H IL L S B O R O Faire Four Ifillsbon^Ar (j us W ith W hich to Combined the H ill.h n ro Indcpcndcnl ■ I I I * . « , A n tu . « l a b 18»4 HUtohoro Indcvcixtoni « la h . U T» M c K IN N K Y * M e K IN K K Y . PahHahera P u b ll.b n l Thurnday M ila n ’ «» • « « » .,I - . - I . m m attar in the poatofficc at Htltofcora, Orotfon V ERN E M c K inney Bdlter (»EE K I A I . NEW SPAPER MRS. E. C. M c K IN N K Y AM oeU te Editor OF U A S H IS G T O N C O l’ N T Y Hel«vte>l «« O r« « "« ’» B«*t W eekly Newspaper, 1980 N h iu m I on A ll-A m erican W eekly Newspaper Eleven. 1930 H oaurable M ention N aU onal E d itorial Association Newspaper PredacUon Content. 1934-SS. and General Excellence. IM S Hubarriplion Rate« S tric tly l'a«h in Advance Out>ide W ashington County W it hin W ashington County U. S.. per year S3.00 P a r pear Foreign count rie» 3-59 Six month« — .85 M E M B E R Oregon State E d itorial A isocialion and N ational Editorial A m o » tioo. P i n t Audited Paper Largest Audited W eek­ ly C irculation in O re­ gon. The H ilb b o ro Argu» aaaumea no fina ncia l responsibility for errors published in its column«, but in ca»ea * here this paper is a t fa u lt w ill reprint th at part of an advertisem ent in which the typographical m istake occurs. A n Independent Newspaper, whose service« and policies are baaed on the principle of the Golden Rule.— ’’And a* ye would that men should do to you. do ye also to them likewise. Trade at Home Dollars spent at home make for the commercial growth of the community and reflect benefit to all of its citizens. Buy everything possible at home. The dollar sent away seldom gets back for home circulation. The carpenter or painter who buys his tools by mail sel­ dom thinks that a better business for the hardw are m erchant might mean more building activity at home with greater working opportunities for him. E v e r y man. woman and child in this community depends upon the money kept at home for payday prosperity. Money sent away by local business for printing cannot be reflected in g rea t­ er purchases by the many families con­ nected with printing establishm ents in Hillsboro. Think! See to it that y o u r printing carries a line. “ Printed in Hills­ boro.” Your local business man is your friend and can be depended on to treat his fel­ low neighbors in a fair manner. Matthew Be Careful! The Forgotten State In the m atter of coast defenses Ore­ gon is the “forgotten” state. California has had millions and millions expended for navy bases and coast defense a n d W ashington has come in for a large share, but Oregon has received the little end. Reports indicate th at California is secure­ ly on the road for more arm y and navy establishm ents. Two different congressional groups have come west in recent weeks to in- School safety lanes have been placed on streets near the grade schools and the entire community joins in asking their ob­ servance by motorists. Motorists without question should approach the safety lanes at a controlled rate of speed, because the children have full confidence th at motor- ists will come to a stop at the safety lanes. i a . • i .. A . •*. Law enforcem ent officials of the city should cheek drivers on these streets fre- quently and see to it th at motorists are lis in e due c a re in a n n ro a e h im r s i-h n n ls ARGU S. Sodai Ne H'S of Local Folk and Their Friends Mr ami Mrs George Schultz. Miss Frances and George Schultz •Ii of Oregon City. Mr and Mr- Clark Brown of Ferndale, Wash Mr and Mrs J. J I .an gl on and family of Capitol Hill. Mr and Mrs. T Marlin of Portland Mr and Mrs Rudy Pellat.’ of Canby, Mr. and Mrs J J Miller of Mil- waukie. Mrs Kate Trickev of H IL L S B O R O . OREGON M .. Will.am llp p and family 'ol Portland, Mr and Mrs. Fred H om of Salem. Mr and Mrs. Orin Kin nc>. Rev. and Mrs R. W Elwell, Misses Ethel and Ruth Adatin. all of Vancouver, W ash. and Mrs. Anna C row thers of Dilley. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sigler and son Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ramey, all of Hillsboro, and Mr. and Mrs Dale Sigler ami son Dale Jr. of Portland left Saturday for a hunting trip to Medford. Mr and Mt’s, Ramey returned Tuesday night, but the Sigler families re- mamed for a two weeks’ vacation, Thursday, September 26, J I'l'C C lIo H l S l X ’C C ll, (iraitgm Meet Today Lighted Roads Seen Press Essential As Accident Cliecl- * Slule officer« of the Griiug, u ,i| I h * ill Hillsboro today for <>„,. county grange eonferenee to jb*. P ro fe s s o r R o b e rt E F itc h .>< .i n t tl... ager of the motor association, in I wl11 hl!‘t u n til H .10 in ||h. liiv iin i- Nulla l l l n l llli'h ir El-,le from John F Say you »uw II In iho Arum 625 high scliool and while here re Dr. and Mrs. Howard Wells re goal in student bod) ticket sales " " b one died tn cv, i y II , daylight Comnlete newed friendships w ith several of turned Tuesday morning from a m this is year was wus .»no .',00 lie He ul.so also le repor im ile il accidents. 1 his form er schoolmates. Loss radio mid h e u l e r .. T hunting trip to Redmond. Mrs C. lilul Argus publishers hud of -I Following publication of th< Mrs. j. i„ Anderson and her p Wells went to Redmond Wed- co-operation in printing of article, the motor association rec MOO sister. Mrs H. R S jolander of nesday and Jam es Wells, who had Hilhi news. | ommendt d that a short stretch of i-.ipeming. Mich., attended a party been hunting there, returned Imine highwuy in Oregon be used for Wednesday afternoon of last week with with her her -lK fV N i t l i r . v . l Ç e e L . ‘-x p e rim . n ta l p u i p e .. . am i iliu m at the home of Mrs. C harles Lind 1929 Plymouth Coach 1 s l l l i r O U G v V K S m a te d b y a sa tis fa c to ry tyi».* of M iss M a rte H o u g ez a c c o m p a n ie d i in Portland, at which Mrs Sjoland- d rs S jo la m t- ,)er lM, r e n ts M r an d j..i,n r- t a • ' ‘tf1' 1 N o p particular u r lie u la r hl» No highway was A real buy at ; er was guest of honor. rrlment, bid ’ " f 1’o'llan d to Bonneville L i g h t ; ’ »Kg,•sled to r Ihe . 1 attendance were forme •r r °r?-odeni1 r ‘ s ‘d ' " 1' S u n d a y on th e b o a t t r i p s,H in so n s! T(? m . t.r n o . to - th e e v e I g ^ a ' d ’i . U n / e ^ installing i of Ishpeming. about sev M Saunders ^ hV » . n ^ m ber ........... Th*‘ .T i, Ha.r old - meree o, ro ru a n a . ' the auestlon Inexpensive power anticipated landed at the Hillsboro airport Nora McCourt and sons Ed | Vincent llober of Gales Creek from Bonneville dam was given aa Three Ford Model T« Saturday , r d a' ,d Don ,we,nt *° C re w e l .tile d it Saturday night with ., another reason why Oregon should . , o night and rem ained here * Wednesday $11.98 $15.00 to look alter th e ir'm a tc h when tt became necessary until Sunday morning, when thev the suggestion of high lcft for ,he Air circus at v e m o n l. farm property. They w ere aceom -! for him to see w hether or not he consider $25.00 wuy lighting Mr Hobi reports our airport in gan“’1* by Mr> ,van Simon of was meeting with success In fill- «ood condiUon. ! BT ‘nr,H" , „ „ „ J Sc V h ' Rooster Night at Grange M r- and Mrs C harles Matthes „..