k- Page Four H IL L S B O R O H IL L S B O R O , OREGON I | school last week in tim e for the pupils to hear President Roose­ velt's address from Boulder dam. and other programs. Interm ediate and advanced grade and lay the rid e on the w ing" hand One moment. Vivian Now- G arth rounded his mouth still Garth, what have you done?" more. "My word. man. you must G arth smiled. "Merely removed be stark mad. I've no thought of one of the breaker points. Mr , shooting you." i Ramill. It's platinum, you know, . "I’m taking no chances Put that and that's what we re bargaining i 111 ( n n n t \ i I r itlC d iid ititi have all en ro lled m the Iff l.V U lliy I I I f. A i>,, gon :i,n nook Book league league rifle on the wing, or I'll fill you over The point is quite safe here, full of lead." inside my shirt." Q uite a num ber of G reenville (Francis S Harr) "Mad mad as a March hare. "Shoot him." said lluxbv. "We're folks have been picking prunes in m uttered G arth ' Don't sh o o t" C harles W icklund of C ornelius uAa . ... . .. | n° t going to be done by a fool, --------- ------------ — - nearby orchards Pickers made He luted the ru le overhead, butt trick like this Shoot the idiot. Go route 2 is an old Argus reader from $175 to $3 per day. reports. forward, as ordered, and advanced. chief. He’s only a lousy woods and a constant user of classified still gaping He came within a jjUm ¡t s a niat(er of a million at advertising Mr Wicklund has 20 step of the wing edge and paused. the le a st” acres and is in dire need of more- The school board purchased an . The girl was gazing at him with The oWer maB for his fall plow ing Mrs organ at Ed Vuylstcke's sale lust II leveled ItVl’HTI the till' pistol GIMVl. rain ...................... I'n'niu., Kila to the card him. a,' d e d h , 1? open contempt. He had been such -c.arth. vou heard ' ” You've Wicklund • is in Portland visiting I an easy dupe. Her father looked piay lHi a silly trick We have the with their daughter. .school 1 lie pupils wish to ex pre: ss gave, yet made no move to inter- d n ,p on you If you value , „ lw y o u u r' . . H ... Simpson and ----------- ------ Bieir appreciation through t h i I s sons - John pose when r i ..1 Huxby leveled the pistol i,(e bring that stolen breaker " point and just . returned 10 ” '” n « » « -J i n t a r * , mv - X Bob . ■ have . . • . from - - and took deliberate aim. here, and be quick about it." i a hunting trip in the John Day- How about the line, sir?" G arth country Mr Simpson bagged C H A P TE R H I inquired. "If I let go. the plane large buck, but tile boys returned empty handed. will be swept out into the lake." O ulbluffed At the William Hering farm. Mr. "Tie it again." Hering was busy sowing 10 acres "What if I'd rath er not?" A man of iron nerve might have from , „ Ten prospective teachers . For the second time Miss Ramill to fall wheat. risked death from the leveled auto- An Argus reader. well satisfied u aslungton county, who have been Interesting Bits of News Gleaned Caught in the Wild i ARG U S. By Robert Intensive Training of Teachers Ends Ames Bennet W N U Servlca Copyright by Robert .Cam Bennet Thursday, O ctober 10, Itf.li Noboala In Keil t'riHW Schools Close a Day Monday Four county schools tu rn ed In n ie n ih rish ip tins w eek ill the .Inn lor Hod Cross, according to t) II K raus, su p e rin te n d en t of schools T he schools and tea ch e rs « e re , R cedville. t 'l c i a l in g e r , Iow a Hill. J u n io r H ig h ’A to Present F reda K elirll, L au re l View. G iay ce Hughes. S lrassel. Mrs Alvei a Me P ro g ra m 2 : 3 0 Friday C orniaek Hillsboro schools will be closed for one day on Monday btxause of the teachers’ institute to be held at the union high, school here Several classes are working on special programs to be given in the near future The fourth giude of tlie Peter Boscow school is pre­ paring a health play entitled. “The Q uarrel of the Brushes to be given the last of O ctober The 8A class of the junior high will p re ­ sent a program, consisting of u play and musical numbers. Friday afternoon. 