H IL L S B O R O Mrs Cornelius Ott Saturday and Sunday. School Opens Mrs. W alter Austin began teach­ ing at F ir Grove Septem ber 16. Nine pupils are enrolled here in ­ cluding one beginner, Jerold Vor- hees. Song Leader and Yell King Buck Heaven school started j Monday w ith Miss Helen Homm Named by Student Body in charge. M arjorie Saxton is new in the first and Harold Cornett is Hilhi class elections Monday re ­ a new pupil. Eight are enrolled sulted as follows: Mountain Top and Pleasant View Seniors— Lewis Garfield, p resi­ also began Monday. dent Dick AbU, vice-president. Tom and W ilber Jones put a Anne Munkres. secretary-treasurer: ad- new roof on the Buck Hoax en Miss Tennessee W eatherred. ad­ school wood house and repaired visor. the belfry last week. Ju niors— Raymond Lair, presi­ Vivian Zeigler. Doris and Na- i dent: Dixie Lee MacDowell, vice- dvne Brunson. Iva Mae Stew art. president; Nolan Furrow, secre­ Lloyd G uenther, Doris Ornduff. tary- M argaret Cypher, treasurer ------- -- . Hill ai,.i Thora Wood and Keith — ^ ym ona M ar^C‘L u ’giiex ad- Marlow of the Mountain Top dis- tive. and Miss Marte Houguex. ad attending Newberg union visor high Leonard Whitmore. Eva Mat- Sophomores—Jeanne Anne Abts, tern and p hym a Wohlschlegel from president; Tosh Tsugawa, vice-pres- Buck Heaven district are at- ident; Dorothy Challacombe.^secre- tending and Jessie Versteeg from Christensen, tary-treasurer; Jack — Pleasant View. council representative, and Reece Heece Miss Velma Wohlschlegel and H athhorn. advisor. M ilburn Ziegler of Scholls spent F resh m en -C ly d e Birch, presi- the week-end at the George Zieg dent; Rav Cline, vice-president: ]cr home. George Tsugawa. secretary-treas- Mr. and Mrs. Will Moeller and u rer and Miss Virginia Brogden. son Harry of Lancaster. Wash., vis- advisor. ited Mr and Mrs. Sam Otto from Senate club will hold its annual Septem ber 15 until the following picnic Saturday- evening at Meach- T u e sd a y .^ Mr. and Mrs. Sam Otto am ’s Crossing. children attended a church eon- G irls , attending the Girl Reserve £ £ k Creek Friday’ and mention at Saginaw Septem- eamp at Rock Creek Friday and Sunday from afternoon Saturday w ere Betty Hobbk Mary W arren Mo rn s of Hebo spent bel Flint, and Violet Wick. This Satur(Jav an Sundav with Mr and J Sunday- meeting was im portant for th e cab- • G ranville Everest. Mor- inet to tell the girls their im port- ana Mrs V - n h in » , T h e Cir'l ris took a load of fruit home with ant work in the g cabinet. The Girl hcld Dick Petroff visited i**» his uaw*»«««« daughter Reserve open l u c k re iro n vuuieu for all girls of the high « * o o l, M arjorie at the Bertha Clark home and the program was explaining Thursday to Monday Petroff the G irl Reserve work. The girl. heIping build a railroad for a m ust attend three open meetings P, near Galej. Creek before joining. The Alfred H utchens family re- As soon as the program for (urntfd Septembe r 16 from the Art physical education g.Ls under way. Connor hJ p yard at s t Paul. the glee clubs will begin. Mr and Mrs G lenn M iller and Assembly was held daughter Glenice spent Septem ber 18 trJ outs for son£ 1,aadeT t ? ^ 1-* and 15 at O ceanlake w ith Mrs. yell leaders w ere held Those (s Mr a n d M„ chosen were: song leader. Shirley r Mavnard Kelley: yell leaders. "Shorty^ Van- Alfred Hutchens is in the Wil- Loo and Bill Grogan The assembly jam ette hospital in Newberg ser- also was a get-acquainted e \e n t louslv iU w lth quinsy. , . n « d > w h « n of student M r and M rs E [e rv M cDougal and for the introduction body officers by Lloyd Selfridge: visited her mother. Mrs. Dodd, at G irl Reserves. Betty Hobbs: Hi-Y. Sandv Monday. Billy Allison; Philo. Hazel Church- Mr and Mrs H enry Stavton and rt u . .