Doni Miss— U The liillHhoro Argus for All-County News llsb on Of Fine Printing- The Argus Hus One of the Best E((uipped Pinnin W ith Which is Combined the Hillsboro Independent Volume 42, No. 30 S ta te C apitol N e w s L e tte r liillHhoro, Oregon, Thursday, Septem ber 12, 1935 H llla h o ru Iriil« l> » (i't« iit Eat*l»ll<»b*“ nlc discussion showing subm itted for approval last week ing to newspaper accounts, Cali ’ s o m e lim e b e fo r e th e m id d le o i ICC rOFCC SlitsllCtJ is brought about by Increased yield and the details on the Wolf Creek _*_____ j fornla fru it grow ers managed to _________ October Just how much before will _________ and better duality potatoes route completed and dispatched convince the relief adm inistration depend upon developm ents c o n - ' The Hazeldale poultry club team this week, under an agreem ent nectmi with the capital construction N e w W o rk G ro u p H a s demon,trated ' Fowl Pox Vaccina H e a v y T a x W i l l be L e v ie d " T e s t . M a d e to D e te r m in e reached by Washington county and A t t e n d a n c e 3 3 Less T h a n K ia n a and nd w on M c o tu l nine«* i *°rma was tne only state in tne I t tion" won second place in In program t h e state highway departm ent, «nan i west w here prunes are grown in E ffe c ts o f C a n n e r y the miscellaneous group Joe B er­ O n A l l O v e r -p r o d u c tio n M a n y P ro je c ts R e a d y Federal authorities al the n a ­ K erkm an said. L a s t Y e a r , N o t ie r Saya any quantity ger and Donald McIntosh were the tional capital are pounding state Agreement in question covers Just as a m atter of contrast, re ­ members of the team In this dem- pfftclals on the back and demand- j Immediate installation of a dem- the purchase of right of way for j Acting under orders from the onstralion the most widely prac- o S A C Im mediate organ lief clients also may be issued ing action under threat thut the both roads. In conference ______ _________ w ith the Overflowing the halls and as- i’WA grant for the new building ¡ “ ' “ le relief committee, relief ac- tlced method of poultry vaccina- Nation of the new potato produc- “ P?®? onstration plant employing the ac- h'J‘hwa7 commission, the county sembly. like floodwaters over the will Iw disapproved unless the state ¡tivltles In Washington county cum, Hon was shown, followed by un tion control plan adopted by con { " u i t s v a t h e r . d T S ards 'tiv a te d sludge method of sewage c„urt of this county agreed to pur- dam. the largest class of freshmen acts busy without unnecessary d e - <«• an abrupt stop Saturday noon economic discussion pointing o u t gross has been decided upon by * u r t a ln local orchards disposal was assured Hillsboro w it., chase the Wilson river right of ' n the history of Hillsboro union lay with the closing of the relief of- the value to the poultrym en cf the AAA. even though appropria- prelim inary work under way Wed- ; way to the Tillamook county line high school descended on that in- A n u nitM id iM t B iin h r a t io n c o r r e c t e d ! i , c r *n Hillsboro, which has been fowl pox vaccination. I tion for its adm inistration was nesday morning under the direc- while the state would purchase stitution with the opening Monday, . m iw t ri lu. « « h sco vt f i* th .. l»WA n t W iis h in v The °fHce was order«*d closed Clayton and Wilbur Nyberg of t0 word received from Washington with the city council for some tim .- has been purchased and the state men on the rolls. to .. «.u.n .4 w o r d is r e c .- iv e d t o r 11,1 Indefinite period, following the Tualatin dairy club This team by the Oregon State College exten* in connection with the sewage commission now is engaged in Some reorganization was neces- e j a m eeting of the state relief com- demonstrated ways of making tw o 1 sion service. John B. Hutson, di­ that the giant is available Gov m itiré in session, to consider the types of rope halters. problem. obtaining the necessary ground for sary to take care of the large num- rector of the division of tobacco ernor M artin will issue his c a ll, , The experim ental piam, plant, a«-vw$u- accord- ‘be Wolf Creek - route. The te a m s f r o m e a n ti o e s n u t s w i l l h a v e x o c caucuiuchuu - This -- - route - J - - t - a b" r ° f newcomers, v. ' . but * by today l o r th e g a t h e r in g o f th e la w n u .k / X . plaint«- by orch ard ,st. . and hopyar.l county mud.