ThurHílay, Septem ber 5, 1935 H IL L S B O R O AR G U S, H IL L S B O R O , OREGON Pago Seven Walter Winchel Cannot Get in Where These Ads Do, and That’s True A Ready Market with Big Results at Little C o s t---- Classified Columns Close at 10 A. M. W ednesday— Too Late to Classify Accepted Until 5 P. M. Wednesday NOTICE OF HUKKU I *H SAI E OF NOTICE Of SALE OF R E A L U’ II C , . k -.1 T PROPERTY BIO IN BY WASH- «*111 O C lK X J I 1 t r i l l ItEAI. PROPERTY ON KIKE- I ( uuni Your Profit« INGTON COI NTY, OREGON, AT LARGE modern house, well Incut«* (I.OKIKE WANTED 20 hik kx of wheat and USED machinery of nit kinds DELINQUENT TAX CORE! LOS Hillsboro Feed Co., 160 W. Muin common vetch, mixed Trade for in college town, where there is a jn circuit Court of the State I Flr»t Uwertlon, per word 2c I RE SALE 4tf good demand for rooms and apart­ of Oregon, for Washington Coun- other grain or cash J. Vander- . ,, ICnnllnusrt from peso o n .I Euch additional Inaertlon, ments, could lx.* made into 4 apart - ty. Notmc is hereby given that the living north of Main street at the xchuei«*, Kt. 2, Curneliux l*hor»c, word lc Sheep, G oats 3293 Hillsboro 27tl ¿2 merits Priced very reaaonubh undersigned Sheriff and ex - officio peter Boscow school. The right is Be sure to read the classi­ J. 11. Wescott. Jr., Plaintiff, (No Borvlco per I mbuo Ivaa 29 115 N. B St., Forest Grove tax collector of Washington Coun reserved to place bus pupils in an* fied and display advertise­ vs. Gu than 25c) NO 1 .MILK goal for ty, Oregon, by authority o f an school where space is available and ments in this week's Argus. 12. Tor S a le— M iscellaneous Curda. Ht. 1. CorneliUh Phone FOB KENT 60 acres, 50 culti­ Carl Her and Margaret Her, his ordf r made nd entereo by the > the bus will deliver them at school. In this Issue ten advertis­ Iteadci x. per line Hk* wife. Janies A. Johnson. Elva M 29p forth Pinina 35E13. vated, electricity, good buildings, ing treasure tickets to the . ir‘ ' » ld ( ,;? iy Staff of instructors at Hilhi will M< )T< >K windmill, 12-foot Wescott. Laura Churchill, Laura Black Eace Heading Permitted i AKKO the 14th day of Aug. t. 1935, will be as follows: Barnes, superintend- 3 miles from Beaverton, 8 mil« s Churchill, Venetian theatre are hidden Executrix of the Last wheel, 30 foot tower, like new 23. Poultry Cush should accompany older. from Hillsboro on Walker road In the copy and this might be nd,ent. B. M Goodman, principal and uiii sell f<»r iisa than 1 • ot tgin&J Will and Testament of James for ca 1c physics; Mrs. Elizabeth Abrahams, Mrs. A. Spies, Beaverton, Route your lucky week. Churchill, deceased, Ira Post and Out of fairness to all no in­, also used and new pumps of 125 4-rnonths-old and 250 5-inonths- 2. tW€ y (20) th 28-Op Read each carefully If you ’he English and public speaking; Miss Jane Doe Post, his v/ife, Defend­ formation on the C la s s ifie d j all descriptions for sale. A M * old White Leghorn pullets foi purchase price in find your name listed with a i n - Pearl Allen, algebra; Miss Edwyna Jannscn Drilling Co., Keedvllle i sale cheap Clara F Newby, V»- ants. Pugc will he given out until der to be paid uni vritten 55000 the words "Venetian ticket” Broadbent. history and music; Miss Mail address lit. 1, Beaverton. 33tf mile north Witch Hazel school. 29p FOR SALE The MacKay proper- Notice is hereby given, that by the paper is Issued. m int with purchaser in e< ,ual in- Elsie Cimino. English; Miss Edith preceding it, clip the adver- staliments over a term not ty, »treet near Fir.t, virtue nt an Execution, Decree and excecd- ■tisrnent In which it appears M Fort, English; Reece Hathhorn, e ing three years from date of sale, mathematics; Miss Kathryn Crozer. Terms reasonable.—Apply M Order of Sale issued out of and and bring it to the Argus of­ should have « ailing curds us a so-, in ns. 90c each L. F. Taylor, $5oi»l all* deferred payments to I B Bump, attorney. Htf under the seal of the Circuit Court »ear in- fice. Your free theatre ticket 1. A n n ou n cem en ts domestic science; Miss Marie Houg- ' < ial necessity See The Argus for | Moffatt station. 29p of the State of Oregon for Wash- terest from date ot sale at will be ready for you. rateluez, commercial: Dave Leger, math- I quality work. S .:,, . I!..ppn k. is of six «6? per cent per ann and , ematics; Miss Florence McDonald, 150 RHODE Island Bed hens for HOUSE and lot for sale. Inquire ‘ngton County on the 19th day of in no event , u for i a sum 1« -u . than ; science; Miss Louise A. Nex. cunt- I . *1 . a r E:-,. Hange 17tf A "1' 1 ' la;., upon a jud.*.*.*., n> , . l Picking will begin at my yiird Drieu Unlit Plani •c-n«u, naie, lab pullet». Hatching egg decree rendered and entered there­ Monday, September 9 J o h ‘‘ |FOIt SALE ... ______ . . rights . . . . . .................... . .................., ar ________ exchange; 750 w att, with hens ...... Dwight Sellers, 1935, t h e undersigned, $5M.OO, the following described par- mercial; Miss Helen Parr history in on the 17th day of August, A. August, Hut hanan, Cornelius. D ogs, Peta Dei. ,* light plant, m working ns». For Sale, For Rent. >OR SALE O I. C. sow and young 1927, and the further sum of One Book 111 at page 222, and also Teachers at the David Hill school 30. Stoves, H eaters in the east half or 25 feet Drill 5II3F. Rochester, N Y. 2‘J 30p Hundred ($100.00) Dollars attorney’» terest Timber in St4 of NEY« and N ti etc., algna. for »ale ut Argus. tf I b o ar Albert Meier, Itt. 2, Beav- will be Lester Mooberry, principal. of Lot 1 and all of Lot 2, Block , ... . . fees and for plaintiff's costs and of SEY«, Section 29, T. 1 N. R. , ' t'l' .n Phone .’ - R7 HiUsboro 29 Miss Junia Johnson, Miss Hila Cor­ 29, City of Cornelius, Wash­ BUSINESS Curds If you engage In W A S H E R S , o-sttl. $15 an d u p _________________________ MONTAG w,»id-circulating heater disbursemenls *of Mid , uit taxed 4 W. as described in Book 132 nelius. Miss Gladys Rood. Mrs. ington County, Oregon. any service type o f business, 1 - ,5V at Twenty-seven and 70/100 ($27.70) Lester Ireland A Co. 19tf FOUR young pure bred Chester «. //.U »“ e 2LWX| at page 460, Blanche Bride, Miss Winabeth Mc­ An estate consisting of a cards handed to your patrons will 29p Dollar,, to me directed and de­ “ | White brood sows for sale, to Fifth Ave. Phone 472. said property to be sold free and Dowell and Mrs. Marie Priest. At tenancy by the entirety in Lots G A Lur. benefit you. See The Argus for OLD new.paper», 10c bundle- Ar- iurrow ln livered, commanding me to make clear of all taxes against same ex­ the Peter Boscow school the stall 5, 6, and 7, Block 4. Pleas­ quality work. I son, Boa 19 HI -*>. H ills b o ro (Von 32. M usical Instrum ents sale of the real property herein­ 4, cept taxes for of „ 1935. _ , . . . . the year . . .Will be Miss Eva McCormick, Miss ant View Addition to the City and Lessons etian ticket, Mrs A. Mills, Rt. 1, after described, I have levied u p -' Said sale will be made on S atu r-. Maurine Moore. Mrs Lester Moo- EVERYBODY know» that our Per­ 14. of Cornelius, Washington Coun­ Cara, T rucks, Tires Beaverton) 29 p on, and pursuant to the commands day. September 14, 1935. at ten (10i berry and Miss Ruth Jones. Junior fect Blue White Diamond» are ty Oregon. VIOLIN Studio, 255 of said execution, judgment order. o'clock A. M. of said day at the high teachers will be Rex Jones, P. L. PATTERSON. Trustee in priced lower thun moat Jeweler» W E b Uy a rid s e ll US«'«I CUTfl. I THREE fine 4-months-old feeder HILLSBORO E. Main St., private or in class decree and order of sale, I will, on Frank Sholes Estate. Wells Build­ East front door of the County Court principal. Mrs Elsie Anderson Em­ price imperfect stones.—Andersons We w ant to buy 75 used I «or •'••'»I''- Gharle* F Grabel, I | nc,udinK violin outfit if desired Monday, the 23rd day of Scptem- ing, House i n Hillsboro, Washington ery, Walter Henry, Mrs Myrtle Jewelry »tore. 3$ Hillsboro, Oregon. 28-32 County, .1 miles south of Hillsboro. (Venc- | Also ber, A. D. 1935, at the hour of ten Oregon. Kruchek. Miss Rowena Hermann. -Uiu'd t.'ur Exchiuigt tian ticket, W B. Schultz, Aloha) p | ie», violins a n d a l l accessor- 2Sti o'clock A. M. of said «lay, at the ,n £ atcd thiS Uth day of Au«ust- Mr: Gertrude Needham Ide, Mrs Lost and Found NOTICE OF BOND SALE 3. East or Front Door of the County e’ , Ml « « •* OUv« Miller and Miss Georgina 16. Furniture, P ianos, R adios PIGS for sale, 9-weeks-old — In- Sealed bids will be received until 1 First HAVE YOUR PIANO Court House in the City of Hills- publication, August 15, 1935.: Brown. Miss Esther Wicks will LOST Black Lifetime Shaeffer's Washington County Oregon. 7:30 p m. September 20, 1935, and ml"-381 Publlca,ion- September 12, supervise music and Miss Potts and fountain pen Name Margaret SEA SO N CLOSE-OUT SALE street” ' *' V ’IUllt' 1W N S"C29tf, ‘uned. cleaned, demothed and re- _____________ ____________, paired. -George Roberts. Telephone **5} at public auction (subject to immediately thereafter opened by Dixon Reward $1 —Please leav l u r e n v M r i r « . tt »w «, ' Mr KiIU«* will have charge of jy ! Fairbanks-Morse and Leonard Re­ YOUNG brood sow to farrow Sep- 1283. 20p redemption) to the highest bidder the City Council of the City of J. V\i. CORNELL. Sheriff of W ash* physical education at Argus frigerator». Buy your refrigerator t e m b e in f,„ Ed Schlegel, i „ for cash in hanu, all the right, title Hillsboro. Washington County, Ore­ -Coun,y' Oregon* Football practice at Hilhi will LOST Two dresses last Wednesday now and save from 15 to 30 't on miles east of Bank» (Venetian ' ELKHART B flat clarinet for sale and Interest which the above nam- gon, for the sale of General Fund NOTICE o r FINAL SETTLEMENT M ,o n d a y a fte rn o o n , a c c o rd in g between 4th and 5th on Main all models while they last Must 2 ticket, Refunding Bonds of said city in W S Huntley Rt 2 Hills-! Complete in case, go«xt as new. ed defendants, and each and all oi In the County Court of the State of O re- w o o d m a n . He has 24 men Ffc- 29 make room for winter products.