-ie ifo c i lev: Senate. Dick Abts: Blue H. son Robert of G rand Island sisited ElWood Coslett. The football squad Mr. Stayton’s sister. Mrs. M arvin was introduced and Jack Killits Ornduff, Sunday. as athletic coach to aid B. M Hop picking at the Marvin Orn- c x x n iia n a n u Reece « v y rv e n a u iu n i , . . . ac Tuexdav Goodman and Hathorn Morris Romig has organized his . «hortaee of * u -prv Cnunru Hub with two account Of th e Shortage 0« y H lr> -S quare CIUO Min two h pickers this year hop picking divisions, the Junior high grade Jn p t^is vard lasled longer ,han school division and the Senior high usual. school boys The following officers Jim Homra of Laurelwood and elected for the Senior Boys are ao . k .., little nephew, L arry Christen, of Harold Meyer, president . _Arthur gan p rancisco visited the Ira K r a u s , vice-president; Edward McCormick home Monday. Hurd, secretary-treasurer This club is held to have the w ork and art of structuring m iniature buildings. A R G U S, •\e »'.1 lid ; 1» * m l «04*1 Have Parts in Play Here This Week H ilhi Classes Name Leaders H IL L S B O R O. A n n * B ocrticiu. vt«**» .*»«*>- A rth u r M 8 8t««k, Ju.tl.*«* Mtk. Wtwk. iwtks court J >60 ; F C a r- I >4.40; vimini» Kppllatf. >4 40. i ’llff.»r»l ►e, >15®» Helen F p p U n f. >4 40 ; F.»I K fi'lln w , f i t t i . Shvla f « . Hlch»ri| More« ru ft, >2. Ira Steinke. deputy county assessor. >10° « I .»ughl I Viola Sundherg. deputy county «»»«*»•••. M» h u llu . f o . George Pantenburg. »«•. i'5 . I. A Long, b a iliff circu ii court. foO . I n d i e F. Khan non. >6. flan »! Shelburne, J II Peppard. b a iliff grand ju ry . >'» f 2 j o . M io Jeanne T a y lo r, f2 . J H elark conni» lro » ,n r» r m u a i» « "•* W hite, f t to : bdgnr W ln e g a td a » r. h. t> V a rn er. >2 N J Kkee. dog liven»« fund e«p >26 3ft N J Kkee. dog licanae fund e ip , f fft.fto. |,e<>nurd Klllngean, court li"ii»» tConttnue*! on page 7, column T| •*!>. IK K k KcUcv E. l G entry. >- .*»». 1. A Hhael. f t W itn«*». ju s tk o court, »tntc v . Holey Ktlward no ««'»•• u company, law library _ F. »l G entry. >5, 1. A Shccl. >4>0. ..... ' ’ 1 .....................N o t ic e o f H e a r i n g o n N n n - H i g b S c h o o l D i s t r i c t B u d g e t justice court, state **• J H law lib rary fund» . Jurors. K C W alker. Review association. law library fund, f t Kelley J A Keaher. > l.M NOTICE i s HEREBY GIVEN Unit 11 Budget Ci>minlll<'.' «if the I I I . W tl Lie, widow»' pension exp. J i i I im >1.50; J I t ktu*ch. > 1 5 0 ; F M > » 5 0 . VanKtiphout. >-70; Connie Cochran. <1. H« «rubarti. « s . « r a s wood. ft.M l W J 1 linuuent tax foreclueure fund exp. >' Thomas I I Dyer, >1.50. Kdw C Luce, county clerk. >1*5«'; »• 14 | Juror», Justice court. st»te ye. <4 ------ . e«l .... «sumille I.« detall »f " 'e »mount of money pro ounty clerk, >77.39 J Kva R,»lv> Glenn Ritchey, > 1 5 0 . M »u.l P e ter- | Ih a t l. Ueputy • r ■ ■ » ..._n ai..»« ti »on > 1 5 0 . Louis Is r a e li. >1.50; M arion Oake«. deputy county clerk, >48 3»», J o s­ Schermerhorn. f I 50 . W Chalm er«. >4 30 . ephine llam m ond. deputy county clerk. C liffo rd McGee, county sh e riff * exp. f7 5 ; Elaine C ahlw ell. elections, >54. J . f20 ?■» . O rev'-n-W ashington W ater Her*" W Connell, county sh e riff. >149.09. liar ( ., p t s from 1.11 so m e.-s for U.e school y e , r 1W5 M. T h e B .« r o . r ry Johnson, deputy sh e riff, >124.68, Rich ice Co», relief A nna W ilke», f i e ; Mac Keusie M otor Co», county sheriff*« exp. ard Itusch. deputy s h e riff. >134.99; G rant I of C a lif., court Z u m w alt, ja ilo r f t l 35. court house Jan , >37 00 . Union O il C H illsboro. O regon, as U.e tim e .mil p lace ut w illh ta ld « t í m a l e M ix Kd W o lf. >15. itn r >ts 34. to ta l >80.4». M is Zum w alt, htnise exp. f t . 