F a re Four H IL L S B O R O A RGU S. H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Thuntduy, Septem ber 19, 1935 land Sunday in honor of the 80th duties ns teacher of third und Ited the V C SI rubli« florae Mi>n- birthday of Mrs. Rowell's brother. fourth grades Monday day. Calvin Jack Sr. Monday five pupils from this Farewell Held We specialize In quality com­ district started at Banks union About 15 neighbors and friends if high school Etta llalley and B ar­ m ercial printing Argus. gave Mr and Mrs. H. M Reyn­ bara Kitenour are Juniors; llm il- olds and family a farew ell party son Teller. Forrest Kirk and Iva evening They w ill move J a ck to w n , G roner, M idw ay Saturday Lea ttosenerons a r e freshmen to a home near C latskanie soon. George Itosenerons drives the bus S chools O pen D oors 20 Enrolled Some of these pupils go 15 miles M ountainside school started S ep­ to school, leaving home at 7 a m (By L. II. IMtwmln) tem ber 9 with 20 pupils enrolled C harles Walters of Glencoe vis SCHOLLS—W ashington county I. Miss Gladys Bailey of Sherwood O. O. F. convention will convene and recently from Colorado is the at Scholls Septem ber 20 w ith an teacher. Miss Ruby Hodson of W il­ AND Ä MAXTON A LOONEY lamina. who contracted to teach evening meeting. Producer» of Quality L O A N W L th e school, resigned Septem ber 3 Twelve m em bers of the B eaver­ S A N D and G R A V EL ton Rebekah lodge visited Ruby to accept a position in the W illa­ Rebekah Septem ber 11 and p re­ mina grade school. Jacqueline P lant located 4 mile» north of Pur­ sented the traveling three links Howie is the only beginner. est Grove on Gales Creek. Phone Miss Virginia McCann of P o rt­ 1609It w ith an im pressive ceremony. Mrs. ¿(i Ruby Meyers won th e one and a land spent Sunday at the parental half m inute speech contest Visit- !lome ors w ere also present from Tigard. , Y O U N G ’S Ruby Rebekah lodge w ill take the s A ,,and a'.e - to Sherwood — - Septem - 1 moving to Portland this week. three - links th eir son Stanford has entered ber 19. „ .. . , Benson Tech and Sammy G otter Ihoughtful. Sym pathetic Sunday — j «._'5 Jr. started at the Buckm an school Service" ne home w ere Mr. and Mrs. C. L Monday. Phone 972 Hillsboro Rasmussen and Dorothy and C arl Oat Yield Large Jr.. Mr and Mrs. C. M Salthiut A record load of spring oats of of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. R 105 bushels per acre was th resh ­ W. Brunson and daughter and ed at the A. B. F lint ranch. Hazel Penne. Expect More Pupils Mr. and Mrs Frank Hanson and N ow Being Paid on Miss Lena Eickler of H uber and Phone H I llillabnro fam ily of P ortland visited at the Miss Helen Root of Portland are F M. Lillegard home Sunday. FUNERAL DIRECTORS YOUR SA V IN G S Mr and Mrs. Ralph Christensen the Midway school teachers. The and visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs school enrolled 39 pupils Septem- LICENSED EM BALMERS C. L. Johnson, of north of Hills- ber 9 and several m ore will enter boro. Mrs. Johnson fell recently after th e prune and hop harvest and broke a rib. I New pupils are Mickey and Eve- Several carloads of onions are lyn Himes. First graders are Don- Every Savin;;.