>:Usboi » i Bargain Bay— You'll W ant to Enjoy it Horn October 12 QUS W ith W hich is Combined the tlillk h o rn Independent Volume 42, No. 32 H H U burv lii ers handling building m aterials re­ speaker Sunday afternoon in the Work will begin on the west ham or latlourette for the speak­ , uger. “ T h e P rin c e o f E g y p t ” a t stallation will be held at the vet­ to the sea. word has reached J p o rt Award Made locul high school ut the county ral­ boundary w here boys from St ership will give Multnomah coun­ erans’ hall tonight 'T hursday) at county commissioners that t h e f A great deal of the pickup in First National bunk of Portland ly being sponsored by the Hills­ Mary’s home have already cleared ty a monopoly on these legislative 8 o’clock. Freem an Frazier of Mc­ project has been reinstated after I construction and repair has been H i l h i T o n ig h t , F r id a y was uwurded t h e Improvement boro Townsend Old Age Pension the brush along the creek prepar honor» which 1» contrary to all Minnville. district commander, will Harry Hopkins, national relief ad- : brought about b y t h e Federal bonds refunding issue umounting club The rally is scheduled to ing for the ditch crew. The six- install legion officers, and Mrs. m inistrator i n precedent. Washington, re ­ Housing Survey which has been In spite of rumor» to the effect to $29.595 90 on their bid of par start at 2 o'clock with a commun­ mile ditch will be straightened, “The Prince of Egypt", local ta l­ M. W aters of Salem, district pres­ jected the project. in intensive operation in Wash­ thut Jack Caufield of Tillamook $10159 plus $470 57 premium. The ity sing of Townsend songs to be deepened and cleared of all ob­ ent show sponsored by the Metho­ ident, will install auxiliary of­ ington county since spring. This Announcement of reinstatem ent ! bonds druw 3*i per cent. followed by several musical num ­ structions. county plans to throw his support dist church and directed by Miss ficers. survey has included a house to reached E J G riffith, state adm in­ bers by Harry Pearson on the Spread between the high und to ladourettc, ttje Tillamook legis­ Beaverdam lands In and near Elma Williams, will be presented house canvass in which property Committees in charge of installa­ lator is «till regarded as decidedly low bids was not great except piano accordion and Prof T. H. Beaverton have been flooded for in the union high shool auditorium tion are Mrs. Fred Engeldinger. istrator of WPA in Portland, late owners have been given an e x ­ last week in a telegram f r o m as subm itted on the general re­ Folkenberg, violinist. Robert Kelly long periods, owners claim, r e ­ tonight (Thursday) and Friday Mrs. A. W. Hoffman and Mrs. W in the running w ith a decided ad­ planation of housing loans a n d vantage over either of the M ult­ funding issue in which the Wash­ will direct the community sing tarding early spring work and n ig h t As a special feature this a f­ V erne McKinney, auxiliary, and Washington, according to Floyd pledged to repairs, installation of nomah county candidates If he d e­ ington Savings A Loan association Mayor J H G arrett will introduce water-logging the property, cutting ternoon the queen and her court W Verne McKinney. Fred Engel­ W Allen, district engineer for the household equipm ent and new con­ cides to press his claim to the was several hundred dollurs above the speaker following a brief ad ­ down yields of vegetables. will be presented upon a float to dinger and H. L MacKenzie. le­ WPA in Hillsboro Monday. Allen struction. believes that the project has a the next highest in prem ium of­ dress of welome The address will In the case of dry goods, there vpM kerthlp In addition to the ditch project, be driven through city streets, es­ gion. good chance of approval. be at 2:30 o’clock. Moore Hamilton of Medford and fered. has been a decided turn in the corted by members of the cast and County legion jam boree will be four others will be in operation Opening of bids for purchase of Following rejection by Hopkins, Local officials are arranging for October 1 or soon thereafter. Allen will afford ail an opportunity to held at Forest Grove Wednesday num ber and am ount of sales, par­ t) ll. nry Oleen of Columbia coun­ ty hav e’ also let tt be- known thut I bonds wus Friday night when the a loud speuking set to be installed said Gaston city park, begun un-j see the costumes. night. George Koehn of Portland, a strong protest against the move ticularly during the last 90 days, The production has received departm ent commander, will b e was made by Portland and M ult­ merchants declare. B etter reports they arc »till In the speakership council met. Besides the acceptance that everyone in the building may der CWA and continued under race and refuse to concede any of the bid mude by the First Na­ hear. T here are now about twelve SERA, will be completed. 