Page A œp t H IL L S B O R O million!" Like the older man Huxby had put on his poker face. He was not so successful, however, in keeping the glint out of his eyes. He had yet to make his fortune. “So it's a million?" he scoffed. "No wonder you prospectors go crazy. Find a little placer you guess has some gold in it. and you think you've located a mint Five to ten dollars a pan! Why, Jack, your metal w ouldn't give you half a dollar a pan. even if your small percentage of gold was alloyed w ith silver, instead of lead " G arth smiled "My mistake both­ ering you to test that sample Just chew on this, my friend: A good many sourdoughs might not be able to identify that gray-white metal But only a chechahco would be unable to recognize that it is not galena or silver.” This silenced the engineer for the moment. Mr. G arth favored G arth with his blandest smile. "Technicians like Huxby are too apt to imagine that the rest of us know nothing Now. adm itting for the sake of the argum ent that your guess regarding the alloy is cor rect. suppose we sample your pros deposit located in North Ameri- ca Mr A R G U S. y _ i ___ « • ____1 3 ' l . interesting nits i e at v '» Thur«tl«y, October 3, I lI L L S f c p U O , O R E G O N man is ,‘j f training at Monmoutl A Saimlt Amoved to Aloha W 11 Rogers is shingling the roof of his house Mr and Mrs 11 Unger of Bak­ ersfield. C al. visited Mr and Mrs T>. Barney over the week end M arshall McIver of G rants Pass visited Lyle Smith a few days this week Bennie Scruggs and Erwin Stof- fer are studying in the night class- cs at Lincoln high in Portland Mr and Mrs Cart T raeh sd of Salem visited Mr and Mrs John T raeh sd Sunday. Denver Barm y went hunting at Oak Ridge over the week-end Mr and Mrs Tilomas Carman of Buxton w ere entertained by Mr and Mrs Sam Smith Saturday. Elsie Tonges is taking a course at the N orthw estern School of Commerce Robert Barney is taking a mas­ ter course at Adcock' s Trade school in Portland. Kinton Grange Meets Saturday lllerl.v r e t u r n e d h o m e w ith th e m I a n d sp e n t a few d a y s th e first of th e w e e k at th e M et *oi in iek h o m e j 1935 Credit Bureaus Hamill ro w to lay a consol (li»<'«»r|M»ratedl ing hand on his shoulder ()/ /Vi* Jl'S ( J Zt’U f it ’ll "Never mind, my boy You'll re- ! Colle« 'titilla — C re d it R eports call what 1 told you about nty e n ­ (llv Vivian I couraging worthy prospectors I Albert Jesse has been Winking WllM|llllK,„„ Tlllumuok. Yamhill. stand by that now 1 will give you A id Session T o d a y ; W e ll fo r near Buxton the past week ( » a n r i s S Harr» two thousand dollars for this pros- I Polk mid Marion Counties. August Jesse of O rchaidale and On Cornelius route 2 is J H School A b o u t R eady pect, and take the chance of get Personal Contact on Collection» H erbert Hwecker of Manning are ting back my money by large-scale Hillier who is a believer in the working for 1 Jesse in the prune Argus classified ads Hillier has placering." W ashington County Office I Hr Mr« K L harvest "You're t o o generous." G arth 140 acres on which he raises a few KINTON Grunge will meet Sal C o m m e rc ia l B u ild in g Kobert Holzmun is in the Doorn- protested "I couldn't think of ta k ­ pigs, milks 12 cows and raises lit urduy in all day meeting, begin­ lack er hospital for an appendicitis Heiond and Malli MtreeU ing your money In fact. I'll have grain and hay ning at 10 30 u in All granger« operation Phone 3071 Mrs E W Hinrichs is the A r­ to own up I had a little testing are welcome to attend Hillsboro. Oregon acid with me when 1 happened gus correspondent for Blooming Ladies* Aid society will meet at Argus classified ads get results upon this gray alloy So. as 1 do Of course Mrs Hinrichs would ap­ the church today tT hursday) with not believe in cheating, suppose* preciate. as would all correspond By Robert an all day meeting with pot luck we head back for the Mackenzie** cuts, the co-operation of the peo­ dinner nt noon This will be u Ames Bennet The millionaire mine b u y e r ple in the district. ‘'quilting party” so the ladies a t­ Carl Sim antel has a brother com­ chuckled and clapped him on the tending will please bring sewing W N U Servie» ing to Oregon from Scotland. South back Boy, you're a whole lot less tools. Copyright