H IL L S B O R O Paire Eight ARG US, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Thursday, September 26, 193ft ing. 9:45, followed by Bible school w ere hosts at a farew ell party for Seheekla, order Hilda Johanson vs Vera Lowe and Florence Traehsel at 10:18. Everyone is invited to be Harold J Larsen and G race l.afsen Miss Lowe is studying to be a present, | and Washington county, order nurse In P ortland and Miss Trach- O T 1 Mrs. Lllly M Bierly returned sel is a student at Linfield college O rders have been filed In pro­ i l f I . f l l l F P l Tuesday from a few days' visit in Reorganization of Pacific univer­ Mrs C arl Traehsel. Mr and Mrs. Hillsboro, w here she visited her Prelim inary teat« in the activated bate court in the following cures: _____ , daughter. Mrs. Ethel McCormick sity conservatory of music has re­ Ira Lowe. Gladys Traehsel, Jessie j Estate of John G albreath, order aludge method of aewnge dispnaul Miss Beulah Boyles and brother, sulted m the voice, piano, organ. and Pearl Lowe. Marion Fuller I m Hie demonatrallon plant erected Estate of Louise E Bacon, eonfir- W es Schulm erich to P lay Freddie Boyles, who returned to violin and theory departm ents be and Paul Boeckli w ere o t h e r P la in tiff, In ju re d in W reck, niatlon of sale G uurdiunahlp of Iasi week at tile Hlllsbiini aepllr Molalla recently after spending coming separate units of a cooper­ guests. sm-eessful, according to in T ilt Thia Sunday Elmer llureh, order. Estate of H er­ tanks, a le A g ain ia A uto V ictim i th eir vacation w ith their grand­ ative group, which is responsible B arbara McBreen left Sunday McGee, city manager man Schulnierirh. order appoint George parents, Mr. and Mrs. John R. directly to the president and no morning for Eugene to attend the Chemical anil bacterial tiwta. nec­ Appearance of Wes Schulmerich. : Daniels, returned to Kinton again to a conservatory dean ing tim e of hearing Estule of U niversity of Oregon. Judge It F rank Peters, in elr- Mary Peterson, order lo bring essary In Hie experim ent, are hi- _ local athlete a — and , a mem ber i» a. of the * during the past week and have Mrs. L Foster and Mrs Mary C. L. Faris of Portland replaces tug carried on by Jam es It New­ i cult court this week, ordered a suit G uardiunship of Dorothy and Toronto, Canada baseball team in re. cnt* red Kinton schoo] Mrs Edith Collais Evans, resigned, O linger left Tuesday for Del’o«' berry of Forest Grove, r e c e n t ! m istrial In the ease of Delbert V. the International league w il l f e a - | Mr and Mfs w p Brooks llf as Louise Good, minors, order for professor of voice. Faris, con- Bay to spend the week ' Learned, minor, and Luella C sale Estate of Josephine Slieurer graduate of the engineering dr tu re the benefit game scheduled at Haxeldale vlsiled Mr and Mrs E Donald York and Ruth Holcomb I.earned, guardian, versus Randolph I Case, order Estate of John C. parlinent of Oregon State college Ii Uri „ SuUn -c af,e.r" oon be,w ee" L. Cox Septem ber 18. are students at Monmouth. Newberry Is being assisted by the Bowlby, when the pUiintiff wus I l i e l i c l i , order. Estate of Edgar M chem the Hillsboro Sunset Leaguers and „pen Mre, n eld M rs. Kirkwood Improves istry depuitnieiit at Pacific injured in an autom obile accident I Waldron, proving inventory and university. the Laurel squad. Proceeds of the B rotherh^ of the Kvangelical The east was taken off of Mrs near Witch Hazel station appraisem ent Emina W Wilcox, game will be turned o \ei to Earl churchcs ¡n this district held an John K irkw ood Friday. After an Laboratory equipm ent and lab B aker who was in ju red w hU eptay- m a tin g at the church Sep- Tile jury hud been draw n und fixing tim e for hearing. Frances orutory for the work are being X-ray of her hip it was found that ing w ith the L aurel team some (^ ber lg R“ y Sm ith of , hc M eth. Ghecn. order appointing apprais­ attorneys were m aking their open- it was