H IL L S B O R O Page Two Former Banks Resident Dies Hoppicking Starts; Moves Made by Families ( B , Hr*. Frr.1 W olford) A RGU S, H IL L S B O R O , Thursday, Septem ber 12, 1935 OREGON THE GREAT AM ERICAN HOME Ad Brings Back Roll o f Blankets Pullets Sold by Ad Next Morning Hull of blankets Sat urriu.v evening some place between Jackson and Oak streets in Hillsboro. Reason- able rew ard Donald Gab belt, 273 N. Second Ave. 10- 20p The advertisem ent ran twice he was out of town but the roll was returned to Ins address the morning after the ad was first published. Large guaranteed circula­ tion of the Argus in Wash­ ington county assures adver­ tisers a fine market R I. R pullets, 150 f i n e. healthy, non-setting strain from pedigreed stock; will lay soon. If sold by Monday of next week. 85c each. No dozen lots, must take all at above price. A. A. Fisher, Rt 1. Box 339. Beaverton. Mr Fisher is an enthusias­ tic user of the classified col­ umns of the Argus — “The G reat M arket Place of Wash­ ington County." These a d ­ vertised chickens were a 11 sold before breakfast the next morning after the paper came out. The issue before he ran several advertisem ents a n d received pleasing results. The cost is small, but the large guaranteed circulation of the Argus provides a splen­ did market. i pyorrhea The m outh will not re-1 O ur cluiwlfted colum ns may have main healthy w ithout care, amt al just what you are looking for I hough the dentist can iiaaist iiu - |{,,n(| them. tf lure in rebuilding, ultim ate c u re ' depends on the co »iM'i atioii of the ^Ku,«MaassMMm«MamassMsr*«sa ----- I alt tent WILEY’S GROCERY Bend School Builds One Room Addition ||l y M u O It Corner Main Streets Phone 1(101 FREE DELIVERY I**lar4t>itl 3 rd m ul BEND The local school has hail a dressing room built on ttio nortn end. ready for the num erous pro­ gram s which are usually given dur Ing the school year. Mr. and Mrs Alvin North and daughter Ju n e ami son Wesley a t­ tended the state fair ut Salem Thursday. Mr and Mrs Vi riuillion of Pott i least the m ajority of all oilier dis- land spout Sunday at the home of 1 eases That the mouth is heir to. Mr unit M rs Charles lleverell Dental decay attacks teeth and Mr. and Mrs F P. Mitchell and forms cavities Once decay starts, family started to move Tuesday it progressively develops until the morning when their truck stalled ¡cavity is filled or unlil it attacks ,„i Bull m ountain ami delayed the pulp or nerve of the tooth and them until Thursday morning The finally results in an abscess at the Mitchell family spent two .lavs at end of the root and usually the the A O roer and O. II Peterson loss of the tooth. During the Iasi homes unlil repairs were made stages of the developm ent the pa- Carl Johnson of Hull mountain ae- [lient suffers considerable pain and companied them on their trip , often ill health. A cavity should Mr ,.ylt. S(.cly „nd I be filled in the curliest stage if children. Junior and Janet, and ! trouble is to be avoided and the Mr. uiul Mrs H unk Muenster of I best results expected. Foster road wore Sunday visitors Pyorrhea does not attack the at the home of Mr and Mrs Amos j teeth directly, it attacks the foun- Henderson ¡dation or supimi-ting structure of Mrs Fcrn VunTcsse|, Bnd chl|. the teeth. In other words, pyorrhea d|.,.„ ()f n,,ar Tn)u,dull. , , H.nt , hl. J destroys the soft tissues and the wc,,k.,,nd llt th, home of M r. Van . bony structure in w inch he teeth T(.SM.,-S Mls o j Tollefson. | are embedded It is another pro llnd fum„ w h|,r,. Lorru,IW I gì ess.ve destructive process that VsnTessel m ade her home for sev- continues w ithout let-up until prop- ,.rill s s h e ri.