by Dakota, soon He is moving his a fool than you look." Robert Ames Bennet Mr and Mrs Oscar I.ierm an and un Iho N. I.. Pop fin n i about l 1 miles south of Huxby stared hard Then, pock household goods and family by family, who have been living on motor truck Sim antel has a son eting the alloy, he went for the II illsboru, on r- the Warren Wilson place during in South Dakota and believes he (Continue«! fro m last weefc) shovel. the past year, moved to Beaverton will also soon be coming to O re­ T H E STORY last week Mr and Mrs Warren "Good idea," G arth said "A pan gon The Siiuantels. before coming CHATTER I A* Alan G arth, pros­ Wilson, who have been making from above Discovery, one below to Washington county, lived in pector, is preparing to leave fo r hi# their home in Beaverton, are now m in in c claim in the E a r N o rth , a plan** and the same from three or four South Dakota for 25 years. M cC orm ick h in d er; M cC orm ick m o w er; land# at the airway# «¡»lerjreney station back on their own place. • horses; hundred feet out each side—they'll In it are Burton H a m ill, m illionaire An old subscriber to the Argus tell you w hether or not it's m ere­ rid in g c u ltiv a to r; disc: feed chopper; small chop- Mr Moreback and assistant of r n k i minim? magnate, hi# daughter. L ilith , and a constant user of the cla««i- ly a small pocket.” Sherwood, who were employed p p p ; spring-loolh and peg-tooth harrow s; p lo w ; wagon and V iv ia n H uxby. pilot and m in ing en­ Without replying. Huxby set off fied columns is Henry Scheuer- gineer. Bcliexintr him to be only an p ec t BEAVERTON Beaverton Grange drilling the school well, (truck a i ,n . .r , n t | . r . - l« l . . r ; the men o ffe r to For , y O a r , h le d d o w n ¡ n , o up the trough. Mr Ramill limped m ake an alminun>-he»r- I h c trough tO w here .1 llloss-bed- Miss Ramill appeared to have iiiR ore *» nearly w arrhle«.' I.iliih ded spring rill trickled down from 1» 1 i v n .. • , £*’res Thomas a V crdlnius of .tailed and the school children win hand c u ltiv a to r; Buckeye .'100 egg illc tllm lo r; brooder; She lay still, pro­ •• L*- L aroIIett is in the peach Portland, vice-president of the Am- be enjoying the w ater from the R a m ill, pro■>.. showed the girl and Huxby loiter- to it" Josephine A Cox visited friend, s u m s paid Cltslt over $_’<•. the side of the mountain above are anticipated for the growers atlon of a ch on of stores ing along behind her father. The 'How do I know your holes him. N ature had spent ages in this year It seems that hops arc Mrs M C McKcrchcr had as h e r ' ln from Monday to Wed- portly millionaire came panting up aren't salted?" collecting these hundreds of thou­ beeoming harder to raise over for- house guest tin- c ist week M 's G n*'"l“-v Mr’ Bierly visited M r. beside G arth. "You don't know anything. Why sands of dollars' worth of precious mer years, due seemingly to more A Gilmore of K irkland. W ish Mary Kershaw of Oak Grove and "Well'.'" he asked. not scratch down to gravel your- alloy upon which he now lay bask­ disease and insects So it is with with Mr Rex Denncv accompanied Mrs Cox 1 *’? ?? i 'n Mrs Ethel L Mel- H . A . K u r a tli, A u c tio n e e r J. J. W it m e r , C le rk “There's my claim." G arth an- self” Or perhaps I salted all the ing And he had chanced to stum ­ fruit growers as each year requires bv her daughter Sarell. arrived by llrun’ Milwaukie swered. My lower stake is down trough, before I laid on t h i s ble upon the treasure near the end more careful and scientific care plane from I.os Angeles last week Isaac Ennis of G ray's Harbor, at that cross dyke of gneiss, a blanket of grass and moss." and js visiting her parents, Mr Wash , visited Conrad Algesheimei of a trip of which exploration and of the orchards. thousand feet or so from the lake Mr. Ramill interposed: "Mining adventure had been the prime mo­ Visiting at the Philip Mohr home and Mrs Fred Sipe at Garden anit Edward Rood and sister Mis* shore The upper one stands about engineers have to guard against tive and prospecting only a side are their son-in-law and daughter. Home Ina Rtxxl last week He resided th ree hundred feet below those fraud as well as error. Garth. I issue Now. by law. he was sole Mr and Mrs Forrest Campbell. Miss