« l e t ., Here »re exterior views and the plan for the being harvested at the W. L . : nie Christen-en. B etty Lou B u rk e ., cute id iiiMircrl B urke farm. Several other grow ­ A rth u r ” . ickson. Rosie R ath b o n e) first floor of the new $350,000 library to be construct­ f y î ° ü u * ^ * 5 ,n j and Sherm an M urray. This sch o o l1 ed on the University of Oregon campus. At the top ers reported good crops. Is the way the library will look from a point on Kln- Mrs Mary Whiznand returned building was rebuilt from a one to her home at Snohomish, Wash.. room to a two-room and a furnace ! oald street near Fourteenth avenus. Lower left Is the main floor plan, showing the various features to be I J "" ~| [* " "ir -X 1 — «••• -W**«— Saturday. H er son. H. M. Whiz­ installed during the summer. An ■Kainut loss under Fed­ nand. accompanied her and re ­ electric w ater system was also in-I Included In the struoture. Lower left Is a view of the ¿77 ' is s ^ L e - ■«—— L ~y- l ■ '■’i eral Insurance Plan. library looking south. The Museum of a rt Is seen on stalled. turned Sunday Many people in Hillsboro, whose ths left, while on the right the architect has sketched Mr. and Mrs. Harold Herd. Jim Mrs Bruce Schulm erich of Hills­ lives have been made miserable a view of the hum anities and solsnces building, a boro visited her aunt. Mrs. Eliza­ Herd. H erbert and Wilma Herd. ¡through suffering from those dis Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tw igg and fa m -. project for the future. The ground will be broken beth Reed. Sunday. tresxlng surface muscular pains so officially for the library at a ceremony Tuesday at Mrs. M artin Bonfi t visited her ily, Mr. and Mrs. F erd G roner often miss-culled "rheum atic,” will 1:45. (Illustrations courtesy Eugene Register-Guard.) daughter Mrs. Lill t Egger at spent last week-end at Depoe Bay Savings are accepted in doubtless be glad to know about Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sandiforth of Beaver several day last week small or large amounts, defects. The physical education in- Williams II U. X Compound which J. H Moore a as a guest of Portland visited at th e Harold th J J red Sm ith borne at Bay City Mr. and Mrs. Ray Prosser of structors. Miss Potts und Mr. Kll- ,s Kl*ing such quick relief in many m e Leslie Moore fai. ily of Tigard i Christensen home Septem ber 8. to suit y o u r conven­ lits, hud made the exam inations of vases. on a trip to the beach" Septem ber Phvllis Christensen returned home ''jere we^b-end guests at ience. 3 and 4. after a w eek s stay in P ortland at the Ed M urPhy borne. weight, etc. prior to this Williams It U. X Compound in al exam ination which is be- prepared from the prescription of u Sunday dinner party guests at the Sandiforth home. 19 Enrolled conducted by the physiciuns of form er arm y doctor who used it the Jess Snyder home w ere W A. Mr and Mrs. Carl Wohlschlegel G roner school started Septem ber the town and Miss Marguret Dix- in his extensive practice for many Snyder of Nehalem. Mr. and Mrs. and fam ily w ere Sunday dinner 16 w ith 19 pupils enrolled Several j on, county nurse D. years Sufferers now may have the Mrs. H John Wall of St Joh- s and Mr guests at the H arry C rater home more will start after the prune listing in the benefit of its relief at a cost of and Mrs. Wiley Fisk vf Multno- in Newberg in honor of Mrs. C rat- harvest Miss Thelm a Hesse is the E ighth G raders A ssist Mrs. Em ery in G ath erin g N ew »; Batchelar is also I work. only a few cents a day If you suf­ mah. er's birthday. teacher. B eginners are Leland T U A L A T IN VALLEY M any C lasses E lect O fficers: P ictu res Show n fer from shooting, stabbing muscu- 1 Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Sm r Jesse Mr. and Mrs. C arl Carlson vis- Twigg. Dorothy O rr and Melvin lar pains in shoulders, arm s or Snyder Jr. and Harold Si; . k left ited th eir daughter Eva, who is Lloyd Brunner. —. .. FEDERAL SA V IN G S legs; if you are bothered with Wednesday for a 10-day h. ting employed at the F. W aide home in R eturn from HoneyOMraa Work is now in full progress in vice president Elis.