—- Reward. Phone 381 boro i 2t)n Pr*ee S4() -Gray house back of them had on the 9th day of June, the amount of $34,500 00 as follows: «on. fo r W ashington County. porting from last year’s squad and City o f Hillsboro General LOST Guernsey heifer, 2 year Meltebcke Electric store, 124 S. 2nd __________________ ■ B u x to n sch o o l house, or write Mrs 1927, or at any time have since ac- In the Mfctter of the Estate of H e n ry expects a turnout of about 50 play- Fund Refunding Bonds. Series old, freshen In December When ! Ave 29 PUREBRED O. I. C. pigs fur breed-1 Jesse Meyers. Buxton. quired, and/or now have in and t * ,h » t t h , Twelve lettermen were lost 1935. in denominations of $500 - i e tu i ned w ill pay for k e e p m g p u rp o se s, b o tli , >| c — — . ..... ■- * the following bounded and described «¡Kneel Executors of the Last W ill and i through graduation. Charles Pfahl, Cornelius. Rt 2 p TWO bedsteads, two stoves and Kuccker ‘»-mile south Union Oil 34. Room», A partm ent» 00 each, to be dated September real property lying, being and sit- Testam ent of «aid deceased have filed ¡n | Cafeterias in the elementary ■..................... .. * ■ *«",—"■ | two mattresses for sale,—George I tanks. Cornelius. 1. 1935, and to bear interest at 29p — ------------------------- ---------------- uated in the County of Washing- the above entitled court and caune th eir schools will not open Until later 4. ( unlrarllns—Fainting. Papering. Doughty, 1031 E. Oak 29o j the rate of 3V$% per annum and I TO RENT room for gentlemen - ton, State of Oregon, and more F in .1 Account »nd report a . .u c K and Noiler stated, Carpentering the Court has fixed and appointed the to mature H o rs e s : Ph^nc 2074. 29tf particularly described as follows, - FOR SALE New Zenith farm r*i-I 25. 16th day o f September. 1935, at the hour ______________I ---------------------------------------------to-wit: $1500 00 of Sept 1, 1936 10 o’clock A. M. of said day and the MODERNIZE your home with con- d|o No more rundown radio hat ’ HOOM and board at reasonable 1500 00 court room of the above entitled court in Sept. 1, 1937 Being a part of the NEVi of Crete septic tanks, well, curb and terles. “Frepower'' from the air | FOR SALE One horse; choice of rates.—Mrs. W. H. Taylor 234 Hillsboro, Oreyon, as the tim e and place 2000.00 Sept. 1, 1938 Sec. 7 and the NW Vi of Sec. 8 chimney» Portland Concrete Pipe uaes wind to keep butteries charg­ three, weight about 1400 and 1500 Sixth St. for hearing objections to said fin a l ac­ Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wohlschlegel 29p 2000.00 count Sept. 1. 1939 T. 1 N. R. 4 W. Beginning at a A Products Co. 5619 S W M»cu- ed Only 50c a year power opera! lbs Amos Watkins, Hillsboro. Rt. and fo r the fin a l settlem ent of left Wednesday for a week's tour 2000 00 said estate. Sept. 1, : MO »tone and iron at the center of duni. Portland Phone ATwater |ng cost Results like city sets 5; near Laurel Telephone Scholls TWO-room furnished apartment for of the beaches. ioti 2000 00 29-31 Dated this 15th day of August. 1935. Sec. 7 T. 1 N. R. 4 W. Will. 28tf Ra»y terms Meltebrke Electric. 0818 4921 rent, very reasonable.—326 First Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Murray a t­ W A L T E R D. C H A L L A C O M B E . F R A N K IMO 2000 00 Mer., Washington County, Ore­ 124 S. Second, Hillsboro 29 FARM horse, 1400 lbs ; 1200-lb. Ave N. 27p L A C O M B E , Executors of the Last j tended the Auxiliary and Canton 1943 2000 00 C W H ill A L and PHONE 734 for price» on plumb­ gon, and running thence along ent of said deceased. EL Tuesday in Newberg. Ada Hanson mare, cheap -12 miles northeast 2500 00 J. M cA lear. Testam IMI ing. fixture», mutcrtul und labor, jy Fuel the west line of the NEY« of A ttorney fo r Executor. 26-3W of Scholls joined the Auxiliary. H ouses Hillsboro on Springville road; Y<- 35. 1945 2500 00 . i l l . .c l ( O ___________________________________________ said Section 7, N. 1’ 04' W. 561.3 Major Foster Phoenix of Palo 1946 2500 00 N O T IC E O P F IL IN G F IN A L A C C O U N T feet to an iron; thence S. 89* II C S. Iiulmertch. 36tf' WANTED O l d g r o w t h c o r d W W Mt mile east of sawmill turn left sec­ FIVE-room furnished house f o r Alto, Cal., who has been visiting 3046 ond house. 29p ......... 3000.00 In the County C No. 1947 20 E. 3255.2 feet to a point in H arry B ro w n , 1 1 1 W < Mh M p rent. $20 per month. -F. O Eagon. o urt o f th« State of Or«» his sister. Mrs. W. B. Chandlee, the 3000.00 1948 ........ 5. Les»on»— M usic, D ancing the center of County Road No. yon. for th« County o f W u h in g to n . 29p 1949 3000 00 In the M a tte r o f the Eatate of M a ry E. past two weeks, spent a few days FOR SALE Old growth wcxxl. 40- HORSE for sale, 1600 pounds; light I on highway Phone 801. 30 (from which point an iron m u le Ra> D clsm au T e l e p h o n e : . . , , , , , . renewing old acquaintances at Ta­ Patton. Deceased. DEE Darling, teacher of pian o . Inch, $1 41). 4S-tnch. $1 70 per 2107 19.50 .3000 00 pipe bears N. 89’ 20 W. 30 ft.); 29tf i ” ALI- house. 