H IL L S B O R O Paire Six A R G U S , H IL L S B O R O , O R E G O W hittle Company at Laurel Buys Jacob Parr Place of 160 Acres Thursday, September 12, li»35 New Branch of Bank Opened i i-i Attorney H ew itt Speaks Before l.aurel-Scholls Unit of Clackamas Team Wins 8 - 4 State Tournament Game Hillsboro Sunset leaguers, weai- ied by the long 1935 campaign, dropped the first game of the O re­ gon state baseball tournam ent to Hammel's Pharmacy. Clackamas county champions. 8 to 4 on the Shiite park diamond Sunday Five costly errors were chalked u p against the locals during the t i l t ! and accounted for the defeat Only one earned run was made ; during the entire game, according to the official scorer, all the rest j being scored on errors or w alk s.. Sutherland's homer in the fifth' was the only tally credited a s ; earned. Hillsboro opened the game with a serious but short-lived threat. K atharine Hepburn, a s " A l i c e Adams," coming to the Venetian Joos hit safely as the first man up In the initial inning and then sto le' Sunday. Monday and Tuesday, plays a role strikingly sim ilar to second and third. Carlin, Hammel's her sensational performance in pitching ace. turned on the heat Morning Glory," which won her and whiffed the next three men the Academy Award. It is a to face him, leaving Joos stranded Booth Tarkington story. on third base. The locals drew the first blood JlxM s Hum* run, s uth*ri.nd T»o- of the game in the third. Sutherland s,.* h it,, Carlin. Calhoun. Romao*. S se- was hit by a pitched ball and C hiu. J« » , Mayer Brandaw singled. Joos laid down here at 0 45 and 3 45 from P o rt­ land. departing from Portland at USED and N EW PARTS 10 .oieiit most of their illy Mr». F. L. Brow n) I er, C W Brown, all of Portland, LAUREL The Jacob P arr place i visited at the F. L. Brown home of 180 acres was purchased last ! Saturday week by the L. A. W hittle com­ The Amos Watkins family Join­ pany The place has 40 acres of ed the Ray Moore family for a prunes, which are being harvested i picnic dinner on the creek at the by the new owners. The Jam es , Moore place Sunday. Baxter family, who are associated Twenty-one Enrolled w ith the Whittles, returned to Twenty-one pupils enrolled at Home of the new Enterprise branch of the First National bunk of th eir home in Boise, Idaho, after the Laurel school Monday with Portland, former quarters of the Wallowa National bunk. The H ills­ spending two weeks here. boro branch of tho First National was opened two yours ago ami Is Mrs. Mary llarleinan as teacher among the oldest Enterprise branch is the third in the Blue Mountain H ewitt Speaks First grade pupils entering were region The bank building, fixtures and all assets of the old bunk Attorney R R. Hewitt of Salem Raymond Losli. Lucille S p ie lin g spoke before the local unit of the and Jam es Stoller Betty Jean Ho­ were taken over and its deposit liabilities assumed by the Portland Farm ers' Union at the hall T hurs­ gan. whose mother is housekeeper institution Deposits of the Wallowa National, when the transfer was day evening. He gave a report of | for her brother. Rudolf Losli. is made, exceeded $000.000. It Is a pioneer institution, having been financial conditions of the United i a new pupil in the fourth grade. chartered in 1888. States and also several foreign Mrs Harleman will m ake her home countries. He favored the Tow n­ ! with her parents. Mr and Mrs. which tim e an aggressive cam ­ send plan, but thought it would ; Eli Kingston, during the school paign is to be made in all d ep art­ ments of the church for the work never go through as now planned year. of the w inter months. Bible school A decision was made to have no Sunday. 