- a v e r y Washington cred,tabic s S u t/n g r e r ic oí adm ta “iratm n 7 t i ¿ H ills b o r o S e e k in g F e d e r a l ■», to George McGee, city engin- ^ r u c “ on throughout into ers Already prelim inary arran g e­ owner» thut not enough help could ahowing considering the fact that nvw act eer, is owned by Forrester and is entire lengtn, from Canyon road me proper grooves and it is ex- ments for the session are well u n ­ be obtained to harvest the crop, » w a s , J « " T h e p u rp o s e of the new act F u n d , f o r P r o je c t ^ I V ^ V ^ V e ^ o í°ta ¿ n ^ h w ^ t w here U t a X * t h e h ave “ s e t U ^ n t V i t ^ r e ^ der way PlaiiK have been com­ WPA to Complete 1 H a / o l d a lf te a m i t U h l< h congress by a nar- -------- o r e s e n t s e D tic ta n k s e a s t o f t h e county near Sunset camp routine, according to B W Barnes pleted for the use of the Marion In a d d iti.n to direct relief given ™ T V . ’to I n - Application for a p p .o v a l o f a S ‘Or ^ c o n d S . T ?ree men The road as planned, w ill be superintendent. lintel anti the Salem arm ory a s L g l s l a t l v . h a lls , w i l l , th e s e n a te ^ Z 'r . U n g " w ^k U.r p’r od^cers *3?:000. are’ ’ e m p lo y e d T e l l i n g g ^ n d " ^ ! ,n £ r~ “ m«»etiug in tlx* hotel dining room All ibrec taa.ns ,h to construct driveups a n d en- ‘«J**a™ * . ° " the opening week last tin has declared, and moKt em ­ plans oi Clavton Wilbur and Willi Nv- The federal men figure that the exterior. Provision would be made point and diverted to the tanks, trances outside. tn tin n sb<>w a re*Ps' phatically. ghat the Willamette by WPA officials Besides projects used by t hi* berg won first place Second place present parity price on potatoes for a modern operating room, two According to Forrester, this tneth- Multnomah county commission- J . a , Z e a r c o n >- n m p u t is "out“ of the picture, a Washington County Belief admin* in the livestock judging contest would be approxim ately iW cents wards of five beds each and rooms of handling is odorless and the ers, interested in construction of ' p-leh “n ye3r group of Salem busiiicKx men, in- both roads, are urging the projects , . s nlen *ast y e a r terested in keeping th«* capitol neat • istrotion for distribution and p ro­ w a s w o n b y th e Hazeldale ju d g in ’ a bushel, while the actual prevail- to accommodate at least 15 more resulting fluid perfectly pnre- duction of goods needed by the ' X m aD g mg market prices arc only about bods. , Purification is accomplished by as a means of finding employment 122' an '"crease of 30 the center of the city, are continu­ unemployed, school repuirs at Mea- — - 45 per cent of this level. The al- A tentative location would plac«? bacterial action resulting in a nat- for some «000 men for a year _ • ing their efforts to s««eure the cam ­ 1 eham. Banks, Watts neur Gales lotment year for potatoes begins the building in the vicinity of u«'a’ m anner m the digestion tanks, which is supposed to be the life , ea *?re of th e hign pus for state house purposes. Th«« and Hillsboro union high December 1. so that the plan will Fourth avenue and Lincoln street. Chemicals are not used, though of WPA. . ' *S installation govrnor ha deelareti his prefer* 1 ‘Creek, schooi w e r e suspended. Federal take effect December 1 of this it is said - bacteria sometimes are artificially --------------------- classes in physical education fo- ence for a hill site and has at least Housing Survey with heudquar* year although it is understood Of the $30.000 to be expended introduced to hasten the efficiency A » a a n r r e s h m e n and sophomores which two lofty locations in south Salem . ters in Hillsboro also was closed. includes two periods each week of c J, t" 8* potatoes produced prior $18.000 would go to labor and the action of the process. in mind as ideal site>. either or gymnasium and one period o f Under the drastic reorganization I I IlS Iltll ¿ j I c . S I l to that are exempt from the