‘. ' i ! ' . • >eoige and , ... i " Booster night will be observed New W illard Built Aut ,'X H GilS LxpkxleS 185 B A TTER IES $3.95 And your old battery of th a t area. M eanwhile nothing is done about O re­ gon and the Columbia river,— “ adm itted­ ly a necessity in case of w ar — on the grounds th at it has no money available for fu rth er shore developm ents but must conserve its funds for more men a n d ships.” The following two parag rap h s from the Astoria Astorian-Budget are v e r y much to the point: Do The war and navy departm ents con­ tem plate that, in the event of war. an enemy wiU strike at southern California ’ Do they think an army would land in a barren country w here it would starve itself if it had to feed off the country? Do they think a navy from the orient would strike at a section of our coast which is hundreds of miles farther than northern ports? The Columbia river entrance, for instance, is 143 miles closer to the orient even than Seattle, a full 423 miles closer than San Francisco and several days' time closer than the southern C ali­ fornia ports? And yet the Columbia riv er is left absolutely without a ship base of any kind and there is a full thousand miles of coastline north of San Francisco w ithout even a harbor of refuge. What is the answer? W hatever answ er we get from official sources w ill not be the true answer. The answer lies largely in politics. Southern California congressmen adm ittedly are putting the pressure on the departm ents. The navy departm ent adm ittedly operates a dozen bases on the Atlantic seaboard for which it has no use but which it cannot close because of political pressure. Political considerations seem­ ingly are a first factor, and we have a strong suspicion, too. that social considerations have considerable weight. Southern California is such a delightful place for navy mqp and th eir fam ­ ilies to make their homes. Somewhere, som e­ tim e we would think that considerations of n a­ tional defense would secure recognition. May Give Trouble The potato control law was not sup­ ported by the AAA or by any national farm organization, yet is binding on 3.- 000,000 U. S. farm ers who raise spuds. It is likely to prove a source of real trouble in the enforcem ent. A group of congress­ men and senators, republicans and demo­ crats, th ru st this on to the AAA and it may prove em barrassing. The objectives are undoubtedly laudable for those en­ gaged in growing spuds for the m arket. mignr nave tne n g n t ettect. 1 ' u YOt AG’S Funeral Home Two Points of View Credit Bureaus Mason Hill D - | ‘O Bristol Hardwire Co. io «study Hilhi football season opens on the home gridiron Friday afternoon. Be there to give them a good send-off for a fine season. They need your moral support. Thomas S. Sholes ir^*S7 . Miss Ju lia Tatom is assisting in ' I the C harles L. W alker insurance niKht IS* 3rd Ave. Phone 31W - c a - .m w d l b e - p e id in t h e G u v • )V—' i office for several weeks, while Miss Dorothy y Snyder, who was mon hospital in Forest Grove. D ealers fur Mrs Dick Stoltenberg is on her employed in Salem, decided she ¡w here Dobcr is recovering from / ’’ODFISH are lined as money A Portland investment banker back vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Stolten- liked Hillsboro better and is again painful burns, l l l ’DSON - TERKAPI.ANR 4 in Iceland. The v< ku «» must berg left Sunday for a trip to clerking at Goar's Woman's Shop J - _ _ from a trip reports business on the up- WILLARD MOIIAWK have spread; many Americana Lake Misses Frances P otter and Anna E a s t e r n S t r i k e s B la m e d grade “ in spite of W ashington.” Sayings C rater hnve to buy on a COD bnsla. and Mrs. F. O. Wesson and Geenty of Portland w ere guests • • • of this kind seem to take on the flavor of Mr Mr and Mrs Hubert Watts of Sunday of Mr. and Mrs M W for Delay in Shipment« Hansom of 1300,000 paid In I Difficulty In getting delivery of popularity or sm artness with some. One Portland, and Mr and Mrs Orin Johnson. khlnnplng — Headline. stops to w onder if governm ent action a t Darety and children of North L. C K ranuen and Fred Schen- m erchandise in all drygoods lines Cuban F air exchange la no robbery: spent Sunday w ith Mr. and ' del returned Tuesday from a few i 13 reported b.v Jak e Well of Well's W ashington two years ago with deposit Plains they tnuaht ua the rhum ba. Mrs. E. B Watts. Pictures w ere days hunting trip in Eastern Ore- departm ent store in Hillsboro. • • • insurance, etc., did not put an entirely dif- taken of the four generations. gun with a deer each. Must of the delay Is due to strikes T here's a saying th at eve» Mrs. Clovis R Havis of Houston. ■ Mrs O P Mishner left Friday ¡n , the n “r !