05 relief Annie llric k lin e . relief. >8. W F. jn il m atron. >24 49 . M arie tL hm idt. clerk . dixcuaaed ... i ...n u it,., It.uieil nf llilfll ocntHH u ia u ix » . may he with (he Board of Haul Mid Noti Non-High W illis , relief. >15 Aloha Trucking Co., sheriff's office f t l .it. tax dept exp f l * - a‘ ....... *"y " l ' ^ n T h Ä ^ i O Mid «Ttlmale. relief exp > 13 .*5. Handy H r-» . damage«. 35 to ta l >59.49. M in n ie W’yffele. clerk I sheep killed by doge. >4. !• J ? tax dept. >49 4 9 . Catherine fttangel. clerk I for or »Ruiii«t sulci tux levy, file in the office of -h e rlff's office, f »9 U ; Gladys E is n e r., er. damage». 3 ewea and 2 lam b* killed and attached original estim ate aheet» are on l.yda. damage», t deputy. >119 49. I» S Kelly secretary Cuuiily School Superintendent ami are there open to the In- by dog*» • A t >14. old the ____ Fred Updike. I d re n ti judge. f? 5 , Elisabeth T»»hl sheep kiltesl by dog*, M r- Peter pension exp >10 45. relief exp spt-t-lmn of till person* hit ercsted therein, und the same are by ref- grand jury w itnea* Keppro relief >5. Carlson A Sherk Co juvenile o ffic e r’s exp >5»» 95. total >43 t.o ei-enre mutie « purl hereof.__________________________ _______ _ indigent nol.tiera* fund exp «Mr-» H a rry M aud w Ruacow. county treasurer exp, Goedell >34.33; W illa m e tte hospital, re- . M argaret Dixon county nurse >141»- R E C E IP T S , . lict Mra. R K Crx»». >35 29. E M Lock ! Elisabeth Todd. prol»alh»n • fflcer's I. Cush tin bund »1 beginning of the yeur for which Ihl* budget unty sch»ad w,»«d. county sh eriff's exp. >5; W' W ¡» a la ry . > 7 > . l> B Krau« None « - I county is mude Hcdlingsworth A S»«n. Inc., relief Mile« süpt. >150. Zola E M organ None II Amounts refftved from other »iiurt-cs J Haynea. decease,!. >23.50. H C John­ seh«*d supt. >75 Jam.-« It Davi», county None son. county sh e riff's exp. >14.9<> Lida recorder, >100. Ophelia W tsm er. deputy T o ta l n * i- i- i | i ls _____________________________ Raty. relief. >39. H S Cook, relief. >10. county recurdet > Î5 . Valette Uaderwood. Catherine l.oux. relief. >5 . J N Loudon, deputy county reco n ier. >40. O R llem - expen d itu res sing i armona I tax collector. >94.49. C t) $48.MX) (Ml relief. >10. Donald T Tem pleton, county ■*“ Ilelle C I T u ition judge's exp. >4 J C Brown, old age . Rlie. «Upt evunty ‘ h«wp. >34.49. 23.300 (Ml pension >5. C W Struthers, damage». 4 i R,-e. m atron county hoep. >34 4 9 . Ruth II. T ransportation 15 00 goats killed by dog». >H. Edwin 1. G ra - A n tru m , cook county h«*»p. >49 49 . Vera III Pm tage and Stationery 25 00 ham. rehnquent tax forecheure fund sill», jnnitreas county heap. >29 49 . Gart- Printing (Budget* >20 W C G iffo rd , county home ru4e Bennett. wattre»s county huap. >29 • IV. I OCX) exi»^ >499 44. M lla b ■ o ro Shoe u hoapit-- V Expense* of Election (Publication unit i uatuge ------ --*•-* Mabel B ennett, laundress county 313 00 huap. >29 49 C.ura Schmidt, county huap VI Travel Expenae of Board Member* c o u n tv a ll c x p . >5 9 5 . O regon-W ashing I II (Ml ton W ater Service Co., relief N J K irk . aap. >10 39 . E A R.w-hat. num e county VII Clerical Ex|*en»c tSuppllea) ! 7IMIIMI h ,*p . >69 49; M r , VanD erB roob. county \ \ Gmer. relief Mr». J Herod, >12. h -p .,P. -------- v i l i lnt.-rfst on W .rrants Hick »nlo*»per. exp. >4.94 , Erm a 3,500 (XI S, hul-rtng A B tetter m an. indigent aol- hoep « n iitty h.»i> *» i* » tv » .