Breeding, one of the new here over tU years ago and built slide ledges. You could stake a was salted once myself, in my owner of all this wealth. and small daughter The Camp- teachers of Beaverton, was elected 'h e buildings on the Rood furm claim above mine, but I doubt if callow days Just to ease his pro- He thought of the two men up- bells were formerly of Bend, but advisor of the Girl Reserves M m alsH a ral1 fence eight rails high you'd find pay dirt. There is none fessional conscience, suppose you slope whom he had brought to have been transferred to Hood K atherine Dennev gave a review »round the 250 acres Very little of at all between the lower stake and clear gravel for us midway be- share in his good fortune They River Mr Campbell is salesman of the Reserve convention at Sea- il remains. the lake The dyke stopped the tween here and the staked hole had thanked him by seeking to lie fo¡_uSwif, & C.° bcck la’t sum m er to which she S II Pomeroy and Robert Teufel dow ndrift of the alloy. I sampled down there." and cheat him out of it all But The garage being too near the was a delegate returned the last of the week from several acres. Beginning at grass "That's m y discovery s t a k e," tnat was the n ature of far too road. A. P. Cooper was busy m ot - Mrs Elmer Harden returned from a 10-day hunting trip In the big roots and going down to frost, the Garth replied. "Wasn't looking for many men. There was no reason ing it to a more convenient place a week's visit with her brother-ln- woods They bagged u deer d irt ran from five to ten dollars a gold in this trough. Just happened to be surprised or angered They X c m ^ o f squas°h’‘tha'tt'rhe “had FU “ T i U ' “”2 ° SC“r Mr and Mr’ Alexander Herrick T H E S C IlO L l.S T IL E CO., y o u r own home indun- pan. This trough is a placer pock- to notice the gray metal where had failed to outplay him with jpw irnens of squash that he had Effcngcr. of Tillamook Mr and Mrs . . . ... 'f t • Sellwood jvhwuvim visited vtatic-kj mi. try, is here to serve you any day of the year. O u r ci a cache filled by the age-long the spring gush of the rill had torn their stacked cards. He looked at ralsed Miss Margaret West was given a Edward L Cox Sunday dow ndrift from those disintegrated 'h e moss from the gravel. About a clump of alpine blossoms close I A b,t ot rem odeling was being services ure gladly given on any ord er — w h eth er be handkerchief shower at the home Mr Moreback the we ell driller I veins up the mountain. My claim my digging. I must beg to be ex ­ beside his elbow, and smiled t done at the J. E. Hulsman farm, of Mr and Mrs R B McMinn ,rA one tile or 111.HOI)— not lim ited to fu ll load Iola. covers all or nearly all the deposit, cused. What if I should happen t ^ h u , ™ o u a , , „ . .« b . à : , , ™ , . , . " ; ; . . . , S Æ i î S 1. “ S « “ . Æ ü Upslope he heard the swirl of iV e n e tia n tic k e t. P e te r Z u e rc h e r. IH 1. H ills b o ro , and it is worth several hundred to drop a handful of th at galena gravel in the gold pan After a scribers and receive good results study class and program Miss .... Vandermost place Monday W e w ill m eet a ll prices, re g a rd le s s thousand dollars, if not a million ' into the hole, when your expert time the sound died out. His keen ,tbe ads . . West will attend Oregon State col- „lorniniz The cool certainty of Garth's was n°t looking?" In the dairy business and milk- lege . . . ear eaught the dull tread of heavy o f w h o m akes th em . statem ent compelled belief Mr. Ignoring the irony. Huxby pull feet on the turf. ing 17 cows is F W Hering on ______________ , Mri McCormick and fam- R am ill's ruddy face went blank *d the shovel from the dugout Cornelius route 2 Mr Hering has c * e s x - .j 1 *ly of Hlll!,boro visl,ed ht' r mother. Mr Ramill turned tow ard Garth Y a rd s at H ills b o ro P la n t at Scholls Mrs. Lilly Bierly, Sunday. Mrs His daughter looked at G arth shelter and gouged into a bed of "We will go back to the plane for 75 acres on which he carries on *"o rest G ro v e C h ild re n w ith a sudden change from bore- moss Ramill stooped his port lunch while considering the m at­ his dairying and grain raising T a k e T . B. S k in Test dom and disdain to an interest j to* body to pick up the gold pan. Busy