H IL L S B O R O Thursday, September 6, 1935 Miss Duyck Weds Martin Stadelman AR G U S. H IL L S B O R O , Page FI va OREGON Fa u rest A rider son New Members Coffee Club Has Will lie Named Drives to Home First Fall Meet Election of new members will b< the chief item ot interest during next two weeks for clubs a f­ from Penn State the September 13th filiated with Hillsboro Christian Townsend club benefit card party Hillsboro Violin Studio. 255 R and dance Aloha Grange hall Sat- Main S t, private or In ctase, In- urday night. September 7. Admis- eluding violin outfit if desired sion 25c Five prizes. ¡Also violins a n d a l l accessor- A beuutlful wedding ceremony ------------------------------- -- ies. 28tf took pine© at 9 a m August 23 at Cood Time Dance | ----- — ................ St. Francis Catholic ehun b at Hoy. At G range hall every Saturday Old Time Dance when Miss Itcgina Marie Duyck 7T. ~ , night. Georgia Hess orchestra. Ad- At Hillsboro G range hall, 1st and as ail the various groups daughter of Mr. and M im H«-nry F lrst meeting of t h e Coffee club > mission 25c Faurost Anderson, son of J. I. Council, 29tf 3rd Thursday, beginning Sept cm - begin their new season with the Intercut in.! report» were given ii cupHuU* hliuprU <* ku brought hi Duyck, became the bride of Mur- Anderson of Hill-.boro, returned opening of school sessions. T hirty- for the new year will be held at — -------------— ber 5 Hue karoos’ old-time mu.de. on the »lute convention of Die l.c by 1. II Muhly of Mouth of Cor- tin Studelinun, son of Mr und Mrs Saturday after driving overland five boys and 39 girls will become the chamber of commerce rooms Argus classified ads get results. 'G ood caller. Tickets 25c. 28tf John Stadelman. Rev. F. J. Springer f:on» Pennsylvania. The young man Friday afternoon. Septem ber 13, gton Auxiliary ut The Dali«» at rwlluM, llaiiturn egg* brought In new pledges to the clubs, if all officiated. i left Portland on the “Portland beginning at 2:15 o’clock. The Tuesday night'» meeting of llllla by Wultvr Hergert, u freak twtated vacancies are filled, President R ich­ newly elected president. Mrs. Fred The bride, who was given in ( Rose** Ju ly 27 for Detroit. At that I ard boro unit by the «4« h ;.ile». Mrs cut rot brought in by M im J A Abts hasuinnounced. It is plan* I ’lrm Eallnger. Mi W I- Cyru» .Short, ti fragrant pink Aniuryllia m arriage by her father, wore u city he picked up a car purchased I ned to have all pledging and i n - , Erigeldinger, will preside and oth­ unit Mr» Fred Caldwell It wa» re- blossom grown by Jim I'cppurd, lovely white satin dress with long I through a local dealer and then itiation work completed before Sep- ' er new officers, assisting as host- ported Ihui thia w ir the latgcat mid an old picture of the court train Her truiling veil was tucked visited in Michigan and Pennsyl- I tember 22, when Council will dedi­ esses for the meeting, will be Mrs. »tule convention ever held In Ore hou.se (louiit(*(l by Mrs C harlei to a lace cap caught with orange vania with relatives On the re- cate its new headquarters. Pilgrim Otto H artram pf, first vice-presi­ non Mr» J- II Olnamore. chair Sewell to the lllMtorlcol und Mu- blossoms. She curried a bouquet of turn trip be wus accompanied by House, at 232 North Third avenue. dent; Mrs Florence Reynolds, sec­ white sweet peas. Joan roses and bi« aunt. Mrs. II. It. .Sjolander of ond vice-president; Mrs. II H man of the child w elfare commit* nr urn society Inauguration of the new president Stannard. secretary; Mrs. A L. bouvardia. ' Ishpeming, Mich., who will visit tee, al»o gave a report of t h «• will lake place during the week of Chase, financial secretary, and Mrs Miss Sylvia Duyck, sister of the m Hillsboro with her sister, Mis year'« work, »howlnu u l a r g e September 22. Council has expand W. E. Pittinger, treasurer. bride and only attendant, wore a Anderson. am ount of relief done along Ihow Thia floor length dress of Apricot or- Anderson reported encountering ed during the sum mer through the The program will be on public line«. organization of a Mothers’ associa­ welfare, gamut with a pleated white crepe hitch-hikers all along the way, par Week with Mrs. E. L. McCor­ Mr». Carl Chrlatener, who had turban She carried blue-lavender ticularly in Ohio and Pennsylvania. tion. and plans have bepn made mick as chairm an, and will fol­ been elected a« aergeunt-Ut arm», for the formation of a Dads' club Deer and Elk llu n te r ' club an I sweetpeas and roses The mother .’ H<* stated that whole families could low the business meeting The Evening at 6:30 tendered her resignation, and Ml'» tli«-ir famllivH picnicked Sunday at corsages were of gardenias. lie seen “thum bing” their way east. this month Besides the groups of president will announce her com- John I’ubols was elected to fill the the high school and college age, Coun D. B Hurkhulter home P res­ Joe Stadelman, brother of the F urther west the m ajority of the , . , i m ittees and chairmen, and plans vacuncy, Officer» will he ln»tiilled ent were Metwri. and Meadarrwa cil will again sponsor two clubs of | for the . work hikers were boys, he said som etime before the next regular Karl Kollermeier Sr., C. C. Kol- bndegnxjin. acted as best man. grand inarch was play- Mrs J L. Anderson, Mrs. Sjoland- junior high school age, and tw o |ined meeting of Die Auxiliary, probably lerm eier and children, Irvin Schiel ed Hillman's grade school age _ by Miss Margaret lleeaacker er and Lloyd Anderson are spend- clubs of ,, _ . . , . - . . The new quilt made by members at a Joint meeting with the Legion. und Mon. and Churles Winkle and Kuymond sang s o l o s ing the week at Rockaway. Mr Meeting» scheduled for next week ,lt the c)ubM ig on di \ at the The president. Mr» Salinger, p re­ duughter, all of West Linn; Karl throughout VanDyke the ceremony. Anderson and Faurest took them to n dude Omega and Gamma chap ,»ortland G a, 4 Coke c^ ^ , ny of. sented silhouette picture« to thiwo Kollermeier J r und children of large reception was held at the coast Monday and returned the ters, Monday evening; Delta chap- fjce F J having perfect attendance for the Oregon City; Henry K Platt und the A bride's home after the wedding same day ter. Tuesday evening; C-Hi club, I year, Miaulâmes Fred Amacher, children ceremony, with ubout 95 guests ■— . ■ . ■ . of Tigard; George B urk­ Wednesday evening; Vikings, T h u rs-! " Nye Bristol, Fred Caldwell, Ian- halter. Edwin Hurkhulter and chil­ day evening Alpha and Beta chap- H o m e C O m i n S T D a V Clark and 8. F. Gleen. A number dren. In the evening a dance was giv- P . ters, Friday evening. Junior clubs ° J Andrew Lentz and duughter, of other» received picture» for a t­ Kdwurd wHl meet in the afternoons, Wolf H t L o c a l C h u r c h Missen Helen en to their many friend» at th e ' r n i t tending all bul one or two m eet­ Bagnell Schulmerlch, und Evelyn Henson. John Verboort hall with music by Wal- 1 U l k S Cub Pack Uor boys), Tuesday aft ings. Special homecoming day services Gucene. Lawrence Wocstenburg, and Flower Guild (for Mr», ltrlatol will be hoale»« for Ed wont und Norman Schulmerlch. k T h e °io u n g rw u p le left on a trip , "The next generation should learn ernoon, girls), on Wednesday afternoon. at the Congregational church next the next pot luck lunch and sew ­ and Hill Fixln, all of Hillsboro und to the beaches, after which they said Mrs Junior high school students’ groups Sunday. The church auditorium ing afternoon at her home on S ep­ vicinity; Andrew Pierson of Palo will make their home above Moun- * “ **"" Pr? ‘dJ nt ?f ,h ' will begin their meetings the fol­ will present a new appearance, Oregon Congress of Parents and lowing tem ber 28. with luncheon at 12:30 Alto, Cal . Mesdaines Mary C I tuindale. having been redocorat«?d through­ week. Teachers, in her talk to leaders out. The roof also has been re ­ Clark und Rosa Crouch of Portlund. | from Washington county comm