F Page Two H IL L S B O R O A R G U S, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Thursday, October 10, 1935 HILLSBORO BARGAIN DA Y - Saturday, Oct 12 II I 1 . 1. S H O R O B A R < ; A I X DAY S P K C IA I, Jl 1 L l s B ° R o B A K (i A I N D A Y S P E C IA I. H IL L S B O R O B A R G A IN DAY S P E C IA L BLANKETS FAIRWAY MARKET SALLY PADEN 70x80-inch. Single Cotton Independently Owned and O perated 16-Piece Luncheon Set 64c each WEAR BEST and WASH BEST All First Quality — No Seconds Block Plaids— Blue, Pink, Tan. Yellow, Lavender The C. C. Store Phone 2601 Y\ J. H. Garrett Hillsboro, Ore. Kree D elivery Phone 3251 Corner 2nd and Main Open Stock P attern KITCHEN QUEEN FLOUR More Kitchen Queen used in W ashington County than other brands combined. aU BUY NOW — FLOUR IS ADVANCING! 49 ’1.59 t i l l I S il O KO B A R G A IN DAY SP E C IA L C L A S S IF IE D ADS No Mail. Saturday, Phone or October 12 only Credit Orders PER WORD Place Your Notices to Buy, Sell. Trade or SAvap in Washington County’s Largest Market Place. X?illsbuniKiA.rg us W ith W h ic h H IL L S B O R O H IL L S B O R O DAY S P E C IA L DAY S P E C IA I. BROOM S Five Sewed — Medium Weight White Enameled Handle A broom that would sell regularly at 89c. We bought this lot especially for this Bargain Day event. On display in our windows. 49c SPROUSE-REITZ CO. I Incorporated) la Combined The Hillsboro Independent B A R G A IN B A R G A IN 59c GiSt Free ( With a Surprise A New Dinnerware Creation Beautiful Ivory-Tune with Sm artly Embossed Border BRISTOL HARDWARE 36 in. PRINTS B A R G A IN DAY S P E C 1AL BOX PAPERS 36-INCH MUSLINS 36-40-IN. CURTAININGS “BARGAIN DAY ONLY.” YARD ...... Value to 50 cents OAKES’ GROCERY 19c DELTA DRUG STORE See our Adv. on back page of this paper B A R G A IN DAY S P E C IA L B A R G A IN SP E C IA L D AY SP E C IA L 5-gallon can. H IL L S B O R O Main at Third B A K