« . M r . Jokn.ton.. XI Emt'igviicy Fund .Itc’ • tun«! exp iM r» R G Braudel I . >16.94 nu r«, « county Y a m h ill Electric C o .. indigent »oldlem » u n t y h«»l*. -----. . »33.1*2: l* t G » Via. S77.U7ÄÜD fund cxp |E G B ran d ell. >2 49 M m A county physician. >19’» . W alter I Hutch- T otal e x ix ’iulHtire« II C him lopher. Indigent »«ddlem' fund ln»on. clerk di»trict atto rn ey. >199. C O evp iM r» E <• B ra m le l'. >19.00; A Rue. county home exp. >9 79 . Jamea II HBCAPITULATION W Haven». justice court exp. >33.20; Davl«. county recorder'» exp. >•' 59 J W Nour Total Hccelpts C ity Meat m arket, relief Dan Adam a, Connell, »herlff. peraonal tax collection 17?.«™ «I Total expenditure» >2 50; Public Unem ploym ent O ffices exp. 45c. tax ,lcpt exp >9. to ta l >’’ 45 . Contribution Account, relief exp. >50; Edw C Luce, county clerk'» exp. >20. W .i-htn gto n Saving» A Lo»» aaeociation. G rand Juror» E J M aple. > 2’». A D ifferen ce-iA m o u n t to la- rulsod by tax on the W“»1’- relief Erank M cC arty. >3 . Henry H«»ae. W Peter*. >7.41' <’ W Spiering. >7 49. _______ Ington County Non-High School D lrtrlcti___________ tt,-usurer W aahlngton county fa ir board. K«*hert T Po rler. >9 »0 ; Charles E H e r­ c«»unty fa ir fund exp. >533.44; Donald T rick. >9 49; It E M o tt, >6 Fdw I I l-p- D ated this 18th day of September. 1933. Tem pleton, county judge* >200. H t> ler. >9.49. FF.Hl) LANGER. Chairman. Budget Committee; O 11 KRAUS K erkm an, county c w m ia a lo n e r, >135. County m a r t witne«»e». »tale v» 1. G Jam«-« Lewi», county commUaloncr. >135; Mecktem Mick Farnatrom . >10 4" Mm Secretary Budget Committee; HARRY BEAR. A. r KAHLE. 11 J G la .ly , M c l.« x l liu .c h , .t.n o « r « l.h .r coun- i ............... . , ' “ Scott. >19.59. VALENTINE. J M BURGE. VERNON C STDUB. Budget .»«mil¡ev I , « .u r t, «40 : Father Pitta. .I» » * t u r op- ' »‘ J A M JANNSEN. Chairm an, Board of Educat ion () B kHAUf* .r a .o r , « a ir t h o u .. « I * . » 4 . * » . 1* A G rand Jury Secretary, Boaril of Edui-ation, EERD 1.ANGER HARRY r ELIAN Long circuit court ja n ito r, court h<»u«e >4 49. Clarence <• Benedu t. >1» . J S I ar » 2 4 « : I.o tti» (1. Hurd. j.n a r r .. l - r . »5. Hanry I t u r i H l . «4 4U \ , , u o n DER. FRANK P. BAILEY, W A SAIINOW. Board of EducaUon court house. >34 49 Maud W lloacow. »lange. >4 49 O t ...le tt J r . >2 Mm county trea»urer. >199; Lena Delplanche. Florence Compton. >2 Tom Duktn»on f Witnc*». Ju»Hc* court. »lata *» Ä Rex Howell, upper left. Mrs Richard Busch, upper right, Lloyd Selfridge lower left, and Lester C Mooberry. lower right, among Dlavers in The Prince of Egypt.” sponsored by Methodist church which w ill be presented at high school auditorium tonight and Friday night. __ ________ fori s ta te In d w tr ia l Accident c»m- l » . x : . J » B*n>f„rd. »c s s . « w .id e r . m l-..c n M U .M C h a rle . H M ac K e n .ie M oto r Co.. »IS B - „ f o r d . « 1 . J W ! »5 5 » ; Andy E tte r. » 5 .5 *: Pete Claude W ilk e n w n . »5.5s B ra n d *. H arvey ôée Y o u ’ll g e t a BETTER BUT Enrollment Gain Seen Bend School »5 fr o m your CHEVROLET D e a le r 4 a w ere picked. Phyllis W ortendyke. Emma Clark M ill.. » 9L 2S ; K .M ill,. »73.4»; A Sehie»- Heall Pipe T .n k Corp. » » l« .n t : J t Mr. and Mrs. Allan Day of For- Glenore Spousta. P atty Gholson. *e r, *»6.79; C h arlie Hoax. «89.»«; l* F H a .e itm e a c ».. t i u . i * ; J b Kelly est Grove and Mrs. Angus Davis Beulah Peterson. Dorothy Radi- i A lm o n t. »55 * 0 ; A B O ’Connor. »55.su: a Son. « 3 « i; Robertaon Heavy H a rd - Staum m . >56.67; Elm er G ray. >55.- w are Co.. >3.28; The A u stin Western of Im perial Valley. Cal., visited macher, Alice and H elen Johnson, 8 Fred 0 ; L e tte r Rowe. >39.06; F ra n k R»«we. Road M arh in ery Co.. >40.29; Portland Mr. and Mrs Ira G. McCormick Helen Wick. Helen Ja n e Spousta, >39.06; George A lltish in . >44.64. W a lte r Bolt A M fg. Co.. >52.18; A ir Reduction Sunday. Mrs. Davis was a resident and Tomo Hasuike. H am el, >16.74; Raymond Rowe. >16.74; Sales company. >27.42; Y a m h ill Elec- Jamea Schleuter. >11.16; C liffo rd A l- tric company. >« . Pacific M achinery & of the Buck Heaven district 26 Birthday Celebrated tiah in, >18.13; Bob Cameron, >2.79; J Tool Steel Co.. >30.96; In te rn a tio n a l H a r­ years ago. Miss Elizabeth Baggenstos was E M itzel. >117.43. Charles Au stin. >84.