canning fruit, m a k i n g Two thirds of all the children ter." th at verged on respect. Here was Huxby shoveled clear the moss "Only for a short time." Huxby pickles and preparing the noon- attending the Forest Grove public a sensation—something new. The and black humus from a space two qualified. day meal for the prune pickers schools t k the «km test for tu- intend to return here despised woodsy vagabond of the ' ^ee' or more square. He tossed for more "I sam was Mrs. J. H. Farley. The Far- berculosis Monday, according to Phone 953 ; Hillaboro pling No need of P la n t a t Scholls, O re g o n wilds was not a pauper, after all! as*de a few stones the size of his your troubling to join us." leys have seven acres in prunes Margaret D.xoii. eouiiiy nurse Miss FUNERAL DIRECTOK-M O ur Motto—"Friendly Service . . F air Prices” It was like a play, the w an d erin g ! an^ took the gold pan from and this week will wind up the Dixon was assisted by Dr H C G arth saw th at his company was • nd H a ih ln g tim S tr re t l.e tu '-r n I d and 2nd lllll d io r a beggar boy disclosing himself to Mr Ramill to load it with gravel season for them. Fortner and Dr Fred S Richards not wanted. "Thanks I’m n o t LICENSED EMHAIJMERN be the true prince. He had said a They went a few steps downslope J. E Thomas of Cornelius route of Forest Grove hungry. Come to think. I’ll go down . j to the edge of a lower pool. 2 was busy filling silo and w a s ------------------ None too deftly, Huxby dipped to the lake and make sure my old having a bit of trouble with his lady grizzly isn't lurking in the water into the pan and began to bush." ensilage cutter. Mr Thomas has ! rotate the contents. After more "Your phantom bear." mocked a son who is quite a boat builder. than twice the tim e an old pros- ! pector would have needed for the Miss Ramill "Watch out she doesn't ! operation, t h e mining engineer make a ghost of you." U nder cover of his smile at the worked the pan clear of all except gibe. G arth caught the glance that i a spoonful of small dull nodules. Miss Ramill had stretched out passed between her father and Huxby. The girl had said it. "Watch | to bask in the sum mer warmth. out’’ ELMONICA—A surprise party was the word. was given for J. T Foege at his I With the upslant of the sun to- He swung down the trough with home Sunday on his seventy-fifth i wards the noon of the nineteen- hour day. the breeze had died no sign of h urry The length of his birthday. Guests w ere his son Aug­ j down. The calm brought a swarm gliding stride made his movements ust Foege. Mr and Mrs H E of mosquitoes upslope from the appear leisurely Without looking Scruggs and son Bennie. Harold lake shore. The girl put on her back, he slanted in among t h e Spies, Mr. and Mrs. C. Spies and headnet, covered the unbooted part scrubby spruces. A mass of the Mr and Mrs A. W. Keehn | of her legs with caribou moss, and dense evergreens put him out of Mrs. G. G raham and her mother Give pure, health-giving milk sight of the three chechahcos up of eastern Oregon are visiting Mr resumed her sun bath. on the open tum dra. He turned a regular place in the menu and Mrs George Kelsey Out of the tail of his eye G arth j watched Huxby and Mr. Ramill. sharp to the right. Midway down Mr and Mrs H J O verturf of for every meal. The need for the brush-fringed lake shore, the i When he saw the two get their Bend. Mr and Mrs H J O verturf this invigorating, e n e r g y - tall spruces stood well spaced He | net-draped heads together over the Jr. of Eugene and Miss H arriett building food is particularly gold pan. he rose and went to­ broke into a run. Wiseman of P ortland visited Mr A vista between the trees offered and Mrs Wiseman Sunday. Mrs H vital during t h e w i n t e r wards them. The tread of his him a view upslope He halted be- J. O verturf J r and Miss H arriett moccasins was noiseless Before months. Milk will efficiently the two noticed his approach, he hind a screen of young aspens to Wiseman are daughters of Mr and take the place of sunlight look. The three had already reach- Mrs. Wiseman Mr. and Mrs H J stood looking down over their ed the side of the trough They O verturf J r are going to the U ni­ in supplying necessary vita­ shoulders. LUMINOUS FLAME GAS CONVERSION started to h urry on