10 men strong support from civic and present and it is hoped to have nomah county officials interested are expected as business swings advantage to the Multnomah coun- tional bank of Portland, for the Townsend clubs in the county and being called on October 1 and school groups, as represented in the P ortland post drum corps and in the project because of the num- into the autum n and w inter sales . improvem ent bonds refund. the a delegation is exi>ected from each ty candidates. Sale of equipm ent and service nine more October 7. Sidewalk cast and committees, as well as other musical organizations. Say. per of men necessary to carry it council postponed the considera­ Governor M artin has let It be tion of the bids on the general re club The public is invited and retaining wall are to be built others who helped to make it a Kroeger and Leider w ere appointed through to completion. Multnomah by the utility companies repre- relief officials had been counting Local club meeting Sunduy in here at once to be followed by success. Two prom inent local men to notify members of the jam boree known through an adm inistration funding bond until Tuesday night sented in Hillsboro, has m ade a on it to care for large numbers decided pickup this sum m er with Baptist church took definite steps will make curtain speeches. Judge spokesman, that he will tuke no Bidders included W ash in g to n to send one or more delegates to completion of the grading of the R. Frank Peters tonight and Mayor and the installation. of unemployed for long term em ­ one company reporting last month part in the organization fight, but Savings A Loan company of Hills­ block of property, half of which A uxiliary officers, headed by ployment. J. H. G arrett Friday night. as the biggest in sales history in will content himself with calling boro; Hess. T ripp A Hutchurt. First the first national convention of the ! already Is graded. Mrs W F. Cyrus as president, were Townsend movement in Chicago, The play is set in early Egypt Wolf creek road, another project recent years. the session and presenting hl» rec­ Nutionul bank, und K M Adums Also on October 1. nine men. elected several weeks ago. Mrs. C. designed to employ large numbers Real estate agencies in Hillsboro ommendations regarding the new company, ull of Portland, on the October 24-27 This same m atter including skilled a n d unskilled and has for its them e the life of H Eslinger is retiring president. of men for a long period, also all report a decidedly better tone sta te house a m i Ils location, leav­ general refunding bonds, und the is to be presented to all the clubs workmen, will report at Watts the young prince, Remeses-Moses, •it the rally in order that Washing- who lias been reared and educated received treatm ent sim ilar to the to the real estate m arket with sales in g the late of his itrogram to the sume group with the Forest Grove tou county may be well represent­ school on the Gales C reek road ' - ' by the queen as her own son. The Wilson road This also is expected showing healthy increases. Esti­ tender m e rc ie s o f t h e lawmaker» complete work begun this fall u n ­ (C «illini»t| on pair* S. column 4) ed at the convention. Rev. Henry lavish luxury of the age is ex­ to be reinstated end moved for mates of pickup place this line of w ith o u t resort to any attem pt to der SERA. The work includes in­ Young, un official speaker for the emplified in the queen's court. approval. busin • as at least 100 per cent Influence them In their stand stallation of a septic tank, base­ movement, delivered the address ment walls and leveling of the An oriental dance will be a Approxim ately 7000 men would better than last year Most sales • • • The club will meet again October school grounds feature of the performances with be employed a year w ith an ex­ are of small tracts w ith a surpris­ Most traffic uccidents occur be­ 13 at 2:30 p. m. in the M E. October 2, a crew of 10 men is Miss Joy Foelker as the dancer. Motorists Asked to Maintain Slow penditure of $8.000.000 in building ing number of cash deals reported. tween the hours o f 5 und 6 p. m., church. the roads. Many of the sales are being scheduled to report to C arpenter A vocal solo, an old Hebrew air. with thousands of men and wom­ Speed at Crossings Judge Donald T. Templeton is made to im migrants from t h e Creek school, west of Forest Grove, will be sung by Rev. Charles M en released from their dally grind Reed at the first perform ance and more optimistic concerning the ap­ middlewest. where three years of to complete rebuilding a bridge, urid In a hurry to reach home, ac­ County Court Prepares lor Annual Safety lanes on Third avenue proval of the projects following drought has forced a great many relocating a pipe line and rip ­ by Robert Kelly at the second. Disposal of Budget Item . cording to statistic» compiled by i Continued on pare s, column 4) conferences w ith M ultnomah coun­ Music will be furnished by Miss each side of Peter Boseow school, rapping the creek in front of the the state departm ent. Dixie Lee MacDowell. and on Baseline street at the in­ ty commissioners this week. Those school. With th<* county budget com- . • • • Cast is as follows: Queen Am- tersections of Third and Fourth interested in the road. Judge The same day another crew. I n ­ Dedication of the new Hillsboro The opinion by attorney G eneral I mi I tee appointed to Include V er­ cluding 12 men and a foreman ense, M arie Melanson; Remeses- avenues, have been painted this Templeton said, are convinced that VanWinkle lim iting the location non Burlingham of Forest Grove. postoffice, tentative plans f o r will report t