- M arlin secre & LOAN A SSN . neuralgic or surface pains of the trip to Bum s. Portland Sunday and who is also Mr and Mrs. George K irkporick , he grade schools under the s u p e r -' tarv. W inifred Wiley librarians I Mr and Mr Ray Woodman of body, don’t endure this agony any Sunday visitors at the M arun attending the La Salle m ebt school returned Thursday from a wed- y Hion of a corp« of 22 teachers PhillD C orw in 1 - c M .n o , n m i . Savings At Loan Bldg nd Mr u n d Mrs. longer without trying Williams H B..,,ligt home w ere Mr and Mrs. j Mr. and Mrs. Mike McCann are ding , our o, , he middle west and Five new m cm L : ¿ - 7 b ^ n ad J J S n f No man Sihuikard Ctoy ce I F iank Schmidtin of Gales Creek X Compound. Hillsboro Oregon h u r y M iller and Mr. and M rs., visiting friends and relatives in were given a charivari partv Fri- ded to the faculty ■ v. w s l imp, ,- . .’..'•.’ ■•¡i.t: , .mnhtte.- F- / Ugus- Schw artz and sun of St. southern Oregon this week. day evening after attending th e of Astoria is music super, isor for Joe Sm ejkal home G et a bottle at the Delta Drug l .Ml-. Bunch, La. 1 Fowler. Don- ' . at the store today. The first bottle must J e .’. v . Ed Benson who is employed at young people's Sunday school par- all the schools B arbara Potts and •ipbeli ,;AJ S eptem ber 1 i Cady. LaRoy M .. a n - M-s. F. E. R' . soent ; the Trask U iHarnette Logging com- ty at the parsonage Mr and Mrs Jack J a( Killits both Vernon | M C and M artin I.nr en of satisfy you or money back Adv P ortland ' Olive Miller: pr> s fr a: . las- Wednesday u n til M onday' pany, i- laid up w ith a sprained K irkpatrick drove from Detroit in art physical education instructors. ' Galawav; vlce-pr- ■ ei.t A rline C edar Mill visited Tom Larsen's » • < ■ ■ » m k C j i O . O . i a t the M aferd ccttage at D epoe1 ankle. a new Dodge car for Mr and Mrs dividing their tim e betw een th e Lentz; secretary. I , in.c t Sher- j place here Monday. X s x . s s s sc-» » - ir » < < - > . » » « O l * m r x y x m m n n n Bay. Picking Resumed H arry Schm eltzer high school and the grade school«, man: treasurer. Dick M artin; s e r - , Mr. and Mrs Prank Gcnzer, F.arl i! Jacktow n School Opens P ru n e picking was resumed in About 26 attended the SchnPr Hila Cornelius of C orvallis fills geant-at-arm s, Earl Pearson G en/cr and V. C. S trubb drove Thirteen pupils entered the J a c k - ! this vicinity Monday after several Ladie, Aid and pot luck uinner th e vacancy left by Lois Bryant at New pupils al the P eter Boseow to St M artin's hot springs in Wash­ tow n school Monday. Miss Evelyn) days’ shut-down r. c . cf over- meeting at th e Rev S. Raynor the David’ HUI school Olive S. sehool are Patricia G atten. 3A, ington Wednesday, w here Mr und Hesse is the teacher for th e third crowded c . . . ,„r.» □. th e car.- Sm ith home in Tigard Septem ber Miller of Bend replaces M argar- from G rants Jean . Mrs G enzer will rem ain for u Pas*- and J ? a r- J ? rSt yT ^ Upll,u ar4 Haze! a -- x-u u. u- , J ' H T Hesse had charge Simon at the ju n io r high Campbell 4A from Rose P ark , week’s outing. $2 0 Dry Ton — 100 I ba. for $1 Gembella a n d Donald D evoure.: Mr. and V r« Ed M ohlschie«»’ thp devotional exercises and Mrs Mr. and Mrs Otto Hunger and . , school in Portland. Mr Sutherland is the new jan Modern Drying nnd Washing Equipment New pupils are Viola and Ju n e went to Portland Sunday ever.