The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, September 05, 1935, Page 6, Image 6

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    H IL L S B O R O
Paffe Six
tu r n e d operation, on G reen Moun
tain and is now taking out tim ber
I near the Mead place. Plans are to
I truck most ot this out.
Deputy at Fair
N J. Griffen acted as deuty sher-
! iff and watchm an at the lair in
Hillsboro last week.
T a x p a y e rs C o n sid er P la n s
Win $39 in Prises
fo r S e w e r System
Members ol the Bald Mountain
4-H club have reason to be proud
A lbert Herd of Bald Mountain of their showing at the county fair
has opened a real estate office in in Hillsboro last week. Altogethei
the room adjoining the pool hall, they won $¿19 in cash pries. In ad-
He has had the room redecorated dition to this M errill Mead won tr e
and made into a neat office
prize gilt given by Adrian Horneck-
Mr and Mrs. Erin Coffey and er and Mildred Mead and Evelyn
sons of Portland. Mr. and Mrs Kelly won a trip to the state fair.
Stanley C lark and son of Glen- w here they will exhibit their pigs,
wood ' spent the week-end with which won prizes at the county
ll r . and Mrs. Cass Wilson. Little fair. Roy Smith is the leader ol
Willis Coffey is carrying his arm the club.
in a cast as a result of a broken
Talk Sew er System
bone which he sustained while
a mass meeting of Banks taxpay -
skating in Portland Friday.
ers was held August 28 to consider
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Parm ley and installation of a sewer system in
children visited friends in Hood Banks. Floyd Allan, district WPA
River August 26
engineer, was present and explain-
Mrs. J. A. Pink and children
the method of obtaining finan-
Joseph and Judith of Madison. Cial help from WPA No action
W is. arrived in Banks Saturday for was taken at the meeting,
an extended visit with her par-
Mary Sandy spent last week with
ents, Mr and Mrs. A B McFarlane, her brother, Ray Sandy, in Hills-
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W arfield of boro.
V ernonia visited Mrs Bella Hart-
Mrs. George Bristol and nephew,
Horace Bristol of .Ansley, Neb., ar
wick Monday.
for a viist w ith Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. C S Inkley Jr. rived Friday
father, John Holland, on
and son of Portland visited at the Bristol's
G reen Mountain. Horace Bristol
C. B. Carstens home Friday.
w ent on to Kelso. Wash., Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. H artw ick and I for a visit with friends.
daughter Joyce visited relatives in
Couple Given C harivari
P ortland Sunday.
A group of children and young
Ferd H artw ick began hoppicking
charivaried Mr. and Mrs.
in his hopyard Monday.
Clyde Hopkins Saturday evening
Vernon and Clyde Bateman. Ar- after they arrived in Banks from
lie Carstens. H arry Inkley and their honeymoon trip to Eastern
George Finck are spending this Oregon lakes. The young people
week at the various beaches.
w ere treated to candy. Mr. and Mrs
S. Roth and family, Mr. and Mrs Hopkins left this week foi Sher-
Dick Richardson of Portland, Mr wood, w here Mr. Hopkins will be
and Mrs. C. B Carstens and Ralph principal of the grade school this
Williams of Banks, Mr. and Mrs coming year.
F red Richardson and family of
Sunday School Picnics
Hubbard. Mrs. Ben Mayhen of Wednesday morning m em bers of
Lincoln, N e b , and Philip Palm er the Banks Sunday school journey-
of Seattle. W ash, picnicked to- ed to the George Wilcox picnic
gether Sunday at the Raffety place grounds north of Banks, w here they
near M ountaindale.
enjoyed a picnic. Rev. E. Tilton
Mr. and Mrs. Reid Eldridge of had charge of th e games. Those
Hillsboro and Mr and Mrs. John furnishing transportation were Mrs
Eldridge of The Dalles visited at C harles Kessler. Mrs. Ray Lien,
th e Jeff K ennedy and Eli G rindle Ray Parm ley, Earl Wilson. Rev-
homes Sunday.
Tilton. Sylvia Severance, and A.
