P ag e S ix H IL L S B O R O Forest Hills Fall Activities Started AR G U S, H IL L S B O R O , O R E G O Thursday, Septem ber lit, 1936 Orenco Group Plans a Rally Horse Show and Rodeo To Head E n tertain m en t at Exposition tem ber 2(1 This will be a f.flliii in c . lii i.; iii,I e v ci\h o « |> to , in ' O ur eluted fled column» limy have v |,.,t )(HI u u . fol lhv„, „ the community is Invited. llulltl Nrw Burn Floyd Karim and non Gull arc A m ity P e n n a n t W in n e r building a new burn to ivplacv T u a la tin V a lle y L eagu e the une recently destroyed by fire FOR FA R M S P» T ! • . A . H Molds e t: ; Move from I'ortluml o ld s F irs t M e ect A irily won the championship of LARGE or SMALL thi Tualatin Valley league Sunday 1 I the Mr. und Mr». John ldvIngNton Sex-ia I A rra n g e d defeating C arlton 9 to 5 at • FOREST GROVE — Coach Fred and fu tility of Portland moved in ­ See A lb e rt H e a rd Halvarson of Forest G rove union Amity. This was the th ird and to the W C Keehn house Sunday llunks, Oregon high is building his 1935 eleven I I h M r , Hugh H e ld final game of the play-off for the Mr». Uvintfidon 1» u graiiddaugh B rid g e T o u rn a m e n t around five letterm en w ith the aid O ltEN l O Orenco Sunday school h i of Mr. Keehn. of some prom ising freshm en and ) _______________ on W e d n e s d a y N ig h ts plans to rally Its forces the lust _______ holdovers from last year. Sunday In September. On prep­ „ _ V e rn o n C ook T u rn s O u t Schedule is as follows: aration for this a (Kit luck dinner Fall activity is starting at For- ; will be served Septem ber 24 at est Hills w ith much enthusiasm. fo r P a c ific “ U ” Squad t Septem ber 20 St. Helens, here. Septem ber 27 West Linn. here. 6:30. This will be a general church PracUeally all the members have FOREST GROVE — Fifty m e n October 4—Parkrose, here. gathering to Inspire renew ed In­ turned in their qualifying round an, were4 Coach Anse Cornell's call October 11- McMinnville, here terest In all lines o f Christum Let your loved untj'g resting place be for the fall handicap tournam ent. for football practice last week October 25 — Colu mb i a P r e p. work. Dr. Killian and Dr Everett This tournam ent promises to be Vernon Cook of Hillsboro is listed there. m arked w ith a Memorial that will last of P ortland will he guest speakers. one of the most successful t h e as one 0( th e new backfield pros- forever, honored with a monument thut November 1 Tigard, there. W H Ring and family spent m em bers have ever held. , pects. November 11 Beaverton, there , reflects the dignity und Importance of Thursday in Canby with relatives On Wednesday a contract bridge November 20 — Pacific F r o s h. I Mr and Mrs lien Anderson and your family name. We will gladly show tournam ent was started. This tour- . j » , here. son Robert amt Mr a n d Mrs nam ent group meets each Wed- D C itV ’C r t O I l L O O K S you memorials and submit suageatlon« November 28 Wjp<-»-r>-. here Mucha of Portland visited W 1 1 nesday at 8 o’clock at the club for any type memorial you prefer Ring and family Sunday. house for the following six weeks f o r R ut F i r i t l Y p - t r catory c x c c .