Thursday. September 26, 1936 H IL L S B O R O AR G U S, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Page Seven Real Estate Values Were Never Lower - Invest Now for Profit - Read the Ads A Ready Market with Big Results at Little C o s t---- Classified Columns Close at 10 A. M. W ednesday— Too Late to Classify Accepted Until 5 P. F a rm M a c h in e ry 27. M. Wednesday I in tha county court room in the County Black, | 7 . C anfield E ( heney, | K ; Ar­ < o u r t H o u m , in tha t 'ii y o f Hillsboro, th u r Zelotu* Down«. 57 M ary H Buaun. I W ashington County, Oregon. as t h e 57; Gaorva M n rtfrau r Robinson, 57; C ount Y our P ruitt» wunt q u irk ' COItHU GATED roller. H-foot, for NEW sh ip m en t of horse-. $40 t- I tim e and plane fo r hearing «aid fin a l Frederick W illia m M adantx. 5«; Jam a* >( W ANTED Men to ru t wood for PIA N O Repossessed sale Jo h n Ironside, 12th and E $100 for q u ick sail . also 8 G uerre ax-oiint and ail objections thereto, and Hu,rh»*on. 5.*». M ary Ho lt. 56; Mvtbaa »ale; b a ia rn e due, $!)3 You take wood T elephone 25f>3 11111 m - Flint Insertion, per w ord 2c fo r the fin a l anttlam ent <»f aaid estate. 32-3p »ey und 9 Je rse y bulls, y ear t Kay Ric ha n l. 56; H a ttla <} <'a r pen tar, I hiio 32tf over c o n tra ct on high g rade piano j L incoln Dated th i* 18th day of September, A. 57; Koch odditinnul Insertion, Rachel E M cNabb. I l l ) . W illiA m ■ ■ . i , — -------------- — | 18-oiooths-old; also good double- w ith only $33 d o r at $5 u m onth D. 1935. F ra n k lin Sm ith . David Ki< hard. 56 ; FIV E h p l „ r word 1«' gas engine ch ea p for tested fresh cow s T. rm s A 3 W ANTED E xperienced w o n iin Addrc»». Mr. Sm ith. A djuster, K h W A R D S'* HOTJM E R IC H . Adm inis- A n nie M aria N a ff. |x ; Jamea M u rro w , Be su re to read th e classi­ C all 444, H illsboro M otor Eischen Gírtor» 30-2 p (No »crvlc« per (Mile lm» rook; ulao Rood d in in g room girl. Kill S W Wa-dungloii St.. P o rt- tra to r of the Estate of H erm an & h u l- H O ; Emma Yaotsman*. 5 5 ; Cecilia Beard. fied and display a d v e rtise ­ 32 m erirh, Decenaed Th« «. H. Tongue Jr.. 54; Ja w ia M H o lt. 57 t h i o 25c) Part linn only L uncheon» every Lind. O reg o n 31-3 Frederick G H a r ­ m ents in th is w eek ’s Argus, A tto rn ey fo r A d m inistrator. 31-5 court. 57 John W C u rl. 55; A lv a M CATTLE a n d h o is ts of all kind» M onday noon A pply C huinbei of in th is issue ten a d v e rtis­ M O LIN E tra c to r for sale, price I Of WfMlall, 5 7 , Ckarlea D Staley. 5 ,2 ; John Reader* per Hue bought for cash. »old or ex- I Com m erce, a fte r I p in 30tf BARG AINS hi UB«’d fu rn itu re ing tre a su re tic k e ts to the reasonable. S u sb au er Brother«, changed T erm s 10 to 20 m onths on Francis Gilleapie. 57; Alonzo Clapahaw, . H oi i 155 S. 2nd A v e. Cornelius. B lack F aro H eading P e rm itted V enetian th e a tre a re hidden 57; Joeephine Am ato, 51; I.ydia Balta 32 p ...»!<• G a il K a rn s, O re n c o . P h o n e W o rk W a n te d before you buy. 30tf I.illy . 54: Norm an A Fuller. 57; M arion Cush ih o u ld uecom puny order in the copy and th is m ig h t be The»xb»ra Hut.ehixon 57; Daniel Parry LICEN SED stock trailer«, 2-cow H ill boro 2621X y our lucky w eek. Earp. 510; Frederick Brakebuah. 51»: T Y I’EWIUTFH und adding m ucninc i i y g j 4y£*j* rug, 8x10; C o g w e l l O ut of lalrncM to nil no In ­ capacity. re n t $1 per day. L ight Read each carefu lly . I f you A lbert T G illiam , 57 ; Edwin E M araball. fo rm atio n on th e C l a s s i f i e d n p airs F red Itorwy, care of Ar- chuir R e a l E state w icker bassinet. $4 50; trailer:; m ade to order. A uto p a rts find y our nam e listed w ith 55. Krad Re heel. 57; John A llen. 5 5 ; Page w ill be given out until <«»• o n .b in u llo n n ga isis range. $1850 155 and furm m achinery L. V. H ulit. l athertoe M orris, 58; A rth u r Benjam in the w ords “V enetian tic k e t” the pap er 1» Issued. H o lt. 55; Jasper A M orris. 55; V ictor i E W e llin g t o n V e n e tia n tic k e t 152 N Second Ave 23tf H A L E -acre and 5-room house, s u b ­ p receding it, clip th e a d v er- HAVE y our old w ell cleaned out Dan E rdm an, lit I. Hillsboro; Buckley Raymond, 57 . L o u n a A Mil»«. urb an to south P o rtlan d , for sale tisrnent in w hich it appears 55; H erm an H e n ry V<«al»an«. 57 M ary —»—• — : <»r new one dug E. C. B ennett. used farm m achinery or trad e for H illsboro hom e or and bring it to th e A rgus o f­ Meyer. 57 ; C te b o rn E Bryan. 57 ; Roaa I Dennitf Ave., Hillsboro. 27tf Argu.s 3097. 32 p by L ester Irela n d h N ew m an. 512 Joseph LaM orc. 55; Nancy A nn o un cem en t» fice Y our free th e a tre tic k e t liti M Lb« no. 57; John Brown H ay*. 57; w ill be ready for you. House M oving FOB BENT 160 a cres in Y am hill Owen Perry Kelsey. 57 ; (»abeila Mc­ ( A it BON paper, typ e w rite r rib- Moving, resilling, raising, base- FI H ST and i econd grow th fir; county, 6-room house. 2 f a i r C allan. 57 Elian Vicker». 56: A lfre d USED n iM c m n e r y of all kinds - buns, etc., for i de A rgus. tf nients, etc., .shingling, 27 years * I alder, m aple und a.iii; m ixed, for rm a k . 