I Don't Miss— The 11¡II h I ioi ' o Argil for All-County News i or Volume 42, No. 31 Wills b orä I The Argus Has One of the Best Equipped Plants W ith Which is Coniliint-ii ' ■■ Hillsboro Independent •flrv State Capitol ’ New Works N e w s L e tte r ; Fine Printing— Program to -'»•mlviit Katalilla))*«! I »73 Weighty Line Feature Local School Squad Hillsboro, Oregon, T hursday, Septem ber 19, 1935 Grower Poll for Market Builders' Club Display Wins First at Fair H illsboro Argua KatabHahed ItPJi WPA Rejects Short Route Meanest Thief at Work While Pastor Speaks Two Sections, Twelve Pages More Action Forecast in Hillaboro high school football 1 Hillsboro high school, 4-H B uild­ II Y A. L. L I N I) H K 0 ■ Taking advantage of the Sunday j »quad will open the s<*ason Friday ' ers' club, a part of the manual sermon being delivered by H arry at Clatskanie with one of t h e I training departm ent of the local Downey, pastor of the Pentecostal heaviest line« prixtuced in a uum* school, won first place in state church on Lincoln street, some­ V anW inkle's Opinion her of years, according to B M fair exhibits in the high school body in Hillsboro qualified as the ___ _______ , Goodman, coach. During the days ___________ class with the display of farm y ear’s meanest thief by entering j Narrow s Choice on , since practice began more th an a buildings constructed by the club n . ... , _ ‘be Downey residence in the rear P o r t la n d E m p lo y m e n t H e a d * ' ,k “*"• *he, pr<«P‘-«llve team R o w «-|| H e a d . M o v e to S e e k lu t w inter under the supervision W i l Capitol Sites son R iv e r H ig h w a y O u t of the Church and making away n i , » , ~ » * » . _ D has been rounding into shape in I of M M Romlg. instructor. iv L. D I t o ■ . w ith tw o children's savings banks Ct A t t o r n e y P ro m is e « good order, Coach Goodman says. ' S en d s F ir s t M e n to Jobs A ltitu d e R e g a r d in g as o r k R e lie f P r o je c t , and »10 in change from Mrs Dow- A n o t h e r A t t e m p t to C u r b The builders clubs are something The entire team will have plenty new in 4-H work, begun last year n e y s purse The thief also took p l ,o V u rb O At JEM C hoice of sites for the in T h is D is t r ic t M a r k e t in g P la n of weight. Goodman states, with I A d m in is t r a t o r Says | and engaged In by 11 clubs from ' a cup containing »1 worth of pen- S lo t M a c h in e s new state rapttol building hus the line averaging 185 pounds and | ------------- various parts of the state, accord- nies, according to a report made been narrow ed down to two by an the backfield not far under that I I ing to O. G. Hughson of Portland to Sheriff John Connell. opinion given Governor M artin by with an average of 150 pounds. | P rojects R eady H ere One of the heavyweights, Henry i Loss C alled U n f a i r 1**“' hag b,een the idea A ttorney-G eneral VanWinkle. D e fen d a n t S et Free From the favorable comments Mr Local B o d y H o p e fu l Tsuguwa. who tips the scales at | The legislature, when it meets Hughson now feels th at there will I — — ......- I took $2 50 from her purse when 200 pounds, has been kept out of i In special session soon, will be able be an expansion In this type of she left it in the Congregational to consider building the statehouse P l a n . C a ll f o r C o m p le tio n |,r“,, ' lc,‘ by a sprained ankle. N o A t t e m p t B e in g M a d e to 4 H endeavor. M c N a ry A sked L e n d A i d church, following service Sunday I . __ c -i . r-. ____ r Men who have been worked out on the old site, or on W illamette . morning. J u r y r a i l s to F in d C h a n c e Eight of the 11 clubs had ex for the backfield of the squad In- university campus, which would S c h o o l W o r k F ir s t D ic t a t e to C a li f o r n ia S e e k R e c o n s id e ra tio n hibits in m iniature at the fair During the outbreak of Sun­ in D e v ic e O p e r a tio n elude L Garfield. Torbet, Wah- be added to the old locution. _____ There w ere 16 buildings included day crime, a w om an’s w rist watch ner. Abts, Chase. H