- , i . i on H ere a re tllihtrufed The same partners play each week. fj First Meet Held the u-.ds in the rear of the OREGON M O N U M E N T W ORKS Jum ping and hull'lotf* F irst meeting of Hie Orenco P but w ith different opponents. L ast: BEAVERTON— Coach W a r r e n Hous All are in\ ued to attend gintf, (wo of (lie 1110M 7 ■ A was held at the home of Hillsboro, Oregon a . Wednesday scores were Mr. and has a nucleus of nine letterm en Harvest Home Sunday will be fascinating events «1 Mrs G A Hobson Monday ev. Mrs G. C ate 4270 vs Mesdames upon which to build his 1935 grid observed Septem ber 29 All young the Indoor Horse Show nlng Committees were appointed Ja k e and M orris Weil 2870: Mr. and machine and local fans are look- people’s meetings according to and Itodeo. and work of the coming year ills Mrs. C. T Richardson 4500 vs. Mr. mg forward to a good year, schedule. Pastor Henry S Haller , .... . ... ¡cussed Everyone is cordially in and Mrs. H. G iltner 970; Mesdames The schedule: may be consulted any day between This year the Pacific In te rn a ­ promised with accom panying spills vited to attend the meeting ’ V erne McKinney and E Coman October 4. M ilwaukie here. 10 o'clock a. m. and noon, or by tional Livesiock Exposition cele­ Mrs L T Woodward attended 2820 vs Dr. R Mills and Dr R. October 11. R ainier there. appointm ent, at the House Office. b rates Its Silver A nniversary, Oc­ and thrills. Homer Holcombe, W orld fam ous a meeting of the Farm ers' Co- Waltz 4140 Mr and Mrs. Frank October 18. C orvallis there. 232 N orth T hird avenue. M iller 4820 vs. Mesdames J. W. October 25. Vernonia here. to b er 5 to 12 in P ortland, Oregon. clown, will again add hl; th rillin g , operative Market Monday In P o rt­ All grains am) seeds thoroughly cleaned. We Kelley and R. Weil 1570; Mr. and November 1. Hillsboro there. H eading a largo and varied pro­ daring acts aud Inject Into the land. Methodist Episcopal Church Mrs. R. Fendall 800 vs Mr. and Rosemary G raham of Portland November 11. Forest Grove here. guarantee to ta k e burkhorn and other weed aeed gram of en tertain m en t will be that , Show those extrem ely delightful C hurch school. 9:45 a. m.. Miss visited Helen Wilfert Sunday. Mrs. A. Cornell 4180: Mr. and Mrs 'Novem ber 15. Scappoose there Rose Cave superintendent; Divine out of elover. We are also equipped to roll all ... , I ever popular com bined H orse and hum orous scenes so well liked B. Goodman 1950 vs, Mesdames R. Mr. and Mrs L. T. Woodward X.iv.’m ber 22. McMinnville here. worship, 11. "Paying O ur Debt;"! Show and Rodeo. Spectacular and by boiii youngsters and grow n-ups kinds of grain. Waltz and. R. Mills 3450. visited Mr and Mrs. Alex Allan November 29, Tigard there. Epworth League 6:30. Miss Dor- th rillin g events have been sched E \p '-Ilion officials predict th at *‘f Buxton one day lust week Mr The prize will depend on the othy Havens, leader: evening serv- Q U A L IT Y FE E D S We ~ uled wiltl llb era* cash aw ard» for tills year will see the breaking of and ^ rs C K Day of Portia (land lotal score at the end of the sixth ice. 7:30. u "W hit T ? ^ » — :■». recent record. .........„ tr ie , and tJnlrv Feists - Mill Run - Suprem e Developing Mush week High score for the evening —, i —S t P aul”; p ray er meexmc each I ------- »»»< v u i h c j «uu m i «««« »< »■» . »r i — 3 ’«^' Egg Mash G uaranteed to m ake your hens lay ?;a,!L IT‘ade. , by Mr ,a nd M£s Frank J First Church of Christ (Scientist) Thursday at 7:30. subject this The Rodeo will be th e final or attendance. Tavlor of Dufi ir' ' ' vh it"')'1 M iller w ith a total of 4820. Services are held every Sunday week. "Living Together as Broth- all w estern shows this year ai Induslrial exhibits a re expected days last w. several I REE D E L IV E R Y veek w ith their uncle. ; at 11 a. m.; Wednesday evening era”. You w ill find a welcome in which the grand cham pion cowboy ,o »xere I in siz e nil previous W H. Ring. I services at 8 o'clock; Sunday school the services of the church. The and Mrs Charles K yler left at 11 a. m. Pupils up to the age church school has classes for all will be chosen. Only the be t of ears. Included will be dairy pro for Mr Yakima A m erica's cow punchers mid buck- land Produce, Wild life, fish f«r Yakima. W ash. Wednesday c-j-.. , . T of -0 years are welcomed. Free ages, join us Sundav m orning Mr. and -,.7?