54; C ..rn ellu * R O rr an. s iz ' d barns, silo, ru n n in g stream s, H illsboro Feed Co., 160 W. M ain 13.71, J M Pi IN THE D ISTRICT COURT O r E Alt. 5'z mile* south on 5« . f'harlea F Barron 54 . M o rris John ex p erien ce in W ashington county.-— gali 14 51. J ( H r..' 4tf 40 acres in c u ltiv atio n , balance in THE UNITED STATES FOR THE Field. f-H; A lfred I. Hum phrey. 1 6 . Jor­ BUSIN ESS C urds If y o u e n g a g e in E L H ew itt, 230 N D ennis Ave . L uurel road. 31tf t l • « o u s h-B arriek C pasture. $250 rent, $150 down. E dan Snider. 55; J<*»eph P L in day. 5 5 ; any .service tyj>e o f business, 111 f DISTRICT OE OREGON FOB .•’ale, 10x30 stave silo, also A G riffith, 131 S Second Ave. 32 Fannie Snider. 55; F an nie Grace P a rker. Hun cards bunded to y o u r putrons will OLD grow th fir wood. 18-inch, In th e M atter of F ra n k Sholes, 5- E m ily Piackledaa. 55; R.fhert B 4 -horse conveyor potato digger Feed b enefit you See T he A rgus for 11. $3 50 per cord and up. No knot ; S - t, 5 1 ‘ Ehen Rosamond Shipley, 5.5; M odern H ouse B an k ru p t. M au rer B r o s . 5 m iles south of Id age pen «ion e x p - J N e w to n C r o s b y S h ip le y , 55 : Jaa*a M itten. q u a lity work. L arg e and sm all oak. T elephone C ornelius T elephone F orest G rove 6 rooms, full cem ent basem ent, N ptice is hereb y given th a t p u r ­ Br 143.03 ; L itt ,e r ’» Phar- ><; Charles We«ley H a n k in *. 57 M ichael 2553 30tf 1G18J Pele Peterson, 52.50 : M ay* H H and an o n , 57; D aniel Shea. 57; H e r­ furnace. C hoice location, b e a u ti­ su an t to an o rd e r of th e re fe re e in rnary 3O-2p EVERYBODY know s th a t o u r P e r ­ FO U R -w heel cam p tra ile r to trad e M ercantile Co., relief M r M ag- bert B u ttle *. 55; A lex C arp enter, 5**: Ed­ ful lot, 98x100, w ith sh ru b b e ry and b a n k ru p tc y in th e above e n title d iJr ' K Good condition. Vulue $75. W hat H.« ver. S IS ; M rs H a ttie W illia m *, win N Donalds.,n. 56 . W M,w*. 55; L iz ­ fect B lue W hite D iuinonds are PLA N ER ends and heavy block JO H N D eere 3-bottom disc plow 4 w alnut trees. S idew alks, paved e state m ade on th e 17th d a y of -------- , ja il exp. have you? F ra n k Pauli, 432 E >6 ; W E Pegg. re- zie M 'a«. 55. A M eCann, 5 7 . A lice priced low er thun m ost Jew elers wood at $3 75 cord. G eneral m ill for sale. Z ina Wood farm 30tf street, and sew er all in. P ric e $2750 A ugust, 1935, t h e U n d e r S lg n e d , lie f A r th u r C Burke, deeeaxed. 522.60 ; 32p E llio tt, 56 ; M ay P G allow ay. 5 1 : Jamea p rice im perfect stones.- -A nderson's M a i n , Hillsboro. ru n wood $2.75 cord - T elephone term s. tru ste e of said estate, w ill from t 1 S am aritan hospital, relief Mrs. N o r- Sylveafer Jenninv«. 512. W illia m A Wi«e. 35 Bidw eli, 51.5(>; 3 E Fay ram , eoun- 29-32ptf 22. 4-ioorn house. 2 lots, for onlv $550, and a fte r th e 27th day of Septem 5«; W illia m Edward Ham m ond, 57 ; DODGE touring, in good ru n n in g 1691 Office. 372 8 6th S heep, G oats h e r 1BT5 n r n r n - d t o s e ll a t t h e ,y court rx p 75c- «••'“ •I 5; E L H u teh croft, 512; Frank chicken house. C ash $1200, balance ton C ounty, O regon, w hich 24F7. 32 in te r- H xnel'« E lectric Shop, county ja il exp Hoke, 23. P o u ltry u th er g rain or cash. J V ander- ------------------------ ii Cleveland. 5 Alonzo Knitrht. 55 : t< rms. T. Sm ith, >4-m ile west of est is described as follow s: 75<-. court h«u»e exp «1. total »1.75; 0 0 » M a rtin G ianz, 56 »ehuere, Rt. 2. C ornelius. P hone OA T and vetch hay for sale. C o m -1 — ----- ■- H ulda Ann W ilson, 32-4p E IG H T -m onths-old L lew ellyn pup 3293 Hillsboro. A n u n d iv id e d o n e -six th in- ™ev,.t" r f. / h' - - • **•*' f 57; F lo ria n Liepold, 5' M ary Alice m on vetch seed, 98'. pure, h a iry KED pullets, y ear-old hens, cocker- W itch Hazel school. 27tf W Connell, s h e riff » exp, »14.69; Ralph Sehneil, 54; James W ilson lost B row n und w hite R ew ard. 55; John R te re st in th e east h a lf or 25 feet veleh seed J W Gales. H illsboro «'>« f" r Mrs. J. R. Jones. FIV E-room house for sale, cheap D rew er. I» M D. relief M r A llen »3, M r . Hynie». 57; W illia m A Gixxlman, 55 Phone A T w nter 4050 or T R inity 12. F o r S a le - M iscellaneo u s Rt 3 Rhone 3IFH of Lot 1 a n d all of L ot 2, Block I .M B a llard «2.50. to ta l »5.50; Aloha 32-4p Vis 8 , Hannah A n e state consisting of a in nu ll a n d logging center. W ork ney. 56 . H e n ry Tym er Co.. In c., election M M a rtin . 5»; Ferdinand K ia tt, 5 * ; Ida W ednesday. P erfectio n B akery. | V e g e ta b le s M cFall, G a rib ald i avenue. P hone 1 available. d a rk T elephone Forest G rove ten a n cy by th e e n tire ty in Lots exp 54 "h . Harri«on D H ugxins. M D. F o u r cabins n e a rly al-1 M ay McPherson, 55; Lulu M ay In gram . SIM. 32 1718W 32p relief M a ry E M ille r, 511; O B Kraus 58; C h rist Rommesmo, 57; W in n ie Belle 4, 5, 6. and 7. B lock 4, P le a s­ w ays rented. L ive in one. re n t WOOD b u rn e r range», sew ing m a- 1 CON CORD and N iagara g ta p e s fo r county Hcho*! supt exp. 573 ; (» B Kraus, a n t View A ddition to th e C ity H owell Raley. IS ; Benjam in F ra n k lin chine, w alnut ex ten sio n d in in g M | c over 25 lbs Ic lb brin g D U D L E Y S H anson stra in L eghorn th re e Tl)taI Pr ‘ce SGOO T rad e for 4 -H cluh fund exp. 518; A E Simmons, Raley. 