The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, September 26, 1935, Page 12, Image 12

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    Pare Four
I.O.O.F. Meet
Scholls Friday
Big Guns of War on Waste
S un d ay School Class
F ield s H ouse;
(By L. B Demminl
SCHOLLS—Ruby Rebekah lodge
will take the traveling three links
to Sherwood tonight (T hursday' I
instead of Septem ber 19 as stated I
last week and the I. O. O. F
county convention w ill be held !
Friday evening at the Scholls I. O I
O. F hall. Julius Christensen o f !
U nco.n lodge is tlie president The
w ill
H IL L S B O R O ,
Thurmluy, September 2fi.
j Whittle Prune Drier Running
to Full Capacity at Laurel
J o hn Russell D ie s ; L a d ie s ’
A id to M e e t O c to b e r 4
Scholls R ebekah
M e ets T o n ig h t;
B unnells M o ve to
W in ig e rs R ent John W il l
_____ __________
P lace
in » M r*. F i. H re w .il
Scholls visited at the Lee Brown
LAUREL I. A Whittle company home Sunday.
electric prune dryer Is running at Mr amt Mi s Francis Coolidge
| full capacity, which is about 5tk) and son Dale of Portland visited
boxes per day Tlie W hittles arc at the George Rosevear home Fit-
.carin g for their own prunes only day evening Miss Winnie Little of
at present Some difficulty has Enterprise, who had been a guest
been encountered bv many of the of her aunts Mrs E I. Brown
prune growers in m arketing green and Mrs George Itosevear. foe
prunes at the canneries The im several days, returned to Portland
mense crop overtaxed the capacity with the Coolidges.
of the canneries and many small
Mrs Dewey Mercer was quit,*
prunes caused m arketing problems ill for several days at the Jones
Class to Meet
hospital in Hillsboro She returned
The "Friendly C orner'' Sunday home Tuesday w here she is eon-
school class will meet at the Amos valeseing. Her sister. Mrs. Carl
Watkins home Thursday (tonight' Buchanan, of Portland, who was at
The entertainm ent comm ittee is *be Mercer place for hop and
planning a scavenger party and Pr une harvest, is earing for her
all attending are instructed to and ‘he house. Another sister, Mrs.
wear suitable clothing.
i A rthur Newland, of Portland has
A rkle R i«eyear of the CCC at . « * « <*“ ’ inec hop harvest began.
C a m p O Dell Lake spent from Fri- aI-’ °-
day until Sunday with home folks
Sl,° filling Is In progress In this
I here.
community. Corn is very good In
N eb
M rs
W ills
m o re th a n :’:>ntl ho m es p i ,n i d i
th e
nand, Mr and Mrs Richard Whit "Great market place of Washing
tie. Dorothy and Patricia Whla- Ion county.“
nund and Doris Whittle.
State Capitol New» Letter G iv­
C ougar K ille d
M. 0.
C harlie Schmidt, assisting in ing tho highlight» of official ac
fire prevention on Saddle Moon tlvlty al Salem Ft I r j w. .'k In | EYE. EAR. NONE ANO TUHOAT
lain, killed a cougar the latter the Argus
part of the week which wus the
UI.AHHKM r i T T K I t
I second killed recently. C e c i l
I Schmidt brought the pelt home
D R . R. J. N IC O L
K« h » m
l'u m nt»rrl«l N a llan al Bank Anti»«
Mrs s “dl'' T inner and two sons
D R . E. W . A I.M Q U IS T
Portland and her mother. Mrs
H o u r»
I* h<> l i «w
V e te r in a r ia n s
W SO ft . i » i to 11 i
Xrwi.iwiiv» »»7»
J *'"«'n. of W hitford were Sun
I p. i
day tBiesla at the J. H. Felton
Telephone IILI anil lit.’
l" ,l" e
—------------- -—
liL x .x ....’. . . 1 1
D lO O Ilim g U lllO Il
T old of Factory
Clarence Tyler Honored
BLOOMING A. C. Forrester and
Clarence Tyler was honored with
Wi,l|e r Wertz, representing Indus
a decorated birthday cake at the
$ 2 0 D ry Ton — 100 lbs. fo r $1
Distilleries. L id, spoke to
C. W. Larkin home September 18
Modern Drying and Washing Equipment
J M Stetcher returned Saturday
*’,cv'h ig at Bunniug's hall on plans
evening after several weeks' spent
, 1 •'slablishing a plant at Hills
ut th e
at the A. L. Mathews walnut i
boro *n which waste products of
ranch near Amity, w here he built
" le L'rin would he converted into
a walnut drier and assisted with
c"tnm erelal alcohol.