con- rem ainder to materials, this money Every effort is being made to, both of which he may commend health instruction under the d irec­ by the State Belief com­ trol plan to be raised by a bond issue a n d ' place th e disposal plant in oper- j to the legislature for their con­ 1 ordered tion- of Miss B arbara Potts and Jack sideration unless legal obstacles mittee. the Hillsboro relief office -------- The act was proposed by con- subscriptions. i atlon during the next three pr Killits. Physical exam inations for , retains only four employes, which arise which might prevent. P r o t e s t gressmen from commercial produc- Prelim inary plans were rushed four days in order to take full ad- R e g is te r students in the tw o lower efaflggs include Miss Alice Maxwell, execu- F a r m e r s ing centers and was included in ,hrouSh a" effort to get gov- vantage of the condition of sewage In ull of the developm ents In u Ve secretary; Miss Mary Louise w ere conducted this week, p it- A g a in s t K e r r A w a r d the amendm ents to the A gricultur- em inent apprnval before funds, ear- coming from the Ray-Maling can- . lim inary to organizing the’ gvinn'i connection with the pruixwed new Hlghby. home visitor; W J M i l l , al Adjustment act ask.-d for by the " 'a*'ked in Washington for use in nery during the heighth of the D a v is on N e w s a n d C o m a n sium KroUDS K gymna building the governor has taken former county manager who re ­ a d m in is t r a t io n tin d e r th e n t» n Oregon, arc exhausted. If the pro- canning rush there. Wastes from . . . . . . ___, , ... pains to make it clear that the j niains un bkk««cpcr, and Mis« Resolutions protesting th e $000(1 states will be g iv e n allotm ents on J“ 1 aPPmval. detailed the cannery, introduced into the A d v e r t is in g M a n a g e r OI? ^ ‘“o p ^ i d L " « t o y ’ final decision r«-its with the legis- Marion Boberts, stenographer. prepared, a definite sewers, present one of the prob -------- ,h ij if* “ *"« <*a^ l.» tu ic While h«* . j»eets to have six other employes, which m- a year pension granted by the the basis of past production and P|ans wi“ higher chancellor education of io acreage turn tax-free and an to elec- to be solved in w hateve’ . . . n.,mh_r . y snor' .. num ber of i .«« mm endations to eluded !«eon S Davis, works »«- state W J board Kerr. of fonSvr ,'u n e n ts In "wlH " b e such gVv.m i Z t " al- locat*°" - l i e d designated, to vote bonds care t lems y p e of d is m a l plant finally is a ± ^ L c X n U ^ d b o r ^ n '- *- it will be u p to the law m ak -! #i ,tant Francis W Livermore, au- higher education, were adopted a, and individual potato farms lor a P*r« ° f the local contribu- selected by the council. °* s e p T ,o m ^ i 1 h e \ ? a f f o- tesday by C H N .X T « rs to ucc *pt or reject these os they I ditor, Elva Batchelar. Margaret the monthly meeting I S a tu rd a y o i On a„ t w s soId excp5S tho" « ‘n e s te d The oth W type of disposal p U m . ^ te n a n t J ’ le m e n ta i^ u c M ta n ^ ; s,*c fit This applies nut only to Munson and H arriett Campbell, i n PA ^ „ d „ a under "“ « “’‘'rattan by the city L as city editor. Ed Coman who Hillsboro. Ihe |iriip,>scd larger sue for the home visitors, and Julia Ta tom, the Washington county unit of he allotm ents a tax qf one-half to t a d wiII be tecJt. has ^ n .n cha/ge“ o f t " 2 £ 'S S S l “ f X “ ^ T h ^ been a member of the n e w s: „ G ra d e enrollm ent shows new capitol but to the cos, of the stenographer. w e r e su sp en d ed Farm ers Union in seM on in H ill.- lhree fo rth l «... all. . . . boro. mi i tin . a l . . 1 th .t ,h ll'vled as a means of practically ini.'inaTv’ draw-iniis ^and^'nlans^' y ,a f'° " and trickling filter method staff for more than three years, 477 for this year as rom gnred Structure, style of architecture and Some of the visitors, t# if not The resolution deUared that the s i X r ’ p r o ^ d ‘T S t" H etan / h a l ' . ^ P? OyL ? g0? eL aa. ^ „ Se,; bas b e e n appointed advertising « 0 a year ago The shortage over other details. I will be re-employed as th e ’ case of the per tling tanks and in addition a m anager while Francis B arr has 'as4 year exists in beginners and • • • toad increases following Ihe clos- granting height Of inconsistency in view o i ! ‘ e m o , f r o m t h e tax n , are bw n “P P r « * ^ according to Dr. A rock ____ filter ___ bed _______ through _____ which In al least 20 Oregon cllies com- " f « '“»»"“ I employment Potatoes us!