55; W illia m K in d o rf. 510; James T O PC O A T lost H art S chuffner A of C ornelius, W ashington C o u n ­ county treasurer exp. 53 ; G H Reeves, Joseph W alsh. 55; John T Reynold«, 510; table and chairs, o th er household container» II R C h a n tle r V ine- pullets, sires all pedigreed, from e q u ity in house or im proved acre- M arx, blue B edford cord Tele ty O regon. x ,— . , ---------- E w a s h in g - dist. sealer. 520.80. Roth D a iry , widow»’ R ew urd (V enetian a r l|cl<-». all good condition C . A yard. 833 N Second Ave., b etw een 250 to 327 large egg dam s.—P a u l a^’e' ®5n j.h c n c 1 UH Edw ard Eugene Bacon, 510; Priscilla P. L. P A TI’ERSON, T ru stee in pen-ion e x p Sylvia Bean. »6.20; The J Ann 31tf Roberts. 515; M a ry Francis W illard . luyck. Rt I. H auksi ('H m e», » ' 2, Box .710. Ileav erto n i Kt and 2nd Ave. 32 D udley, Aloha Mail, Rt I. B eav- ton P hone 471Y ticket. H enry Duyc F ra n k Sholes E state, W ells B uild- K uil1 « r e u tt judse exp. »2.75. 55; M a ttie B Boardm an. >8; Caro line erto ti. 31-4 nc H ills b o ro O r e g g o o n n . 2 w ln o H a D rd w e r i f f , c exp. nnisD oro. u re ¿a 8 -7 a ^ . c , , ''r 6„ 0 are, ,over county Son s h r8. W ANTED - P o u ltr y of a ll kinds. a n t-fire s for sale, all In good A J W hlddon. P hone 1802. p N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S re-establishm ent of -ection corner», 5! W rite, w ill call, or b rin g F rid ay . c o m , hay. tu rn ip patch, ru n n in g M O D ERN IZE y o u r hom e w ith c o n - 1 condition, changing heating sys- Lester M Chase, county a-^acasor’s exp. Kem m er. re lie f W E P e rry. 59 w ater, all goes w ith place; $175.— In the County Court of the State of O re- c rete septic tanks, weil. c u rb and j J o n C T R ichardson. 244 N A P PL E S — Spllr.enbergs, fo r W ashington County. Htllaboro Pharm acy, old aye penafcm exp 56. S t a n e n S a tu rd a y or M onday before noon. H H. C arey, N orth Plains. 31-2p In yon. F. R B arden. C ornelius. 46tf R e lief A n n ie B rickline. 58; M a ry J the M u tter of the E state of John C. • ** Parson«. 55; D r R A Bi-aett, re- ch im n ey s P o rtlan d C oncrete Pipe ‘ T h ird SI W lnesaps. few N o rth e rn Spies. Bechen, Deceased. ,ie f M orris child. 54; J E Carpenter. C hurchill. 512; A nna E g li. 512 M artha A ProxIurU C o . 581» S W M aca­ 20c box on tree. 50c If picked. FIN E 6-room bungalow for sale, E Pope. 510; Sarah R Powell. 515; E lla Notice is hereby yiven th at the under- au»e»*<,r’« exp, 522.90; Fran k M tl- P ig . dam . P ortland. P hone A T w uter j EIGHT- w eeks-old pig» for sale. B ring boxes A ny day b u t Sunday. 2 4 . large lot, paved street, s e w e r ,1 slyned have been duly confirm ed by the ‘e r relief Jim Rockwell. 511.MO ; R B P lant. 510. 4921. 2 » :f' C heat seed. O ne six-foot W heat —W illiam Robb, Rt 3 H illsboro fru it, berries. C onsider su b u rb a n above entitled court as Executor and " M anley, relief James Joseph W’alsh Donelson 4 Sewell. In c ., old age peu- Executrix of the Last W ill and Testa- John B ill «10. C arl Entepp 5 i0 . to- ion exp Sally Lewis, deceased. 522.50. land plow, good as new - P h ilip phone 2728 32 YOUNG W hite P ek in ducks, read y place on deal.—A rgus 3530. 30tf m ent of said deceased, and have duly tal ,3n '• O »w o n T y p e w rite r Co., county B arclay n o rth of Moun- I --------- --------------------------------- l«M f m ark et. 75c each - Mrs. M ar- , Davis. deceased. 522.50, total S. Lessons -M u s ic , D a n c in g H ergert. 2 mile qualified a * such; court exp. 53.50; Dr Charles Hines. 545; A G Rushlight A Co., court house 32 $5000 ■ - talndalc. Phone 10F12 N o r t h ch a pes for sale J 6 e Seus, Rt. 9. in e r P h o n e H,U*boro 272lY Now. therefore, all persons having druggist, relief exp. 524.05; F ra n k lin exp. 54.15; H G Doriot, county s h e riff’s DEE D arling, tea ch e r of piano. Plain» (V enetian ticket. Mrs June H illsboro P hone 33F15 32 p , G S for sale, 8-w e e k s -o ld ,-H u g h I F ° R S A L ^ - T h e M acK ay p ro p er- claim s against said eetate are hereby P a n tin g company, county clerk’« exp. exp, 53.20; F J Sewell, coroner’s inq . . . ... . . TV W a s h ln in n n c tr o n t n on e 1Tis»»-4 studio at residence of Mr» It Flem ing. 819 E C ed ar! 32p and required to prevent the same, 81c; Perfection Bakery. county home fee S S Jeffries, deceased. 55; D r C T F arnham . 2>4 2*6 m iles n o rth o f i ty, W ashington stre e t n e a r F irst, notified together w ith proper vouchers therefor 52.5<). county ja il exp «M.78, total t '. i v . ■ 29-32 -------------------------------------------- - — TOM A TO ES for sale. B onny Best. . J u _________, ith, coroner'« phys inq fee 3 S J e f­ n io r high school 32-3 $5000 T erm s reasonable.—A pply M to the undersign«*! a t the law office o f <11-28: Hillsboro M eat Co., county home Sm B. Bum p, a tto rn ey . 8tf Bagley 4 H a re in the F irst N a tio n al exP- U 2 .1 8 ; F red’» Superior M arket. fries, deceased. 