Pape Eight U L S B O R O ARGU S, H IL L S B O R O , Poultry Feeds Mooberry, Howell Bang's Tests Head Cast of Play Meet Subject : and the first scene is one of lux- Assured Here Producers W ill G a th e r in C orvallis September 26 -------- Poultry feeding problems will be emphasized at the 12th annual Oregon Poultry-men's convention to be held Septem ber 26 in the Mem­ orial Union building at Oregon State college, according to L E. Francis, assistant county agent. M. Wayne Miller from the Western W ashington Experim ent station is the visiting specialist on this sub- )w., Ject. Every poultry-man In the state, w hether a member is w e lc o m e f n at" soclation or not, is welcome to at- tend the convention sp o n so r^ by ♦u« ___ S au........... __ _____ _ ______ __ of the college Business the asso- elation wlU be~ju«T one p u t 'o f th e proceedings ----- Following are t h e subjects, tim e being provided aft­ er each for questions and discus­ sions. Thursday Forenoon—“Vitamin D Potency sney of of Fish Fish Oil. Oil," J. R. Haag, nutrition ? ^ t Ci in n t Egg a S ? Size z e at Mt Hope prov ^ernent at Mt. Farm. A. G. Lunn, professor of poultry husbandry. O. S. C.; "N a­ tional Flock Improvement Plan ’• has already planned a post grad uate course so that she can count her attendance at S. M. V. by a decade of years. I C<*ntinu«d fro m e«_ _ New officers of the student body were elected Friday as follows: i ury and beauty, set in the court of I Rita Jew el Revernian, president Queen Amense The queen receive> Control Plan to Continue Marial O ^ T k d c ^ & ^ d G ertrude e Sommers, secretary. at court, tw o princes, Seostris of w ith F ederal A id , Tyre, a sym pathetic and pleasing Every high school student is youth, and Moeris, viceroy of the _ . . trying her best to be an honor upper Nile and conspirator to the Continuation of the control plan pupil To receive this distinction throne. Queen Amense tries to ior Bang's disease in tills county persuade p . ' . «;>v.e undergoing the initiation rites pre- , . . - - - . ■ d i eased the student bixty in the paratory to ascending the throne ihe federal governm ent for the interest of music Great enthusiasm The r *’cs are portrayed, with the con’ro1 P,an and that un- is current among the music pupils symbols of nature, the Egyptian dcl le Present term s of the Ore- as to who will be eligible to the —¡_ ... w — d , the high prieste.« . Priests an gon control law. the law will not string ensemble. No interesting . vpeiauvx < interesting nart part of of the the scene scene. Rem- Rem . budget Plans are being made for the allow a rc for 1936 nt-ed fi,-S( social eVent of the year eses ** shown a vision of his He‘ be m i r this w ork. initiation It promises to be a real brew- birth, reproduced in the play­ says, as the departm ent is in letter posi entertainm ent for the upper class- as a beautiful pantomime. tlon io have the sam e type of fed- He retu rn s to the queen, bitter eral work carried out as has been men. judging from the sportsm an­ ship already displayed by t h e at her deception and repudiates done this year. freshmen. I S Ä ht' « K « “ e g g e s t- hearted, but reunites Remeses and ,-d that the m atter of the bnbM t r> , _ , n The T " last * * act , T is * powerful diCS “" “ set i ior i n 1937 discussed at M this tm .e u It is closina h is l e t t e r r l . v t o w e In closing his letter, Mr. Lytle in the who. , » y K “You can assure your cattle . . . court of , Amunophis, . .. . “ B^ e,}d e d l ,h e throne at owners that there will be an op- . , . . , the queen's death. His cruelty and portunity to have their herds test- ______ _ died Charles John Anderson. «9. Ee f C o s h v n o q gp Persecution form the background ed under th e Federal