H IL L S B O R O Fuge Two ARGUS. i have had as th eir guest Mr. Kineh- eloe's mother, Mrs. A. M. Kinch- New Logging Company Starts Hazeldale to Icloe, of Walla Walla. Born, to Mr. and Mrs Ross Ward, 1, a son, Alan Jam es This Operations on Banks Timber Honor Faculty ; , October is th eir second child. _____ Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fraser h a v e , returned from a vacation at the F a m ily R e tu r n s A f t e r S e v e n coast They have rented a house New V . . at Rockaway will spend the tears; Arm Broken wmU.r n)onths and d0u)) Mr and Mrs. William Burkley (By Mr. j c. Smith) and Mrs. Grieves of Vancouver, HAZEl.DALF A community pot W ash. visited Mr. and Mrs. Wil luck dinner will be held tonight ham Heil Sunday. (Thursday) at 6:30 in the school- Jim Cameron of Rockaway visit- house The affair will co m plim ent, ed friends here Sunday, the teachers. Thelma Davies and Craw ford Porter. Teachers from A C 1 » - the neighboring schools w ill also » « t 11011 d n a D S U O t S V x-x eoi/vet,' A e/x/»iol *«*z*e* l«ase « will **«11 * be guests. A social z evening C m i n t i ' V S /-* rif» » rl follow the dinner Several com ­ 111 A - V U I I i - y Vs » t i lI t VI m ittees are w orking on the affair.. with Donald Fraser and Mrs. W. P. Action snapshots taken in Wash- Brooks in charge ington county, showing recreational Ism il» Return» possibilities, are w orth money in 1 . rs a v an offer n’ade ,hls week bv ,h «‘ Mr and Mrs. E. R Dodds have Oregon Motor association through x.x«* ■ sad Vs '»mOr I .X « lx .x« a* lx . xwxx -x exwx ♦ kx ex nioved back to their home on the th e " Hillsboro cham ber of com- Farm ington road, cast of Chapman mvrcc, according to Ed L Moore com er They have been residing secretary. Robert *Doem^ V p ^ t l a n ” ’ fell Concern Employ» 15; Class Officers Union High Selected; Gymnasium Favored: League Elects Thurmlay, October It». 1936 H IL L S B O R O . O R E G O N Dodds w ere Mr and Mrs Frank I P ortland and Mr. Taylor of the Watson. Mis Susie Allison and Fast l ’orllatid library visited I’eter Mrs. Jane Muir, all of Portland Kahn, Henry Rahn mid ut the The Rosencrons family returned ( Mike Rahn home Sunday. Wednesday from Idaho to spend Starts Hook I.ramie (he w inter At present they ure! The upper grades of the Rock living in the Reid Eldridge house Creek school have shilled a book Mr Rosencrons went to Yakima league with full loom enrollm ent I’11’»' •>l’l,»«'s »iter .ettllng hi- of 21 members 1 family here HUI Sedow at mid Jim Brooks tried Mrs. Hultie Davidson of Forest their luck at doer hunting near Grove spent last week w ith rel-1 Pendleton recently and w ere re- utives in mid near Banks. w arded by getting u deer weighing _ __ _ G _ rove about 200 pounds Mrs Nora Dooley _ of Forest spent tile week .'lid with’ iter moth Miss Beth McIntire, who lives vr. Mrs. M. A. Dodds. with her grandparents on the Kur- i atll farm, spent the week end in ! Portland visiting her sister, Mrs I Nallien, w ho is going to the fair : at San Diego. Mi*. Man* Sandy! Mrs. E. E Hopkins of W ishram HANKS A new logging coin- Wash . sjh ' iu several days last week puny has moved into Banks and at the Hopkins home here Mrs is taking out logs from the Zim- Hopkins and daughters Ida and merm an tim ber track near the Moxie spent the w eek-end with headw aters of the Banks w ater Mr and Mrs. Clyde Hopkins in supply. Fifteen are employed. Five Sherwood. trucks are used to haul the logs, Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Francis which go to the Carnation mill in Anderson of Roseburg, Septem ber ( By M r« F. >*»»ol«lt 1 y OVcst Grove. The . foreman. C. W. 19. -------- .. „ .. .. a . boy. . The . baby . . . was named ROCK CREEK Mrs Fred B rad­ " hite. has moved into the H M Scott Andeison. Mr. Anderson w as ley entertained w ith a party on the Banks house Q uintan W hite mid the stepson of Joe Ashby and occasion of Leona B radley's ninth family have moved into Ethel formerly' lived in Banks. birthday anniversary Saturday. Sm lth s house A C Maddock and Mrs. Wilson Hostess G R E E N V IL L E -M r mid Mrs family have m ined « into the P arker . Mrs. Cass Wilson was hostess to I Present were Ju n e Johnson. Or- William Susbauer celebrated their » ............. « * « . I B ......................... _ _ _ _ house Mrs. Maddock is running a the Banks-M ountaindaie c a rd 'c lu b ' ,Ue' A“ e' Cart>1 and Jo. v ce El . .. „»„»»-».