510; F J Sewell, coro­ ; AUTOMATIC w.P. I fo l 50c per bushel, brin g boxes — I ------------------------------------- n er’« inq fee- W allace C F ro n k . de­ 6. W a n te d — M iscellaneo u s sale. K alam azoo, p ractically Bank building in Hillsboro. Oregon, w ith - ro u n ty ja il exp 517.97. county home exp ceived. 517.20; D r J B Dinsm ore, coro­ ... — good r , R. V McFall. G arib ald i av en u e BROOD sow. 8 pigs, fo r sale.—J . ------- | as . P P ric as new new. ric e e $90 $90 Ju Ju liu liu s s C C hris hris- phone 2104 557.03. total 575. A K Pickens, court ner's phy» inq feo— W allace C Fronk. 32tf D A m sberry. >4-m ile south of HOUSE and lot fo r sale.—In q u ire in six months from the date hereof. W OULD tak e » imk I care of a tensen, n ear M idw ay. T elephone Used C ar E xchange. 17tf Dated this 26th day o f August. 1935. house exp. >10.85; C L Oakes’ Grocery. deceased. 510; F J Sewell, coroner's inq -----I W itch H azel school house. 32p C A R L G. B E C H E N . E L E A N O R B E C H - cvunty * 6 exP >4.45. old age pension fee. Edw ard N Johnson, deceased. 517.70; piano to store for the use of It. ; Scholls 1825 3 ltf G R A PE S for sale, lc a pound, you E N . Executor and E xecutrix o f the Laat P E M arshall 52. relief— Charles D r C T Sm ith, coroner’s phys inq fee or w ould buy 337 N 2nd Ave. i ------- — — Stoves, H e a te rs pick.—P e ter S artl. m ile n o rth SELI reasonable, ten 2 - m onths - 30. I W ill and Testam ent of said deceased. Bag- Sewell 54. to ta l 510.45; D elta D rug «tore, Edw ard N Johnson, deceased, 510; F J ¡C A L L IN G C a r d s - • E very w om an old pigs. —M Balocco. m ile n o rth - ley 4 H are. Attorneys for Executor. 28-32 c°Wn tT clerk’s exp 53.75. circu it judge’s Sewell, coroner’» inq fee— Clyde A C u r­ of H uber store; 4th house on WANT d ra g sow It T h u rn er. Rt exp 51.35, re lie f exp 57.39, county home tain . deceased. 517.20; D r C T S m ith , should have calling c ard s as a so- right 32p w est Ja c k to w n school. 32 KITCHEN trash b u rn e r w ith coils 2. C ornelius. 32|. exp 526.99. total 539.4 m ; Powers’ Grocery. ¡ coroner’s phys installed, good condition, f o r N O T IC E O F F IN A L A C C O U N T inq fee—C lyde A C u r­ I cial necessity See T he A rgus for ■ I , K (I E ag o n I’h o n c 801 32tf In the County Court of the State o f O re - ' xp i’1? .T " ’ ta in , deceased. 510; F J Sewell, coro­ x - u a k c - c w k h ite o . C o n c o -a W EA NLIN G pigs. 2 r-i heifers, double W ANT ensilage c u tte r, buy. o r 1 •juollty w ork, (•R A P E S , W rd . i 1 i 4 - c - ik lb i _ k _ con. fo r W ashinyton County. t ,,,n " P J C B row " * 5:02- ' ° ‘ al n er’« inq fee Adolph J Both, deceased. if you pick them - Mrs. L M e l-' ,e s,e d ' for -« I« --C h a rle s Jo h n - In the M a tte r of the E s tâ t, ut C y rillu . S ^ V l l h ' 517.45; D r H D Huggins, coroner’s phys tra d e any of these: T eam horse». Merlevede. Derea»ed. 58 • K llh am S tat.o nery A P n n tin « Co.. inq fee--A d o lp h J Both, deceased. 510; trac to r plow. row s, etc Mrs Fred A PARTM ENT for R ent, No Sm nk- tebeke, 923 S B ailey Ave. (V en e-i son' Rt 3' H illsboro; M ason Hill, p 3 2 . M u s ic a l In s tru m e n ts county court exp 54.95. delinquent tax F J Sewell, coroner’s inq fe e - A lfre d F Notice is hereby given th at the under­ and Lessons Berg. Hi 5. Box 530 P o rtlan d '"«• F , lan u ck e t, H enry Epier. rg, Rt CH O ICE C h e ster W hite b reed in g W alker, deceased. 517.70; D r H D H u g ­ signed a d m in is tra trix of the E state of foreclosure fund exp 51-60. to ta l >6.55. 32 P eddlers, etc., signs for sule a t T h e : C o rn e liu s) Phone BEaeon 8845 32P gilt for sale. Y oung se rv iceab le H IL L SB O R O V IO L IN Studio. 255 Cyrillu« Merlevede. Deceased, han filed Mothers* Pension gins. coroner’s phys inq fee- A lfre d F I Argus. 27tf __ E m ily P A nibs to. 525. W alker, deceased. 510; Standard O il Co. her fin a l account and report as sucn boars a n d feeders.—A. J H orn- E. M ain St., p riv a te or in class a d m in is tra trix in the County Court of W ILL pay cash for old envelopes Ruth B eatrice Anderson. 530 ; M ary E of C a lif., county s h e riff’s exp 57.41, dis­ FR U IT of all kinds for sale. — E A eckcr, n e a r w ireless to w er; Hills- inclu d in g violin o u tfit if desired. tric t attorney's exp 54.93, total >12.34; the State of Oreyon. fo r W ashinirton Batehelar. «10; Cora M abel Bell. «15: from letters 1845 to 1874, also NO T respass. F or Sale, F or Rent. S harp. 4 -m ile n o rth of C o m e- boro 32 Also violins a n d a l l accessor- County, and that «aid fin a l account and $*'la Bennett, »10; E d ith M a rie Broa- L Ellingsen, court house exp, 540; P o rt­ old diH ornents of Civil w ar M rtO* e tc . signs, for sale a t A rgus. tf lius. 31-3p land S a n ita ry Supply Co., county home report ha» been «et fo r fin a l hearing and (co»'. * 1 0 . Cecelia C Bowden. »12; ies 28tf •ettlem W r i t e or fo rw a rd by re g iste red ------ e n t before said Court at the court Grace D Crees. «17 ; Edith C u lter. «17: exp, 53.50; The Upjohn Co., county home 25. Horses ■nail, w ill refund postage W D W ASHERS, used. $13 and u p — TOM ATOES. 