2 rooms and pantry, Notice U hereby piven : T h a t the under­ coma and returned with Mr. and studio at residence of Mrs It cord 60 acres with 450 cords wood Provided, however, that the City signed. thence along center of said road ’ ____________ apples and some w oo d ; f o r re n t. c . Sm ith. Executor under Mrs. Lewis Bedford Saturday, C .iv r 29-32 ¡ sto n ip u g e . $40(1 w ith ho u se 113« WELL m a t c h e d s **iim : te a m 290 0 $8 t" ' month of Hillsboro shall have the option the Last Newton S. 0“ 38' W. 204.7 feet, said M K a h n , 3 ’ r miles W ill and T « ta m e n t of M a ry E . j h Kramer of Portland visited E Main St . Hillsboro. 29p to redeem any of said bonds ma­ 'atton, deceased, ha* filed his fin a l ac­ point being the NE corner of pounds W A Burleigh, 1 *7 mllc3 south of Beaverton on Dearsford at the Ed Wohlschlegel home Sun- EDWARD I. Scheldt will resume count and report w ith the County Court turing on or after September 1, the School lot, and from which the State of Oregon fo r the C o u n t y of day and with them attended the teaching Sept 9 Piano und violin IS-1NCH first growth fir. $3 25 cord south Cornelius Golf course. 27-9p read; adjoining A A. Fisher place 1946, in numerical order upon pay­ of point an iron pipe bears N. 88* W ashiacton, and that M->nurt room of said court in the court home Monday after several months and 9 years, weight 1700 each Guar­ FARM money to loan—The Fed­ 88 * 56* W. 645.0 feet to an iron at the E. Guerber H ilk b o ro , in said county and employment WILL trade dry four-foot and 16- anteed work anywhere -Bob Holt, 1945. Both principal and interest liouac in eral Land bank now has ample pipe in the center of the Coun­ has been appointed as the tim e home in Helvetia. 6. W a n ted — M i»cellaneou» Inch wood or posts for feed ¡ V” ” 7e 'nör'th' w d e h 'H a z ê ï“sch«xâÎ funds to loan to farmers at 4%. payable at the office of the City state, ty Road No. 160; thence S. 83* and place fo r the hearing o f objection* Dr. and Mrs. W B. Chandlee had wheat, oats, hay or straw -E d [ Uenverton, Rt 2. Treasurer. Bonds will be sold to to said fin a l account and report and the 23tf J Over $1.000.000 has been loaned to 45' W. 56.0 feet to an iron at WANT to buy livestock, chicken», Ziegncr, Cornelius. as house guests over the week-end the highest bidder for cash but settlement thereof. i Washington county farmers by the the northerly NW corner of the farm machinery J W Thomu». and holiday Mr. and Mrs. Lewis N E W T O N C. S M IT H . Executor of the shall be sold for not less than par Last ) bank. Write or call for particulars. land of J. F. Shorb in said Sec­ 26. C attle Rl 1. B ox 147 l l c . i v i i t o i i 201.' and Testam ent of M a ry E. Bedford, Mr and Mrs. Jack Berry, and the accrued interest thereon P a tton, W ill Deceased. PLANER ends and heavy block ! —Washington County National Farm tion 7; thence S. 10* 25' W. Reynold*, I-legel A Miss Sadie Nelson, George Wein- Each bid shall be in writing and. Sm ith. Attorneys fo r Executor. wood at $3 75 cord General mill JERSEY COW, 3 years old. fre»h. Loan Association, J. M. Person, 27-31 130.5 feet to a stone at an old H elp W anted 7. except the ones submitted by the D ate of fir s t publication, August 22nd. hart, all of Tacoma, Foster Phoenix N.c.l money. — Conconnon. First secretary, Hillsboro. run wood $2 75 cord. — Telephone 9tf established re-entrant corner on of Palo Alto. Cal. Sunday Miss 1935. D ate o f last publication, Septem­ State of Oregon or any sinking 29 32ptf Ave. B blocks out; North Plains the north line of the said Shorb HELP Wanted Girl between 20 1091 Helen Rose and E J Robb of Port MONEY TO LOAN fund of the City of Hillsboro, must ber 19th, 1935. road. 27p tract; thence N. 88’ 32' VV. 202.0 and 35 ycurs old f o r general land joined the party Swimming on improved productive farms, low be accompanied by a certified check feet to a point in Iler Creek N O T IC E O F F I N A L A C C O U N T housework In Portland in f .mlly N o j U-inch old growth fir, $5 SIX j crsvv beifers for sale 1 >• interest rate, prompt service, no and golf were enjoyed. Monday Dr on a bank doing business in this In the County Court of the State of O re­ (from which point a witness of three (adult and two children) | cor(l; ,urg,. and sn,ull oak ^ a i s old double tested F gon. fo r the County of W ashington. and Mrs. Chandlee with the party state for 2 per cent of the par „ 5 month Argus No 35.1 29 _ Phone 107IX 28.9p X e a ^ o 'rB a n k s delay.—Hubbs A Hammond. 310 Iron bears S. 88 32' E. 19.8 feet) of 10 drove up the highway for Departm ent. Guaranty Trust Co. Bldg. 623 Oak value of the bonds being offered In Probate thence S. 2’ 34' W. 248.1 feet to the M a tte r of the Estate of O rfem a trout dinner, catching their ovfrn St., Portland, Oregon. 21tf for sale, made payable to th» city EXPERIENCED girl wanted f o r i an iron pipe; thence N. 88’ 48' Adam *. Deceased. fish. as a guarantee of good faith. Notice is hereby given th at the under­ general housework. $15 to begin FIRST class wood for sale. — Ray SIX head young cattle for sale, one MONEY to loan on good dairy W. 2305.3 feet to the place of Mr and Mrs. F M. Lillegard and fresh cow. heifer to freshen Feb signed. as A d m in istra to r of the estate of Phone 202 North Plains, or nt Delsman, Garibaldi Ave. Phone beginning, co n tain in g 35.385 Right is reserved to accept any herds - -E A. Griffith, 131 S. 2nd O rfem a Adams, deceased, has filed his children visited his uncle and aunt, 29 2107. 