Bargain Day— You’ll W imt to Enjoy it Here October 12 W ith W h iih is Combined tin- Hillsboro Independent Volume 42, No. 84 S tate C apitol N e w s L e tte r 91 Hillsboro, Oregon, Thursday, October 10, 1935 |||||el>i>» p l. t - t i r P u n secutive tim e E F McCornack , I 1 1 1 , IV U I l 1.V I1V C I Show Reasons S lig h t Route 4. Hillsboro, won the barley , . -.... E xpense In crease sweepstakes honors on an e x h ib it! of Hannctjen barley. Hubert War- S everal H u r t A u to Crashes R e ta il T ra d e G ro u p Backs rens, Forest Grove, won the sweep D u rin g th e W e e k stakes on bulbs and seven blue rib- The prune control board decided NJ , , 1 , /" • • . Local B a rg a in D a y | bons in this class. to incorporate and continue belle- S ls U tllS v .lllll Of 47 »nines by Washington fit» to grower members. j ________ Shot through the head Sunday T c I ... . county farm ers in the Land Prod- It wua believed the approuching! in the first Washington ' o, Pi,v hP™ Visitors in Hillsboro Saturday R ebates on T a x e s Cause o f ucts show, 23 first places, 11 sec­ afternoon county hunting accident this s e a -, b led here Sunday a f t - . attending the first bargain day special w >lon of the legislature M o n th ly C on n ectio n C h a rg e onds, 4 thirds, 2 fourths and 1 „__.. . _ . . . . ernoon. might consider enactm ent of a new ' ■ event this fall, will have an oppor- fifth, or a total of 41 prizes were son, Fred Reed, 14, son of Mr. a n d 1 M ost o f in crease P la n n e d fo r Cost act. tunity to participate in the distri­ won. A complete list of Washing­ Mrs Jam es Reed of C herry Grove, The supreme court s ruling not bution of 259 gifts by the Hills­ ton county w inners is as follows: died in Jones hospital here Mon­ unexpected in view of the Mult-f boro m erchants taking part in the day afternoon. The bullet struck Proposed 1936 county budget John Schmeltzer. Rt. 3, Sherwood, event. nomah county circuit court's dc- ! Voters of Hillsboro will be usked shows an increase of $17,028, but Franquette walnuts, 1st; Harry just above the left ear, lodging in vision, was ritten by by Justice Justice John John '<> vote at a special election O cto-| codon, was w w ritten no radical departure from budgets Schmeltzer, Rt. 3. Sherwood, F ran ­ his head. R n s J z x /4 C n e t J / i o The prizes a re divided i into 124 1. Hand and affirm ed Circuit Judge her 25 on the question of accep- Young Reed w ith his brother g ift s given by the various stores, of the last three years and figures quette walnuts, 2nd; E. W. Wood­ tunce of a grant of $83,455 and a John P Winter o f Multnomah / I ---- and ... in W addition MUMU.4 there UlClr will WI4* be 135 disclose that more than half the ford, Forest Grove, Du Chilly fil­ William, 12, and a friend, Elaf county Justice Hurry Helt did not loan of $102,000 from the fed n al prizes worth 25 cents in trade at ____ __________ increase Is brought about by tax berts, 1st; E. W. Woodford. Forest Wikander, w ere hunting deer in participate in the decision, and governm ent for a sewer system in Grove, Barcelona, 1st; Fred E lw e rt,' the vicinity of Lee Falls, about _, _ » tbe !rtores taking part, according to rebates. Justice J O. Hailey dissented In Hillsboro, according to a resolu­ Petite prunes. 1st; Fred Elwert, tw o miles west of Cherry Grove *• a - v v e a tn e rre a n e s ia e n t Ed L. Moore, secretary of the Budget Meet Set tion passed last night (WednesdayI The bullet was a .22 calibre high party. cham ber of commerce. Sherwood. Date prunes. 1st; Leo The annual public budget h ear­ H e re fo r M a n y Y e a rs a special city council meeting Constitutionality of t h e AAA. at Resolution R e ta il T ra d e Sponsors ing has been called for 10 o'clock Elwert, Sherwood. P etite prunes, power, and struck in such a spot ■ calls for un am end­ which was passed by the second ment in the morning, November 8, i n ' 2nd; Leo Elwert, Date prunes, 2nd; that an operation could not have I Bargain day is sponsored by the to the Hillsboro city charter been attem pted, doctors said At- Funeral services f o r T h q ^ : retail trades Leo Eiwert, Italian prunes, 3rd; special session of the 1933 legisla­ authorizing the council to Issue the circuit court room. F irst publi- comm ittee of — the physicians w ere Dr. R. M _ ... . ____ . ,. , , -- ~ ture. was first questioned this year revenue bonds. The bonds cannot cation of the budget will appear I Fred Elwert, Italian prunes, 4th; tending Kines of Forest Grove and Dr. J Sum ter W eatherred. 