-: g Raynor Sm ith gave an illustrated itor at the junior At m the e ju n io r nign high new pupiK pupil< , ( *»***» little sons *»i of n H a ayward inior high | ™ y w iir visited Mr Westcott. Richard and Eugene Hall I to visit John Krarr.er, who left talk on India and other foreign and Mrs Joe Srnrjknl Thursday. w duties have been ¡"'r,o ll* ‘ 1 arc K ennsley D e l-; » "d Mrs Joe SmeJki Several new nt t h e Patrons of this district built a new .fo r Illinois. ¡countries. T hree benefit Fairy moved t o y stu d e n ts th is w e e k .! bi'r '. N 2l?enA D onald «" „ «"i s " 7 woodshed last week and gave t h e : Mrs. Ed Demmin retu rn ed to h er Baskets" are being circulated in undertaken by took up her i „„„11. r i d - ‘he 8A; Carol Fowler. 7A. from Hanks Saturday and school building and grounds a gen-1 home Saturday after th ree weeks the Scholls comm unity to raise Eighth grade pupils assisting Elsie Roseburg; Joyce Martin. 7A. from ..... . Emery in compiling the grade G aribaldi eral renovation. working in the hop y ard t at Inde- money for the Ladies' Aid. I Hillsboro Argus contains all the Mrs. George K irkpatrick w ent pendence. Mr. and Mrs Lloyd M urray were school column for the Argus are AT LAUREL Mail aildrc Hillsboro, Hl 2 Verna May H arper of the first new » , of » ‘••»‘»oro and the aur- to her school at Bald M ountain Mrs. Audrey Heaton w ent to guests at th e F. J Miller home in Colene MacDowell. Rosanne Weil, grade nt the Peter Boscow school roli nd‘n* c°n}«nun»lea. Read I t and Virginia Havens. near Buxton Monday to begin Olympia. Wash.. Septem ber 8 to Cornelius Saturday. left this week for a short visit ¡‘nd inform ed on w hat Is \ * JO ■ • » «'*X « j C «Ttï' xx"5c TOJUOUÜL« M imeographers at the ju n io r w i t h h e r g r e a t u r a n i l m o t h r - r w ork as the teacher for th e th ird visit her cousin. O rville Kisar. and Mr. and Mrs Lloyd M urray vis- hapiH-nini; at home.____________ U sX K X O S» • • ■ T O « T » . « • c m m n m r i year. , attend th e funeral of her uncle, ¡ted the Jo e B uhr and Joseph high are Robert Hurd. Phyllis Am b of -he junto» ¡nail' and • Mr. and Mrs. Dick Taylor vis- Otis Kisar. Septem ber 9. Komvate homes near Mt. Angel ac" e r Goodman and Virginia the fourth grade of the P eter Bos­ Havens, -« all from ♦* the ited Mrs. Beulah Ratliss at Salem Mrs. C. Earl Stretcher has charge Sunday. * — eighth grade Anna Mary H artram pf and Hel cow school enjoyed a spec al tr"->’ I Septem ber 5 and 6. ! of th e arrangem ents for Sunday Sunday guests at the J. S Ken- a representa ive Calvin Jack Honored school prom otion day at the church home w ere th eir son Joe K err J r en Cyrus have been appointed to i.r^ aZ, company showed tw o victor co Mrs. Rebecca Rowell, Mrs. J. E. October 13. of Olvmpia and Miss Florence gather attendance slips each day. M'any“c 7 t h e ‘c to sse 7 h a v e 7 ‘lt7t“ed hours mo‘‘on Tbe main Sutherland and Bert Rowell at-1 Dan Smith and Miss W inifred Estes of O lympia and Mr and ! officers for the first six weeks At presentation was "The Pony Ex- : tended a birthday d inner in Port- Johnson spent the w eek-end at Mrs. J. W. English of Portland. press," which was rated am ong the j Sunday callers at the Carl Seif- I the David Hill school they are: best silent pictures of a few years fert home w ere harold Seiffert of 5A. Hila Cornelius: president. El- ago. A comedy, "School Pals." was 1 C herry G rove and Miss C arpenter ; mer Williams: vice-president. Stan- enthusiastically received. of Forest Grove. Mrs. ’ M artha f,,rd Gray; »«"retary, Alice Banner A g e n t for Pupils and teachers of the Ju n ­ WaibeL who has been visiting ! 