9 45 a m.; Communion social meeting in Septem ber on I Hr Mr«. K L Coa) service followed by preaching, 11 account of prune and hop harvest KINTON Booster Night" will a. n i ; preaching. 8 p in. Mid-week Ralph Sabison of Spokane a r ­ rived at the Amos W atkins home First Church of Christ (Srirntlstl service. 8 p. ni. Wednesday. We to obaarvad to Staten grange on Services are held every Sunday invite you cordially to all services. Monday evening, Septem ber 30 Sunday to stay during prune and at 11 a. m.; Wednesday evening —M Putm an, minister The lecturer states there will be v a c a tio n w ith th e ir g r a n d p a ! t- n l. hop harvest. services at 8 o'clock; Sunday school moving pictures on "Oregon Wild Mr and Mrs J R D a n iils, rc Mrs. George Rosevear is camped at 11 a. m. Pupils up to the age Life." It will be an open meeting turned the first of the week to Trinity Lutheran Church at the Cady hop yard on Cheha- of 20 years are welcomed. Free their home in Molalla, w here they and all are invited to attend. lem Mountain during hop harvest reading room open on Wednesdays Services and communion at 10:30 will attend school. Mrs. H erbert Morrison and son a. m . Sunday school at 9:45 A n­ Regular monthly meeting of and Saturdays from 2 until 4 p. m. Mrs. B B. Cooley's sister. Mrs Larry and daughter Jean of O re­ nouncements f o r Lord's Supper Ladies' Aid society was held at the Stewart, who has been her house Sunday's topic, “Substance." gon City spent a few days last will be received on Friday. C on­ home of the secretary, Mrs. Madge guest for several months, left last Clackamas c o u n t y champions Laurel baseball squad will clash week for her home in Indiana Banks M. E. Church firmation instruction begins S at­ week at the home of Mr and Pomeroy, last Thursday afternoon. Mrs Frank C Fluke came to the fore in the fourth Sunday on the Shute park diamond She planned to tour California en Sunday school every Sunday. 9:45 urday at 10 a m. You are cordial­ With a good attendance During Can You Imagine— when Hillsboro wavered, tw o sue- wjth an all-star team from the I route. Mrs Fred Brown of North Plains the afternoon Mrs. Gladys Aten, a m„ Mrs. Fred Wolford, super­ ly welcomed to worship with us. the faith in BISMA REX eesstve errors putting two runners Portland City league Hill and attended thc regular monthly m eet­ president, was given a surprise Mrs. W. L. Stevens and son El­ intendent. Preaching services by on base. R Brandaw, who had al- Deaville will make up the Laurel bert spent from Thursday until Ellsworth Tilton, pastor, every S u n ­ ing of Kinton grange last Wednes­ shower, receiving numerous useful of one of the wealthient men Pilgrim House lowed but three hits up to that battery for the game which is Sunday at the Stevens' cottage at day evening at 8 o'clock. Ladies' day evening She was a guest of articles Ice cream and cake were Septem ber 15: Celebration o f her daughter. Mrs. Ada C utting of served in u New England State who time, developed a sore arm and called for 2:30 p. m. Aid meets first and third W ednes­ homecoming by the hostess. Oceanside. Sunday at 10:30 a m. Robinson Station, (or a few duys was replaced by Rosky. Two in- Bachelors nosed out the Laurel tf Monthly meeting of Albright Mrs. M McRobbie of Nampa, days at 2 p. m. although he can afford th»* Music. "Home. Sweet Home" (P re ­ last week. field outs, tw o hits and tw o more Benedicts Sunday afternoon 7 to Idaho, was a guest at the L. A Urotherhood of the Evangelical lude); “Coming Home" (Choir); errors accounted for four runs. 6 on the Laurel {leld The slngie W hittle home several days last Mr and Mrs Fred A nlrker are churches in this district will be finest medical treatm ent de Pilgrim House and "The Joy of Home" (Solo, El- having an electric pump installed The locals tied the