80. who died chamber of commerce. Members of when the Oregon Ice Cream Areu I !*• a general obligation on the in the county official papers Oc- I* o , Friday morning, w ere held Sunday ' ‘Thp are Howard Hadley. ; 4th; Leo Elwert, seedling walnuts. O Robb of Hillsboro. committee, a code tober 17. , . . . . . control ___i u board. i city, but are payable only out of brought suit against Fred M eyer,! / ’, h ..J T ' Boy Raises Up afternoon from the Donelson ctiT y . Fr^d E n g eidin^i^W . Work on the budget was com­ 2nd; Leo Elwert, Comice pears, (Continued un _ pese 8, column 6) Inc. and Henry Andcregg. Port- w rv ,ct u h .~ -.l G y m n a s iu m , A u d ito riu m fo r pleted this week by the budget ______ The accident happened when t h e 1 Sewell chapel w ith Rev. H. A. George Selfridge. George Fischer land, doing business under the us- committee which included Vernon boys were preparing to retu rn Deck officiating. Interm ent was in z J. Riggs, L. P Stranahan, Nye Burned name of American Maid I’lans and estim ates for the new U n io n H ig h Endorsed Burlingham of Forest Grove, Oscar T T • home Wikander, according to d ep - Hillsboro cemetery P a llb e a re r s Bristo* and L. Y Congdon. On the Ire Cream, who were incused of sewage system in Hillsboro, round- Hagg of Reedville and R G Scott U fllOM jC llO O l uty sheriffs w ho investigated, had E B Tongue pn Schulmer-1 speclal committee for arrangem ents »riling ice cream below the code Jn« »•"*'> just unloaded his gun. Fred was ¡*u w V Wiley Zina W o rt J are ^ '^ ld i n g e r . Bristol and S elf­ of Sherwood. the estim ated cost to residents in Construction of a gymnasium and price. In analyzing the budget, Donald sitting on a log and William was w ' Bailey and o .' B. Gates. ' rid«e tile new sewage district, not now i auditorium at the Banks union high . . . . financed . ...------. . vmmi Templeton, county judge said: ^an from covX w s t t°hee^ a6nd Mrs Reatha Fowler M iller of D istribution of gifts will take A . soon us the c o u rts decision WI,u lll-.m ount to $j 25 p e r' school through . a j $5000 was announced, the stores dropped m„n, h PontlP<.tlon Of this sum w arrant issue to be retired in . . proposed . , ----- shows "The 1936 budget So, cover past tn e Fred, b o y s who ana R°«»and > rioee friend of the p,ace William opened fire m e n d of the „ from buildi the at chamber 2 oclock of com- the price im m ed ia tely irom io would go tow ard the retirem ent Hvc years was approved by the a net increase in the am ount to could not see from his position. 71 ly,'„ ? m e soioisi . . af,prTlnf,n ,i„ « 29 cent* per q u art and began re-i bonds and 25 cents toward overwhelm ing vote of 102 to 22 be raised by taxation over 1935 of c o t lin fr o m t h e ln e a n d m eame Mr W eatherred was born Decern- aa< allern °o*L at which time spe- deeming coupon* laaued to pur-1 oprrI|Uo|1 COf|1 for the dig. Monday night the sum of 517,028.33. The greater P u b lic Session to C onsider ?nto the Hne of fife and one of ber '854, near Gallatin. Tenn.. « a ! announcem ents of interest will ehusers at tho old price. into the line or fire ana one of i „ a be made over the public address posal plant I O B Kraus, county superin- portion of this increase is due to Set fo r O c to b e r 31 the bullets struck him in the head, ‘he spn of Wilson Yandell a n d through t l ^ The court found the AAA illegul In the residence district a n d tvndcnt of schools, was the prin- the inclusion of the Hem o f "Re- ln d e i n e th e r e Lucy Ann Adams W eatherred. He 1 m rougn tnc because the legislature had dele­ buslness district of Hillsboro, the “ Pal speaker, presenting facts and ba‘^ * iv iZ i? '0??» The , graduated from Beech Hill aca- R.Tld ^°rm ell. Moore 'am . Special Hillsboro union h i g h gated legislative powers to adm in­ charge against property would be figures to show the expense of «*» legislature provided for the Immediately after the accident d Tennessee. He was a des enable shoppers, and those for o o the istrative bodies—the code control $3 iM-r year |x r connection, which 'h e move taxation necessary, and allowance o£ r e b a t w t o s n Individ- school district III t e a .! tax « x -a , h e 1935-36 t h e . ran assistance and cendant and naniesake ((f G eneral wbo receive gifts to fmd partici- ua) paying his tax before the due year will total $57,400, the same some distance down the r o a d Thomas Sum ter a mem ber of Patln« stores, yellow posters have boards. represents 25 cents per month for ■ benefits to , be . derived. , . „ _____ _________ __ ______________________ ,u„ n P,,r,t,, been placed in the windows date These rebates am ount to a re- amount as for the past three years, caught up w ith Sam Prazzi and w -,.»;««»«.’