C hurchley, j The hill sites tuvored by Gov- , ,, .. . in the entire exhibit and an estim ­ and $1 in small change was ta k ­ Upset in plans for w ork relief en from an adjoining room at the W alnut growers are being asked ated 10.000 persons viewed the dis­ ernor M artin cannot be used, sc- Indications that Wl A In Wash- Foelker u n d Bumgardner. Line- Continuation of act.on to keep jobs and construction of the Wil- H illsboro” L u th era n {’^chT^'ch Th7 Continuation curding to the attorney-general r *'un,y wl11 »'«'" ««* under- men include Schulmerlch. Wun by the Associated Walnut G rowers play son river road, seemed definitely I .H .i, . The sl" ‘ machines llotl) the G rubenborst tract and wuy. u/ ' ' ‘hc announce- derltch, Coslett. Howell und Suth- : o, which Frank Rowell of Scholls Aided by the boys from the ex- ^ , J i i erw ^ L , SeemCd d7 ‘ni,c^ ‘heft also was during th - hour c o u n t?5 w a s n r out ™ , of » a Washington ", is president to register th eir ap- Ben Lomond park hill a lto arc ,nen‘ *,v Johnaon, district erlund, tuckles ^ “ " ‘ p a g ^ o f HcU oK m hmenn t ^ G uards are Goodin. Stunkard, ,,rOval or disapproval as to wheth- outside the city limits. VanW inkle ‘™‘nuKer <>« S tate Employment bc bound by tht. pointed out. and the capitol cun i •'«•rvlcc here thia week that men W Churchley and W Gurfte d The ,.r th ,.y deaire lx* built only within the b o u n d ar-’hu<1 bcen through hia of- Wick a 7 . h K.7' “ obr'„ Vi° JohIn ' present m arket agreem ent or in- W kk. A bendrolh and Selfridge In f t ate a new one. iea of .Salem us they existed in j ^or w or^ The Dalles h ThereJn^tT ? , the PrOJtT , t “ nnery0 , in ih e haH .n £ “ f° r a th e te n te r position are Himmel- i . . . HUM when the city was chosen this, he aaid, I n the first WPA right. G oetter and .Stout A gricultural A djustm ent Admln- the perm anent sent of governm ent Pr°J«Ct to be undertaken since the - V? Propoi ed *° . cl*“r , Hillsboro, another report stated _ From the above m aterial t h e i lstration bearing for the w alnut ani 12 m,les oi road M>this y h e thieves left no trace either as , T h e _ JUP', consldered the case by a state-w ide vote Work* Progress office was opened team will be selected. All of these «row « ‘® will be held at the Mult- To build on the hills would ¡!* P,,r'!and Ju ly , Jo b ,‘»0» be- men. Coach Goodman states, will nomah hotel. Portland. Friday at »» •« « ww 1 CI' U' I U'S at a cost , to how entrance was gained or fr",n] ,3n.,° clock ln the afternoon PiAC C lLli* sonn53'300'0?0 Bnd would employ bow tbe sugar w as taken away. “ ntll 10 30 at night following clos- icqulre a constitutional amend- ,ev*" ° ‘hcr projects will fol- be given a chance to w orkout in ® a m i 0551 D ie r i e r e 4000 men for one year at a p er-. Somebody Somebody m m ust ust have menl und u special eleltion to , * ,.ri,p dly, us the seasonal work the game Friday. have been been shor, short ‘ng argum . ents _. „ by _ the district --------- — at- Executive board of the grow ers year man-coat of $800. I of certain features for entertain- a, „ B Tongue, who ap- ehunge or enlarge the seat of gov- , 1,1 ” rural districts lessons, Some weukness is apparent i n decided at a m eeting last week to I Still Hopeful ment at a party Saturday night, if Peare<1 io r Reed. ernm ent Many Project« Here M lp arls o T \ h » 0^ t O f f ic ia l« E a s te r n C o n c e rn Although Hopkins gave no rea- the loot taken from the S tout & State -Says Chance It w'ould do no good for the city Announcement» from state re- id i .‘" g , " 'f u r ' A bundant 'su b stitu te M e e t B u .in e .s M e n to extend it» boundaries to include I lief headquarter» to the local re .n a „ :, ...l Ten m m rem ain of last have secured signatures to a pel,- lieved that rejection might be due ls any indication. A fter gaining the state, was dependent on chance the hill sites, the attorney-general ' hef comm ittee have been to the year's squad said. effect that employables on the re- The game Friday will be fol- "Designation of Salem In 1864 **ef ro ll, would be placed on jo b ' lowed by one next we us th e perm anent sent of govern- Septem ber 20 or soon thereafter. Scappoose here, which I ment by the elector, of the stale Washington county is well sup- ,d ,be scheduled serie In a statem ent issued by Rowell. ^ k ’e^H uisb^ro C ^ a X r ? ? T o m - ‘ba‘ a chance of a p p e a l h“ ■ « ~ d d- ‘- e d necessarily Included all parts of plied wilh projects ready for ini- st‘ason w e,.