Heard Opens
Banks Office
A R G U S,
Ç0Uni ÿ S IjjrgCSt D epartm ent StOW
H IL L S B O R O ,
"The Queen Is Dead." "The Church
Tells H itler,” a n d
“H ypocrisy
Among the Gumps " Septem ber 1,V
Homecoming Sunday, w ith f u l l
musical serv ice Septem ber 22, dedl
cation Sunday, with special dedl
calory exercises by C hristian Colin
eil clubs at 4 p in Septem ber 29:
Harvest home Sunday. Pastor may
be consulted any duy from lOo'clock
a m , until noon, or by appoint
ment. at House office, 232 North
Third avenue All young peoples
meetings resumed with opening of
Thursday, September f», 198ft
Social News of
Local Folk and
arriveit Monday evening for a visit for San Diego, C a l. to m ake their
witli Mr. and Mis Ray Thomas ot home Mr Doughty says they may
! this city, ami oilier relatives m never be able to return to Oregon,
' I’ortlam i and Roseburg Mr, Sprague tint they will always have a kindly
and Mrs Friebel aio brother ami feeling for Hillsboro and thin coun­
I h e ir
F r I e II i t *{ s|s,er of Mis Thomas The v i s i l o i
ty. Mr Doughty suid Unit when
i,.« Denver Saturday moi niiig.inak he came to Oregon In 1877, Hills
i mg the trip In three days with boro wan a very »mull place w ith.
Out-of-c»unt.v rela f i v e s a n d tine drivers ami almost constimi ■ ml telephone, electric lights, tele
friends attending the funeral ot traveling
graph office, or even a modern
Mrs laideina Anderson Tuesday
Mrs Dora Nelson of this city, ballitiib, and the streets w ere deep
w ere Samuel Stephens and Mrs. j
In dust In the sum mer and mud In
J Vtzinger of Astoria. Mr. and Mr and Mrs. Henry Johnson und the winter.
Mrs J J Miller and Mr ami Mrs daughter Janet, mid Mr. mid Mis
William Miller of Milwaukie, Mrs Oscar Delqucst of Portlund spent New Pastor Honored—
K. Konasek of Walla Walla. Wash . the week end mul l.tibor day ut
Rev and Mrs George iteule en
M. E. Church (Bethany)
Mrs. Kate Trtckey of Troutdale. the sum m er home of Mr. mid Mrs tertainud w ith a buffet supper Sun
On G erm antow n road. Sunday Mrs, Doris Evans of Corbett, Mr Hurry Morgan at Meaelimn
day evening honoring Rev unit
school every Sunday, 10 a. in.; G er­ and Mrs. K. K Erickson. Mrs. Ed
Mi and
Mt- John Bailey re- Mis I) Wendling of Forest Grove
__ ___
man service, 11 a nr, lu st a n d ltontty, Mrs
O ther guests were Rev. and Mrs
third Sundays; English service. 11 ltontty, Mrs.
Shayler, M rs.' tuor home at Seaside, w here they P II Seliaus and fuinlly, Rev. and
a. i n , second and fourth Sundays. H erbert Axtel Mtirlhu
Mrs E W llln rlrh s and fuinlly,
E. Julius Tiaglio, pastoi
tf Mrs Frank Davis, all of Portland;
Wolf creek load from Elsie to Ne- .and Mr and Mrs. It Moeller and
T ualatin Plains Presbyterian
fuinlly <>f Bliaiming, Mrs H D itt­
. * .........
iit.ili. Mum
i 1111 . Mcc
»1.... It..i^l«
Mrs f'I,
C . harles
(F our miles north of Hillsboro)
T “ 1*'
,, Delrlch
Robert l.uehrs of Portland Is ul rich, Miss Ituih lleiier. Misa G race
Sunday services: Bible school at
Vancouver, W ash; Mrs Fai I
Suhnow and M artin S trube
10:15; preaching at 11 a. m ; junior Îi3',1,’1 ‘
d a' |)d’L'1' and Mrs Sam the Delta Drug store as a phatnia-
clst. He succeeded Wallace Sauu- Attends President's Council—
C. E at 1120; C K at 8 p in *?e\ ey of Newberg, and Mrs durs,
who has returned to Suit Luka
M is Er at Engeldlnger, president
Women's Missionary society, lust Frank Zinn of Salem,
City with his fuinlly.
of till' Coffee elllti, is attending the
Wednesday of each m onth at 2 p
Mr and Mrs J,
J. N Wiley and
! family visited friends in The Dulles Helena, Mont . visited Ills brother, presidents' council of Oregon Fed
—” —
Sunday, and also visited the famous Charles I Todd, and family T h u rs­ elution of Women's clubs at Ute
Portland hidrl in Portlund today
The Congregation»! C hurch
historical museum nt that place
Homecoming duy, Septem ber 8 From there they went over The day’. Mr Todd is superintendent of and tomorrow
C hurch school. 10 a til, Richard Dulles-California h ig h w a y a n d the Masonic home at Helena.