score in the men took an early lead in the week. : wood Coslett). "Religion in the at their ranch on Pleasant Valley held in the grove of Mr and Mr» pcntls entirely upon BISMA- M E Church (Bethany) fifth when Sutherland drove th? game and held a narrow advan- Everett D Wright next Tuesday E C Mulloy visited his daugh­ On Germantown road. Sunday ! news" topics: "A nother Broken road ball out of the park for a four- tage throughout. Stangel. Meyers ter. Mrs. W. N. H athorn. Sunday evening and all in thc community REX for relief of hia stom­ j Home," Boys March From Home;" Mr and Mrs. C. Vander most are invited to attend. base h i t The visitors put the game and C arter formed the battery for He spent the afternoon w ith Mrs. school every Sunday. 10 a m.; G er­ and "Father Divine's New Homes.” ach ailment. on ice in th eir half of the frame the bachelors, while Hill and Ma- Mulloy. who is at the Jones hos­ man service. 11 a. m., first a n d t "A Girl Without a Home." review spent the past week with thcli Frank Richards is having a barn third Sundays; English service. 11 daughter, Mrs George G raff in built on hts tract on Scholls-Ferry by scoring four more runs on two ding worked on the mound for the pital w ith a broken hip caused | of motion picture. "G inger" Scr- hits and three errors, m arried men with Deaville be- from a fall at her home a few a. m.. second and fourth Sundays. , mon. "Where Is H om e’" Meaning Heppner, w here Mr. G raff has em ­ road Thc renters on the place are tf ployment. Hillsboro had a good chance to hind the plate. doing the work. weeks ago. She is doing as well —E. Ju liu s Traglio. pastor. , ful hymns; inspirational poetry: Miss Amy Godfrey returned to tie the score in the seventh. Suth- ---------------------- as could be expected 1 religious humor; stately s c r i p - Tualatin Plains Presbyterian Church her home In McCloud. Cal . after erland hit safely. C Brandaw walk- *-i - , w» r Al Ewing, who makes his home (Four miles north of Hillsboro) tures Unique service, beginning visiting friends around town d u r­ 8AXTON A LOONEY ed and Joos beat out a slow roller C a p l t O l l M e U ' S L e t t e r with the B. Cooley family, re ­ on time, and lasting exactly one Sunday services: Bible school at Ptxxlucrn of Quality to the pitcher. With none away. 1 . cently returned from a week's v a­ 10:15. preaching at 11 a. m.; junior i hour Dedication exercises will be ing thc past month or so Carlin bore down ' UmlU Ito w ^ k o T t r ^ drivers to cation in Victoria. B C. Ray Cooper of Chchalcm Moun­ SAND and G R A V E L conducted by Hillsboro Christian C. E. at 11:20; C. E. at 8 p. m tain was a w eek-end guest at thc "Ham and Rosky. out the _ , Hanna . . as „ . an eight-hour dav while W ashing-, Friday evening visitors Missionary society, last Council Sunday afternoon. Sep­ home of Mr. and Mrs Everett 1) Plant located 4 miles north of For­ Chjotti was sent in m a pinch nQr, h - has just recently? J H. Felton home w ere M r ami Women's Wednesday of each month at 2 p tem ber 22. at 4 o'clock, in an out- Wright. Cooper Mountain Mr est Grove o n G a le s Creek. Phon» hitter for Holcom , reduced the maximum num ber of Mrs. Frank Erickson and Erick- m. 1 door ceremony Septem ber 29 will Cooper is a nephew of Mr Wright 1609R and the locals hopes went glim- hours for trllck drivers to ten ; son's sister. Mrs. Bettendorf of be observed as Harvest Home S un­ At the special meeting called by mering. . . . G rants Pass day. All young people's meetings the board of school directors last Bethanv Baptist Church Joos had a perfect day w ith the __l a ___ , BlBv McNay spent several da?? Morning: Church school at 9 45: according to schedule. Pastor Henry Tuesday evening it was unanim ous­ willow, being credited