mending well and Mrs. donuled by Hie Huy Muling can I ing statem ents to Jurors when ers Estate of ¡.ester Mailer, o r­ ncry. tim e ago. odist church of Tigard and Scholls K irkwood w ill soon leave the hos­ I court adjourned the day previous der to bring suit. Although Hillsboro has lost sev- gave his illustrated lecture on lit­ pital. One aim of the disposal plant to the accident New trial was set eral star players. M anager Bill The pictures w ere taken by Mrs Emma Dont has been sut- is the production of commercial for November 1!» and the Jurors Joo* has added Bill Ziegler. George him while he was stationed there I fering this past week from the fertilizer from the sludge berls. Me dismissed until Monday. Holscher and Wes Schulm erich to , few years ago Luncheon wa- effects of high blood pressure. Mrs Gee said. Tills fertilizer in tin- his lineup Before the game Sehul- served bv the ladies after the lec- Dant is 72 years of age and has Mrs Learned and tier son were east brings a gotal price from gui m erich w ill give a butting exhibi- ture, been living alone and doing p rac­ injured Thursday wli :i the auto deuers and farmers. tion. He played his first baseball r ov Merriss. who has been Left H srrj VanDyke, head o: tically ail her own w ork for the i mobile in w hich they were riding Sale of «even piaceli in and nenr games on the Laurel field and so spending the past vear w ith his piano departm ent. Right. C lar­ last eight years [ wus ulleged to liuve been forced Hillsboro during the luist few I w ill be on fam iliar ground. sister, Mrs. Charles Thompson. de- ence L. Faris, head of voice de­ C T Imlay is deer hunting with off the highway near Witch Hazel weeks has been reported by F t) Four Natives of County partm ent. F rank Hill and Lloyd Dailey will parted last week for his home in Listed 34-35 W h o ’s W ho friends from Portland in Eastern station by a truck and grazed a Kugon of Oregon Farms C o. local Oregon. pitch for Laurel Sunday afternoon Iowa. i telephone pole. Four native bum Waahingtun realty firm ductor of the A Capelin Singers w ith Babe Deaville behind the Miss Winifred Berst of Beaver- A Brownlee. Frank G aunt and Tile ear was driven by I.. E. Me men arc Hated In “Who** C aptain Robert T Hall of Port county plate. Either Rosky, Scrofford or ton spent the week-end with Miss and Allegro singers of Portland Ralph Snipes went on a deer hunt Furland. 54. Aloha businessman, an I land, Who in America, HKM 3ftM Tin v retired, bus purchased und ' is president of the Oregon teach- Sunday, but had no luck H unt w ill hu rl for the locals Dorothy VanKleek. eontuined. besides the woman and moved with his family to u home arc William Q Hale, lllllaboro na- the plate. S. H. Pomeroy and son Robert ers' guild He is a graduate of 1th- Mr and Mrs. N Brunswig and | her son. Mrs McFarland, 51. Mrs near now uii educutur in I xm An Reed ville Mr nnd Mrs C tivc, Earl Baker played the first part Pomeroy left the first o f t h e aca conservatory of music N. \ Jack of Chehalis. Wash . spent thi Anna E Cook. 78; Oscar Uarlberg. M Fuqua gclvt; Roy L. Kd wards. Purest o f Portland, former Grove of the 1935 season w ith th e Hills- week on a hunting trip and w ill and of the W estminster choir w eek-end w ith Mr and Mrs D 77 of Siletz, and Marvel Uarlberg, Californians, now an educator in the M J Oxford; native, boro Sunset leaguers and w ith be aw ay for a few days. school of Princeton. N. J., with I. Sullivan. 