un­ paired. Mrs. T. A rthur Dungan, who und the boat and hostess ities meeting at a school of instruc­ has been conducting choirs i n tion at Aloha G range hall August Portland, is to be the new choir 27. Mrs K letzer outlined the poli- director and w ill be in charge next Miss I-IUIe llomedew. brlde-elect c*’ ’ * ‘hned " ’ IL0™ 1, ^ T if tT “ “5 NORTH PLAINS A pretty well "The Prince of Egypt,’’ a histor­ Sunday. C lair Beeler w ill sing a of George Jacobson of Portland. ! r ’ h" ti n ical pageant-dram a depicting the solo. Acting m inister, T. A rthur ding was solemnized at the St of» formulated at the national conven- life of early Egyptians, will be p re­ Dungan, will speak upon a timely Edward'» church Tueaday m ornint in Miami »-»• she »F sa » was »><>■ a Main work of the Hillsboro P a r­ wm given a show t,, ir Thursday aft* H°n ln Miami, Oregon where when Ml*a Helen Marte Crop. ent-Teacher and a mem- sented at the high school auditor­ them e at 11 o’clock and there will association this yeui ernoon at the home of Mrs Henry ¡ S T E : » Ï Ï ,“ " ™ £ X CX « •» - V " « - V Ï ' T ’ Jacobson of West Union_ Present “ f h executive board. Mrs ium Septem ber 28 and 27. This Is be special opening program in the arrangem ent of the Lind- church school at ten o’clock. All V ^n Ae, IH t ^ W “ ld ° Ur S«*««1» “hoUld a ly special - » - * i » — • ................. i s s u s * j v " = . ? and Canfield Dramatic company Hillsboro people not connected with and is presented under the auspices other church w ork in the city are of Mr und Mrs. J J Nus»bauiner Other committee head* selected to of the Methodist Episcopal church. cordially invited. of n Helvetia Hresack) F. C. llolznagel. Florence «II eiv eu a Rev n«v Father r .» m » r . dalp ari. Mrs H W Gates, hospital- Megargel, ». L. Holznagel. Mrs K, , Mrs. Kletzer said that the Nation- ''Æ '. - ’Â '" . l X Ä i K i ï ï : S . c X 7 . £ Parents and Teach- Miss Elma Williams will direct the m e cast will be De x / r ; -r____ t -> - j production ana and the favor of so taxing large chosen from members of various - 'I l S S J O f i e S l i l 'l C l e A , . „ - I I .n d « »rrie.1 a bou- Pr,'x'«>" '» ■'■•■ '■"X “ ■> ex«-«-«» “ 7 ' , f ' "V— corporations th at their profits are local and civic organizations. Hun- T A l-p v -o rl R o e r r o r flowing veil a Ullie« ,lv *' councU “nd commute«- ch air-I E“ 1't r r ; * r ,h “ r C °nnel>. returned to every comm unity w h en dreds of dollars w orth of costumes '-* • z s - l i l v U D e l g e l quet Of J ' 1. ” man will be held Monday. Sept.-m- I Bellinger. Peter Yunker, and h „ ,h , Miss Hazel Jones, daughter of M arjorie Meek, niece of h. bride |# a( |h . hom r Mri( s w the honor guest and hostess Mrs. c<,mmi, tee i-hairmen from the and stage settings are provided to Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Jones of Beav­ make a realistic drama. was drex»e , n n Howv ua £ program ri>KraKm bullding and other I«-» 1 M »» R( ,(| ivi I » lijiliuii u n c, and Mrs Frank Im brle second building of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Berger of .«nd blue sweetpeas i e - m ,n -r i-harles Douglass. Mrs W C. Chris- I I m atters in the conducting of local Bethany, w ere m arried August 28. Anita Baker and Delores ' ‘ tensen and Mrs J M Person are l \ Æ i « d zaw iaR Lii'irln associations. Rev. B. M. Fresenborg officiating. nieces of ittee for HIV Du- teach- 1 1 lbfl P 1 100 . the bride -, und groom, , , »vt . the »liv t comm immilli« f « chosen IIXBVII i»»s issavi»- M 1SS _ Aloha G range ladies served lunch The bride was dressed in white. I Tigard and Shute, the tw o newest Miss G ertrude Needham of Sa- and wore a corsage of orchids and X r d r L ^ d " \ n y*"ow organdv ¡ £ Ì o£ 7 » ,Uon *° h ,w *“rly ,, , • , — - _ —— _ *-*- . . . * . , i associations, won the attendance lem. member of the Hillsboro grade gardenias. The bridesmaid Miss and carried baskets of riHiebuds and ' " Miss • Mary E G errish, daughter school faculty, became