with tw o Members of the state police tr a v - : ,ast week wUh his uncle B G morning service at 11. “Jesus Christ S Haller may be consulted any ly voted to have a w ater system hits, tw o w alks and a sacrifice, el an average of more than 100 McNav cf fo rest Grove. Sutherland poled out a home run miles a day in their line of duty. A rkle Rosevear of the CCC in the H om e" Evening: B Y P day between 10 o'clock a m and put in at the earliest convemenct- U. at 7:30: vesper service at 8. noon, or by appointm ent, at the It was decided to have u drilled and a single. . ?£c_l?rdln.i:__t ° _a.. re? or.t byCharles P 1 camp at Camp Lake O'Dell near "Profitable Athletics." Wednesday. House office. 232 North Third well with an electric pump Carlin, winning pitcher, struck Pray, superintendent i Bend spent from Thursday until 8 p m . prayer meeting and Bible avenue. at my farm 3 miles north of Forest Grove on Bank* roaerty: Church school. 10 a. m . R E 11:40 a in Worship, 9 45-10; church Regular monthly meeting of the team mates lost the game. cording to Solon T. White, state ¿ r‘dal S h o w er for their sister-in- Eleven members of the local director of agriculture. Receipts ot ,aw Mrs Teon Lovegren (Joseph- Wiley, superintendent; m o r n ‘ng school class period, 10-10:40. rcas- j Home Economic club of the grange One gixxi 1400-lb work horse; 12 head dairy cows, mhw fresh, some worship, Il o'clock. Sermon. “The sembly and “Go-to-College" serv- j will be held at thc hall today soon to freshen; 6 head of yearling heifer.«, nil double tested, 4 good squad will tiave their names en- the fair, coupled with a share in ine Whitmore» at the Calvin Whit- ! ('. d Mm: Why and How?"—T. ice. 10 40-11 25: Lord's Table. 11:25-' (Thursday) afternoon at 2 o'clock brood sows. 24 weanling pigs. 1 yearling Yorkshire boar; one 3U graved on the championship plaque the racing money, w ill ¿ ‘nance mofe home Fridav Many lovely 11:40 Students of community e x ­ All ladies are invited which will be aw arded by the the show w ithout cost to the tax- ifts w ere received bv the bride | A rthur Dungan. acting minister. wagon; one farm truck; one Chevrolet delivery, trailer, one spring- pecting to go away to college o r ' Woodrow Antcker. who is em ­ tooth harrow'; one pe<*tooth harrow; one 7-foot grain drill; one wooden league. These men are Ray Bran- p ajer. White said. Official figures whQ was m arried thc weck before All Saints C hurch (Episcopal) some university arc invited to ployed in Portland, spent Wednes­ roller; ’.-foot traeto.' dine; walking plow; one 7-nhov’vl cultivator, one daw. Clyde Brandaw. Ted Rosky. show that more than 91.000 people Mr and Mrs Lovegren went to T hirteenth Sunday after Trinity: participate in this service The i day with his parents. Mr. and Mrs ■ peg-tooth cultivator; one U-foot binder, U-foot bay rake; 3-foot mower, Dick Sutherland. Austin Scrofford, paid th eir way through the turn- CathIam cn, Sunday to make their The church school and congrega­ s udents will assist the pastor witn Fred Anickcr. Edwin Matson. Don Shattuck. Har- stiles during the eight days of the ^ ome They w ere accompanied by wind rower and buneher: on«* Osborne hay tedder; fanning mil,, on»* tion w ill meet in joint session a’ A bus service was established Di .mon I King fee I grinder with bagger, one woodsaw' frame an I old Voelker. Bill Ross. Art Hanna -atr. Mr and Mrs Herman Whitmore. 