°“s ind»’,ri‘‘s an‘i Is fervnt outlook on banking and restore TH€ WORLDS on»* has to eat a peck of U i.t reflected in a slight advance confidence of the people. Bankers and Texas, who has been visiting her for Loa Angeles. Cal after a w eek' being durlnv his lifetim e Far- i f .R f ATCST a l l n i b , , » „-neA » « J . , . . a sister. Mrs. E Kortzeborn. left visit with her sister Mrs F \ in prices. Weil said 11- ° in trs \\ ei e ready to gra P at any aid Monday evening for a visit at Griffith the dust storm urea »• ust R II’, IO VOLUe starting on ih«ir fourth I t ashington could give two years ago, but Broo,..ng- Ore Oakland and Los m Patty Lomax spent t h e Local Hunter« Bag Deer, with improvement people are prone t o AnK,'l>' C al. on her way home weeit-end w ith relative« und flit no Home Tuesday Afternoon Wh» «• ninallth«* If nil t f nul forget. Miss Pearl Allen was a week- in Portland and northeast of Hills- Two mule deer from u,e John won, I « n so much a t colleg, • ________________ end guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. boro. Day country of eastern Oregon ra 1 »t-e ix’uqht for certain typ voting •o little I G ot « Simeral of Portland She accom- Mrs L J M errill returned home ’h” * b> Mr and Mrs s “ m Steinke shouldn’t pru$ ot m neh qo'us caUnet There should he no n o m ie s tio n a« In u e I theT Sunday. thf Monday from several weeks' stay of Hilliboro. attracted consideruble breadwlnn« I t ie s n o u ; a q uestbon a. S t O ac- Hood loop trip and to Cloud Cap at Monmouth. ' attention Tuesday evening The with airplanr dial. Rervtve« tion Of law enforcem ent officials in their ,nn Frx) S,,....,1I n „.d F ,,lrlrt„ hunters w ere near Hardman, and sta n d a rd etforts to curb slot machines. Prosecutor Mr and Mrs w » Ragsdale |eft Sun'();iv for a hunting triD t o 'i ! ld u no.ud ‘,,,cu l,y in ba»I*,n« ,be HAXTUN A I i i i i s H A m e ric a n son Harry of Moro are visit- Eastern Oregon P bucks, they said, the packing d is­ Morgan is right in his decision to go and Producer, of Quality | n>,rnne aid ing Mr and Mrs J. L. Searcy this 1 tancc to transportation being not ahead. They come purely under the head­ week. Mrs. Searcy is a daughter p o lic e , J aO> of D,’1"» had more than 150 yards SAND and G R A V E L his tonsils removed by Dr C. T amateur« ing of chance with very little of . the of Mr. and Mrs Ragsdale. Plnnt located 4 miles north of For Smith Wednesday morning. a v ia tio n Miss Adecn Wegner left for est Grove on Gab Creex Pboin chance in favor of the participant. If slot Heavy Fine Meted Out broad* l«o: •« machines are to be allowed they should ^ ' ’sUv^on” ^ , V d ^ h C elts. for Reckless Driving When you so« and tend school. She has been here . . . __ . „ Fine of $125 was levied in Jus­ hoar Ino C rodoy be taxed. with her sister, Mrs. Harvey Jesse. ” r and ^ rs Thomas Connell, F iv e r since last January. I Mr and Mrs. R Cowdin of tice court at Tigard when Otto y o u 'l l of Portland route 3 pleaded Mr and Mrs Kenneth C . r l . l e T z“ nly Planner» Meet the task of feeding these people and providing old Jensen, this . Mr week. parents interested are invited to Members of the County Plan- them with employment. Yes. there was an alter­ 11 H Findley and Everett and j ° ln by notifying Mrs. J M Per- nln« meet Friday night native. but sound common sense of the American Evelyn of Cedar Mill left Tuesday ’on Meetings will be held at ‘he J * of First and Baseline people prevailed and