the bride (Hulda Berger, w ore a dress of sweetpeas Anthone Nussbauiner wax ! of Mrs Minnie G errish of Hills- ! P of Russell Ide of Hillsboro in a pink crepe w ith a corsage of gar- Harold . Hathorn. who , is with I,est man Mrs Lucy ----------------- Baker, sister ----- -------, ..... . . . . th> boro, became the bride of T. J u d - ( . simple cerem ony at the Presby- denias. W arren Jones was best man. of the bride, played Lohengrin’» Bureau of 1 ulilir Road» at ( rati-; M>|J Seda|n ln a q Ujet ceremony M iC C W h i t m O T e tenan parsonage at McM innville A reception at the home of the w.Hiding march M t. Cecelia Gent, ak.- »p«nt the w«wk end and l.a .„ lbe home of lbc brldeil gilrter L’1 . / Tuesday. Rev. H arry Kenney o ffi-: bride’s parents followed the cere- another «tster. sang m * ciated. Only m em bers of the im - j mony, after which the couple left ..rrtuv .i Mr« . The altars were beautifully d«i Mr and Mr» w illiam ttatnorn urduy evening Mr Mr. .n and Mrs. «in. Sin LAUREL—Miss Josephine W hit­ for a trip to the beaches. Glen Norton spent Wednesday clair attended the couple. Only the more of Laurel and Leon Lovegren mediate families were present. in-ated » Ith blue hydrangeas, yel Following the ceremony t h e _____ und _ gladioli night and Thursday with his grand- immediate families w ere present. of Cherry Grove were m arried in low cannas Mr. and Mrs Mike Bibby of A wedding dinner wa» served nt mother, Mr» Mary Sabin, on his Pastor Henry S Haller of Pilgrim Vancouver Wash "August~31 "^Tiev couple left for a brief wedding trip rass Valley are guests this week the home of Mi und Mrs Clarence way to Toledo from Seattle. Wash House officiated. A fter a brief were accompanied by the b rid es to the Oregon beaches and will G of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Morgan. M«*ek to about seventy invited w here he has been working honeymoon at the Oregon beaches, parents Mr and Mrs Calvin Whit- return here the last of the week gueats Chester Nixon. Wayne Quill, and the newlyweds will be at home at more The young couple will make to make their home ln a new house Reshingle before the fall rains In the evening a dance was held Roy fixuielt of Council Bluffs. Iowa. Pocatello, Idaho, w here both have their home In Cathlam et, W ash. on Baseline road. with the famous Schneider cedar The bride is a daughter of Mr shingles.—C In the Helvetia hall, and was at- gpent several days last week with bw n employed w here the groom is employed. Lum ber Co., and Mrs. W Needham of Salem Forest Grove, arnation tended by a host of friends, many Chester's aunt, Mrs H R. Emmott. exclusive sales agents coming from a long distance Mr and Mrs. George Hyde plan and has taught in the Junior high Phone 20 Miss Ruth Fritsch of Chicago, Returns With Boy Kroato— 2»ti After a brief honeymoon In III . surgical supervisor of Henro- here for about seven years 1 Jam es Schick, son of Mrs Eve to move to Forest Grove the end school The bridegroom, a son of Mr Southern O r ^ m ? * r a n d M r s , Un hogpltaI 1» visiting her sister Downs, return«-d Thursday from the of the week He has been with B. Nussbaumer will be »" Mr, A J fo elk er of Hillsboro Boy Scout tour of the east He was F. Pile in the Farm ers' Cash store 1 and Mrs. W. G. Ide of Hillsboro, With MAXINE DOYLE and FRANK McHUGK is a World w ar veteran and m em ­ their many friends at Helvetia Mr and Mrs. Carl Schildhauer in » group that visited Washing- for the past few months. YOUR And 21 Famous Speed Cyclists ber of the American Legion. Mrs. C. D. Hudson of north of and daughter Wilma moved last ton. D C.. although the Jam boree Here from N ebraska— week from north of Eugen> to the in that city was railed off on ac- Hillsboro returned last week from a H. F. Paul and family arrived W L. Stevens farm near -aurel. count of an infantile paralysis epi- visit at the home of her father, , Mrs. Sparks Arranges Schedule— here Sunday from Aurora. N eb . Mrs Erma Taylor Sparks will be PLUS