9 o'clock for m orning prayer and this service Christian Endeavor. Plans for the 1936 fair, w hich through this town last week, with mandrel, one emery stand and .'one; blacksmith tools; 33 atand bee* and Bill Joos. The team disbanded :, who assisted in taking their house - sermon, which will be a m em ori­ 6:30 p m. Interm ediate and young ' following the game Sunday. (will m ark the diamond jubilee, will i ^¿Jd «’ ares. people. Evening worship serv ice.; two round trips a day. arriving small feed cutter; one root cutter; set of harness, to and 3-gallon milk Members of the squad expressed be started within a short time with Mrÿ Rjc'hard W hittle’s parents. al for the late Bishop Sumner, a ft­ 7:30 o'clock Song service assisted ' cans; on»* low down Mellott© cream separator, 740 lbs rapacity, nearly th eir appreciation for the support a view to making next y e a rs fair and Mrs E v Deason of er which a get-together w i t h by young people’s choir and sermon , new; one Hart brooder stove; bou »ebold furniture; other articl» s too basket lunch at noon at Shute park, given by fans during the long sea- outstanding in every respect. York, N eb. are m aking her an thc w eather perm itting, otherwise by pastor. Sermon. "The Great num erous to mention. son and thanked the m erchants Recommendations made by exhi-1 extended visit. Thcv are accom. Divine Head of the Church." Mid­ TERMS OF SALK All sums below $.*(> rash; sums »ver >20 who made the team possible. The bitors .his year particularly live- panied bv Mr and Mrs. Armstrong, l luncheon will be served in thc week service. Thursday. 7:3Q p. m months' tim e ut H* interest on good bunkuhtc not« team believes that it gave the stock owners, that the fair dates friends from th eir - home town, wh' chapel. All families of the church Promotion day in church school tow n the kind of baseball fans be set back two weeks in order will go to Seattle by stage for a school children and of thc con­ Septem ber 29 Rally day and a n ­ FREE LUNCH AT NOON. B ung your coffer cup.« w anted to see and hopes that next to avoid the busy harvest season, visit before returning here to start gregation are requested to bring n u li church day October 6. We ex­ th eir own basket lunch. Coffee' tend a hearty welcome to school year s campaign will be equally are receiving serious consideration home. PETER N. VAN DERZANDEN, Owner will be provided by the Women's teachers, strangers and friends to su c c e ssfu l. j by White and the state board of ! Mr. a n d Mrs J W. Mulloy. C hurch Service league. Bill Joos paid tribute to the men .agriculture. any and all these services.—R. L . . . Thelma Mulloy and Gilman Wight J. W lltighes. Auctioneer Peter J. \ an llerfan d m ( lerk Putnam, pastor. w ho gave of their tim e and serv ­ „ . . attended state fair Saturday, w here Mrthodist Episcopal Church G „ „ „ „ e by n,- , he H h » ,« ices in the championship race. He g o overnor v ern o r « M a artin r u n and ana members memoers I j th w ere jojned arrv C hurch school, 9:45, Miss Rose credited the team's success to a of the state highway commission n i inco family of Portland for a Cave, superintendent: divine w or­ Subscribe now to the Argus. In “never-say-die” spirit and squad a r? on a tour of eastern and cen- Djcnjc dinner Washington county $1.50 a year. | trai Oregon this week with stops H Miss Ellen En(,Iund started east ship at 11; sermon subject. “I Be­ Six months 85c T hree months 50 loyalty AB, « " E a t Pendleton. Enterprise. Baker. !,ast Tuesday to make an extended lieve in the Christian C h u rc h " cent*. Two months 35 cents. Hillsboro— tf Joos. If Î 1 o ! « ? LaGrande. Burns and Bend. Most | v ijjt wlth relatives and friends Epworth League at 6:30 p. m. Eve Hanna, rf ning service a t 7:30. "Institute R/*ky, ?h o o ®, of the party left Salem early Mon- in Kansas and Michigan. Echoes." Service conducted by the Holcomb, rf o » o ; day morning, but the governor was Patricia McNay spent the first SEED CONTRACTS o o 2 delayed until Monday night, being of the week w ith her gran d p ar­ young people. P rayer m eeting each Shattuck, bs T hursday evening at 7:30. You will It you w ant to grow Peas and o 1 2 detained by the capitol site im- M atson, 2b Vetch on contract see us now! R Brandaw, p — — 0 0 ® passe, joining the other members ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Brown, be welcomed cordially at all serv­ w hile her parents, Mr. and Mrs ices of this church. It is our aim 2 2 Sutherland, lb ... --- -------- A. M. HAND SEED CO.. Inc. C. Brandaw. c .. .....