-d under certain eon- a ttem pt’? " ’ p i ^ u r e ’ th e 'h ^ p i? « ! ? ie ¡jeen named as field representative junior high. Mr. Nosier said. How- . . . . , .. and will work on circulation, ad- "ver. an increased enrollm ent is mlttccs have been appointed to j Thv P«»liions of works assistant , . . ,,..„noniv jn institutions i ,., run. Bacterial action purifying the vertising and news expected later, as the grade school, raise funds to purchase a first aid a" d a »d “ 'T. however, are not In th ’- d “ ' ,,n’ ,o r m anufacturing into by- ...... -...i ______ a __ . tne* t i l . i n f f i r r i « i r i f i i t i i r n l i i i n vx>hi««b ** w ater takes place in this filtyr Davis has had considerable ex- (Continued on pave 4. column 7) . . . . . . . . J . ' products or for livestock feeding, cur and equipm ent, according to ,h *' Plu" for norgnnlzatlon. which jxdition stales, was sufficient dur Approxim ately 95 per cent of the bed after w hich the w ater is re- p^j-ience ¡n new spaper work, hav-1 *-------------- ■■- "n i" g M ates’ alio,m em wiU 'b T a ™ iia b ic P r U t l e C r o p L i g h t reports received by Governor Mar-I«*’* ’ *""•“«’« work relief Mean- ing owned and operated a weeklv l _ I „ _ l w U tin Interest In 11.1» project w a, only aid being given bj , f retirem ent The Forrester plant, McGee de- paper in South Dakota and having r i v d l l l l / A S S O C l i lllO n to farm s on which potatoes w ere R .,e stim ulated by the recent tour of ,h ‘ loca> t “ *« office will be to "The aged o f the common peo­ g r o w n in 1932-3-i b a s e p e r io d . D U t l ^ J l i a l l t y V J O O C l d ared , will handle approxim ately served on the news staff of four j-,1 - . r » - , - TX the state by Ihe Portland first aid | iCu»rli.u«lwi aa«»s. column«, ple," the resolution said, "are be­ while the rem ainder is reserved ___ 5000 gallons per day while the other newspapers. He was born in r laflS 1935 r rOVratll car which v‘ '.rd 32 cities and ing asked to exist on one twen for new producers or others in- total to be handled by any new South Dakota, educated in the » communities in a tour covering U e i h *, f , h i i an»-"»' " A material ei;g,b u ."f„ r‘ an“ ordinaiy "allotment ,,o ,” and F rul‘ H arvrst Solve ¿Un’t Tnatalled w ^ i l d " ^ to be Beaverton schools and served over- ’ 7(XM1 m ile s _ . reduction in the pension is asked A pproxim ately fiK« million farms Much Local Unemployment more than 100.000 gallons to ac- seas with B attery A. 147th field Forest Grove Women In Charge Of situation artillery, 18 months. Annual Dinner Arrangements ex m am id h l. D rom «aie t^ ln thc Un,lcd S,a,es reP°r ,‘‘d P°- ----- ¡commodate the present situ, Considerable difficulty is being ' h Uta n . ile t.^i .tv ta u n t« n 1929. but only | W ashington county's prune The new city editor has served ___ experienced in securing competent fourth of e w vest vw t is is getting t build an ‘ alcohol , distillery . .. in , Hi . s- . ;lbout about one. one-fourth of lhew these p grew getting into into stride stride this I T- ___ on the "Sioux Falls tS. D.) Press,' p«a„, ___j . instructors i n vocational agricul- a iv ” th P°ta,oes commercially. Thc n e w ' week among the valley orc ture « o m ^ i k e ' d ^ a n d ,i r , ^ r^ : i < “ ^ fa r m , S ^ ¡ T g K ^ dY :2i?i±r° a i n n ^ o n X v ^ b e M ’1^ farmers of this l o c a l it y The di“ Pro«ram is ,o be concerned pri- w ith good quality prunes re p o rte d , ’ , . . . . "Oklahoma Times." a n d “Sioux a d “; 7 a ‘d ¿ ’ uh Caplurr Many More Ribbons gon high schools, according to O rarmers th local y. m anly with those who grow po- from most orchards H arvest in the i Ejt-\n' Itr a)wT" bu- " Davis s e n - , a w de r e \ X e 5 hM onS:y - v e £ ,S - tillery, Forrester I) Adams, state director for voca­ re.ter .tated. w o u i iatoes for sale mountain orchards w ill start later. £ f uW n W X uC„°tT yAPrif ; “ *c Blooded livestock selected from create a m