hopes of communists and f o r a t w o w e e k s ' v a c a t i o n in W a i . homes of members. Among sub- com id«ring projects to be sub- sub-I . . - -. - -—. others, who were eager to welcome the revolution, for a two weeks’ vacation in Wal­ jects to be discussed Among Open 7 a. m. to 2 p m are "What I mi” 1 e d llndpr “ »' npw federal county. were blasted. When history is w ritten, these and lowa »s, „ a ss. i i a .. . Are the M arks of a Good Home?" ' 'vorks Pf<>«ram The meeting ad- other outstanding benefits accruing from a change Mr. and Mrs. J L. Anderson and ..p f » irnow ch ild 's C*innn journed after a short session, agree­ ing and an d their house hnosp guest, eue f Mrs Mt . s „ a d .»i « scheduled «.»«u __ j H. R R. Sinlandor Sjolander nf of Mirhionn Michigan, ertont spent _ Conjidcnccs" not k be until something the w eek-end at Taft. of im portance was up for eonsid- I eratlon, W. G. Ide, county chair- j Mr and Mrs. Richard Busch B irthdays Observed— !1 T rM di2 nHr s5UeSt'! { rid ^y ,eve.?ini R N A members having birth- man. said. I Bea^crtao.*1 M” J ° h McLeod of days in July. August and Septcm- Let the advertisem ents help you Some of the most tragic fires in American his- E. F Daw»on, C Ackerman and dinne?Uwtdnesdhay at the home m ake your shopping plans. tory have occurred in schools. Thousands of chil- k A ckerman of Victoria, B. C .J of Mrs Ed Wortman The after c ^ ric d X ™ p X i g ^ ^ , : r ?ewV“^ i Oning HH1SbOr° " " IT ’S N O S E C R E T - Coslett’s B ar-B -Q Fifteen Years Ago Argus, Septem ber 16. 1920—John A rthur Pender, convicted of killing Mrs. Daisy Wehrman in 1911. and William Branton. convicted of killing Booth at Willamina a few years ago, granted full pardon by Governor Olcott. Eugene Gray of local ball team mentioned as pitcher for an All-Star team to play McCredie's Beavers. Henry Voelker, resident of Blooming since 1892, dies Septem ber 14. F. E H artram pf sells garage on West Main to A lbert Losli and William Schlattmann. J. J. Wismer of Cedar Mill has bought Interest in insurance and loan court business of Emil Kuratli. can Oregon supreme decides Hillsboro rn h n a rin d on n lo h r a t p d v H ra n t have a rx/Y no rehearing on p celebrated h h ydrant case. Dr. L. W. Hyde of Hillsboro re-elected surgeon genera] of the National Spanish War Veterans at St. Louis, Mo. J. W. Cave resigns as Oregonian agent. D istribu- tion of Oregonian has been in hands of Cave fam- ily here for practically 80 years. N athan Weil, Hillsboro merchant, and Miss Bella Sclfsford of New York m arried August 28. W ashington county navy boys who died during th e w ar were Elmer L. Lillegard of Laurel. John H. Nieger of Hillsdale and Eugene F McNelty of Hillsboro, according to list received by Secretary of S tate Kozer Thirty Years Ago Argus. Septem ber 21. 1905- -Julius Christensen home at L aurel burns N egotiations pending to give independent tele­ phone system of this county connection w ith P o rt­ land T. P. Goodin aw arded contract for building new opera house at First and Main for $2643. Stock­ holders of H illsboro Amusement association are G. A W chrung, W. V. Wiley, J. W and A. C. Shute, G. A P atterson. J. W. Balb'y. Dr. J. P. Tamiesie W O Donelson and H. T. Bagley City council Tuesday night decides to plank Main street from Second to T hird and two block from th e C ongregational church east, block a n d half south on Second from Baseline, Main from First to Second. W G. H are departed Monday for Ann Arbor. Mich . to resum e his law studies Fire Traps Called School DOESYOUR HOUSE NEED A NEW ROOF? P A P E R H A N G IN G i n c i p i e n t l ^ ^ r ^ e c T e r o r ^ d ^ Z a t ^ 'e q u i p ^ d w B h f lF P (• « c a r k i * « tilir p a c r it a n d f» r< * H n z tr a fire escapes, s staircases and fire doors. The lessons of the past have had relatively ‘“ U* effect