__ ......... 1 1 j at LaG rande Tuesday morning. The B. G. McNay of Forest Grove, Register Today. 0 party will return to Salem Sun- w ere moving to th eir recently pur to m ake the service contribute in •V oelker, 3b . .......................... 707 N. E. Union Ave helpfulness to all who come within •< hiotti. r f ci , day via the McKenzie highway. chased new home in th at town. P ortland Oregon £H olscher ....................__......... No Entry Fee. its doors. C hildren are back in • • • Announcement was made S un­ " J ' Enrollm ent of high school stu- day by Rev. Virgil Speece of a school, vacation time is over, and Total _____ ____ ___________ th ere is a seat for you in this i dents in vocational agriculture in ­ meeting to be held in th e church • Replaced Brandaw in 4th. WE P E A L IN R EAL ESTATE • Baited for Holcomb in 7th. creased from 1462 in 1933-34 to 1541 October 14 when pictures will be church. Ncw-comers to our city Buy ammunition you can are invited to attend our services £ Batted for Voelker in 9th. Writ« in 1934-35, according to Earl R. shown of all the churches in the Classes for all age groups will be F ire and A utom obils Ineuranrs Hammel'»— AB R H shoot with confidence Romsos,- c f ------------------------- 4 0 2 “ Cooley, state supervisor for vo- Oregon conference. Rev. F. B. Cul- found in our church school. It Make Loan* and taaua Suret» Bondi agriculture. Eight more I v er o f P ortland and Rev. E. W. Mayer, lb __________________ .... 5 0 1 8 cational there is any way in which this Zanello, If ................................... ...« 0 0 KURATLI & WISMER HILLSBORO, OREGON this year. They include R ivèr­ ent and help start a drive to pay church can m inister to your need Shellborn, M — 4 0 0 0 - we hope you will make that fact Telephone 1281 12X« Second St A ckley, rf ..................... S 2 0 0 ! _____ --------1 off the indebtedness of the con­ known.—C harles M. Reed, m inis­ Reynold», 2b ___ ____________ 4 2 0 2 1 i ' n^iP '_________________Arbngton I ference. No door (¡harge w ill be ter: Calhoun. 3b ..... ........................ 4 2 1 Condon and Crane. A t least a doz- made v Carlin, p .............. .......... 4 2 1 1 < en other schools applied for the Mrs M arie Stanfield of Roose­ Beaverton Church of Christ < course, but could not get it because velt Beach was the guest of her To*al The last Sunday in Septem ber HiiU boro -Huns HARRISON D. HUGGINS 0 0 3 0 10 4L sister, Mrs. John McFee, last Sat­ is Prom otion day in the Bible Hita 1 0 0 0 1 I 6 ¡ urday night and Sunday. school and all pupils being pro­ M. 0 . Ha mm el’» Runs ......0 0 0 4 4 0 0 o 0 g Oregon motorists have contrib­ Sunday guests at the Mrs. Mary moted w ill receive special recog­ Hiu 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 5 I uted an aggregate of more than EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Innin f» pitched by Brandaw, 4 . Rf«]kr. j Rothstrom home w ere Mrs. Winni nition by the superintendent. Ow­ 5. Credit victory to Carlin. Charpe V 33?1? 6 ulaxues tow ara G rannel and daughter Jan et of As- ing to a num ber of the young SPECIALIST fea t to Branda«-. Struck out by Carl toria and Mr. and Mrs. H i n e s 17; Brand«»-, S; Roaky. 