19. McFarland was not injured s Holt 20 acre purchased O. Wesley W. Beckett. place near Hillsboro Laurel the second half un til he Roy Stew art of Haines is mak- which group he toured Europe Mrs. C. T Imlay and three ch il­ Injured persons w ere brought to, Mr and Mrs Benvle of Bethany Forest Grove native, now a am was injured. Both teams prom ise ing an extended visit w ith his and the United States as tenor dren. Mrs A. Brownie,' and daugli Richard Abts. high school senior, Jones hospital In Hillsboro geon in Los Angeles, and larold a good game and fans are urged ! sister. Mrs. W. C. Hall, w here he is soloist, Faris is particularly in ­ ter Doris spent the w eek-end at who heads tire Hillsboro C hris­ At the tune of the accident the moved to a five-acre tract which K z\ntbony. born in Beaverton, to tu rn out to help a good cause caring for his father, Henry Stew- terested in developing a represent- Rockaway. tian Council C ut courtesy The party was on the way to Hills- j they bought recently near Hills now u New York City natuia The home of Mrs August and enjoy a real game. art. who is very ill. ative choral group to r the univer- Helen Blacker visited H e l e n ’ Oregonian. boro to attend the trial, in which boro Witt near Hillsboro was purchased 1st. ---------------------- John Merriss. father of Mrs s*Iy *n addition to the glee clubs Johnson in Portland over the w eek- Bowlby is being sued for $25,000 by Mi and Mrs Karl Morecroft of a • « /-.« 1 C harles Thompson, who has been and solo work A record registra- end. W o r ld S e rie s S ta rts Soon damages by Mrs Learned and her O rchard, while Mr. and Mis a guest at the Thompson home t ‘°n >» 'h e voice departm ent has son. The son lost his right leg as Cove B etter let Douglass Rudlo Sci \ J F. Jackson of Hanks have pur during the past tw o months, went been established this fall Work in the result of an accident involv­ a 40-acrc place in Scoggins Ice check over your radio Ju.tt in S o i l CjVPF R .14110 California recently to visit. From conducting is given b> Mr F a il' ing the Bowlby ear in April. 1934 chased case Phone 21X now. Ixtcated in valley. and a new course in public school Torvil Branda. 25. ulleged d riv ­ Mrs, Karl Iterino of Washington Selfridge F urniture store. Htllsboi In response to the challenge of er of the truck. Is under arrest GOLD BEACH — Mr. and Mrs in Iowa music for state music teachers has a recent Argus editorial. President for failure to slop and render aid bought the 10-uere place of Louis Fred Schm idt of Hillsboro a r e Business meeting and Bible been added to the curriculum Richard Abts of Hillsboro C hris­ after an accident, according to re c Knutsen near Rccdvllle and Mrs (Continued fro m one) keeping tab on a son. George, for- study, which was postponed from The piano departm ent is headed m er high school principal h ere and this week Tuesday, w ill be held by Prof H arry Van Dyke, pianist- farm ers to abandon their e n te r­ tian Council, this week announced ords in the office of John C on­ Bellinger of North Plains has pur that the council hud voted to u n ­ nell. sheriff. Hrunda. driver for a chased a home in Hillsboro. now lookout on Rocky peak in the at the church October 1 at 8 composer of Portland and teacher prises. F u rth er indications o f better dertake. as a perm anent project, Forest Grove lum ber company, de- Siskiyou National forest. o’clock The third chapter of Gen- of the I. P hilipp method of Paris N O T K K OK F IN A ts h K T T IK M K S T George is in receipt of a letter esis w ill be studied Everybody in- He is a graduate of Des Moines times can be found in the fact that the upkeep of the Hillsboro cem e­ ' Clares that he did not know of the the County C»H*rt <*f the S tate O r» from the home folks in w hich they vited. Musical college and studied three the county relief office is closrd tery Abts also named an advisory , accident until tie reached Forest , In a»M*. W » a h ln g ti» n C»>tinty. down until w inter and the branch committee of Hillsboro adults, u n ­ Grove, w here he was told of what ln (h o f o M r s l lc quote a conversation th eir son had years in Europe under A. Span- r *»f a h » »»f C M via t i d short a n u ii w w a ave t t ? radio id u iu w w n ith n the i n c dis- CHS- « T T* 1 Shaffer. I *«*rs»«e»l. uth of the Stern conservatory. Ber- office of the state em ployment der the chairm anship of W. Verne happened by tw o boys who w en' service in the city