- vester Cm. >16.81 : Logger« A Contractor« Mrs W. F. Wohlschlegel, Mrs. very _ pleasantly in hon- , 9 3 ; John W est. >79.61 ; A r t P a lm er, M arh in ery Co.. >122.05; Fran k Vanaken. , . . . . surprised - F. E. Hoffman and daughter Gloria or of h er birthday Septem ber 14 »79.61: E L McLeod. »2.99: J**hn n *« *. >693.84; M arK enzie M oto r Co., >2 Mrs. Ira G. McCormick. H«xlson by about 25 of h er friends. » 1 0 4 .7 *; A w**. hner, »53 H Delplanche, Lester Ireland A Co. >31-02 ; H R C h a n t. McCormick, Mr. and Mrs. H erm an Mr. and Mrs. O. J Toliefson left «15-34; E R e b iu ke. *4 3 .2 4 ; I. M ieke. 1er. >2. county judge's M arK en zie M otor C ornett and son Harold and Paul last week for the prune harvest *3*-08 ■' c>rl Dlll°"* «l5-»4; J C Rneto*. Cummins moved home from t h e near Dundee. Riverside hop farm in Marion ---------------------- county Monday. Picking th ere was /-» , >-» , finished th at morning. Jack^ and , of ^O lltlty L,Olirt C L A IM S A L L O W E D FO R THE M ONTH N orth P lains are staying wuth her of S eptember . n»s parents Mr and Mrs. A rthur Hill. R- and H Helen o N eal. »37.*«; Lm- Mrs. Hill has been in poor health ,er Ireland & Co.. »5.92: j e Ha»ei- fo r some t time. Lok.k,*^ f u 00”; * , j tractor» M achinery Co., »100; John A Mrs J. A. York and children R ,* b iin r *. co. ,,t C a lif., »27.78; Lois and Gordon of Reedville and J D K elly a Son. tsos.ss; c H Bam- her daughter-in-law , Mrs. John — ~ —~ York, of Portland visited the Me- Let the advertisem ents help you Innis home Sunday. Mrs. York of m aae your shopping plans. P ortland is staying at th e J. A. York home while J. A and John Y ork are deer hunting. Mr. and Mrs John York w ill move soon to Aloha. OUR COWS Teacher's F ather Dies Charles Homm of Laurelwttod, fath er of Miss Helen Homm. teach­ e r the Buck Heaven school, died at his home Thursday. Funeral services w ere at Forest Grove. In­ because term ent was in the Hill cemetery. Mr. Homm had been ill for several Everyone -^ * a ■ months. Mr and Mrs Vern Hawkins and lik e . son Vern Jr. and Vergie Saxe of Chehalis, Wash., visited Mr. and Aren’t Jealous QUICK RELIEF FROM A DISTRESSING AFFLICTION Green Spot ORANGEADE They are proud to have us handle this delicious, re ­ freshing beverage as a com­ panion product w ith your favorite milk. Many people in Hillsboro, whose lives have been made miserable through suffering from those d is­ tressing surface m uscular pains go often miss-called “rheum atic," will Ask Your G rocer or doubtless be glad to know about Soft D rink Vendor W illiams R. U. X. Compound which is giving such quick relief in many '/g-pint 5c Quart 15c cases. W illiams R. U. X. Compound is Gallon 55c prepared from the prescription of a form er arm y doctor who used it in his extensive practice for many years. S ufferers now may have the benefit of its relief at a cost o f . only a few cents a day. If you suf­ DAIRY fer from shooting, stabbing muscu­ lar pains in shoulders, arm s or I Grade A legs; if you a re bothered with MILK and CRF.AM neuralgic or surface pains of the body, don't en d u re this agony any Phone 4RX1 longer w ithout try in g W illiam s R. U. X Compound. (Venetian ticket, P eter Giesbers, G et a bottle at the D elta D rug Forest Grove ro u te 2) store today. The first bottle must i satisfy you or money back.—Adv i FIR GROVE e r-- -------- t r„ K U r t 4 ». >4; ¿ „ „ J » o n » . Un ion O il Co. of C e .if-. ' lle th le f,. ».I s.l . A M a itla n d . »««.60; Tony »5*.S5 . John Herb »St s? . A Heeeacher. 