49tf 1, Durham bull for sire, two spring avenue. acres, Telephone office. bid or reject all bids in the inter­ fin a l account in the County Court of the 7tf Mr. and Mrs. H Lillegard, at Stev­ calves, weaned. Must sell on ac­ to satisfy the hereinbefore men­ est of the City. Legal approving State of Oregon, fo r W ashington County. . enson. Wash., Sunday. count of drouth and short pasture. HOPPICKERS wanted, accommo­ 18. tioned sums and for the costs and opinion of Messrs. Teal. Winfree. and that Friday, the 6th day of Septem­ Seed», Plant» —W. A. God fa rm h a n d Notice is hereby Riven that by to redcrnption as per the statutes corder. 29-30p 29-30 the hearing of objections thereto and the Prune growers should not fail to soon -F. W. Walch, 1300 feet virtue of an execution, judgment of the Slate of Oregon, single, steady work.—Write H. M Cornelius settlement thereof. bring and produce their prune con­ south Newton station. Telephone order, decree and order of sale is- Draper, Buxton. 29 20. Dated and firs t published August 3, Dated , t HiUsboro this N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Farm P roduce— Fruit», 26F21 29 sued out of and under the seal of 1935. Date of last publication September tracts on all deliveries of prunes No. 4S44 day of August A D« 1935 to canneries, according to a notice t an You l'»e $10 to $25 F rr Week the County C o urt of the State of O re­ 5. 1935. V egetab le» the Circuit Court of the State of J. W. CONNELL. Sheriff of Wash- In gon, W A L T E R S. A S H E R . A d m in istra to r of sent out by A. M Chapman, ad­ WANTED—Two cows, double-test­ Oregon the County o f W ashington. No selling, no soliciting, no expense. for Washington County on ington County Thos H In the fo M r a tte f-state. W a lte r S. Asher, A ttorney, Po rter r of the E state of W . J. ministrator of the Oregon Prune 1 have opening for party who GOOD POTATOES — 60c per 100 ed, Jersey, Guernsey or Holstein. the (th day of August. 1935. in » Tongue, Jr., Attorney for Plain- Bingham . Deceased. Bldg.. Portland. Oregon. 25-9 Control board. He says a state of­ can qualify If Interested commun­ lbs at farm on Gales Creek read. —Ray E. Voorhees, Hillsoro, Rt. 2, cause therein pending in w hich1 .¡» N o tice la hereby given th a t the under­ 29 Elmer Lee Miller. Executor of th e ! ficer will be present at the can­ icate at once with V B. Mitchell, —Robert Warrens. Telephone 1609W near Laurel. N O T IC E T O ( R E D IT O R S signed has been appointed a d m in is tra trix ___________________ 29 of the estate o f W . J. Bingham . Deceased In the County Court o f the State of O re­ neries for the grower’s protection 5629 S E Ynmhlll, Portland, and Forest Grove. Last Will and Testament of Laura NOTICE OF BOND SALE 14-MONTH-OLD Guernsey bull for gon. fo r W’aahington County. by the County C o urt of the S tate of Ore­ If contracts are legal, he says the interview will be arranged 20 Sealed bids will be received until gon fo r the County of W ashington, and In the M a tte r o f the Estate of John C. grower sale; 3 heifers, one to freshen Ann Miller, deceased. Commercial GRADE No 1 Bartlett pears, lc lb., will be allowed to deliver. Bechen, Deceased. has qualified. A ll persons having etaims National Bank of Hillsboro, Oregon, 7:30 p m. September 20, 1935 and next month.—Ray Delsman Phone WANTED General farm hand, able tomatoes, H to 114 cents per lb. Notice i* hereby given th at the under­ said estate are hereby notified Town o f Sherwood. W ashington Coun­ 29tf a corporation, were plaintiffs, and immediately thereafter opened by against to milk and all other farm work Free delivery in city.- -Write Percy 2107. present the same to me a t 1403 Public signed have been duly confirmed by the ty , Oregon, o r at the law office of Thos. W. E Rice and Helena S Rice, the City Council of the City of to and 28-9,i -Gus Card», Rt. t, Cornelius. Tele­ Stone, Rt. 1, Forest Grove. Service Building, Portland. O regon, w ith above entitled court as Executor H . Tongue the Commercial Block FOUR Holstein cows, averaged bet­ husband and wife, were defend- Hillsboro, Washington County, Orc- vouchers duly certified w ith in six months Executrix of the Last W ill and Testa­ in the C ity J r., o f in Hillsboro, phone North Plains 35F13. 29 W ashington ment o f said deceased, and have duly ter than 40 lbs. butterfat last ants. in favor of the plaintiffs and gon. for the sale of Refunding Im- fro m the date hereof. TOMATOES for sale, nt Mae stand, County. Oregon, w ith in six months from D a te of fir s t publication August 13, qualified as such ; one mile west of Hillsboro. Spe­ month; 1 Holstein heifer, und 14- against the defendants in the sum provement Bonds of said City in 1035. HOl’PICKERS Wanted — Register Now, therefore, a ll persons having the date o f this notice, to -w it: W ith in D a te o f last publication September now. Exceedingly good yard.—O. cial price In bushels, wholesale oi months-old Guernsey bull.—Albert of $4635 00 together with interest the sum of $29.595 90 as follows 1 12. 