ADDED ATTRACTION Mr and Mrs S. A Jo in so n of demlc, and while there had lunch- J. E Norton, and other relatives at and are m aking their home on the Portland and Mr and M i J A at the home of Mrs. V. W. G ardner! » a h Congressman Ekwall. In Coquille. Hiram Davis ranch of 25 acre» at Wismolek visited Mr ano Mrs F Friday afternoon to arrange h e r 1 \ ? rk ,h r Babe Ruth. Mr and Mrs. C. L. Delchman and The Latest Pictures of the Roy, which they purchased Paul Jack Dempsey, and Jim m ie Dur- family returned Monday to Cen-1 schedule for piano lessons for the Sunday. was here In June to look over the W „ Walch „ . _ ante in person They had dinner at tralia. Wash., after several days vis­ coming year. Ross Baer of P ierre Sou h Da- Jack A p s e y 's cafe country it with his mother, Mrs. Helen Honored on Birthday— kota. arrived this week to take a Deichman. A llrnd Regional Meet— “GOING ON TWO” position with the local office of Former Resident Visits— Mrs D. E. Wiley gave a theatre FOR LESS— Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Whiddon and party Saturday afternoon for her Mrs R L. Smith, city librarian, the Portland Gas & Coke company. Mr. and Mrs W alter T. Lethln of and W. Verne McKinney, trust««- Mlgg Lucllle R(x(d spcnt t h e San Diego. Cal., have been visiting daughter spent the week-end with daughter Clarabel. Sixteen small PLUS—Selected Short Subjects of the Oregon State Library, at- j wpejt .end and Labor Day with Mr during the past tw o weeks with Mr and Mrs R. Fred Elliot of guests w ere present and attended From our new stock of tended the meeting of the Pacific #nd M rj R u p rrt Kennedy at The Mr and Mrs E I. K uratlt a n d ; Portland, and picnicked Monday on , the picture. “Curly Top.” Northwst Library asiux-iation I n Dalleg other Hillsboro friends They also Sandy river. sport dresses at Plan Dedication— Portland Thursday aad Friday. and Jean Anne Abt» underw ent a made a trip to Mt. R ainier i n ; Mr. and Mrs. Orin Darety and Paul Brunswick family will dedi­ Visit In Eaat— tonsil operation at Sm ith’s hospital Washington. They plan to stop a t'c h ild re n of North Plains and Mr cate their new home at Arcade Mr and Mrs L. T McPhevtcrs Wednesday morning Dr C T C rater Lake on th eir way h o m elan d Mrs. Robert W atts of Portland! Sunday afternoon. Whosoever Witt Mr. Lethin form erly lived near --pent Sunday w ith Mr. and Mrs left Saturday for Detroit, M id i. Smith operated Tabernacle will hold a baptism al Moffatt station, but he is now w ith E. B Watts. from w here they will drive to Ok- Mr and Mrs II P Braman and service there at the same time. the telephone company of Los An-1 Mrs Jam es Taylor and sons of And our new styled luhoma to visit her relatives and to family of Tacoma, Wash., spent the Sherwood, N. D.. spent the week-1 Employed at Mine— sport coats at Missouri to visit his. They plan to week end with Mrs. John C. B«*ch- After Last Show R rtn rn from Trip— end w i,h Mrs. Wayne Vaught, her be gone about a month Reginald Reynolds is now em ­ en .75 Mr. and Mrs. J. W Kelley re- ''ls^ r -in l»'v ployed on the engineering staff of A C Gulley underw ent a major I». A. R. Chapter Meet»— Misses M argaret and Mary Yant- the Sunshine mine a t Kellogg. „.«Il operation at Jones hospital this turned last week-end from two David , Hill chapter. hoidV«“ ?i,r‘;«l7 .T m e e D n A ‘g' R M . onSi ! “ •< /b u r s d a y , Dr D E weeks’ trip to Montana, w here they. B and Mr and Mrs. John Lakson Idaho, one of the largest silver visited K athryn English at Valier j sP®nt ,he week-end at Marshfield mines in existence. afternoon at two o’clock at the Wiley perf<»rmed «he operation You may have a Mr and Mrs E B Watts visited G eneral Aid Meets— home of the president. Mrs. C E Mrs R Frunk Peters and chil- They also visited Yellowstone park. Dress and Coat Wells All members are urged to dren. who have lieen spending the where many deer, elk and moose I Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watts