1 K rm p # r. « ,- .? * Geor«e Gebhardt. »s.JS » .ib .x :. John F lo ra. » 3 * 1 « Law rence Gl,rd l,n g a ic h t »1.3», I- o b e r» . »i s» Herb »2 7» E Kelley. »34 .» *: tt !•«»• J c B e tt,. «1.3», Claude l.a u x h lm . »*.- . L.xx«r> a c o n .ra e tv n . la achtit- «¿4 Glen Johnston, 111.51. Dale John- *ry c; >443 George Eiaher. > * ' yy .U .n , >5.56. C F M ille r. >5.57. Donald E b o a C«arl»y. » 2 .:» . E iiia W »l« *n . »25 - t « i( o r d . »I».5S . F SavaK». »M .»t: G « * r « ' It: B H u aley. « * . » ': ln t« r» a«i..n ai M ar- U a tu ia i* . »2 7» j.'h n H in V .l. • 5 . * ’ . v«*t«r Co-. »24.»'.* K B (.attfhina. »-■* h S p rritz rr. »1.4 »’• N*wl M .r l in , • ! * . - l- L -'•*clnI>re- »'»» : * L o u i. L u m a ,. x c M a rtin . »*_ *♦. 1. W u»ll. »25 11. J „ _ g 3 . K«yinal*i Raynuid,. »2.1*** : V eraun n *.*.|win. »».91. lh**m|*-*n Auto **■" ¿ ¿¿ «.rauan »5.9** . l o n .ta n r . Cochran j-.n j «12.5». H B « k c r »IP*.*.*» C h ms j w B . r n . y , »1»» »» . w A T up - { 7 . » \ , r . «iuo.24 H l. Fun k. » » 7 T 5 : per. »115; G E V .n w * e . »35.42. Torn K u rt l.iebn. w. »92.7b: H Meacham. »1**7.- Ficrcn. »16.15: V ir s il V .w * w e . »22 12 . j j ; V e ri Salce. »1*13.71: H L Suabauer. Leaicr H o »e. »12.96: W 1. M urphey. »1* »153.73; H Schindler. »107.73. H F 8u«- 11 A lfre d Nelson. »12.KU. H Staehle. ¡ b:luer, «135 15; U G G ardner, »11».»*; «12 9«) F ra n k Rowe. «12.91*: John Sun- H a n , Ra-mu»»en. « 1 1 * 9 » , R W illiam ». Jack Ha»>. mon». >12.94'. W E M ilia. >12.9«. Ered- >49.69; E D Luaby. >196.23 K K linger. rick M ills. 112.9V. Fred D a n te r. > H . l l . >69.92; C Schmidt. >12.55; N Kiee. >19.11; E r c l Benson. >2 79; >»5.5«; E K linger. >122.25; E L R,»»s. George Fisher. >34.93; Elli» W a tw n . >15.- >333.94. Bergguam 4i W iik in » . >449.4«. 34 . B Hugley. >15.34. Ir a T M ills . >4.- E M c L c h I. >10.17; O A McLeod. > 1 1 - M ary W oodw ard. >65 Bruce Combe. »> ; A Pate. >»*4.43. A rt Shepherd. >72.- Ralph Nelson. >!-. Charle» Robin- } Bt*; F J Saunders. >41.77; J » * C o rriart. ; Wm Vandecoe* ering. >34.P9. i >14.16; Thomas Connell. >4. E A >111.72; G r iffith . >«; H R Chantier. >122.25; N Thomas Roud. >46.91 ; Dun Butts. » 7 . - S3; F ran k Reh. » 7 . 7 7 ; A rch ie Je»»e. T Sm ith. >73.25 ; B Cor BEND—Three more new pupils 25 >35S.4U; H arvey Jc»»e. >356.24; A rth u r George Robinson. >5>.»1 “ w ere added to the school last week Pete z uercher >2.99; H Force. >2.99 . Au Jesse. >341.S3; E K Sheet». >93.52; P E r n , M~« Bird M cCorm ick! T H o v are Alice A lir A a nd W .-ln n .T n h n - ....... t ......... Hagg. >175.40; H L Suxbauer. > 4 4 x 4 5 . G undoif. >4.4»; E a rl F in n ell. >2.99 They and Helen John- L E W ilke». >4.54) . Vernon Ko»ct>raugh. A Sauerm an. >1«.46 CHEHALEM M O U N T A IN - E 1- son ______________ and Ed Adams ______________ of Bull Moun- W W atkins. >11.96; A G Heesacker. >29.29 . J M ille r. >149.40; Rudolph Nel- m er Whitmore. Ray and F rankie ,ain Thirty-one are ata enrolled. Wes- *i»hn Cu/ *' T'iT,s ■’ • J T a 8-«V»4», ^*xp.«rxr • a aa^ «Mw«aa. v*aa. . » , *a —— - . w ia . * -Vtaa). 1 6 . Gtl» Rdch«)W, >496.02 . Shook J and < Walter /alter W hitmore left iev n i ck K K enneth enneth and and Lester Lester jey i± ,r\ >11.16; , V . Ed l K la'.llaM. t9ll *79 - E Kllauri.Fth U.. -L' eiMta T T X .J »_ a ta a J ey. Dick. elley. >20.22; lb w u rth Buaeh’» Service it Garage. >170.75; L e n U T hursday for Ukiah to hunt deer. Schultz returned to school after Kelley. >4.97; a Hoffman. >25.11; C a rl A uto Part». >14.21. H ow ard E Snyder. They w ere accompanied by L. I. picking prunes. F lora. >5.5»; H a rry Lee. >2».59; E w u ■ C o rw in H ardw are. 79e; H a rry C H ulit and Russell G ainer of New- A lbert Scott spent the past two Liverm or». C » ; I,ry K o rrt T b g *v h n n t o d i a r l r ra h h it« ; n n Bruce Comb». >4.2»; Bert H ill. >14 .3J. Co.. >15; Roy Lyn n. > 1 " . The I lark & berg They hunted jack rabbits on u eek s serving on the ju ry in c May »12.55. A M cA llen. »16.3» w iU o n Lum ber company. «212**. Car- the way up. L. T. U nigan and Portland, while Mrs. Scott visited w a ite r H ili. » 1 3 .6 *. F m A lien. »132.