1933. claims against said estate are hereby six months from August 29th, 1935. Dated at Hillsboro, Oregon, this 29th City of Hillsboro Refunding I E T H E L E. S C H R O E D E R . A d m inistra­ notified and required to present the same, T. Murphy. Rt. 1, Forest Grove. retail Bring boxes. — R H. Mc- Greener, near wireless s t a t i o n . thereon from the 23rd day of Au- day of August. 1936. trix . M a rv in K . H olland. A tto rn ey fo r together w ith proper vouchers therefor 29-3 Ip (Venetian ticket, B. Y. Iwasaki, Rt. gust, 1931, at the rate of six p e r' Improvement Bonds. Series 1935, Phone 15F281. 29 Aninch. M A R Y G A L B R E A T H . A d m in is tra trix of to the undersigned at the law office of A d m in is tra trix . 1403 Public Service Build­ 5, Hillsboro) 28-9p cent per annum and the further in denominations of $500 00 each, the Estate of John Galbreath. Deceased ing. P o rtland. Oregon. 26-30 Bagley A H a re in the F irst N ational Thos. H. Tongue Jr.. A tto rn ey fo r A d m in­ GRAVENSTEIN apples Bring con­ sum of $350.00 attorney's fees, and except Bond No. 1. which is W ork W anted 8. Bank building in Hillsboro. Oregon, w ith ­ is tra trix . 26-32 tainer. You pick. 30c a bushel TWO JERSEY heifers, black, one the costs and disbursements herein in the sum of $9590. Bonds in six months from the date hereof. N O T IC E O F F IN A L S B T T L E M E N T Mabel Behm, one mile west of fresh this week and one Septem- taxed at $17.70 and commanding Dated this 26th day of August. 1935. In the County Court of the State of Ore» to be dated September 1, 1935, SEWING machines repaired. Progress, N O T IC E O F F IN A L ACCOUNT Robinson place; Rt. 1, ber 1. P. A. VanLoo. Rt. 4. Hills-¡me to mnke sale of the following C A R L O. B E C H E N . E L E A N O R BhX’ H - In the County Court of the State of O re ­ gon, for W aahington County. and to bear interest at 3«» ri­ — Phone 1862. 27 :i0;> Box 464. Tigard. In the M a tte r of the Estate of H a rr y T. E N . Executor and Executrix of the Last 29p boro. 27-8 described real property situate ln gon, fo r the County of W ashington. per annum and are to mature W ill and Testam ent of said deceased. Bag Challaconibe, Deceaaeti. Pr«»bate D epartm ent. Washington County, Oregon, par­ Sept. 1, 1936 ..................$2095.90 Notice is hereby given th at the under» ley « H are, A l torngro fo r Executor. 2»-3.’ i In the H a tte r of the Estate ot K a rl AM A-l small mill sawyer, can TOMATOES for sale, Bonny Best DAIRY cows of all kinds for sale ticularly described as follows, to- Sept. 1, 1937 2500 00 signed, duly appointed A d m in istra to r* of keep saws and mill up. Best of t ? ™ * ? . °hTr E N A L SK.T r " ; :M ^ T ' h * i ™ r i v e n that the u n d « - and Beef Steak, 1 and 2 cents or trade. All double-tested.—Gall wit: Sept. 1, 1938 2500.00 the above namctl estate, have filed in the references Frunk Hurt, Box 34. per lb, Bartlett pears. 65c per bu. Karns, Orenco. Telephone 262IX, entitled court and cause th eir final . ¡ . ' i l l » . V 7 !“* hc uni1" - •<(«■>«1. »» Executor of the Kt«»te of The Southwest quarter of the Sept. 1, 1939 3000 00 above Houlton, Oregon. 29-3tp Bring your own boxes.—R. V. Mc­ Hillsboro. I5tf account and report as such, and the court r t iv .r t in . h . UnL " K * rl H .e flk te r , deeM M d. hxx filad h l. Northwest quarter, and t h e Sept. 1, 1940 3000.00 has fixed the 16th day o f September. r t T L e , i 'e .^ .1 L d rf . nt“ i T r i " i CC" ," * , ' fin * ‘ I" (»■• County Court of Fall, Garibaldi Avenue. Telephone Northwest quarter of the South­ Sept. 1, 1941 3000 00 1 1935, at the hour o f ten o’clock A. M er t »»e. deeeaaed. ,n — d that , h, S a tate , , , . . of Oregon, fo . . . r . W xu.. ........... .. WANTED Hnullng by contract ------ the County the ashington 2102. 29tf 27. L ivestock west quarter of Section 26. T. 2 of said dny. and the court room of the t o u r t of W ashington County. Oregon, Sept. 1, 1942 3000.00 See J. T. Gray. Route 4, Hills­ County, and that Monday, the 30th day above entitled court in Hillsboro. Ore­ has, hy an order made and entered on N. R. 2 W. Willamette Meridi­ Sept. 1, 1943 3500.00 gon, September, 1935, a t the hour of 10 boro. 29-30p FREE Giavenslein apples given FOR SALE - Horses, cows a n d as the tim e and place fo r hearing the 5th day of August, •r ' °i935 an, excepting therefrom a cer­ o j’ bx’k in the forenoon o f said day and Sept. 1, 1944 3500 00 objections t<< said F in al Account, and foi away to those who can't afford mules. — R B. Thornton, Sunny ccurt has been tain five-acre tract deeded by WOOD sawing If your wood Is to buy them. Mrs. I,. Meltebcke. Brook farm, 8 miles west of Yam­ Sept. 1, 1945 . 350000 the fin a l settlement of said estate. as the tim ? and Harmon W. Miller and Laura D ite d this 1 Ith day of August, 1935. loo long call 2141Z M J. Senske, 923 S. Bailey Ave., Hillsboro. 