Mr. and Mrs. B M Goodman and
Wiley, superintendent. Special op- W apinitia cut-off to Olalla lakes,
entng program Morning worship. w here they camped Sunday night, son spent last week in Portlund
11 o’clock, sermon: "The Church: Its returning by way of Brcitenbuah w ,th her m other, Mrs A I. Cun
Essential C ontribution to Life."
Springs Monday.
O il seed grain for fall
Jean and Joan Baines of P o rt­
Mrs. J E Osborne and d au g h ­ land
C hristian Church
Grass need for
Lord's day unified worship-study ter, Ruth, returned Monday to their Mr und Mrs A rthur Glllinvrc. this
lawn and field. We will
service. 9:45-11:15 a. nt.; worship, home at Vancouver, B C . after week.
9:45-10, study period, 10-10:30; re ­ Hirer w w k ff viall w ith ini aiatei
have it complete line of
Mr. and Mrs C hester M errill and
assembly a n d pastor's message. Mrs. George Laver. Mrs. I. S Os­
bulbs und uhruba. Full is
"The Meek." 10:30-11; at the Lord s borne of Portland, who just re tu rn ­ son und Mr und Mrs. J P M errill
the proper time to plunt
Table, 11-11:15. C hristian Endeavor. ed from California. Is visiting her of Animosa. la., spent the week
end ut Rockuwuy.
6:30 p. m. Interm ediate and young daughter, Mrs. George Laver
R J. Smith of Port Angeles.
people. Evening worship. 7:30. Song
H o d ffe n -B re w a te r P o u ltry
Mr und Mrs. H S. Rogers left W Mrs.
ash, arrived Tuesday for two
service and sermon. "The G reat Tuesday morning for tw o weeks In
nnd Dairy Freda will give
Divine Conqueror." Missionary so­ San Francisco, Cal Miss Leonu weeks' visit w ith her mother, Mis
best reMult.s for money in­
. . . meeting
. Tuesday, 2:30 i p. .. m Rogers, who hns been at the U ni­ W S. Tilton.
Mr. und Mrs. Matt Engeldlnger
at the church. All women of UlC versify of Oregon ut Eugene this
church in\ itcu to come. Mrs. Put summer, is ut home until the full
Portlund were guests several
nam, president, has im portant mat- term begins
I days last week of Mr and Mrs
. »Ul
>«. «
mis. n. ii u u m i i »mu
W..»k meetbm T hur^lav“ 7 io
anlt Uule returned Fi iday from a
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon
T urner are
• mm
hi P '"
m ers
^ » d i n g — the
su m ,ii<
-, s s • o
u j j o v u u r r n ii at
u( Metollua
n in u iiu s :-•■—------
—- wee
week at Ashland, Fred • Seed - Wuul and Poultry
e™ i
f Lord's
t r i day
Whllc there thcy hi,d ,he Plensure w here he ls on ‘»“ »ine
Telephone 3061
m o r n in e
S c o t .n d a “. P
oi »»'eting the author. Haloid Bell
Mr and Mrs. \ Will Homecker of
morning. Septem ber 13, is annual ... . .
. . ,
■ ,
. .
s e r v i c e Wright, and his wife who were G resham spent S
Young people going away to col- ' a iatb>ning at that place
H om ecker home
lege are invited to participate iil{ Mr and Mrs Frank Hurt and
Mr and Mis E A G iffith und
this service Promotion day in the son ut M arshfield spent the week- her mother. Mis Sopha Freerksei
church school Septem ber 29. R ally !cnd a"d Labor day at the George spent the w eek-end ut Seasidi
Miss Donna Sivier of Monmouth
day in the church school and an Hart home. His brother. Marion
nual day of the church October 6 Hart, and family retu rn ed home visited Mrs A A Hodges during
We invite friends and new people w ith lhem ,or 11 » '« 'k a visit
the w eek-end and Labor duy.
in our comm unity to worship and
M argaret Laver is s p e llin g the
Mrs. Ida Bellinger returned Sun-
Jake Weil
enjoy fellowship w ith us.— R L week with her grandm other, Mrs
from Salem, w here she visited
$15,000, exclusive of executive sal- Putnam , pastor.