- nation Lumber Co.. »1:112. Portland Tom Shuck joined the party Sun- her daughter. Mrs. H arry Moore. 23; L C R e illy. >73.93 ; John Ney-». >».- G eneral Electric Co.. >7.50. J w Di««n C Toppi*h. >13.95, Andy Anderson. ¡L u m b e r Co., >37.20; H B Yocum. >1.5«; day and A husband in Portland. t> >39.«5; A r t Sheperd. >15.25. C B H en*- Sahnow Bru«., >26.2». R«*bert»on Heavy Miss Wanda Finigan and Mrs. O' rrk QKnr>lr n -h rt h a e hrwrn « f a v i n f f c c l e y . >10.9«: F L Brow n. >33.64; George H a rd w are Co.. >46 H illsboro Lum ber Tom Shuck, w ho has been staying Sauer of Portland, spent Septem- R^evear. >8.37. Alden Rosevear. >5.5». c«».. >487.77; John A Roebling’» Son» here during hop picking. spent her 14 at the Pendleton Round-up Peter H o ffm a n . >27.92. L«m» Petersen. Co. of C a lif.. >15.41 ; Colyear Mol. r Sale» Sunday night in Hillsboro. Adams Buys Place > 1L 16; Chris T c h a n ti. >11.16. A l D rie r, company. >43 79 . H illabor,. Concrete B rick W. R. Davis ..yaxzxV returned Septem ber T-, _ Mr. and Mrs. Philip Adams of gren. 111 16;. / - SH F e rry Gabbert. Li >5.5», " - , N"u iV* >l"2.5H ; h i i ‘»i -s’ 10 *i j »_ j a.,_ >5.58; R C a lif.. HiII»fM>ro Argus, > I.« o . 18 from a week at Rockaway. Portland purchased t h e George Nelwn. >».45: Noel M a rtin . > n . i 6 ; H O regon-W ashington W ater 8erv.ee Co.. Homer and Jak e Davis visited Clayville berry ranch and moved spreitzer. >11.16. W alter H am el. >».37; >2; L J Runhiow. >12.50; Cb tri«-» I. M r and Mrs. Sylvester Davis at in Septem ber 15. Adams is em- Lester R<-we, 1 * 3 7 . B ert H ill. >" * . W alker. $12.5«. L ib e r ty D urance Hillsboro Septem ber 18. Mrs. Da- ploved in Portland. Fred De',,n t ' 37 Wm VeneU. >18.25; Agency. >12.5«; George T M cG rat h >10; xric u m c r n /’ i irw » r» tin tr f r n m in in r iA C John W ickatro m . >13.25; J a m t- W alters, Po re Iron C u lvert A M fg. < «> . 42 vis was recuperating from injuries Birthday P arty »10 7.2;: A H u n h iw n . »««.««. H J c « t y . g ^. l H e n d rirk ., «9:1.»3. Po rtland 1 * received in an auto accident. Miss Frances Gholson entertain- »2.7»: K .n o .t h H u u h iw n . »13.95. <>r.o , re tr Ph*« Pr.K<*i«» «.',* . ».isr. s* w.-* Hop picking at the Merl Cady ed Saturday afternoon w ith a Hutchison. « 5 .5 *. C h ri, T c h a m *. »12.55; c.Ni.t Telephone c,».. »17.15; w . - t Coast yard was ended Septem ber 18. On- birthdav party in honor of her A1 brier, «1 » .» *; k a Kennedy. »«.»7; Telephone c .,m i« n y iT ig a r d i. »2.1*5: 11 iy the amount of hops contracted tw elfth’ birthday. P resent w e r e 7 1 H .^ .7 7 ° ? *? « : Chehalem People Hunting for Deer Thunuluy, September 26, 1935 OR EG O Hairy Vetch Austrian Winter Peas If you are interested in growing Hairy Vetch come in and talk to us. Poultryman - Start those Pullets on Imperial Egg Mash — Lower mortality, less cost per dozen eggs, more eggs per hen. Imperial Milk Egg Mash. 100 lbs............. >1.85 sack Imperial Egg Mash. 100 lbs......................... 1.75 sack Big-l.ay Egg Mash. 100 lbs......................... 1.65 sack 4-Grain Scratch. 100 lbs............................... 1.60 sack Dairyman Lower prices on Dairy Feeds, Oil Meals, etc. Imperial Dairy, 20% protein .................... >29.00 ton Cow Ration, 17% protein ............................ 