Ifíllsb o Oregon P ro d u cts— The Argus is Printed on Oregon Made N owh E a rly Copy- Makes for Fewer Mistakes and Better Service With Which is < nini,mell the Hillsboro Independent • e I i fceU44toho4 1*71 Hliiatx/ru Volumi' 42, No, 31 Hillsboro, Oregon, T hursday, Septem ber 19, 1935 Stars of ’’Call of the Wild Rock Creek School Opens 4 year Mrs. Shaver of Beaverton Is Say you aaw It in the A rgua HazeJdaie People ! the teacher. She has a son and | —------------------------------- _ _ _ _ _ daughter attending this school. Move to New Home Clarence Updike completed the Group Plans Annual Event (B y M r* . J. C S m ith ) f-,mdv E w h ^ I' i v Th|L. i . i- ’ 11 1 Mrs W alter Nichols, Mr, mid Ralph Bcnbie has moved off the the Edward Aebtscher place. Frlduy evening with his parents. und _ Mrs William Nichols, Mr u n d Kurutli place Io a place south of Mrs Arena Courtney, Mrs Mol Hillsboro Thursday, accom panied fc iQ L it t n r o l l e t l 3 t Mr und Mrs. I, W Lour. d e ta il was ly N ewland and Mrs. Harold Davis by an arm y band. The detail was Peter Grossen bus been visiting Mrs. Verne Dysle a n d children, Hillsboro Mr. Becktell and fam ily are spending a few days at Nesko- under the direction of Lt. M. R. with Abe Grossen at North Bend Miss Ruth Wlsmer, Misses E d n a., moved in __________ win. Roscoe Courtney took them Williams. A pproxim ately 60 men Hillsboro, Oregon Esther. Ruse, and Almu Stuck!. for about three weeks. over Thursday. are being sought to expand th e 'Hr Vivian Hudson I Lois Meier, Irene Hansen, Harriet Mon Oles Mrs. Roscoe C ourtney and baby personnel of th e company, Lt. HAYWARD— Eight pupils are Leis, A nnetta Brown. Miss Leona daughter Linda Ann came home Williams said. ¡enrolled in H ayw ard school this Fred Burns attended the funeral Schindler. Henry Dickman, Alfred from the hospital T hursday after- of his son. Gurdon Burns. In Port I S chindler, Richard W inner, R ay­ noon. land Monday Gordon Burns I s 1 mond Wlsmer. W alter Stuck!, H en­ Hehry Shipm an and Jam es A l­ survived by his wife. Mrs. Vida I ry Bar car John II; i n v i i . anil the Classes of the Portland E xten­ Burns, tw o children. Gordon J ' guests of honor. Mr and Mrs Mrs sion Center of the Oregon state lison attended a C. E. party at Beaverton Friday evening. und Jan e Florence, his father and j Wesley Brown Games w e r e system of higher education, rep ­ ___ ___ _____________ Miss Ruby Hodson resigned her mother und a sister, Mrs. June played. resenting the U niversity ______ of Ore Hannon Mrs. William V redenburg o f gon, the O regon State college and POaltlon at M ountainside and has Dinner guests Sunday of Mr, und i Long Bench. Cal und her son-in- the Oregon norm al schools w ill accepted a position as teacher in Mrs. A lbert Toelle w ere Mr und J luw und daughter, H r and Mrs open Septem ber 30. Classes will the public School of Willamina. Mrs E I Kurutli of Hillsboro , A P J u d ' ¡in of S eattle. W ash , ure meet at Lincoln high school and „ " , , and ,ss ptnry Other visitors ut the Toelle home visiting Mr. and Mrs C. A. Wil- the central library in the late aft- °* C orvallis v isited at the Joe Ego home several days last Sunday w ere Mr and Mrs Wil- son of Bethany this week. ernoons at 4:15 and in the eve­ week. liain Joos of North Pluius, Mr. and I nings at 7:13. Clarence Nelson and daughters Mrs. Fred Toelle of Orenco and j (T<><> Lt* fur lu ( weekt A total of 156 courses will be Mr and Mis W. Smoke of Port ) The C edar Mill Townsend club ottered in the d ifferent di part- l.ily and M ildred have gone to Hood River to w ork in the apples. lund. held a benefit card party and merits and professional schools, Mr and Mrs Hector Feuersteln dance at the Aloha Grunge hall Classes will be given in account- Mrs. John Davis is also helping of llelvetlu visited Mrs. Feuer- , Saturday night Eight ta b le w ere ' *1 g, anthropology, a rc h e o lo g y , with the apple harvest a t Hood stein's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike In plav. High lion« is were won architecture, landscape architec- River. Another Shipment Waefler, Sunday Ii, M e D.IU- F in .ai „ml 1.. (. 