on the present. Survey after survey, conducted by responsible experts, have demon- strated that hundreds of schools are fire traps. And these schools are not all in the "little red school- house” classification—some of our handsom est and most superficially modern institutions of learning contain great and unnecessary dangers. The National Board of Fire U nderw riters, rep ­ resentative organization of the nation's principal stock fire insurance companies, carries on an ag­ gressive campaign in the Interest of safer schools. When possible, it makes inspections of school build­ ings, and offers suggestions for changes and a d d i­ tions—often National Board experts have pointed to serious and unnecessary hazards which had been overlooked for years. And, beginning last year, it widened its field of action by issuing self-inspection blanks for schools, w hereby any capable school of­ ficial can systematically check the buildings and equipm ent involved, discover dangers and inade- quàcies, and make or suggest the necessary correc­ tions. The blank, which has been adopted and of­ ficially approved by the National Association of P u b ­ lic School Business Officials, is to be sent this year to 1700 secretaries and presidents of boards of edu­ cation and fire chiefs in cities of 5000 and over Of­ ficials In sm aller towns can doubtless obtain the blanks from the National Board on request. The school building which houses your child rr.ay be a menace to his life and health. Inspect It —and make it safe. No communal activity could be more im portant.—Industrial News Review. J e ^ e n ’“ ’^ . «» * ^und” *lhwith ^oreB, UtterW° r ‘h ’ ‘ •' h ' gh Mr. and Mrs H. E. LaBare at St. 1‘ast Matrons Meet— Helcns. . _ c. ■ . .. i _ v I Mrs. V W G ardner entertained . . . his . brother-in-law . ........... ■ i tne Matrons pbaP‘- P aa‘ visited and sis-j c)ub »uaiaiin „ „ „ d a y cnaptcr evening past Mrs Matrons' H. A. ¿ . . ’ " d„MJ . t 5 „ hy leS M' J °h n ' Deck was assisting hostess. son, Monday evening H u lit!D r' L- B' Smith III— J. J. Wismer and L. V Dr L. B Smith is at S m ith s returned Sunday from a week-end hospital suffering from a light | hunting trip near Sweet Home. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fowler of troke. He is very ill. Portland spent tne week-end with S u tacrib e now to the Argus. I n ! Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Coman W ashington county $1.50 a year. [ Mrs. A. H Hill and little daugh­ Six months 85c. Three months 50 ' ter of St Helens were week-end cents. Two months 35 cents. tf i guests of Miss Valerie Bagley. Mrs. J W. Davis of Grass Valley was a guest Friday of Mrs. Clem Eslinger Mr and Mrs. R. B utterw orth of Vadis visited Mr and Mrs. Hallie Ireland last week. Mr and Mrs F. A. Younger were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Manley Friday. C. E Wells and Orange Phelps left Monday for Gold Beach on a fishing and hunting trip. Mrs. Fred Caldwell is teaching at the G reenville school this year. Relatives and friends from a distance attending the funeral of C. J Anderson Friday were Mr Hillsboro D ecorating Co. B. R. Nlckeson, Prop "We Cover Surfaces" Phone 2102 SPEC IA L A C C ID E N T PO LIC Y Only $5 per year $2000 Coverage. See ROBERT H. KELLY Stage Depot — Hillsboro Remembered---- Let your loved one’s resting place be n arked with a Memorial that will last forever, honored with a monument that reflects the dignity and Importance of your family name. We will gladly show you m em orials and subm it suggestions for any type memorial you prefer. |JR E G O N M O N U M E N T W ORKS Hillsboro, Oregon , j I I We can give you the lowest possible estim ate on roof shingling, repairing and other home construction. For all building m aterial, ice Pool-Gardner Lumber Co. FRANCHISE FULLER DEALER 151 Wert Baseline St. Phone 2091