H IL L S B O R O Page Six ARGUS, H IL L S B O R O , OR EG O Thursday, October 10, 103B munion; Epworth 1 .eague. (I 30; ev e­ special treatm ent. Mrs. Daniel M Isw F.lltnheth J u n o r of V ictoria, ning service of worship, 7:30, ser- W elle and l.ona Marie, who have (o n n c rly of HIII n I xoto , and a b ro th ” been earing for Mrs Strickler, re- ! ei In Florida. j inon by the pastor. Vacation time FOR FARM S 1 is over and w e re all getting a Iiiiued to their home. W. C Edy is planning to install ( . l i t 1 1(1 III \ F l t l l A t II U M IK S I start on the regular habits of life LARGE or SMALL Edited by Hillsboro Union High School Student Body a power walnut washer in prepar C hurch congregations are begin- FOHF.ST GKOVI. G v rh u d e Vci See A lb eit Heard I ning to show signs of renewed in ation for drying walnut*. da ChulniiTN, 1(1. died at h e r hotm* I terest. Our program is full of re ­ Hank», Orrgoii hen* O ctober (l and fu n e ra l seiv C 'U mi ricshlcnt H U .til \ E » S STAKE ligious interest for all. A church Buxton T ow nsend Club to Kotnild Shcrk, student at Pacific ice* w ere held from th e M F. I school with good teachers Is of Editor Ann Munkre» college, Newberg, was elected I'le.s i c h u rch T uesday w ith Kev. A G Sponsor a D ance , fered in the morning Two services Ident of the senior class Friday | B ennett and Kev. It F. D unlap of Assistant Editon of worship one at 11 and one at fleiating. In term en t w as In ¿he« Senate club members enjoyed night. M a ry C a ld w e ll and L u V e rn e A b e n d ro lh t Hy Mr*. J cmm * Mryirti Lynn Sherm an has started the 7:30, with good music, gospel cent G rove cem etery near Beavei their annual picnic at Meacham A th le tic * J o y K o e lk e r and R a ym on d Family Move» BUXTON Grange Booster Dav Guns, Ammunition high school band and orchestra for l. a ir . E x e c u tiv e C o u n c il lr m a l T rask ion Miss Chulm cr* w as born at Crossing in the G ardner cabin a ft­ preaching and good fellowship. The was observed b.v Green Mountain Mr and Mis Howard Browning the year. Sixteen pieces are in the choir will meet Thursday evening Fisbing Tackle C lu b R c p rc re n ta liv s # I'h ilo . H a te , er the llilhi victory over Scap­ M ultnom ah N ovem ber 13. BUB. and Grange Septem ber 30. z\ short pro­ and children, who huve been llv C h u rv h iv y : G ir l Resvrvss*. Jeen A n n e orchestra and 22 in the band, which poose Septem ber 27 This picnic at 7:45 under the direction of Jess gram consisting of instrum ental mg on tin' Edward Aebischer place, j was adopted as a baby by M r and CORW IN H A R D W A R E C o n n e ll. Senate. M .u trie e Peerenboom ; is practicing to play at football Foster. All members of the form er is given each year for the benefit H i-Y . Tom S tr e tc h e r; U Iue-H . E lm a n selections and songs was given m oled Monday lo the Hally farm, Mrs W alter Chalm er«, w ho Rur- 128 2nd Ave. Phoae 72 games. of the rem aining Senators of the choir are invited to join us and Fancy work, quilted quilts and formerly the Muir place on the vlve her. to g eth er w ith tw o MiNtcm. Sehulm erieh. Playing in the orchestra are: new members are solicited P rayer Agent Long Hitdloa A d v ia o r M is * T e a r! A lie n year before. W ilma G race and Kuth, and the market road , choice vegetables w ere on exhibit j Clarinets. Leanore Sherm an, Alvin Senate planning committee, con­ meeting each Wednesday night at Mr Brown of Salem was speaker j Mr and M is Warrell Baugh of follow ing b ro th ers Hom er L . G a y ­ Mohr and Don Wick; violins. Eve­ sisting of Senators Coslett, Abts 7.30 in the church basem ent.— A dance will be sponsored by I Portland visited Saturday evening lord F . Alden I t, l.e b ert S., and lyn Puneachar, Edwin Coin and and Peerenboom, met at the home C harles M Reed, pastor. at the W. C Eily and 11 P Striek Reynold M Wilson. the Townsend club at the gi.iu Tom Stretcher: trum pets. Jam es of Miss Tennessee W eatherred Sep­ ler li. .ues. William Ringold of hall Saturday night. Forsythe and Don Fowler; piano- All Saints Church (Episcopal) tember 30 to plan meeting programs David Edwards recently und r- Portland was a visitor at the W. MRS MARY CATHERINE ( LARK „ccordion, LaVelle Jackson; piano. HARRISON D. HUGGINS Seventeenth Sunday after T rin­ went for next semester. Program for FOREST GROVE Mis. Muiy a tonsil operation at theG uv- C Edy home Friday evening. R in­ Eva Beeler: H awaiian-guitar. Pearl Bill W underlich was elected pres­ next meeting will be parliam entary ity: C hurch school at 9:45. M orn­ M. 0. C atherine Clurk. 