aiket for waste products tional education Higher salaries Though the crop is not heavy, the I lief set-up under CWA until April ! c OUn,v ^ i h b c h J mk T ^ ° n i f of thc farm and furnish consid­ 1934. when he became m anager anage? oi f l s b ^ o ^ X n ^ e m nwooitloii “ paid by other states is attracting t i l e H o ls ',e in - F i li s ta li l i e i d prunes are said to be of excellent Representative Mott May Speak [ 1934, when he became m of m H ------- ninny of Oregon's best teachers John A. Lindow and S. B. Hall of erable employment. placements and was put m charge mad_ th» . *■ quality. „ Meeu n g Planned Adums points out. eight vocational Bethany continued to accum ulate The distillery, he pointed out, is ' AbOr management under th-’ Portland S c p t e X r 17 a S l W of anerw ood "snnery. n n n e ry . operating operating I ___ _ t ------------- agriculture teachers resigning this p r iz e s 111 s ta te f a i r e o in p e t it lo n awaiting thc grant of a govern­ SERA • . __ __ V i c t i m IS S e r i o u s eight-hour shiits employing I One exhibit of 18 head was in ment perm it before entering into year to accept better jobs. «u« a - « . - «$___ Oregon w orkers in the campaign V m in t 1» je n u u s ¡approxim ately 600 persons, expects Hillsboro Townsend club is to ^ . ^ 0 « • • • C alifornia and 19 head were tnk- j construction here. The meeting „ Tourist travel in Oregon con­ en to the Oregon state fair after [ passed resolutions pledging sup- Ray-Maling cannery ln Hills- i bh° r ° ^ C ^ c o S n i t t e ^ “" ’» ? 8 i P rV o /’to 'c o m in g ^ ta I df i r e c t io " George Barrett Unable to Give tinues to record substantial gains capturing many prizes at sm aller j>ort to Ihe project. Thc j Mrs J. F Kamna, chairm an of C ohcrant Account of Attack over the 1931 season. August reg­ fairs in this slate boro began packing prunes Wed- , , Hillsboro he _was connected with G rove w h h M r , R s w » . . Forest Following successes at thc Stock-j the Farm ers' Union fair program. ___ istrations of foreign cars were a l­ ton. Cal., fair, this herd was taken | extended thanks to all locals for most 2700 above those for August a ; , . s s ■ s s r s y s x „ s a„s ™ , ¡u » “ s r ■ s * J ' k ä . ” ; ds ' y „ i " ’¡ " ‘• ¿ à , » « r.» « ™ « ,« .Grove, as assistant Ar- a year ago. For the first eight to Sacram ento for the months of this year a total of state fair, w here 3 first .h m . em p lo y -;“ “ 75.513 out-of-stale cars visited Ore 2 third. 3 fourth, 5 fifth. 9 sixth. | nlng the prize. Cedar Mill band nlgh, Sep,enlber s< Ge^rge Bal.- With gon compared to 88.749 for the L ,T .V . 0" , L . an,d ' . J U? ‘ Ä X“ . J Ä Ä L L Ä ♦ î i l k M ni I i -« •- » w • , ” is in m s e r tu tis à r o n n d a i i u t i o « n ? i ing program ♦ ’ i ivn. mg 1.000 persons in addition to s, Si?“ »» ’• ,SJ « ° e t» * w ° ,U lr,n •rtainn,ent) lnvlt£ j * tO Sp0a^ (journalism Barr, a . native son of Washing- znr ,° , u th r2 »«••»»• hv ilu d ' ent John Plass, at the county hosp,tai in Hillsboro heavy demands from hop fie ld prizes w ere taken Alfred Lindow in the entertainm same period a year ago. president, also was exhibiting the herd. • • • — s . — ......... At Ihe Oregon state fair thc those who assisieo in preparing ncsday night. Schools nil over the state will herd exhibited by John Lindow iu. ru m an i, president, ana w arren 14^ wni „ . „ l _ _ «u . «tn-uraing 10 iwrs. and exhibits. ! B arrett was attacked bv two has been greatly improved go Into the new year In much b et­ Jr., captured 13 firsts. 3 seconds, booths .Crooks, poster w riter for the club, c la s s ifie d a d v e r t i s i n g ^ EfSCX M arsh* President. O t h e r Stafford lix-alo Clackamas ccun- mnsked men and severpI b y Pro' ed ter condition financially than for 5 thirds. 4 fourths. 4 fifths, 3 sixths. ty was represented by Mr a" d ! „bout the head and shoulders after will have charge of publicity and a ‘c o lu m n o f D e rs o n a l in t e r e s t pJ?ases of the Program will consist several years, according to reports 2 senior ehumpion und two grund Mrs. Elmer Anderson and Mr a n d , h r fircd tw o shotg at t h e in. promise early announcem ent o f , #rorn the farming r o m m i S t i ! ? C“ i of training lay and professional reaching C. A Howard, state su­ I'h a n ip m n p r iz e s definite plans for this rally. The c h a n T i f ¿ ? n T m X a J w orkers enabling them to at- Mrs G. H efler of Sherwood. ' truders. Following t h e beating, Another Townsend club w a s ! th ™ tim c ^ tT g iv e r S r s T n d ad- ' nSt“ U?0?