„?,!‘? 7 7 a ,hn rEon,end8 ,th at merce and a num ber of local bus.- rem ained as the possibility of a - ^ ¡ ¡ Ves e n t e r ^ the Guv C arr Was “ test of skiU be­ the city ns it then existed." Van- m odiste occupation and aw aiting * ts unfair to the Oregon and Wash- nc8S m,.n An oifer of pr0[x.rtv rejection has been cons.dered since Beav^rton^mmrtime S u 7 ' I “” , ° f IeVers used ,0 the W in k le e x p la in e d authority from Ute Portland offlt C ... 1)1 ington growers, producing a super- fo r th e e r e c tio n o f a f-.e ,he project was set up and confer- 5a „ ” “ eaverton sometime Sun wheels at any point desired bv .o r q u a lit y of walnuts, to suffer ¿ a. „ « X t~e co m L n v in cnces have b ^ " held * ith U. S. day and removed four tires. the operator His a t t o r n ^ n v - "Although the corporate limit, *° open The projects include com- I liltll have since been greatly enlarged I’letion of various school repair © losses into the thousands of dol- ¡ e n - t r t company in- Senator charIes r £ l” n„tr^ '.J5_*at" 7 “ ' S P ” n " w ' * d & t o J " T R « d w ili"a « e m ^ ? ™ g e H 't r r McNary c ^ d e r a t w i ö h n o , 15 " „ “ d, hî a : ? dl . K L ei„ '^ i ...be- the this lias not enlarged the sent of Jobs underw ay w hen SERA closed. lars, representing the difference I.IIO , a t pa l a v i u i u g lllf U lU V r e n te A n n fh « » r m i* p fin t» h i iB in n c c m m W U I a n c iiip v I r t- U IlM U fid llU Il j - a u c * * « ^ * '* - v U i M -I U S C Q K tt*U as th e governm ent It rem ains w ithin the and many new’ projects, between profit and loss, through wa? h^ |d Wednesday to consider .°' **£ project^ A like fate aw aits b u ootained with owner and not the Pacific Amuse- limit* of the city a , they first According to Johnson there art- Lht'.T aU.“ . , ‘..;n hL rnark.e th. proposition prop..-!tion and a comm ittee k pro)ects' “ 18 J ? ” P?.nyJ and ^ e re fo re . Reed . , . ,llnK - a«rce- - existed on the first Monday of about 650 persons certified as elig was being tried on the wrong por­ ............................. ment which compels the growers Was named to investigate and see. June. 1664 when the election was ibie from this county to work on T e s t tion of the indictment. The trial U n it In s t a lle d ; W ill off tile domestic m arket 35 d satisfactory arrangem ents could Any attem pt to switch the pro- held at which tune Salem was approved projects W h ile registra- had been previously limited to n per"C eiit o f th e ir m arketable crop be made Comm ittee includs Ed- PWA »re said to be out M-Icclcd as the location of the seat tion was made for every em ploy- that postion charging Reed as the D e t e r m in e F u t u r e t y p e The Associated W alnut Grow- ward Schulmerich. J M. Person ljf ,he question because of t h e of government. able m rm ber of ,.acb r(.,fcf fa^ „ 'y agent. _____ ers havc n ° intention of dictating Morris Weil and J. J Wismer. Ad- necessity of raising 40 per cent of Construction of state institutions only one member will be employ- One week after work was b e a u n lh®L California grow ers w hat ditional representatives of the com- “ >e am ount necessary from local Reed had been previously tried beyond the city limits has no ed unless special permission is Hillsboro's d e m o n s tr a tio n s .. w „ a . 