Bang's Con- suddenly early T uesday' morning ¿ialist extension spe- of this act. serving to emphasize trol Plan just the same next year following a - stroke -------- - Monday - eve­ the visitation of the ten plagues, as this, ning He had not been well for Thursday Afternoon — " S t a t e which are realistically portrayed some time. Poultry Problems,” Oregon Poul- The end of the play, though por­ He was born an O stantarp, Swed trym en's association; "R«-ent Ex­ traying the release of the Hebrew’s. en. June 7, 1866, came to t h e perim ental Work in Poultry Feed- «¡rik*.'? tragic note in the death United States in 1879. to D ickin­ ing.” M Wayne Miller. W. S. C Disease Control of ^ e n « Dav ° f ,he kin« s >°un« ___ ____ son county. Kansas, and ____ was _ mar ried to Minnie L. Tipp nt Salina. Throughout the production pag- Concern," Dr. W T Johnson, poul­ Kansas, October 20. 1903 Four eantry, pantomime, dancing "and ¡««tati i” .” on*’i Kansas. C try pathologist, O. S. C. appropriate music music are are combined combined I " * 8! 1. A Unl‘ here' ,at*r «» « rg in g children w, appropriate .“h , b,Ug ineSS w arranted H* « i d i h w ^ f whom ba r 7 lh V g h sid e ra b .e ure w orking Into the routine for en l'\ II II Wl'l- Il lllil \ I Pool, Septem ber 11, a boy. (ry wHhout ,x.r mit thh.n‘y j» r’ ae- lh* ______ ___ I.ogan of lllllshoro crushed on the Sever To Mr. and Mrs Lewla highway east of Cornelius Satui cording to an announcem ent made 1 day night, according to an acei* Sever of Cochran, Septemho« i;i. Wednesday by Cecil Kyle of For- ^ V i'ir il f c -if dent report in the sheriffs office 111 >td Grovo. district fire warden ‘-’X. 011 18 .Ik ,11 The Injured were Mrs Lucinda 1 Davis, (Wl, CornellUM, bruises and ' Divorce Suit Filed Internal Injuries». Lvnn Mickle, 27. i Itaun Marie from It usuell Hronteew’e Jr. and John Portland, cut on head, and Jack i <1 K otariins Thursday W il c o x , Hillsboro, iT ibhnl ,o in and ............ ....................... N O T II'K O K F I N A L H K T T I.F M K N Ia ir recent Alaska trip on h ind III.- report slated All were l(^ , h , ' . ' m i . 7 •f (In o u t’ cruise and of Camp in the Welch car 1 ■«nt, . fo r . W . naliliigloii ... . .. County r near Tillamook Bron In th * M a tte r of th» batata of H arm an Slight Injuries w e r e received H ih u lin arirh , Ilaraaaad. summit of the Coast mountains leewe cited developm ents that In­ Sunday liy Mis II llernliiirt of Not lea la haraby ylvan th at N*lwar I S* lhe 1* | •W *»1" 1* ! . a«imintatrat.»r Mwall lines i u o o m m o o h o llo i it N s d a r r i m f , ^ | ‘’V -in BrUnM wi th. man. Pet rmits will not be granted to IlCtlC litlUltl» tlf I t ill (It'D Ilnlll** A lta «Miat«* of H arm an Mctmlmarlrh, «1« « m » an I. ..... Selfridge was introduced the Hernhurt car collided at the h«a filasi his fin a l aaaotint I k tha c « mh enter unburned logging slashings. as Lloyd an associate mem ber of the interseetion of the Heuvelton Olitoti **• °r <>rw«m f t ;,nd " il1 be Franteli to ull making club it being the policy of the road an accident report In Ihe haa flaail Monday, ' "'•"'r. tha . " ‘I l i a t day of . ..... ----------- Kyle said. Fm - proper application. , • ( ». Rotnrians to have Ihe president sh e tlifs office stated. ,h er Information regarding t h e to lx r. A. 1> a t lo o t ) o'.'It »e k A M Hllhl student body as a regulur Lucille Petrovich uriti I’orettu ln I ha county court runm In tha t'o«ini, open and closed territory ran be of obtain«! at fire patrol headquar­ attendant. Adams, both of route 2 Beaverton, t'ourt llouaa. In (ha C ity o f H lllalxo. W ashington ('o*$nty, (lrag o n , aa th a ters in Forest Grove suffeit'tt injuries to arm s und leatad thia ISth «lay of Haptamhvr A Zigzag patrol station on the Wil­ Wanted here by Sheriff J. W son river road; CCC eamp at Connell Into the bank, four miles east of “ . I*J*AH|I H< u n u r u n 11 Admití I» for failure to obey a court Newberg. The car was driven by R < m i m i - h i . 