_?'’d perintendent nf public instruction which was adm inistered with . 'added to Washington county's num’ ^ t i s e r T . ^ e ^ 7 t p S e T r v .’ e' I & Many districts have taken advan­ large ham m er handle and lead tage of the new law to reduce their e r la st T u r s d a y e evening v e n in g w i t h the t h ., according «----- -- » < _ r . i £ E?C.~McKin’Ae? ri in nor- C. T. Richardson. Hillsboro Ro- b ber last T h hursday with "to M I financing m " in£ h 5 o of b a health ^ d ^ o courses lta ^ sap. the attackers tied B arrett with w arrant debt by the issue of one- lieges; co-oper­ blankets from his bed and made tary president, spoke before the or8an>zation of the Orenco club and W. V. McKinney, Argus pub- a t io n w i t h year general obligation notes b ear­ ation wlth w ith o,,lclal official a‘" agencies by Portland Rotary club Tuesdai- by the Hillsboro club, with fifty- lishers. P aUon M th eir escape. ing a very low rate of interest. lending personnel and financial L ater he managed to free him ­ noon on stamps and “kids." ’ i one "barter members. This is the I ----------------------- Ollier districts hnve been able to a id to prom ote health work; and self and make his way to a neigh Tom Bronleewe Jr. will discuss fourth club organized by the lo c a l) Dairy Co-op Meets retire large blocks of outstanding the promotion and improvem ent Two purebred Holstein c o w pounds fat, J. W Mulloy, Laurel, bor, from w here he was taken »o his recent _____ trip „ to ____ ___ ______ __ _ cf „ Laurel will of'’chnd”’heaith Alaska on a «"ou.P The team _ going to Orenco Dairy Co-op _ unit bonds us well as reduce th eir o u t­ from the Connell Brothers herd oi owner. "Rooe Ann," purebred Jer- a hospital. Robbery is thought to scout scout cruise cruise a at f the the club club "luncheon luncheon i consis,ed """sisted of of Rev- Rev^ Henry Henry Young, Young, meet meet Tuesday Tuesday night night at at The" the Laurel Laurel Frederick D H o o k ,n s e , e r „ t i v . standing w arrants. R R. Easter is chairman. ; ----- sPeak " r; »»-•— Robert . Kelly. _H._I._Pat- „ " „ . " ? k? " L .0?,0rUt' V'; Connell, took top honors in the [ sey, age 8, 1195 pounds milk a n d ' have been the motive. ' today. ‘ «— .. . . i . hall .. to discuss basic averages. • • • August tests of the Washington 68.8 pounds fat, owner Mrs. Rob- -------------------- Moving pictures of Rotary Inter- tcn and Mr and Mrs J F Buck- ------------- ------ ---------- (v o n tin o « i «. w « . eoh,m„ «) Reports that truck operators are County Herd Im provem ent assn- I ertson A Son o f Forest Grove. *'— ' convention at . Mexico City land. R. L. Putnam , president of ¡ national working their drivers longer than elation, according to thc report of “May,” purebred Jersey, age 5. were shown before a dinner m eet­ the local club, has been invited to Ihe 12-hour maximum perm itted by Jak e Lohrenz, tester. No 42, three 1153 pounds milk and 66.8 pounds ing for R otarians and their wives speak at th eir next m eeting Tues- ! the Oregon law are being investi­ years old. produced 2328 pounds fat. owner C. U Buchanan, Gas- T hursday n ig h t Ferd Schoene of , day gated by E A. Landis, stale super­ of milk and 90.8 pounds of b u tter, ’on’ j * t , 1 Beaverton and 3. L. Anderson, who According to Robert Kelly, sec­ intendent of transportation. Landis fat w hile her mate, a two-ycar-uld. N um ber "4598," purebred Ho!- Sufficient signers to make peti- attended the convention, explained retary, the local club now num ­ points put that C alifornia n o w followed w ith 2387 pounds of milk bers over six hundred members stein, age 8. 