^ und. Met Tom I’crln and lim b e r H o n o re d read‘n« room open on Wednesdays Young people's m eeting at 6:30 arena will be seen In action i“ llJ game, wool aud m ohair, and children Millers nf Quality t en ts of Helvetia spent Sunday T tu n rp a , oPd SaVlrday? iro1? , 2. “ "J.*1 4 P m Sunday evening, is a m eeting con Events will include bronc riding. ,,lany at the S W Baughman horn lllllsburo W arehouse—O regon Electric Depot Phone 1,41 TIMBER— A group of people Sunday s topic, "M atter." ducted for young people by voung bareback r.dlng, bull dogging and 1,1 addl . ! • TV months. | Saints C hurch lEpiscopal) L ’ l l t l i n C r F O ^ F i i m high school several days last week Morris and Wallace Dean a r e 1 —Fourtecnth Sunda>' after T rinity — due to a nasal operation. GOOD spending a few days in Portland The church school w ill open at A £’lr’ Reserve cabinet m eeting Ira Powell made „ a business trip Mrs. B. H. Tillotson has been 9:45 WI,h «faded classes and a waa heId Monday fifth period, to to Yamhill Sunday, confined to her bed because of i l l - , ?roup of competent teachers. Morn- "lake an outline of the year's pro- William Riggle and Elton In- ness the past week. I ln® service and sermon at 11. gral"; First G irl Reserve open gram of B irkenfeld visited rela- -------------------------„ . — ” — be held next Monday, tives and friends here last week Neighborhood news from 30 Ar- c h “reh nt C hrist f'fth period, and all the girls of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Allen and gus correspondents i n d if f e r e n t . uedn.e!'da,y n l«h t- Septem ber 25. hl«b school a re invited to attend Mrs. Fred Hewitt were Hillsboro P e r 100 lbs. sections of Washington county ap- ® «clock a church night will fp e planning conference for the visitors Saturday. pear in the Argus each w e e k. consider plans of work ” °J“tland area will be held Friday ______________ At farm on L earn w hat your friends are do- *or w inter months and we Saturday at Rock Creek camp 1 a i i Gales Creek Road ing for less than three cents a J,rge a11 members and families of £7ans arc being made for the Girl W e D S t C f A t l t i r C S S week. tf the congregation to be present at Reserve activities during the year R obert W arrens I th “ meeting. Light refreshm ents Se^ f ral. ,are Planning to attend S e e illS A p p r o p r i a t e will be served at~the close of the The biggest freshm an class ever Phone 1609W Forest Grove session. Bible school. 9:45 a. m. ha" *nro»<* Fear. T he f.dlmv.ng quotation from . D R . R . J. N IC O L Sunday, followed by communion , 1 he Philo club is m aking plans talk bv Daniel Webster in the service at 11 a. m. after w hich for J b l s year. Invitations will be United States Senate on March 1" D R . E. W . A L M Q U IS T there will be a sermon by the h.a Pded out soon to th e senior 1838. is considered appropriate to pastor as usual. Preaching Sunday , th e present day by Edward Schul V e te rin a ria n s et ening at 8 o'clock. Midweek ose wbo W’R he officers of merich, who turned in the article p rayer service Wednesday. 8 p m. this y e a rs group are Helen Beck- "There ire ,,h „ Telephone 643 and 642 A r t B lo tte rs We invite you to all of these as- Haz®!r Churchley. B etty Hobbs. stantlv clam or ^ b e v F a rm S ale B ills P a m p h le ts B adges F in a n c ia l S ta te m e n ts * 1^ s t o r . . v i • _ • oppression. S D e c u la t iiin a n d n o r m Christine Robb,' and Sue Santoro opPressio7, speculation and perm Posters B a llo ts The h u held . i l its firsl c‘°us influence o f , “w accumulated F o ld e rs Whosoever Will Church The Senam Senate rin club ----- % u “' um uiaiea P la c a rd s B a n k F orm s (Above North Plains) meeting Monday at the h h i - g h i, a w ll calth- They cry out loudly against F ly e rs Post C ard s banks and corporations, and Sunday school. senooi, j 10 u a. m . the seh°ol. ¿’ «mm aiion and election of ,11 v ^ u . . : ------- «.