11. Westimber; Flora Logging com­ order given __ _ . . . , 1 1 . Irn U ir of Ihn M in in o f Horm an H.-hul- February 15, 1932. _ pany office in Carlton; Baseline Alba L. Longfellow Is held by Georgc Petrovich, who turned Inin mnrirh | i . ,.s .i r h .» il Tua au a j . l*a ,r ol station; Meadow Lake sta- Seattle police and will be returned the center of the road to pass a AUornn» fo r A d m in ln im io r lion and the “Jap" place on the to Hillsboro today by a deputy pedestrian as another car attem pt­ north Trask road, sheriff Longfellow wus convicted ed to pass him. To avoid collision of non-support and ordered by the he sw erved into the bank Rudolph llerwnld. Hanks Rt. 1. court to pav $35 each month to­ w ard the support of his family suffered cuts about the face when the car in he w was ” which '»v « » i riding u iu ig , He also wus to have r n n i r t e 1 * ° * I driven by ........ Henry Nariip, game ad- monthly to Judge Earl C. . Latour- ...... . dress, lleensetf to a Mr Whiteside Requests for transfer of students ette in Oregon City. He now faces of Buxton, collided with an au to ­ from high schools at Ranks to court sentence. mobile jiarked betide the road, fIlll'ibor» and from Tigard to West and according to a report In the Cooking Classes Set at Limi, were denied by the non- sheriffs office The ear was wlth- __ high school board In session in Scholls for This W e e k out lights. Narup said Bought and Sold Hillsboro Friday night, according Fre? cooking school, conducted Delmar Walgrave. 13. of Sher Kr,Ua Coun,y * rl" county au' su|MC Complete S yru p FREE 98c Registration of School LzOublccJ Prompt Service . . . Early Riser. (3 lbs. 50c) Cara W ashed and Polished O UTFIT TH E FAMILY AT WEIL'S Powers Grocery Coffee All kinds of Top W ork. I’ninting and Hotly Work Used Car Exchange & MAIN STREET PHONE 81 Suprem e Chancellor Reno S Hart of the supreme lodge. Knights of Pythias, wll visit Forest Grove lodge October 10. Work In the page rank !>««<• nm k will will be to- given given All All lodge» lodges w ithin a radius of 50 m ile, of For- lest Grove are usked to take can dldates to the meeting O ther enrs to chooae from. ___________ _ Agent for The balance may be variable but o _ i. n . <• ■ will represent the actual differ- ^ e" '* ora Report Sale Romig W ill Supervise W illy » and G ra h am -Paige between m arket price and H illsboro Property Class at Junior H igh iC ontlnacd fro m m ire onel Mrs May Blades of Maryhill parity for the year rather than ___ ___ an M M Romig, manual training G rah am -P aig e Sedan estim ate as was mad under the W ash, sold her home on Mum instructor In the union high school old contract $869 D elivered H ere street between Fifth and while. Sixth | has been named supervisor of Senator Peter Norbeek and avenues in Hillsboro to Mr manual arts in the Junior high The first meeting of the clu b 'H a ro ld left Hillsboro the middle r- is----- 7 “ W illy » 4-door Sedan 3 P ‘Y r ®J‘’Pd“y- The transaction school, according to an announce will be held this afternoon at 3 30 of the week for G lacier N itii.n . F o r t'S tC r S $579 D elivered H ere was handled through K uratli oclock and any boy interested in park, after visiting here with the ' U V ,I,S ment this week Waiter Henry r e ­ Wismer. local realtors. learning frame building construe- M L Anderson and P 5 A n d e r M o w R. _ main» us instructor with Romig as »mn is welcome w hether in high son families Senator Norbeek V J r O W in 111 D lH T l advisor nnd director. Gas - O