'h fy »hall do with their crops or pany are expected in Portland to- funds This, the commissioners say. in justice court in Beaverton for bearing on the capitol because the I granted by the WPA office in 1 I.S Hisii plant ¿ ? n a d v and m w hether ,ht'> should dum p 35 per d a y and d e f i n e action is expected out of the question. operation of a sim ilar machine. state house "Is not an institution j Portland, it is understood, ope’^ n P today a c i o ^d i n g t o °F ° ' ‘hem K ' tWa Long term employment projects F o u r C a n n e r i e s F il l 13 3 4 8 the ,Sourt there holding that the us that word is ordinarily used,” m achine was legal. Meanwhile every effort is la-in g 1 M cG ee c itv m a n a e e r * T h e Srdsl reported to Although the plant was i Following the verdict, the county m unity for the first five years Early Resident o f F arm inston L court was considering the poss.'- ette I . ” ; , ' “rtlaVt ....... ,,, n „ » u u iu . u m e r towns to w n s an and cities M oob erry , H o w e ll the purchase of the W illam illamette oii . f,ce u •• dupli- in Hillsboro, other am ounted to 49.336 cans from the The offer of a factory site was Buried at Blooming Sunday bility of licensing i'\ t impu would f o i l 11 ' ' 1 • <|s’« i*»ns It en file in this county face i tblem sim- j j « . . . . four canneries operating in For- j - .. slot machines «-^-37-7 _ made as a compromise, Moore T. „ est Grove. Hillsboro. Aloha and 1 k,nds ° n ? he belief that through Officials wondered what Application fur projects still *l«r to Hillsboro and are Interested I lC iH .1 C f l S t O l P l i l V I said. Some possibilities of com- . A U , John Kamna. 73. died at the T ualatin T h e r e n o r t fo r t h e w e e k (Coatmued uo 8. colum PWA would do. an- being made to w i’A through 111 InsWJntion and nauHa of ' promise by the company was in- Tiir,«c h n e n iia i Aua,aun i r »e report ior m e u e e x ------------------------- n 1) Two applications for grants for K E. Tillotson, resident engineer. ‘be tests. dicated later I ending Friday shows 13,348 cans ¡ er an illness of several days with packed Most of the labor to private — Hillsboro, how iver. faces the t ’hurch Sponsoring Production of* T ow nsend S essio n the purchase of additional land em- This is the second factory to pneunionia. Funeral services were are in Washington. I) C. One was ' ployment now being supplied, ac- l,robLem caring for wastes from "The Prince of Egypt" seek a location nere here in recent seen Sundav a fte r n n n n at t h « I plans oi the relief departm ent ^ J b S ^ b e r . b e m g a commer- T n n lty Lutheran church w ith Rev. | ? fe ^ t t m e n t ‘ b X " in i *b‘' . , Ray-Muling cannery and is for 45 per cent of $750,000 to buy fording to G race Rucker. in S u n d a y A fte r n o o n the university grounds, and the charge of the local office a disposal method *?**cb which ce in the Heading a cast of thirty local cial alcohol distillery to use waste ¿"eoree R euie” "off'iciatino" * 'in te r J m ainder of the «»ther was for 45 per cent of $100.* city hall, is for the prune ic harvest .. ’ v ‘' ed these Thespians. Lester Mooberry and products of the cannery, orchard ment was in Blooming cem etery ' the c,ose of ,he canning season. 000 set us the hill site price. The which is helping w ith the ' »»««* . - pi “svn ------ ’ '<•<* as ,i,n « R‘ X Play ‘he roles of Mos- and wood lot. The distillery Mott or Mahoney Expected for the distillery is is be- be- Mr. K am na was born in Bassen, i ; Weil r - , said. , , »WOT «« iiip iv tc u m an y « la r b A Ih » ' * *•** R c m C S e S -M o S C S in "T h e latter is now out of the picture the hop harvest is w completed Many i K , ’ council, de- Cs « and ing promoted by A. C. Forrester. Germany. December 21, 1861. came K ? ne cal ln every fou,r >Packed Rally Here September 29 State officials were Jubilant over ' ca,,i‘ a,so are tetn g made for , a ™ 'T * k ^ i , sposal Prince of Egypt," historical drama Portland engineer, and the product ; to Oregon from G erm any in 18841becomes ‘he property of the re- om en and girls to w ork « in priv 1 an * ou’d ‘° . ior Hillsboro Townsend club wiU word from Hyde Park. N Y.. 'w i ......................»» «« »».<<- . properly > .»