hall has been McKinney, to adv contacts N olU ’e u h e reb y u lv e n th a t th e un d e r trict headquarters at G rants Pass. lin. and I. Philipp of the Paris „ 7 , ,ln lne ,c n v ,,naJ l has been M cK inney. Io advise on contacts i riding the rear of the truck • iKitesl. d u ly ap»tnte«| A d m ln b tr a ln r nf national conservator. Van Dvke !lr?a b le . ,o supply all demands for with lodges controlling the ceme- D uring this talk George asked that , “ . > »• " I.irv rV T " in C x x rr -x I O M . * -x I,-x a — a $ « « « •< * i'll. William Byrnes, indicted by the th e « I h iv o namesl e e 'a te . h«a file d In tery. and w ith owners of lots, and sundry supplies be sent him. His is known for his composition. "The labor in seasonal em ployment grand jury Septem ber 6, was ur-1 (h e » Im x e e n title d rotart m id t*au>e hid m other, hearing the conversation “ far as * » to determ ine what ought to be rested this week at Lakeview and f in a l a e e o u n t a n d re p o rt «a a u rh . a n d Surf." and th er piano and voice ,_sonal employment I s concerned. done and what is able to be done ewurt ha« f i l e d »he SM,h «lay o f t>. in Hillsboro, 350 miles away, jo t­ D elbert T urner of Corvallis, son num bers Mrs Amy Spelbrink returned to Hillsboro by a deputy »he »«bar. I M S . a t th e k » u r o f te n oel»M-h ted down the list and sent it to of Mrs. E. T. T urner of Hillsboro. Beaupre. B. Mus. Pacific, has are not m uch higher, but jobs arc by the young people’s groups. from the office of Sheriff John A M o f aaid »lay. a n d th e e«Hirt room more abundant and farm ers more O ther m em bers of the com m it­ the son. thereby confirm ing the ranked fourth or fifth among 500 charge of the Melody Way pupils Connell. He is held on a grand «•f th e above e n title d e o u rt in l t i | U | M>r«>. conversation. — Oregon J o u r n a l or m ore foresters throughout the Prof Edward H argreaves. B willing to hire help. Skilled labor tee appointed by the council pres­ larceny count. more O reg o n a« th e tim e a n d »»!»< e f o r h e a r- i And A ll These is fairly well employed ident. all of whom have accepted Sept 22. « o b je ctio n « to «aid F in a l A c c o u n t, and United States in the junior forest- Mus. Pacific, of P ortland will turn­ Hearing begun Tuesday w u s in Both local and national elem ents their appointment, are Dr. Charles fo r th e f i n a l « e ttle n te n t o f «aid e«tate. ers' exam ination given late last die all the theory work as well as completed W ednesday in the case D a te tl th ia X&th day o f S e p te m b e r. ! A Lamkin. L J Rushlow, Cal i f " ! ' he. most J ea spring by the civil service com- the th e organ departm ent and Miss of C L. B arber vs. S K New- 1 M « . ’-.I- U lC ft D O O S tC r mission, according to word receiv- Helen Creitz C reitz of Portland. B Mu Mus ’,lrn>- "ne ¿n recent months to Jack. Mrs. W G Hare. Earl Don- begin in circuit court The suit Is I. S U L K .M A N . A d m in istra to r of the elson. O range Phelps. Dr. J. O. of ( M S h a ffe r . Pesenaed I w T. - ed by T. ill continue w ith violin confine* to" Vh’ Pf?,I,an.d a r‘M' ,C T J Starker, professor of Pacific, w will to quiet title to property sold u n ­ J h e ta te Robb. K N. Brown. Mrs. Emma M . A I e a r . A t to r n ey fo r A d m ln ia tra i Ensemble playing. plaving. at n,lde Oregon State college requlred and orchestra Are now on the hurgain der tax lien. Judge Peters took to r. » vaaaaawaa forestry Turnel. g foj. degree of * ' b a' he“' Commonwealth, Inc Business S McKinney. G Russell Morgan. Ed 32-S T urner made a grade_ of 86. and required for the degree of bachel the case under advisement tr n n v ,» ' F L. ” 7 ,he biSbcs’ grade m ade was 88 or of music is under the direction ~ h upswing definitely un- M Bowman, and Henry Young. counter in anticipation of Virgil Fuller, arrested in connec­ ay in Ju ly continued through KINTON—All are invited to be Some of those ranking higher had of