'ure. art im lu-iii.il art, bactcri- Louis Bauer of this section und 11,ac ami second prize » . n von Io o I o g ... business a d m in istratio n , JUST RECEIVED Pete B auer und Less Brown of ' M »ml (. i iiies iiov drama, economics, education, Eng- Portland w ent to Vil.ida, W ash 'B y H a re l C h u r c h lc y ) Mr and Mis A rthur Pearson of llsh, French, geography, geology, ra t fishing recently. T hey re p o rt a Portland visited Mr. a n d Mrs German, history, Journulism. li- Mrs. W M. Snipes. Mrs. L. Golt WOMENS RAYON good catch. Jam es Walters und family Wed- b r a r y methods. m ath e m a tic s, and Roy Gaines spent a few days at th e coast resorts. Theodore Macktuir, who spent nrsday night music, philosophy, physical educa- Vests, Panties, the sum m er vacation w ith h is 1 M artha Churchlcy. Mrs J a m e s ' tion, physiology, political science Florence Trachsel left Sunday g iu o d fa th c r, I. W Lonr, re tu rn e d Walters, and Mrs Sam W alters psychology, public si ki'nizW 'idni for Linfield college. Florence grad- Bloomers ......... r.j.,k MUip uill. I...... U 1..U _I___1 to San Francisco to attend high i v isited M r s Frank Malcolm of >ure, sociology, Spanish and zoo- uated from Hillsboro high school last June. school. Friday. logy- Mrs John Boeckll and daughters j P ortland Mr. and Mrs W. M Snipes vis­ E 8 Rati has sold his farm and Catalogues may be obtained from Elizabeth and Ituth Boeckll o f' moved to Portland. the Portland Extension C enter of- ited Mr. and Mrs. W. Lorenz of Brook, Bill visited Mr and Mrs I Mr and Mrs. Hans Cornils und flee. 814 Oregon build i;{. Portlund last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H erbert Scroggins. Cai 1 Berger ut Bethany Sunday family arc enjoying u vacation a t ------------------------- Former Pastor Dies Mr and Mrs. John Nelson. Mr the beaches. Teacher Resigns A group of Brooks Hill people j Mr and Mrs. Earl C arr und Fay and Mrs William Wilson of P o rt­ FOREST GROVE R M. Adams, land and Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Sulli­ attended the funeral of Mr. B lack - 1 C arr left for Colorado last Wed­ man In Portlund Friday Mr Black- • nesday after spending the sum mer since 11*26 agricultural instructor van of Orenco had a picnic d in ­ man was HH years old and was with relatives in Oregon. They In the high school, has accepted a ner at the home of Mrs. Bertie the father of Mrs. William Brooks , plan to go through C alifornia and sim ilar positi n in a Corvallis Johnson of Tobias Sunday. Mrs. Jean Mann is spending a Many years ago he was pastor of visit relatives there on th eir way school. J. E L l'nkthorn. Salem, has been appointed Adams' suc­ week at th e home of her sister- the Brooks Hill Methodist church home. cessor. in-law. Mrs. Mary Olinger. Mr and Mrs. C harles Boy. Mr. and Mrs J. Wyss, Jacqueline Wyss. Budget Body Named Official and Unofficial News — M C I-arsin C arl Larsen, M ar­ Forest Grove's budget comm it­ tin Larsen, Dorothy Boy. u n d All th at is fit to print in Hillsboro Lorell Boy went down to Sauvi- and t h c county — Court, arriftts, tee as nam ed includes W. J. Me- ! schools, taxes, weddings, b i r t h s , Crcady, Sam Todd, Claud Wagner, BETH A N Y -CED A R M IL L —Hom e Island on a picnic Sunduy. deaths, society.—Every week in the Vernon Burlingham, W. C. Schultz W in Baby C ontest Economics' club of Leedy Grunge Soft Brushed Mohair tf and J. A. Thornburgh. Yulcne Austin. 