1 cent, pick y o u r - 1____________ exp, >14.90; Physicians A H ospital Sup­ ___ ___________________ room thereof in Hillaboro. O reyon. on B ertha V Coyne. »12: H eneryetta M Rooms, A p a rtm e n ts Monday. October 14. 1035. at 10 o'clock Culberston. «12: Anna Louise C re w ,. ply Co., county home exp. >22.28; A m e r­ l»tf M oreland, 513 L u m b erm en 's B ld g . L ester Irela n d & Co. self, bring containers; except FIN E young horse, sound and tru e. 3 4 . ican Brush company, county home exp. »10 ; Florence B A . M . o f said day C a nninx, «12 ; Bertha P o rtla n d 32-3p S aturdays. — P ercy Stone, Rt. 1 . 1 1350 lbs., tak e cow p a rt pay- A PARTM ENTS for re n t, w ell f u r ­ «20. Em m a Hotel Supply company, Del’ rex. «15 ; > 8; Dohrm ann Dated and firs t published September K. D ailey. OLD new spapers, 10c b undle.—Ar- Box 75. F orest G rove. county home exp, 510.68; Glaser Bros., 31-2p m ent.—S ee B irch. P h o n e 444 or 1935. Last publication October 10. 1935 M a rie J Dim rley. »15: M a ry Maude D ix- nished 4-room , a v ailab le now; 12. L U W ANTED 1935 fill» rts and w a l­ 18t( gU8. CY MERLEVEDE. A d m in is tra trix ‘ •o n - « ■ El»‘e * Dodge. »15; Lottie county home exp. 512.76; D r S E Todd, --------¡2983. also 4-room u n fu rn ish ed , a bout O c­ of the estate of C yrillus Merlevede. De- Blanche Ezell. «23 : Em m a K Edwards. m others’ pension exp— M rs G D Crees, nu ts 1. J W h ita k e r Hi x O rc TOM ATOES for s a l e —G eorge H to b er 1; b oth w ith garages —G . W. ceased M B. Bump, rcuidenre and ad- *><>: M y rtle Finsley. »22: L o tta B Fox. 52 ; West Coast Telephone company, g‘»< 3 1 4 14. C ara, T ru c k a , T ire s Snider, B eaverton Rt. 1. P hone ONE w ell-m atched team , about Hagel, 345 S. 8th Ave. T elephone dress. Hillsboro. Oregon. A tto rn ey fo r * 25; Ronetta Fleenor. »25: Opal Gibbens. county home exp, >10.75; D r R J N icol, S cholls 2012. 31-2! 2200 lbs., $75; one horse. 1500 1982. »0-4 * t 0 ; Elsie Noble Huson. »35; Althea H a r- county home exp. 54.60; Portland Gas W A N T to buy livestock, chicken», 32 said estate. mon, 510; Augusta H o ffn e r, 515; Lau ra A Ccke Co., county home exp 515.10. lbs., $80; one 2-year-old colt. 1200 I ' farm m achinery J W T hnnias. i E tta Haynes. >15; M abie I H arrison, court houe exp 51.10. to ta l >16.20; W E N O T IC E O F F I N A L A C C O U N T GOOD PO TA TO ES — 80c p e r 100 ! l b s . - J . K W ebber. P h o n e 2182 FOR RENT — At th e W ashington In the Rt 1, Box 147. B eaverton 20t f M arion Jane Heard. 535; Pearl F in ze r A Co., Inc., county school supt'» County Court o f the State of O re- U 0 . lbs. a t farm on G ales C reek road hotel, one 2-room and one 3- 520.11 ; Palm D rug store, relief gon. for the County of W ashington, Herod. 515; A m elia Isaacson, 517; A lta exp, cars. Rob» i t W arrens. T elephone 16O9W TEAM horses for sale.—W H M c­ ro o m, steam - heated, Probate D epartm ent. Alice Johnson. 515; Stella Kearn, 520 ; exp >33.45. county ja il exp 510.85. total fu rn ish e d H e lp W a n te d G ill. 3 4 m iles n o rth of B anks on In the M a tte r of the Estate of K a rl K ing. 515 Dora Bell Lee. 515; >14.30; Bristol H a rd w a re Co., court house K i!, st G rove. 30t[ a p artm e n t. Also office room s and B uxton road. 32p H a eflig er. Deceased. C atherine M arshall. 515; Donna Schanck exp 51.07, county home exp 51.89, re­ O ffic e E q u ip m e n t, SA L E S LADIES w anted to sell 15. sleep in g room s —P h o n e 681. Notice is hereby given th at the under- M eredith. 522 ; Cora Elsie Moe. 532 ; lie f M r. Brow n 54c. to ta l 53.50. Busch’s — TOM A TO ES for sale, at Mac stand. M aisonette f r o c k s , cosm etics. as Executor o f the Etaate o f L M u rra y. 525; Florence J New- Super Service, county judge’s exp, 51.08; one m ile w est of H illsboro. S p e ­ A GOOD w ork m are w ith 30-day ONE o r tw o room s to re n t. M eals signed, shirts, ties, lingerie, coata and ho» 1 R O L L -top and ty p e w rite r desks K a rl H a efliger. deceased, has filed hi« ton’ • A n na J Pavey. 510; Frances F S L a n g M fg Co., county home exp. old colt by h e r side. M are w ill o _ * _ n10. W N IC E ro o m fur r e n t M an p r e f e r ­ County, and that Monday, the 30th day A nlnch 32-3p of September. 1935. at the hour of 10 sha ver- U 5 ; Jennie Y Shepherd, 515; E P e rry >10. H H Fletcher 52.50. total m are a n d colt for $75.—A. A. F ish ­ red.—P h o n e 1182 a fte r 6 o’clock o’clock in the forenoon o f said day and * 2 7 5 : Edw in L G raham , delinquent tax 522.50; Home L au ndry, county home er, Rt. 1. Box 339. B eaverton. T ele­ p. m. 31tf the court room of «aid court has been for« * ,'«sure fund exp. 545; A L Am acher. exp, 534.03 ; Portland General E lectric p hone 7025. 32 relief appointed by said court as the tim e and aud,t W ashington county. Oregon, bixiks. Co., county home exp 518.52. TO RENT room fo r gentlem en.— place for the hearing o f objections there- fin ,t 6 » « n th s . 1935. 5125; K u ra tli 4 Ire n e A ltm a n 51. to ta l 519.52; W e il’s GOOD horse for sale cheap, w eight Dept store, county home exp >25.09, coun­ M ary L Sm ith. 522 : Jodie Sm ith. 515; P h o n e 2074. 