ThurHiluy, Septem ber 12, 1935 Fall Term of School Opens H IL L S B O R O P a c ific In te r n a tio n a l to C e le b ra te S ilv e r A n n iv e rs a ry South T unlntin in E xpecting G ain A fte r H op Tim e ARGU S, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Cornelius M. E. Sunday School Plans Reception for Teachers Page Three H e’ll Learn T ow nsend Club io Hold O pen M eeting Last of M onth; D ooher A ssu m es D uties; Mrs. C ochran H ostess SOUTH TUALATIN Sound of I ho school boll Monday morning ushered In the full term of Jo h n ­ son school, and tw elve pupil» un- ! NWvrvd the roll cull. Two o f them were new beginner», lluddy Keims and Margie Simpson. More p u p il. are expected with tho ending of fru it a n d Imp p ic k in g W llm e th Truenbaeh 1» teacher. The school grounds have been fu rth er Im­ proved by cutting the grass anil rebuilding the woixlshed. Thu old building was turned uround and | favorite selections of Bishop Sum- Ited at the W. It. Hudson home ners were played by C arl Denton, Friday evening, organist at S t. Stephens cathedral Jacob , , cin.1rlcks of St Helens rh ey included ' Largo (H aneb visited at the L. Jesse home Mon- and Asa s Death I Grieg). As the day funeral procession moved d o w n ________________ the main aisle tow . ard ... the , altar th< We specialize In quality cora­ organist moved Into Land of Hope mercial printing —Argus. il and Glory" from "Pomp and Cir- — ______________ ________ cun, ' ince" as t h e processional — — this being in keeping with the DR. R. J. NICOL | specific request of the bishop. The organist continued playing t h i a DR. E. W . ALM QUIST piece during the opening sentences I of the service. V eterinarians Several hundreds seats were re ­ Telephone <43 and C42 served for all nurses and physi­ cians of the Good Sam aritan hos­ pital who were off duty, for Sis­ ters of St. John the Baptist from I l' St. Helens hall, a n d clergymen from other faiths. T here was also . present a representative of Arch- I bishop E D. Howard of the Roman j Catholic church and the priests of I Everything in Insurance | I the G reek and Russian Orthodox 1332 W sshin Ae Be Ce U m pires Newspaper Circulation Hazeldale School Opens on Monday Then install one of these CAS heaters and know the joy­ ful convenience of effortless, ashless GAS heat! The players who are going to figure highest in the baseball box scores tomorrow are those who wield the big stick most effectively. From the moment he yells “Play Ball” until the last man is out in the ninth inning, an official umpire is on top of and calls every pitched ball and every play. The national game would be pandemonium without umpires. Circulation was a sort of free-for-all debating con­ test previous to the majority choice of the Audit Bureau of Circulations (A. B. C.) as the unprejudiced umpire of newspapers’ circulations. Strongarm methods no longer prevail in selling advertising space any more than they have been able to survive in baseball. Players and spectators shout “robber” at the umpire, but the calm, superior judg­ ment of the umpire stands. Publishers—a few of them —still yell, “I’ve got umpty-ump thousand circula­ tion”—“I’ve got quality subscribers,” etc. The wise advertiser replies, “Can you prove those claims by an A. B. C. audit report?” Four-fifths of the total daily newspaper circulation in the United States and Cana­ da is so proved. Only one-fifth can’t be. P ou ltrym an - A primary rule of advertising success is that ad­ vertising dollars must buy a known, proved quantity of paid circulation. An A. B. C. auditor thoroughly examines every A. B. C. newspaper’s records once a year so he will be able to report authoritatively and impartially on quantity, location and methods of cir­ culation. D airym an • DRESS UP YOUR CAR We also do custom mixing for the dairym an th a t w ants r. balanced dairy ration m ade out of his grain. We will be glad to help you m ake up your form ula and give you the exact cost. Come in and let us help you with your dairy problems. MILL RUN Refore you buy your Mill Run requirem ents this fall see us. W ANTED— Grains, all seeds. We are cash buyers of w heat, oats, barley, clover seed, all vetches. Highest m arket price paid. P ay Cash and Save — T rad e w ith Im perial Imperial Feed & Grain Co. Phone »I Millers of Quality Feeds South Second Ave. School Days — Children returning to school n e e d plenty of pure milk. This perfect food will provide the vita­ mins derived from the sun during the long vacation. S ta rt the day rig h t with a glass of m ilk! 10c Q uart McFall Jersey Dairy Phone 2104 A sm art, new paint or Duco job w i l l tra n s­ form your old, drab car so th a t it will rival a brand-new model. Our trained workm en assure quality work. Busch’s Service Garage If you expect to have a satisfactory profit-batting average, you can’t ignore the important thing—circu­ lation—that makes advertising score highest in the sales columns. Without an A. B. C. audit report to guide you, you’re taking a wild swing with your eyes shut. With such facts as the Argus’ audit report gives you, you can smack out the results that good advertising and an adequate medium are bound to produce. 126 S. Third Ave. Busch’s Super Service Station Corner Third and Baseline Phone 501 A. H. Busch, Prop. TOlsbonjBBAr g us W ith Which Is Combined The Hillsboro Independent automatic heat In small homes w h e re f lo o r space Is lim it­ ed. T h e y f i t snugly in the floor. T heir register le like that of a standard size furnace. Easily reg­ ulated, they keep your home con­ stantly at the temperature you de- tire. The model we ere featuring sells for $87.50; Installation extra. ($5 down and $5 monthly plus * email carrying charge.) P ortland G as & C oke C o m p a n y Showrooms—Third and Main Vancouver, Oregon City, Portland Newberg, Albany, Salem, Corvallis