„ lr,ied home er treatm ent is instituted or the w d ,, her parents to stay severul supporting structure is destroyed > , or w eakened to such an extent that •the teeth become loose and are fi ,,, j s •*uc*’*<* Byterjon spent from 'n ally lost. Pyorrheu. like dental Wednesday until Monday at the ¡decay, shohld be treated in its Mr. and Mrs 1* letcher uiul ■ first stages. i near Oswego. BANKS Funeral services were held Saturday morning in Yamhill for Carl L Banks, 83. who died Septem ber 4 He is survived by his widow. Lillie, two sons, Floyd of Yamhill and Otho of Oswego, and one brother, Robert M Banks, of Banks Mr. Banks was well known M erchandise at lowest here, w here he form erly resided. possible cost. Q uan­ Picking Starts tities limited. Hoppicking began Thursday in the S. lnkley yard and Monday ROLLED OATS in the W. L. Moore hopfield. John Holland of G reen Mountain 9-lb. sock and daughter. Mrs George Bristol, of Ansley. Neb., visited Fred Wol­ CORN MEAL ford and family Tuesday night. 1 0 -lb . sack It Bailey. Miss Mari Schmeltzer, Mrs. George north of Banks, left Sunday for spent Saturday night and Sunday Allison ancT aiso' J t t it a r i l r i f a n d sto,“ 's b,-eause as a rule they are ¿ k .n e e and n e X t “are “largely re »'rlJz brother of Portland vl- Itl 2. ( 'n r n e l l l i s ) l i b V » b .l R Alikina) with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Renton to reside. MOUNTAIN HOME -P rune h a r­ Miss Bonnie Bartlett of Scholls. far fetched, but here is one that ,s sponn^ ’ ,%•’ t,% p* ,.« " t prevalence I P ci'.H r ’ Mr. and Mrs. G. W McGraw L. Jensen. vest began this week in this dis­ Many other .specials. attended the state fair Tuesday. Miss Sylvia Severance. Mrs. Eli trict. T hreshing is completed and ------------------------- tru e One day Ferd Toelle. Lester of dental diseases Ninety-seven ‘ Frances and p B|ty c.holson re Lunch Meat», Cottage M. E. Ladies' Aid of Banks serv­ G rindle and Mrs. George Finck hop harvest is in full swing. Bellinger and Ted and Ben Ztircher pvr cent of all decay takes place on tu rn ,.^ |j,st week from visiting rel- ed dinner to the Forest Grove com­ visited in Hillsboro Monday at the Cheese, Cold Drinlca, were outside the Bellinger store surface of a tooth treat-N atives at the beach for a week or Mountain Home public school m ercial club Monday. C. L. Sewell home. . .. . ment and proper care will do much Cold Melons. Fruits opened Monday m orning w ith an Win at State Fair at West Union. As they w ere talk- preVent a greater am ount of de- j.a, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hunt of St. John White of Tuulatin View I and Vegetables. Evelyn Kelly and M ildred Mead, Helens visited at the H. L. Jensen enrollm ent of thirteen. Two new ing a little fish fell out of the sky ' cay. spending severul weeks at the pupils entered, B arbara Jean L or­ (C ontinued from paffe one) members of the Bald Mountain 4-H home Sunday. School Supplies and landed near w here they stood s- ..-a it .... „„a ..... Health is dependent on scru p u - hom e of his sister. Mrs Bert Mcy- enzen, first grade, and Robert butterfat. owner David Hagg & club, who exhibited at the state Ferd Toelle picked it up . nd saw ,,)US c |eanllness o f lh e ln o u th Hin ,.r Mrs. G rover Divine and children Speece, third grade. Mary Mills is Son. Reedville. fair last week their hogs, which of Mountaindale spent Sunday at that it was alive. He put it la wWch circulBUoo U Ul.!lv,. --------------------------------------------- Mrs. Tom W illiams "Dian 2.’’ w ater and it* swam. won first at the Washington coun- the Frank Rinck home. Lois Divine teacher. through intelligent stim ulation wltn ■ Chapman school w ill open Sep­ purebred Jersey, produced 1041 Mv fair, won second and third returned home w ith her mother ! a brush. Bacteria are starved by prizes respectively at the state fair after a few days' visit at the Rinck tem ber 16 w ith Miss Mari Schmelt- pounds milk and 55.1 pounds of There you are! How is that for cleaning the mouth and the tissues zer as teacher. fat. "Bell 13," owned by David Hag.; on their exhibits home. a fish story, but four witnesses are are fed by stim ulating the eir- j Celebrates Birthday W arren Forsythe, who graduatedI * Sons- k’rade Jersey. 