the machinery installation last
Evelyn K rahinrr Honored
AT LAUREL Mall address, Hillsboro, Ht 2
Mrs Fred K rahm er gave a din-
Ferd Groner, F E Rowell. R. N )
McClure, Francis Rowell a n d
s s e c t.« «<«« <« «.. a «:»« » « « . « « . . . « • « r t m u i r u x n
dav o f her daughter E v e lv n F ri
B ert Rowell attended the walnut
day evening Mr and Mrs Leo
hearing in Portland Friday and '
Chantson Coe and family and B
F Coe of Portland were Sunday
guests at the H. T. Hesse home.
Phil, Charles and D elbert Burke
and G race Kingston attended a
farewell party at the C urtis John- j
home Sunday and her mother.
Smiths Move
after which she will visit with her
Many of you will feel the need of expert help in
son home at Beaverton Saturday
Mrs Mary Rothstrom. who spent
T he Tom Smith family moved s's,er ln Blooming.
evening, given in honor of Roger
hCrt ' retUnU'd i ,ronl the Frcd Brown place to
Henry Neukn k has a new sedan
layouts for fall drainage. THE St'HOLI.S TILE
Johnson and Delbert Burke, who
Mr ™ l J ?
A n r r .1
, Bethany last week
He Intends to convert hts old
entered O. S. C Monday
COMPANY has always renponded freely upon call
, "* r u
Mr!‘ P r5" ,C oryell and
Mr and Mrs. Jacob Schmidt •‘hiring ear Into a light truck.
Charles Burke, who has been
l » " t h e hr i r ?
n f Por,la1”‘* V*iited visited her cousin. Mrs John
M1“ Erna Sim anlel began work
for advice and has saved thousands of dollars to
employed at St. M artin's Springs *
« ‘«evear home Sun- ( Traehsel of Elm o,nea_Sunday.
!."•>' f;’r Mrs J ?h„ „ U. M. Mondoy
for the past two months, is at the
‘ “ vlew,o i “ coast* being repainted. The inset photo day
Washington county farmers.
parental home for a few weeks
guard b attery —it s an un­ shows a crew of men a t work on
to assist with fall onion harvest
usual cam era shot from the roof one. It's no slight job because the
Mr and Mrs Ed Seiffert and o f the larg est high-pressure steam 66,461 square feet—an acre and
daughter Mary Jane visited at the power house in the world a t the one-half—of stack surface will use
O u r Prices W ill M eet A ll
______ _____ ______ ____ ________________________________ , — _____
Dan Hoffner home near Beaverton Ford Rouge plant, D earborn, Mich. up 152 gallons of alum inum p a ir t " i oswego. was a gues
O u tsid e C o m p e titio n
d u
• ui-ii u
S trictly speaking, these aro not
Each stack is approxim ately 2;'9 Portland aindn
h° mV " , ? liM Thelma Mulloy. Gilman n,ad' ,hl\ home in Blooming, last
ed V h o n r W ends ’ and^rela'tives “am°ke” atacks> beCau^
Y a rd s at H ills b o ro —
P la n t at Scholls
feet around a t the roof anron 1'»
Rni„h i-in i-.r. „ » c o
Wight and W alter Reese visited
look over the Watkins route
Septem ber 17 and 18.
stack m eans w a s t e d fuel, and feet
around from th e feet abev. had & „ at V
* P ° r “ and
H ^ ^ ^ o X ^ d
Party Postponed
Scholls League skating party for wa5:<?-
e*Jk t k 5lge stacks,
e r° '- °
t h e « t o Prte nto r. Ibg v e T l e f t r T iesday ?o"r &hUe
, w
° r° V'’
September 27 was postponed until n s in K 199 iep t irom the Toct and around from
October 4.
333 feet from the ground level, are guns in Ford
P la n t at Scholls, O rego n
1 home near Forest Grove.
week to Portland, w here she has |
E. G. and Cecil Heaton and Mrs
B unnells L iv e H ere
Our Motto—"Friendly Service .
Fair Prices"
J S. Herd returned Sunday from and M arjorie and Jam es Robertson Mrs. Stanley Wentz and children
_ ,, _
Mr and Mls E K Swanson and mployment.
