w , of the s ta te of Oregon, for the pointed by » i d court aa th e tim e and V ? ;” 0- We grow and sell the finest vine one w eek— O ctober 6 to 12— FIRE PREVENTION purebred heifer, for sale.—Phone County of Washington dated the p '»"’ t O T th» bearing o f objection» there- .. t ‘4a rtSr y business m eeting of grapes, Red Mountain, Sweet- WANTED Men to cut wood for WEEK? 34 8th day of September. 1935 in fav- X t T u ’b . t o ^ c o * , » ' the Lutheran church was held S un­ Hills- w ater and Concords. 2c lb.—Pear- H illsboro 2231X wixxt - Telephone 2,553 day afternoon. Leonard Gurske. or Of J L. Ford, plaintiff, and ISSS. D ate o f laet publication October I 32tf * son’s Vineyard, Gaston. 33-4 b iro Leo Musolf, H enry Neumann, E rn­ GUERNSEY bull one-year-old for ai„’st ” Co7 , “¿ a « ! and John M l»»* Hillsboro has a Fire D epartm ent equal to any in est M eyer and Harold Haase w ere sa le — A J Halvoroen, Hillsboro. Doe n>w. n Bass, „M her h(ir h„ . hanH H aiti. « E. . D A N lE i CHEAP apples, pick yourself, bring husband; H attie l> , A ,í,1E,-. SH A W . A dm inistrator. Le­ the State, and do you ever give them credit for th eir received as voting members. W o rk W a n te d B. Shaw . 820 F a ilin g Bldg.. Port- 8. containers, 25c b o x . — II E Rt. , 5 „ u . A » n Ospelt, i. i, u Welch; H. h i W Schoen and Ida May land service ? Farew ell P arty Held ( V Venetian ticket, Banks s w (fe ; A M sta p ,^ U ' nd ' . A *“ ttorney SJ-7 WOOD SAWING — If your wood 7 ^ ? , WCTt’ n. for W ashington County, SWEETWATER grapes for sale, der near Lincoln station' Rt 3 interest thereon at the rate of 7% In the M atter o f the E state o f France» Sinay of Portland, w ho intend to leave for C alifornia the end of this W ork W anted 8. lt»c lb., bring c o n tain ers.-M ar­ ’ 34-6p ' per annum from the 26th day of Gbeon, Deceased. M arch 1935 a n d t h e f u r t h e r s u m N<* ‘~ u h' r* y th*‘ th* “"«ter- * ee1' » » Fred Roney, care of A r­ ('.RAPES for sale, lc lb . bring FRESH Jersey cow. 5-year. double Phone 1701 tested, reasonably priced.—Don from the 26th day of March, 1935, of 336 E. W ashington 81» gue 3O-7p duly* ,U .7 £ £ 1 T u rk ." ™ * - *nd ” rs' » enry Schulenberg and containers No business on S u n ­ — »ucn. I Ernestine day.—D. B. Bishop, west end Jack- Garrigus, 4 4 miles north of Banks, at the rate of 7% per annum, and d“o N ow , therefore, all person» having E r n e s t in e , R a y m o n d and Joanne, , HAVE yo u r old w ell cleaned out s o n s t r e e t 34-5 [or ‘he ' “ rth er :sum « O ' *5 I Mr and Mrs. H enry Scheuerm ann 32tf ° " « on or new one dug.—E. C. Bennett, GUERNSEY bull, heavy build. 13- {hi eth day t d X p t e m ^ " 193? ,4 « b e r^ a" d H'OUr problem We will find 1935. and fu rth er sum of $3830 costs d^ n8“ “ ’ . there in the future. M innie intends »U t for .VOU. We hope to Sell Hot V '"„«■‘J 1«"?’ b rte /^ U lL P ° r “ and 3 J 0 “ ’ b U t WC WOn>t P eS teF annum from the 6th day of Sep- tem ber, 1935, to me directed and deiivered. comm anding me to make ‘? e sppotnt‘», ,eUl<,,nent of 5” ^tat* .P resent w ere Mrs. Jennie Jacobsen highest bidder for cash in hand. Dated thi* 18th day o f Septem ber. A .1 and Grace. Mrs. Felde and Max « s » » « « « ™ . ............!?e‘™ j X ™ ’ r o " ,rmau , s : d in W gt™ County. . and more particularly described as follows, to-wit: The East half of the N orth­ west q u arter and the East half of the Southw est qu arter of Section 28, T. 2 S. of R. 2 West of the W illam ette Meridian, in W ashington County, Oregon; save and except that certain tract containing ten acres, more or less, conveyed b y Joseph Bixby and wife to Nina E. Brown, et al, by deed record­ ed Ju n e 12. 1911, in Book 92. Page 333 of Deed Records of W ashington County, Oregon, and except that certain right of way to W ashington County, recorded M arch 23, 1916, in Book 107, Page 26 of Deed Rec­ ords of W ashington County, Oregon, containing 150 acres, more or less, less said right of ways. to satisfy the hereinbefore named sums and for the cost nnd expenses of sale and w rit. Said sale will be made subject tO redem ption as per statute of Oregon. ,s ,D d a v „2,(0." » ¿ A , A ttorney II '" ” ” uf1” 1' M r. Hugh Rogers, si-5 Mrs. Roy Taylor of ------------ ! Joe Cooper. Mr. and settlem en t ; Coy and Gloria and for A dm inistrator. NOTICE OF FIN A L In th e C ounty Court o f th e S ta te o f O r e-| iron, for W ashington C ounty. in the M atter o f the F atate of c. M. George S haffer. Decease«!. i acquired R .1V o n ri Mr and Hillsboro, Mrs. Mrs. Ray Me- Edwin Geiger » , FCaf S "lgne3.