. Attorneys found cause for com­ operation of the disposal plant. ! The valuation of t h e district. U i f 1 ,’1' .V,,,eiedOn ,,|,, u » ihit9(Uiv wHh duc,ion in ,he tolal am ount of i according to the proposed district A. V. Bonat, both Portland hunt- tionarv w a r ................................... Increasing popularity of b ireain ment In one Id section of the that "No one opin­ we w.«. McGee'. city J K raus pointed out i $ 1 .1 ,-« .» with received by the county and budget prepared last Wednesday ,,rs who eame to the rescue and ‘ . ' dayt. in H ihsboro has led m e m b e r s However, ... Ge*urge ion which Id that No one. w t , miinnl!1.r Iind en „ n ew points out. tax rate of .3 mills, while d u r-1 ,, to increase night. Public meeting for discus- packed the injured boy to their ’X h i s T o t h ^ n d ’" « ^ ^ of ‘he com ndttX to fo re X i" ^ 2 items in the ; car. of the largest crowds yet attending scheduled for 3 i Funeral services for the gunshot ■ te a r Tualatin Plains church. In To meet this, participating m er­ the Hilhi au- ! victim were held at Edward Hoi- 1880 he returned to Tennessee and chants have advertised through the man & Son chapel in Portland r’2a r r *e7i Frances Taylor on Argus and in ail parts and corners penditures in the Wednesday afternoon and inter- May 16. J°80. returning to Ore- of Washington county. Special ef­ _ _ „ a t $72 900 and the ■ m ent was in Riverview cemetery. Jon w ith his bride forts the have same been year. made in presenting h e «111.1 to h a v e devoted his store =■“ b*' materially cut. I the exception of $300 per year to ltcIn of rvKigtration and election estimated receipts, not including A proposed hunting trip almost They moved in 1882 to Hillsboro, attractive displays of merchandise ' . Its contents to a public . use . „ I thus lowering the cost to the tax- be raised by other means This. trom 91500 In 1935 to $6400 in 1936 the district tax, is $15,500 This proved too much f o r Leonard where the family home has been in m udow s and up and down tile and payers. he declared, had a good deal of more than accounts for the balance leaves a total of $57.400 to be rais- Moore and Donald Irving of Port- ever since. , street visitors will find aualltv when he sells or offers to sell some O ther factors also enter into the bt arlng on the future success of of the net increase in the budget ed by the district tax. ’ land just after midnight Saturday He took an active interest in goods and very attractive agricultural product or some derl cost per connection to h o m e s the school. (C o n tin u ed on paire 8. colum n 3) Indebtedness of the district was n,‘8b‘ when Moore w ent to sleep civic affairs, helped organize and all instance9. v.itive thorcof. throughout the city, Including the Unless manual training and do- ¡ slashed from $175,550 to $145.800 at w,hel ' and bls 7 r crashed was chief of the \ olunteer Fire de- i n addiUon to the list of partici The same is tru e of persons en- amount of revenue which can b« 'të sciënëe are addZd to t h e l n I $$ pair« S. column 4) within the police power of the tlcal education.” ' Kr °w ing contest is one of the out- for the year, while those receiv­ County school children w ill en- I Pythias lodge, having affiliated ing bojyl; Delta Drug Store, 3 1-lb ing $115 or less received an ad­ »lute since the business and indus­ 11, zx.,4 au«* ♦ V s < s standing club projects in thecoun- joy a holiday Monday while teach- i w ith that group more than 50 years packages Joan Manning chocolates; He also pointed out th at th e . - " t. ditional $5 per m onth raise. try covered by this act are not « w »■ arrant r>»-»»nloeiie, es saai>i be is^s retired _ »j —„ j in ;_ i ija irom tbe standpoint oi iinancial issue could „«.Iu E xpenditure items in the budget ers attend the first institute of the a£° Re was a‘s0 a mem ber of the Safeway Store, 6 1-lb. cans coffee, affected with a public Interest and t . , ,...4K ra, zs«« „sin $. s, m retu rn to the club members and I Continued on p«»» S. column 91 of the World and as a none of the property used in such Ham veB" w ,,h " onc-m111 ‘ax over a(rricultural value to the county, are as follows: G eneral control, current year in the Hillsboro union Woodmen boy joined the Hopewell Baptist ; business or Industry has ever been that period. according to L. E. Francis, assist- $2745, supervision, $1860; instruc­ high school auditorium . Addresses church at Castallian Springs. Tenn by outstanding Oregon educators, devoted to a public use." — , Tb? S5'100 voted Is to be used 1 ,,nt county agent. The show will be . tion, $21,340; operation of ™ plant. _ .i_ For many years he was associated . I for the purchase of m aterials to October 19 The oroiect was start* m aintt nance and repairs. departm ental sessions and election w ith the m ercantile establishments Tompkins had this reply: Old She Favored and Financing h<. U8ed in the building, while ed in 1930 for the% ur^ose of fUm- $1000; auxiliary agencies, $14.800; of officers of the county teachers' "This is a strange conclusion: Off Large In com es Asked w u a . .. , . ,erer t . in . the produc- . in ce. $800; n e w eou iom en L and elem entary principals' associa­ of this city, among them the Pit- WPA will lx- asked to fs«»««<«u furnish i«_ la- I ulating 'a n ln ' " su ^ ran ance\ new That it is constitutional to reg u ­ tions are scheduled on the all-day tinger & W eatherred; B a i l e y . bor for construction. Plans call ,ion of good quality seed corn S15”° ' and debt !er.v?ce' $24'7,45' Tongue & Schulmerich; W ehrung late freight rates, power rates und program. for a building approxim ately 50 ... . " „ „„ Break-dow n of t h e auxiliary provide minimum wages, etc., but Resolutions asking that the state -- - - , , -, , , I L,asi ea r m iu o m em o ers e en- n - i agencies item is: Library books, Last y year the e c club members C. A. Howard, state superintend­ & Sons, Schulm erich & Sons, and Committee Heads Appointed for capitol ba- constructed on the old bv 1,90. fer‘. wi‘b .bnspmpn‘ in which „ d in , he proj cct produced eight that the farming business is not lied in the F project produced (Continued on pae« s, column 4) ent of public instrurtion. and Dr. the M iller Mercantile company. Armistice Day Observance . L V said. . 5 eight . nffiTted with ‘public interest.' Ag­ site and that building be financed will be located class rooms for tons of seed,” Francis "Six Mrs. W eatherred died in 1928. Bruce Baxter, president of W illam­ riculture should enjoy some of the by n tax on incomes over $10.000! “ ,p proposed manual training and tons out of the eight tons had a ette university, w ill be the p rin ­ and his only son. John Robert, in Plans for a legion membership privileges given other branches of was adopted by the Washington j domestic arts classes, germ ination test of 97 per cent or c i p a l speakers. S uperintendent 1912. Deceased is survived by four drive to take place as soon as m em ­ county unit, Farm ers' Union, here industry." j better. At four cents a pound, . Howard wil talk at 11:20 a. m. daughters, Florence, w ife of Frank bers of the comm ittee can get into Codes and m arketing agreem ents The resoltuion was presented by Business B e tte r, Say which was the price at which the I S t a i r t i l i l U t S o o n beiore ‘he general session and Sholes of Cornelius: Lucy, wife of th e field w ere completed at Tues­ », a affected by the adverse decision the Gaston local. , again at 2 p. m. at the high school Commander Harry Harding of the day night's American Legion m eet­ B a n k e r. T i.n r d Meet ,h" The resolution declared that the j were: Melon und tomato, butter. departm ental. Dr. B axter's address medical corps. U S. navy: Ten­ ing It is expected that the drive _ Ire cream, restaurant, bakers, com ­ union fell that the purchase of nessee and Eva W eatherred. at will occupy about a day and will Washington county bankers w ere: "The corn project is of value to Construction Awaits Completion of is slated for 2 p. m. mercial bulb growers, loganberry, more property, or a new site, would guests Tuesday night of the Bank th e*countv"and7t? agricultùrâïoro- Incorporation M atters ! Th* Oregon S tate ,Teach®rs' “ * home. A grandson. Thomas Sey­ take place the last of this week cauliflower, nursery stock, prunes entail unnecessary expense a n d of Tigard at Tigard. Matters per-1 „ amCOUDH ^ aH?