29tf to and the settlem ent thereof 1 1 5 0 — F J. M eihoff. H illsboro Dated and firs t published August 29 Ju ,ia v «nStiphout. 520; O lga Geneva ty ja il exp 51.98. old age pension exp - Geo L C u rry >4. relief Robert Hoague 1935. D ate of last publication September W a,L 1 3 0 ; M r * J R W ater». 522; C lara phone 2623 32p 35. Houses 26. 1936. oeptanw er Kj ixabeth W estcott. 522; Mr» C E Wells 524.96. feeble-minded e x p Louis B u rri to ta l >74.59; Service Garage, A n na W ilkes. 518.56, D. T S C H A B O L D . Executor. 28-33 27.30; Associated n l™ .,KW V H gh’z« w a te r a n d lights, n e a r school.— 515 L o ttie M Stout 515; O live I) Rob- O il Co., county sheriff's exp. 527. Shell N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S O il Co., county s h e riff’s exp, 534.43 ; S m iles so u th Forest H ills G o l f Mrs. F ra n k Long. P h o n e 30F4 F o r- In the County C o urt o f the S tate o f O re ­ erta. 515. A deline Schreiner. 522. Old Age Pension Expense E Fayram . county s h e riff’s exp, 55.50; gon. fo r W ashington County. ___________________ 32-4P est G rove. 32tf Cori 11a Allison. 512 . W illia m C A rth u r. B lu m au e r-F ran k D rug Co., county home In the M a tte r of the E state of Frances 510; Joseph W arren Adams. 510; Julia exp. >23.52 : M t Hood Soap Co., county Gheen, Deceased. T V ? 1 °l n k - A rth,ur S tX -room house for r e n t.- I n q u ir e Bryan. M ary Baaeomb, exp. 519.15; Closset A Dever«, Notice is hereby given, th a t the und er- A . . 510; „ „ Alice _ home n.o n n • H ,llsboro; 431 S. 4th Ave. (V enetian ticket, signed has been duly appointed by the * 8 ' Jo“* P h c Brow n. »10: F ra n k T county home exp. >9.41 ; H illsboro Argus, u ’ B a s e lin e 32-3p c G D u x b u rv O a k St.. H ills- above entitled C ourt, as A d m in is tra trix Blakeslee. »5; Sarah Boland »10: Hed- commissioners* proceeding (A ugust 1935/ o f the estate of said deceased and has W' B Anderson. »» : Alonxo A b ner Clyde, >25, county school supt'» exp 532.75, de­ T E A M of w ell - m atch ed roan l,l'ro * 32p duly qualified as such. * , 0 : H e n ry H alleck Cox. »12: Joseph linquent ta x foreclosure fund exp 75c. Now. therefore, all persons having David C raig. »7: Jacob Co rrell. »8; W il- total >58.50; O regon-W ashington W a te r | horses for sale; light team of MODERN house 6. room , wo ,ots claims against said estate a re hereby l i, m E Dunsmoor, »8: Sam antha Isa- Service Co., court house exp >16.50, re­ m ules, a n d sev eral h e ad of farm garage, fru it a n d n u t trees, b e a u ­ notified and required to preeent the belU' D rake. »8: M arg aret D u ff. »8: S lie f e x p Ethel Patterson >1.25, Joe W in»* horses.—R ay D elsm an. G aribaldi gardner 51.70, Ray Beighley 51.25, Irene same. together w ith proper vouchers L E llio tt. »7; N ancy J Freem an, »5 Ave. P h o n e 2107. 31tf tiful y a rd a n d shrubs, for sale at therefor, to the undersigned a t the law Adalaska D Frakee. »5: M arth a Clarinda A ltm a n 51.55. m others' pension exp—• sacrifice in C ornelius. C ash or office of Bagley A H a re in the F irs t G ray. »12: W illia m J Gulden. »S: James A n na W ilkes 51.25, old age pension exp te r m s - A. L. Brock. 32-3p N a tio n al Bank B uilding, in Hdlsboro C.'h rn Gibbs. »« ; John Fredrickson. »7 John Kennedy 51.25, to ta l >24.75; E Old H orses W anted Oregon, w ith in six months fro m the date J V Hal1' * 7 5 0 : M arg aret Jane H a ll, G G arland, old age pension exp - M rs CH EA P, old horses fo r fox feed.— hereof. »7.50; H enry Gehrke, »7: A nna H o ff- Sally Lewis, 54 ; P acific Cash M arket F a rm Loan« A rg u s 2814 3ll-2p 38. Dated thia 24th day of September 1935 » * ■ Beds Fredieka Johanson. »5: A Grocery, old age pension exp Jim W ilson, >5; F a irw a y M arket, relief IZ A B E T H H O L T . A d m in is tra trix o f •,ohan P e ,er •>»h«nson. »5: John H FARM m oney to loan—T he F e d ­ the E L Estate of Said Deceased Bagley A Lam bert, »10: Gideon Hickey. »10; Jacob B a rreth >5. R A ld ric h >10, Mrs 26. C a ttle e ra l L and b a n k now has am ple H are. Attorneys fo r A d m in is tra trix 32-6 N » , , '« n K irk * 8 W illia m Ladvala. A llen H a lla p o ff 512. M rs Ed W o lf 55. ------------------------------- 512 . Cina Estella K elly. 512 . Georjre G ottlieb G rau 54. old age pension exp No. W o rd s ......... EIG H T cow s for sale.—E A G rif­ funds to loan to fa rm e rs a t 4%. -------- — ----------------- - N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S Schnell. 58; Thomas C Madsen. 512. H annah M a rtin >10, Ada Netl>erger >5, 32 O vpr $1.000.000 has been loaned to fith, 131 S. Second Ave. P M e rre ll. 55: Robert Fulton W F M cG ill 54. J C B row n 53. to ta l In the County C o urt o f the S tate of O re- ^'harle» W ashington county fa rm e rs by the 55; M ary Jane M cLean, 55; 558; W S Alice, relief Loren E D avis, gon. fo r the County of W ashington. i McLean JE R SE Y cow fo r sale, f r e s h , bank. W rite or call for particu lars. In the M a tte r of the E a tale of Richard ' 1 harles Alee M arrs . »7: W illia m l-ran k - 54.93; State in d u s tria l Accident com­ T im es to ru n F. Gleason. Deceased. Un M ag ill. »7; E li Poe. »7 ; Jeannie mission. county home exp 515.72, court double-tested, m ilks b e tte r th an —W ashington C ounty N ational F arm peace officers’ con­ Notice is hereby given that the u n d e r -' Coc*’ r,,n I ’k ilip . »10. John Severe Ov ens, house exp 52.24. ( Please W r ite P la in ly ) 40 lbs.