«v. Nomination B a n q u e t F o ld e rs F o lio S ta te m e n ts P re s c rip tio n B la n k s capital- I classes growing. O ur word will be ««jeers was held The following ists b e c o m ^ unit‘d T B e re a v e m e n t C a rd s h. Sermon. 11 a._ m.. by the 5 « ' ^ » elected: _Dick Abts, presi* ' X u r o ' T * ’"s 1° F orm s P ric e Lists B ills Everything in Insurance G e m S ta te m e n ts P roceedings im n | church, conducted and attended den,: V incent Phelps, secretary• fro -« » J ? . 7 n ? u. u . hostl1 B ill H e a d s Phene 17*1 G re e tin g C ard s 1332 Washington^ j by children. 3 p. m , tarry service | W arren Wahner, treasurer- Keith ¡m „s ,,;shedl '«stitu P ro g ra m s B ills o f F a re G ro c e r’s S ta te m e n ts * | T h e , sermon will be "Wives. Ac- Busfh .^ sergeant-at-arm s; P e r r y {ain ' ™ { J “ Cb^ e f° U? P rom issory Notes industry and dry a 11 B irth A n n o u n c e m e n ts H a n d B ills cording to Scripture." Evangelistic i Peerenboom, reporter. Miss Weath- « ireim , R eceipt S lips In a country o f u n - WE D EAL IN R EAL ESTATE B la n k Books service, 8 p. m. Tuesday. 8 p. m.. I err.ed 13 cIub advisor. H a n g e rs liberty. they c la m o r W rite R ecep tio n C ard s B la n k s Fire end A utom obile Insurance In s u ra n c e R id e rs y R e m itta n c e B la n k s Make Loans and Issue Surety Bonds B oo klets would 7:3». young people's n „ ig „ hl. W“ ' In v ita tio n s h t Ques J X M J , students p a rtic ip â t-1 move heaven and’ earth against R e p o rt Sheets Business C ard s KURATLI & WISMER tions from question box. and texts A d v e rtis in g B lo tte rs Ribbons P rin te d of the ^ w h e r e " n r o T X ^ J In " a coun­ CAN YOU IMAGINE . ily. HILLSBORO, OREGON . considered. You are welcome to denj J i ° dy ,ticket . Business F orm s grateful this Montana wom­ A n n o u n c e m e n ts property '« more even- an how T elephone 1391 1236 Second St. R u le d S ta tio n e ry all of these services.—Melvin E student body tickets ’was tîiroëd ,'ry m ust feel tow ard her m other- ! B y -L a w s over to th e Blue H club 1 !y divided than anyw here else A u c tio n B ills James, pastor. Sale C a rd s they rend the air shouting agrari- ' n’law - A fter suffering 4 years C a llin g C ard s Invoices 1 an doctrines. In a country where ft0?1 ? stomach ailm ent, the moth- S cale Books Pilgrim House C a s h ie r’s C hecks I wages of labor are high beyond n r y ' BISMA- Labels S ho w P rin tin g Septem ber 22: Chapel service of parallel, they would teach the la- Today the M ontana C a ta lo g s L a u n d ry Lists worship, 10:30 a. m. Musical p re­ HARRISON D. HUGGINS Slips borer he is but an oppressed slave fe u c°"’pI,eteIy relieved and very C e rtific a te s lude begins ten m inutes before L e g a l B la n k s "Sir, what can such men w ant? ' nUch aIive! S ociety S ta tio n e ry M. D. chapel service, ending with "In C hecks L e tte r C irc u la rs What do they mean? They can E X P L A N A T I O N S ta m p e d E nvelopes EYE. EAR, NOSE AND THROAT C hrist There Is No East Nor West" C h e c k B in d in g BUXTON—C harlotte Sulivan and w ant nothing, sir, but to enjoy n. n L e tte rh e a d s • solo). “Religion in the News” S tatem en ts SPECIALIST the fruits of other men’s labor Bisma-Rex is an antacid treat H arry Seabold are attending Pacif­ C h ris tm a s C