Laver,_ in Portland Mr a n d ,
F rank P rine and family.
Mrs George leaver and family vis
Mariun Doyle is visiting
For five years the Weils op-
B ou g ht and Sold
friends nt Vancouver, W ash, this
Bible school, 9:45 a m., com-
»rated a second store in Washmg-
Mr and Mrs Ross H artiam pf and week.
ton county. This was located at munion and sermon. 11a in ; young son o, Corvallis spent the week
Mr nnd Mrs T C Doyle und
Forest Grove and was opened in peoples meeting, 7 p. m.; sermon, end w ith her parents, Mr. and Mr«
1 929 F o rd C o u p r
(be fa|j o( jgjg under the man- 8 p. ni. Bible study, 8 p. m„ Wed- Jacob Mohr, and visited other rel- sons spent the week-end nt Long j
1935 W illy » Sedan
agem ent of Jake Weil. The first nesday.—M Putm an, m inister
atives and friends.
store site was in the Tipton block
9 Eaaex C oupe
Mr and Mrs G. G arthofner und To Give Dinner—
AU Saints C hurch (Episcopal)
an<j jn 1920 the firm purchased the
Tw elfth Sunday after Trinity: daughter Mary Anne, and Evelyn
8 Eaarx C oupe
Caples' D epartm ent store across
Ladies of St Edward's church at
Ann Busch, and Ardis Ellingson
the street from the present Amcr- M orning service and sermon at 11 attended the state fair at Salem North Plains will give a benefit
7 C h e v ro le t Sedan
,can Legion hall. Two years later o'clock.
chicken dinner Sunday at the
1927 Essex C oach
the store was moved to the Brod-
Mr and Mrs. J. M Person spent
Methodist Episcopal Church
erson building Jake Weil operated
C hurch school, 9.45, Miss Rose the week-end with relatives and Mrs. M errill llostess—
Other earn to i house from.
the store from 1919 to 1923 and
(Venetian ticket, George
Mrs Chester Merrill entertained
during 1924 A Haas, an uncle of Cave, superintendent; divine w or­ friends in Seattle, W ash, and r e ­
Fisher. Buxton)
the Weil brothers, was manager ship. 11; sermon by the pastor; Ep- turned along the , coast route vld Thursday evening for Mrs. Harold
At the end of that time the s to r e 1 worth League. b:J0; evening wor Astoria.
Reynolds of Mountaindale Sixteen
Wayne Vogel of The Dalles spen' guests w ere present.
was closed out in order to con- ship service, <:30, conducted by
All kind« of Top Work,
centrate all interests in the Hills- young people. Reports of insti- the week-end ut the A W. Lentz I. eave for C alifornia—
Painting «ml Body Work.
e Miss Beulah W alker who
boro business.
Mt und Mrs. George Doughty
T hree dry goods stores w ere lo- l^et € harles M Reed, pastor.
spent the week here, returned home
have . old their home on Tenth and ,
cated in the Tamiesie building be-
with him Monday.
C a ra W n » h e d and
fore Weil’s was established Th#- 1 lan Dedication
^ rs
P urdum of Sun Oak s heets and will leave •• »on
P olished
first was the "A Gross store," j Plans are being completed for Francisco. C a l. is a guest this week
Built Through Metropolitan Methods
Get Our Prices - - -
Farmers’ Cash Store
Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs.
G ertrude Volpp went to Vernonia
Harold Jensen were Mr and Mrs. Saturdayi w here
w iu WOrk and
J. H. Pos of Portland.
attend high school this w inter.
Jimmy Rinck spent several days
Sam stein k e of Hillsboro
last week at the F n U Knupe home and Mr$ Harvcy GriU and threv
M orris Weil
in Yamhill.