the m ajor professors The fac- tion with the robbery of the E rick­ new models. Make an present at five - points a, the grange "Booster a preference of > - - - - , because ulty as a whole will sponsor the August to bring the Comm on­ son garage in Beaverton, was a r ­ w ealth index of business activity N ight” at the hall Monday night, of m ilitary service. offer! annual high school music tou rn a­ , to raigned Monday on a larceny 73.36 from 66.85 in July. A program has been prepared by ment. charge, pleaded guilty before Judge L um ber production e x c e e d e d CHARLES J HOMM the lecturer, Mrs. Alice Fluke. 1933 Chevrolet Coupe R. Frank Peters and sentence was i Ju ly by 72 per cent and was equal FOREST GROVE Funeral serv ­ Those attending are invited to p re­ postponed The defendant was giv­ (C o n tin u e d fr o m pntr« one» ■ to August of last year. Building pare for pot luck lunch in the ices for Charles J. Homm, 66. who 1930 C hevrolet Roadster was up strongly, topping July by drew Young: Hebrew woman Mrs. en his liberty pending sentence died at his home nn Gaston route dining room after the program O rders have been filed in c ir­ Mr and Mrs. Neils Hansen of la Pe r cent, last August by 72 per Edrie Melhuish Mrs. If If Slan- Mrs. J. H. Aten and son Jack 2 Septem ber 19. were held from 1934 Chev T o w n Sedan cuit court in the following caser; Electric pow er production nard will put on n pantomime spent Thursday w ith relatives and the Forest Grove U ndertaking Los Angeles are on a 10-day visit cent. Due to the dram atic quality no Liquidation of Shute Savings bank, company chapel Saturday w ith at the Hans Hansen home. Han- was »■» per cent above the same friends in Sherwood. 1929 Chevrolet Sedan sen is a steam engineer w ith th e m on,b in 1934 Bank debits were one will be adm itted to the audi­ pay attorneys' fees Liquidation of Preaching service by the pastor. Rev. George Watson officiating, Rev. Virgil Speece, Sunday m orn- Interm ent was in Hill cem etery board of education. | UP Per cent over last year. 9 ence during an act. Latc-comers Bank of Beaverton, pay attorneys' fees, pay abstracting costs a n d 1934 C hevrolet Coach _ | near Gaston. Misses Lotis Neal and C h a rlo tte ' Per cenl over July. Retail trade 2? * be adm itted betw een acts only. Mr. Homm was born at West Young of Portland visited Miss continued the upw ard pace of July. X, ' P''rfortnanee will start at 8:15 execute lease and option Mary tickets W illers vs. Sam uel A rthur Steinke 1929 C hevrolet Coupe Union. Minn., August 11, 1869. and Mollie Rueck Sunday. j exceeding last year by 10 to 12 per Those not having advance tickets may purchase them at the door, and Hattie Steinke, orders; W J m arried H arriet Sm ith there in Sunday guests of Mrs. E lizab eth ' cent 1929 C hevrolet Coach 1892. Deceased is survived by the Reed w ere Mr. and Mrs. Sam De- N ationally one saw steel advanc- and children's tickets will also be Feldt and Pearl Feldt and liquida­ tors. confirm ation Bell P o t a t o widow and th e following chiidren: , Moss and daughter Margie of Port- j ing contra-seasonally, construction on sale at the door. Chip Co vs G. F. Via. as mayor, Comm ittee assisting Miss Wil­ 1929 C hevrolet Coupe Helen and Jam es Homm, G asto n :; land. at high for the year, carloadings I Bernice Ogilvie, Daphne Homm. Mr and Mrs. Virgil Bish e n te r -; ?bead of 1934. electric power equal- liams includes Rev. C harles M. H. G. Bond, as recorder. A. C McGuire as chief of police o f Reed, general chairm an. Mrs. Stan- 1931 C hevrolet Coach Oswego: Alice Homm. Eugene: ; tained Sunday w ith a din n er par- in? 1929 and currency circulation . ,, .. . . . enry Young nard’ H Uenry Young a and / \ l f John- City of Forest Grove, decree. H ar­ Eunice Christian. Lomita Park. Cal.. ' ty. Present w ere Myron A rchand. gaining. In addition there was re- nard. ry 1. Robinson vs. C harles B ert­ son. Ben Faber and Harold Allison of M utual O