_MSfr’ ^ ‘7 “ " as aP^ 1 soeiation program will be discuss­ mour Sholes, a brother. William L. or the first of next. List of former and black raspberry. asked members to express them- taining to business condition.* were DOints First that it furnishes a ed by J. E. O’Neel, superintend­ W eatherred of Toppenish. Wash., service men w ere given various bo I v m In r ilv ir iiia llv th r n u a h ballot tasiin« discussed and the opinion was ex- superior ’ ‘ selves individually through Construction of buildings t o ent of schools for Tillamook coun­ and a half-brother, Wilson W committemen. quality of seed corn for polls being conducted in new spa­ pressed by all present that coun­ the farm ers of the county, seed house Hillsboro's alcohol distillery ty, during th e morning. The pri­ Taylor, also survive. Members of th e committee are C h a m b e r o f C o m m erce pers at the present time. ty banks w ere in an excellent con­ that is adapted to local con­ w ill be under way as soon as work m ary a n d interm ediate depart- Jake Weil, chairm an, A. E. Krah- A nother resolution protested the dition with business showing a de- corn of incorporation is completed, ac­ (Continued on pane S, column 3) ditions, that w ill produce good Peace O ffic e rs M e e t mer. Dr. A. O, Pitman, William F , proposed P ortland city ordinance cided improvement. Leon H Hake- cording to A. C. Forrester, promo­ Dierdorff. H. L. Huson. Carl Rus­ Ping pong matches following prohibiting the sale of farm dress- tel. financial editor of The Ore- grain and is high yielding; and ter. The nam e of the new company —-, , . in H ills b o ro O c to b e r 18 second, that it keeps In the county sell, Dr Ralph Dresser, Dr. R J. dinner will feature the first fall ed meats in th at city. i genian, was the speaker. money which heretofore had been is Industrial Distillers, Inc., and j Members of the N orthwest Peace Nicol. H. L. MacKenzIe, Joe I.ieder meeting at the chamber of com­ legal m atters in connection with going to outside sources for the Officers' association w ill m eet in j C, L. Stiff, Leon S. Davis and A. merce Monday night, Ed L Moore, incorporation are in the hands of purchase of seed. Hillsboro October 18. according to H. Busch. secretary, announces. Matched play W. G Hare, attorney. The com­ "The corn show, which is held pany is capitalized at $150,000. All Armistice day observance plans will be between two professional Tonight (Thursday! beginning at Sheriff John Connell. The program each year at the Commercial Na­ shares have been sold, Forrester 6 o'clock the Hillsboro Townsend w ill include a dinner at night and w ere begun w ith appointm ent of players after which they will meet other features during the day. (Continued o n p«it« 4, 7) tional bank in Hillsboro, is a part local men including Jam es Wells, declares. club is sponsoring a chicken pie of the corn project and is intended Dr. R. J. Nicol and Lester Ire­ Incorporators are Forrester. Wal­ dinner in the I. O. O. F. hall for j to stim ulate competitive interest land New committees for the term The growth of Hillsboro as at- the community, declared C. T. among the club members as well ter Werz of Portland and J. J. Wis- the purpose of raising funds to I will be announced Officers of the tested (Continuvd on pare S, column S) send their delegates to the national by the post office history Richardson, who spoke on 4>ehalf chamber are II. L. MacKenzIe, here, culm inating in the erection of the business interests He re- as giving them an opportunity to convention in Chicago, October 24- president; P. L. Patterson, vice- of the new post office building this ( ferred to the post office d ep art­ see nnd learn how to select a good 27. type of seed corn." president; C. T Rlehnrdson, George year, was pointed out to nearly Delegates chosen at the special Selfridge and Morris Well, direc­ two hundred persons, who attended