- George J PeUr#on Deceased, has filed his Final 1" th e D istrict Court o f the U nited Statee, for sale, 5 m onths,—J. H. Me W Cross, 454 S. Ninth St. 34p Aocount in the County Court o f the S tate , tor the D istrict o f Oregon. Pherson, Rt. 2, Hillsboro. 34p (Venetian ticket, Emil Miller, North o f O regon for W ashington County, and ln . ‘ be M atter o f Beverly E. Harden. P la in s ) Hillsboro Concrete Brick & Tile Co. N orth o f C annery, aerosa W . W ash in g to n St., P hone 1341 Poultryman - Dairyman in form ~ $5000 b’j.W yC O N N ELK rS hertf, ofW ash- A' ‘ FOR SALE—The MacKay proper- __ ____ , . ___ ______ ty, W ashington street near First, ington County, Oregon. B utler & «clock in the forenoon o f xaid day and The »ehe«tule filed di»ci, s fa? 15.00 ax- 1321 5.00 e $5000. Terms a« reasonable —Apply a M Jack. /-si«.» A ttorneys for Plaintiff, Ore- I?’ ***! r» vx __ _ am . i o *? ap|M»ini««t t»y said Court ax the tim e and em ptiona claim ed. B. Bump, attorney. 8tf I con City, O rtgon. 33-7 p|«c« fop th e hearing o f objectlonx there- Date«! Oet«>b«r 8. lMlt. __ - - - . WANTED — Poultry of all kinds Spnnlrt, purebred. al»o Write, will call, or bring Friday, SPRINGER m ir n lt r n J E'nyriir.u T ok« WANTED Dry country slab, dry Saturday or Monday before noon, _ RUF, a «7?«« 34tf PUbOlS, Rt. 4. Hillsboro. Phone oak and ash wood, — Burnside —F R. Barden, Cornelius. North Plains 25F5. 33-4p Fuel C o, 105 N E. 28th S t, P o rt­ __- __ land. Phone T rinity 1206. 33-4 DUDLEY’S Hanson strain Leghorn pullets, sires all pedigreed, from SPANIEL pups full blooded ’ e x - cellent hunting stock; $2 each. FIRST class wood for sale. Ray 250 to 327 large egg dams.—Paul L. J. Heesncker, Forest Grove. Delsman, Garibaldi Ave. Phone Dudley, Aloha Mall, Rt. 1, Beav 31-4 | Phone Forest Grove 15F52. 33-5p 2107. 4»tf erton. delivered when VOU Want i Sim antel and fam ily have Start those Pullets on Im perial Egg Mash — Lower acreage near Cornelius, h<‘rr of Edward S im a n t e l’s c a r was badly damaged W e also do custom mixing for the dairym an th a t a . Korman, Deceased. Rev E. W Hinrichs preached a Notice ix hereby given tiwt th«« under- sermon comm emorating “the four- wants r. balanced dairy ration m ade out of his grain. W e oaf ortobberr°i9?5reKOn’ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- — - L Illt t s T TONGUE Jr Referee Bankruptcy. Hillsb«>rv. Oregon ' that Monday, th e 4th day o f November, Bankrupt ; No. II 20448 in Bankruptcy. 1935, at the hour o f 10:00 o'clock in the N otice is hereby given to all eredit«»rs r t a.W .lay and1 in th» court {|»<• £ 2 * . ! ? . " * » . A' room o f said CcMirt has been appointed *’• Beverly E. Harden o f Hillxboro, by said Court ns the tim e and place ft»r Oregon, the bankrupt above named, was hearing ohjectiona thereto and the set- 5 u*r •d jud ieated b a n k ru p t; and that the ! tlem ent thereof. f*™1 m eeting o f her creditors w ill be Dated and first published October 8, he,d ln th* C ounty Court Room In the 1935 ,)B l« o f publication October 81. C ounty Court House at Hillaboro, Oregon. I 1985. <>n (he 21st day o f October. 1935, at 2 Credit Bureaus ilnrorporatrd) Collrrtlons — Credit Report» In Woshington, Tillamook. Yamhill, Polk and Marion Counties. will be glad to help you make up your form ula and give tht> exact cost. Come in and let us help you with your dairy problems. FALL SEEDS We have a com plete stock of all Fall Seeds— Vetch, Reclenned Rye, Cheat, Grey Oats, W hite Holland W heat, and all Pasture Grasses. See us before you buy, our prices and quality are right. W ANTED— Grains, all seeds. We are cash buyers of w heat, oats, barley, clover seed, all vetches. Highest m arket price paid. (Venetian ticket, W. M Fishback. Rt. 3. Hillsboro)