_ handle com- pageant, to be presented at Hills­ is expected" to be absorbed as a and^w aV m arrted b ? M rta 'seg elk en I lJ e f President Roosevelt's home, that a,e h'.incs In this county, while mc.rc,al of in the union high s school 14 ................................ ^ . Willi A«,.. .-..I «'«»Kc _ 1 this ,1 , type . A A boro lu 1,1 UIIIMII I1IKII e n o o i m otor fuel when mixed w ith M F .^ i n g t o n N o v e m b e r s . , « » d‘- ^ meet a, the Baptist church Sun- „. the Portland office sent 11 request , . „5 J r? r<‘c<,rds 'vl 11 be kept of auditorium Septem ber 26 and 27 the jircsidcnt had approved the To this unioo X l “ ° Ufgor )r for housekeepers in that area '.•it«'riBl tests made during the under the auspices of the Metho- state's »3.500.000 application for asks mhembers to endeavor to According to the plans as out- born, three dying in infanev. He T h e s u X can» are bei„g stor- £ ■ ! decision .ition „S ol to the th e plant final d i«t ¿ E n E is c n Ä n a l c wniUms"*1 horeh a n s the construction of the state house 1« lined by Wells, the company would resided on a farm at Farm ington type and of plan. ed at the warehouse recently mov- at, * * church betw een 1:45 and (C ontinued on pa?e B. colum n 3) n e e e -a ry in Hillsboro, rosis w ith ^ H o w rtl w m pUy R?meses-Moses. The legislature will bc called 35 years and had resided in H ills­ ed from the location on Third f° r f 0? 1’ ?!nglng„ of J 0'? "- Into special session when PWA S u m m er D r y S p ell boro for the past 11 years. the results and operation. street to the building vacated by ?®nd ®°ncgs ] or lh ® ra l? the the young prince, during the first acts on the site grant applications Deceased is survived b y t h e the postoffice. Offices located in ' Su,nda?L Regular , m eeting four acts of the play, while Moo- Funeral Rites H er e E nds W ith Rains The legislature will have the last widow. Meta Kamna. and the fol­ the Wells building w ere being 1 be a t ...2' 3? when the usual bery will assume the role in the word as to w here the capitol shall D r. P. G . Brow n lowing children: John W. Kamna. moved this week to the new lo- Pro*ram w ill be presented w ith i fifth act. presenting Moses as a bc built. T o d a y fo r D arlan d Farm ington; Miss Bettie Kamna. cation also. Weil said. I ,ocal f a k e r s . A rrangem ents have been com ­ Prune G rowers Report Damage; 1 Portland, and Mrs. Lena Donelson. to O p e n O ffic e s m an ot 80 vears A s Prince M oert«, ------------------------- ( It was decided Septem ber 11 to vho later ascends the throne as .Moisture Aids Farm Work pleted for the senate to meet in Hillsboro. One brother and tw o Dr P G. Brown, dentist, will Amunophis II. A. J Foelker pre- Hlllsboao Resident for Last Eleven sisters also survive a s follows: the Marion hotel dining room and M rs. Frances G h een on the second and fourth Sundays Years Dies Suddenly Henry Kamna. Hillsboro: M r s the house to convene in th e arm ­ Excessive dry w eather, unbrok­ open offices in the Commercial »ents a characterization of villiany I <-> . j p, . a ‘ 2:30 p. m. in the various Becca Wist. Scappoose, and Mrs. ory auditorium adjoining the hotel. en except for light showers since building here October 1. according and am bition over a period of 45 D u n ed o n baturdav churches and the tim e and place Dr George Thomas V. Darland. i Anna Krebs. Rockaway. Three The state w ill pay »40 a day ren t the middle of April, came to a to announcem ent made this week | years As the queen. M arie Melan- _ , ' of m eeting w ill be announced at for the grandchildren also survive. to the hotel and »13 50 to the close wilh a rain which measured ik i a£d MrS Brown wil' m ake son offers portrayal of Remeses- 7g_ resident of Hillsboro Funeral services for Mrs F ran- each regular m eeting Rev J P arm ory G overnor M artin w i l l 131 inches Friday and Saturday, their home in the Ramona Court J Moses' foster mother. Robert Hurd last 11 years, died suddenly in his P all-bearers w ere W. F. Haase, ‘V* M,cJhalec Gheen. 