ment, organized in 1829, as our meeting last Friday were R. L. i biggest and best utility. I I ’l l I tors and R. J. Scarce, treasurer. Fire prevention week opened ln I moved When completed the chart Putnam , president: ___ Bob ___ Kelly, sec the "opening" ceremonies here S at­ Mayor J H G arrett praised the retary Rev? H enry Young and ~G Hillsboro officially Sunday, but is a pass to the show. urday „ night. Following the - pro , . ! personnel of the local office and ® Playing good Sam aritan N Taggart The last two named actual participation by the local Another feature nt the Friday gram all w ere given an opportu- jn particular quoted references ns A tte m p t to R evive Bond « _ . ----- . -----. w hich will be of Inter­ proved unfruitful and costly may go as official delegates for i I fire-departm ent did not .---- be^ program, n un- n.ty to see the new facilities for thc Rr,,al cfflrlpncy nnd qllal. IV ie P I O a U ir ii a y for Ray Forney of Hillsboro est to both the you-ger generation til Monday when firem en manned Issue fo r T ig a r d H ig h handling the mail ns employes of, (ties of Fred lloiznagel as post- some other club of the county as Hillsboro G range will m eet Sat- this week Forney was tra v ­ several county clubs have signi­ the city fire trucks and distributed and the older folk. Is the w ater noisier M nvnr G f1nrrr*H nltr,,l llm i l . , I n , , session T *V,n Attem pt to revive a $25,000 bond Ihe Office conducted V i s i t o r s master. Mayor arrett cited the iirrlav urday ir, in an an n all-day The eling east on Main street fight between teams of firemen, fied their intention of contributing literature throughout Hillsboro. issue to build additional class through and explained the work. history In postal work of the 15 lecture hour will be open to the when the car ahead, a light The local Federal Housing of­ preceding the show. John M Brown of Manning. employes of the office and pointed public and will include a talk by to the local delegate fund, among rooms and n gymnasium at the Ford truck, dropped a spare The fight w ill be staged on of . the late , Miss Marv them being C edar Mill, Orenco. fice. under the direction of F. J. Tigard union high school, will be brother „ . , . °u ‘ that receipts of the office for Rev. Raynor Smith of Tigard, a j tire. Beaverton and Cornelius. The club Rller, is assisting in fire preven­ Main street near the theatre us­ returned missionary. Mr. Smith will ' made October 22 when the bond­ Brown who was postmistress here ljMM wprP $23.000 Forney, his good intentions ing tw o stream s of w ater from fire aims to raise funds enough to send tion work by distributing litera­ j nsppctor c w Llnebaugh o f ! ‘ecture on India and will exhibit ing proposal again is subm itted to rom N vem ber 30, 1875, to June, getting the better of him. all four delegates. ture through the four field w ork­ hose attached to w ater hydrants (lie voters. A previous vote defeat­ 1896. displayed n map, draw n by the departm ent expressed picked up the tire and gave r _____ pleasure ______ . ■ rtirios brought from that coun- | Elbert Eastman, attorney, of ers employed under an SERA pro­ at each end of the street. The teoni ed the proposal by eight votes. The himself, of Hillsboro ns he first at being present to participate i n ! *ry chase. He caught the car and first driven out of the block by the Portland will be present from 6 to ject. construction would he by WPA rem embered It. He said thnt where the dedication ceremonies shouted for the driver to Home Economic club will meet other will be declared winner. 7:30 o'clock this evening to answ er Wednesday the m atter of fire labor with the governm ent fu r­ the post office now stands was stop. The driver stepped on Quit a few postmasters from oth- today 'T h u rsd ay ' at 2 p m. Hills- W ilbur Dillon, city fire marshal, any questions local people may prevention was carried to t h e nishing about $25,000 in labor costs. considered out of town ns he re ­ er cities and communities in the boro Grange will also be hosts to the gas and went aw ay in a membered in th e early seventies wish to ask regarding the Town- , school children by speakers which has been ln charge of arrange­ cloud of dust. Forney made county were present nnd were in- Pomona Grange, which meets here m ents