„U I.IM IU M K - e u ro c u m lin g e r A ld in e n u t S h lr le v 7 u h l..r • tw " • entieth u u e io » wedding m illin g a a n n n n i iv v e e r r s s a a r r y y boarding house for the men. Friday afternoon. ln "500" Mrs. „ £ ,'ri,‘ F per" „ V i-miiia A u 'i S u" ‘‘“ v Mr " ,,d Ml !i Vanitomele.! Gym Favored Fred Bovee won first, Mrs. Otto i, ,,/ »-' , ¿m ! " ere guests. iti— Tom ..... i wen- ?n Jhe gymnasium for th e JiihiKiin ..... . ' n T hrna A l Stachle ^ ^ B and m d K enneth l ^ ^ n V d ielt™ ^ h e d u r i U.._i__ n g .1. th e p ..» Rock Creek Folk Observe Birthday Greenville Couple Married 20 Years ABF GROSSEN Abe G rin.on, 61. form er W ash­ ington county resident, died S ep ­ tem ber 29 at K eizer hospital In : North Bend Funeral services were held October 2 at North Bend and { Intel inenl w as in Sunset cemetery at Marshfield. Mr. Grossen was burn February 6, 1871, In Canton Berne, Swilzer- land, and came to America when j eight years old. In 11198 he inar- i l ied Caroline S tutters in Kansas, and they moved to Oregon in IIHII They lived near Hillsboro until seven years ago, when they moved lo Coos county. Surviving him ure his wlduw, nine children, Abe Jr., Alfred, George, Minnie, C larence and Cur oliiie, all of North Bend. Howard and I.UUIU of Klmuuth Falls; mid Mis Geneva Christenson of Del roll, Mleli; one grandchild. Patricia Grossen, and a brother, I'eler G ros­ sen, of near Hillsboro. O ur classified colum ns may have just what yuu are looking for H ead tin in tf look^ sA V liv e s from his bicycle one day last week and fractured his right arm. Robert is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doein, who lived at Rosedale u n ­ til last summer. F, Wednesday sister, Specials for Friday and Saturday, Oct. 11 and 12 guest Seattle ____ _ _______ _______ ______ __ ____ ___ ____ „ ___ Robert Cop is school new s r e ­ Mr and Mrs. Courtney Syverson November 1. However, persons Porte, president; Alta Brown, vice-J and daughter. O radell P riek ett o f , K‘Y{- o il,r | i,, i r i i . i i . porter Anyone having items of of Tim ber visited relatives here wishing to enter pictures are urg- president, and Peggy Wilson secre- Hillsboro visited S aturday at the — - “ Juriin oi o . ir Harbor, interest may hand them to hint. Septem ber 30 ed to do so at once. tary and treasurer. w G. W alker and Ed Schlegel Miss Tillie Swanson recently re- Persons entering snaps should League Elects homes, turned from a six weeks’ trip to keep in mind that the picture must Banks League's new officers arc John Friday took a truck load of the east. While there she visited show action. Landscape scenes as follows: Stanley- Morrell, p resi-| bogs to P ortland Monday to the Morris Dean, who has been relatives and friends in Chicago alone are not wanted. First prize dent: Alta Brown,' first vice-presi- stock yards. working for Norman Lilly at Gules and New York Miss Swanson i s ! for groups is $50, second. $30. and dent; K atherine Miller, second Mr and Mrs. W. G. W alker vis- Creek, returned to his home here employed at the R. H. Jenkins third. $20. vice-president; Roy Brown, th ird ited in P ortland Sunday w ith Mrs. Thursday. home and during her absence her ------------------------- {vice-president; Tadao S h i g e n o . J° b n Heltzel and daughters. , Mr and Mrs Art Gilm ore of position was filled by Mrs. Ida B u x t o n M a n P r o m o t e d fourth vice-president; Lloyd Miller. Nose Broken Eugene visited Mr Gilmore's moth- Beck of Portland. treasurer, and Peggy Wilson, song Dickie Van Dorn broke his nose er. Mrs. W E. Gilmore, Saturduy Di.ris Syverson, who is employed t o C o x s w a in in N a