children of Tangent visited A. H
By Ed C om ani
Mr. and M rs B. W A rm entrout ^-oiford and Mrs. Fred W olford, Employment o f m e tro p o lita n
of Banks and Francis Thompson of F rid aj They then drove 0 v e r
methods of sales, stock and aerv-
Portland spent Sunday at the Ar- G reen Mountain and visited old ice in the Hillsboro area has more
chie Thompson home near Moun- neighbors there
proven its worth during the
past 22 years, building W eils De-
Mr and Mrs Otto Hollenbeck
partm ent store into the largest
and fam ily of Portland visited Mr v ) l Q IV C S lQ e n t O I
such enterprise in Washington coun-
and Mrs B. W A rm entrout Labor
ty. In addition, th e four partners,
Nathan. R W.. Morris and Jak e
Mr and Mrs R. A. Wilcox and
Weil, feel confident that these same
children M arjorie and Ralph pic­
F uneral services w ere held from principles have made their estab-
nicked on the Nehalem river Sun­ Pegg's Chapel in Beaverton f o r lishm ent t h e 'l a r g e s t departm ent
W illiam Mogensen. 82, August 28. store in Oregon, outside of Port-
Mrs. Mollie Willis of Portland
William Mogensen. who was bom
spent the week-end at the Earl in D enm ark Septem ber 10. 1852. land. carrying exclusively w earing
Wilson home. She is now picking died at his home in G arden Home apparel for men. women and chil-
hops at the F erd H artw ick hop August 25.
The Weils first came to Hillsboro
He came to America in 1875 and
Mrs. C harles Kessler took the settled in Michigan for a short in Septem ber of 1913, buying up
Boy Scouts to Balm Grove Mon- time, when he moved to California th e stock of the "People's Store."
day night.
He moved to Portland, w here he a stock company which had just
failed. At th at . tim e . . they
Mr. and Mrs B. B Tresham mov- m arried M arie M athilda Gaarde in ; --------
, c did . not «
ed last week into the John Kessler 1880 He became a citizen of the contem plate the establishm ent of
house on Main street.
United States in 1882.
a perm anent store in this area, but
Amos Sellers returned home Mon-
From Portland they moved on a aB er a *ew. months, realizing the
day from Portland w here he had small acreage at G arden
Home, fu tu re business possib l li ties
î n
■pent tw o w eeks at the Lee Irv in w here he lived until his death. His W ashington county, decided to lo-
¡n December. 19», ju«t
Pilgrim of Mra. Fayetta Allem Mr. Purdum
w if A n p r re
e r c e e d d e e
d d h ___
i m __
in _____
er the structure was completed House at
North T hird avenut was form erly with the local Port-
. ' , ity of p ortiand.
o f ! land G eneral Electric office.
He leaves to m ourn his departure, im ity of Portland.
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mr:
N athan, Ja k e and Sam Weil, the out G
■ A d W lb a n d op.
E_ , M cAle-r >p<;nt (h<> ww.k .
W. T. Sellers w ere Mr. and Mr: one sister Mrs. Cronholm of Brook-
the business until March, ing by the Society of Pilgrims, and I end u, his ranch near I’ayett.
Dwight Sellers
of Hillsboro, Mr. lyn. N. Y.. and several nieces and latter now conducting one of the erated
they were succeeded
and Mrs. Charles Sellers and daugh- nephews. He was a brother-in-law most exclusive ladies' ready-to- by
the P eoples store, a stock be held by Hillsboro Christian ¡stro n g .w h o arc living on the pkicc
ters of Iowa Hill and Mrs George of the late John Gaarde.
1 w ear shops in Hollywood, were company.
¡C ouncil clubs, who use the house
Wilcox and Mr. and Mrs. B ernard He was a mem ber of long stand- the first to arriv e in Hillsboro and
S trict adherence to a policy of as their headquarters.
| Mr8, ”
Anderson and chi I-
Sellers and daughter of F ir G rove.1 ing in the Tigard G range and also completed the purchase of t h e giving customers the benefit .,f w ,lk „ , nn<lllllrrt
d,r e" £ l.u,r,n<£ M‘,nd1',y
Mrs. E dith Golden returned Sun- a mem ber of the Danish Aid so- ' People's store stock The business quality merchandise at 10 w e t W A p p o , n ‘e<,—
at NelicotL Mr Anderson «pent the
day from Tacoma to the Ernie clety of Portland.
at that tim e was located, as was prices and the maxim um of service , Appointm ent of C lair Wilkes, w eek-end there
T ucker home.