for observance of the week During freshets, he said, the w ater send plan or movement. J included Charles Douglass, and S. another attem pt. Again he w hile Robert Kelly was In rlw g e was so deep from the persent First troduced by Postm aster Holznagel. ' on October 23. Sale F a rm Lands Set Rev. S. C. Williams of Portland I w Melhulsh, chief of the fire de­ j ------------------------- caught the car. shouted, and of speakers. National corner south that one who presided. will speak Sunday at 2:330 p. m. in i partment H e re fo r O c to b e r 17 could flont a raft. Mr Brown, who was left behind. Postm asters present were H. I. C o u n ty S h o rt 15 Boys the __. M. _ E. church. , Rev. Williams Is ¡ _ , . I Tonight (Thursday) the members The chase, now grim real­ A sale of farm lands, acquired was born here in 1869, recalled old Price, Aloha: Mrs. Nela Dalv, _ — î ï.h t y 5 PT °fl e ; « V' of ' hp firp departm ent will con- H u n te rs E a g e rly A w a it ity, continued at a hot pace. ln Q u o ta fo r C C C Cam ps through all three farm loan as­ families in the comm unity nnd re ­ Beaverton; August Frid. Cherry v J , . T nt* C J l,? S.° f °.re; d«p‘ ‘heir annual inspection of all O p e n in g o f B ird Season The faster Forney followed sociations in Washington county, lated interesting facts In connec­ Grove; Frank Doohcr, Cornelius; Washington countv CCC quota the faster the driver ahead Sportsmen interested In shooting will be held at the Savings and tion with early postal history. Thomas R Roe, Gaston; S. E. An- | still is short 15 bovs betw een the of upland birds will bo In the pushed his automobile For­ Loan building here on South Sec­ John Ryan, city mall carrier and zalone, Huber; Mrs. Emma Persons, ages of 17 and 28, according to Friday, the program Includes a field Sunday morning at the open­ ney gave up In disgust, but ond avenue October 17, according the oldest employe In the local of­ Orenco; Willomnv Churchlev, Reed-j Miss Alice Maxwell, executive sec- Red Cross Chapter Meets picture show for school children ing of the hunting season tor not before he reached B eth­ Io J. M Person, secretary-treasurer fice In the point of service, de­ Vllle; William Fisk, Sherwood, nnd i relarv of the SERA Re-enrollm ent County Red Cross C hapter will at the Venetian theatre, which is pheasant, quail and grouse. The any. The car ahead was still of the Washington County National clared thal he was w orking under J. C. Bilyeu, Tigard. | limitations have been rescinded by meet tonight (Thursday) at the given the children for m aking w rit­ bag lim it for pheasant and grouse thrusting into the distance in Farm Loan association. Two rep re­ one of the best postmasters in the Wainnrd Riippa, the construction a recent order, she said. To clean cham ber of commerce at 7:30 ten reports on various hazards this year is four birds in one day a cloud of dust. sentatives from the Federal Land country. Ryan started as a rural engineer on the building, was In- "P rase records and get the local o'clock to elect directors, receive found in their homes. The children or eight in seven consecutive days. The tire is in charge of Hank will be here to give inform a­ carrier April 16, 1910 troduced as w ere the office cm- office in proper order for winter, reports and plan mem bership roll- are given a chart which they check Bag limit on quail is 10 birds In Sheriff John Connell. The new postal building stands ployes. Personnel of the local of- J extra w orkers have been allowed tion and show property to those call. The public is invited to a t­ as they find the hazards and again seven days. The season Is from ns a monument to the progress of interested. 'Continued on P aso 8 column : for 30 days. tend. when the hazards have been re- October 13 to October 31, Inclusive. Obtain Loan 1 Small Gain I Many Prizes Listed Meeting November 8 Aged Citizen D U riea O lin a a y Banks School Plan Approved 4 L? 1 1 Budget Same VOtTl JMIOW Here Oetober 19 Countv Institute in City Monday Union Opposed to Additional Land Legion to Hold a Member Drive New Company to 1 OWÎÎSefld L/limet for Funds Tonight City’s Growth Cited at Opening of New Postal Building Saturday HlIISDOrO Grange trx Mppt Satlirclav 2) Good Samaritan Job Unfruitful Hillsboro Joins in Observance Annual Fire Prevention Week