W a a h ln tlo n S treet between l i t and 2nd
llllla b o rs
Helen Horner of Portlund and
Todd Bunnell and family have son Jack of _______
Portland visited
the Williams hop yard near Wil- of Portland, Eric Richmond and Mr and Mrs John Schmeltzer
____- . at
Oscar Carlson.
Mr and Mrs Wallace Weston moved >nto the form er Roy Fields 1 the Ray Vorhees home Sunday
’ Pent the week-end at home
Armour Reynold and Miss Eve-
Mr. and Mrs Stanley Trefren of Lincoln. N eb. w ere guests six house from ,he Henry Berhman
Lloyd Dailey and Cecil Schmidt
------- -
lyn Hesse won the prize waltz con- of Bonneville visited at the J. B days last week of Mr and Mrs Place near Blooming, w here Mr went to Saddle Mountain Saturday Turn in vour items to
test at the Sherwood dance Satur- Bartlett home Sunday
W C Edv Mr Edy and Mr Wes- Bunnell was formerly
employed on a hunting trip They returned ca* correspondent
Help y o u r
day evening.
Mrs C W Larkin spent several ton. who are cousins, had not seen Three daughters, two high school Sunday evening with two four- ” c*ghbor
Emil Sieffert, who lives at Salem, days the first of this week visiting each other for
more than thirty- Pu P '!s an(1 or|e eighth grade pupil
underw ent an operation at the her daughter. Mrs. Fred Graff, and five years. Mr
Weston is employ- wl11 enter school as s n as prune
M rs
Adolph Schmidt attended N . G . Johnsen Sells
V t’.irans' hospital in Portland Mon- fam ily
«d by the Burlington railroad. M r.
Bu iness & Profes-
Dorothy Lee and M argaret Keith and Mrs. Edy and Donald Edy , W
Stevens joined George sional Women's club dinner in
BUCKS on r irst A d
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Benjam in are are staying w ith th eir grandpar- ; with Mr. and Mrs Weston made a Morri11 of Midway and Ed Hoff- Hillsboro Friday evening.
N G Johnson of South Tuala-
planning to leave for Racine. Wis., ents. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd M urray, trip up the Columbia River high- m an, a t Farm ington on a several
Mr and Mrs. I. A Whittle en- ,in ls pleased with results obtain
Sunday evening for a month's vis- while their parents are working way to Bonneville Friday They days deer hunl>nK , r >P near Fos tertained with a dinner at their ed through Argus classified adver-
it w ith his mother, Mrs. Emma at a hopyard near Newberg.
home Sunday, guests being Mr •i’à ’g An ad to sell purebred
also stopped at the fish hatchery
Barnes, and brother. Humphrey
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Trask as the Westons had never seen one
Mrs_ Flora B;‘ker and Earl and and Mrs E V Deason and Mr and Shropshire bucks brought a sale
Benjamin, and other relatives.
and Jean and Irm al Trask visited before.
Jlm Baker visited Mrs. Baker's Mrs George Arm strong of York. ,h *’ daF after the paper was on,
John Russell Dies
Mrs Mary Hill in Stayton Sunday
Mr and Mrs. Paul F ührer of bro,hpr- Charles Tatman and fam-
The proven Argus circulation of
John Russell, 87. died in Port-
Mr and Mrs F J Harmon and Berkeley. C a l. visited Mr Führer s ily oi chehaleI’> Mountain Sunday
land Saturday. He had lived at the Francis J r of Silverton visited mother. Mrs. Marie Führer, sev-
Will Place Rented
I did not see Him t ik e up his
Dally Trip« to Portland
home of his son. Earl Russell, f o r , Mr. and Mrs_ Lloyd M urray last eral days last week.
The John Will Sr. place has Cross and go forth to a place
H ills b o ro A u to F re ig h t
several years. Other children are Monday and Tuesday
W alter Rupprecht, who has been been rented
to Mr. and Mrs. J called Golgatha w here they cruel-
Bonded and Insured Carrier
William D. and Jam es Russell of
visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Winiger and brother of near Coop- fied Him
Portland. Oscar Russell of Esta- r?
. t
Serving B eaverton. A loha, Weed­
William Rupprecht, Sr., left th i s ! er Mountain. They plan to move
• did not
see the darkness set-
cada. and a brother. Calder Rus e n r o l l m e n t L a u r e l
ville, Hillsboro. Cornelius and
week-end for his home in Death to the place this week. Mr. and Hp down at noon-time and shroud
sell, of Nova Scotia. Funeral serv-
Forest G rove .