1711 pounds milk and ,ions to set UP a power district the pictures. Optimism seems to be the key- lem the team may well expect a iC n ntin im l on pane ft colum n t | and 88 3 pounds of fat. 63 2 pounds fat, owner A. P. Ire-1 in Washington county have been I ------------------------- w ith a plan soon to be launched note in and around the football good season. High herd with 40 or more cows land, Forest Grove route 2. "Polly procured and filed w ith Edward I Budget Group Named for one thousand members. headquarters of Hillsboro union Letterm en returning this year was thnt of David Hagg Sons 2,” purebred Jersey, age 5. 1004 G. Luce, county clerk, according P e r fe c tio n B a k e r y A d d a Budget comm ittee for City of high school despite the loss through include Elwood Coslett, tackle, 18«) of Recdville, grade Jerseys, with pounds milk and 63.2 pounds fat, I ’° ’J G. K ram len of Hillsboro, who Beaverton was announced Tuesday graduation last spring of 12 regu- pounds and two years experience; N e w R o u te , E m p lo y e s 51 cows averaging 587 pounds oi owner Mrs. Tom Williams, Forest J bas been assisting w ith the peti- and includes M. W Manning, E lars from the squad. A review of Tom Goodin, guard, 165 pounds; Perfection Bakery has a d d e d milk and 35.26 pounds of fat. The Grove. Number “65." grade Jer- < Bons Slipe, R. L Johnston. Frank Smith, the m aterial at hand indicates con- Wayne Goetter, center, 160 pounds, three new employes to Its staff and Jersey herd of Mrs. Tom Williams sey, age 7. 1258 pounds milk and I About 60 petitions still remain L. R. Richey and George Thyng. siderable ground for this optimism. Alvin Mohr, tackle. 170 pounds has started a new bakery route. of Forest Grove was high in the 82.9 pounds fat. ow ner J. H Busch. <° be flled’ but interested parties Septem ber 19 is the first meeting About the only thing that seems The above three men have a year record Forest Grove route 1 "Madia are. »’lining rapidly. K ram ien said C harles Riggs, form er ttillslxiro 20-cow herd class, t h e U nruffled by th eir experience, to w orry Coach ___ _ B. _ _ _ _ of experience. Elman Schulmcrich, M Goodman resident, is in charge of the new shows 21 cows tested, producing purebred Jersey, age 5, 911 pounds and at least 20 per cent of th; two women of the Tigard district is the lack of a dependable p a n e ? tackle. 210 pounds, and Bill W un­ route which serves Aloha, Garden an average of 702 pounds of milk milk and 62,8 pounds fat. owner voters will be represented when reported Tuesday to the sheriff's ; though he has m aterial w hich may derlich, tackle, 175 pounds, have Home nnd Ihe southern part of the testing 38 08 office that a n Oregon Electric develop as the practices advance been on the squad tw o years, while Mrs. Robertson A Son. A 7-year- Ihe petitions ail are filed. The power district when com­ county as far as Yamhill. The In Ihe 12-20 cow class, Albert old grade Guernsey, "38 Spot,” freight train passed them on n : into the season tow ard th e first Denzel Stunkard, end. 140 pounds, pleted will be composed of seven G reener. Hillsboro route 5, was other new employes are bakers, crossing near Trece and removed game. owned by Ju liu s Christensen, Hills­ has had three years of experience. Charles Everts and W ilbur Heln- high*wilh his herd of grade Guern boro route 5. produced 1419 pounds counties in the northw est portion a rear bum per from their car. Practice began Monday night. "Caught in Ihe Wild," a In the backfield are three let­ of the state. The organization is to rlcha, both of Hillsboro. seys. Eighteen cows were tested of milk und 82 4 pounds of fat. N either of the women w ere in {w ith three full team s appearing termen. two with a year of experi­ new story by Robert Ames producing an average of 779 pounds Jured and declared that the train on the field by Wednesday night ____________ _____ tw o years. They High tests in four-year-olds mak be known as the Peoples' Power Bennet, begins in today’s A r­ ence and one with of milk with a test of 3832 in fat. ing 45 pounds of fat or better. D istrict and electricity will be ta k ­ A le x a n d e r S e lla N in e men were more frightened than Among the new possibilities this are Dave Torbet, half. 155 pounds. gus and everyone will find it High in herds under 12 cows went follow; Number "14," Fir Grove en from Bonneville dam. The set­ 1 hSy jZ,h0’V ,w ere talkinR, they said, year is Jack Himm elright of New Warren