Pape Eight H IL L S B O R O SCHOOL BARGAIN Pencil Tablets, Note Books, Composition Books, Examin­ ation Tablets, Boxed Cray­ ons, Large Rubber Erasers, etc. Special for School 7-inch Cedar No. 2 Lead Pencils 2 PENCILS B right colored w o o d s, nickel tip with 4 ,, erasers. Each JL V SHOES FOR MEN Women, Children J Thursday, September 8, loan l-o». Shetland Floss, l-o». Fleisher’s Germantown, l-o». Utopia Boucle. good assortm ent of colors. For knitting d r e s s e s, sw eaters, etc. CHOICE Ill 16-oz. pkg. WHITE KING Women’s Beautiful FALL COATS 22 W hite K ino Newest m aterials, self and fur trim m ed, fancy backs. Including All Wool C aljer Coats. Values to $25.00. TTffi-flTS SOAP p ' y * ** and Swagger Coats KNITTING INSTRUCTION CLASS ON THE BALCONY $|Q00 FRIDAY and SATURDAY, Sept. 6 and 7. A factory dem onstrator will advise you on all waahlna problems th is SOAP FREE WITH $1.00 PURCHASES. TS FRIDAY, SEPT. 6 Doz. Filler Paper 3c OREGON W ith erasers. 40-SHEET 2-Ring Note Book Covers Big Pencil Tablets, Draw­ ing Tablets. P a c k a g e Envelopes, Inks, Pastes, Glues, Note Books. Your choice ............ H IL L S B O R O , SALE FINE YARNS 22 Also ties and straps. In­ cluding "Queen Q ual­ ity” high shoes. Some broken lines. All high grade shoes. 100 pair to pick from. A nniver­ sary Special A R G U S, Pencil Boxes 10 pieces. Complete for school use. 4 A « Anniversary spec. X vV DOORS OPEN 8:30 A.M. 350-Page Fine, smooth news Sale Erasers 10c 10c 22c RUMMAGE SALE Scratch Pads, Pen Hold­ ers, Pen Points. 4 « Each .......................... 1C Pencil Tablets 110 Sheets Filler Paper Garments for Women and Children House Dresses, School Dresses, Bloomers, Knickers, Sweaters, Blouses, Slips, Gowns, Pajamas, Skirts, Aprons and Infants’ Flan­ nel Wear. No exchanges or re ­ funds. Sold ‘‘as is.” They’re Here For You at Women’s NEW FALL HATS Sw ankey ' close fitting, brimmed and bretons in colorful f e l t s and com bina­ tions including special purchase models (one of a kind) hats. Values to $3. $100 ... Wool Swagger Suits, Fur Trim­ med Coats, Three-Piece Knitted Suits, Beautiful Wool and Silk Dresses. scoo ALL WOOL JACKETS Shirred and Pleated Backs LEATHER JACKETS Silk Suits and Dresses, Wool Suits and Dresses. Big assort­ ment School Coats, and many Ladies’ Winter Coats and Suits in this lot. Some fur trimmed. Values to $10.00 $2-98 Women’s - Misses C O A T S and DRESSES of SILK and WOOL and Scissors Sale For women and misses. Values to $1.00 .............. Sale School Sewing Thread Handkerchiefs Plain white with 9 /* colored borders .... ¿«v Buckles, Buttons and Ornaments A big box full. Come help yourself. Buy all «4 « you w a n t ................... JLV Laces, Ribbons Insertions 22c 3, 400-yard Spools. Best six-cord Special .......... 22c 800 Yards Knitting and Crochet Cotton Reg. 35c. Ecru color only ....... 100 Pair Women’s 22c Leather Gloves H undreds of yards a n d lots of patterns. 4 « Yard .......................... A t Sold as is. Also chamois- ettes and silk g lo v e s.............. Sale Purses and Sale Belts Hand Bags Dress belts for school belts for girls. All colors women, ff« .... V V 100-Yard Spools Sewing Thread W hite, black and colored m ercerized 9 9 /* th re a d . Dozen Bias Tapes Ric Rac, Lingerie 1000 bolts in a g r e a t clearan ce. Big 9 /* assortm ent. Bolt Sale Sew-On Garters 10c and 15c side garters. Special, C« Pair ........................... M t . 81x108 Heavy “PERKINS” SHEETS 200 Marquisette Big size bed sh ee ts th at will last f o r years, (slightly s p o t t e d ) . W orth $-4 .00 $1.50 each JL Curtain Remnants 1 yard to IL , yards Ecru only! Each ................ 5c 54 Inches Wide 36-inch P R IN T S All Wool Remnants Large variety of colorful p a t­ tern s for wom en’s and chil­ dren's dresses and aprons. 8 c Skirt lengths, children's coat and dress lengths. Tw eeds and mixtures, all go. Your choice 36-inch Bleached MUSLIN 22c Novelty glass bottle filled with bath salts and six glasses to m atch ............ 50c Double «4 1 I V * O 1A 22c 22 $C B lu e ( hum bray BOYS’ SHIRTS Sizes 12 to 14. For school and play. Spe- MEN’S and BOYS’ R U M M A G E SA LE Men’s Pants, Men’s Wool Mix Shirts, Men’s Wool Work Garments, Boys’ Suits, Boys’ Suede Cossack Jackets, Boys’ Overcoats, Boys’ Mackinaws, Boys’ School Longics and Knickers. Every garm ent sold “as is.” All sales final. Oxfords and shoes for dress and school. Solid work shoes for fall and w inter wear. $-4 .98 Sale, per pair Men’» Work and DRESS SHIRTS Special lot for this sale. Blue and light colors. W hile they 22c 22c Women’s RAYON UNDIES Child’s Munsing Bloomers Complete assortm ent tailored and trim m ed garm ents in a big Anniversary Clearance lace 22c i | SHOE POLISHES . . . . 