5B, Lester Mooberry: president. ior high a re hoping that before ' here, has gone to visit her sister, Donald B retthauer; vice-president. very long they w ill have a motion I Mrs. Della A nderson of Skam- Fern Weintz; secretary. Mary El­ picture m achine at the school I len Morrison. 4A. Ju n ia Johnson: okawa. president, Don Morrison: secretary, Such a purchase would be a big 1 educational advancem ent for the treasurer. John John Wiley; Ask your attorney to send your Elmer Elr"cr Je«set ¿es,se? treasurer Wiley; Hillsboro grade schools legal advertising to the Argus. , se*'Keant-at-arms, Donald Davidson ______ Scholls Lodge Host at Meet ARTIST'S SKETCHES SHOW HOW NEW LIBRARY WILL LOOK! FEDERAL saving s L Funeral Home Donelson ÔC Sewell [J, — 1 'T Í I QUICK RELIEF FROM A DISTRESSING AFFLICTION 3% 100% Grades in Full Progress in Charge 22 Faculty Members • Green Mountain W ALNUT DRYING Whittle Drying Plant HEATROLA and NORGE O il B u rn e rs ------------------------------- and - 1 New „ f ille r s at th e P e te r Pc ■ - „ . J J cow school are; 1A. R uth Jones H ealth E xam in ation s in GOING FISHING? L o c a l S c h o o l s T h i s W eek From th at day when Jesus be-1 Pres,dent. B arbara Person; vice- [ song - , ---------------------- Exam inations of the school -------- chil- gan by asking the woman at th e Pre’lden‘. Mildred Pitm an — -------- well for a d rink of w ater, e v e n : Jearler' LeAnne K ram ien; color dren is being conducted this week to this very hour, fishing for souls ‘x 'arer. Lawrence Naught. 2A, Mar- for general health, w ith emphasis ___ __ . i?aret o o h p r r v nrM sidnnt George on heart, posture, and rem edial i._» D esigned to U*e F uel Oil garet M Mooberry: president, : has u been a catch-as-catch-can busi Allison; vice-president. Georgia i [ ness. So when th e tw o chaps from Patterson; secretary, Elray Schlnd-1 Let Us Quote You! Minnesota dropped into the M is­ ler; treasurer. Helen Lewis; health | G uns, A m m unition sion to w rite a letter back home, inspector, Mary Rae Mann; song | F ish in g T a ck le leader. S tu art Richardson. 3A. we made them welcome and stood ready for business if th e way op­ M aurine Moore; president. Gloria CORWIN HARDW ARE ened. And the way did. One said McGuire; ’vice-president, Jan e V in­ 12# 2nd Ave. Phone 78 H illsboro, O regon he was a saved man—"And I know ton; secretary. Doris Anderson; A gent Long Radios John 3:16." The other sat puffing treasurer. Virginia W alters; health a cigarette We turned to him w ith inspector. Bobby MacKenzie; song our favorite opener—“If you die leader, Mary Elizabeth Bristol. 4A, | tonight do you die saved or lost? Eva McCormick: president, Alene This little-big question can be H uenegardt; vice-president, Nancy Easter; secretary, Dale put to any and all; it is so p e r­ Aileen sonal. Your man Is to die som e­ Busch; treasurer, Rosemary Riippa; time; common ground here. And sergeant-at-arm s. D elm er Herod; is to die eith er saved or lost room monitors, L orraine Darnell. Start those Pullets on Im perial Egg Mash — Lower he His conscience tells him that. It B illy Showers. m ortality, less cost per dozen eggs, more eggs per hen. is with you, crying to him to At the junior high the following settle it then and there. A nd to classes elected officers: 8A, W alter Im perial Milk Egg Mash. 100 lbs............. $1.85 sack | this fellow—“Do you die saved Henry; president. Raymond E s­ linger; vice-president, Helen C y­ 1 or lost?” Im perial Egg Mash. 100 lbs......................... 1.75 sack i The man of years is apt to hide rus; secretary, Lucille Walters. Big-Lay Egg Mash. 100 lbs......................... 1.65 sack behind his own favorite—"I'm as 8A2, Elsie Emery: president, Bud vice-president, M arjorie good as your church members. Hines; 4-Grain Scratch. 