k la ' e°v ery of tourist tra d e and of the son' Ben f a ber and Mrs J M 1930 Ford Sedan and Blanche Homm, Portland. of n publicity: Mr. and Mrs. C arl Rueck. F r a n k , autom obile industry. Person are in c charge h a r g e of u b lie itv : hold and Anna Berthold, default Liquidation o f Make a collection of FREDERICK GEORGE McKAY M iller and G race Miller. | Sum m ing up. a strong recovery Doris Weber, Mrs. Thomas Conneil. and judgm ent. 1926 Ford Touring Special Iiates for Parties. stamp photos — T r a d e Frederick George McKay, 24. on­ Francis Rowell spent several days ntovem ent had its inception in Mrs. A. W. Havens, ticket chair­ Bank of Beaverton, to sell bonds, Lodges and Church w ith your friends. ly son of Dr. John T. McKay, form ­ last week on a business trip to ^ uly and gained mom entum last men; Mrs Edrie Melhuish. Mrs and order re Otto Erickson A Co . 1929 Ford Coach erly of Hillsboro, died at the fam ­ Corvallis. Organizations. ' month. Because the governm ent's C harles Douglass and Mrs. N. E bankrupt. Alvin H unger and Ruby Hunger vs. William Adler J r und Haworth, properties and costumes; ily home in Saskatoon. Can.. Sep- for Louie Hatfield retu rn ed Monday : tive billion spending program is not 1931 Ford Coupe Sept. 26 to Oct. 12 tem ber 20. He had been an invalid from a hunting trip to Hebo ' , underw ay and because new vital- L. S. Campbell, stage manager, Oris Adler, overruling dem urrer only for m any years, but failed rapidly Mrs. William Weigle of Seattle ‘‘X is diffused rath er than applied and Wilbur Bonnr, Edward Hurd Credit Service Co. vs. John T. M odel I Ford Sedaa during the past few months. He is and Mrs. Elizabeth Reed attend- to Individual industries, current and Harold Meyer, stage lighting. ! Croeni, overruling dem urrer Helen Hillsboro M Pindell by Olga A. N arup vs. survived by his father and tw o ed a luncheon given by Mrs B. C movenient is m ore im pressive than M odel T Ford Coupe Albert Pindell. overruling dem ur­ Evenings, 7:30 to 10:30 sisters, Jean and Jessie, all of Sas- Schulm erich in Hillsboro. any previous one. Congress is out rer. J E H awkins vs J o h n ( katoon, and his two grandm others. Mrs. Lucy Wolfe of Taft is v is -' of the way and the president has 1929 Dodge Coupe Mrs. Mary McKay of Hillsboro a n d , iting at the Frank M iller home assured business th at it will have Mrs. D iana W. Line of Toronto, A comm unity dinner w ill b e a breathing spell. 1926 Dodge Sedan Can., form erly of Hillsboro. Miss served at th e ' Scholls M ethodist Banks report increases in both savings deposits Hope for the establishm ent of a Jessie McKay of this city is an church Wednesdav evening Octo- "becking a n d 109 S. 2nd Hillsboro 1925 Dodge Sedaa aunt. b er 2. from 6 o'ciock until all are ran glng from 30 to 75 per cent in ?Jove factory ln Hillsboro by a served. The novel feature of this th e last year. Minneapolis company representetl 1931 Dodge Sedan dinner will be its being served , Automobile dealers, during the w i l ^ or ï >,>? r’ " and prepared entirely by the men Iast four months have topped last 2^ president, faded following a 1926 C adillac Sedaa There will also be a fine program y e a rs sales by better than 100 per flna m eeting here last week in i which an attem pt made by local at 8 o’clock. All are welcome. ¡ cent' reports show. business men and a cham ber of 1929 Buiclt Coupe comm erce committee to reach an tToo la te fo r last week) — A T — agreem ent w i t h t h e company 1926 Buick Coupe Anniversary Observed failed. Mr. and Mrs A ndrew Weller I D ij « t The company asked a factory, 1928 F ra n k lin Sedaa celebrated Uieir 33rd wedding an- D U y S D O n t l J.SSUe ren t and tax free for five years, ; niversary Sept. 16 w ith a fam ily (Continued fro m paire one) and would not consider an offer Cornelius, Oregon Phone Forest Grove 38» 1927 Pontiac Sedaa dinner. Mr. and Mrs. C harles Dun- National bank on the im provem ent of a site for the construction of a can and son Dale of P ortland were refunding bonds. factory made as a compromise. present. 