aslant t h e mins. versity of Oregon while Miss Wise- “Not half bad for a starter." he said. "At least five dollars in your mountainside. Lilith Ramill and Huxby had the girl's heavy-bodied first pan." Q uality job printing—Argus. "Hardly that value,” replied Mr father betw een them. They were BURNER only $ Installed ■ Ramill. "Admitting there is some helping him along tw ice as fast as he could have made It without TER M S— SS a month platinum in this alloy, I am afraid you re a far too sanguine young th eir aid. Pl«« »m all carrying charge I No more was needed to confirm man. Call it five per cent p latin­ G arth s suspicions. He glided across um and five of gold. That leaves • I f your present solid fuel furnace la in good condition,’ ninety per cent of silver and lead, the glade and ran on through the G U E R N S E Y D A IR Y with of course traces of iridium woods like a startled caribou. The the most inexpensive way to have automatic heat is to thick growth of spruces screened SAM HULIT St SONS and osmium.” install this gas conversion burner. This is the only burn-\ him from the view of anyone up "Yes. move the decimal point of on Phone 2568 the open tundra. er that operates on the combustion principle for which' your million three places to the He vaulted upon the w ing of 1(4 miles south of Hillsboro Jhan thaPof any^other’type of automatic burner. Reduced left. Jack, said Huxby. "It brings your present furnace was designed. Its use makes your^ your wonderful fortune down to the monoplane and ran along it to gas heating” rates have put the”convenience of this effort- furnace 10% -15% more efficient.' jum p into the cockpit. In a mo­ a few thousands. To sluice this ‘less heat casily'within your Teach.' placer, freight out the alloy, and ment he had hold of H uxby's tool- This gas conversion burner can be installed easily and pay for separating the metals will k it- He w ent at the engine like Gold Medal Diploma Winner a skilled airplane mechanic quickly. Then you w ill be rid of the nuisances of fuel So plan’ to see this burner in operation in our show­ leave slim profits. T here may be in 1954 — Score 98.2 When, after a few moments of none at all.” ordering, delivery, cutting and storage— of uneven heat rooms today.' Hundreds who installed burners last year quick work, he replaced the tool­ "Too bad you've had all your Silver Medal Diploma Winner — of monotonous furnace tending— of ashes, soot, d irt are completely satisfied.*.You w ill be glad you purchased trouble for nothing." G arth replied. kit and ran back out the wing in 1933 — Score 97.8 and constant cleaning. The cost of this burner is lower one of these conversion burners, too.'- "I counted on your finding it a there was a small metal object In­ real strike—the first big platinum side his buckskin shirt. He jum ped In s ta lla tio n t lm e ./.o n ly a fe w h o u rs ! off and slipped away to an alder thicket, a short distance along the lake bank. Less than three m inutes later, he heard a heavy puffing a n d wheezing and the snap of dry IF YOU NEED A NEW FURNACE YOU CAN GET A branches. Then the three staggered O h a ll hoi now found a way to into sight Mr. Ramill was purple reduce the waste of "stop-and-go" from exertion. His mouth gaped driving. In Super-Shell gasoline you COMPLETE GAS HEATING $| wide with his gasps for breath N either his daughter nor Huxby get three different kinds of power and your old SYSTEM FOR AS LITTLE A S .. was winded But both w ere flushed in p e rfe c t balance. And save in •qui|>in e r .lt from the exertion of supporting three ways i Soon members of Oregon’s 4-II Clubs once the portly millionaire. TERMS— S * a month * H e re is the most rem arkable (T o b« continued) C aught ¡n t h e W ild £ in County Trips I layward PU BLIC SALE Tuesday. October 8, at 1 P. M. Americanization Cited at Meeting Estate of N. L. Pop, by R. E. Pop, Adin. Competitive Prices - - Continuous Service - - Donelson fió Sewell J. L. Foege Given a Birthday Party H E R E’ S THE LO W EST COST AUTOMATIC HEATING U N IT YOU CAN BUY FOR YOUR PR ESEN T FU R N A C E ! Q Q 5 0 M ORE M UES PER TANKFUL ROUND TOWN Momingdew SCHOLLS TILE CO. YARD 4-H CLUBS A ID more will be exhibiting their livestock and larm products at the Pacific International Livestock Exposition in