v y leader. October 1 while he w as playing vem ber 6 . Mr and Mrs. F red C arpenter Mr. and Mrs. Sam Morel! and in Portland, spent the week-end D V Strubb of Buxton, who is Mrs. A rchie Thompson and chil- on »be school grounds. He was and son Freddie of P ortland vis- family, who have lived here for with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. i in the U. S. navy, serving on th e dren of M ountaindaie visited rel- back to school Monday of this ited Mrs. Lue Davis recently. {several years, have . moved to p Syverson. U. S. S. Colorado, has been pro- atives in Banks Monday. week. Rock Creek ball team lost to Yamhill. T heir house will be oc- Mr. and Mrs P. D. Staub had as moted from seaman first class to Theresa Paetsch visited M ildred J e ff Kennedy spent Sunday w ith Bethany Friday 2 to 1. copied by Mr and Mrs. C laude guests Sunday Mr and Mrs. A. L. • coxswain, first petty officer rat- Mead of Bald M ountain over th e bis bro th er Ralph of M ountain- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jossy. Dick Gilm ore Clark and daughters Jean and ing in the seaman branch. On board week-end. dale. Jossy, P eter G rossen and Mrs Mrs H. H Goss, who has been Carol °f Portland. ship a coxswain has charge of a Mrs. W. T. Sellers was seriously Mr. and Mrs. Claud McCalm and Reichen w ent to North Bend in the Good Sam aritan hospital M r and Mrs. Tom M iller and group of men. and. also, he is ill Sunday but has im proved very son °f P ortland spent Septem ber Crist Tuesday to attend the funeral of with double pneum onia the past family spent Sunday at Neskowin usually a gun captain. ; much. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Sellers 29 with Mrs. McCalm's father, J. Abe Grossen. They returned week, is reported improving. and Sand Lake. ------------------------- of Hillsboro spent Sunday as vis- J- Hutchens. Thursday. Miss Emma Leopold of B eaver­ Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kincheloe Say you saw it in th e Argus. 1 ¡tors at the Sellers home in Banks Mr and Mrs- B w A rm entrout and Mrs Jack Zim merm an ton is w orking at the Gilm ore spent Tuesday and W ednesday in of Mr. Portland visited Mr and Mrs hotel. rice“ m^ o n . Mr MrS Mau* | William Fuegy Sunday. Mrs G eorgette C arcott of P o rt­ Sunday visitors at the John G ut- land spent T hursday night with fa m ily a^ d MMr a n d ^ M r s ^ ’ nd - h m .d t V om e w ere Mr. and Mrs her daughter. Mrs. Cluude Gilmore Ä e k “ dofMFrorX«d G” o"e Ä ! ^ . u ^ o f “ PortUnd“" “ M ^ Mrs. Lewis Woods, who is teach­ Henry V anderzanden o f P urdin - - 1 P orth*nd- M r s ing school at Astoria, spent the Theresa Luethe of Brooks Hill and week-end here. Sunday. William Luethe. Mr. K akric Mrs Morris Kotchman has re ­ Mr and Mrs. Paul W eiderholt Mrs. has been seriously ill and this was and th ree children of Portland his first trip out here since his turned to her home here after a month's visit w ith her sister ut visited M rs Bella H artw ick S un­ illness. Rose Lodge. day. Shoots Bear Gladys Shiffer is w orking in M r Laman and Mrs. Peterson of Yakima. Mrs. W E. Gilm ore spent the fish They caught 54 pounds of R? tk y Polnt F rld»y H weighed w eek-end in Eugene. Chinook about 80 P*’1^ Mr »nd Mrs C laude Gilm ore W illia m M o o re aHeoHezi Mr and Mrs- C harlie Rahn of spent S aturday and Sunday in B an k e« mbanqu“ r m p’ o rU an^ T u n * D all CT' of , »■urtland day evening. Mrs. George Moss and sons G lenn and Roy of Philom ath w ere w eek- , OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE — ALL NEW PACK FOODS end guests of Mr. and Mrs. V e rn ! Priekett. Verle and Shirley Prick- 1 ' ett retu rn ed home w ith them after a few weeks' visit in Philom ath. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schulm erlch j and d aughter B etty of G reenville visited th e Ralph Wilcox home Sunday. TRIANGLE Banks defeated Amity in a foot­ ball gam e Friday afternoon at Limit one to each customer. Quick or Regular Amity 6 to 0. Several students and Cash on delivery. townspeople from here attended. sack ........................... Mr and Mrs. Fred Wolford and 'V enetian ticket H. L Fuller. Rt. 5, Hillsboro) daughter Ju an ita visited Mrs. Bella , Lilly in C ornelius Saturday. Mary Sandy spent Friday night as a guest of Irene G ardner at M ountaindaie Mamie Sandy and Francis Thomp­ son of P ortland visited Mr. and Mrs. M aurice Thompson in V er­ nonia Sunday. Rev. and Mrs E. J. Traglio of ! Bethany visited Mrs. Florence Mc- { Farlane Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley St. John of IN D E P E N D E N T L Y OW NED I Lebanon. Mrs. Maggie Holgate of I P ortland and D. Holgate and A. J | Friedley of Hillsboro visited Mr. WE LEAD— OTHERS FOLLOW i and Mrs Ray Parm ley and chil 1 dren Sunday. FREE DELIVERY Second at Main Street Phone 3251 Plan Reception Prices Effective Friday, Saturday and Monday— October 11, 12, 14 The M others' club met Friday in i the church. Plans w ere made to : give a reception for the pastor and i wife. Rev. and Mrs. E Tilton Oc tober 18. Rally Day Set Sunday, O ctober 20, w ill be rally day for th e Banks Sunday schooL | Everyone is invited and to help j boost the Sunday school along. The new teacher for the boys w ill be i Reid G reenw ard of Hillside Boys of boy scout age are urged to a t­ tend th eir class. Sunday guests of Mrs. M. A. Timber C U R R YS GROCERY BIG CANNED GOODS SALE ENDS SATURDAY Wheat Puffs Pkg. 5c Kitchen Queen Flour 39c -4 O xO U Honey. New crop. Comb f K. C. BAKING POWDER 25-oa. Sixe 15c Sweet Pickles Pint 10c Heins Soup 2 X 'iz": 23c Tissue. Economy C z » 2 rolls ............... SIC Oysters. L arge ca n IM V Gold Dust. Pkg. CERTO. Bottle 19c OC | „ Palmolive Golden West SOAP COFFEE 4c Bar 3-lb. Can 73c HILLSBORO CASH GROCERY FREE DELIVERY — PHONE 2001 Independently Owned and Operated SATURDA Y ONLY SUGAR O A TS 10 a»C uJÌ. 2.,........43c 9 -ib. FfllRUJflV 39c mflRIKT USED CARS 1929 Ford Roadster I New top, air-wheels, motor | O. K. A snap j at only ..... ...... ’135 1929 Plymouth Coach $185.00 1926 Ford Touring $30.00 1917 Ford Touring $14.00 Starch G ra p e fru it Florida pack. Not too sweet, but can CORN or GLOSS. 2 1-Ib pkgs. be served without sugar. 15c .................10c FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES SWEET POTATOES i ^ BA N A N A S Fi.r£,'..i0.l.d.en..r.i.pe: G D ECTAT •J r M O T T C P I t k / h v L/ . meate, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY. for 10c 5 ic Another great Hillsboro Day Sat., Oct. 12. Come to Hillsboro for Bargains Galore. Toilet Soap. 3 for A-Plus Health O Soap. 4 for...... a A.C z LA FRANCE FLAKES, ‘‘use with soap. ” Pkg......... 9c SATINA. “For easier ironing.” Pkg......................... 6c SANKA COFFEE. 1-lb. tin .......................................45c “Sanka is delicious and 87% caffeln free. Lets you sleep." VELVET TISSUE 1000 *hects 3 for 15c JOHNSON’S WAX. 1-lb. paste ............................... 59c 1922 Ford Coupe $20.00 ASPARA G U S PUM PKIN 152 3rd Ave. Phone 21W Dealers for HUDSON - TERRAPLANE WILLARD MOHAWK QUALITY REPAIR WORK BROOMS SPECIAL Each 2 25C 9c 33c TURNIPS 3 5c CABBAGE “• 2c ONIONS noILKIls 20, b .. 25c Fri., Sat., and Mon., Oct. 11, 12, 14 SATURDAY SPECIALS SHORTERING , PORK ROAST BACON 41c 18c Young and Meaty. 20c Lb. MUTTON ROAST , —. OYSTERS 25c Shoulder Cuts. UNDERWOOD’S DEVILED HAM. 4-oz.............. 23c Thomas S. Sholes I Granulated Soap. L arge. 1925 Ford Sedan $35.00 We have a 1929 Indian Scout Motorcycle in very good condition that we will 1 sacrifice at this time for only .......................... $85.00 Keep Customers Coming For Seasoning. White King 1934 Ford V-8 Tudor Sedan DeLuxe I A car that has had excep-1 I tional care and is in perfect I condition. Two new tires, hot water heater. { Only ...................... V / v Our Quality and Prices Hillsboro PORK RIBS AND BACK BONES LARD Compound. A Pork and Beef Product. lb. 3 ™ !2 1 |bs. .B. PORK LINK SAUSAGE Rc m F 25c 25c 15 MINCED HAM, BOLOGNA t k c LIVER SAUSAGE L, MANY OTHER BARGAINS Hillsboro MEAT Co. Phone 982 Free Delivery