69, died nt her gold. formerly of Middleton, is mon hospital in Forest Grove Lowe and Mary Ann Garthofner: ident of the Blue-H club Septem ­ drill and an open discussion on ing prayer and sermon at 11. Mr. and Mrs. William Faultnei nightwutchm an ut Jantzen Beach home here October 4 and funeral EYE, EAR. NOME AND THROAT Sousaphone, A rthur Kraus; saxo­ ber 30. O ther officers are Denzel parliam entary law. It was decided services were held from the Forest and Mary Josephine of Elwood park phone. Lewis Garfield, and drum. Stunkard. vice-president; A lv in to take in new m em bers near the Christian Church SPECIALIST Hurry Strickler has put a new Grove U ndertaking company chap­ camp visited Mr. und Mrs. Ira Mohr, secretary-treasurer, and El­ end of this sem ester or the first Melvin Mariner. Lord's day unified worship-study Powell one day last week. shake roof on his barn el Monday afternoon with Rev A Those playing in the band are: man Schuimerieh. reporter. Initia­ part of next. U1.AHHKH riT TgD service, 9:45-11:45 a. m. Worship Mr und Mrs C. F. Cleveland of G. Ilennett officiating Interm ent Gloria Carmen spent last week Clarinets. Leonore Sherman. Lor­ tion comm ittee includes Mohr, Dave program, 9:45-10; class period. 10- at Mrs M yrtle Killin'* near Man­ Portland visited Sunday ut the wus at Lincoln Mriunriul park in etta Wright. Don Wick and Alvin Torbet a n d Sehulmerieh. New s 10:40; reassembly and sermon, 10:40- ning while her mother was w ork­ W alter F ührer home lie is the Portland She was born at Monroe Mohr; saxophones. Lewis Garfield. m em bers initiated Wednesday w ere DeLaurice Bump Leader ('•SBmerrlal N b II wna I Bank A sm »«« 11:25; at the Lord's Table. 11:25- ing in Portland. principal of Benson Polytechnic ville, I n d . Minch 7. 1666 Deceased Evelvn Puneachar, and Fred Grant; Lloyd Selfridge. Dick Abts. Lewis H ilhi Musical Program 11:45. Special music furnished by I’htutaa Muarv is survived by the following chil­ Mrs P errie R etherford is ill at school. trum pets, Teddy G ardner, Jam es Garfield. Ernest Brown. LuVerne HaaI(lanca Itîl l:|Ü s .m U» I l m. A musical program under the high school class. Sermon. "The her home. Mr. und Mrs C F Nystrom and dren; Mrs D I. Walburn, Enid. Forsythe. Don Fowler, Leon Wiley. A bendroth and Allen Sigler. O fflcA t»71 1 ¡SO p. m lo I p M P ure in Heart." Christian Endeav­ direction of DeLaurice Bump was Oklu . F It Clark. Monmouth, and family visited Sunday ut the Dave Townsenditrs to Meet Kenneth Wo a U g n t C r present minister. Keene and daughters Lillian Mae C f '' Methodist Episcopal Church and Donna of Gaston and Mr. and O t v ^ O U fltV i 3SSCS C hurch school, Miss Rose Cave, Mrs. Donald Garrigus and daugh- p i? A W R T /iv at ; t ... »» Plant at Scholl*, Oregon general superintendent; Mrs. T. W. ter Joan visited Mr. a n d Mrs. L ettie Me- O ur Molto—"Friendly Service . . . Fair Price«" Cnrinnllv Tnosdav Kay. form erly of Whitford, died at McDonald, prim ary superintendent; Washington Street between 1st and 2nd HlHaboro Wana and Eugene W .rtz visited £ e. home of her sister .M r s , Har- divine worship. 11, the Holy Com­ Sunday at the home of their grand- McKernan, in Portland F n - rndthMrs ’riovee HarrisrtaZAdandlugh- MiM McKay was born and »P«* and Mrs. Royce Harris and aaugn her cntire ,.fe up untj] sp£ ng ter Joan. . Willamina on ,lae donation land claim of her Sydney Connolly of W llamina parents the late Mr anrf Mrs Listerine— spent the week-end w ith in en d s in Jam es McKayi on the SchoIls road Regular 50c this community. She attended school and also taught Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ready. W alter in district 18, now known as the Regular 75c ............. Yor‘ >nd Kenneth Foe of Aloha schoo] Surviving h er are BEAUTY SHOPS Sal Hepatica— PHYSICIAN AND SURGBON visited at the H ubert Smith a n d , sister McKernan, and Regular 60c Earl Hollenbeck homes Sunday. ' brother M C. McKay, of Jad Salto— Guests at a venison feed given Portland EVE’S BEAUTY SHOP Regular 60c This association has never A. 0 . PITMAN, M. by A rt Connolly Wednesday eve- Funeral services w ere held F ri- O encral Beauty Work paid less than 3% on J unis Cream— r i Z M P*te” day at 2:30 P m- at Finley-« chapel PHTRICIAN and HURRRM« savings. I n d i a n ' n i „?IrS '. , £ n?l l i in Portland. Interm ent was at Regular $1 ........... Permanents and all klnda nt k R«r and Pbrol»-Therapp beauty work. yck and family, Phyllis and Babe Crescent Grove cemetery. Italian Balm— Commercial National Rank BMa Telephone 1M R1X Every Saving Certifi­ Regular $1 ............... — Telephone« a t Hillsboro Pharm acy Hind's Cream. Office 82» 1 IU«l