th at of th eir predecessor, in the has been the secret of the h e a l I former Hillsboro resident, as re-
Mr. and Mrs. Meric Hood and
Miss Ida Hopkins and Miss Lu­
Tamiesie building at Third and store's success, according to thi search assistant in farm manage- baby of Farmington, W ash, v is ite ,
cille B erney began th eir duties
Main streets, the site now oc­ partners. They pride them selve , , m ent succeeding H. E Selby lier sister, Mrs. Luniun Hall, anil
Monday as teachers in the Manning
cupied by L ester Ireland & Com­ on giving Washington county pa- )irantbd leave of absence for one fam ily last week
I By C. K. TrschM lI
Lois Breedlove o f Woodland. pany. Sales space available then trons a wide selection of national-i y®ar. to J . ^ e federal settlem ent! Thomas Humphreys of Heppner
M others club will meet
Friday Wash., visited Mr. and Mrs A lbert was only about one third of that ly advertised m erchandise lines “dm lnlstration, was approved Mon nnd his son, Roland H um phreys cf
afternoon in the church.
Shulz last week Mrs. Shulz and now used by the hardw are store
and experienced service that a r e , day by the slate board of higher Pennsylvania, visited Mr and Mrs
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. W alker vis- daughter M argaret a n d Eileen | Business increased rapidly and often not found in larger «toresI education.
Fred Rood Friday.
ited Mrs John Heltzel and
daugh- Sm earm an returned w ith her to ; in 1916 R. W. and Morris Weil, who
J. C. G ardner of P ortland 1«
ters in P ortland Sunday.
Woodland for the week-end.
had been operating a chain of dry
eaC«i .'i,'?.1 they ha\ a n e v e r
Ernest Schaer of Bethany brought Spending the week w ith his son
J. J. Hutchens attended state
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sm ith and ! goods stores in Washington, came
daughter-in-law . Mr. and Mr.-.
fair Monday.
daughter Louisa a n d Raymond to Hillsboro. During the period of ity goods and that they have mad
G ravenstein apple. v - w - G ardner.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. W alker drove H uber spent the week-end at the war. Jak e and Morris served every effort to provide dressm ak­ week
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hare and
to Silverton August 28 and visited Wamic and brought D arrell Sm ith in the arm y and R. W. became ing, knitting and other instructions w eighing four pounds and six oun
M rs E. C. Kaufm an and Mrs. Guy home w ith them.
ces, Mr. Schaer says the apples are Mr. and Mrs W alter Whiting of
general manager.
for th eir customers
Sanders (Rose P rickett).
John Trachsel visited Mr. and
Need for additional space to keep ( M erchandising experience of the better prices this year, but his crop near Beaverton spent the week-end
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Atlee and Mrs. Harold Hanson of Forest abreast of the ever-increasing busi­ firm runs back to 1891 w h e n is lighter.
|an d Labor day at Pacific City.
Mrs. Florence S hurter spent Sun- Grove Saturday.
ness became more apparent each N athan Weil organized, with his Child Study G roup Meets—
Jim m y Everest nnd Jack Grass-
day at Rippling Waters.
J. T uller is having the roof of year and in March, 1919. th e p art tw o brothers, the "Palace D epart­
P. T. A. child study group, pre i ield oi
‘¿ nd v' slled J,'rn" ’y '*
Douglas Dreezen o f Moclyps, his house shingled.
I ners purchased the old T ualatin ment Store,” in Spokane. Wash. school to 12 years, will meet T u e s-! K randm othei, Mrs. A. A. Hodges,
Wash., visited his parents. Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sm ith a n d hotel property on Main street and They returned to Spokane in 1901
Mrs. O. D. Dreezen. last week.
daughter Ruth and Nola visited started construction of the pres- and continued in the departm ent day afternoon at three o'clock at | last wceR
Mr and Mrs Earl L uther und
Mrs. Nora Dooley of Forest Grove Mr. and Mrs. Hesterlee of Hazel- , ent modern store building. The old store business there until they came the P eter Boscow school. Subject
will be “Home Background f o , (daughter Vera of Salem spent the
spent several _day_s_ last week with dale Sunday.
| hotel had been a Hillsboro land- to Hillsboro in 1913.
School Work," from Septem ber Par- i w eek-end and L abor day w ith Mi .
her mother, Mrs. M. A. Dodds.
C lara Trachsel has gone to w ork m ark for nearly 75 years and when
ents' magazine.
and Mrs. Otto H artram pf.
in the German B aptist Old People's the building was torn down it was
C elebrates Birthday
Mr. G ates Improve»—
Mr and Mrs Rufus E Fox lcfl
Evelyn Kessler celebrated h e r home in Portland.
found that wooden pegs had been
August 28 for Weston, w here he
Mrs. Emil Trachsel is recovering used in th e original part of the
ninth birthday Friday by en ter­
teach in the high school and
taining a group of little friends from a slight illness.
structure instead of nails.