Portland. They will be t.iking honors for the past year’s achievements and It arning valuable new lessons about farm­ ing methods. In other states nearly a million other LII members will hear of the lessons learned as a result of this great annual ex­ po, dion tha' has uninterruptedly aided Oregon farmers for so many years. Ibe I'nst National Bank of Portland has wit- n< se,| the development of the farming and livestock industries since pioneer days, and taken a personal interest in this develop­ ment ol the young farmer of tomorrow. We w elcom e yon at our hank, both here and in Portland. R. J. Scearce, M anager * HILLSBORO BRANCH * T he FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND w »* t oe m t ll.p m .il. in 287 OREGON BOYS and GIRLS Ih l. Il. n l. a r . in .u r .d bf Ih . F ^ .r a l l»,p , up Io a r u p lu l o f g ai olino on ovory " t o ld ” ila r i A Q U IC K TIC K -M E-IP' FOR RUN DOWN FEELING When you feel run-down, ilug- gish, with no appetite for food or zest for living—all because of pois­ ons in your system from clogged- up bowels and inactive kidneys— that's when you need a good tonic like Williams S. L. K. Form ula which is bringing quick relief and added Joy of living to so many ailing people. Williams S L. K. Form ula is compounded from a form er army doctor's prescription and contains several ingredients which act in four beneficial ways: As a mild tonic, stomach stim ulant, mild lax­ ative. and diuretic stim ulant for the kidneys. Many take Williams S. L. K Form ula also for Indiges­ tion, nausea, loss of w eight and sallow complexion, where a mild tonic, laxative, stomachic a n d diuretic is indicated. Ask Delta D rug store today for Williams S. L. K. Formula. Take a few doses and see how much better you feel. The first bottle must satisfy you or money back. —Adv. offer you have ever had. A new Mueller furnace w ith built-in gas burner, plus all necessary ducts, air returns, registers, etc., to give you a complete new heating sys­ tem. You can’t buy any other type of automatic heating system for anywhere near thia price. In fact, moat automatic burnersalonecost about as much as this complete automatic gas installation. Co» oof « up to a cupful o f goto- lino in 10 m inutoi o f itoop Pill- clim bing O’” ' Con t a r t up to onothor cupful gaiohn o in 1 hour o f ttuady running rui These three big savings mean many more miles of driving from every tan kfu l. Stop fo r 10 gallons of Super-Shell today. Remember— this price includes full installation of furnace w ith thermostat, humidifier, necessary ■ cold air returns, necessary heat ducta wrapped in asbestos paper, ( and reg iatera. You have you r W hen A t th o je nvitghbrrrly sta tio n s: — HII.I.NRORO — Busch’s Super Service Hillsboro Motor Co. Coslett's Super Service Holwege’s Service Station Rock Creek Service Station — FORE.1T GROVE — Bailey's Service Station Phelps’ Service Station Highway Service Station, Gaston y o u h e a t w lth fe a s , y o u g e t a ll y o u r G a s a t\lo w e s t\p o s t! • Good-bye furnace drudgery. Gaa househeating ratea'are down I Other fuel costa are rising. The convenience of fclean, sa^fe, dependable, unfail­ ing gas heat is now easily w ithin your, reach. ' 1 Thousands are taking advantage of another economy only gas offers. When you heat w ith gas, you also get your gas for cooking, water heat­ ing and refrigeration at lowest cost.y o / plue em ail c arryin g charge choice o f gray, red or green sprayed finishes. A ll work is in accordance w ith the C ity of Port­ land's furnace qpde. ♦ This $287.50 M ueller gas fu r­ nace installation isfor homes con­ ta in in g not more than 5 rooms and bath on one floor, where pipe furnace system is replaced. I f your home has 2 stories and not more than 8 rooms, you w ill need the M ueller furnace on which the price is $377.50 and your old pipe furnace, ducts and attachments. Terms on thia installation, $11.50 a month plus carrying charge. W e w ill gladly make a scientific analysia of your heating requirements and advise you as to which gaa heating appliance w ill give you the moat heat for the leaat money. No obligation. i P ortland G as & C oke C ompany / Showroom Third and Main, Hillsboro — Phone 1721 Vancouver - Oregon City . Portland Neuberg • Albany - Salem - ( orvallls