2:30. in tile school Daily Trlpa to Portland H ills b o ro A u to F ro ig h t Bonded and Insured Carrier Serving Ilea vertun. Aloha, Iteed- vllle, Hillsboro, Cornelia» and Forest P ic k u p a n d the « n 1,1 look S e rv b e a * Package Ratea Hillsboro Phone 542 WILL WUKI.II GET WELL? Is this old world to yet pull up and out of war. vice graft, dis ease and poverty? Will it ul last come up 100 per cent perfect with tlie spirit of Christ lu everything and everybody? Or Is it to sink deeper and deep er" Winch is it; a diamond to la* polished or a raft tliut is Io sink? Let the Bible tell I’eter the Apostle preaching, declurvd (hut God hud opened tlie doors Io the nations to tuk out of them a people for Ills name. Not to jiolish tilings up but to save some for tlie glory of Ills name So begun the church-age with a elear-eut program; to sound the Gospel and get men saved. (Acta 15:141. As the age draw s on to Its close « ill Grove D e liv e ry East Bhte T'rrinlnal Portland Pilone EAat 8131 C lo i 4 lik e ' - ..... - ......... * ide Proi T ‘r V ” contest Tw o l,Uh. p ,u « Nip and Let the Book tell "In the last „ "There you are," he __ said "That last- »ou c»n come ashore; but auverusing-minciea reader rrom each side Nip days grevious times will set In. 1 ,h,.,.efc shoy f J vour head of your Miss Ramill and her father will different section of the county, and Pro\ f d n Washington. D I These Tuck, ure lending for the ..... ad- „ U'achers are «» follows: C ail E has „ score of 30 w(,lle Tuck has Men will be lovers of self, irrelig­ who was in the m narket a r k e t__...» U S . . o bt.tr erw y notion I m dangerous." ‘ vertised. So a sale was made from ««‘ fgren. Eugene Fantettl. Mrs 33 at th e end of the first week of ious, loving pleasure instead of ; Huxby met this w ith a cold *° catch the line until all three of her contempt fo r Garth. loving God and will keep up a what one man didn't want and C. O. Furile. Nona Holbrook. Elva the race. ( w a i t e r tl-T h ro u a h Garth's raid- smile "Y’ou're right in part, you you are off the wing." another did at a very low cost and Bovegren. Mrs Alice Raines. Mrs There tire lots of foodit Evelyn Brown is In the lead this make believe of pietv , S ee 2 Fun snee the plane soon re a c h » the claim poor fish. It would be crazy to *’ r" Ramill started w ith Huxby Matilda Whitford, week in the 6B arithm etic speed 3:1-51 site H u .b r and R am ill. a f t « m akina fancv vou re at all dangerous. I'm ou< along the wing. His daughter little trouble. Mr Johnston has Lora Sml,h your're just ns well off just finished sowing 14 acres of HeIen Wllcox- and R"»* Wilson i And how will the ehtn-eli age and accuracy drill. ?:.ueie^*“rrbu,G*ri the one w ho has ,he Kun- and l 'm d,d no' maove without, p a rtic u la rly A general course of instruction Several students w ere absent ' end? Bible again "The Lord hlm- ytM.n< pn^pex ters «hey ar« w illin g to ready to use it. Fortunately- for If you fancy 1 11 leave the plane, barley and has 15 acres of oats he has just started. was given the teachers in history from school this week Neil K en­ j seif shall descend from heaven when you’re tlieting to to he a chance in ¡n v w tin r a »mail you. there’s no need to shoot you y °u can tfuess again.” and philosophy of education, teach­ nedy. Kenneth Swank, and Ralph with a shout and the deud i n ; Ju st new here from C ---------- alifornia am ount. Sensbur the treachery that bee jf you as vou’re fath er ............ spoke in her ear A 11 Jr X-ZV4 keep IX.X.X. yz on V l l doing U V lllg J U U i V Her — ... ..... VS» ------------ lose weight. But t h e aheH.l G arth sec ret 1> v ia iu the - * ----- t*1* ■’••P' told ’ Back up now and cast off Non« tJo graciously, she took the :,nd '*'o r*>ng on the Henry Behr- ing methods and techniques, and Smith, all from the 6A2 class at C lo ist shall rise first Then w<- and remove« a sm all part one beverage-food you which are alive and rem ain shall I practical problems In organizing ,n'ra th,- th at ¡in e - offered arm of her fiance. Side by man farm *s E F- McGraw Mc- the junior high, missed several ■Mter. NEED is m ilk! l-et us Three steps away from the wing. side- ’he three came out ___ to __ the Graw >s assisting _ with the dairy- ____ ____ . , adult classes Special courses were days of school. Robert Beattie of be caught up together with them ' so shall we ever be with the : (Continued from lu t week) G arth halted t o protest: "Mr. l' nd of the wing Mr Ramill hand- *"K and ,hev arc m ilkin* about offered in Americanization, art and the 6B was ill for u few davs deliver y o u r q u a r t The girl's expression was one of Ramill, surely you'll not abandon od the pistol to Huxby, and knelt. cow,s at, ,he present. The M c-1 handcrafts. English and literature, j Joyce M artin of TA was absent all Lord." iThess 4:16-17) Now with tlaily. Phone 2S68. ready to slide Graw family family seems seems to to like like Oregon Oregon parent education, industrial arts, | week. Buster Stansell from the God's people gone, what next'' disgust and anger She stopped sev- me me this this w w ay—not av—not even even let let me me keep keep LeadF slide over over the the front front edge. edge Graw God's fury breaks forth on a world j social science, recreation, sewing, 8A2 class returned to school Mon­ my rifle. That is what is called The girl jum ped down lightly, ve£F . I ? uc?v eral feet short of the plane. that rejected C hrist's atoning death I long travois. I'll starve before w ithout w aiting f o r assistance. . , “ ■ Scott hasn't had the offi- cooking, music, lip reading for the day. after a two weeks' absence "Oh. d—n! Why the ru sh ’ We're the deaf, first aid. dramatics, and sim ­ Lowell Huenergurdt. SB at the The great and the sniull will call I can reach the Mackenzie." Huxby handed her the rifle, laid Cla; county paper for some time out of sight now. I'm going to take Peter Boscow school. Ilcne llu rn - on the mountains to fail on them ' Miss Ramill smiled mockingly. the Pistol on the wing edge, and ?nd expressed the feeling of be- ilar subjects. G U E R N S E Y D A IR Y a re s t" ergardt from the fourth grade at am i h id e th e m fro m th e p re se n c e I "Oh. no, woodsy. You can throw grasped Mr. Ramill's hands. tost w ithout it. so added h i s ; SAM I I C l.IT A SONS Her father was beyond words stones. All you need do is stay the Peter Boscow. and Eunice of God and the anger of C hrist i Rte portly m illionaire slid ov- ‘ to^the^subscription list once Phone 256« As she let go of his arm he slump- ¡-ight here and eat your fellow ec, off the wing, G arth let go of more. Mr. Scott has 22 acres in H uenergardt from the 81) ut the "Fur the day of his anger Is come | ed down witb a suddenness that ratibits. As soon as we record our the rope end and sprang forward, ■ ’ -yvar-old English w alnuts a n d junior high moved to Aloha last and who will be able to sta n d ? ", 1H miles south of Hillsboro Rev 615-17 almost pulled Huxby oyer on top cla^ris. w e ll come back to replace The loop whipped from around “ a>l*ng for rain before he sows of him The mining engineer peer- vour stages with our own." the spruce trunk. He grasped the ll ,o ha*ry vetch for a cover crop, Now. right now is the day of group of children from the Among the activities of H ills­ ed back through the spruces, and ' -Yes." her father agreed. "No slackened line and flipped it out In the opinion of the w alnut in- Peter Boscow school and the Jun­ salvation. Take C hrist's death for , N either Is | around at. the thicket w here G arth danger of an experienced prosper- into the sw ift rush of the milky spw tor his trees are advanced one boro post. American Legion, d u r­ ior high attended the Pacific In­ vour sin s lu ele a i vnu ing the years just closed, lay in wait. , or ¡¡|{e you starving, this time of stream. >e>>r for th eir age. ---- - was — . fl- ternational ---------- — ........ ............. Geld Medal Diploma Winner exposition in Portland there salvation In any other: For ' in IBM — Heare M J "Just one more go. darling." he year. Wait here for us. and I'll The head of the released plane Busily canning tomatoes for the ancial assistance In skin tests f o r , Saturday The children left Hills- there is none other nam e under 1 appealed “The fellow must know pay you that two thousand dollars at once started to swing offshore o°m*ng w inter was Mrs. H erm an tuberculosis among H i 11 s b o r o boro at 10:30 Saturday in Mr. heaven given among men. where- i Silver Medal Diploma Winner Huxby grabbed his pistol ____ a n d Liebenow. . school children. The tests w ere j Taggart's bus. and returned late in . !>v we m ust be saved " Acts 4 12 I how to handle his rifle. If he comes I offered." In 1933 — Score »7 « in sight of the plane before we Huxby signed w ith his pistol, leaped down to grasp the wing New here from South Dakota. ; conducted under the auspices of '.he afternoon. Miss Rowena Her- George N Taylor, Beaverton — Paid adv get out of range-- Please, sweet- "There's your answer, boob. Now edge He shouted for the others to and have added their nam e the American leg io n and t h e mann chaperoned the group, heart! Remember it means millions step lively. Cast off th at line." catch hold. B ut the unexpected I? the A rkUi readers, a r e ' W ashington County Public H ealth; Mrs. C arl Rickson (Alice Nosier) to us—millions! TU give you th at Before the threatening muzzle, bump of the edge against their and Carl Schildhauer. association, [ and her daughter Sholline were emerald necklace we saw at Tif- G arth turned about and walked heads had made both father and ™ ter several years of crop failures The local post voted money to be visitors at the junior high Friday fany's." along the ledge to the tie tree. He daughter crouch down. *n the «“ Icken area the Schild- used for X -rays and physical ex- J afternoon, “You centainlv will! And Dad passed the rope end through the Huxby stepped back to brace bauers have come here for a new aminations of suspects discovered , will do more Tm to have a third tree loop, and pulled loose the bite himself for a shove against the s!a£t and ‘oothold We. of Wash- by the tests. in this mine that you say is w orth of the stay hitch. Had he then let rotary out-thrust of the wing. His *ng; on , county extend to them our Of the total school population of ! so much. Is that clear?" go of th e rope end. the tau t line rear foot w ent over the round of Dest wlshcs for happiness and suc- 1174 pupils 80 subm itted to the “Yes, darling: take hold." Hux- would have whipped the loop :hc water-polished ledge The wing cess ln our county. tests of which num ber 62 reacted, by urged. “We both agree." around the spruce tru n k and set thrust him on outwards. Before he -------------- ---------- three . . were . eventually - j placed un- — i ST. MARY’S OF THE VALLEY, She waved him towards t h e the monoplane adrift. Instead, he could let go, both of his feet were der close observation and none w ere j Beaverton Members of the fresh- plane. "Fetch a flask. We'll never held fast. Huxby frowned a n d oM the ledge top He slid down '-««CvIlVI11C ¿54.11001 dagnosed as active cases How- man class w ere officially received get him aboard w ithout a bracer." raised the pistol. "What are you with a splash into the sw irling F n rn lk ?1 Pimi’lc v er a? reactors w ere liv en lnto the student body Septem ber Huxby ran to vault up on the w aiting for? I told you to cast water. w i n g j m e g i r , had pointed out i off. It's no use your whining. You engineer plunged u pstream | GRE™ ^ _ v m e J K zing. The girl had pointed out off. It's no use your whining. You The . _ ______ the obvious fact. Her father was don't suppose we'll pass up the three of four steps to a split in -------- ber the juniors gave