868 pounds all that is needed Mrs Cliff Sandy and son Lamar to m ake it tru e cutation Pyorrhea is not a specific • * • the ideal basi» for tasty Kenneth P annley celebrated his and Mrs. Ernest M arr made a from Tigard last spring, will enter I milk and 52 9 pounds fat Now. w here did that poor fish germ disease as typhoid or dlph '«•h»»«»| lunch«*» It'-' m ade with ninth birthday Thursday by giving trip to Corvallis Monday and made Albany college this fall, as a re- The following th ree - year - olds come from'’ Did a bird bring n tlie ria It Is not contagious. P yoir fr«**h milk a party to a group of friends. arrangem ents for Lam ar to enter suit of having received a scholar- avtraged 40 pounds of butterfa; from Ruck creek which is almost j hea can be prevented by proper Present were Norman Lein. Donald O. S. C. ship for that college lo r over: "Ash 4 grade Jersey. Da- d r y ' Or did it come from the P a -! hygienic d ie t'a n d reg u lar'v isits to Oatfield. Vernon Wolford. Billy Mr. and Mrs. John H artw ick and Mountain Home C hristian E n -1 v '*\ i’o,îs- P?“ nîî'’ cific ocean? (he dentist so that lie may recog Kessler. Billy McPeak. Billy Finck. baby and George Thompson spent deavor met at the George Allison ‘^2 ^ *’'*,'* pounds^ fat ^"Sally 14, • • nize the early signs and symptoms Ikey and Sammy Wakasugi, Al- Sunday at the beach. grade Jersey. Richard Hagg. R eed­ home Friday evening w ith sixteen Your guess is as good as mine! i,nd correct them. Pyorrhea vail be offer opportunith-» fur a wide vena and Kenneth Parm ley. Wil­ Williams Injured present. Two m em bers of this o r­ ville. 936 pounds milk a n d 58 Did you ever see a penny jum p? cured if recognized in tim e and vuri<*ty of lunch ilvsserta But ma and Molly McPeak. Ralph Williams is under the doc­ ganization, George Mounce Jr. and pounds fat. "Tillie.” purebred J e r ­ Well Les B ellinger tells this one treated properly. T here are no anti- ¡ ter make» them better Sunday guests at the Ray P arm ­ to r’s care as the result of bum s K irk Burton, have moved away. sey. Mrs. Robertson & Son. 995 and he vouches it is true. One septics that will cure p yorrheu--I ley home were Mr. and Mrs. E and bruises received when he fell Mounce to his home at Minot, N. pounds milk and 57 7 pounds fat. tim e while ringing up some money the cause must be removed The , Fox and Mr and Mrs. Charles down the steps at the Clell Car- D„ and B runton to his parents' "Peggy 3," grade Jersey. David he accidentally dropped a penny cause is some form of irritation or i Friedley, all of Portland. O m S p e c ia l stens heme. He was carrying a pail home at Eugene. A fter the business Hagg & Sons, 765 pounds milk on the side of the cash register a combination of irritations and | Move to Portland and 51.2 pounds fat. "Sybil." grade Al MOM) HKITTLR CAKK of boiling w ater when it happened meeting games w ere played and The penny jum ped over the dime faulty nutrition Successful treat- | Mrs. A. C. Wahl and sons moved Mary Sandy returned home S u n ­ ents w ere served. The next Jersey. C. B. Buchanan. 