5cJ Boy»’ 14-inch HIGH CUTS Solid uppers, rugged construc­ tion, compo soles, leather insoles. You have paid high as $4.50 for this same quality $ QQ shoe. On »ale ................. Men’s 16-inch H IG H TOPS Overnight Bag» and SCHOOL BAGS Handy bags for lunches and supplies. /\ A « Special Men’» and Boy»’ CANVAS GLOVES Anniversary Cz» Special. PAIR VVz GUARANTEED SUITS TOPCOATS FOR MEN CONSERVATIVE and SPORT MODELS for “ D ad” and “Son.” Plains and m ixtures for fall and win­ ter wear. Including some H art S chaffner & Marx and Cloth- c ra ft makes. Your opportunity to buy a reliable suit or over­ coat at a big saving. $1*| 85 Boy»’ Blue Bib Sale Blue Bib Overall Sale Serviceable denims in sizes 6 to 18 years. 39c Men’s OVERALLS Again W eil’s lend! Sizes 32 to 48, and plenty of them . Sturdy overalls g g g in a big sal«'. 4Q Pair W eil’s famous outdoor shoe. Full leather uppers, leather a n d composition soles. Heavy construction, reinforced stitching. Men's sizes to 12. $y Anniversary special SALE TENNIS SHOES Youth»’ Size» HATS - CAPS For men and boys. For dress, school ami work. Weil’s Special M m 'ii 4.45 CARPET SLIPPERS All sizes Pair ..... SWEATER SALE For men a n d young men. Coat, slip-over and roughneck styles. Many Columbia knit sw eaters in this $-f .00 lot Boy»* «Ite« 11 to 10 Mrn'« hlir» to 50 DOUBLE BLANKETS SHOES for Men - Boys PAIR Reg. 50c Hair Ironing Board Pads S tandard size. Moth proof ai*iv 70x80 PART WOOL Men’. Part Wool UNION SUITS Enough w ool fo r w arm th, enough cotton for service. Men’s styles and sizes to H Q /t 4 6 ..................... «JOC Heavy Cotton Ribbed Winter Weight UNION SUITS For men. Sizes 36 to 46. Angle length, long and short 7 Q /* sleeves ............ 4 w V And golf socks for women, girls and boys. 2 5c BOYS’ OVERALLS Blue denim waist. Sizes 8 to 8 Years 35c 3 FOR ?!• "°° Girdles ROLL-UPS, 10c It's W eil's o u t s t a n (1 i n g blanket special. Beautiful plaids you’ll like — enough weight fo r w arm th, enough cotton for service. 2-ounce Skeins FINEST BOUCLE YARNS. All colors Skein ........................ BANDEAUS and BRASSIERES. Values to $1.00. Anniversary Special 17c DOUBLE BLANKETS 22c Compacts Full decks. E xtra fine qu ality .......... 22c REMNANT TABLE Your Choice H u n d re d s of beautiful R e m n a n ts in a b ig an- | u h ei sa t y clean-up. 46-inch Fancy TABLE OILCLOTH W ashable, serviceable. Brighten up your tables ami save. Yard 36-inch Heavy OUTING FLANNEL In fancy stripe patterns. 2 to 10-yard pieces. Regular 15c yard ... 36-inch Unbleached L. L. MUSLIN Extra fine count, short lengt Its. Anniversary special. Yard TO THE FIRST CUSTOMERS 66x76 PLAID FLAT CREPES, GEORGETTES Li Rayons, Coat and Dress Linings. It's an anniversary special. Some are s h o r t lengths, others are full bolts. Dress and trim m ing silks in colors you’ll like. YARD Sale Galoshes House Slippers Water Sets 22c YARD For women and children. Snap and zipper styles. Values to OOn $1.00 each ... swJSU 50c Glass S iie 22x44 Fancy CANNON TOWELS Heavy Turkish knit. R egular 85c Value .......... 36-inch Bleached INDIAN HEAD For m aking uniforms, aprons, stam ped goods, etc. 36 inches wide. An­ niversary 9 9 /* special, yard fit 3-pound 72x90 COTTON BATTS Pure white cotton, reg ­ ular 85c value. ff"A« Sale t)v C 8c PLAIN and PRINTED SILKS YARD And other fine makes foundation garments. Value to 50c. P erfect cut­ ting. Special ........ 1200 Yards 22c - J GOSSARDS Notion Department Sale Neckwear t Regular 50c Sash CURTAIN SALE Just 100 pair in the lot. W hile they OOn last. Pair Ari/idV, 0Q FR E E -B alloons, Whistles, Snappers-FR EjE Two-Piece Suits, Coat a n d Slip-Over Sweaters and Twin Sets. A big lot Oi Skirts and Blouses. Rain Coats and Jackets. Sale Scarfs 22c H undreds of new fall patterns to pick from. Most complete assortm ent i n W ashington county. Anniversary special 10c Sizes 14 to 52. Values to $20.00 ECRU PANELS Flounced and ruffled. Dress up the windows and save about half. Each ENTIRE STOCK A B C and PUEBLO PLAINS and FANCIES Women’s and Children’s HATS TAMS Oregon's Largest Suburban READY-TO-WEAR STOCK I 36-inch FAST COLOR PRINTS Men’» - Boy»’ 10c Pai 49c 10c p.i, 59c WITH BOYS’ and GIRLS’ SHOES 25c JUMPING ROPES FREE SELLING $1.98 OR OVER! HILLSBORO, OREGON 59