29 hill. Provided, however, that the City objections them - • 27-30 ALTER CH ALLACO M BE. FRANK A. Miller to O. J. Tompkins, 423 N. Second Ave. (Venetian tick­ of Hillsboro shall have the option C H W t hereof. A L L A C O M B E . A d m in istra to r* of the under date of January 26th, Dated and fir s t published August 29. et. Benjamin A. Jack, Reedvllle, GRADE No. 1 Bartlett pears, lc lb., 28. to redeem any of said bonds ma­ (*;* « e of H a rr y T. Challacombe, Deceaseu. to said fin a l account R eal Estate 1891, which was recorded on «’“ bllc»llon S w W m bar Ore.) 28-9p turing on or after September 1. E. J. M cA lear, A ttorney for A dm iniatra- (h e r . u , xnd fo r l b . fin a l’ tomatoes, $1.25 to $2.50 per 100 June 24th, 1891, in Book 31 at ’ ’ XO-3" of said estate. 1941, in numerical order at any tor. lbs. Free delivery in city. Write home wanted. Have D. T S C H A B O L D . Executor. 23-32 Dxted this 5th day of August, 1935. TYPEWRITER and adding machine Percy Stone, Route 1, F o r e s t HILLSBORO page 368, Records of Deeds for interest paying date or dates after party with good home in Port­ C L A R A C A S E M E G A R G E L . A d m in is -' N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S repairs.—Fred Roney, care of Ar- Grove. Washington County, O regon; N O T IC E TO I R E D IT O R S September 1. 1940. upon payment in the County Court of the State of O re ­ t ra tr ix of the Estate of Josephine Shear­ 28-9p land to trade for fair house in In the County Court of the State of O re­ I'.O . 271 f also commencing at the quar­ of the face value thereof with ac­ gon. for W ashington County. er Case, Deceased. E. B. Tongue, A tto r ­ Hillsboro. Will assume mortgage. gon. fo r the County of W ashington. ter section stake on the south BARTLETT pears for sale. Monti- WANTED Have buyer for small 25-9 ! crued interest. Both principal and In the M a tte r of the Estate of Dell ney fo r A d m in istra trix. In the M a tte r o f the Estate of Richard HAVE your old well cleaned out line of the Northwest quarter nore farm. Dilley. 28-9p interest to be payable at the office D v’dson S inclair, Deceased. F. Gleason, Deceased. suburban home and acreage near or new one dug. E C. Bennett, Notice is hereby given, th at the under­ N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S Section 28, T. 2 N. R. 2 W. of the City Treasurer. Bonds will signed „ ï h »» is hereby 7 given í W Tn th 5 at » the the under- under* Hillsboro. 29 of has been duly appointed hy the In the County Court of the State of Ore» I . i „ Notice Dennis Ave., Hillsboro. 27tt 21. of t h e Willamette Meridian; Farm M achinery be sold to the bidder offering the above entitled C ourt, as A d m in istra to r of gon. fo r the County of W ashington, ô f t h i « V a t e ^ f r C h F r T " T K. A. G R IFFFITH running thence North 35 rods; Probate Departm ent. I f th? »**tat.e ° 1 R ‘cha!^ Gleason, de- the estate of said deceased, and has duly highest cash price therefor, which House Moving 131 S. Second Ave. Hillsboro qualified as such. thence East 23 rods and 14 feet: LATEST model DcLaval milking shall be not less than par and the J Moving, resilling, raising, base­ Now . therefore, a ll persons h a v i n g thence South 35 rods; thence machine for sale, also llammer- adm inistrator <1 b « of the *\r* te of A ll persons having claims accrued interest thereon. Each bid claims ments, etc., shingling; 27 years’ mill against said estate are hereby Ch«rl«x. C liffo rd Sm ith, d M ^ i d . hy thé d "l h* re* / n'’t l , , ' d West 23 rods and 14 feet to the feed grinder, power equipped. 8CVCRAI, good farms to rent at shall be in writing and, except the notified am i require»! to present the same, experience In Washington county.— reasonable prices. — K u ra tli & place of beginning, containing Alec Eischen, Route 2, Corne­ ones submitted by the State oi * together w ith proper vouchers therefor, Ä s x ; W “»x. ? ä ä y : F L. Hewitt, 230 N. Dennis Ave., lius. Wlsmer, Hillsboro. 29 five acres, more or less; 29tf Oregon or any sinking fund of the to the undersigned at the law office« of Hillsboro. lltf E. J. M cA lear, in the F irst N ational — :-„GI" « h V X Ä nyf Ä ïïr . I will on Saturday, the 7th day of City of Hillsboro, must be accom­ estate are hereby notified to present hereof 12-20 Case tractor, new Interna­ FOR SALE or Rent -to or t?5 acres, September, 1935, at the hour of ten panied by a certified check on a Bank building, in Hillsboro. Oregon, w ith ­ in six months from the date here4»f about 50 acres in cultivation. All o'clock A. M. of said day, at the 9. Bid» tional tandem disc, John Deere 2- bank doing business in this state Dated this 22nd day of August. 1935. bottom I4-lnrh plow. All good con­ farming Implements o n place. front door of the Court House in for 2 per cent of the par value of B E R T H . S M IT H , A d m in istra to r of the I ’ Klg., to rtla n d . Oregon. w ithin six B E S S IE V HFVAM Notice from the date hereof. F rank J I onA rJln K I dition. Would take team of horses Phone 244 Hillsboro, or 342 Main Hillsboro, Washington County. Ore­ the bonds, made payable to the Estate of said Deceased. E. J. M cA lear. months Dated and fris t published August 22 E rn « t M 1 K ° S ' 1 ? Sealed bids for the lumber In the In part trade. C. P. Tolke, Banks, St. 29 gon, sell at public auction to the A ttorney fo r A d m inistrator. 