Services are held every Sunday 1 during the past three weeks, i . coach athletics this year,
w ith a party. Present were Marie
The new store was occupied on
11 a m.; W ednesday evening
,hC ¿V‘‘i Mr ',nd
M,H C. E. Sprague and
Rinck, B arbara Wilson, Connie Lou
December 1, 1919. with nearly services
at 8 o'clock; Sunday school rem ain at the Good Sam aritan hos Mrs w K j. r i,.bcl of Denver Col
VanDorn. Norma Jean Taylor, V ir­
12.000 square feet of floor space at
11 a. m. P upils up to the age «‘tal for ■ week or more. He has'
f r itb c l of Denver, Col .
ginia Oatfield, W i l m a McPeak.
available for sales, display and of­ of
<By Vivian H udson)
20 years are welcomed. Free ,,een seriously ill, and has m ade a
Alvena Parm ley, Hazel Thompson
Fritz Stegman commenced Satur- fice room. A large basement p ro­ reading room open on W ednesdays; rem arkable recovery,
Alma Miller, Juanita Wolford. Jan et dav morning logging on the Roy vided an additional 4000 square and S aturdays from 2 until 4 p. m. Wins on Jingles—
Sellers. M arna Finck, Tiliie Moore, Dargotz property and at 5 p. m. the feet for stock room.
Mrs. D wight Sellers won an auto
Commenting on the new stru c­ S u n d ay s topic,_Man.
F ern Johnson, K ay Lien, M arjorie first truckload of logs wen* -to the
Wilcox. Sheila Hall, Connie Lou Manning mill
ture. an article in the November
Banks M. E. Church
7,atic u!ec„tric ,Gould w ater pum p I
Sunday school every Sunday, 9:45 .™a'(iri tl(r| 8 i» ^ “ r-bne jingle and
Kennedy, and Evelyn Kessler.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston are 27, 1919. issue of the Argus d e­
thu „ ? u Uld
Move to P ortland
I picking hops for Emil Dober at clared in part. "No structure in a. m., Mrs. Fred Wolford, super- t’^ " di
Hillsboro, aside from the C arnation intendent. Preaching services by ,,any t r o u g h the Hillsboro Feed
Mrs C. W. Moore and sons m o v -' Gales Creek.
Ju ly The pump (
ed to Portland Sunday, w here Mr
Mr. and Mrs Hudson entertained
Moore is employed.
at luncheon Labor day for Mr. investment, and in all W ashington day evening at 8 »'click. Ladies' was lns,alled las‘ week.
Reunion Held
and M rs- C. M. Bagstad, Mr. and county there is no m ercantile build­ Aid m eets first and third Wedncs Leave» for C alifornia—
t f , Mrs. Ada Patterson, who h a s '
A fam ily gathering was held J?r '5 G. F. F ranklin of Forest ing which is so complete in Its a r ­ days at 2 p. m.
I been visiting at the home of her
Sunday at the home of M r and -’r 2ye’
and Mrs. Mays and son rangement. Lighting system la one
of the features of the building
Pilgrim House
’on< P ? u' Patterson, left today for
Mrs. Em m ett Wolford on Green of Tacoma. Wash.
Septem ber 8; Chapel service of L.a r . ’ ,
w iLcre shp *’ an ln
M ountain. Present were Mr. and
and Mrs. Bert Owens and Skylights and windows are so a r ­
Mrs. B ert G rindle and Mrs. Neita Floyd U pdike left for a hop yard ranged th at every portion of the w orship at 10:30 a. m., celebrating structor ln thp Forest Hills school
H ieberlein of McMinnville: Mr.« a* Salem Monday.
b irthday of St. Mary, the Mother N eedleeraft Meets—
F red Wolford and sons Lyle and
Prunes w ill ripen about Septem - out-of-doors and the electric fix of O ur Lord, w ith «special music
N eedleeraft club held its first
Vernon and daughters Hazel and *>er 1®-
Pastor H enry S. H aller will preach m eeting for fall this afternoon
Juanita, A. H. Wolford, and Mr
, ----------------- ----
of Mary Burns!" (Thursday) at the H enry Kroegei
ing is a credit to the city and to "Religion in H t eart
h e New's” topics: home.
and Mr; Eli G iindie, all of Banks B lo o m in g F a rm U n io n
the progressiveness of its builders.’