1927 Packard Sedaa E M. Adams & Company sub­ m itted the lowest bid, $100 08 par Traffic Violators Fined 1929 G ra h am -P a ig e on both issues. Two traffic fines were levied in Sedan The bids w ere considered as in ­ justice court by A. W. Havens (K y H a z e l C h u rc h le y ) dicating a healthy condition of the Mr and Mrs. W. M. Snipes vis­ city finances, George McGee, city Wednesday afternoon. Dayton Mays 1932 Plym outh Coupe of North Plains paid $1 and costs ited Mr. an d Mrs. C. A shpaugh in manager, pointed out. when he pleaded guilty to d riv ­ Portland Sunday. 1932 Plym outh Sedaa ing a truck w ithout an operator's Mrs. Lois M yers and son Frank Pleads G uilty to Larceny license, and Everett H Lillig of Sentence was postponed in the Portland paid $5 and costs when 1927 C hrysler Coupe case of Axel Erickson of S her­ he pleaded guilty to speeding with man's mill above Mountaindale. a truck near Reedville. 1926 C hrysler Coach when he pleaded guilty Tuesday M ain Street Prom pt in Justice A. W. Havens' court to C hrysler Coupe, wrecked larceny of four planks from lum ­ Service Phone 81 ber owned by G. M. Laughlin. He 1930 D u ran t Sedan had offered settlem ent for the lum ­ FRESH Holstein cow for sale, pure bred, double-tested, betw een 5 ber. he told Judge Havens. E rick­ D u ran t Coach son is logging and said his men and 6 gallons—Charles Sherm an. Specials for Sept. 27 and 28 needed the lum ber and borrowed 1*4 miles northw est Bethany P res­ 1927 W h ip p e t Sedan it. byterian church. 32 P. U . Conservatory Music Reorganized Benefit Game Council Chief First Sewage Tests Proved Successful Mishap Halts Damage Case Many Realty Deals Reported by Iùgon M other Checks on xvouiw there he wiU return to his home Times Better Here M erchants Report Christian Council to Begin Fine Work 12 New I limCf KankS H igh in Forestry Work Cars and Trucks USED CARS N ight at Kinton Local Talent Show Booked Two Nights ROLLER SK A TIN G Scholls Join the Fun 4 IOC SH U T E P A R K Movement to Bring Factory H ere Fails Schramel Studio W ANTED Vinegar Apples Again WeiVs Lead Local Loan G roup K N IG H T PA C K IN G CO. Reedville Powers Grocery USED CARS Bought and Sold SLIPS 1929 Essex Coupe Too Late to Classify 1927 C hevrolet Coach 1927 Essex Coach 1929 Nash Sedan news! Low priced slips O ther cars to choose from . by the internationally oh Kayser. Guarantee) _ ^-perfect f:JirnaJ (jT ^o n te e d washable! Guaranteed non-shm»l125 —Phone 1041. 32 Raisins 1930 O a klan d Sedaa 1927 Hudson Coach 5c l-lb . tin 1929 C hevrolet T ru ck 1930 Chevrolet T ru ck 1928 C hevrolet T ru ck 23c Blue & W hite. 4-lb. pkg, 1931 Ford T ru c k 1929 Ford T ru c k Seed Cleaning — All grains and seeds thoroughly cleaned— removal buekhorn and weed seeds from clover guaranteed. We a r e 'a ls o equipped to roll all kinds of grain. FEEDS Dairy Feeds - Mill Run - Suprem e Developing Mash Egg Mash- -G uaranteed to m ake your hens lay. New Shipment Shingles Now on Hand. FREE D E L IV E R Y E. B. Anderson & Son Millers of Quality Feeds Hillsboro Warehouse—Oregon Electric Depot Bethany Store—Phone Hillsboro 1R4 20c Coach 1927 O ld . Coach SMALL chicken ranch w anted to rent or buy near Hillsboro or Forest Grove. Not less than 300 | I chickens, fair buildings, ("or sale. : 1400-pound h o r s e . — J. Vander- j schuere. Phone Hillsboro 3293. p ! Q U A L IT Y 1926 O a klan d Phone W a x P aper Bed & W hite. 19c 125-foot ro ll Blue & W hite, Norwegian. C rackers M odel T Ford T ru c k Hillsboro Motoi Sardines Krispy. 2-Ib. p k g ................ 1(4$ 1926 Ford D elive ry Eivest U«ed Car Mar W ashington Coun */4 '4» C hevrolet and 29c Many other items specially priced for Friday nnd Saturday. These prices good Sept. 27 and 28 only. Oldsn JAMES WHITELAW, P 318-332 M a in St. Phone 444 fo r W re, Service Service, D ay o r Ni| ,