Mrs. Jam es Will, who have fa rm -' the land against the glare of the;
ice was held at Finley's chapel in
K incyp S c h o n l 1 5
Council Has Meeting
j ed the place for several years Syrian sun. all nature hushed as
Pickup and D elivery Service at
Portland Monday. Commitment at
y J U lW l i j
»¡,,»«,1.,., ___¿ _
I t jim n
DTTVW t ___ , d - j
County Grange council meeting ■lave moved to Portland, where the Christ of Sorrows bowed His
Package Rules
RlQoi?rfleW f;.e m e,ery'
Laurel Ridge for Septem ber was held in the ae is employed by the Jones Lum- head under the sham e of my sins;
Hillsboro Phone 542
th e F d F
R n nen h3*17 guest5,,a‘
! ^ « , S i ’ t h U b fifteen Sherwood Grange hall Wednesday 1>W company.
I did not hear His c r y - " I t is
East Side Terminal Portland
anrf MrcE Pe,e a j 0" 1* Welj
H oher,* Aehi^ehl?1
evenin8 About 25 representatives
a party of young folks includ
finished." as He banished the lust
Phone EAst 9131
and Mrs. Pete Anderson and Mr
7 7 7 . an d . F ldr®d of county granges were present
>ng Miss Lucille Bennett of Port- of sin-guilt from my ;xige I was
and Mrs Arnold Anderson and n a v 7 ‘7 e h ? h ' J i a « r s i alb.xr1
Mrs c E Asbahr of Portland. ! Iand- Miss Thelma Mulloy, Gilman not there but I take my stand that
son David of Portland.
«,im m er6, he « a S ? i h r a u " 8 ’he has becn ’Pending the past week Wight and W alter Reese started it w-as all done as the Book tel!
A id M eet Set
viaL t ♦hot7 h 7 i 7 , i , h ° ard haS pr° / with her “ «ter, Mrs Oscar Ander- i Sunday morning for a several ¡t and so naming Him as m y
Scholls Ladies’ Aid will meet at n no,,- 7 T n , heli 72a 3
son- and family.
j days autom obile trip. They planned Saviour 1 am eternally safe from
the church October 4 when Mrs
new woodshed and playshed. a
Lona Marie Werre was ill during [ to visit Frank Tigard, a distant the w rath of God — "being n o w
Leila Westfall and Mrs. W alter piano, and chairs.
the first of the week with tonsil- j cousin of Miss Mulloy, at Seattle justified by His blond, we shall
O rr will be joint hostesses.
^ tr° n8i,
itia sh e was wel1 enough to re- i and Wight's father at Evertson. be saved from w rath through Him.
Hugh Kellogg has charge of the anri'PMr« er„hn
Mr turn to «bb«01 Thursday
Wash., and then into Canada for 'Rom. 5:9).
Effff P ro d u ce r insure« henvv
plastering operations at the new and Mrs John Strickler.
Djnner party
#t , he w sightseeing They expected to re-
Now I am helpless.
insures Heavy
house being built by B ert Rowell.
M achinery Breaks
C Edy home Sunday were Mr tu rn Wednesday.
I canont by my own self live * •’ '
’ »I'es b e tte r tjuallty
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Virgil
The cannery at Sherwood was and Mrs. Wallace Weston, Mr. and
Sunday dinner party guests at Christ-like. I am a bundle of un- OJfgS. R educes flock m ortal-
Bisch. Septem ber 23. a boy.
forced to shut down for th e day Mrs. Charles S. Haynes, Mr. and 'h e F. L. Brown home were Mr holy desires and evil habits My ¡ty. I t’s tile best 'in ,I c h e n n
Mrs. Anna Johnson of Klamath Thursday when some of the prune Mrs. Stanley Wentz and tw o chil- j and Mrs. B. G. McNay and daugh- hands, feet and mouth go Into sel- „ „ t c
Falls came Sunday for an indef- canning
_ equipm ent broke down
dren of Portland, and M erlin H ar-j <ers P atricia and Barbara of For- fj ’ h and sinful ways. Holy In
*eLO • 'wu Vf*B b u y .
n ti... j ris Visitors later in th e-afternoon j cst Grove, C S S McNay of New- p o d 's sight am I. for I am washed
Mr.f The
The prunes
prunes on
on hand
hand were
were s e sent
C arrie Hitchcock, and other rel-1 | to the Edy d dryer
the blood
blood of
of the
the Lamb,
Lamb But a |) „ i r v f..,.,lu
ry er which has been
been were
were Mr
Mr. and
and Mrs.