Mrs. George Bristol o f Ansley,
P lan« M e e t W e d n e s d a y
Average of 16 persons, exclusive
d ic tio n a ry
Neb.; John Holland and Mr. and. H erm an E Lafkey of Salem wiil
of the four partners, are employed
Mrs. Em m ett Wolford of Green <jiscuss the Frazier-Lem ke bill next in the store, while the employm ent
M ountain. A picnic d inner was j Wednesday evening during the reg- at seasonal peaks is approxim ately
w X r d hn„ ™ *n 3 gr° Ve near
•' ular m eetin« ot th e Blooming lo- 20 and during the holiday season
Wolford home.
cal of the Farm Union. The session as high as 35. In addition, tw o
Miss Gladys Overton arrived in is scheduled for 8:30 p. m. at Bun- janitors are employed. A nnual
"Pow er to product an
__ • »
Banks Sunday evening from Cres ning's
hall at Cornelius.
payroll of the firm is in excess of
effect: effective en­
We wish to announce that we have just completed
well, w here she spent the sum m er
w ith her parents. Monday Miss H---------------------------------------------------------------- -------- 1 installation of steam rolling equipment. We can now
O verton and Miss Mamie Sandy
steam roll your barley, wheat, and oats. Have your
To do you good the ma­
began th eir duties as teachers of
grains steam rolled instead of ground. You will find
th e B uxton school.
terials used in filling
that your stock will do better and consume less grain.
O perations Resumed
your prescription must
Garden Home Dies
Agent for
W illy a
Dairyman Stock Feeders. . .
Formal Opening Saturday
Per 100 lb«.
’ At farm on
Gales Creek Road
R ob ert W arren s
Phone 1609W Forest Grove
The public is cordially
invited to inspect the
portrait studio now be-
ing conducted in Hills-
boro by Miss Martha
Schramel. Everything
has been provided for
comfort and service of
patrons. You are also
invited to see the first
showing o f portraits
and art studies pre-
pared by Miss Schramel.
Don’t forget the d a te ’
The price for steam rolling will be $3 per ton.
We have complete and up-to-date seed cleaning
equipment. Let us clean your Clover Seed, Vetches, and
grains. We will do you a first class job.
G as • O il - Accesaories
We are cash buyers of all grains and seeds. It will
pay you to see us before you sell.
P a y Cash an d Save — T r a d e w ith
(Form erly Seligm an Studio)
169 S. Second Ave.
Phone 1541
Im p e r ia l
Imperial Feed & Grain Co.
Phone 81
Millers nt Quality Feeds
Soulh Rerond Ave.
Used Car Exchange
2n d an d W a » h .
I t 'S
a waste of tim e and
money to keep on uring worn-
out w ashing eq u ip m en t or
old-faihioned method», when
a new M aytag could lave to
much on your weekly clean-
clothes e x p e n te . And it'«
foolish fo consider a cheap
wa»her when, TODAY, you
can g e t a genuine M a y ta g
af it» pretent low price.
$74. 5 0
Prescription Druggists
Phone 266
P r o s p e c to r a n d
three tenderfeet
battle icy blasts
and wild beasts
In struggle
for life !
• In the wildest, cold­
est corner of the North-
west. Alun Garth found
h im s e lf trap ped w ith
two desperate villain»
who were trying to kill
h im , an d a p a m p e r e d
daughter of a m illion­
aire. He alone could get
any of them hack to civi­
lization. Their lives and
his own, plus a fortune
in platinum , depended
on his success or failure.
® H ere’s a red-blooded
h e-m an story for you I
b e efficacious. O u r
drugs are tested before
they are used to assure the
efficacy your doctor de­
120 packages of White King)
Washing Powder
Palm Drug Store
P hone 2641
G ra h n m -P a ig e
G ra h a m -P a ig e Sedan
$ 8 6 9 D e liv e re d H e re
W illy » 4 -d o o r S edan
$ 5 7 9 D e liv e re d H e ro
an d
this month with every
Lester Ireland
& Co.
H IL L S B O R O , O R E G O N
Head every
installm ent
Robert Ames Bennet
A ppearing serially in
Beginning Kept. 12