in Port- : General Ladies’ Aid of the M. E summer at Oceanside, arrived home were seen. Mr Kelley brought back land last Thursday. for attend. church will meet Wednesday after­ Mrs. C. E Wells and Mrs H R Sunday with Mr Peters, who spent specimens of ore from Obsidian F lrnlr at F rn n rs— mountain and samples of paint from Morgan spent Wednesday at the noon at two o'clock at the Thomas the week-end there. Connell home. All members are A group from the Bethlehem L u­ Mrs M M Taylor broke her the Boiling Paint Pots in the [>ark state fair at Salem. requested to bring thimbles. theran church Friendly Circle In right arm last w w k when she fell E ntertain at Dinner— Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Goodin and Pythian Sisters Meet— Portland enjoyed a picnic at the In the yard at the W. F. Lormor Mr and Mrs J. E. Reeves spent Mr. and Mrs. Donald Megargel Peter Penne farm near Farming- home Dr A O Pitman attended Two days only! F i r s t m eeting o f Phoenicia the week-end at Neskowin. entertained at dinner Wednesday ton Sunday Mr. Penne is iwcretary the fracture. following the summer va­ evening. Guests were Mrs. Mamie M McClain spent the week-end Temple, Friday and Saturday. of the circle. Sept. Miss Myrtle W alker of College Cohae and daughter Miss Opal of at Albany and also visited t h e cation. w ill be held Friday evening, Septem ber 13. at the K. P. hall. Artisans Meet— Place. W ash. arrived Tuesday for Venita. Oklahoma. Mr. and Mrs. state fair at Salem. 8, 9, 10 at Washington county assembly of a two weeks* vacation with her Floyd Miller of Portland. Mr. and Mr and Mrs. B. R. Pooley of B rother Dies— United Artisans will meet in the parents, Mr and Mrs. A. W Wal- Mrs. Alf O Johnson of Forest Portland visit«*d at the H. R. Em­ August F. Radke, brother of Continuous Show Sunday — 2 p. m. to 11 p. m Grove, and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mur- mott home Sunday. old grange hall Tuesday The ker. John Radke of Hillsboro, died in GOAR'S Mr and Mrs. William Ziegler. ton- meeting will be followed by a P ortland August 30. Miss Bethine Roscoe of Portland social hour and refreshm ents Mr. and Mrs T. W. Shuck and Mr N O W YOU WILL SEE HER TRANSFORMED Mr. and Mrs Burton A. Cook spent last week w ith Mrs. L. S. Tigard Man Dies— and Mrs. Joe Nettling and families Window Display Varied— and family of Hollywood. C at. vis -I K n Howard DeMarsh. 42. of Tigard, spent the week-end at Newport. E. M. Barnes. Prop. WONDROUS Additions to the Argus window Mr. and Mrs. R R. Easier Fri- Mr and Mrs- Reid Connell and husband of Helen DeMarsh. died Mrs Stanley Collum of Three ited day. Mr. Cook and Mr Easter are sniall daughter returned Monday Septem ber 1. display this week are some huge Forks, Montana, is visiting her sis­ from several days’ stay at Newport. tomatoes grown by D elbert Cruse, ter, Mrs L. S. Logan, and her p ar­ fraternity brothers E C. Eaton of Herman, Minn., is Dorothy Challacombc is spending CARD OF THANKS ents, Mr. and Mr». C. E Dyer. in Hillsboro for a few days He ,h >* week at Salem with her aunt, We wish to thank our friends Mr. and Mrs. L. P Stranahan and Mrs Eaton may locate p e rm a -|Mrs- C harles Pomeroy. 1935 Hudson-Built and neighbors for their expressions j will move next week to the Garth- ofner house at 255 S Seventh aven­ nently here, as they like the com-1 Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Schulmcrich of sym pathy and their k in d n ess' TERRAPLANE munity. visited Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Brooks in the time of our sorrow — Zoa R. I ue. $ Hiatt, Roy J. Hiatt. Harold H Hiatt, | As low Mrs. W. H. Taylor of Hillsboro at Newberg Tuesday evening. Dr. and Mrs. Elvin Almquist re- 2 1,1 , »« a « . „ . turned Wedm-sdny evening from " " Uy orri?nd fam, 1 ,y ° f F.o r- M aunne and M argaret Putnam of Ralph E Hiatt. Caroline Armen a s .................................... their honeymoon (rip to Washing . mJ ' . i ,F "r1m in8‘°,n «Pent last week with trout, Willis M. Hiatt, P erry E Delivered here. 29 » i week-end at Newport. They took their aunt. Mrs. G — 1— Salinow ----- Hiatt. ordon fair on way Mr and Mrs R ichard Busch w ere in the state »«.,,«„ n their .......... 