Wahner, half, 145, and an interesting story. It ap­ C a ra on A r g u s D is p la y t o th e C . H. Bamford herd, For- Dairy, Hillsboro, grade Holstein, up was authorized by an act of and did not see or hear the train York city, 170-pounder with some Lewis Garfield, half, 15i pounds pears on page four of the the 1931 legislature. route 1, w here nine produced 2098 pounds milk and A dvertising placed in the Argus est Grove until it was almost upon them. A experience, who probably w ill be Men trained with the 1934 squad second section. Jerseys averaged 700 07.1 pounds fat; "Bell 12" grade . Reports . , „ from other counties irf- quick acceleration of the motor able to fill the place at center or and from which new m aterial can brings real results, according to purebred The story deals w ith a pounds of milk nnd 39.27 pounds Jersey, David Hagj{ A c Sons of ' < ’rf‘sted, Krnnucn said, indic&t carried them alm ost out of danger, guard. Two other prom ising men be recruited for this year. Include W R. A lexander of the Used Car prospector nnd three tendei - Reedville, 10(18 pounds of milk nnd 'b a t no trouble is being exper Exchange, who has been an Argus of fat. they said, The women w ere Mrs are Henry Tsugawa, who weighs I.nwell Chase, halfback 146, a feet, tw o of them dnngerous The report shows that 25 herds 65.2 pounds fat. Number "35," grade i obtaining signers, Antone Ra“ kin, route 1 Oswego : 200 pounds and is being groomed good prospect; W alter Foelker, half­ advertiser for many, many years crooks and one a spoiler, Dairy, driver. and Mrs. Kale Nelson, T i-| for fullback and Dick Abts, 150 back. 140, Elbert Bentley, 155, line He told a representative of the were tested with 594 cows en Jersey, . . Fir Grove _________ »■ 781 - . pounds young woman, trapped In the Fire Brings Fine Argus Inst week that he made nine J rolled of which 70 are dry. Total milk and 64.8 pounds of fat. gard route 1. | pounds, who will probably make man; Eugene Howell, lineman and north woods when their plane Fine of $25 and costs was as­ used car sales direct from a dis- milk production was 408,143 pou n d s' and 84.8 pounds of fat. Severe burns on the left hand, quarterback. Both these n.?n made possible m aterial for end 175; crashed. You'll find it one "Ruby," purebred Jersey owned sessed by A. W Havens, justic > play advertisem ent in the Argil and 17.881.8 pounds of butterfal arm and left side of his face, were their appearance on the field las! Byron Reed, line, 150; Allen Sigler of the most gripping stories : by C. II. Bamford of Forest Grove of the pence, when Fred Northup Friday and Snturdny after the Aug from 148 cows. suffered by W J. Cox, resident of j year 155. end; Ulysses Stout, line, 150; in years, if you follow it The following m ature cows pro rol,te 1 97(1 pounds milk and 614 of Shady Biook entered a plea o f 1 list 29 paper. A lexander is also a Cipole when a blow torch w hich; About the only difficulty seem- Wesley Stout, line. 155, and Don serially in the columns of guilty to 8 charge of setting a j consistent user of Argus classified duced 60 pounds of bu tterfat or pounds fat. "Bell 2," grade Jersey he was operating exploded. Dr. F. ingly apparent now, according to Wick, line, 135. all of Hillsboro the Argus. advertising to keep his houses ren t­ more: "Red," grade Guernsey, jlx t 1078 pounds milk and 571 pounds fire in closed season w ithout a j T. Rucker of Sherwood treated the Coach Goodman, is the m atter of In addition there is Lloyd Self- permit. years old, 1361 pounds milk, 88, (Continued on pairs«, column 4J injured man. lends. With the solving of this prob-; (Continnod on p a « 4, aoiomnl) ed. Ready Soon Door Locked First Week S OH C Cl L 1 “n Seek Surplus Limits Plant Operates Soon Grade Pupils Fewer City Sponsors Hospital Plan Union Seeking Argus Makes Staff Chang es A Bethany Holsteins Continue Success 1 Townsend Rally to be Held Condition Assault KS?TSÄTSn.7iKK 8 3 - i — Richardson Talks Portland Rotary Connell Holsteins at Top in County Herd Testing Report J A t! Petitions for Power GrOUD Filled Ritoitllv Hillsboro Grid Prospects Good First Squad Line-up Discloses A Women Unworried; Train Clips Fender New Story in Argus Serially