an Informal in a state of collapse from over- chance to record that placer, do the glassy-faced ledge. He clawed ?Pened _ Septem ber 16. with Mrs. I reception. exertion. He could not move until you?" up the crevice and sprang to his Ma,s,e Caldwell as teacher and a n , Regular classes in gymnasium revived, and he was too heavy for "No." G arth replied "You've feet on the rock shelf, drenched t 'Jrer}ty_*<>nc pupils, j D a r-B -tQ I n s t a l l s 1 began October 1. them to lift bodily. shown your colors—hoisted the to the arm pits by the milky water. School officers elected were Rob­ N e w C re a m M a c h in e The engineer swung into the black flag. Only thing, a woman is But his right hand still grasped ert Coppres. president; Glenn Van- New and im proved Siberrian j Shaw Opens Office dehey. vice-president; C yril Vuyl- cabin and hastened back ashore a woman. Let me suggest that you his autom atic pistol, with a flask of whiskey During the try your self-starter before I let Once more G arth seemed to steke. secretary; Lucille Susbauer. Cream machine was installed this ■ Leland I) Shaw of near Beaver- short abence Mr. Ramill had ceased go this line. I've heard th at air- have acted the part of a fool For treasurer; Mildred Cop. health in­ week at Cosiett's Bar-B-Q T h e ; ton has opened law offices in the to gasp He could draw deeper planes sometimes balk. If you can't a few moments Miss Ramill and spector; Robert Cop. captain of the new equipm ent is larger and fast- Failing building after being asso- breaths Two or three swallows of get yours into the air in time, the her father had crouched motion- baseball team, and also librarian. er than the form er and produces ciated w ith Maguire. Shields and Morrison, law firm, for five years William Susbauer, William Cop, an im proved product. whisky tautened his flabby muscles wind and current will drift you loss, dumfounded by the letting Helped by his daughter and Hux- down-lake to those falls." loose of the monoplane and its Theodore Vanderzanden and George (VX Shipley returned last week from a by. he struggled to his feet and "How sad! You dumb dupe, if shove of Huxby off the ledge, staggered out along th e rock shelf y°u think I—" G arth stood like an unconcerned hunting trip in Eastern Oregon. . g Francis Cop. small son of Mr to the plane. "Wait," cut in Mr Ramill. "Hand onlooker. While the engineer was The wing end stood neck-high your pistol. Vivian, and try the still struggling up out of t h e and Mrs. Paul Cop. has been ser-1 above the ledge While Mr. Ramil] motor. The fellow gave up his stream bed. Mr. Ramill took the iously ill the past week as a re- | took another bracer of whiskey, ‘ rifle a bit too readily." rifle from his daughter and aimed suit of swallowing a plum pit. He [• is recovering now under a doctor s $ 2 0 D r y T o n — 100 Iba. fo r $1 Huxby boosted the girl up on the Though far from pleased. Huxby it at Garth. front edge. She grasped hold of her passed over the automatic. Mr. "Take your time. Vivian." he care. Modern Drying and Washing Equipm ent Miss Delores Vandehey, who has father's collar Huxby gripped his Ramill had recovered from his ex- called. "I have him covered." employed i n P o rtla n d , thick lees below the knees and haustion. and the way he handled "Hu-wait,” panted Huxby. "Leave b e e n at the spent last week at her home here, i heaved Mr Ramill's hands w ere thc Pistol showed th at he knew him—to me." Edward Schulm erich. who fin- ! on the wing edge He pulled with how t0 UJe it- He stood dripping till he caught all his whiskey-borrowed strength. Huxby swung into the cockpit his breath. A flirt of the pistol ished the eighth grade here last His corpulent midbody rose above and threw on the self-starter. It barrel made sure it was free from spring, has entered Banks high AT LAUREL Mail address. Hillsboro. Rt 2 the edge of the wing. buzzed—but the propeller did not water. He took a step closer to school as a freshman. C