ard s topic. "The Strange Case of F a th ­ ic university. H arry was one of They can mean nothing but dis- ment th a ts different from t h e L ivestock C a ta lo g s S ta tio n e ry er Divine.” Motion picture review, C irc u la rs GLA SSES FITTED m any other ineffective treatm ents License B la n k s students receiving a scholar­ S to re S ale B ills ■ “Tolerance Between Youth and the you have tried. It acts four ways C o lle c tio n N otices ship at Banks high last term M a n ifo ld B la n k s Room 3 I Adults," lessons from the picture T a g Envelopes kind of re- Er2n,. stowe11 mad« a trip to SILVER A N N IV E R S A R Y I to give you a new C o n c e rt P ro g ra m s sm erciai N ational Bank Annex '"T h e Awakening of Jim Burke". ^ Chehalis, M a n u s c rip t Covers J lief from acid indigestion, heart- Wash., to visit Mrs. T ag s C o n s titu tio n s Sermon: "Tolerance: A Revolution Phones ! burn and other a c i d stomach M e a l 'I ickets Stowell and Patsy, who are at the Hours T ic k e ts in C hristian Thought” Unique w or­ home of Mrs. Stowell's parents R esidence 2972 I agonies. Coupons 9 :30 a. m. to 12 m. M em o H eads O ffice 2U71 ship service, combining hymns of Mr 1 -’30 p. m. to 6 p. m. T im e C ard s INTERNATIONA! Bisma-Rex neutralizes acid, re- and Mrs. J Calvarly. Mrs C overs M enus devotion, appropriate poetry, help C alvarly has been ¡11 since early Jn j iieves stomach of gas, soothes the T r ip lic a te Form s D e p o s it Slips ful scriptures and the m erry heart i irritated stomach m em branes and M ilk Coupons and is reported no better. LIVESTOCK V ou ch ers of faith, lasting exactly 60 m inutes May D ire c to rie s aids digestion of foods that are Mrs. R W. Manley visited Mrs M o n th ly S ta te m e n ts «’clock in the afternoon. Thor Groenbeck at Vernonia Sep­ EXPOSITION ! most likely to ferm ent. Bisma-Rex V o u c h e r C hecks D o d g ers N o te C irc u la rs Hillsboro Christian Council will tem ber 10. is sold only at Rexall D rug stores -u tl/l’ D r a f t N otices W a rr a n ts officially dedicate the new Pilgrim i Get a ja r today at the Delta Drug N o te H e a d s Freshmen entering Banks high i House The Rev. Richard M S tein­ from here at the opening of school D u p lic a te B la n k s I store. Rem em ber Bisma-Rex. W e d d in g A n n o u n c e ­ N otices er. pastor of the U nitarian Church are Melvin Powell. Merlin Watson E le c tio n B a llo ts y O ffic e F orm s of Our Father. Portland, will be John m ents Rinek, Chester Canby, Juan- TH E DELTA Children returning to the speaker, using the subject "Tol­ ita Retherford. Enclosures O r d e r B la n k s W in d o w C ard s erance". W eather perm itting, dedi- school n e e d plenty of F ilin g C ard s Alex Allen is home from Braw- Packet H eads D R U G STORE Y a n k e e S ta te m e n ts Golfers Vie in Handicap Forest Grove Hi Has Veterans Back Rem em bered---- CLEANING - ROL1.ING CHURCHES Mrs. Tallman of E. B. Anderson & Son ENOUGH EIRE INSURANCE? Jimmie Dierickx and Band to Play CH A S. L. WALKER, Agent Let Us Do Your P otatoes 60c Job Printing O ur Equipment is Second to None - O u r Workmanship, Service and Prices will Please T elephone 5101 C an You I magine / we will be ready any time to show samples, offer sugges­ tions, assist in preparing copy for the following types of work we do: m RUSHLOW Two Buxton Folk Attend Pacific U fBv M r*>. M^yrrAi P A C IF IC School Days — purp milk. This perfect food will provide the vita­ mins derived from the sun d uring the long vacation. S ta rt the day right with a glass of milk 10c Vinegar Apples Q u a rt McFall Jersey Dairy I’ll one 2104 WANTED — AT — K N IG H T PA C K IN G CO. Cornelius, Oregon Phone Forest Grove .380 HORSE SHOW <«»•