4. Base, on balk tem since that device for extract- Hendrickson and two children and people being away, their 7 o'clock G LA SSES FITTED ff ,rom ,h e pubUc was Miss Nellie Rothstrom, all of P o rt­ service on Sunday evening will be discontinued until October 1, after Room 3 Next door to Venetian theater land. Conaerdal N ational Bank A nn es Hillsboro Mr. and Mrs. Amos W atkins and children and Mr. and Mrs. A Open until 9 P. M. „ Phonee Reeidenre 2972 9 :J0 a. m. to 12 m N aderer attended state fair Wed­ Every Saturday Night O ffice 2971 I :J0 p m. to i p. m nesday. School to Begin Laurelview school will begin next MASON HILL — Second annual reunion and picnic ot the Waldorf Monday w ith Mrs. Willard Hughes family took place Sunday atC ham - as teacher for the third term. poeg. Mr. and Mrs. B E Waldorf. D eLaurice Cady of Hillsboro r e ­ Mrs. Ida Wolf, Mrs. Della Gonyo turned home Sunday to start to j and Florence French attended from school after spending the summer Mason Hill. Next gathering will with her grandparents, Mr. and be held the first Sunday ot next Mrs. John McFee. August at Dallas park. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fields of H ills-| Now Being Paid on School Opens boro visited her niece, Mrs. Ade School opened on Monday with Rutschman, and family Sunday YO U R SA VIN G S eight pupils. Lucille Renfrow was after attending the ball game al unable to begin school as the fam­ the local grounds. ily is aw ay picking hops. The bachelors won from t h e Olaf Olson returned home Sat­ benedicts Sunday in a baseball urday from Portland, where he game on the local grounds 7 to 6 had been since his eye injury. Mr. and Mrs. M. Keyser and son Every Savings Certifi­ Ralph visited T. O. Keyser of Portland Sunday. If you change your address kind­ cate is insured 100% THE LAUNDRY SAVES W e ’ll Turn Out Fast Job* Thai ly notify the Argus direct and at Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brown and against loss under Fed­ tf son Dickie and Mr. Brow n’s fath- YOU TIME and MONEY! once. W on’t Look Like “ Rush” Job*! ¿foiYou I magine J Kinton Grange Plans Big "Booster Night” CHURCHES "cih'VSw « Laurel Nine to Play All-Star Team Here DELTA DRUG stori : P U B L IC A U C T IO N CP b'ggcr (v / “ and Better ’250 Peters BUCK DEER Shooting Contest CAUGHT IN THE WILD By ROBERT AMES B E N N E T - BRISTOL HARDWARE COMPANY Waldorf Family in Annual Meet 3% QUICK PRINTING SERVICE TWO R EASO N S eral Insurance Plan. Time to do other things, money to spend for other necessities. If you don't be­ lieve it. phone us and we w ill explain our many serv­ ices at reasonable cost. The Tastiest Meals in Town - - - - are served at Coslett s Bar-B-Q Tasty sandwiches . . . delicious plate lunches . . . sparkling drinks! Everything from soup to nuts to make the perfect meal. Try Home Laundrv & Dry Cleaners Telephone 47 Hillsboro. Ore. Savings are accepted in small or large amounts, to suit y o u r conven­ ience. Siberrian Cream It’s Flavor Tempts COSLETT’S BAR-B-Q First and Baseline - Hillsboro Open 7 A. M. to 2 A. M (Venetian ticket, H. M Cady, Hillsboro) TUALATIN VALLEY FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSN. Savings & Loan Bldg. Hillsboro Oregon When you need lettrrh rad s in a hurry . . . . or rnnugh billheads to complete the month's hilling . . . . that's when you'll appre­ ciate the really quick service of the Argus P rin t Shop. Their Plane Lost in the Forest And the finished Job never looks like a “rush" Job . . . that's one reason you will appreciate the thorough efficiency of this organ­ ization! Phone a t any time, when you need printing, or drop in and arrange It at your convenience. î?i lisin irdfcrAro us Alan Garth fought to save the Jives of three tenderfeet—while they plotted to take his! Here’s the year’s big thrill story . . . First Installment Starting This W eek, Section 2, Page 4