25.00 ton Molasses Dairy, 15% protein ..................... 23.00 ton We also do custom mixing for the dairyman that I wants a balanced dairy ration made out of his grain. We ’ will be glad to help you make up your formula and give you the exact cost. Come in and let us help you with j your dairy problems. FALL SEEDS W’e have a complete stock of all Fall Seeds— Vetch, j Recleaned Rye, Cheat, Grey Oats, White Holland Wheat, and all Pasture Grasses. See us before you buy, our I prices and quality are right. WANTED— Grains, all seeds. We are cash buyers of wheat, oats, barley, clover seed, all vetches. Highest market price paid. Pay Cash and Save — Trade with Imperial •i Millers of Quality Feeds South Rerond Ave. i ' ” • ORE and more people are learning that thf best place in toun to get a useit m r is at the nearest Ciievrolet Dealer’s. Visit him see his wide selection of Guaranteed O K Used Gars — and yon, too, w ill get a better buy— the make you want, the model you want, ut the price you want to pay! M THE MAKE YOU WANT THE MODEL YOU WANT And what’s more, you will get a ear that s guar­ anteed to be in A-I condition, for all ears hearing this famous Red OK Tag have been carefully checked and conditioned by your (.hevrolct Dealer, and carry his personal guarantee. THE PK I CE YOU W ANT TO PAY See him and buy one of these fine Guaranteed OK Used (Jars at lowest prices—today! 1934 CHEVROLET TOWN SEDAN—Read that price! See this practically new Chev rolet—compare appearance, performance and reliability and you’ll prefer It to an y ­ thing the m arket offers at any w here near this price. Completely equipped, ready to drive away l/SOC OfiW 1934 PLYMOUTH 4 SEDAN—E ntire car is clean and in nice condition. To see this excellent buy will convince you the price is right. You'll like it. See It today *475 1929 DODGE COUPE — Motor rebored, w ith new pistons and rings, good tires, paint and upholstery. Backed by "an O. K. that counts.” AO«, 1930 DURANT SEDA N Original finish, 90” rubber, looks good and runs good. An economical »-cylinder car with a Con­ tinental Red Seal motor. Only .......... 1934 CHEVROLET MASTER UOAUII — Original Duco finish, clean upholstery, tires that show little wear. Thoroughly reconditioned and backed by "an O. that counts.’" Equipped ready to drive aw ay today ..... 1930 CIIEVROLET ROADSTER—Here's B snappy little car th at will make you proud to own. It’s sturdy six-cylinder engine provides ample speed, power nnd get­ away. Backed by "an O. K that counts" 1932 PLYMOUTH COUPE—If you wnnt a coupe, grasp this opportunity of a life­ time. You'll be proud of Its appearance and performance. And at this low price you can pay for many m onths’ operating costs with savings. Reduced for quick sale 1931 DODGE SEDAN—If for a real bargain In nn see this Dodge today Its upholstery are in fine backed by "an O. K. that counts.” K 595 1933 CHEVROLET COUPE—Act today if you w ant to buy a slightly used six- cylinder Chevrolet Coupe at so low a price. Repainted, fine shape. See It today .............................. ’495 1929 EORH COACH—New paint job, new seat covers, good tires S>Q12 and mechanically A-l ifi I O GOOD LINE OF TRUCKS AT ALL . . *9/1 240 CI you are looking attractive c a r - finish, tires and condition. It Is *9*7S w flv 1929 CHEVROLET C O C P E -J u t traded in on a new C hevrolet six. Rebored motor and thoroughly reconditioned. Only .............................. *225 FRANKLIN SEDAN — Many miles o f trouble-free transportation. Must be aeon to be appreciated. A real qunlity ear nt this low price, nnd alw ays well eared for *99(T ZZv PRICES Hillsboro Motor Co. Imperial Feed & Grain Co. Phone >1 mafty * values in his stock o f You will outstaridi .James Whitelaw, Prop. Phone Day or Night 444 318-332 East Main St.