27-31 i)u i. I..» L u u . .1 «uKuni r.rneat M. Jschetta. Attorneys for Ad- City as a guarantee of good faith. old Artisan hall of Dilley will be Rt. 1. Phone 7F15 Banks. 1»; 1936 f Srptem im r m in i.t r .t y ix . 1115 P o r t « Buildln«. Port- 29-30p LIST With Us— On July 18th, Mr. highest bidder for cash in hand Right is reserved to accept any* N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S „ , ,, . .... accepted up to September 7 by J. land, Oregon. 2D-32 H. L A B R E , A d m in istra to r D. B. A. Honing listed his suburban home al’ °* ‘*?e “ ,,e and interest bid or reject all bids in the inter­ In the County Court of the State of Ore- N Munkres, Forest Grove. (Vene­ FARM equipment, some stock for gon, fo r W ashington County. Dan J. Kenney. A ttorney. 27-31 est of the City. Legal approving with us. We sold the property on which ,he wllhln named defend- N O T H E r o < RRDIrOM tian ticket, E. Schumacher, Rt. 5, sale.—A. C Warren, Gaston Rt In the M a tte r of the E state of Ellen C. it R III I ui n i i i i o I , N w t,re '* hereby given that the under- Hillsboro) 38 1. Phone 12F154. (Venetian ticket, August 9th. Why not list 'your anls nnd each or ei,hcr of thenl opinion of Messrs. Teal, Winfree,: Davidson. Deceased. o .- . 7* . C R E D IT O R S n|Knet, haH heen ap|KHnt«d Executor of & Shuler will be fur­ Notice is hereby given, that the under­ In In the County Court o f the S tate o f O re- the Last W ill and Taatam ent of W il- R. Honzlker, Rt. 6, Portland) 29p property with us if you really had on the 26th day of May’ 19I9> McCulloch signed has been duly appointed by the want to sell” We have buyers wait- or have acclulred aince ««“I date nished the successful bidder. ' w W - ’ h'n»««" County. ll. m M o «,., rn. by t h . C ™ ,n „ 10. S a le or T rade— Mi». entitled C ourt, as A d m in istra to r of 1" t f * of ,,h * E state of John C o urt of the State of Oregon, fo r Waeh- HELEN McDANIEL, City Re­ above 12-INCH 2-bottom plow—Mike Fess- ing. - F. O. Eagon, on ' highway. ,n and J ° "aid real Pri’»M',r,y the estate of said deceased, and has duly G albreath’ Deceased. Ingto.i County, and ha* qualified. A ll corder. 29-30 SEVEN work horses for sale or ler, Warren, Ore. 29-30p Phone 801, Oregon Farms Co 29n any P°r’,on thereof to satisfy said qualified as such. • * uherel,y « ‘ v e n .th B t the under- person, having claims against said de- Execution, Judgment, Order and ------------------------------------------ trade for cattle, hay, grain, pric­ Now, therefore, a ll persons h a v i n g signed has been appointed A d m in is tra trix ceased or h i- e s u te are hereby notified ed $25 to $50. -Gall Karns, Oren- LICENSED stock trailers, 2 cow MODERN 4-room house, one acre Decree. Interest, Costs and accrued IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF claims against said estate are hereby of John G albreath, De- to present the same, duly verified as of ground, for sale; every con- cost' sald sn' e to be subject to re* THE UNITED STATES FOR THE notified and required to present the same, ceesed, by an order made and entered required by law to the undersigned at capnclty, rent $1 per dny. Light co. 20tf together w ith proper vouchers therefor, I t e" t i V ed ro u rl and o" hi" residence In Tigard, Washington DISTRICT Oi" OREGON trailers made to order. Auto parts venienee, $1400; terms. — Inquire demption as per the statutes of the undersigned a t the law office« of J he 27th day o f August, A. D. 1935. and County, Oregon, w ithin six asoaths from In the Matter of Frank Sholes, to 20 the State of Oregon. SERVICEABLE Guernsey b u l l s , and farm machinery.—L. V. Hultt, Huber store. E. J. M cA lear. In the F irst N a tio n al that she has duly qualified as such ad- the date hereof. Bankrupt. I Dated this 7th day of August, triple tested, for Hale or trade for 152 N. Second Ave. Bank building, In H illshttm , Oregon, w ith ­ m in ls tra trix . 23tf , Duted and firs t published September 6. WANT to rent farm of 20 to 50 1935 Notice is hereby given that pur­ in six months fro m the date hereof hay or canner co w . — SherwLi Now. therefore, all pentons having claim s 1935. D ate of last publication October 3. Dated this 22nd day of August. 1935. against said estate are hereby notified 19.35, acres, good barn, house, water; J. W. CONNELL, Sheriff of Wash- suant to an order of the referee ln ShoaleR, 1 mile north on Tobias NEW and used fnrm machinery B E R T H. S M IT H , A d m in istra to r of the and required to present them w ith the HANS GAARDE, Executor. Reek A read from Beaverton; Hillsboro for sale by Lester Ireland & prefer some bottom land.—Argus Ington County, Oregon. E. J. Mc- bankruptcy in the above entitled Estate of said Deceased. E. J. M cA lear. proper voucher« to the undersigned ad- Hoecker. 321 Artisan« B ld g . Portland, 29p Alcar, Attorney for Plaintiffs. 25-9 estate made on the 17th day of A tto rn ey fo r A d m inistrator. highway. 28-9 Co. lltf 3475. 27-31 m in ls tra trix a t her residence near the Oregon. Attorneys fo r Estate. 29 22 ( omit Word»—Semi Money 11. T o Sw ap 21. Earm M achinery 28. R eal E sta te Ten Free Movie Tickets Offered Opens on Monday ....." Scholls Legal Notices