76. who died PenhalL m inister of the Atkinson I plays the ill fated son of Amun- home here S aturday Funeral serv- j H enry Haase. William Albers. Wil- jirobably move downtown during according to the records of A. W ajiartm ents on First avenue. ednesday evening at her Hills- Memorial C ongregational Port- For the past 15 years Dr. Brown ophis, who meets death as a re- ices will be held this afternoon liam Stevens. H erm an Voges. John W I he session. Moore of the U. S. Biological su r­ boro home, w ere conducted Satur- iand was the speaker He em pha. • • • has practiced continuously in P ort- | suit of the last terrible plague vis- (Thursday) at 2:30 o'clock in t h e , Freudenthal. and W illiam Josse. vey. day afternoon at Donelson & Sew- dzed thp individual member's re- land and Oregon City. He Is a [ ited upon Egypt. Abolition of the prim ary elec­ C ongregational church w ith Rev i _________________ A'_.D^ sponsibility In the Townsend move- The rain, which heralded the graduate of North Pacific Dental The plot of "The Prince of tion. the calling of a regular gen- first H. A. Deck and Rev. T. A. Dun »-,• , • r-> officiating. Interm ent was at Fir ment. George Holzapple. accom- touch of autum n weather, college and post graduate of N orth­ „ eral election every November and ,u ™ln er' Egypt is laid in that ancient land, gan officiating B urial will be in K l C n a r C l r C t l d i U l l N c W Lawn cemetery. t the h e o possible o s s i l . l . . recall ro e-1 1 o of f o officials r t l o l - l . - ut , r a ".s e d . s o m ‘ * J" 'h e prune w estern Dental college in Chicago (C ontinued on paire ». colum n 2) _ . _ , Mrs Gheen was born December b^ Ws wife sang tw o solos Forest View cem etery at Forest the eli*ction were proposed in a orchards, w here the fruit was re In 1917. He passed exam inations Grove. R ed C rn « s « l l 1 8S8 in Bohemia, and came to CIub w ill be prepared, according ported as cracking considerably, for dental surgeon In the navy and drastic constitutional am endm ent Dr. D arland was born I. ? a r 1 U U V - I U S » J. r t d s u r c r , the United sta te s 66 years ago She to Iocal officials, to give complete picking has been contin- served two years In the navy dur ' G ran ge C o n feren ce filed by W. J Wagnon. Portland, however, Barnes. Iowa. A pril 10, 1857. He Richard Fcndall of Forest Grove had been a resident’ of Hillsboro program for the big rally ln the ( l '. , n U n , - ‘,l pitue ....... Innin 71 ing the World war. A ttorney-G eneral VanWinkle is at came to Oregon from Iowa 24 was elected to the office of treas­ for the past 44 years. Hillsboro union high school Sun- W ill be H e ld H ere years work on the ballot title. ago, m aking his residence u rer of th e County Red Cross She is survived by tw o sons, day. Septem ber 29. The sjyeaker Fred E. Gheen of Gustine. Col., will be either Congressman Jam es G rangers from W ashington co u n -! a* LaGrande. w here he lived five chapter, to fill the vacancy caused The governor, slate treasurer, ly will gather in H illsboroSeptem -i ye" s before moving to F o r e s t by the death of his cousin, Omar and Vincent Gheen of Hillsboro; Mott or M ayor Willis E. Mahoney secretary of state. Justices of the ber 26 for .,he county grange eon- w here he resided right Fendall. w ho had been Red Cross and six daughters. Mrs. Minnie i of K lam ath Falls. supreme court, Judges of the c ir­ ---------------------- treasurer for more than 18 years Schultz of Oregon City, Mrs. Susie cuit courts and attorney-general County Council to Meet VP i l l i v i VAJI 11 r a t i r e a r u r e s [day day and evening S tale , -t0. o. H lsboro. w here he h hac tate officers of I a d ; prior to his death. O ther officers Brown of Ferndale. Wash., Mrs. would fure u possible recall every lived for the last 11 years. I elected at the m eeting of the chap Edith Langston and Mrs. Mary W ashington county council o f two years. Maximum tenure of wheat crop harvested in 1930.1981 ' RranRC Wi” bC prCSent (By Wm. F. Cyrua. County Airentl For the last 24 years he has been ter last Thursday evening at the M arlin of Portland, ____ ____________ __ ________________ and Mrs Eliza- , the American Legion _____ and _____ Aux- state offices would be six years. Lim ited use of contrasted acres, and 1932. just as was necessary Thp mceting will open with a , ---• — ........................