100 lbs............................... 1.60 sack | B ut th e young fellows have not Sigler; secretary, B illy Leider 7B, G ertrude Ide: president, Merl Fish- ) built up this handy excuse. This chap in the overalls was quick back; vice-president, Jack Schu- and honest—"I die lost.’" It seems kart; secretary, K ate Iwasaki; serg- i he had grow n up in a church but eant-at-arm s, H a z e l Rasmussen; had never been brought face to sports captain. Leon Banner; hos­ Lower prices on Dairy Feeds, Oil Meals, etc. face w ith the question of p er­ pitality committee, Billy Foelker, Im perial Dairy, 20% protein ..................... $ 2 9 .0 0 ton sonal salvation He had a founda­ Irene Darnell. 6B, M yrtle K ruehek: tion for faith in the good teach­ president, Jack Kennelly; vice- Cow Ration, 17% protein ............................ 2 5 .0 0 ton ing they gave him. And before president, Dorothy Coomer; secre­ Molasses Dairy, 15% protein ............. ...... 2 3 .0 0 ton we finished, he took C hrist as his tary, Robert Bristol 7A, Georginla Brown: president, A kira Tsugawa; Saviour and Lord. We also do custom mixing for the dairym an th a t ^if'The "b7y to see America w ants a balanced dairy ration m ade out of his grain. We ,first’ 5an .be brought to face about U SED and N EW PA R T S v , , i , i , , , tow ard eternal glory, why not w ill be glad to help you make up your form ula and give ‘he home boy? And now a verse For less. Tires, batteries, wheels— wire, wood, dlse, all sizes. Trailers you the exact cost. Come in and let us help you with i°r isy™y mode to order. y o u r dairy problems. bear much fruit; so shall ye be H illsboro A u to W recker» Drive in today and let us my disciples.” John 15:8 —George 116 W. Main 156 Second Ave. care for your every car FALL SEEDS N ^ T a y to r^ B e a v e rto r^ ^ a id a d v . need w ith t h e quickest, most efficient service pos­ W e have a com plete stock of all Fall Seeds — Re- ' sible. cleaned Rye, Cheat, Grey Oats, W hite Holland W heat, (Venetian ticket, Geo. L. Wood- worth, H illsboro Rt. 5) and all P astu re Grasses. See us before you buy, our I O il C irc u la to rs LESTER IRELAND & CO P o u ltry m a n D a iry m a n STOP NEEDS ===== SCHOLLS TILE COMPANY prices and quality are right. The old reliable W ashington County Induntry, which | has served you for thirty-tw o years, furniHhing m aterials MILL RUN second to none, invites your fu rth e r patronage. B efore you buy your Mill Run requirem ents this fall We have no field solicitors, but our office and vard is a t your back door, so drop in. see us. We meet all com petitive prices and will assist you W A N TED — G rains, all seeds. We are cash buyers of with your building project or drain tile layout. w heat, oats, barley, clover seed, all vetches. H ighest Yard» at H illsboro — P lan t at Scholls m a rk e t price paid. P a y C ash and S a v e — T rade w ith Im perial Imperial Feed & Grain Co. P hone 61 M illers of Q nallty Feeds South Second Ave. SCHOLLS T H E CO. TARD P lant at S ch olls, O regon O ur M otto—"Friendly Service . . . F air Prices" Washington Street between 1st and 2nd lllllsbore *Ihcy’rc a cheerful little carful You II hear where’er you go For smokers say’ They Satisfy” A n d smokers ought to know Gas - Oil - Tires - Batteries Greasing - Accessories Two Handy Locations Busch’s Service Garage 126 S. Third Ave. Busch’s Super Service Station Corner Third and Baseline Phone 501 A. H. Busch, Prop C 1»S1, I ioostt a Mraa* Toascca Co.