877 pounds and nickel pen into the penny de- 'nent requires skillful instrum rnta- Friday to Portland, w here th e boys day from Hillsboro, w here she refreshm is scheduled to be at the milk and 50 8 pounds fat. Another partm ent. • | Hon and proper diet. T herefore no j will attend school. John Wahl will spent a few weeks at the home meeting Buchanan cow. "M arion." purebred • • • tooth paste, mouth wash, or any and Aebischer home in October. enter the Hosford day school for of her brother, Ray Sandy. Jersey, made 871 pounds milk and Rev. Speece, accompanied by That proves that even a penny "H.er iweparation can properly eure the deaf. Mr. Wahl rem ained in 49.4 pounds "Bell 14,” K enneth and E'len Jaquith, ' Jersey ” *David fat. ” H agg^A Son w n . family, helping them get settled. from Vowr Grocer. Jesus said. "Verily, verily. I say Peronice Ego visited Salem Pounds milk and 49 4 pounds fat. £ a “? . / . . and once in a life time, but it was a unto thee except a man be born Families Move Two-year-old cows m aking high Wednesday, and attended the state (B y Mr- Zell O. S t m ’ Uer-l . . . e. n n .. kt u good jum p at that. Ju st like play- The George Finck fam ily moved THE Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Scott and fair. testa were: Connell Bros* Number horseshoe. A fellow can prac- again he cannot see the Kingdom Thursday from the A. H Wolford W. E. B urke has completed his 37. purebred Holstein. 1829 pounds a .™ -, a».. . . a .11 . of God"—John 3:3. T hat which is j visited house In the south part of town to children of M ultnom ah Ik m Twrood« R i t l e e u n U I dooms day and still in Toots 6, a pinch he can't m ake the neces- born of the flesh is flesh and that the vacant house on the C. B. Car- Thursday at the C. W. S truthers pear harvest. It took a crew of ■ m ilk and 53 pounds fat which is born of the spirit is spirit. stens place Mr. and Mrs. Tom home. Donald Gibons of Eugene about th irty ten days to pick and David Hagg & Sons, 1078 pounds sary ringer Then again ' w ’lo T J The Kingdom of God Is spiritual ! Engen and daughter. Mrs. Omar also visited his aunt. Mrs. S tr u th -, sort the pears. He spent T hursday milk and 52.8 pounds fat. Another throw ing for the fun of it ringers and in order to enter the Kingdom the fair. c-ow from the same herd "A.-h 5 comc as easy as points ' QUALITY BAKERS Sheely, and children are now oc­ ers. Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Nielsen I at John j we must be born of the spirit. Have j Davis and W alter Davis uTude Jersey, made 843 pounds cupying the Wolford house vacated of Seattle, Wash., visited there F ri­ w ere Rhone 451 COE and CONGDON. Prop. We Deliver E C Hen- Thursday visitors at the state ¡m ilk and 46 7 pounds fat. And n *either ringers ^ " db”™ ali“ in day. by the Finck family. Mr and Mrs. Lester Davies and c u i “Judy, of the C. B. Bam ford nor points come your way. Then Sunday evening supper party Fifty attended Sunday school herd, purebred Jersey, made 964 lts time to quit and w atch the guests at the Charles Shipley home boys have been employed at the here last Sunday morning. This is pounds of milk and 45.3 pounds other fellow’ pile on ringers May* were Mr and Mrs Jack Roberts hop fields Hazel Olson. R obert Campbell considered very good for this time [ fat. N um ber "43," E. E. Burkhal- be! and son and Mr. and Mrs Carl | ter, Hillsboro route 5. grade Jer- I ________________ Shipley and daughters of H ills­ and H enry Davies are freshm en at of the year. LeRoy Jaq u ith led the lesson sey, produced 861 pounds of milk boro. Mr and Mrs George Mc­ Beaverton high school from this session of the C hristian E n d eav o r, and 41.3 pounds of fat. Farlane and daughter of Forest district. Sunday evening. | ________________ Grove and Mr. arm Mrs. Emmett Y O fR HOME TOW N (B y Oregon S la t« Board ot H ealth) George Allison Sr. spent several Recorders Fees Reported Shipley and three children of Ver- ' If you do not like your hom e tow n. days in Portland last week under Though there are other diseases Fees collected for August by nonia. Or th e speed at w hich it irrows ; the doctor's care. He underw ent a Jam es H. Davis, county recorder, of the mouth, pyorrhea and dental NDCPENOCNTLV O W N E D Mr and Mrs F rank H