| ,n i n _• > v a cb ir°Prac‘ic physician, while for j cham ber of comm erce w ere W. F beth Holt and Mrs. Tonie S tuart iliary w ill meet at Forest Grove All county, district, precinct nnd a slightly different method of de­ when the original contract was \ range c .° 'lnc‘* a‘ 10"" ° cl°? * the preceding 30 years he was a Norman of Aloha, re-elected presi- of Hillsboro. October 2. at 8 p. m. municipal officers would be sub­ term ining total benefit payments signed in 1933 The old contract A ™ ng ' hp »Peakers will be Mrs. traveling salesman. dent for the t h i r d consecutive --------- -------- -- ----- ------- ------------ -- --------------------------- ject to recall every year. Their and a four-year contract with the carries no obligation lo sign a new A , h l X n ld n o ^ ' n ^rn° J* survived by his widow year; Mrs. Dorothy Seym our of T 1 T O T7 ’ 1 a. Co. maximum term s would be four privilege of w ithdraw ing nt the one. but any operator of a farm **’ ’ ,n l k ‘ ” p annl" ? of a p.r " and three children by a form er Forest Grove, first vice-president: L ilC k O l H ilV L a ilS tO S tO H years. , end of the second y ear are the that grew wheal during the th ree « ¿ X £ >ow pdr M '? Bpr’ha marriage. Dr. Fred L. D arland of R. W. Weil of Hillsboro, second V “Z * uJlWp» Wagnon must obtain m ore than features of the new w heat adjust years named Is eligible to sign ’ ‘ ®k ' Mon‘- Mrs Sherm an W | vice-president; a n d Mrs E L . T1 1 T T • W7 1 16.000 signatures on petitions by ment contract different from the one of the agreements. wbo sPeaks on A Good Grange. Needham of Ames. Ia.. and Mrs Moore of Hillsboro, re-elected sec- F P i i m l I lO llS I tlC T next July 1 to place his proposed original contract in effect the past Contracted acreage, which is the Ra>’ w Gill, state master, will Wilford M. Briggs of Monrovia, retary. A A 1U U 3111V W U r ik v la constitutional amendm ent on the two crop years. Application blanks mLfi rCnrrt'„ » CtWe<'a nv®rn5e ”n ' |Sh Cn q.,a?/m ;30v ° " ¿ A L nY°{L C’Ai » . • D irectors of the C ounty chapter Despite curtailm ent of w orking cording to Jam ison P arker, state ballot at th e November, 1936. elec­ nnd accompanying forms have not nual I nerenge ncreage and nnd t h e reduced fol-| His a s d deemed e e m e d projects r,reie,-t< by h v the »he SERA e r m in in Wash- u-ach. director, dtreetnr is t . the »he Wilson u r u _ riv _»___ reduced 'h he e Sunflowers. He will be fo - His; first first m m arriage arriage was was to to Mary Mary , w ere not elected a as s it it w was er road yet been received. O ffering the acres, tion. s can be used only for sum- lowed by George Palm iter of Mil- Elizabeth V erm lllian In December advisable to postpone this until ington county, the local office of project w hich w ill have a i dlseet new program to local grow ers will mer fadow. ... ______ ___ ___________________ __ ____ jiasture crops or perm - w aukie on G range Co-operatives. 1879 She died in April. 1924 In the October meeting, when it is the Federal Housing A dm inistra- bearing on the fu tu re accom accomplish- m aterial is nt ,ment grass. Such acreage m ust b et O ther speakers w ill be C. L. April, 1927 he was m arried to L, hojied that a b etter representation tion. is being kept open for the m ents of the organization, Local C a n n in g P lant not begin d u n ,F til this ih ' S " p Pn,r,Vn t|y land 'h a t Is norm ally planted to Pattison of Portland: Mrs. George Mae W eaver of Hillsboro. j will be present from all commu- accommodation of those interested The proposed short-cut highw ay nbi.ut the date the work will get wheat nnd that was in crop the Palm iter. George Corson F re d ■---------------------- nities of the county. Everybody in- in reconstruction, or new construc­ year preceding its use as con- Goss. W F. Cyrus, county agent; M akes Large P ayroll under way In Oregon. P arker