il - Accessories Bags Bi» Cougar school or grades. Meetings will be senior senator from South Daknta ~ Survey of the vast Tillamook Charles Schm idt of Laurel. nt- ” -----*• J '~ ‘ . . I — ° nn i« iL .Week during the winter, and one of th e few Republican burn in which 275.000 acre« of »«ched to the fire tookout station Oregon M otor Stage» ___ ____ ______ ” foi* * ^ _ £ .. ...flrsL p aee , a! ??” atofs .re ,u rned to congress the cho>ce tim ber estim ated at more on Saddle mountain, bagged a 6 T a k e O ver O peration the fair- the display was awarded last election? also "" '• 'v “ >"i. uiso visited Yellow ’ban 10 billion board feet were de- toot cougar this week on I h e Oregon Motor Stages, effective i ,K’ a" d prl*e ,.T h e , aw ard amounts stone and R ainier National parks »troyed two years ago. is under m ountain The huge cut w a s Septem ber taken over the 2nd and W aah. Phone 2641 i° $2° a" d ,h.e c’ub ¡»so will be as a member of the senate public way to determ ine the degree of brought to the court house Tues- operation of 17. the have Forest Grove-Ve/- m PortIa" d ‘8^ 1 f ' - d'?« a" d ‘he future “b enefiti da> by Cecil Schmidt, brother nonla stage line, which has here- 1 j given by Stark-D avis Co. Mrs Norbeek rem ained in Hills- ,o ’ho burn of artificial replanting boro until Sunday and then ac­ The work is being carried on by companied the Anderson familie two junior foresters sent here to Salem to call on form er South ; ‘r,,m Ihe Pacific Northwest forest h e l p f u l '^ '^ S S t i p T c o m m u n l t y a t C o m e l i u S H o m e Dakota friends From Salem Mrs. experim ent station Work wus be- Norb«:k will retu rn home via gun at the north end of the burn in Washington county and will . J ohn William Black. 66. died at California. Mrs. Norbeek is a sister of M continue south to the limits thei Already there has been exten- his home in Cornelius Monday sive use of FHA facilities in the morning, having b«>n failing in L. Anderson while Mr Norbeek according to reports. coast areas—for the building of health for seven vears He had is a brother of Mrs. M. L A nder­ son. new homes, for refinancing of lived in Cornelius three years F a ll and W in te r M erchandise from W ashington County*» G re atra t Stock» mortgages on existing properties. Funeral services were held Wed and for the erection of beach cot- nesday afternoon from the Corne- Men’s and Boys’ tages of m oderate cost under the lius M E. church with Rev Charles Modernization Credit Plan And M Reed of Hillsboro officiating W inter Rain (Continued fro m pnge one) we are looking forw ard to a stead Interm ent was at Cornelius ued and most of the crop, if not TR E N C H COATS ily increasing volume th ere as well Mr. Black was born at Middle- Projects work wil1 be saved t it IL is thought as elsewhere throughout the state, town. Pa.. Septem ber 7. 1869. mar .J mar a for ..... . under WPA * ** a l- F'kiin/ _» BEAUTIFUL ANGORAY and Heavy trench d u c k , of me the downpour downpour ried Louise k im e r " ir,' w Z '. and PWA in Hillsboro were dis- . Chief benefit «■ light tan color, belted g n ia Ma_rch 18. 1894. and Tame^to by. . ,h '' f 1 a u r i n g T g ^ d ' " ^ P0‘’ ,° e1'' RABBIT’S HAIR Marriage Licenses ____ _____ M w o »» n m d « a 7 y ! models with convert­ O C C hartrey and Emma De- '-'»«eva* Oregon rc February 1 1933. Deceased Planning Commission u iu a iy i, . "7— Z.” ••• F arm ers also are rejoicing at One and two-piece, newest fall col­ ------ —. --------- , is survived by the widow and the n,‘5 h t' accord,nR to George McGee Prez. Cornelius. Septem ber - 14 - ible collars. All sizes. Jam es D. Johnson and Lila A following children- Mrs G en etti c!,3\ . manaRer. Seven projects in •be prospects of early plowing and