artw ick If you do not like its scenery. m inor operation the first of the amounted to $575 80. according to decay are the diseases that operate Or .it s clim ate or its show s ; and daughter Maxine of Vernonia _____ If you do n ot like the people week. tow ard the com plete destruction of his report filed this week with the visited Mr. and Mrs W. G. W alker That your home tow n fascin ates. Roscoe Courtney, Mrs. A rena county co u rt WE LEAD— OTHERS FOLLOW the teeth. These tw o diseases are Sunday. There are cars and tra in s now leaving Courtney and Virgil Allison w ere the greatest contributory factors to­ Senator George A itken of Gar-1 For som e forty-seven states. FREE D ELIVERY Second at Main Street Phone 3251 Friday visitors at the state fair. State Capitol News L etter—G iv­ w ard the inception of other diseases den Home visited friends in Banks I f you cannot boost your home tow n, Jam es and George Allison Jr., ing the highlights of official ac­ of the mouth. In preventing py­ Thursday. W here men rise and fall each d a y . representing the Chehalem M oun­ tivity at Salem.—Every week in orrhea and dental decay you are Prices Effective Friday, Saturday and Monday — September 13, 14, 16 Mrs. Jam es H arlem an of Dilley If you cannot use th e bright sunshine tain Potato club, put on a crops the Argus. tf ' a t the same tim e preventing at visited at th e Cliff Sandy home To m ake glad som ebody’s way. If you cannot join in boosting. Sunday. Then you m ust have knocking traits. Hops Cot Enrollment A nd th ey're sellin g tickets daily School began Monday in both For som e forty-seven states. — Selected. grade and high schools, but the Prune Harvest Starts at Mountain Home High Quality 39c !5c . I 1 9c !9c 4 I5c J9c 5c J d L »7^ a V PQn - ej.rV Tell Me Another - - • Connell Holstein Herd Rates High Perfection Bread Perfevlion Pastries 30c 49c Hiteon P e r f e c t io n B a k e r y Mouth Hygiene GROCERY FrCe De,ive^ White King Gran’lated ■ "B etter—For Drip, Percolator or Pot " A Plus Health Soap. Bar .......... ZT/» Use the original granulated Soap regularly. MILK 1 Red & W hite 1 3 cans 17C I PEAS reen & W hite 1 1 G New pack. | 3 29c 2 pkgs. 25c JELLO— "The national dessert." 11c 2 pkgs. BAKER’S PREM IUM CHOCOLATE— >/2-lb. Red & W hite 20c NAPTHA I lf» ! 14c 20c A 1 lz \ SO A P A rm our’s Big Ben. Will not hurt the hands. Macaroni CORNED BEEF Each ......... CIDER VINEGAR 3 ibs............. 14c Pork 8C Beans A rm our’s, regulär size. Van Camp's. 11-oz ISO 2 („ 9e Corn Johnson’s Glocoat "Shine up your furniture" Pint Can SOUP 1 gallon Red & W hite Tom ato : 17C No. 2 tin 59c TABLE SALT 8 'b a g ........................... Friday, Saturday and Monday Features, Sept. 13, 14 and 16 Spaghetti Fancy Golden Bantam . ile Seasoned ju st right. ht. 15-oz. glass jars 25c Chipped BeeS 40 grain. 5C 5 lb s . MUSTARD Full quart jar PEANUT BUTTER S,.,,; CRISCO— "The digestible shortening. ”3-lb. tin 59c PORTER’S FRIL-LETS 16-oz. Cello 23c PORTER’S A28 ro°rR T E D M o z pkg" 27c DEVILED HAM ^ erwoods' Table jar 2 3 c Corn Flakes Per can ............... 25c "Breakfast of Champions." White or Whole Wheat 3 p b g. POST’S WHOLE BRAN— 10-oz. 2 pkgs. Recleaned Stock I lard wheat. PUREX FIG BARS Vi-gallon J[7C 2 a » 19c 1 New low price. 23c White King Toilet Soap Wheaties (Quart bottle ... 10c) Chase and Sanborn Small W hites 29cl eu"..... 2 9 c 14c Red Mexican Fancy, 1-lb. Pkg. GOLDEN WEST lin 2 6 c COFFEE 3.ib. «„ 7 5 c 3„o I | New Crop. Idaho Hoody’s, bulk. 2 a,. Beans COFFEE Peanut Butter 1 Specials for Friday and Saturday, Sept. 13 and 14 I SUGAR FLOUR Dalles 1 Pure cane. $*f CQ I 10 ,b. 49c 49-lb. Bag l.JiJ I SOAP CRISCO I Red & W hite Laundry 59c | 10 bars 25c 3 p . i i I Beans PlGGLY WIGGLY ICURRY’S I Phone 771 mflRKCT Cream it on toast. 19C kTu,........ 15c Hillsboro, Ore. ¡5