—L. R. A llen. Rt. 1, Forest L oan A ssociation, J. M. Person, u tio n 532.71, total >60.67. Aloha A m t. Enclosed $ 9tf signed has been appointd a d m in is tra trix ♦><’ • Robert Joseph Potter. »6: Am anda trib G rove. 32 se c re tary , H illsboro. o f the estate o f R ichard F . Gleason, de- , J »ne Perkins. »8: L au ra A lice Phillips, f - i c k i t i g company, relief John Lundeen ceased, by the County Court of the State * 7 : A m an da Prough. »6 : D aniel Prough. 55, m others' pension exp M rs. A B rick­ MONEY TO LOAN FIN E fam ily Je rse y cow. double- o f Oregon for W ashington County, and » » : Benjam in T Rosencrans. »8: Anna line 522.60, to ta l 527.50 ; A lb ert Christen­ tested. $40 cash for q u ick sale on im proved p ro d u c tiv e farm s, low has qualified. A ll persons having claims Leonora Roterm und. »7 : M ichael Reeves, sen. damage« one lamb killed by dogs. —M ethodist parsonage. T igard p ' in te rest rate, p ro m p t service, no against said estate are hereby notified . * 7 : Rose J Richey, »10j A lb ert M ixner, 51 ; Portland General E lectric company, » 5 ; James P Rhea. »7: James H e nry county ja il exp >62.45, court house exp I delay.—H ubbs & H am m ond. 310 to present the same, duty verified law required, to the undersigned in enre Reynolds. »12.50: U ria h S Scott, »5; 5111.02. to ta l 5173.47; L J Kushlow. court H O LSTEIN and G u ern sey cows for | G u a ran ty T ru st Co. Bldg, 623 Oak of Gleason M otor Company. T ig ard . O re- H a rv ey E d w in Stubbs. »7.50: Em m a houe exp 5107.54, county ja il exp 526.88, sale. D ouble-tested F resh a n d 1 St.. P o rtlan d , O regon. 21tf -on. w ith in six months front the date A delie Stubbs. «77.60; M ichael Sturm , county home exp 59.38. total 5143.80; com ing fresh.—E. H. D uyck, B anks hereof. »9 : Elisabeth Sturm , »9; Joseph P S hir- Chas I. W alk e r, court house exp 5107.- Rt. 1; 1 m ile sou th w est M ountain- MONEY to loan on good dairy Dated and firs t published August 29. *5 ' ,.G' S Win,e *7 ' H£nry 54, county ja il exp $26.88, county home herds.—E. A. G riffith , 131 S. 2nd 19.1s. L a s t publication September 26. 193', Thon’ «" Shorb, » 8 ; John Thomas V an- exp >9.38. to ta l 5143.80; L ib erty In su r­ dale. 32p B E S S IE V . B E V A N , A d m in is tra trix . 5 ° ^ H ' ’ * " ’. 7 ' ance Agency, court house exp >107.54. avenue. 7tf M ichael Am ato. 55 county ja il exp 526.88, county home Prank J. Loneryan, N eal R. Crounse and Z . « *1 ’’ u W IIL tra d e tw o do u b le-tested m ilk Isabel Beni. exp 59.38, to ta l >143.90; Geo T M cG rath, E rn m t M. Jachetta. A tto rn e y , fur Ad- I ? ' 1''! “ »1hnnl,n.e' * 7 ; “ S cow s for hay; S-gallon cow to m in ts tra trix . 1115 P o rter B u ilding. Po rt- * 7 •' D aniel Bishop. »10 . Am 3 y L Brown. court house exp >86.07. county ja il exp Charle» L Brown. 57 : M yra E 521 52. county home exp 57.51, to ta l freshen soon.—L. T. W oodward. land, Oregon. 28-33 57; C a rlile. 57; Thomm» H Casey. 512; M ary 5115.10; West Csz$t Telephone company, Orenco. P h o n e H illsboro 792. 32p A C la rk . 57 : Geo rye Law C u rry. 57 : county clerk 53.25, county treasurer >3.- N O T IC E T O C R F.D ITO R S N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S O liv e r Madison G alloway. I S ; Alonxo 90. county recorder >3.50, county asses- M ILK cows, double-tested, s o m e ' In the County Court of the S tate of Ore- Notice i* hereby given that the under- G arrison Ford. 55: F ra n k lin Luther sor >5.60, county school supt >6.55, tax icon. for W aiihinvton County. re g iste red H olsteins. H eavy m ilk ­ 57; James A Johnson. 57; dept 53.70. county s h e riff >25.60, circuit the M a tte r of the E «tate of John »igned ha« l*een appointed Executor of Francis, ers.—F. H. Jossy, P o rtlan d , R oute In G albreath. he Last W ill and Testam ent of Wll- Francis A lva Jone«. 55 : EU« M Ladd, judge >7.05, county judge >12.50, county Decea«e<1. M orris. 56; Henry surveyor >6.35. county ju ven ile o fficer 2. 31tf Notice i* hereby riv e n , that the under- liam Moyensen. Deceased, by the County 57 . Justin G r if fith »ixned ha« been appointed A d m in is tra trix C o urt of the State of Oregon, fo r W ash- W M ohrm ann. 56; John Em m ett P ar- 53.10, county nurse 53.70, d is tric t a tto r­ County, and qualified. A ll sons. >5 : M arg aret Ann H eartley, ney 510.20. total 595 ; Drs R J Nicol GU ERN SEY h e ife r a n d one Je r- of the Katate of John G albreath. De- inyton persons having claim s against aaid de- J M Parsons, 58; John M athew E W Alm quist, county herd in ­ sey-G ucrnsey heifer, d o u b le-test­ cea«ed. by an order made and entered ceased or his estate are hereby notified nedy. 56 , M a ry A rm inda Bias. 510; and spector. 