ors. R egular $4.00 dresses in a big On $ 0 .9 8 seeding, w hich has been delayed Meyer. Hillsboro route 3. Septem- Miller. Kent. Ohio: Mrs M ar’ eluding “ the ■* ----------- ' proposed hospital the last two years by lack of mols- Sale .................. ber 14 were passed. Anniversary Sale! hpr 14 1 Hinerman. Moundsville, W. Va.. K urt K M eyer and K atherine and Charles L. Black S hanehii , The ! ' UrC Undl late in ,he fal1 * " c commission '-“'"m ission also also discussed c M Hemmy, Hillsboro ......... - Rt. 1. Sep- - - ------ are' ‘K J" locations for the UMBRELLAS China. Sisters o ouiviviu^ surviving ■ arc are Mrs « « — proposed arm ory _ tem ber 16 Nancy Gray of Anthrom. Ohio and hospital, and various other L /C C r H l l l l t C r S F t l f P r Regulation size. Black, a n d Mrs. M r « f Ocelia l r » i ¡ , Haynes u n r u r t in o .................. a iiiiu v i.1 l . l l i v r Willis P eter Pyle, Cornelius, and and B altim ore’ problems ProblelT>s including city zoning blue, brown, green. tti. Rebecca B o h » .., r-„_ ooo Baseline I M aryland • McGee said Next regular mectinE M n attie Cox, 807 FDR THE street, Hillsboro, Septem ber 16 i will be October 21 A nniversary KIDDIES—FREE* Frank Sundberg. Poulsbo. Wash., The commission is in receipt of j Prizes for sportsmen who bag ........ Special and Olga Johnson, Tigard, Sep­ C l i b ' ^ s k ^ t'h0. H’" sboro Coffee the biggest bucks during the 1935 tem ber 17. 70x90 W hite TA i l l ™ I king , tha.t the swimming deer hunting season which op« ns Carl H erm an Sherm an and Elsie project I».,,,,. be included in th< e Sunday are being offered by two nn< 4 /-,» -er,/-4 _ _ . , / S H E ET BLANKETS Lemley of Forest Grove, Septem ­ endorsed. However, this project I local hardw are companies Bristol ber 7. *—” * - - McGee i— . are company is offering a ST M A R y T o f 1 r r v could not be instituted. H ardw Soft, warm nap. You’ll 24T E v erto n EnroHmcT,VE h t ALir™ ' ° f th® tax lim itation sleeping bag and a gasoline lantern sleep better in these Ask your attorney to send y o u r1 ? eaXert?n_7 ?nroI|ment has prac- lor the purpose of rafsiny1'fonri" legal advertising to the Argus. tically doubled All A l l the th«. girls » i - i . i-------- ai. ing funds as prizes in its contest, w hile C or­ ••cally doubled. have for materials. _ blankets and th ey ’re win H ardw are company has put : 're.*Pf ? e d . excpP’ ’he seniors and Juliana Weldon Weldon of of Louisiana, Louisiana who who C k I n a ---------- 7 . ; up a special casting rod. The firms found it impossible h ^c° C h“ »-lea R. Loomer Enliats also havp pn’ry blanks for contest- impossible to to come come back • n A rm y , Goes to Hsw si'i ,p onsored by am m unition makers this year Even Marcia Wilder 36-inch Unbleached crossed - the — continent to iu be oe here nere , C harles Richard Loomer of Hills- u ’ i_ c i_ i c . ■ . a^a‘n after spending her vacation boro has been enli ted by the School Students M U S L IN S A LE i o »» r home in the Adiron- arm y recruiting office in P o r’land Enrollm ent Record LL quality, standard M ountai'’s- New York. Marial i ‘or ’he field artillery, Hawaiian I Total registration to date in the j weight. c-ooper of Independence, a senior. dePa r ,ment unassigned, accordin ' union high school here the rec- ' ---------- to M.„„, h i, h .- o ; o . , i i re c ru itin i __________ _______________________ Y a rd ....... officer. P rivate Loomer will ,d| i n for the Hawaiian Islands on the ------- ------------------------------------------ i C urtain M aterial arm y transport leaving San Fran- I REM NANTS cisco October 8. Work Projects Here Get Group Approval 4% OREGON O XFO RDS For work and dress. Anniversary $■■ . or Special ............. T CORDWOOD TAKEN IN TRADE 35c