points out, would tap an Trurk Licenses Due ' terested In the Red Cross w ork is tion. under the benefits of federal While this starting date Is a Ut­ tra d e d acres. Pasture or g r a s s Fay Mills of Hillsboro. Pomona, Q uarter year v,., truck licenses, due I *"vited *?. a,te.nd ,h e a‘ loans. A. J. Riler, acting sujaer- area abundantly tim bered, but at Value of local industry to H ills­ ile late in relation to the time of crojw be seeded during the master, and C W Craft of Forest ! October first w ill be on sale at visor in this county, explained this present inaccessible H arvesting of boro Is evidenced by the $36,743 - seeding of our next w heat crop coming must crop year, but may con- GroVe. county deputy. , the sheriff's office SeDtember 21)' tobr 10' the tim ber w ould follow sjjeedlly week. 34 payroll that Is being paid to­ this should not mnke any m a­ i?.. Meeting w ill close wilh a drill J. W Connell, sheriff, announced Mrs Mary Roberts o f Forest The office, operating its payrolls on ‘be beels of the road builders day (Thursday) by the B. E. Mu­ terial difference on the fnrm of 1 ‘h®aRr®®; c° n,es‘ a‘ 8 30 in ,hp evening, , Grove. Mrs. Moore and M P through SERA, has employed tw o T hat would m ean em ploym ent of this week. ling, Inc., plant here. The paym ent the grow er who expects or Intends men? ment providing th at they are used Cady are the nom inating commit- persons in the office and seven w orkers in the lum ber woods and represents wages for the past two to sign the contract. U nder the only for pasture. Saturday the Hillsboro Grange '**■ field men. The office force, con- in the mills, and there then would weeks' period during w hich 1133 provisions of the new agreem ent Crop vears of 1936 1937 I afl”P'c " * ™ t'o n to render a service wifh i t . faril- bers at this time of year. To and 575 women. the old contract the grow er agrees 1 paym ents will be made each venr secretary of a new group organized the thrifty buyer this alone and im provem ent of old construe- ities for easing the strain of homo to seed to whent not less than 54 there Is a reduction asked for n* a m eeting in the Blue Eagle m tT tUR e e ^ n |IC anOtT d h0»bSeani' *ion' ,h ® offic® r ®®ords " h o w . financing. is w orth the price of a P lanners Meet Friday per cent of this ncreage. and again will be the difference C!,f<' W ednesday noon. The group. I lot at Reedville was sold through Through thp w ork nt thp fUld m ™ year's subscription. Meeting of the County P lan ­ According to inform ation avail- betw een the nvernge m arket price which has been m eeting for the boro‘° Ev®re ,t Lawrcnce of Hills ai,d the local office, new jobs have d l t i n ^ a c j ^ t o an These sales are to be found ning comm ittee has been called able at this tim e the basis, or in ' and parity price for that p articu lar 'ast n *ne months, will be known advertised in different places Five-acre tract 1 # miles east of employment* t o T V g e n i m b T o*f t^ . b®r , 1 n®“'. wo^ ’d con‘r «»- for Friday night, Septem ber 20, at other words th e average acreage year. as the Public Relations club. The i In the paper. They are on HIHsboro w as so.d_for G eorge W meS X ho hav°e 8 o’clock, W. G. Ide, chairm an, nnd production, will be the snme U nder the old agreem ent the Kr°up. Its meetings, discusses various dales and in various announced Wednesday night. V ar­ for the new contracts ns was ap-j am ount of this payment was do- various phases of public activities H ansaker to Axel Carlson of Sioux of the unemployed, records dis- locations. It will pay you to coast Increased buslne ious projects for the new works proved for the old contract. New term ined by th e difference In and " s m em bership is made up would Clty, S. D. Thomas E. Elford's close look them over. program soon to start will be con­ contrnct signers will need to ob- parity nnd m arket price In Ju n e ° I Hillsboro men ln w ork relating 22-acre tract at North Plains was Linked with the future of the [here again ' the "'FHA‘ wouid T tain th eir production data for the!