524.50; C h arlie H e iw ig, county ed; D eL aval se p a ra to r No. 10. like "T, *b“ve c',,url " i “ °3 to present the same, duly verified a» E v erett L Parson 55. L in n ie Leona Rob- recorder’s exp >7.36. county school supt'» new ; 1000-galIon p re ssu re tank, lhat , h. ha, duly qu« lifie d a» such ad- required by law . to the undersigned at inaon. 510; M a rth a Jane Suckow. >5; exp 57.16, county court exp >3.69, total his residence in T ig ard . W ashington Ida V ic to ria Jackson 55; P eter T ro ja n - 518.21 ; John Yurkovich. damages 2 goats and d eep-w ell do u b le action pum p. ! m ln is tra trtx . County. Oregon, w ith in six months fro m owaki. 15 ; G»»«rye Aiunistus W ehrung. killed by dogs, > 5; C W Struthers, dam ­ —A lb e rt Koch. Rt. 4, H illsboro; N o w , therefore, all person» having claims the date hereof. 57 ; Charles Ogden W hite, 55 ; Thomas ages I «beep killed by dogs. >4 . J M ° r ” " c° 3 ’ - 2 p | : : : , in^ u S ? , . . nt k ,,s Dated and firs t published September 6. E Young. 55; Joseph Boyd. 55 ; L Oscar Tan ner, damage» 2 sheep killed by dog«, 1935. D ate of last publication October 3. AM atrom . 57; M a rtin N Bonham, 57; 510; J C Callahan, damage« 1 sheep 14 M O N T ir O I D G u e r n s e y b u ll fo r & 1936. ; L izzie May C la rk . 57; Elizabeth Dod- killed by dogs. 5 ; C W Struthers, dam HANS GAARDE. Executor. Beck 4 dridge. 56: Benjam in F ra n k lin Dod- ages 3 goats killed by dogs. >5; W L | sale. 3 heifers, one to freshen Tow n o f Sherwood. W ashinyton Coun- Hoecker, 321 Artisan« Bldg., P o rtland. dridge. 55 : Samuel B G ilp in , 56; W il- Reddig, damages 2 lambs killed by dogs. n e x t m onth.—R ay D elsm an. P hone ty. Oregon, or at the law office o f Thoe. Oregon, Attorneys fo r Estate. 29-33 liam Sherman Neiberger, 57; H e nry C >8; I«aura E tta Haynes, mothers’ pen­ 2107 2 9 t f IL Tongue J r., in the Comm ercial Block ............ —• I Schoene. 57 ; Elizabeth H a rriso n , >5 ; sion. 53 ; West Coast P rin tin g A Bind­ M S B « » « « M H n a s M - I ‘n Hillsboro. W ashington N O T IC E O F F I N A L S E T T L E M E N T , Rftbert O Stevenson. 56: George L N ew - ing Co., county treasurer ezp 54.30, County. Oregon, w ith in six months from In the County Court of the S tate 2.40, county as­ 27. L.iVCStOck j the date of thia notice, t o - w it : W ith in gon. fo r W ashington County. 510; M arcellus Ellsw orth C arm an. 58 sessor’s exp 56.76, to ta l >15.46; Pure six months from August 29th, 1936. at Hillaboro. Oregon, thia 29th In the M a tte r of the E state o f H erm an Alice M abelle Thorne. » 5 . Don Carlos Iro n C u lvert A M fg Co., county home T W O -m onths-old pigs for sale; also day Dated Sehulm erleh. Deceased. Gates. »7 ; Algernon Newton Jaeokes. exp, 519.62; Gao L Hendricks. c«»urt of August. 1936. Notice 1» hereby given thnt Edw ard ,»'. ; Charles Lloyd R-arers. »5; Levina house exp, >5; Schubring A Biederm an, one all-p u rp o se horse, one heavy m ary G A L B R E A T H . A d m in is tra trix of w o rk h o r s e.—C. A. T om pkins, tha Estate pf John G albreath. Deceased Sehulm erleh. the duly appointed, quail- , Ellen L ytle. »7 . M atthew H enry P arkin, relief Kendall. >8.02; Cornelius Cash fled and acting ad m in is trato r of the »8: A m elia A P a rk in . »6; A rth u r Je««e «tore, relief Lena Engler. 58; M acken ­ W illam ina Ave.. For. G rove. 31 -2p T*’0* H- Tongue J r.. A ttorney fo r Admix estate of H erm an Sehulm erleh. deceased, j Friedley. » 7 1 Ada Neiberger. «3 ; M arlon zie M otor Co., county » h e riffs exp, 5 1 - in tratrix . 28-52 has filed his fin a l account in the Coan- F M cM illen , » 7 ; Robert S W allace. »7 FOR SA LE H orses, cow s a n d 50; D r W H Pasley. D M D. m others’ m ules. — R. B. T hornton, S unnv If you change y o u r ad d ress kind- ty Court of the S tate o f Oregon fo r G ra n d ville H arvey Trask. »7 H e rb ert C pension e x p M rs Dailey. 510; M a c k e n ­ W ashington County, and th a t aaid eourt Eastm an. »10: Ernest Kcehn. » 5 . Annie zie M otor Co., county judge exp >16 B rook farm , 8 m iles w est of Yam- ly no tify th e A rgus d ire c t and at has fixed Monday, the ! l » t day of Oe- Ellas Jones. «6: Ellas Abernathy. »10: i 51. county s h e riff’s exp >9 21. t»Hal t f tober, A. D. 1935. a t 10:00 o'clock A . M .. M argaret H ager. hill. 30-2p once. »6; Stephen Ttglm an I 125 14. C ount Word»—Send Money I 7. H e lp W a n te d 16. F u rn itu re , Pianos, R adio» 21. L ivestock Ten Free Movie Tickets Offered County Court H. 28. 17 1. Fuel To Swap 4. T' ZZ«""'« 7. WE buy and sell used cars. We want to buy 75 used —Used Car Exchange If You Don’t Need It-Sell It! and if you W ant Something ' Say So For a few pennies anyon e can m ake H illsboro A rgus C lassified A ds bring real results. Write Your Ad Below- Legal Notices INSTRUCTIONS: Write the ad plainly, print or typewrite. Count the number of words. If the ad is to run but one week the cost is two cents per word. For the second and each consecutive insertion of the same ad. the cost is but one cent a word. Minimum charge per issue 25 cents. TO GET RESULTS, state plainly what you want or have to sell. Cross out needless words, then copy the result and mail or bring it to the HILLSBORO ARGUS, Hillsboro, Oregon.