7 " home. "u n*'^ ^’ ls - R. .1 Sccarce and CABO (>' THANKS 1935 Terraplane We wish to express our sincere SUBURBAN SEDAN gratitude to our many friends for Demonstrator Miss Marvel French of M ilwaukie cation In Seattle, Wash., where they ' sp“ rt ?he w eSk-endrda°tn Newport. the kindness and sym pathy ex- j At a liberal discount is spending the week with her aunt. visited relatives. , tended us in our recent sorrow and ! , .. . „ „ 1 M arshall Elder spent the week for the many lovely flowers.—Mr j Mrs. Marshull Elder. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Stranahan end nt Redmond on business. 29 USED CARS Mr. and Mrs. John Eldridge of spent the week-end nt N esk o w in ;_________________________________ and Mrs. J. D. Anderson. Elgin spent the week-end witli his w ith Mr. and Mrs. B iw in Barham »As Dodge Sedan— parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reid Eldridge. of Salem and Mrs. Doris Jacobson Late Model Six Perfect condi­ Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Baines vis­ of Portland. tion. hydraulic brakes, A-l ited Mrs. S. S. Barnes at McMinn­ Charles B urkhalter and his son- throughout. ville Sunduy. in-law, Chai les Haberman. of Grants Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Mascnll of Pas» spent Monday night nt the Dainty patterns in stripes and Lincoln Sedan— Dayville were week-end guests of home of his cousin, Dan B urkhal­ An older car. but has been kept plaids. Fine quality of Mr. and Mrs J. W. Barney. ter. in w onderful shupe Good fam ­ ily car. PRINTS and VOILES A u x ilia ry F inishes Successful Year’s W ork VENETIA N Hunters Picnic at Burkhalters THURS - FRI - SAT. T. A. President x tO /« LrFOUP Miss Crop Bride Church Wedding P. T. A. Committee Chairmen Selected Bride Elect Honored at Shower Thursday . «f Judson Sedam »5-..!^ Mr* SUnl,y Historical Pageant Presented Soon Miss Needham Bride Tuesday '»»« sat- Bride Saturday ß i/u t fàtCsAie. I Dress and Coat I I I I I I I »17.95 ’12 I. I ’16” D IO N N E Q UINTUPLETS in IOC 25C Preview Saturday Night, 11:15 "COLLEGE SCANDAL” I I I I I THE PICTURE Y O U H AVE BEEN W AITING FOR - - - I I I SUN - MON - TUES. I Woman’s Shop I I I I 738 1 I I I i I I I I I I N£W| Hollywood Frocks Highest Grade GAS and OIL A Small Scar The late Dr. Edward Jenner discovered Vaccin­ ation, one of the m arvels of all time. Take advan­ tage of this simple opern- t i o n, t h e prophylaxis against small-pox. A small scar on the leg or arm will prevent ugly scars on the face, Visit your family physician tor an e a r l y vaccination. The man who cares nbout the condition of his car knows that use of the best grade oil saves repair bills. High test gasoline will insure s m o o t h driving and the maximum car enjoyment. COSLETTS Super Service F irst and Baseline Hillsboro Independent Deniers Phone 311 Special 95c Specilli Extra Fine Quality Print in dots, stripes a n d plaids. Suitable for house and street. ’1.95 HILLSBORO PHARMACY The C. C. Store Z. J. Riggs, Prop. J. H. GARRETT, Prop. 270 E. Main SL Phone 2801W 243 Main St. Hillsboro Whippet Coach— Rubber good, very economical, motor good. Priced at only Ford Roadster— It, tit, Just rebuilt, good rubber, good transportation. J? At only .... Motorcycles— Two Indian Scouts, one Harley Sidecar, one Indian Sidecar. WE DO EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING FOR LESS. Thomas S. Sholes 152 3rd Ave. Phone 21W HUDSON - TERRAPLANE WILLARD MOHAWK jR O U B E N P R O ! M A M O U L IA N D U C T I O N ’ •CTUSX « I * P IL M tD I» T E C H N IC O L O R I I ALSO SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS I I "Star Night in Coconut Grove” I I g# ! CARTOON 10c and .nd 25c NEWS ■ ■■iBial (Venetian ticket. H. L. Flint, Rt. 1. Beaverton)