2 0 -m onths-o I Argus. held Its first full m eeting Thurs day at the home of Mis. N P baby daughter of Mr. am 1 Mrs. Johnson They decided to have u Yule Austin, won second p: ,ze in You won't even considsr bazaar in the near future and plan the b etter baby contes* at the to resum e their usual activities and what values for only trying to do with last year’« this winter. Misses Evelyn and Leola Walters coat when you «ee the»« are going to G irls' Polytechnic In Portland. Bill C arr a n d Leslie oniy, ■tunning styles at only’ Johnson started to Benson Tech | >¿0.60 1 Cross fox, lust Monday. Mr and Mrs Clcvc Owens left skunk, Manchurian Saturday on a hunting trip to Eastern Oregon. dog, squirrel, marmlnk I Mrs William C raw ford of Port- { Action backs for women! Finest lund visited Mr. und Mrs. John Lustrous satin lining«] mohair backed with cotton. Soft Zltzmnn und Mrs. A M Crawford texture. Gorgeous colors. 34-42. Women's, misses’ slies! Thursday. j Too good to be true! Browns (liven Farew ell A group of friends gave Mr an '1 Mrs Wesley Brown a surprise far" well party at their home last week. Schram eTs S tu d io ECONOMY? There’s N o Doubt About It! P D CADY MOTOR CO. Havward School Extension Center Will Begin Soon ATjPENNEVS Lavishly Furred Reedville DRESS COATS • i 25c Furs o f outstand­ ing q u a lity o n ly *16'50 Lcedy Grange Club Resumes Activities All the new rough- tu r f ace fabrics 1 ’.5 - • digger and Better *250 Your Doorstep Caah Prize» S U IT S -TAKE YOUR PICK OF ONE OF OUR COMPLETELY RECONDITIONED CARS 1934 LOCAL P R IZ E S A -0 0 Sleeping B a g J .V for heaviest mule *5 deer. man Lantern for heaviest black-tail deer. tie d Only D A IR Y Grade A MILK and CREAM Phone 4RX1 550 1932 C hevrolet Sport Roadster.. Tudor Sedan. A-l condition and g u ar­ anteed. ' I i? C Only t I v O *335 condition. A good buy ...... 1929 Buy ammunition you can shoot with confidence Nash Perfect inside a n d out. M Q K G uaranteed Good *275 at OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM HARDWARE COMPANY JUST ARRIVED New Shipment. KNEE HIGH H O SE *165 New fall colors .... Lay-Aw ay-Plan makes it easy for you to own the new fall coat, or suit, or the blankets you have been wanting to get. Select now while Penney’s new fall stocks are com­ plete. Select the items you want, make a small down payment and we will lay aside your pur­ chases and hold them for you while you complete payment in easy installments to suit your conven­ iences. TRY THIS CONVENIENT PLAN Stressing correctness in fevery detail of style . . . fea­ turing a wide selection of all the new Fall fabrics. SKETCHED— A 2 but­ ton notch lapel model H IG H S C H O O L W h ite A th le tic S O X .................. >5c Presenting "Plash" A l l W o o l B lankets MARATHON A new light Fall felt Full Double Size PLAID PAIRS ►2.98 S498 A lovely 100% w o o l, double blanket. S o f t , fluffy, warm. Beautiful plaids. A knock-out value! Next door to Venetian theater Hillsboro Open until 9 P. M. Every Saturday Night .75 14 P E N N E Y ’S C O N V E N IE N T Sedan $235 BRISTOL C hevrolet Standard Coach. 1928 Ford Tudor Sedan 1928 F ra n k lin Sedan — REGISTER TODAY NO ENTRY FEE. FIR GROVE 1934 1933 Ford Ford Tudor Sedan. Like new, fully g u aran ­ All contestants must register before hunting. A q u art of fresh, pure milk every day is an alm ost cer­ tain assurance a t sparkling honlth and physical fitness. O rder today and let us de­ liver to your doorstep dally. Such an easy way to health cannot be overlooked. Values That Travel in Style! $349 q Peters BUCK DEER Shooting Contest Health at T w in Sets AH the anap of F all w eathar and ju s t the rig h t weight. Ven­ tilated crown, novel band claap. In new light and dark «hade«. P E N N E Y 'S ). C. PENNEY COM PANY, In c o ip o ia lr d ----? .■mi