yril Vuylsteke displayed quite Huxbv gave a last upward heave. (urn over The motor failed to go. Garth, his eyes cold, his l i p s a bit of ingenuity in making a It enabled the girl to drag her Another try brought the same bar- tightened in a bitter smile, crystal set and installing it in the father over on the convex surface. ren result. The engineer pilot made (To be continued) Huxby vaulted after to help her a hasty examination of the magne- lift the prone millionaire to his ,o He sprang out on the wing, in - FA R M E R S need the specialized services of s feet They started to lead him a c° ld good hank more than any other group of along the wing top-to the fuselage "The d —d sneak has crippled the of the plane , motor. Give me the pistol." people. They have many specialized problems Behind the backs of the three. Mr. Ramill held up a re strain in g ; and little time to deal with them. And so we’re G arth stepped clear from the alders and came forward, silent as a especially proud of the fact th at a great many of stalking lynx Midway between the our depositors are farm ers. head of the plane and the spruce to which it was tied, he stopped and lowered his rifle, butt down, This independent hank appreciates a farm er's to lean on the muzzle. problems; H ardly a day goes by th a t we’re not "Hullo," he sane out. "What's happened'' Mr Ramill ill?” called upon to discuss them. W ith our com plete At the first word. Huxby tensed range of hanking services we stand ready to and glanced over his shoulder He let go of Ramill. A fter a mo­ fu rth er agricultural progress, and through it, gen­ ment. he jerked around and thrust out his automatic pistol towards eral prosperity. Garth. “Swing up that rifle, bu tt end forward," he ordered. “Why, w hat d'you mean?" Garth questioned, his mouth half agape. “I mean business." Huxby ans­ wered "Hold up the bu tt—up above "The Largest Independent Bank >our head; then come forward In W ashington County" m ake an a ir trip to G arth's claim , al- U ht , r W « to the p U U num -hm e- NOT FATTENING Momingdew Legion Gives Aid Health Activity * :(k Reception Given St. Mary’s Valley 2000 FARM ERS T H IS BANK WALNUT DRYING Whittle Drying Plant IF IT 'S LIGHT y o u W ANT ,fO A iA lfA " — Winner, one after the other, o f the Kentucky Derby, the Preakness, a n d the Belmont Commercial National Bank [n>IC O m aha is an outstanding horse today. And in the cigarette w orld Chest* erficld is outstanding. Both w oh their place strictly on merit. A pply any test you like— Chest­ erfields stand for the best there is in cigarettes. They are m ilder . . . yet they let you know you’re sm oking. They taste b e tte r—give you real pleasure. this is E A S I E R Ï Light for mountain cabin amps or on the fa rm . If's b r ig h te r and cleaner with Shell Kerosene. Shell Kerosene is put through several extra steps in refining, to remove s o o t-fo rm in g im purities. This kerosene burns brighter— and with fhs least soot. That’s Only Half the Story O ur m odern laundry service not only elim inates “slav­ ing” over a wash board . . . it is easier on the clothes and hands . . . saves the cost of laundry equipm ent . . . gives you freedom for other things. Call today. H om e Laundry & Dry Cleaners Hillsboro. Or«. Try Shell Kerosene in your reao lllllNhorn ¡¡¿i W"t r ing lamps. You'll find it make1 al the difference >n »he world Oregon ki,7 u rOtl ‘t t t r h « d ,mm.ri r ' 0 " “T here’s a f*rrn w oru* w ith ?’’ SHELL KEROSENE /If 1 X th ese n eig h b o rly sta tio n s: W. L. Stevens, la u r e l Banks Service Station, Banks H. E. Ewer, Aloha Mission Service Station, Beaverton Clement’s Service Stat., Beaverton Balm Grove Park G. L. McCutehen, Glenwood Progress Garage Helvetia Store II. E. Snyder, Dilley N. Lilly, Gales Creek A. Karpsteln, Klnton R. Thompson. Cornelius 7 C= >‘ day regarding your buslnt sa problems. for m ildness .. for better taste o 1955, Liooarr a M yb »» T obacco ®ill5boit386^riJUS