Mrs. Vin
Vin Vincent
Vincent of o f berg,
; berg, who
who has
has been
been the
the guest
guest of of I * in
n the
mill run, field
D W V .J ,
u s and
iv s
x v Mr.
IU a v Mrs.
a l s . WCUIIVT3
l a the
p a past
C V K 8,
d l and
- »c ord
w « x* among
a m u ilg
I I I V I 1 , I 1 am
jllS t
operating at full capacity
th i s . . , V Newberg
J a m e | s ••><»
, his s v son
tw U o W weeks,
Miss Horney Holcom, w ith Ted I w'eek.
H arris and Barbara Elaine. Mr ¡ M r and Mrs W H. McNay and a Poor frail human. And can God a,l<l Ufa.«.« s e e d s .
d 6^ , 3
M5S Harl7 ? ogan ° f t Mrs H- p - Strickler, who has Wentz, a cousin of Mr. Edy, has Billy. Tennis was enjoyed during make me over?
(Venetian ticket, W n Fuller.
K'nrT lAnn made
marlo a a tvirv
TioOz-w-i been quite ill
___ charge
_ •
. — »»
trip trv
to DePoe
ill at»«.«.
the sum-
of « a CCC camp at Port the afternoon. C. S. McNay re- °
826 W. Baseline, Hillsboro)
"What? Know ye not that your
Bay Sunday.
mer, is im proving rapidly and will Townsend, Wash.
mained here as the guest of his body is the tem ple of the Holy
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Benjam in en­ soon be up and about again. Call- i
son, W. H. McNay, for an indefin- Ghost which is in you. which ye
tertained with a dinner Sunday. ers at the Strickler home Sunday
O ur classified columns may have
have of God and ye are not vour r a r i l M ' F ’l ’ I
Present w ere Mr. and Mrs. Keith w ere Mr. and Mrs. Will Edy. Mr ju st w hat you are looking for— ite Mr
o io r c
and Mrs. Joseph Twigg and
McClure, Mrs. Charles Robertson and Mrs. Wallace Weston, Mr. and Read them.
of God says it. I believe it. That Feed - Heed
tf sons Leland and Kenneth
W ool and P o u ltry
¡spells hope. (I Cor. 6:19).
T d .n h n n .
T H E K O V A L S O B A W O R K N - M r s . H u r l A G ard n er. O l . t r l t . u t «
"He which hath begun a good ________ T M ftW »» MU
IlilH b o rn . O r r gon
work in you will perform it until
th e d a y of Jesus C hrist” U ’hil
1.6». Hope here too He that is 9 »
born of God does not go on and
on and on in the practice of the
same old sins for God's Seed
(Jesus C hrist, rem ains in h im .
N either can he go on and on and
on in the practice of those same
old sins for he has been born of
God. So we move ahead. There's
hope We are not the same old
Labor on. brother, labor on.
Bible-Bible-Bible; pray-pray-pray;
grow -grow -grow —G eorge N. Tay­
lor, Beaverton.—Paid adv.
Whittle Drying Plant
where we make
People Up
Isn’t Always So Easy
in the Chesterfield factories
keep the heat a n d moisture at
a steady even leve l. . .
This control of temperature and humidity
helps to retain the full flavor and aroma of the
tobaccos you smoke in Chesterfields.
And it has a great deal to do with providing
the proper working conditions for the employes
who handle the tobaccos and operate the Chest­
erfield machines.
Mild ripe tobaccos and modern up-to-date
factories with proper control of temperature
and humidity help to make Chesterfield . . .
the cigarette th a t’s MILDER
the cigarette that TASTES BETTER
1 9 ) 5 . 1.I0CSTT
A Mress T obacco C o .
A lot of alarm clocks could testify to that. There’s
one “alarm clock” in the business field that can’t be
This Business
Prescriptions can’t be
almost right. T h e y
must he e x a c tly rig h t.
Absolute dependability
that has made us the
choice o f Hillsboro’s
le a d in g
s a fe g u a rd s your pur-
chases here.
beat for rousing laggard sales from their slumbers-*
and that s a judicious use of newspaper advertising
I he idea that you have “nothing to advertise this
week” implies that you have nothing to offer to the
public. Tell them your story each week—they’ll listen.
I eople actually read ads, you know—after all you
read this one, didn’t you?
With Which is Combined the Hillsboro Independent, Established 1873